Cfunm Mure B. D &SON Leurnttig Nixon Bids Legislators Back Him On

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Cfunm Mure B. D &SON Leurnttig Nixon Bids Legislators Back Him On MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average DaUy Net Press Run The Weather lEtiPUing l$ m U i For The Week Ended July 31, 1971 Clear and cool tonight; low Town Democrats 55 to 60, Tomorrow sunny, About Town lEurnttig warm: high near 90. Chances of rain near zero mroughout. Itfanchester Chapter Endorse Tonight 1 4 ,8 9 0 aPE>BSQSA, will rehearse to­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm Manchester’s Democratic night at B at the Army-Navy Town Committee meets at 8 to­ Club. The rehearsal Is open to (Olnssllled Advertiaiiig on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS all men wishing to sing four- night to endorse a slate of of­ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 270 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY AUGUST 17, 1971 part, barbershop-style harmony. ficers for the Nov. 2 town elec­ tions. Its meeting Is In Room Sunset Club members and A-7 of Manchester lOgh School. friends will have a picnic The Republican Town Comn^lt- Wednesday at WlcWiam Park in tee will endorse its slate of can­ Area 1 at 11:80 a.m. Members didates Wednesday, at an 8 p.m. Witness Testifies State E(^onomists Give are reminded to bring their own meeting In the Municipal Build­ lunch, folding chairs and card ing Hearing Room. Nixon Bids Legislators table. In case of rain It will be A Democratic nominating Nixon Plan Second Look postponed until Friday. committee, headed by Atty. Da­ vid Barry and Miss Barbara Medina Told GIs; NEW HAVEN (AP) — .After that no teachers could be grant- Miss Nancy Paganl, daughter Coleman, has a recommended giving a standing ovation to ed increases. of Mr and Mrs. Horace Paganl slate to propose tonight. Other President Nixon's new economic Jrfm Driscoll, president of of 25 Durant St., has been nominations, if any, will be pre­ Don’t Hurt Civilians program, some economists .and the State Labor Council, which named to the dean’s list for sented from the floor. business and labor leaders in represents 95 per cent ot the Back Him on Tax Cut the spring semester at the Uni­ All Democratic Incumbents FT. McPh e r s o n , Ga. (A P)— a prosecution witness Connecticut are having second AFLrCIO union members In me versity of Connecticut School but one are expected to be nom­ testified today that Capt. Ei-nest L. Medina told his thwghts. ^ t e , said the wage-price inated for re-election. The ex­ cl Education where she Is a tr^ p , » „ the eve „t the My L .i aesault to avoid harm- ^ I X . By BROOKS JACKSON senior. ception is Dr. Walter Schardt, AswM'iated Press Writer James M. Cummings, of ^ o e e three-year term on the * Village. 90-day freeze on wages, prices catch up to wages already Marine Lance Cpl Richard E. Raisch Dr., Tolland, Is among school board expires November Caiarles Sledge, 23, of Sardis, ^ gjjjj announced Sunday by negotiated for similar unions. WASHINGTON (AP) — Mias., said Medina, __ Tumbling, son of Mr. and Mrs. 62 candidates who recently pass­ 1972. Dr. Schardt has announced _premeditated murder of 102 m® President. Driscoll said me proposals President Nixon today sum- Eli B. Tumbling Jr. of 73 High ed a Certified Public Account­ he will not seek re-election. overall responsl- Vietnamese villagers and as- Nixon------------------------- also called— for —tax -------cuts... w'ere ’’pretty much of a mess. moned key congressional St., has reported lor duty with ant’s written examination held Three Republican members of willy for me m ^ a cre . Issued gg„it against another. He Is ac- designed to stimulate employ- There’s no administrative agen- figures to sell them on the the First Marine Aircraft Wing, by the State Board of Account­ the school board also have an­ rae warmng to me soldiers in cused personally of killing two ment, breaking the dollar loose gy except the Office of Emer- tax-cut portion of his new ^ briefing villagers and is held respon-from me gold standard and ad- gency Preparedness.” Iwakunl, Japan. He is a 1969 ancy. nounced they will not seek re- economic jiolicy — a policy graduate of Manchester High A 1966 graduate of Bentley election. They are Walter Doll, me night before me March 16, gn,ig jjjg deams of the om- ding a 10 per cent surcharge on Among details he said were that already has disgrun­ School. College, Cupimlngs Is employed chairman; Anita Murphy, sec­ 1 .. j imports. unanswered were me effect of by the accounting firm of Peat, retary; and Roy Conyers. Under cross-em m ^tlon, de- Medina, 34, of Montrose, officials of state requlatory me freeze on negotiations in me tled some labor leaders and Navy PO 2. C. John W. Mar­ Marwick, Mitchell and Co. in . ® ®^ Colo., seemed somewhtt tired agencies—such as me Insur- Connecticut Light & Power given the stock mai’ket its vin, son of Mr. and Mrs Wil­ Hartford. He served for 3% .. f f t composed as his court- ance Commission and me Pub- strike. best day ever. Braille Is the system of writ­ lard J. Marvin of 164 N. Elm years In the Navy, and now Is a Medina told vou°not*^to harm resumed after a 2%- ug Utilities Commission—said Merton J. Peck, chairman of Among those asked to me St., and husband of the former lieutenant In the naval reserve. ing or printing raised charac­ mem didn’t he”^’ recess while arrange- ^g^.^ uncertain whemer Department and former mem- White House was Chairman Cummings Is active In the Tol­ ters for the blind and was the ’ ments were made lor witnesses could grant rate Increases ber of President Johnson’s Miss Gall McNamara of 43 S. "Yes sir,” me witness Wilbur D. Mills of the House Lakewood Circle, is serving land Historical Society. He and idea of Louis Braille, a French to appear. His vrife Barbara sat ^ freeze. Council of Economic Advisors, Ways and Means Committee, ttacher of the blind. piled. among me spectators. aboard- the destroyer USS his wife, Anne, have two sons. Q. You were somewhat sur­ State Education Commission- said me announcement’s pay­ who Monday called the Presi­ Lloyd Thomas which recently prised because they were harm­ (Soi i^age Nine) er William J. Sanders, after chologlcal efiect might be the dent's new economic program 7 visited Seattle and participated ing civilians? studying me President’s order, most Important factor, “ absolutely necessary” and in the 22nd annual “ Seafalr” A. Yes, I was. said teachers are included In ‘"iTie sense of concern Is very scheduled crash hearings on it for Sept. 8, the day Congress celebrations. Bledge, a radio operator at the wage freeze. Important,” Peck aid. "The returns from vacation. My Lai, was asked if he had U S . Ship “ Not in the next 90 days can previous economic policy was The Manchester Itallan- ever heard on the radio during increases be made available to apparently becoming bankmpt. Monday brought a worldwide Amerlcan Society will meet to­ m e fighting, "What’s -all that teachers,” Sanders said Tues- Qualitatively, this action Is whirlwind of reaction to Nix­ night at 8 at the clubhouse on jtiiooting?” Sunk By day. “ If mese are due to begin ygry Important, but we don’t on's announcement Sunday that Eldridge St. The witness said, ” 1 don’t re­ on Sept. 1 me teacher will not hnow If Its enough quon- he would cut me dollar loose member.” be able to accept them." titati’vely " from gold, order a 90-day wage- price freeze, increase tariffs, Manchester WA’TES will have Witnesses have said at pre­ Viet Cong ^ Peck question^ whemer me a beach party tomorrow at the vious My Lai trials that Medina reduce federal spending and me school board and me Amer- designed to stimulate ask Congress to cut taxes for home of Mrs. Elsie Mlnnlcuccl had ramoed and asked that By GEORGE E8PER lean Federation of Teachers, business and employment went auto buyers, businessmen buy­ at Andover Lake. Welgh-ln from question. erald ph Associated Press Writer the board negotiator advised ing new equipment and, start­ Noel (foreground left) and Gordon Miller (fore­ 6 to 7 p.m. Members are re­ Anomer witness, Robert Mau- SAIGON (AP) — Viet Cong Coventry minded to bring their own chairs me board not to sign a con- He said me package’s most ing next year, me average tax­ ground right) don’t worry about their sheep wan­ ro, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who was frogmen sank an 11,000-ton tract. important part is Its action on payer. and silverware. 177 Hartford Rd., Manchester — OPEN 8:S8 to 9:8* a rifleman at My Lai testified American freighter in Qul Nhon dering away while they watch the judging of the The negotiator, Richard Her- me dollar. —The New York Stock Ex­ 4-H sheep blocking contest. They are the sons of Manchester High School ad­ ! ^ e l ! ^ ‘^a ’J ^ lie T r e "'w L r a t sna.uer, saia ne aovisea me ao- ..This Is an Irreversible act change rocketed to a record PRINTS and SOLIDS ^ e m i ^ a cease nre oraer at gjieUing attacks were reported tion because me contract con- >> gai<j “ The Inter­ 62 Youngsters Enter 4-H Fair Mr. and Mrs. William A. Miller of Brewster St. ministration office Is conducting DAN RIVER’S single-day gain of 32.93 points NEVER PRESS in me Dow-J6nes industrial av­ Sue low; PrlscUla Hutt, two blue and registration for new students PLAYWEAR l a y reoeatedlv obiected to demilitarized zone for tains provlrio,^ for wage n- national monetaiy system has A total of 62 4-H club mein- yellow; GaU Abel, red; ijaiiey.
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