MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average DaUy Net Press Run The Weather lEtiPUing l$ m U i For The Week Ended July 31, 1971 Clear and cool tonight; low Town Democrats 55 to 60, Tomorrow sunny, About Town lEurnttig warm: high near 90. Chances of rain near zero mroughout. Itfanchester Chapter Endorse Tonight 1 4 ,8 9 0 aPE>BSQSA, will rehearse to­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm Manchester’s Democratic night at B at the Army-Navy Town Committee meets at 8 to­ Club. The rehearsal Is open to (Olnssllled Advertiaiiig on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS all men wishing to sing four- night to endorse a slate of of­ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 270 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY AUGUST 17, 1971 part, barbershop-style harmony. ficers for the Nov. 2 town elec­ tions. Its meeting Is In Room Sunset Club members and A-7 of Manchester lOgh School. friends will have a picnic The Republican Town Comn^lt- Wednesday at WlcWiam Park in tee will endorse its slate of can­ Area 1 at 11:80 a.m. Members didates Wednesday, at an 8 p.m. Witness Testifies State E(^onomists Give are reminded to bring their own meeting In the Municipal Build­ lunch, folding chairs and card ing Hearing Room. Nixon Bids Legislators table. In case of rain It will be A Democratic nominating Nixon Plan Second Look postponed until Friday. committee, headed by Atty. Da­ vid Barry and Miss Barbara Medina Told GIs; NEW HAVEN (AP) — .After that no teachers could be grant- Miss Nancy Paganl, daughter Coleman, has a recommended giving a standing ovation to ed increases. of Mr and Mrs. Horace Paganl slate to propose tonight. Other President Nixon's new economic Jrfm Driscoll, president of of 25 Durant St., has been nominations, if any, will be pre­ Don’t Hurt Civilians program, some economists .and the State Labor Council, which named to the dean’s list for sented from the floor. business and labor leaders in represents 95 per cent ot the Back Him on Tax Cut the spring semester at the Uni­ All Democratic Incumbents FT. McPh e r s o n , Ga. (AP)— a prosecution witness Connecticut are having second AFLrCIO union members In me versity of Connecticut School but one are expected to be nom­ testified today that Capt. Ei-nest L. Medina told his thwghts. ^ t e , said the wage-price inated for re-election. The ex­ cl Education where she Is a tr^ p , » „ the eve „t the My L .i aesault to avoid harm- ^ I X . . By BROOKS JACKSON senior. ception is Dr. Walter Schardt, AswM'iated Press Writer James M. Cummings, of ^ o e e three-year term on the * Village. 90-day freeze on wages, prices catch up to wages already Marine Lance Cpl Richard E. Raisch Dr., Tolland, Is among school board expires November Caiarles Sledge, 23, of Sardis, ^ gjjjj announced Sunday by negotiated for similar unions. WASHINGTON (AP) — Mias., said Medina, __ Tumbling, son of Mr. and Mrs. 62 candidates who recently pass­ 1972. Dr. Schardt has announced _premeditated murder of 102 m® President. Driscoll said me proposals President Nixon today sum- Eli B. Tumbling Jr. of 73 High ed a Certified Public Account­ he will not seek re-election. overall responsl- Vietnamese villagers and as- Nixon------also called— for — tax ------cuts... w'ere ’’pretty much of a mess. moned key congressional St., has reported lor duty with ant’s written examination held Three Republican members of willy for me m ^ a cre . Issued gg„it against another. He Is ac- designed to stimulate employ- There’s no administrative agen- figures to sell them on the the First Marine Aircraft Wing, by the State Board of Account­ the school board also have an­ rae warmng to me soldiers in cused personally of killing two ment, breaking the dollar loose gy except the Office of Emer- tax-cut portion of his new ^ briefing villagers and is held respon-from me gold standard and ad- gency Preparedness.” Iwakunl, Japan. He is a 1969 ancy. nounced they will not seek re- economic jiolicy — a policy graduate of Manchester High A 1966 graduate of Bentley election. They are Walter Doll, me night before me March 16, gn,ig jjjg deams of the om- ding a 10 per cent surcharge on Among details he said were that already has disgrun­ School. College, Cupimlngs Is employed chairman; Anita Murphy, sec­ 1 .. j imports. unanswered were me effect of by the accounting firm of Peat, retary; and Roy Conyers. Under cross-em m ^tlon, de- Medina, 34, of Montrose, officials of state requlatory me freeze on negotiations in me tled some labor leaders and Navy PO 2. C. John W. Mar­ Marwick, Mitchell and Co. in . . ® ®^ Colo., seemed somewhtt tired agencies—such as me Insur- Connecticut Light & Power given the stock mai’ket its vin, son of Mr. and Mrs Wil­ Hartford. He served for 3% .. f f t composed as his court- ance Commission and me Pub- strike. best day ever. Braille Is the system of writ­ lard J. Marvin of 164 N. Elm years In the Navy, and now Is a Medina told vou°not*^to harm resumed after a 2%- ug Utilities Commission—said Merton J. Peck, chairman of Among those asked to me St., and husband of the former lieutenant In the naval reserve. ing or printing raised charac­ mem didn’t he”^’ recess while arrange- ^g^.^ uncertain whemer Department and former mem- White House was Chairman Cummings Is active In the Tol­ ters for the blind and was the ’ ments were made lor witnesses could grant rate Increases ber of President Johnson’s Miss Gall McNamara of 43 S. "Yes sir,” me witness Wilbur D. Mills of the House Lakewood Circle, is serving land Historical Society. He and idea of Louis Braille, a French to appear. His vrife Barbara sat ^ freeze. Council of Economic Advisors, Ways and Means Committee, ttacher of the blind. piled. among me spectators. aboard- the destroyer USS his wife, Anne, have two sons. Q. You were somewhat sur­ State Education Commission- said me announcement’s pay­ who Monday called the Presi­ Lloyd Thomas which recently prised because they were harm­ (Soi i^age Nine) er William J. Sanders, after chologlcal efiect might be the dent's new economic program 7 visited Seattle and participated ing civilians? studying me President’s order, most Important factor, “ absolutely necessary” and in the 22nd annual “ Seafalr” A. Yes, I was. said teachers are included In ‘"iTie sense of concern Is very scheduled crash hearings on it for Sept. 8, the day Congress celebrations. Bledge, a radio operator at the wage freeze. Important,” Peck aid. "The returns from vacation. My Lai, was asked if he had U S . Ship “ Not in the next 90 days can previous economic policy was The Manchester Itallan- ever heard on the radio during increases be made available to apparently becoming bankmpt. Monday brought a worldwide Amerlcan Society will meet to­ m e fighting, "What’s -all that teachers,” Sanders said Tues- Qualitatively, this action Is whirlwind of reaction to Nix­ night at 8 at the clubhouse on jtiiooting?” Sunk By day. “ If mese are due to begin ygry Important, but we don’t on's announcement Sunday that Eldridge St. The witness said, ” 1 don’t re­ on Sept. 1 me teacher will not hnow If Its enough quon- he would cut me dollar loose member.” be able to accept them." titati’vely " from gold, order a 90-day wage- price freeze, increase tariffs, Manchester WA’TES will have Witnesses have said at pre­ Viet Cong ^ Peck question^ whemer me a beach party tomorrow at the vious My Lai trials that Medina reduce federal spending and me school board and me Amer- designed to stimulate ask Congress to cut taxes for home of Mrs. Elsie Mlnnlcuccl had ramoed and asked that By GEORGE E8PER lean Federation of Teachers, business and employment went auto buyers, businessmen buy­ at Andover Lake. Welgh-ln from question. erald ph Associated Press Writer the board negotiator advised ing new equipment and, start­ Noel (foreground left) and Gordon Miller (fore­ 6 to 7 p.m. Members are re­ Anomer witness, Robert Mau- SAIGON (AP) — Viet Cong Coventry minded to bring their own chairs me board not to sign a con- He said me package’s most ing next year, me average tax­ ground right) don’t worry about their sheep wan­ ro, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who was frogmen sank an 11,000-ton tract. important part is Its action on payer. and silverware. 177 Hartford Rd., Manchester — OPEN 8:S8 to 9:8* a rifleman at My Lai testified American freighter in Qul Nhon dering away while they watch the judging of the The negotiator, Richard Her- me dollar. —The New York Stock Ex­ 4-H sheep blocking contest. They are the sons of Manchester High School ad­ ! ^ e l ! ^ ‘^a ’J ^ lie T r e "'w L r a t sna.uer, saia ne aovisea me ao- ..This Is an Irreversible act change rocketed to a record PRINTS and SOLIDS ^ e m i ^ a cease nre oraer at gjieUing attacks were reported tion because me contract con- >> gaior- Col. Kenneth ^® ly discriminatory as far as military judge, responded that ^ only such fairs to still be held Kingsbury, two reds each; Deb- Monique Cloutier, red. red and blue; Mary Beth Clay, Dairy: Gregory Hoar, two blue, warded to the school before reg- American workers are con­ In tile state gives club mem- ble Abel, four reds; Chris Reedy, Demonstratiens: Pat White, white; Laurie Bradley, two Horses: Wendy Smith, three Istration.Fornewstudents en- me testimony would be allowed bombs on North Vietnamese Wallace W ill Sign Order to describe what happened at troop positions and storage cerned.” Omer labor leaders bers a chance to publicly display four blues and two reds; George Debbie Brinton, Heidi Miller, white, one red; Sue’ Muldomi blue. tering Grades 11 and 12. mere were generally cool. My Lai on Marfch 16, 1968, but areas. some of me work of me past Jacobson, one white and one Gordon MlUer and Sue Mul- two blue; Gary Carl, blue; Paul clothing: Sharon Ingraham, will be a testing session at me —Consumerist Ralph Neuler club year. It also prepares mem red. doon, all one blue ribbon each. white; ®enn Bradley, one white, one blue; school Sept. 9. Instructed me jury that me ’tlie U.S. Command con- Defying Court on Schools 57 govemment would be obliged to firmed reports that B62 bomb- called Nixon’s package “ a mix­ for me ’ToUand County Fair, Food: Lark Goble, blue and Scrapbooks: Krafty-a-GoGo, blue, one Lark Gtoble, gtephanle Toumas, mree red; ------87 ture of successful special-inter­ MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) The order which Wallace • Famous Hoyaclom • Now • 100% cotton s 86” wide show what Medina was doing ers have been attacking North scheduled for me end of this white; Stephanie Toumas, blue Baa and Kackle, Saddle Soap- three blue; Peter K i ^ b u ^ , g^ay. four blue, one red; Expensive Travel — Gov. George C. Wallace, plans to sign essentially will dl- est pleading and anticonsumer A “ If and when mese events took Vietnamese positions Inside me monm and white; Barbara Olmstead, ers, Peggy Beauldeu, Phyllis two blue, one red; JMy i<.a- j<,.Ann Bray, mree blue; Mary NUERNBERG, Germany 45” wide • Perma-press fin­ o Heavy duty for longer wear policies." The President’s con- place In the village.’’ soumem half of me DMZ perl- saylng it is “ not a matter of reel me cities’ school boards to Wlnners at me Saturday event yeUow; Pat White, yellow, blue Hoffman, Sandy Aho, ail blue Bem Clay, red and white; Pat (a p j _ west German tourists ish o Our reg. $1.69 yd. • Our reg. 89c yd. The mree witnesses—Ronald odlcally since the halt In me segregation or desegregation,” leave melr schooto as mey are s u m e r adviser, Virginia were numerous, and are listed and white; Maiy Bem Clay, yel- ribbon wlmers; Covratry Cov- b l u e . ^ ^ b ^ Olmste^, ^ed; Brooke gpgnt an estimated |2.26 billion Knauer, applauded his actions, L. Haeberle, James Dursi and bombing of North Vietnam on ^I'l travel Into one of me oldest despite me court order. said she plans to buy a new car here: Lab Animals: Debbie Abel low; Pam Dolleris, blue; EJlalne „ „ Cindv Goble four blue two red’ Messier, red; Renee aouUer, travel abroad In 1970, a Gregory Olsen—all testified Nov. 1, 1968. A spokesman, aU black communities In me He said “ me black and white and remodel her kitchen, and and Gall Abel, red ribbons; Ferguson, three blue, one red; Phot<^rai*y • PhyUts ^whlte ’ Monlaue’ Cloutier’ Blaine Ferguson, two blue marketing institute reports. earUer in the court-martial mat Maj. Richard Gardner, said Wednesday and sign an groups are togemer” In favor- Poultry and w iter Fowl: Paul Anne Aronson, white and red; "jan, mree red. one ^ I te . ^ t e . ^ ^ q u e Cloutier. ------— ------urged consumers to follow her I CUP AND MAIL TODAY I convicted a Medina subordi- B62 attacks are carried out In executive order to block federal ing his action, and that he felt. WUlnauer, lour reds, two yellow; EUen Aronson, blue; Melody ^ ^ ® * ! t _i three blue, one red; Pam Dol- court Intervention In me town’s as did bom parties, mat it example by spending money. ’ • . . . . Aho, two blue, two red, one sue Reedy, ten blue; Laurie jg^g, blue; Lark Goble, blue; — ' — nate, Lt. William L. Galley Jr., the buffer zone when me com- —Foreign industrialllsts who Rabbits: Debbie Abel, white and Goble, blue, red, white and yel- of murdering 22 civilians at My 'mand feels me lives of allied school program. would be “ good for race rela- white; Pat Carl, mree blue, Bradley; three white,

u MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 P A G E TH R EE fA G E TW O MANCHESTER EVfeN|NG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 RockvlUe,- operating a motor ve­ hicle with unsafe tires, fined Lennons Mark Tolland HALL FOR RANT Sheinwold on Bridge /;/-?//€ INEMA Court Cases $10. A charge of violating a Vernon stop sign was nolled. 25 Years Wed For parties, ahawets, raoep- §XAR. eAXEK* tlons, meetliigs, Oomplele niOM ROUTR Mi NOm David W. Hodgdon, 16, of 147 ■By CLAY R. POLLAN- DRESS LIKE EXPERT CIRCUIT COURT 12 Hearings Slated Sept. 20 kitchen faolUttM. L u g e en­ ARIIS LlllA NORTH OTHAimnHWTAMR Autumn St., tresspassing, fined Mrs. William ,1. Your Dally AcHvity Guide M TO GAIN JUIVANTAOE BUT im . STB. rouAiw Manchester SeMimi closed parUng lot. Inqaira: / y MAR. 2( ♦ 5 aMNaTOBLOOHSriCLD $30. Lennon of 65 Hublard Dr., Ver- Alco Presents Alternate Plan According lo (he Sfari. ocr. 22dered 67 Time SAGITTARIUS son is that toe weak bridge ing regulations governing signs height of power and teleitoone the elderly, Alco Development Redevelopment Agency to was also discussed at last night's 8 Hesitott 38 Do 68 Be NOV. 22 V j , player is punished even when he SOUTH and Jules iititter. Manchester (Country Club. The to drive in toe iHxiper lane, fin- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and gasoline service stations. lines. Oorp., developers of the renewal Pennsylvania to see the 'com- meeting and Lester Baum, 9 Your 39 W hot's 69 Reworded 4 A K J 10 94 two were discovered in an office ®d $100 on toe first charge and and Mrs. Gary Hublaid of JUHC 20 70 Hoods DfC. 21 has done nothing wrong, poor I TamalKnoHin^' The proposed 7-11 store would Signs may not be placed cloe- FOR area, will build the project any- pleted project. chairman of the Redevelopment 10 Clever 40 Spend <3? 3 by police, who say they were 810 on toe second. Hemlock St. Among the guests O v 2- 5-22-35 U Look 41 Scotes 71 Vifol 42-43-55-59^ lamb. I I'emember a case in it brilliant be located on a corner lot er than 25 feet away from toe way with a non-profit sponsor. Prevedlni cautioned, "In the Commission said he had the as- 12 Ideos 42 Don't 72 In 61-70-83-90' point from a tournament played 0 K found with a flash light and Steven J. MlUer, 17, of Oov- ^as Mrs. Richard Wann of 116 bounded by Rt. 30 and Arnold street so as to avoid safety C^50-52-66 73 Arour>d AfMttof afllmi’'| S! liie proposal was explained to event we fall to enter into a surance of town officials that 13 Are 43 Venture a few years ago. 4* A K 10 8 6 scrawdrivw. entry operating a motor vehl- Falknor Dr., a bridesmaid at toe CANCIR 14 Piece 44 Friend 74 Heeding CAPRICORH Dr. at the ciitrance to the Val- hazards at Intersections, Cosmetics the Redevelopment Commission new contract with the Housing the problems would be resolved, ^% JU N 12V 15 Apt 45 Moke 75 Profitobly OfC. 22 South dealer. West North East The original $6,000 bond on cle without a license, fined $25. wedding. Mr and Mrs Lennon ley View subdivision. Regulations are also Included 46 Now 76 Answer* and Francis Pitkat, executive Authority within a reasonable ^ letter from Lawrence 22 l6 T h e - JAN. (* North-South vulnerable. Pass 2 C? Pass Merrill was upped to $10,000 Angel Perez. 33. of Hartford, re c e l^ several gifts, in^udlng The plans were submitted by governing the maintenance and 17 Relations 47 Is 77 Individuots ITS director of the Vernon Housing Ume, we request that the Re- Thompson, area director for 7- 8-38-39dr Opening lead — Three of Dia­ Pass 3 < 0 Pa»» with surety, and the similar operating a motor vehicle with- g nioney tree ^ * g S l 1-27-29-53 18Be 48 New 78 Undergo surveyor Everett Gardner on removal of signs. 79 Wrong 64-68-81-86E^ AU Pass bond on toe girl was reduced tOP out a license, fined $26. ^he counle was married xiur Autoority, last night by of- development Agency approve ‘ ^explained that the town 1 ^ 6 3 -7 1 -7 6 19 Bits 49 Certain monds. behalf ot developer Eldredge ^ kicker provision at toe end flclals of Alco. the altenvtte p r ^ a l wWch ^ ^rban Renewal 20 Settle 50 You 80 Surprising AQUARIUS East won toe first trick with '______~ ______$600 with surety. Neither posted James R. Rickls, 16, of 20 omith rinUod xrafii^ Yost. LIO 51 More 81 Doi^ of toe regulations would require Liggefts The Housing Authority and the would be to have Alco erect the ^ ^ 21 Of JAN. 20 22 Give 52 Also 82 Vitol toe ace of diamonds and paused SlT'^TOr® ^ di;tChurchbythe Rev^rl^ The tentative plans show ® all non-conforming signs exist­ Housing and Urban Develop- saine building with tte n ^ - ^ document on /rS ' " ' r ” ^ 23 Services 53 Scenes 83 White fCI. I* for thought when m y king fell. Hearts, K-Q-J-10-8-8; Diamonds, nTaNCHESTe pending tlielr appearance in vehicle with unsafe tires, fined gto— lot frontage of 140 feet on Rt. a u g . 22 84 Chonges o K f ing at toe time of toe adoption At Th« Parkads ment (HUD) charged Alco with profit s p ^ r . He said aB d^ government relied in t 24 Come 54 Now 4-21-30-441 East then returned a low trump. ; Clubs, J-9. Rockville Circuit Court today. $180. Other charges of failure 30 and over 200 feet on Arnold 9-17-25 49 1 25 With 55 Irfto 85 Your RTES 6 & m • BOLION NOICH of the new regulations to con- breach of contract in connection tails, including the name of the . T.onn and Canital 86 Gracefully (7-62-74 It was my turn to pause. What you say? Police said nothing was taken to obey a stop sign • and Im- ‘ Dr. Parking facilities for 24 MANCHESTER. 1^77-78-82-84 f 26 Coreful 56 Stort the break althnne-h the„ nr«ner m,aa(V.o. w e ri nMIed Chester SOhOOlS and Is employ­ , J, 1 J . form with them in three years, with the original plan to build a sponsor will be supplied if the ^ f 27 Behind 57 Tip 87 Direction MSCfS Should I try a finesse with toe Answer: Bid four heaiTs. You STARTS WEDNESDAY in toe break, although they proper passing were nolled. VIRGO 88 Home ed SS a bookkeeper at toe Rock­ cars a r e J n d lc a t ^ ^ TO plans requirement has s to ^ up 10-story high-rise apartment for original proposal does not de- vom ra i. ^ ^ ^ I 28 Together 56 Are f«. I» Jack oi spades? can use your partner’s high found a cabinet pried open, and Richard W. Spulick, 18, of 42 /[\ AUS. 22 I 29 The 59 Sfronge 89 Foshion ville law office of Riblcoff, Kot­ In accordance with toe com- , ,,, - „ ^ the elderly and in turn Alco velop. The town recenUy adopted a 90W otking MAR. 2 0 * ^ * ^ cards, but your hand may be a desk drawer ajar. Woodbridge St., failure to drive merical zone regulations and " ^ est Hartford m d in Hart- 22 5 30 A 60 Them I took a good look at East kin and Lavitt. She is a mem­ made the same charges against Meanwhile, since both sides consolidated zoning code which 8/18 20-32-40-51 and decided that he wasn’t worthless to him. Let him know Also continued to Rockville in toe established lane, fined two entrances, o ^ on each road to toe planners k»37-46-58 ^Adverse Neutral ber of Stanley Circle at South HUD. Alco claims the breach of have charged breach of con- covers the entire town. Hober- 67-73-85-88' handsome enough to be an ex­ that your (heart suit is self-suf­ BURT court today were toe cases of $20. where toe compliance experi­ ^9-72-80-89 UMN United Methodist Church. are drawn in. ccHitract has relieved it of con- tract, the Housing Authority man explained that at the start pert. (This wasn’t really my ficient. two West Stafford youths ar- Mark -Taylor, 31, of Glaston- The 'building would measure ence has been excellent. I Mr. Lpntlon attended Man­ forming with the old plan and t>ss been making arrangements of the renewal project, Alco 2%Euson. When you play tounsa- “ Copyright 1971 LANCASTER rested Sunday night in Vernon bury, throwing an object at a 60 by 40 feet and contain 2,400 Gas Stations chester schools and toe New has allowed it 'to propose a to put the housing project out to went to the local Zoning Com - ment bridge regularly, you get General Features Corp. on various drug and weapon motor vehicle, fined $30. square feet of space. The self- The proposed regulations gov- England Institute of Anatomy, entirely new concept in build- t>ld, with the company being mission and was granted zoning B o lto n to know all toe good players ROBERT charges. Donald King, 21, and Sylvester B. Thomas, 60. of contained_ ____ lot will have _ _ Its ^ own _ erning gas stations first review- PLUMB-OUT ing, known as the Bison Wall awarded the bid to be responsi- charges to permit toe contem- by sight. I f you see an unfamil­ John Bernache, 18, were both 230 Green Rd, operating a Boston. He, . is manager , _ and dl- , Ifli well and septic tank to service tte July 14 meeting of toe Frame System. ble for also getting a site. Pit- plated construction.' When toe iar face, you know that it charged with carrying a danger- motor vehicle while under toe ®' toe WatkTO ^ n e ra l the store. PZC has been only slightly Home, 142 E. (Jenter St. He is .a STOP Plans are to have toe build- agreed he would prefer to overall zoning code was adopt­ doesn’t belong to an expert.) RYAN ous weapon in a motor vehicle influence of liquor, fined $100. The PZC took the plans under aui®uded. Taylor: Finance Board member of toe administrative ing fabricated by toe C W project in toe center ed what had been changed to The typical weak player does carrying a revolver without a Garth D. Young, 21. of Hart­ consideration. Gardner also Stations will now be permit- board of South Methodist Church THIS Blakeslee Co., a subsidiary of ^ residenUal was changed to com- not retum a trump in this situa­ permit, possession of stolen ford, illegal passing on right, submitted a request to change 1® sell lubricating oil from LEEJ. goods, posse’ssion of controlled and toe board of directors of toe the WesUnghouse Electric Corp. “ Everyone WMts it TCtUed," merical. Can Not Be Over-Ridden tion if he has toe queen ot fined $10. toe details of three lots in toe tte pump islands and coin op- drugs, possession of controlled Manchester Oiamber of Com­ The Bison concept was ex- said, “ the Housuig* Au- change would affect the trumps. He is afraid of giving James Daley, 61, of no cer­ ^I\>lland Towne subdlvislcm erated dispensing machines for A town meeting cannot apprw- cited several cases in point, drugs with intent to sell, and merce, a member of the plained by Charles Anderson of ^horlty, HUD, the Redevelop- pjajjg for building the two hous- declarer toe chance to finesse, COBB tain address, intoxication, 16 which are lots of record, (ap- soft drinks, milk or ice may be ______priate funds when toe Bocurd of particularly Board of Education so he returns a club — or even possession of narcotics. King, Kiwanis Club of Manchester, Westinghouse. Agency and the people of the projects, Hoberman said. in A MICHAEL WINNER days in Jail. Another charge of proved prior to zoning). This Iccutcd in the front or side town.’’ TTiomiTOn^xplalnVd'^ toe Finance has refused to recom- vs. Ellington. Giving a brief som, hopeless card in a red who was driving toe car in and N(anchester Lodge of Ma­ It consists of pre-cast con- Film resisting arrest was nolled. also will be discussed on Sept, street yard if located right next creie Dunams’ comuanents in Plans for a moderate income nvntter of a change in zoning as mend such an appit^rlatom, ac- history of toe Board of Finance, which they were stopped, was sons. Crete building components In- Nolles were entered in toe 20. to toe main building on toe lot. also charged with operating a . „ , c l u Z r ^ ^ w X ^ ^ S ^ r r apartment buUdlng were ^ T a ffe c ts p r o j ^ land la^on - cording to Town Counsel Mar- Mliwl y<«, East had done Building Inspector (diaries gg logg- gg there are not more “LAWMAN” motor vehicle without a license, its pre-assembled at that plant presented last night by Robert gUgred a change in one of the shall ’Taylor. Pos® “ to exercise budgets^ nothing wrong when he re- Schutz sent a letter to the PZC than two machines, whlch is located in Brajrford Splnetta, general manager for ^asic elements of toe Urban Re- In an. (pinion submitted to control and eliminate wasteful turned a trump. He had Just and operating a motor vehicle Bradford Abbot, 17, of 447 COLOR by DeLu«.' confirming his decision not to Qgg stations must abide by The system was initiated in ^Ico. This would be constructed Plan and Is in fact con- the selectmen yesterday, ^ y - or extravagent expenditures by committed toe sin of being a with unsafe tires. Both were Adams St., intoxication, Drug Center CONCBMVRATED LIQUID ^ l a S d >nuiaiea m Courthouse, gidered a major plan change re- lor answered a legal question considering toe financial aspecto ^gak player. United Artists -l:: c u held in lieu of $6,000 bond. Richard F. Anderson, -42, of issue certificates of occupancy the revised sign regulatlrais. ____(Herald photo by Jamea Leggltt) Dor homes in toe Valley View Steak Supper Drain Opener - Cleaner Val I^vedlni president ot Th® concept has already been nulrlng local approvals of toe which arose out of a recent at- of municipal pvernm ent as a Refused Finesse Five youths arrested in cen- Flushing, New York, failure to The Drug Advisory Center subdivision, until toe State vF W Post and its auxll- ______PLUS ______nection with toe alleged syste- yttr__wbml_t. “BLOODY MAMA" 103 Telephone 646-6326 for All Your Service Needs Federal requirements. under toe plan. resented by Mr. and Mrs. Peter town _ ...... Please don’t...... write ...... to ask ...... why, According to Prosecutor Wll- Douglas Hotchkiss, 18, of C av- Falkner Dr., charged with reck- hers of toe wedding party. Also bookkeeper. hearing. ’Thompson said failure to do Siena of School Rd., asked toat ted that no annual approprla- didn’t play toe h and at $20,000 In Taxes Ham Collins, all five were em- entry, cutting a tree, and Inde- leas driving, last night on B r o a d ------The sign fairly stringent regu­ lUgtat to , He said it will mean about would appear to give rise to the school board seek funds for Uoo may be made by t o tOMim hearts. I can’t look like an ex- 24-HOLR SERVICE Prevedlnl said toe Housing ployes of Caldor when toe thefts cent exposure. st. court date Aug. 80. lations spell out more clearly a determlnaUon by. toe.. govern------toethe addlUonalaaomonai class f^ rom m toeme without toe recommendaUon------of ...... *pert If you ask AmKfm-aooina'embarrassing Auto««1ty has toe legal right to ftiUv look place. Most of toe stolen Alan Vf. Lazere, 26, of New ______• toe requirements for signs in OPEN 9 AJM. — 8 P.M. negoUate privately and in toe “>wn. The '^ ‘s 'rill ^ fully ment to stop further payments Board of Finance. toe quesUons. goods were stereo tape equip- Britain, failure to stop for a Joseph LaForge, 61, ot 29 'W. toe various zones within toe on account of toe Project Capl- A t its July meeting toe Board Queatton INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL WITH AD STARTS WEDNESDAY ment. flashing Ugflit. Gardner St., charged’ with In- 43,000 Draftees town, putting them into one interest of s a v ^ Ume, to make be provided as O i ^ or “ in fa c t' to deter- of- Finance— voted • ■ against------toe • John FteK,Flek, guidanceguldanc® director p^rtne, opens w»to one CoUlns said toe ring leader Ronald F. Lout, 21, of East toxicatlOTi, yesterday afternoon package rather than scattered MON. — SAT., AUG. 16 • 21 “ ^ I d to°"see toe B ^ - well as toe cost of electricity minemme toatuiai aUau expendituresexireuuiiuioo made -r,r--r^PP™P“------j, . — ---- “— 7 , j. spade, you respond two hearts, throughout toe regulations as at Household and Automotive Duplicates in coimecUon with toe affected addlUonal classes could bo ab- that test scores for those who pg^ner now bids three of toe g:roup was Nickerson, who Hartford, failure to drive a rea- on Ansaldi Rd. Court date Aug. ford Plant and perhaps a buUd- and heat being Included In toe allegedly stole several hundred sonable distance apart. 30. present. Available Reg. 65c plus tax or 8 for 61-90 sorbed In toe current Board of took College Boards in July are oiubs. You hold: Spades, 6; Moving signs, (with toe ex­ ing of this type vriUch is al- ren t' charges. parcels are ineligible for Inclu EducaUon budget. now on file at his office. C o p ie s ______— — ------dollars worth of goods over a David S. Meyer, 18, of Stafford ______Due Home Early constructed in Pennsyl- Moderate income housing is sion in Gross Project Cost but ception of time - temperature SubsequenUy, by peUUon, a may be jilcked up Mondays two-week period. Metcalf and Springs, failure to grant half toe ACCIDENTS ^ v e d ln l agrw d* to"ririt for those who have an annual must be borne wholly by toe Fletcher, he said, had a very hiirhwav. a* -.i ^ ™ ones), flashing outdoor adver­ group of twenty one citizens toroutto Fridays between 9 a.m. 1 WASHINGTON (AP) toe plant with him and any oto- income of $10,000 or less. Rents city."______The power pool at toe end of the fls- tising and off-premise signs will HAVE YOU AN submitted a request for a town and 3 p.m. " ' S e S c r t u l n n reluc- ™ t e ^ “ ^ ® “ . ^ a r 6 % Arm^T s iy s - « , ‘ooo''olet]r, lodge or fined toe youth after CoUlns re- gj unsafe backing. news tola week. The unique rec- no leglUmate or proper pur- Manciiester Evening Herald Manchester, Conn. (06040) FREE PARKING 523 -3333 afternoon at 6 :40, a collision in- standards or Induct fewer visions. on a single lot to a total of 76 some friendly group. Keeps Eye on Government reaUonal facility is featured in poro.’’ Bolton correspondent Judith SUBSCRIPTION RATES duoed toe charges from reck- e „ 1 Woodcock, 23, of Bissell c'^rd rivek by ^ 1 1 1 1 1 7 j ! o'®® I**®... "®*t I® months .... if - Ckm- ^ Pentagon general said toe square feet in commercial less driving. In arrl'vlng at his decision, he Donohue, Tel. 649-8409. .. Payable In Advance NOW • ENDS TUES. “KLUTE" AT 7tI5-9t80 St. non-support. We Are Prepened to By F. RICHARD CIOOONE year. Ckmtrlbutors number ------—— One Year ...... $»-"0 Westover was arrested July 9 Spaulding of Coventry and Julia *''"®®® “ '’<1®'’® ^ 60,000-man aver- Army could moke toe cut and to 100 square feet in azlne. M. Day of Enfield. age-strength cut in fiscal 1972. “ without any real serious prob- industrial zones. Aaaoclated Prenn Writer more than a thousand com ______S ix U o o tlia ...... IJ - M as a result of a high speed Serve You to Your ’The park, known because it is Three MonUis ...... 9.76 The first step announced lem,’’ by keeping high-priority Seeking to eliminate toe pro- One Month ...... S.J5 chase through toe streets of Complete Satiafactioii CHICAGO (A P ) — George paries and Individuals, JJ® loc^ated^^^toto*to^ cloverleaf of Edward Hughes, Last night about 10 a vehicle Monday will be early release outfits such as TO 82nd Air- Hferation of signs on any one Bliss doesn’t always pose as a qne firm or person can contrlb- unopened 1-84, is also de­ Manchester which ended when Lockup System MOVIE RAI1NQB which left toe scene’ damaged draftees borne Division at Ft. Bragg, lot except for a shopping center Our catering eervloe ia set op nursing home paUent or a heart ute more than $6,000. scribed in another article by he plowed his auto into a Newsman, Dies a parked car in a lot at 690 Main ®®®‘S«®d to U.S. posts. These n .C., at full strength while building, toe regulaUons state to be flexible enough to ac- attack victim. But as chief in- But toe BGA needs more O'Neill, director of ____ FORRARENTBAND MEADOWS building at Spruce Eind Char­ B lam ed as 10 w h i t e p l a i n s , N.Y. (JLP) B in esr BORONiiie, oommodate any sice gatliering. ON 1*91 NOB tHo( jCTu* l- 8 d MtiD ter Oak Sts. Police said toe St belonging to Walter A '” ®"’ already allowing low-priority units to no more than two types of vestigator for toe Better Gov- money, BUss says. public works, which appears in __Edward J. Hughes ■vice Y O U N G P E O P L E TAKE AST-WIST SIBVIC I BD [ciT Why not oaU oa and talk aver [ Bene Dans speeding car violated six stop Escape School Schneider of RockvlUe ’ ®®*''^®^ Vietnam or ^ropp off. slgrns and no more than three ernment Jtasociatlon he's done “W e need more inveaUgators. August Issue of JLmerlcan president and ^ to r ia l torector T»s s*(sc«« s( Sts rsNiwi (• Is Mans ______■ Korea, were scheduled for dls- Froehlke said toe new early- actual signs will be permitted the details? It In a pinch, and Usually It’s We did 17 in v e s t lg ^ ^ a year Qjjy Magazine. of Westchester-Rocklond News- , pmNI*------■PWl« mV MMPMMj---^6 Wi signs and two red lights dur­ - - -- » ------M ERIDEN (A P ) — One of A written warning for foUow- ®**®^® l>®tween Sept. 1 and program would not affect on toe lot. some pubUc official who feels a few years ago. Last year we ^he project was brought to papera, Inc., died Monday in JWIW OOnWW lOr ing toe chase. Collins nolled these charges toe 10 boys who escaped from ing too closely was issued to Arm-u- nn.Vu.rt **® early-release pro- In a shopping ce^ er each toe squeeze. ttd 60 and w e have more than Time’s attention by John Liacy sleep. He was 70 years old. When Bliss posed as an in- 40 so far this year,” he says. of 156 Benton St., Connecticut i>eato was attributed to a cir- I MX M U MMinEO “» her. s„n. ET.i” »•. S . S 'l L . l 'S p t . « " S S o S S Barden Brove Caterers, lie. e«Mrtl (Mltncss motor vehicle without a license, . , . , , . , , St after a enlllRinn vnafnniav “ “ “ ’Vietnam or toe 90-day early-re- digent heart attack vlcUm, iriio The BGA has no legal stand- correspondent for Time, a Hart- culatory ailment, day morning had been locked clpatlon of the 60,000-man re- program for soldlere re- sign for toe enUre shopping and operating a motor vehicle . „ . j TELE PH O N E 649-5313— 649-5314 was refused service by an am- 2ig or subpoena powers, but its ford Courant reporter, and a a native of Westchester without permission. Judge ® ®®“ *^y® '^**‘1® noJrw ducUon in TO Selective Service turning to school or accepUng center. These signs must be of bulance company, it added to cooperation with CSilcago a four former part-time editor for H ie (Country, Hughes was a news- MX M a MMimO near W. Middle Tpke. between bin passed by toe House and uniform dimensions and llght- Pmshl euMsacs SsnoM Quinn ordered a charge of Ing to be transferred to toe the evidence that resulted In 16 neiropapers makes public offi- Herald. pajierman for 64 years. He hls CM and one driven by toe awaiting Senate action. GP carrying a dangerous weapon maximum security InstltuUon Rev. J’v risk of injury to a minor, was boys were locked in toe 12-cell Early this morning, vandals waits before beg:lnning reduc- dom inspected by state or city ttto toe lnvestlg:atlon.’’ slgned to take a federal post atitms until toe time of his continued until today’s court, unit at toe time of toe escape. threw com and cucumbers at a tlons, toe more men will have A Chicago Tribune reporter. and his successor, named last death. *a ■ ■ ■ "*■« session in East Hartford. Mack officials. SeanConnei “The institution is not Cooper Hill St. home. to be cut. Laird said if toe cuts Bliss, a former PuUtzer Prize Jones, won a PuUtzer Prize week, is J. Terrence Brunner, a a prominent member of was held in lieu of $300 bond. sgnsii—HI1IWI SI.0 0 equipped to handle large num­ ------begin in September it will be winning lnvestig:ative reporter this year for stories on the am- U.S. aittomey in Pittsburgh. many civic groups, Hughes was I Ike He was arrested Saturday, bers of boys in maximum se­ Brunner, however, won’t take ^ past president of the New Early this morning, someone necessary to eliminate about for toe Chicago Tribune, is act- bulance investigation, I JENNIFER O’NEILL AndeiSOI aUegedly driving a stolen car, curity curuy cells,’’ceus,’ Deanuean said.saia. threw a stone through toe left 62,000 men the rest of toe year ing director of BGA, a civic °"® ‘“e BGA’s biggest dls- over for another month and York State PubUshers JLssocl- The Meriden school, a min- Do You Know Bliss I'emalns as acting dlrec- gxion, and chairman of toe ■ ■ ■ S3.66 U In everyonels life there’s a ^ter a 20-miIe ^ P®' The Meriden s®l>®°l. ® rear window of a car parked on to reach toe 60,000-man aver- watchdog agency with few closures in 1969 involved toe Tuper^ llce which ended in Wales, imum security Institution with Thompson Rd. age for toe entire year. peers in the country. BUss amount of money wasted on toe ttr. Council for toe New York State Bliss became a reporter for university College at Purchase, THEATER TIME S U M M m O F ’42 DAILYotV.^3:^ , no bars of fences, is toe only ------The Army had planned on an Joined toe orgarizafion in 1968. I” '"®'® State Fair, which an- An East Hartford man, facility in toe state for Sometime Satu’rday night, average strength of 1,024,000 toe Oilcago Tribune in 1937 and jjg also was president of toe SCHEDULE lDAILYat1:363:30 5t307:309t40 5 : 3 0 7 * ^ 9*-M 'ITie BGA was christened 48 "aaHy lost nearly $1 mlUloo...... later became the Trib’s la b o r______iFRirSAT. 5:30 530 7^5lQJ0ft______clmrged ih toe fraudulent iwe deUnquen^t boys under 16. someone threw a potato through men tola year reaching a flg- ' W e began to look at toe ^ TOiiitees Of St. Agnes years ago as a privately fi­ editor. He won a Pulitzer Prize HbspitalV’whitrMains', Bargain Hour Till 2 P.M. (b . Sun. $1410), of a credit card, ivas sentenced Dean said toere are about 30 ^ s c r a m door at an Avondale ure of 942,000 by June 30. Be­ Loh Burkhart?? records,’’ said Bliss, toe kind of Cinema I—“Summer of ’42" ta six months in Jail suspended, beys at Meriden atoo need to be ^ congressional ac- nanced, nonpartisan organiza-- for a series of 87 stories de- ^ director of New investlg:ator who likes to curt 1:30, 3:30, 6:80, 7:30, 9:40 tlon which pushed for progres­ wlto two years probation. confined in a maximum secur-, ------average strength will up at right with a good thick scribing In efficie^ y ^ d wr- York Medical College, In toe sive legislation to end corrup­ ruptionn Inin the Metropolitan San- n rw esa ~ ^ ~ m ori^ * Cinema H — “ The JVnderson LL-\ THEATRE EAST Ricardo F. Tutlno, 24, pl®^- _ . Sometime during toe past two have to be cut to 974,000, possl- budget of some public agency. tion, and endorsed various can­ Italy ed guilty previously to toe Prior to last December, hard- ^ gt jjome was bly resulting in a smaller man- "W e found work vouchers at W cf 0„.l.r ‘ ' • ■ charge, and was sentenced af- core delinquents could be trans- g^jg^g^ although nothing was didates in state and city elec­ cago. C, Vx> 9:80 toe fair showing some people new structure is being erected. Last Day "PINOCCHIO" 1:00 - 3:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 ter Quinn read a pre-sentence ferred to Cheshire without a gtgjgn ^ r a n s a o k e d ------UA Theatre East “Love tions. were paid for working 212 Hughes’ wife, Helen, died in report on him.' court hearing, but toe practice Story” , 7:15, 9:16 MANCHESTER In 1962, toe BGA com­ hours a week. They built a 1966. A son. Marine Capt. Ed­ Tutlno was arrested in March was ruled illegal by toe Com- Elevator Drops, CENTER J -O’ Sometime last night, two re- ^^iet V eteran s plemented its lobbying and en­ shower room toat cost $60,(X)0.’’ ward J. Hughes Jr., was killed Manchester Drive-In—“ Bunny after a long Investigation by mission on Children and Youth gglygrg ^ere ripped from tele- FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE dorsing practices by beginring A Cook County Judge aUeged- 10 W o rk e rs D ie in 1968 in Vietnam. O’Hare” , 8:80; “ Bloody Mama", Manchester police, who said a Services. phones outside toe Savings Get $3 M illion t o investigate government ly involved in toe concessions Survivors include a son, Pe- 10:00 lost card was used 66 times Frequently a great deal of ^ Manchester in toe MANILA (AP) — An agencies. operation rerigned from toe over- igj.. uiree daughters, Mrs. Wll- Bast Hartford Drive-In — Starts TOMORROW ! in area gas stations to pur- time passes before the hearing pgj-hade HARTFORD (AP) — Over $3 In 1970 alone, toe BGA estl- bench and toe state fair budget construction lift plunged Matthews and Elizabeth '•‘Ryan’s Daughter", 8:16; “ Take chase vor $400 worth of gas is held because of toe backlog J_ minion on bonuses was paid by mates it saved Illinois tax- was trimmed by $1 million last more than 70 feet to the ground Gwyneth Hughes; a broth- The Money and Run", 10:60 . and other goods. cf cases before toe Juvenile the state to (Connecticut serv­ payers $50 million by uncov- year. today, killing 10 of toe 12 work- gj., John; a sister, Mrs. Mary It's roundup time East Windsor Drive-In—“ Sum­ Ciollins nolled a charge of pos- court. Dean said, icemen during toe past fiscal erlng waste and corruption in The BGA’s Investigation last ®rs aboard. The other two were Heustis, and three grand- session of controlled drugs Sunday’s escape occurred Professor Dies year, bringing toe total bonus She is one of the girls in our loan department. Quick-witted mer of ’42” , 8:16; “Chisum", at the "Crazy M"...and government. year of Chicago’s Bureau of in critical condition with nu- children. Funeral plans were against Lawrence Donahue, 24, during a recreation period payments to veterans of toe 10:16 and very fast with figures, Lois is the girl who can tell you “ It’s hard to tell Just" how ef- Forestry showed that toe $5.4 merous broken bones. not immediately announced, TH E STAM PED E O F FUN of 168 Main St. who was arrest- when one boy at a time is let In Coast Crash "Vietnam Era’’ to $17.8 million. all you want to know about interest rates and payment fectiye we are in uii areas,’ ’ million annual budget for re- The workers were part of toe Meadows Drive-In — “ Bunny ed in May after a search of his out of toe cells for a walk in a The amount paid out between O’Hare’’, 8:20; “ Bloody Mama” , IS O N I MARIPOSA, Calif. (A P ) —A sch^ules. W hy not come in today and meet Lois and dis­ Bliss said. moval of trees was largely crew repairing fire damage to home by local police. C!ollins large adjoining room. One July 1. 1970 and July 1, 1971 cuss your loan requirement with one of our qualified offi­ wasted. the upper six floors of a 12-sto- Cholera Claims 10:20 said toe police agreed toe ar- guard usually accompanies toe chemistry professor from Wes- ^gg $3,093,070, state Treasurer “ We know toat when we dis­ cers. Manchester State Bank, a full service bank. covered Chicago was not en­ ■ 'There are some in- ry building. The owner of toe 2,011 in C h ad Blue-Hills Drive-In — “ Gun- WALT DISNEY rest was poorly executed in bey while another guard keeps leyan'University in Middletown, Robert I. Berdon announced forcing trucking laws we saved vestigatlons toat don’t amount construction company said toe fight”, 8:20; “A New Leaf", terms of search legality, and watch. (Conn., died Monday after his Monday. FORT LAM Y, Chad (A P ) — PRODUCTIONS’ at least $500,000 for toe tax­ to much when we are finished," elevator was designed for 10 1 0 :1 0 toat it should have been nolled. When one bey was being re- four-wheel-drive vehicle ran off Veterans are eligible for $10 A total ot 2,011 persons have payers. Bliss said, "and we get crltl- persons and had been taken out The following pleaded not turned to his cell, he Jumped g sierra foothill road and over- tor each month of active duty cized by our own board mem- gf operation Monday because of died in a cholera epidemic that “ The amount of fines paid in guilty and elected Jury trials in toe guard and started punching turned on him, officials said. since Jan. 1, 1964, up to a max- bers for wasting time on them, a defective cable. He said toe lias swept the central African A FULL Chicago for one year was Reaearchera Women East Hartford: . him in toe chest. Dean said. The Highway Patrol identl- imum of 30 months, or $300 Yet, finding four city workers „,en climbed aboard without state cf Chad since May. $1,000. The following year, after Gary M. Machiniqil, 28, of When the other guard came to fled toe victim as Peter Antoo- They must have been (Con- are loafing scares toe hell out authorization during their There have been 6,486 report- PARIS The average age of Wethersfield, operating a motor help, he was overcome by two ny Leermakers, 34, and said he necticut residents for one year SERVICE our Investigation, it was cf other city employes and morning coffee break and start- ed cases of toe disease, but it prenctr pharmaceutical re­ vehicle while under toe influ- other beys, who locked both maintained a summer reel- before going on active duty, $600,000. Not iAxr*11 fFtairttheir JobsInKa f for e w fl. a- . .. appears to be waning now, offi- g^archers is 40. Women const!- ^enc.e of liquor. guards in toe cell. dence near this Central Callfor- They need not, however, have ers of companies with many dais said. Fewer than 10 cases ___ while of toe re- t Steven T. Hansen, 22, of 836 During the scuffle, cne ' boy nla community. been in actual combat or even HOURS: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thursday trucks went out and bought li­ Democrats often have criti­ were recorded in toe past ‘ “ te 27 per cent Hartford Rd., breach of peace, grabbed a set of keys, and un- Officers said a passing mo- in Southeast Asia. Service any- evening 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. 1041 MAIN STREET censes for all their trucks after cized toe BGA as “ an arm of Named For Empress ^ygg]j searchers and" 66 per cent of Other cases disposed of: locked all toe cells, inviting torist found Leermakers pinned where in the world Is sufficient D R IV E -IN TEU jER: Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT one vehicle had been caught in toe Republican party’ ’ because AGANA, Guam—The Mariana A measles epidemic is follow- this Industiy’s technicians. KoiltMBbrMMVmADSTIIIMnKMCO MC 'Philip A. Becker, 21, of others to Join in toe escape, under his vehicle about 14 to qualify. p.m. Thuraday evening 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 ajn. TEliEPHONE (208) 646-4004 a violation," he added. BGA Investigations most often Islands, of which Guam is toe ing the cholera, officials said, compared with 6.6 per cent *I9J1 N$n Oqiwi PfoBuctMRl Storrs, speeding, fined $16. Seven declined toe effer. miles east of Mariposa. He was Berdon urged all eligible vet- to 3:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The BGA has a staff of nine have put Democratic office- largest, were named in honor of There were 26 deaths out of 180 respecUvely, Stephen Cantwell, ’ 24, of Four of toe escapees were taken. to FYemont H o^ital in erans to apply to the Vietnam persons including five in­ holders on toe spot.* Empress Maria Anna of Austria, cases in the region north of ' ’ French Industry as a Hartford, speeding, fined $26. apprehended Sundayand Mon- Mariposa, where he was dead. Bonus Division of his depart- vestigators. It operates on a But, Bliss said “ when toe who financed missionaries toat Lake Chad up to toe end of last *or Plus: DISNEY CARTOON George Hambach, 19, of day. on arrival, the officers said. ment for TOlr bonuses. budget of less than $200,000 a BGA began investigations in arrived here in 1628. ■ week. whole. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 PAGE FTVB PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERa LD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 Tolland Circus Replaces Autos Second Congressional District W allace Playeround T o Sign Math Teacher Recommends Notes Along Hartford Streets The Baby Has Federal Program Allocates HARTFORD (AP) —- A cam- hours, animal trainers from the el ate hay Monday ta the Commerfrrd-Shea Circus ta School Order These are the results of the middle of Mata Street and a Wolcott began unloading anlm- $932,956 in Student Loans Annual Field Day at the town ‘Guided Discovery Approach’ Uama walked down Pratt Street, als. (4^entlnued from Page One) playgrounds—iMt week: By BE/TTE QUATBAU!; Saturdays’ meeting of the Not one honking, exhaust-belch- Ttray brought Lena the earn­ Been Named (Herald Reporter) Second Congressional District WASHING’rON (AP) — An ’Dio development of a coor- to prepare themselves for spe­ A'resource room for math stu- Girls Up To 6 ing car was in sight ta parts of el, Anne the elephEUit, imd oth­ The National "Defense Student North Republican Women’s As- appeal by a Texas school dis­ •Unated math program through­ cific vocational areas or to fol­ dents initiated last year to aid 30-Yard Dash: 1. Berry Maher Hartfort. ers. low recommendations of guid­ them ta obtaining extra help 2. Carolyn McOinnell 3. Carolyn be^j^ug^ Qjg circus Is ta Children will be able to ride Loan Program has earmarked soclatlon. trict has brought the legal fight out the Tolland school system $932,966 to aid coUege students Arrangements for the event ance counselors, teachers or par­ during the school day and for DelSlgncre. town, and for the next three ponies, pet sheep or watch stilt- Cavanns, Carolyn Amanda, daughter of Albert and Mar- over busing back to the Su­ should be directed towards a In the Second Congressional have been meule by Mrs. ents. independ^t study has been Tire Race: 1. Kim Allgata 2. days EUiimEds and children will walk'r Mike Monroe move 113m Paprowlcz CavEinna, RFD5, Fkiller Rd., Marlborough. She District, according to Congress- Dorothy Peabody of 'Vernon, preme Court. "guided discovery approach” ac­ Kalber, in his report, noted successful but also pointed to Denise Desm?is. be Enrolling through downtown along at two miles per hour, was bom Aug. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her mater­ man Robert Steele. Leonard was sponsored by the The case from Corpus Oirlsti cording to a preliminary pro­ math is not a required subject the Inadequacy of audio-visual Girls 6-7-8 streeto. And It’s eOl free. nal gTEindmother Is Mrs. Celia Paprowlcz, Montpelier, Vt. Her at the school. materials ta math at the high Sack Race: I. Karen McCon- paternal grandmother is Mrs. Carmine CavEuma, Rocky Hill. The funds will affect 2,427 area GOP women’s org’^ z a - tests the reach of last term’s gress report, submitted to the ’Hie circus, sponsored by the ‘”nil8 hM never happened ta Board of Education by math ta' The ninth grade math pro­ school, a ccon h ^ to Kalber. nell 2. Robin Newak 3. Suzanne Hartford Chamber of Com- Hartford before,” said Howard She has two brothers, Christopher, 4, smd Craig, 2. students who will be attending tion. ruling that busing is a legiti­ structor Raymond Kalber. gram hEui already been updated Specific recommendationsicommen for Hebert. merce, prompted one business- Wry, coordinator of the street A «. «, « B the eight participating institu- The meeting will be held at mate means of accomplishing tions. Ninety per cent of the 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John The prelimineuiy report sum- “ *** reviewed, and behavorlal the high schccl Include provid- 40-Yard Dash: 1. Marla Pina mEin to remark as he WEdked to circus. “ It’s never happened St. Clair, Nathan Andrew, son of Gary Eind Linda Heal desegrregation. marlies the math program as it e^iJectlveB are being written for ing ^ minimum cf feur 'uU-time 2. Sharen Kelly 3. Brenda Me- work It’s about time. This is anywhere before, it’s great.” St. Clair, 90 Lewis Dr.. South Windsor. He was bom July 80 loans are financed by federal El. Holt, Sand Hill Rd., Hamp- At the moment, the dispute ia more like It. This is what I call The acts and attractions ta- at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents monles, the remaining 10 per ton, and is open to Republican in the hands of Justice Hugo L. presently exists ta Grades five e®®** *'**■*' 9®**°®' math course, niath te-'chers and the keeping Ccnnell. through 12 with particular em- appears that two ^t ctass sizes ta the two year Tire Race: 1. Barbara',Silver a pleasant walk to work.” elude Hal Haviland, who makes are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heal, 90 Lewis Dr., South Windsor. Ms cent by the institutions them- women in ’Tolland and Windham Black, who has jurisdiction Hie msm grinned, then mock- degs do somersaults on the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard St. Clair, selves. counties. over Texas cases. ’The Corpus phasis on Grades seven throuirh *®^^^ '*'*** '•e needed within Algebra I sequence to a maxi- 2. Laura Ireland 3. Oirlsttae Through the program stu- Other items to be discussed 12 ~ most major math courses, aC' mum of .29 students allowing for DelSlgnore. ed the bleating of a nearby back of a pony; Monroe, who Ftockland, Maine. Christ! school district told him mountain goat. does a comic trampoline act ta dents borrow money at low in- at the meeting include the TAR late Monday it can’t afford the A later report will delve into Individualized Instruction. OIrto 9-10-11 Improvements are also need- Kalber also recommended the Softball Throw: 1. Tati Pina It began Monday morning addition to his stilt walking; a Polllo, Laura Ann, daughter of Rictiiard and Joanne Po- terest rates to pay for their Camp East to be held at Brown $1.7 million needed to comply the elementary math program. education. They have 10 years University Aug. 22-27 and the Teachers on all levels should ed at the high school level for ^ijggrammtag of the various 2. Janet Yale 3. Hiersa Nowak and will ccnttaue until 4 p.m. clown; and a peny-drawn wag- harski Polllo, 50 Park St., Rockville. She was Itom July 30 at with a federal judge’s order for Miuichester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents to repay, and interest does not Sept. 24 annual fund raising for be informed of the math pro­ 60-Yard Dash: 1. Mary Carroll Thursday. In the early morning on for free rides. busing about 16,000 children. ^ . “ f ? ; t™ !-* • 1" " — are Mr. Eind Mrs. S. Henry J. Poharskl, 'HEizardvlIle. Her pater­ begin to accrue unUl the stu- candidates dinner at the Elk’s gram goals and Objectives at w,i. „ho.i m ..ho.,, 2. Claudette Babiueau 3. Kerry ------—------judge Woodrow Seals’ (yrder meet'the needs of these students nal grEindparenis are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richttads, 18 Daly dent has been out of school for Home in WllUmanUc. Also corn- last month was a major dese­ eEich of the other levels, he said, course selection catalog and the Gustafsen. nine months. j,p discussion is the state is being considered for ninth Six Potato Race: 1. Sue Mac- Coventry Circle, Rockville. gregation victory for Mexlcan- so that they may help iron out purchase of additional tilm- Bl ♦ • • Institutions receiving funds pgge Girl Contest whose wlimer lend 2. Patty Boland 3. Usa *1 (Herald photo by Buceivlclus) Americans who make up 46 per problems which may arise. are: An^urst College, Wood- attend the National Conven- “ a Is!)®"^ t o f ®dmwtag boards f^P® ’ Paggrloll. Polinsky, Michael William, son of William and Barbara By about 9 o’clock this morning only a few sticks of what had been a barn more than 100 feet long remained standing on Rt. 85 in Bolton. cent of the Corpus Christi p < ^ - Math classes at the Middle are semester courses in con- *^e program. Smith Polinsky, 277 Highland St., MEmchester. He was born tion of Republican Women’s December Deadline Girls 12-13 Council Appoints Willnauer lation. Seals said they are vic­ School are presently "teacher- sumer math and ta topics ta July 29 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ ^ student awards; Connecticut ^ubs to be held in Washington Details of the revised coordi­ 60-Yard Dash: 1. Kim Smith tims of segregation practices. •centered” with an emphasis mathematics for 11th Eind 12th parents are Mr. Euid Mrs. Allim W. Smith, 186 Mciin St., Man­ CoUege, New London, $146,896, p p pct 20-24 Bolton His busing order involves one- nated math curriculum will have 2. Mary Nyulassy 3. Gall placed on lecture teaching. grade students. chester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Women and other Washington lamonEico. To Building Inspector Post third of the district’s enroll­ Kalber would like to see stu­ The fourth-yesu’ math program to be in the hands of the Board Polinsky, 50 JEirvis Rd., Manchester. His maternal great­ Register to Vote Week ment. rf Education by December, as . Klckball Kick: 1. CSieryl Web­ manUc, $81,696, for 216 kwards; ^ t dents ta the seventh and eighth Is undergoing considerable re­ John Willnauer, a Coventry prior to the regular council grandmother is Mrs. Yvonne Scanlon, Wethersfield. Middlesex Community College to contact Last April the Supreme Court grades g;iven more opportunities vision thTs year with the dlvld- ^® curriculum is to be Imple- ster 2. Sue Syphers 3. Ann meeting, but no one was ta at­ In conjunction with ’’Let’s ers to switch parties or to be- unanimously upheld busing of resident and presently building $27,921, for 60 awards, ^ d Fire Levels Bam on Rt. 85 to discover miUh concepts ing of the advanced math course mented for the 1972-73 school Savoie. tendance to speak specifically Nichols, Norman Scott, son of Norman mid Linda Mc- Reglster to Vote Week,” desig- come unaffiliated. __ __ Scftball ’Throw: 1. Kathy Mc- Inspector in Bolton, wels appoint­ Mitchell CoUege, New London, President for details and schocl children over long dis- through laboratory techniques. into two hstif-credlt courses, the year. on the subject. GEihey Nichols, 87 Tudor Lane, Manchester. He was bom July An early morning fire of un- had been sold and were to be Negro commended the Bolton nated for Aug. 23 through Aug. Democratic Registrar Herbert aikrlotteV N.C?* W th Crnnell 2. Melaine Coulombe 3. ed by the Town Council last $13,499, for 50 awards. transportation. Few such opportunities current­ first of which will delve into ’The deadline has been set by Beautification Committee 30 at MEinchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ Also MoheiTAn Oommnnitv TAB of the Year luivwiiknown uiieuiorigin leveledlovvAcu a.a large oeuvereadelivered u)to uieirtheir new owners voiuin.ccivolunteer nvcmcnfiremen aw for* their**.«*. -• ^ by ^cretary ire Mr. and Mrs. John S. Machung, Nanticoke, which they could otherwise tic geometry. Quatrale, Tel. 876-2846. New Jersey as the State De- The winner wUl serve as page operating as Vernon Stables, of- r e s S T d to tae klarm, ac- s‘P>big up new voters. An en- CopUtoUon^ an^ndment p r - ^ v . C. 'Wallace of p a - Jim Hennlgan 3. Paul .Aruda. charged early ta the summer by rels will remain at the dump Pa. She hEis a sister. Dawn, 4. lose by not completing the year­ partment’s new coordinator for for the ConnecUcut delegation, fertag pony rides to area chll- c o r d ^ to L lton ^ r e <3hiel P® ""“ ‘ ” ® 40-Yard Dash: 1. Stephen Mc­ Moore. for residents wishing to de­ IB B, B • * Internatlnmu NnrrAt!n« UTaffora foVz. \n fiio Hron scuiTled nervously along theIZ coromg lo ^ [ ting those who already are vot- tions—federal, state and local. busing In his state intenmuon^ Narcotics Matters take part In the presentation dren. ^ flreUnes. Mort Harlow. The men were at f ^ ______;______j long course. South Windsor Cann 2. Jolta Lautenbach 3. Joe Willnauer was one of six con­ posit clear, brown or amber HoUls, James Reid m , son of James Reid Jr. Emd Shauxin Judge Seals’ busing order Kalber broke down his report tenders for the post, which also glass bottles or jiurs. will lead to ste p i^ up dlplo- of the flags, attend the White Total damages have not been Negro said he was greaUy re- the scene at 2 a.m., Harlow was set aside for a while by MEiher. Kelly Hollis, 134 Brock St., South Windsor. He was bom July providing (ietaU on both the Tire Race: 1. Wayne Web 2. Includes the title of housing Proceeds from the drive will mauc effolto to ptain the as- House reception, aU sessions and assessed, according to Ray ueyed that the home of his said, and many will remain all Owen Cox, a fellow federal 31 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmoth­ " American and banquests and meet other teen- Negro, one of the brothers, mother, Mrs. Joeeita Negro, day today saturating the hay. Manchester Area Middle School and the High Dave Bolin 3. Skipper Moreau. code enforcement officer. He go towiard BC projects, Mrs. er is Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, East Hartford. His paternal grand­ judge in Texas, but was re­ Schixil. Democrats Nominate Slate was the top scorer on an exam Fowler said, and the group will governments in age Republican girls from the 60 More than 100 tons of hay, which is immediately in front Members of the women’s fire stored by the U.S. Circuit Court Boys 9-11 parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Crowley Sr., Eiust Hart­ Middle School Base Run: 1. Robert Cavedon administered last week by a make a donation to the high dnur t r ^ p international states. which had been Imported from cf the barns, was untouched by auxiliary served coffee and do- in New Orleans. Seals said in To the tune of "Happy Days perlence on a chief officer level ford. He has two sisters, Kim, 8, and Lori, 5. Kalber made five specific panel of building Inspectors ta school Ecology Club, which aid­ B B • B * PTOlstair the t t t enter, TAR members are Canada submit an essay of was destroyed, he said. horses which were in a nearby the night and returned early this ing which Americans find ob­ bardier. the state. Dlmovski, George, son of Cvetko and Zlata Sambevska menting a revised math cur­ last night ended a well-attend- volunteer fire depaitoent. Bal­ In making his recommenda­ Also last night, the council re­ Sr*®® ^ .M not less than 200 words describ- Six Hereford steers which pasture also escaped injury. morning to serve breakfast. jectionable but what is at the 60-Yard D a ^ : 1. Hugh Quinn Dimovski, 75 Summer St., Manchester. He was bom July 29 In April Beating of Girl riculum at the Middle School ed but rather subdued nominal- ary will be from $9;067 to $11,- ferred to the steering committee ^ - c h a i g l ^ public servant” , assistance to the Re- other end of the busline.” 2. Keith Congdon 3. Bob Smith. tion for the appointment. Moore at Mmichester Memorial Hospital. who has a ’ keen understanding . .xui n, . tag session with the only con- 999. B B> B B B, ___ ^ publican party within the last The Corpus Christi sctaool of­ including the establishment of Baseball ’Throw: 1. David Me- told the council that Willnauer for examination and a pro­ of the urgency of combatting ^ j A 19-year-old Vernon youth promise to appear in Circuit test being for six available seats ’The applicant should be poeal by Dr. Robert Bowen, Di­ ficials told Black they have nei­ the position of head math teEtch- Cann 2. George Mandevltie 3. has expressed the intention of Blow, Kevin Ray, soughnuts,” the story of a Tefun Totals appointment pf a zoning agent and France. Japan’s already early to talk about devaluation Ing John G. Gluletti of Kelly -- - " " 7 7 x Loach was found in a wooded reported at 10:30 p.m. yester- most eliminate imoaiances oe- grouping is broken down into Sandra Bender, a CEindIdate boy’s resourcefulness when an Gantner, tel. 142-8796. a d d t h e DECORATOR TOUCH cheap exports to Europe would of the dollar, most Europeans f°r It but decided not to sched- ,<,r his work on Legion dollar for gold sets the stage ^rea off Abbott Rd. in Ellington, daV that glasses v^ued at $40 groups other than blacks enriched (above avewige) frofn the second district received 1. VaUey St. 61, 2. CSiarter last night, voting that this I s ^ e automatic doug^mut n ^ t o e ^ 3. 'Highland Park 30, 4. legal responslblUty of the PZC. with Wrought Iron Motto Trivets and become even cheaper. view the suspension of Amer- referendum pencllng torth- ^he resolution, noting his for finding a totaUy new way of ^ ^pru 23 of this year. When were taken from his car and '^^bites, the pleading said. standard (aversige) Eind low ta 181. won’t turn eff, Eind faim Bowers 32, 6. West Side 18; 8. Under the town’s budget, the Western Europe could not l'=a’s premise to change foreign ®®bs on o e s es ng outstanding spirit and the g;reat determining the value of the found by two young men she Ronald Peters, also of East ^® ®5bool district ’’must b* each gTEule. He SEdd the \each-tea Unsuccessful ta their bids Night” which tells of Replicas of Yesteryear permit such a situation to con- dollar holdings into gold as just ® savings to the community by „ foreign cur- was in a badly beaten condition Hartford reported the tape deck *’® ^fbfded re e n a b le ers should sit down EUidnd de- were John Cutler with 118 votes "sent"to ■‘fta3"a Mre^ 'h^d Verplanck U. 7. Tie Martin and job of zoning agent is _ l^ e d to the other two posts Willnauer Unue without retaUation. that. At public hearings held on the his work, will be printed, fram- ‘b>Uar against foreign cur geHous condl- was tAken ^ m his caT when “ 'S? termine what topics ore essen- and Robert Myette, 149. and returns with a comet play- - Green, 4,> «9. t Buckley 3. Candlesticks — Wood Stoves — Coal will assume. In Tokyo, the Japanese gov- The problem other major in- sewer ordinances and the fire- ed and presented 10 Gluletti. rencles. Rockville Hospital for the vent window was pried tial for teaching to each level. Former Lt. Gov. Fred D(X)cy er. ^You can ernment debated ways of re- dustrial nations face is what to house orinance, none of the 45 Action on the proposed con- qov. ’Thomas J. Mesklll ap- gjjg gj„gg ^gg^ ^ ^ dispute are to order the busing Tliis would place them ta a commented that the Demixjrats In other Eiction, the council Buckets — Fire Marks — Match Boxes sisting foreign pressure for an do with their own currencies persons who attended spoke for tract between the town and the piauded the President’s efforts discharged. COVENTRY carried out when school re- better position to critically ex- had not held caucuses for a VEilltag ta toe New York stock Etoopted the so-called "speciEil American Eagles and More — from 59c Manchester Evening Herald market on Monday following events” ordinEince, which de­ increase in the dollar value of and how to react to the 10 per or against the ordinances. Rockville Public Health Nurs- at halting inflation and reduc- VERNON tohn i Hneo-en is wmi. ®?®"^ belay the plan until amine the present curriculum number of years and that he was South Windsor correspondent, t(e a President Nixon’s WEige and fines a speclEil event eis a pub­ the yen but no decision was an- cent surtax Nixon put on most One ordinances requests bond- ing Association was tabled. ing unemployment. ^^3 Helen Orfitelli of Bol- mantle was c ^ g e d vesterdav h'justices determining which areEis need “ pleased at the interest and en- Barbara Varrlck, Tel. 844-8274. prize freeze, and to toe fact lic gathering of more than 2,000 nounced. Finance minister manufactured imports. ing for $5.6 million to extend -phe council approved payment “ Efforts to protect American Vernon, was arrested goUcittag rides ^ He is ^ am further develi^ment or revision, thuslasm shown by the people secretary ALL AT PRICES YOU 09 that the Town of Coventry has persons Euid requires a special CINE Mikio Mizuta told his col- By allowing the doUar to float sewers to the Skinner and of $6,000 from the contingency goods from foreign competition njght by Vernon Police and ggijeduled to appear in fMrcult a merie^n n.mlis Kalber also favors a system ^ho tonight nominated the best of grouping within the class- gj^jg yje Democrats in South retained its “ A ” rating, as de- permit for this purpoise. leagues the government should relation to other currencies Merltae Rd. areas. The other account to pay Zlmpro for a are long overdue . . . ’The Presl- charged with operating a motor ^ourt Manchest^ Aue 30 711 Ane-lrm and 2 M4 black’s termtaed by Moody’s Invest- ’The ordinEuice was the subject in 10 weeks await developments in Europe, in the world money markets sewer ordinance requests $1,- pUot project at the fUtratiwi dent’s message was good news vehicle while under the Influ- . ■ b- ■ m angioa ana z,on omcKs. room to meet individual needs, Windsor ever had.” Coventry ment Service of New York of a public hearing lEist night ChooM I e*i»«r — not Jutt possibly using teacher aides to commenting also was Demo- Nixon’s special envoy, Paul and by imposing the Import 160,000 for sewering the Cold plant and $2,600 also from the for the people of Connecticut,” ence of liquor or drugs after the dty. I fob. Our School Volcker, fletv to Paris to pro- surtax, Nixon has made it more Spring Dr., Valley View and contingency account for side- Mesklll said. car she was driving struck a Eisslst. cratlc Town Committee Oistir- The bonds will be signed Euid can makt you a fully qualifW He cited the breaking down of WlUlam Young who said Bonds Sold lacrataty .in juit 10 wiokf. mote the U.S. package of eco- expensive for Americans to buy Regan Rd. area, walk construction. Southern New England ’Tele- utility pole on Tunnel Rd. 24 hr. Service delivered ta New York <31ty on the eighth grade low level class Democrats had not been ta Easy lummtr koura,^ nomic measures to Edwin Stoi>- foreign-made gixxls while mak- In other ^actioni, Ck>uncilman phone Co. Issued a statement Police said the Orfitelli car Sept. 16. ’The Connecticut Bank Mott Awarded into two sniEiUer classes, pro- power for a few years and the air-condiliontd. ^ per, president of the Swiss Na- ing American goods cheaper ’Thomas Wo|ff’s motion to have saying the company “ is taking was headed north on ’Tunnel Rd. and ’Trust CompEiny handled toe vidtag opportunities to work economic conditions ta the coun- To Firm In tional Bank. Stopi>er flew to the for foreig;ners. the council support expansion of steps to comply with President when the driver allegedly lost trEinsaction for the town, with USAF Plaque French capital for the emer- while not ruling out a unila- J"®® bi G l^onbury and East South Windsor Nixon’s 90-day wage-price control and hit the pole. A car 17.9 COD with underEichievers. He favored ^j.y j,j these ycEirs indicate what extension of the concept into the jg happening. toe law firm of Day, Berry EUid GALL gency meeting. jeral revaluation of the pound Hartford w ^ defeated six to freeze. However, specific de- coming in the opposite direction, FUEL Tennessee Howard serving as legal coun­ S. Sgt. John G. Mott of MEm­ enriched and stendEird classes, Volcker also intended to sterling—whose devaluation in four. He wanted to have the tails on how this freeze affects driven by Juozpas Rimsa, 38, of It is imperative that we get chester Ims been honored by toe 286>2609 particulEirly at the average sel. sound out Stopper on Swiss yoUgj. the front council ask the support of U.S. Republicans SNET employes have not yet Hillcrest Dr. struck the rear a Democratic Council ta the Municipal bonds of toe town American Society for Industrial views toward changes in the in- nf ..-internatlnnnl sneenln- Rep. Robert Steele for the pro- level. town and we will begin by get­ of Coventry were sold yesterday Security for his work as a secur­ been received.” bie Orfitelli car when it skid- 200 KEilber supported his recom­ MEUicheater Evening Herald ternational monetary system S f T w T govS^me^^ Posed construction. Mayor _ ^ u X ded into his lane of travel, ting out Eind getting the 18-yeEir- „y T»w „ Holb. ity policemEm ta toe Air Force president of Co^ecticut mendation for expEindtag the Moore called for by Nixon. w ^ “ ^ d t 7 teel w o r id ^ e McCoy and others spoke Announce gal. minimum old vote,” he said. Eind Gantner, tel. 742-8795. R^erve. Union of Telephone Workers, 0^110111 7 a oasseneer in her Algebra I accelerated cIeuss of­ The nominations of d ie Deck­ Elizabeth Rychllng. Volcker, ’Treasury under- coordination is essential to against one town trying to Tebx, w ov,o..ebnex.ow Te eeis '-'"116111, I, a passengcr in ner OIL A member of toe 906th Mil­ Jtrfm W. Shaughnessy Jr. said fering to eighth graders which secretary, talked along this line build a new, less vulnerable “ cram a highway”nWcLy intoUliO anotheraJlUUlcl Y ^ Y * car, were treated at Rockville er, Donald Burghius Etnd David Proceeds ^ ------of the bond------issue itary Airlift Group at Westover he thinks the new contract rati­ with monetary experts from economic order. town. Wolf and James Roche (janC llU aCieS General Hospital for face lacer­ 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR OELIVERY had a class size of 11. pupils last (^hen for seats on the Board of will be used to pay $600,000 ta Air Force Bsuse, Meiss., Sgt. Mott N Britain, France, West G erm ^y European foreign exchange argued that commuters in Ver-, fied Aug. 6 is in effect. .ations...... Both...... cars.. _ had...... to be year. AllExwtag for attrition, the Education were accepted on the bond anticipation notes, toe re- Rockville received toe society’s Excellence /T and Italy in London on Monday ^arketV remained closed for “ 1 Town Republicans will caucus from the scene. Mrs. Or- 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE fifth year of toe math program jjjpgj pallot. Mrs. Decker’s pres- malnlng bEiIance for toe can­ Hospital Notes in Aerospace Security plEique ta with two Japanese representa- second day today to avert ®*Vx^^ x u ° " ^ h-i *> temnrrmw TKTminnte wasn t sure how the yfgjjj ^^g released on her on toe high school level will not term and Robert Eversole’s struction of toe Oapt. Natoan competition with ainnen from be successful, he predicted. j.yjj this fall. Eversole Hsile School. lives sitting in as observers. rampant speculation of the kind ^ * ^® subcom- at 8.15 tomorrow to nominate freeze would affect wage prog- Visiting h o w ^ 12ISO to 8 the 94th JflUtEiry Airlift W ng Even though foreign ex- y^^j ,j,ygre was no "i‘“ ®®^®' ‘*’,® <=0“"®*! will meet candidates for the November ression increases in the next 90 643-1553 COOPERATIVE OIL CO. Although 65 seventh graders gggj^ re-election. The bonds were sold to the p.m. in all Etreas exiiept ma- ___ 6nd__ the 901st______MlUtary Airlift__ _ indicated interest ta Uvb accele- Nancy changes r emained shut for the indication when the markets Commissioner Earl W ^d elections. days. Good Shepherd O’Connor te;;;ity“ wtope“ toTy mT*'2 to "t Group, both based at'Hanscom second day, most tourists were ^ of the CmmecUcut Highway De- chairman '">® the freeze on 315 Broad St., Manchester ra t^ c l ^ ’ only 1 7 'were select g^atic ticket this Nov. 2 irtll be yVeeks of Memphis, Tenn., ^ ^ g Field, Bedford, Mass, Taylor able to cash their travelers ® , u v,x partment in the commissioner’s b utUlty rates also was unclear, ed to take toe course this fall. d t. Lawrence Andrus and Wll- gj gjj interest rate of 6.10 per ’The award warn presented dur­ checks."Blit Th sotae countries The o^^^ At that time, McCoy Royal Cowles, seven Repub- gy^j.. Guild Urging B X ot ° ''“ ® cent per annum,Einnum plus a preml ...... Students take math courses at - ■ — ------Admitted Friday; .Alex ing Sgt. Mott’s recently com- HARTFORD ACADEMY they were losing more and anotner muiion g^yy y,g committee members Ucans will seek the nod to run man of the Public UtiUties Meskill’s Aid Z ^ n g Commission: Ev^ett making a net inter- Qwara, Evergreen Rd., Vernon, pleteif annual two-week tour of more money on the deals mai"Wln toe vtaue oi m y yjgg^gg y, ^g^„„g g^pg„. Commission, said: “ I have seen Tolland High either to satisfy D el^ ey and Mrs. Patricia Ma^ ggj ggst 6.086260 per cent. The Discharged Friday: Olaf Wal- active duty at Westover. OF BUSINESS coUege entrancye requirements. WHIN YOU THINK HEATING . to n s bilUcn One -J^ok^^ de^i- They include the following in- nothing in writing. He (Nixon) HARTFORD (AP) ’The 10,- tin for town selectmen, Law- i^nds will be paid over a period .„_.„g Edith Rd Vernon- Sally A 1966 graduate of MEmchester 34S Nortti Main St. A ^ricT n E ^ L t a ^ n d o n er Japanese ba^ks ap------cumbents: Mayor Howard E. did not make any exceptions in 000-member Good Shepherd rence I. Decker Jr. for tovm at $40,000 per year, High School, he is a member of THINK FOGARTY in I.ondnn er said Japanese oanxs ap- rnure neHtlonn were nresented xxvxxrexxx ..x u-xw x.xx..,x.xx.x xnxcjxxicxu treasurer and Alexander Blozie, seven bids were received, “ snee Mil aaugnier, koc m West Hartford itil the 9 peered to be borrowing heavily T tae *^^nc^ meetir^ Slxtv- barren Westbrook, his speech, but we have not Guild, which provides support SOUTH SIDE toe MEmchester Police Depart­ from 7 o’clock until ENTRANCE Bishop’s Corn«r o’clock opening, only to find the inla Europe andano theuie Unitedumiea gg^g„ children gjsigned g y '^ a petition t^^^ j o i,Romeyn, _x am Peter .mu Nicholas i heard anything official.” foru the v, House of Good Shepherd rm- ^ ^ ~ . ______South St., Vernon; Victor Don ment. Trust Oo. of Hartford as the ,___' r>„v«trsr4iio. Sgt. Mott Eind his wife, Diane, ^ L o r d & Taylor’s Parking ^ NEED REPAIRS? CALL US CALL N< agency had hiked its price for States in order to sell dollars in y^^ yyi,y ^ recre&- a ‘^“'1®*!® administrators voiced here, has urged Gov. Thomas Flre Marshal b3 1 r OOT9K narunuiia» Village St F Ferry erry Maion IS Bluell Street (18) WUd Wild West (C) Mancheater. Conn. read our official statement, "which ments and suggestions from (SO) Addame Family By JOHN CUNNIFF Many explanations are of­ THOMAS F. EER0U80N Is Imposed at Dump the public. fered but few are proven. WALTER R. FEROUSON threatens the safety of allied forces is (40) McHole’e Navy AP Business Analyst Future sessions will be held S:S0 (SO) Oilllcan'e Iiland Rising taxes, higher costs— PubliBhers Commercial establishments board stated that the sale of (40) Newe — Weather NEW YORK (AP) — Even Founded October l, 1881 viewed with deep concern by com­ the first Tuesday of each labor included—and toe need from the towns of Andover and such property was strictly a Edward Tomkiel Sports _ _ _ toe more traditionalist econo- month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 5:SS (S) Whot’e Happealnz (C) for environmental spending are Publlahed Every Evening Except Sundays manders who have the responsibility to 8:00 (S4HS) Newi -^'Wealher and mists BUSpect today that some and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at Bolton wishing to dispose of Province of the Board of Select- and the third Thursday of said to be factors that erode Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall exercise their inherent rlg^t of self- Seven-term Town Clerk Edward Tomkiel heads a slate Sporti (C) of the old equaUons of toelr Matter tires at the Andover landfill each month from 6:30 p.m. to of 19 Democratic candidates for the Nov. 2 election, en­ (18) Candid Camera defense for their troops." _ t policy, said that It was of the (SO) To Tell the Truth (C) trade may not be as tight as ^ oligarchic structure In SUBSCRIPnON RATsi area wUl have to pay 26 cents opinion that unless the town has 8:30 p.m. In the Board of dorsed unanimously last night by Manchester Demo­ (40) 77 Suneet Strip Payable in Advance Few people, perhaiw not even its au­ Directors Office. 6:S0 (S?* Now*""«4th**Walter Cron- believed. Many knots gg^g Industries, such as steel One Year ...... IS9.U0 per passenger car tire and $1 a good foreseeable use for a cratic Town Committee. kite (C) are appearing. (g gald to enable them to defy Six Months ...... 19.60 thors and users, have ever paused per truck or tractor tire. piece of property. It should be (8) Newi with J.K. Smith and Three Mcmths ...... 9.76 The endorsement meeting, and Mrs. Irene Plsch of 71 Harry ReaHoner (C) Causing concern and some f^g orders of toe marketplace One Month ...... 8.36 during the war in Vietnam to realize At a meeting of the Board of (C) recent years of rising prices in of demand. MEMBER OF what a very useful and elastic phrase Selectmen last night. First Se- placed back on the produced no surprises. The slate Oonstablea 6:55 (40) New* (C) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS consists of the nine Incumbents incumbents Clarence Foley, 7:00 (8) Movie the midst of recession, prosper- And union power Is said to be The Asaocated Press is exclusively en­ that "inherent right of self-defense" has Cummiiigs - titled to the use of republlcation of all ^ * ^ 1 selectmen agreed that and 10 newcomers recommenMed paul Phillips, I?8 (C) “ y unaccompanied by profits, strong enough to exert wage news dispatches credited to It or not other­ become. °"®>-®'l ‘he bidders last week by the town commit- william Desmond of 115 (2Mo""New**—^Weather u d price Increases during an ab- pressures even In Industries wise credited in this paper and also the ^ fh. ^ ^ considerably lower than the Chides GOP tee’s nominating body. Forest St Sport* (C) aence of orders, rising wages where joblessness Is high. local news published here. It has seemed to stretch quite easily losing of the numerous Ures at particular lot was worth. The All rights of republlcation of special dis­ The slate was presented last n'vnonf fho RmirH m Fitu. 7:80 !M0)*MSd ^ 5 H d (C ) amid joblessness. Whatever the r e a s ^ they patches Herein are also rviserved. across thousands of miles of ocean and moved to contact the bld- Manchester’s DemocraUc town night by Atty. David Barry and ^ , i t-™ - for two (18) M ovie Game (C ) These apparent con- all contribute to the rising dc- iBirfonn r.imrus p,.ggj.aj„ „g ^gter and sewer Town Treasurer publicans in registered voters.” taSd” on*Mtual” ^ e~ of"p r^ month were expected to be only Ellsberg told newsmen out- He thanked all members of toe fessor charged with killing his one-half normal. More than 85,- side court Monday that he be- TAGUS RIVER, LOOKING TOWARD LISBON, PORTUGAL First, it would offset toe cost year due to increased computer program, and, above all, we Roger M, Negro, 38, of 203 wife In the '30s. all of which characterized the infamous and elastic degree by the United States nominating committee for "a 000 workers were idle. lleves he will be acquitted in a to toe town of further handling cost. have no priorities." ’< Oak St. 8:30 Coarae of Onr Time* (C) wall as If It were an abnormality In hu­ in Vietnam, it would be misleading to Conservation Contributions job well done." 9:00 30 MInnte* (C) Such a setting suggests, ac- fair trial. He said he antici- of the tires; secondly, it should He said that toe Republican Board of Education (C) cordlng to toe formula, that pates a long trial “ very Instruc- man affairs. ignore the historical circumstances in serve as an incentive for these Also discussed was a 1®“ ®® directors .are not paying proper For term 1971-74—Incumbent, On a motion by John Hutch- (C) the Inson, seconded by Tomkiel, ------prices would be stable or fall- ticruil to the country,” dealing And so Indeed, cutting its way through which the imderlying logic - has been businesses to pile up toelr tires received from ° ^ attention to™ “ toe ...... strategic Atty. Alltui D. Thomas, and Dr. and truck them to toe collection County Soil and Water Conserya- pggjyg„g jj,g j g ^ gg^g j^jg ^ J.. ™ o. Matt Moriarty and Mrs. Alice Ing because of lack of demand, "life and death, war and the heart of a great city, the Wall does previously employed. David Winer, 34. of 37 EUen ^ a ^ g ^ the committee adopt­ Connecticut Yankee location themselves where they tion District Informing of the examples poor Lane. and that wages would be ten- seem an abnormality, cruel and inhu­ Hannibal was exercising^^Iarthage’s in­ ed a resoluticxi concerning State Columbia ding in the same direction for a "The 40-year-old research us- Inside By A.H .O . can dump them free of charge. Increased costs group handling of proposals to pur- For term 1972-75 — Atty. John sociate at Massachusetts In- Rep. Francis Mahoney, who is man and illogical. herent light of self defense vidien he Since Bolton leases rights to and requesting contributions. chase Laurel Lake for sanitairy C. Yarvls, 34, of 18 Leland St. o a comparable reason. That was n- r_Is it because of Lingard last night was offldally ous road patches over uUlity fund; Donald Tuttle, Board of jp mgpy industries" today the government says, Ellsberg had The bait thrown out to us, to win our excuse for doing what they go unanswered from the Demo­ ^ould be considered just one more ex­ spot among high-pcpulation nally, they new pray that Con- powerful establishment Demo­ were doing was lost in a mias­ cratic side of things. ing them. day, Saturday and Sunday. angling approval for such research, is states, is new a nightmare — nally will be Mr. Nixon’s Vice crats, barely aware of Jackson M S ': “ J f pression of a perennial human impulse? ma of past and present guilts It seemed that, sia fast as State Park Rubbish that the precise, scientific knowledge of thanks malnlyTo public outrage Presidential running-mate to six months ago but now mas­ of one kind or another. ” ,rx of Ed.caaon- I. 1. ~t. «. O'N.Ul. pit V,Al- What if the thdng that we really have over the Federal government’s save the state. Whereas six sively switching to him from Governor Meskill took possible Discussed again was toe prob- J®®® “ l^ r M r s “R^h b®®®“®® “ ‘Hir questions rectors. The vote was taken af- son, claimed that because toe ^iso Kaymona name., lour- uuoug.touj u.e pasv i„^p,unlty from just how aspirin works may open the Republican votes away from the lem of toe state bringing in rub- ‘‘‘ . ' p ,. ' “ i® truthfulness of student- ter Joseph Volz, district clerk, school contractor was tying Into y®®® P*^®®® continued to j^^gg^ refused to to try to get used to some day is the ambivalence cn school busing. months ago, these leaders Humphrey and vastly preferring Take, for an example which way for a long list of wonderful new uses Less explicably, Humjrfu-ey’s thought Republican Sen. John him to Muskie. His popularity leads into the whole situation, compromise packtige. Demo­ blshuiiwi iruiiifrom toeuio \xa-j Gay City State ard Person of H populaUonpopuiauon projections?proiecnc Think reported that Atty. John D. La- g„ interceptor line which feeds ? ^ ® f ®*t®rply' festlfy before toe federal grand cratic State Chairman John Park in Hebron and- toe - -Bolton ■ aJ®o®i®° now a ^ n g as . secretary ®hout it for a while Belle, district counsel, had ad- directly into toe secondary ®" ""®’®P‘*'®‘“ ®™ y®®" ^®®® ® " ™®*'® P*“ ^'®®’ Tdicted^ prospect of not having walls .between for the drug, such as control of rheu- strong base among Texas Tower’s best chance for reelq ,t the LBJ Ranch is no liability. the seemingly unconscionable -^jgalley...retuming,lo ithemoet dl-„ ♦-.Notch rest,area./The board to_toeI toe Board of ^lectmen. Selectmen. "WoOi vised the district to let one man . . ^ on toe Board of Assessors; When prosperity reigns It is Jury that indie rg US? --i-Democra^ previously.. tiem next -year waa-la grab f Bspite Jackson’s biunder~’T}f"‘ “and“ei£rtnj^e’ly"typScal'd0Jaj ^ e d that the town wUl accept Helefr'Robinsoir, -to-”flfr-a7F'ur;:^^ai^feneraily”HSsinh tBat-proftts Jupe ^ matlc fever, suid either the stimulation in any major state, has quietly Nixon’s coattails, they now ap­ needlessly endorsing school bus­ "rect exercise of personal lead­ Even on this Berlin Wall, if we go back the State Senate, that day, in X t e h generated at toe Notch re^mmendaUon residents P .^ ^ ^ ^ no^®v® P®y the district any or the prevention of abortions. eroded. plaud his disengagement from ing during a press conference opening its session at 6 o’clock ership he had displayed ail ses­ to the time when it was first built, we sion long, was succeeding in rest area. urging ...... nnrour Democratic nfflrlalAofficials «t.ATirstand ” He‘=“succ“l"''y^c7s"1jm toT'^rr^f A^e^JL^rs? L u V u s -" t® '® " < ‘ We refuse t h e bait and we implore The gainers: Frcnt-ruiming the President cin busing and here, the Democratic establish­ in the evening when its sched­ converting compensatory Demo­ Ho^Ii^ver Selectman J Cuyler weekend. The Fair is being held brii^ heme to erick. who had been fire mar- Volz reported toat L a b ile Robinson Jr., four-yeax term on by George Hagerdom, vice own purposes______wiU find that West Germany and its oc­ Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of China policy. ment feels he can annihilate ule called for convening at 1 ’ • y at toe TAG grounds on Rt. 30. ^ gj,g, f^^pj October 1961 to July agreed with O Neill s position, the Board of Tax Review; Bry- president and chief economist these British scientists to dlsnuintle Maine and fast-charging Sen. Mr. Nixon in the business com­ cratic votes toward it. Hutchinson pointed out that per­ cupying allies were just as concerned, In this environment, Texas o’clock in the afternoon. Bulletin Board publicans are not paying proper 15 of this year, when he re- Volz noted toat I ^ e lle s^d ant Andrews and Enn Kolva, of toe NaUonal Association of Driver Killed their laboratories and bum their records Henry M. Jackson of Washing­ Democrats are confident a non­ munity and score heavily among In other words, the more dis­ haps 95 per cent of Gay City then, as East Germany and its big Oom- ton, new the leading contenders blue-collar workers, consider­ The State Senate has been taste Governor Meskill .showed 3 irphysically located in toe ® attenUon to toe day-UF^^y busl- signed, as per an agreement the interceptor Une and toe five-year terns on toe Manuf^turers, befm-e they destroy vdiat surely has radical nominee can carry the Hebron and toe State P’*"' “ '® ^l-Anon Family Group Democrats he made in March 1969. school are both town property, and Zoning CommlssKm; Forbes recently: RCKJKY HILL (AP) — Bruce raunist friend were concerned, both to for the fat Texas bag cf dele­ ably more conservative than following this kind of time for this particular tax package, been, and surely ought to be allowed to state. But th? early consensus the nronerfv to “ ‘ ® Congregational abdicate toe authority Umerick, whovTAAv had__ , iiciu held uic toe ______Harold ____ Osgood,“ __ chairman of Morrell and Burton Ives, five- "During « “'®the ycaTs 1966 Jcnscn, 26, of Rocky Hill was gates. Moreover, as of today, their union leaders. schedule for years, widening Its the more determined Demo­ pays taxes tor toe property to Church; at 7:30 p.m. Andover p._gpt.rt them halt the steady stream of refugees from that Humphrey weis that nen- by the elector- du^* Jobs"of fire eWef Md fire the public works committee, year terms on toe Zoning Board through 1969, when the nation pronounced dead at the scerie remain, the most effective single in­ either probably would defeat radical has now given way to Privately, top Texas Republi­ tardiness with each new, ses­ cratic political strategy was to that town. Therefore, he said, sportmen CTub meeting at toe marshal, resigned toe fire chief contended toat toe district owns of Appeals, and Adolph Ger- ^gg thought to be experiencing after his smaU car hit two utili- EhLst Germany to West Germany. sion, and usually without any' gredient in aspirin. Mr. Nixen in a state the Presi­ bread-based acceptance of Mus- cans agree, conceding Jackson give it to him, making, as it Hebron should open its faculties dubhouse grounds on Rt. 6. ______job as ol May 1, 1968, but an- part of that Interceptor by vir- man, Thomas Keegan and Rus- g boom of unprecedented pro- ty poles on Old Main Street The East couldn't contemplate letting dent regards essential for re- kie. On his way to Dallas last would sweep Texas and Muskie really valid excuse. gave it to him, the advance tor dumping irubblsh to toe state. _____ nounced that he was' keeping tuo of the $200,(X)0 contribution sell Wheeler, constables. pcrtlons, profits did not rise at Moivday night. That, we are sure, is its mystique. election. would have a fighting chance. claim that if he refused to take them go, but the West didn’t vmnt them week, Muskie even flushed out This delay, on a day when the Post pointed out that Gay City Manchester Evening Herald After toe Civil War, Atlanta yjg marshal lob made to toe overall sewer im- New Members aU. In fact, when profits are Electric power was knocked The fact that no one has been quite Mr. Nixon’s summer slump Their hope, aside from a Nixon- it, the real reason would be some Texas money during a Senate had the eyes of the state is a commercial operation be- Andover correspondent, Anna was------rebuiltA.....A and .became------AU toe------cap- J • nrovement proeram. The GOP Town Ctommlttee measured in terms of toelr real out for 90 minutes In the area, to come, either. here for weeks has concerned secret meeting with Houston fat Connally ticket and an im­ that he really wanted the In­ sure how it worked has been one of upon it and had hoped to be ing run by toe State and saw prislna, Tel. 742-9847 ital of Georgia. m e n the district bo^d, ra r^rvlni claimed toat toe **®® "®'^ members purchasing power, a decline of starting at 11:10 p.m.. toe Um^ The Oonununists built the Wall, and Texas Republican leaders, who proved economy, is the endemic come tax after all. no reason why the Andover-Bol- July 15. 1968, named Lingard Paul Cervlni claimed toat Oio Lambert, pg^ was recorded.’’ of the accident. the elements which has made it easier cats. on its best behavior, seemed, compare th's dark reality with Certainly Muskie is the clear internal power struggle of Texas To summarize this one iso­ ton dump should be used tor toe to toe dual posts of fire chief road patching is toe t ( ^ s re- Warren Fletch- the West immediately took its natural on the surface, a new extreme for all of us to have confidence in aspi­ the euphoria of White House choice of state AFL-CIO lead­ Democrats, exacerbated by a fi­ lated glimpse into the tone of disposal of refuse generated by and fire marshal. Umerick took sponsiblUty because toe town Johnson Road. Fletcher was In deliberate dilatoriness. No propaganda of^rtunity to denounce political aides. Accordingly, ers, once staunchly pro-Hum- nancial scandal involving many the day, the one time the Sen­ nontaxpayers in a paying opera­ toe matter to court, claiming issued the permits to the con- named to toe Youth Task rin, and having confidence is always at good explanation was given to them for it. But the West proceeded to these leaders recently passed a phrey but lately disillusioned key Democratic names. TTiat ate had really valid excuse for tion located primarily In anoth­ Ulster Quieting, he had been dismissed Illegally tractors involved. committee, within the pain. Divest aspirin of its mystery, make the galleries, or the watching harsh message to the Nixen (particularly after Humphrey’s scandal’s political implications er town. from toe fire marshal post and Hankinson indicated he plan- committee enjoy the benefits of the solution of the television audience. its historic procrastination was pain. Divset a^lrin of its mystery, make high command: The President’s vote for the Lockheed loan). will be reviewed in a future converted into one more chap­ Selectman Percy Cook regis­ seeking permission to stay on. ned to have discussions with ggcordlng to problem the Wall had imposed. standpat economic policy has column. it anything less of a folk medicine, and Although Muskie’s speech to the But there was, for once, a ter in that savage game of ter­ tered a voice of protest stating The March 1969 out-of-court O’Neill soon. He said he would chairman Bates, 'is designed to cost him dearly in the Texas The human race began building walls last week’s labor convention good explanation. One of the rible tax alternatives In which that although it was distressing agreement followed. Umerick bring both of these matters up g^piore toe role toe 18-to-21- we will all suffer the consequences. business community and, far Bombings Abate was retained as fire marshal, and possibly Invite O’Neill to toe yegi-.^jj voter must assume In about the time it had learned to build was the longest, dullest and Herald Senate leaders was engaged In neither party’s political leader­ to have the rubbish going into worse, school busing decisions most poorly delivered address the necessary process of get­ the town dump, he felt that on his promise to resign toe next directors meeting In Sep- the governing process of toe itself dwellings. The idea of keeping are costing him votes through­ ship was dealing honestly with of the six Presidential contend­ ting his wife to medical atten­ since a small portion of the BELFAST, Northern Ireland er Harold Wilson bowed to post on July 15, 1971. He kept tember. community There are approx- Duped Again On Annual Sessions out Texas. Yesterdays the people of the state. The some things in and other things out has ers visiting here, his ovation tion, and that humane consider­ Stote Park"iriocated~in Etolton, u<‘^®«n?’ P®‘®‘ A on both sides of that division favor or­ nual sessions should be enacted into the They laughed at Thomas Ed­ mee;^Vtor^.^'h;;;e;7r: ha^Uo^pieTd ^enTr^ "Lln^ri^old toe board'toat-he r ; to ^ (i;S ic”t Vewer plan't be A u ^ g . '^ t L ^ 't t o T p ‘’m.‘'"Lt NO-IRON COnON PRINTS ganizing different groups behind walls? statutes. ison. He had tried almost a Post t i n t e d out that Landfill g ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ h r d r o ^ e off stone- rLted in N ort^m Ireland ha® Pr®«mlnary plans to set up put out to bid, using rough estl- v^^hlch it is hoped college stu- The people of our state were assured thousand times to make a new­ Superintendent Paul Jurovaty ® ^ [ ® ’ " n t Jat^ 1. o t toes™. 548 w ?rt ® ‘ r - «re Inspection p r y a m mates for toe dents will register before toe • In 38" and 46” widths Most of us do not think we believe in that with annual sessions, there would fangled candle that was sup­ stated -that two or more trucks | ^ convicted and "some are still “ ‘®‘rt®‘ homeowners who re- needed based on paint tois semester. • Cotton and no-lron be ample time for the lawmakers to car­ walls, certainly not any so notorious as posed to bum by electricity. He British military. headquartera being processed," a spokesman quest t i t e ^ ^ Prasb y e^ . d^recte^^O. Q„grtera ry out their duties and that never again blends the Berlin Wall, not even, we would was a fool! It would never work. Fischetti ly from these areas. 7a. ^ (ntp’rn m e n r^ <‘®n‘ William Hankinson urged good to begin keeping The assessors are now working would we see the spectacle of the legise- said eight explosions, in Lon- said. Since intemment without . . ... , ® ^ _ and solids However, the hard work and Watercourse Lot introduced a week support for this Idea. cf paint used so that estimates quarters in the town yds. hope, any much more civilized wall. In lators jamming through bills which they donderry, Armagh and Belfast, trial was Fine array of prints genius of Edison paid off. He At present, fire Inspectors may can be worked up for next year, gj^gg building. Richard Kristoff, a appearance and design and label at had never seen as they customarily did The board again discussed toe damaged several buildings, and ago 230 people have been put produced this electric candle and Inspect commercial or Industrial board chairman, says he has • Retails from 59c to in biennial sesslMis. problem of a watercourse nm- ^ single shot was fired at an behind bars. least, around our own piece of property, buildings, but cannot inspect moved in all maps, cards and 99c yd. What happened? the scoffers could not laugh at nlng through a lot owned by gi.„,y patrol in Belfast. Troops — ------his light bulb. - private homes without permis­ Hebron records. or our own nice neighborhood. As usual, the people were duped again. Benjamin SanGi'acomo and opened fire on a man they be- sion. C. Roger Ferguson, newly ap­ But perhaps we ought not to trust our­ Leaving the pros and cons of the tax Paul knew the power of exam­ situated on toe corner of An- ngyed was carrying a rifle, but FABRIC SALE FABRIC SALE dover Lake Rd. and West St. target “ disappeared into Mieskill Sets Lingard reported that there Democrats Set pointed to replace the late Ward tangle aside, It is an inccsitrovertible ple. He knew if unbelievers selves too ImpUclUy. Perhaps, if we were 16 fire calls in July, three Rosebrooks, has been helping SOFT AND CLINOY fact that the General Assembly had six could see the finished product of Ext. the night,” an army spokesman This has been a tussle be- ggj^. outside the district. Of these, Caucus Tonight Kristoff measure and assess all STRETCH watch ourselves more closely, we will months to come up with something God’s great mercy, they, too, Thursday For tween town officials and San- city workers were back at seven were grass or woods fires, new buildings in town. BRUSHED detect a surprising number of Instances which could have been acceptable to the might believe. Therefore, he re­ TERRYCLOTH minds them that he was an ex­ Giacomo for at least 15 years jgi^g j„ Londonderry fol- three were car fires and six The Democrats will caucus to- building is not in general JERSEY In which, mentally at least, we begin executive and legislative branches. It wlto SanGlacomo finally' tell- lowing a strike Monday to pro- Tax Decision were miscellaneous. night at 8 in toe Town Office qgg gg ygt because of last min­ convened In January. ample of (Jod’s great love. He reaching for some equivalent of a row ing Post that he is going to sue jggt the Ulster government’s In- Some concern was voiced by RuR^ing. ute delays in deliveries. Yet, on the day of adjournment, It had once persecuted the C!5iris- (Continued from Page One) 2.11 yd. the town unless toe situation Is teniment without trial of sus- some directors about when $10,- Nominating Committee The secretary has been corn- 77* yd. of concrete blocks 11 feet high. found itself in session trying to come up tlans. He had laughed at Christ. • In fancy Stripes He had held the costs of the ac­ resoived. pected members of the Irish tal-galns tax In toe “ com- 000 would be received from toe " missioned to seek cosU for • 54” wide with a tax measure which should have The selectmen decided to Republican Army. promise" tax bill, Rogers Corp. as its contribution present toe following draperies and shades. a Machine washable been enacted many weeks back. It could cusers who stoned Stephen. And • Easy to sew • Amel Tri Acetate If God could forgive him, then have the town attorney Investl- shops and factories also If the tax is imposed on toe toward the townwide sewer im- as candidates for the Novem- ■ • Washable That “ Inherent Right” not do so. » 58-60” wide surely God could forg^ive anyone. gate toe technicalities surround- opened on time. entire capital gain, rather than provement program, which in- ber election: Manchester Evening Herald • Our reg. $2.29 yd. In spite of the assurance by pro­ ,(ng the purchase of the lot. toe Republican leaders spoke cf on only half of It as previously, eludes a secondary sewage treat- Aaron Reid, first selectman; Columbia correspondenot Vlr-‘ • Our reg. $4.49 yd. President Nixon may be doing nobly ponents of the annual sessions that they The greatest arguement of the power of Christ Is the Christian'. dates Involved, construction of the strike as the start of a non- that will double the revenues ment plant and a northeast sew- Robert Craig, second selectman; f(inia Carlson tel. 228-9224. in reversing the physical direction of would avoid the logjams present at the the road and when the problem violent campalg;n cf civil dis- from that particular tax, he gj. interceptor which passes Gladys Miner, town clerk; CJyn- From J.P. Stevens RIBBED close of the biennium, and they would Your life is an example of His WASHABLE the war in Vietnam, but not even he love and mercy. Even if we first occurred. obedience, and officials of toe noted. through the district. thla Wilson, treasurer; Marion g^ve our hard-pressed legislatures more When all of the facts are Protestant government feared However, Meskill warned ^gpo^ted tiled LaBelle Is Cello, tax c o 11 e c t o r; Stuart can root our military publicists out of time to work out programs essential to would never speak, our very life Laser Next Oil Drill? PLAID W O O L JERSEY checked out, toe matter will be r would spread to nonpay- that the way the bill is written, .^vorklng on toe final agreement Stockwell and Duane Totten, would be a mute testimony of the particular genius Qiey have develop­ the public welfare, this Assembly was decided upon. ment of bills and taxes. It might be Impossible to col- between the district and Rogers. Board of Finance; Valory Coates WASHINGTON — Petroleum FLANNEL forced Into special session to enact any His goodness. This Is why a per­ lAOke IaoI Sale "I hope toe jieaple will have lect the tax on the entire capi- The directors vehemently op- and Nancy Drinkuto, _Board . of . engineers are trying to deter- ed to such a high extent in Vietnam —the kind of a tax bill. sonal testimony Is always more At toe last meeting of toe Se- some common sense,” said De- ‘ aJ-K®*"-^®^*® t^® ‘ ®®‘ p^^ed two requests from Wil- Education; Wayne MlUer. full whether it would be pos- 97® yd. genius for making fancy words seem to Now another special session is set for effective In winning peole to God lectmen, a letter was read from yetopnaent Minister Roy Brad- his was ey dently the intent of P ^ goard of Tax Re- 1.79 yd. do work that plain common sense could August 6. than a brilliant theological a town resident living at the ferd. “ People must realize that the legislature. O’Neill A^sked that view, and Richard MacDonald. ®‘®‘® “ ®*"* • 68**-wide blend of wool • 54" wide No matter what transpires, it should argument. lake who wished to purchase an it is their money toat pays for According to the Democratic P reimburse the ^on- two years on Board of Tax Re- laser beams. Such beams, pow-. not. be perfectly clear by now that the pro­ Read I Timothy 1:12-19. and nylon • Nylon Acetate a d jo in C lake lot which was water, sewage and so forth. If leaders’ figures, toe capital- J ™ vT ew to fill a vacancy. eriul er.ough to cut diamonds. • Popular fall plaids The other day there came a statement ponents of annual sessions have hood­ (Taken • from SONGS IN A *’ 1971 ('hicaito I numwl hv the town, and a bid they stop paying their taxes gains tox was supposed to 7®®‘ ° t-on _____ could reach oil-bearing forma- • Our reg. $3.99 yd. • Washable from t^e United States headquarters in winked the Connecticut voters. - STRANGE LAND) for toe property was made, and rents, they will s(?on realize bring in $68 million. So the dlf- to Ro er s a, , . - a Manchester Evening Herald tlons in a fraction of toe time • Save $2.00 yd. • Our reg. $1.99 yd. How about an amendment to revert to Submitted by Saigon explaining why we have been re­ biennial sessions on the voting machines Pastor Ken Gustafson roo g^t> nor RM.PH br txuN6- cently conducting extensive bombings of In 1972? — BRISTOL PRESS. Calvary Church m em m f^our ihb of MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCJffiSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971

PASSPORT PHOTOS Beliefs Put Mini-Theater Bid School Board Okays School Bonds Wage-Price Freeze -IDENTIFICATION Town Man Has Shot at $100,000 Market Hearing Today Pregnant Python "bALEM NASSIFF Scientist Cameca Shep & Studio Oscar Arts Calmer Jtmior High Project Could Have Affect t$9 Main St., HanclMaler ROCKVnJLB — Oscar Arts of Rejected by ZB A hold a public hearing tonight on Home from the War 6 4 3 -7 3 6 9 On W elfare Northboro, Mass., foremerly of In New York Lottery Thursday Today In a unanimous vote, the Board of Education last proposed November referenda Rockville, died Aug. 10 at Union night approved preliminary plans for the pronosed ®®**®°* *’®"'*® totalling $11.6 OTTAWA (AP)— An accom- Hospital, Framington, Mass. . v i. .v a,.u .. .v a t «. , The Zoning Board of Appeals last night denied a re- Southwest Junior High School. million. On Town Contracts LEOMINSTER, Mas*. (AP) SidUau said the colder New pushed scientist says he is Uv- after a short lllnew. A Manchester man has a Darby works the third shift as Although the family has been (Continued from Pa|(e One) NBW! — EXCRING , quest for a variance that would have allowed developer It held $8.5 mUUon for its — ------hearing begins at 8 in the — An ll-foot python from toe Ekigland climate is hard on ing on weUare because his ad- The funeral and burial were shot at $100,000. a maintenance man at Pratt and lucky, generally speaking. Mrs. policies and a heavy in- o Torrv T.ewis mini-theater in basic cost, and $300,000 for a rn,„ . Waddell School auditorium on The wage-price freeze announced Sunday night by Jungles of South Vietnam is llv- Zapper, so he is looking for a muted Communist beUefs and In Northboro. James E. Darby of 15 Ce- Whitney Aircraft, Bast Hartford. Darby Mid. "We tave never of orders prevented Gener- Alexander JarviS to bu jld a J e ^ t^WlS mini NATURAL HEALTH swlnunlng pool, which would be “ P®*" Broad St. ------President Richard M. Nixon may . well effect the work- unused .u. .trailer x here new home for the python,- who refusal to work with Uie FBI Mr. Art* was bom U> Broad dar St is one of the hold- anything before. Motors and Ford from open- his shopping center at L. MiaOie ipae. ana rria^a ur. a separate item on toe Novem- estimate was The Board of Education voted ing agreements of three groups of town employes, at .‘’T'® ^® *® *^®* *“ ***^ prewn and may FOOD SHOPPE prevent his holding a medical Brook, and was emplrqred as a in tho Tnlv employed by Acme Then how will they use the j Monday. Chrysler opened The plan, in which the store- her ^ r e n d u m . arrived at by using toe approxl- ,ast night to recommend to the feast for the 90-day period of the freeze. v ° ^ ■^®®“ ® ^ ®* research Job in Canada or the dental technician at the Ecrnio- ^ t V* Plumbing and Heating Co. of possible windfall? shortly before the close Mon- sized, 360-seat theater would autos than now, thus exacerbat- Dr. Walter M. Schardt and "*«*‘ ®*y P®r square foot state dlrectt^s that there be two TOe Municipal Emp^^^^ ------^ “ '® ''®‘K**‘>°t- maturity. He said she Is Worth AT THE United States. my Laboratory In Worcester, York otat€ lottery Hartford on the new Stafford "We hope to start building a day, however. h a v e b e e n built "to serve the im- ing the frequent overflow of Dr. Stgwin B. Raska, 66, has Mass., before he reUred. that became eligible today sewerage treatment plant. He home next spring, and this General Motors opened at 86, mediate neighborhood,” met ^vaitlng customers into Broad Board members expressed a SJe *<»• ®®hools. and one AdmtrUstrators Assocliitlon, and rejected by the Board of Direc- Zapper” ^ Pytho"® usually eat at least PARKADE degrees in medicine, chemistry Survivors are his wife, Mrs. for grand prizes up to that was not available for comment, money will go into the fund,” up 8%. Chrysler, which gained with opposition from about 40 gt. consensus that both the Junior ^® ** Proposed swimming pool Manchester Education Aasocla- *" ,*»“ * ^® ^ F ' “"®® ® ®®*‘* and physiology. He lost a $1.40 Elsie Staiger McCannon Art*; am ount. Mrs. Darby, who works at the she replied. "We have a site on 4% to 30% Monday, was trad- residents of the area who at- Gdaa explained this traffic high and the proposed $2.7 mil, Invitations - - t ^ 'yth'e' teachVrs’' 'bargaining Education asked to be heard w ^ e h e j ^ l n 'i^etnam ^ a eate mc«tiy duck or any an hour Janitor's Job here when a daughter, Mrs. Beverly Nello He has been assigned Post Pla*a Package Store on Rt. 66 Oakwood Dr. In Glastonbury, ing up 1 at 31%. Ford stUl had tended the hearing. hazard was one of the main Uon Northeast Elementary “ . x. . Proposed are a $2.7 million u„it) are all without contracts ®«®‘" **“ ® Propos^- R is naval ^ vlsor He return^ other available fresh meat. , the building was demolished, of Berlin, Mass.; a brother, Ar- posiUon 7 for the Grand Gler in Hebron, said, "Jim is a great which we bought last month.” net opened on Uie Big Board Representing the applicant ygaaons a similar appllcaUon by School be recommended to the 187,O^square foot sch o^ Northeast Elementary School or portions of contracts scheduled to be considered decided to Asked if there was any dan- and he began collecting wel- thur Art* of Broad Brook; and drawing, which will be held at purchaser of lottery tickets. We Hie Darbys,' who own their near noon but was trading on ^^^s Atty. John D. LABelle who, 30(]Hck was denied in 1666. Boaitt o< Directors for Inclusion ^^‘“ ^Ing toe or 17^000 Kennedy Rd. and Kent Dr. X m “ O’Marra, assistant t*}® **®®’^'« ®** P*®?®®' ]*^::® “ ®'‘® g®r to the neighborhood, he ^ sister, Mrs. Dekla ElUott of noon Thursday on the steps of have tickets on the New Jersey home in Manchester, have three the smaller Phlladelphla-BalU- Murray Levine of the Mini Atty. Eugene Kelley, repre- MID-SUMMER Bom In Hungary of Yugoslav Rock'viUe. _ . _ . ^ . . . . _ _ .. . . ------— In one referendum question, be- !®?* ^®x ®” mlUlon Southwest town counsel has requested a ®** ®®**®®* *’®"‘* "■®*®'^nda. back too. g^j^ y,g trailer locked the New York City Public LJ- lottery, which we purchased dur- children: James Jr., 16, who Is more-Washlngton Exchange at Theaters of Connecticut Inc.; ex- aenting Bedrick, rebutted Golas, cause, as M. Philip Susag, ‘l«®‘K ^ by Russel, G l ^ n and High School at Keeney conv of Nixon’s guld^nes from O’Marra said today that toe Police Investigated when they at all times. parents, Raska came to Canada brary. ing a recent week’s vacation in going Into his second year at plained the concept of the' small gaying the new facility would be buildingi and sites committee SPECIALS in 1636 as a research chemist. The least he can do is be Wildwood, N. J., and we are Howell (3heney Technical School; Beard close atot aa63 Friday. neighborhood theater. Small „ to handle twice as many chairman, stated, "We have He became an assistant to Dr. Nixon Seeks among 30 ticket holders who will hoping something will come Suzanne, 13, who will enter the Among the '“ S'® size, automated operation, econ- an hour, making it "physl- one educational system." Charles H. Best, codiscoverer ON win $1,000 each. Three ticket through on them.” She has no ninth grade at Bennet Junior *"® “ K omlcal construction, and access cally impossible to back up traf- Last night’s aiuo;; follaws ^*^® ®P®" P®‘" “ "«^. "®*’^ ’ S e J ^ o r ^ s^ooT effect until after the 90-day house. Tlley thought at first time," he said. of insulin, and became a Cana­ guidelines, O’Marra acknowl­ holders 'Will«rfii win $100,000*inn nnn each, idea where or when her husband riin.kHigh a/.k,vr.i.School; and Deborah, a 6, noon . Rrartatrpi>t were o8,uou snares S4S4 off Of jjunM- ^ local “ neighborhood, o-o"—------they — nufic on Broad St.” Hie------new------build-- similar approval by toe Town '^®“ ^ **®“®® ‘wo academic units “ ® Jumor high school. freeze. that it might be Illegal for Si- dian citizen. Support On edges that his oplnfons are NegoUatlons with the teachers dllau to keep the python In a Aluminum another three •will win $60,000, bought the New York State tick- who will enter the fifth grade of of ktl!.’ claimed, made for cheaper tick- jng would also allow for indoor Building Oommlttee last week. ®**, P*® .f®®**** i*®®'’’,.,'*^**' ®‘*' based on "superficial knowl­ Raska’s work on diabetes at­ and0 0 ,1 threefkooo more»o_o -.IIIwill 'win *•> $2,000. non oAo ets. o»at niooki—Washington OohooiSchool. oa,iSUUX w T- snares oi ax oi^s, et . costs, . and j would makemabo thothe drying,j __ i-o. eliminatingoiltnltiafinir an formerfonrioi- A public hearing on the p ro guidance for are still in arbitration. resldential area, but he pre­ tracted attentkm and In 1643 he Nathan Hale edge,” but he says It appears sented toe necessary govern­ Tax-Cut teraationaf K ilt 3l%! If ^ ^ complttint tlmt posed $U.6 million expenditure ,P *.® P®®*" • DOORS moved to the United States, small residential shopping cen- from finished cars creates a fOT both schools wUl be elven a *®*" “ *® c®*®*®'’*®- ®ud kitchen that these contracts will be af­ ment permits for her. Court Told eventually becoming a U.S. citi­ (Continued from Page One) x ^ ix x ® -7 facilities, administration and fected. The Associated Press 60 stock ^Devine also e x p ir e d t ^ h a z ^ in vtoter K ^ e y ^ public hearing tonight at 8 at People Urged "It’s relatively easy to get • SIDING zen. Peking, Tehran health facilities, and Indus­ Renovations „ k, A k , Whether the floating dollar will average was up .6 to 318.6 at theater would contractually be produced a letter to m PoUce Waddell School. Local 991 of the AFL-CIO set­ snakes Into toe country," he trial arts, fine arts, home and tled its contract dispute with the To Spend Money told newsmen later. “They O f W arning . • AWNINGS 19M* S ^ ^ i ^ d S l s S “ devalued dollar. Swap Diplomats Freezes Heat Up neon, with Industrials up 1.6, “ "able to show X-rated movies, chief James Reardon, corn- 2-MiIl Increase 1M9 When he re^ d requests _Reaction from Congress rails ahead .2 and utilities off T*’® protesting residents, who mending the new layout, with lU Based on toe present Grand * ® ® * ^ ^ disabilities WiU Be Late town recently. That contract will sWASHINGTON (AP) — 'Vir- don’t carry any diseases be- by the Federal Bureau of In- continued generallv* favorable TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran 4 submitted a petition signed by smooth points of ingress and ■Ust, Susag said, toe coat of toe ’ not be affected. glnia Knauer, President Nix- cause they are cold blooded By Medina • WINDOWS vestlgatlon to gather evidence cjthough some Democrats said e®!**- Nocn Big Board prices also 170 of their neighbors, were un- egress, two-school project "would ■*"re­ . Nathan ^ Hale ^ School will not Negotiations between MEB cn’s consumer adviser, has ap- creatures." and testify In the spy case the wage-nrice h ^ z ? w * ^ diplomatic relations with A Midget Agency included: impressed, however, and ex- -phe bord unanimously ap- sult in roughly a two-mill tax Lowejr Level ^ ready when schools open g „ j the town have gone to fact' plauded toe President’s wage- Sidilau, explaining that moat (Comtlnued from Page One) • CANOPIES agralnst the late Dr. Robert A. ^crk. Chairman Wright Pat- China, and the Na- In Vietnam have Plttston Co., down 4 to 41%; plained that traffic generated by proved a varience to allow Wat- Increase.” He said that toe The gym and pool would be Sept. 8, M. Philip . Susag, _ build- x.nxx.,ux(indW x,a fivex..o ner cent ■Increase P*’*®® ^ Eaectric, up 1 at 60; rently contain a supermarket zone U establl^ent, to buUd lion In state reimbursement. auditorium from both man, informed the Board of vicuslv negotiated lone-term —also— Susag pointed out that toe *®r'®; '*^® ®udltorium would Education last night. i l ^ K e g r < Z w eT t follow her example and ^>end home with him. He added that gd to shew the five jurors color- This refusal, he says, re- interest rates Treasury Secre- recognition of "the paredness is a modest midget slonally brings the little agency and several other sm^^^stoi^^ a town’s bonded Indebtedness "®* **® tbe conventional pn^ Occupancy of the portion un- j„to effect July 1 . What remains money. I s he believes she Is pregnant and ed pictures of blocdled bodies Screen Porch suited in his dismissal as direc- tary John B. Connallv said such °f t**® PeoiSe's Re- among Washing;ton 'I urge those consumers who will give birth In a cxmple of at My Lai taken by Haeberle, Enclosures, Patio a-.— AA. a-AA. A_. 1 a AA. 1 aa11_1aa 1_ . — *VttVa1$r» A# na arvlak lamnl aeeaalaa limit Is somewhere between $65 ^®’'*'}r'v,i®*'x*' would dergolng renovation appears to ^ decided Is how much of and $60 million. ‘"Ihe present ** suitable for community non- be at least six weeks away. *® “ ueciuea is now mu have been postponing pur- months. Pythons quite often 29, now a free-lance photo­ Covers and Car Porto town bonded Indebtedness is theatrical use. he said, adding that as It be- “ m t e r f sh ou T ^ ^ v e ’’ 3 ® ^ ® °'’^^^®J®'’ ®P®*« *® give birth to as many as 30 grapher. between $7.6 and $8 mlUion,” In answer to a question from comes available, occupancy will "*®™®®*® ®"®®‘® **®®*'' ’ ® plement toedr plans nw th^ baby snakes at a time, he said. one cf toe photographs taken Easy Tenns up a dla- sonable" eluded: The board agreed the plan to he said, “ and with nothing add- Chairman Walter Doll Jr.. Su- be "from toe top down." increment would not -o ’ 0*>*®*"*"« *=»PP®5, *" ***® ***" *^® "'®® betic clinic. Raska said he was tarily. would close the embassy and and assigned administration proud of Its muscle. elate in value. ed It would be 14 5 bv 1976 sajr said he was oreoared to Susag said he has consulted , Jhe Increment would not „o Mrs. Knauer said Monday. place was no problem, accord- to Charlie Company as combat BILL TUNSKY 'warned that he wouldd lose his Ccnnally, In a lengthy broad diplomatic relations with and enforcement of the freeze inventiveness and ability to or- ^ t t ^ ^®"^ “ *® P“ ‘ 7 ^ n e b i ^ s l c^uJ[ of L ^ a k on aitei^J^s t o ^ e pr^ w i t o ^ c l p a l Louis Saloom re- "*® ®«®.®‘ ®«®>- J®"' * "I personally plan to buy a { '„ g to Sidilau. photographer,was a principal U.S. citizenship if he stayed in oast n e J c V e r e ^ i a t o ^ e Jn- to OEP. Fanlze and shift people quickly fl" application. ZBA member in the lot, surround^ by a four- vear b^dhur Drogram cost Is nosed design However he add- gardlng interim alternate hous- the earliest anyway. new car and have my kitchen -ipythons are easy to find In piece of evidence in toe court- 649-9095 Cuba so he returnedKl to the administration expectsexnects to makemalc« P*“^ **®®" ambassa- ^ vwwiAfiii n.r- hnuriiaoiHiH ^ function in such a disaster. National Ge^ral s new war- Rudolph Plerro, who arrived foot landscaping bolHler and sub- to frffe re n X m te ‘"g. but gave no particulars on ^ T*>® ®®hool administrators remodeled,’ ’ added Ato. the Jungle,” he said. "They are martial of Galley, a platoon Ki to me aommistrauon expects to make . . _ . h u l L ™ w ilful But. "Thla will be something T ^ ’^‘ ® th® meeting, abstained, dued lighting, would not de- United States, but was unable exceptions for the wage-price “ ®'" a,„„a„ ______^____ S ^ q ^ t l o n cost, Susag feated. without one additional “ \® .JT^******^®® >®®* " * /h t .^ e 'b®v® negoti®ted ® fl v ^ ^ r ^ “ ®*’^ ® P ® ® ;^ „ ^ ^ all over the place.” leader in Medina’s company. ®ort of new. involving all our i ? ^ ^ Th®»> °®>-d said there was no predate the value or aesthetics continued, is Included In toe student moving into town, there additions to Keeney and Robert- cent pay raise and Increased President for consumer affairs.______^“l^w im ber 1666, Raska and to^phld’^hiJJdshlp*'^ "*®‘ CSilna*^ been regarded ^ ^SSy TtT^^eco w a r ^ t s “ w % ^ ‘nvoTved; L ^ i l e hkd of surroundli^ p r o p ^ e s . Atty. -- ^ ...... - a- i - a.. Ak- ck-i. across me country may direct tcld the board Jarvis claimed a Jcdin Mrosek, speaking unop- $8.6 million figure. The town will be 900 surplus secondary ®®u P®®® "q problems at pres- his wife Rachel returned to Ca- b ^ c * ^ - complaints hardshlp in that he had created poeed for the application, said has an opUoh to purchase 36 school pupils by toe fall of ®®t, he said. ^ Pai^ents defidr^nl^^a ^SU oToT°Sfn^r “W®’U steel ^ople tom oth- S ^ d ^ S ’. at = acres of the Walek property off ’ 1974,” which is toe scheduled other business, Robert Dr. J. Wendell Macleod. then rfuplsh economy and unsatls- ^ t®” - complement about " Jurt as we do when ^ a parking area too large to be fh® funeral home would also run economically,' without the deed a piece of the property to Keeney St. and Garden Grove date for occupancy of toe South- Sphlane, persxmnel and finance executive director TT n 1.1 apiece ***** ** ^®**^ clerical workers and two access routes. Hie funda- schcxils by toe Board of Dl- been satisfactorily consummat- ing Raska as "a basic medical announced the deficit cHmbed r O w e r U se U o u b le s sketchy An OEP spokesman ®®** “ P “ "*® reserve of plicant was Atty. Jerome I. 'I^® ^ aPProved ^ Sunk By St Bar- application by Morgan M. mental approach to toe school, rectors, Susag noted, but added ®"> *®®'®J'®f. hcgoUuU^ ®thl scientist' and clinical in- to its worst level ever for April, n b W YORK — If the U.S said: "We’re relying tm the pri- ®*P®’^®*“ ®^ businessmen, Welsh, representing and toe Grant, executor of the estate of Susag said, would be from toe that he sees no reason why they ‘helng batted around,” - vestigatw.” Macleod said Ras- May and June, reflecting an energy demand In 1660 Is set at vate sector to act in good of the re- tholomew’s Church, which owns administrators’ salary schedule, Mildred H. Grant, which In- extension of Garden Grove Dr. could not act toniglit. ka was not a fugitive to m the outflow of doUars seeking high- jqo the index for 1670 was 200 faith ’’ glonal offices to perhaps 16 per- Viet G>ng property near the shopping cen- still computed at a 6 per cent each, he said. These of- ter. Walsh alsrpolnred to all c^^®® ^ pro^rty 406 Keeney By’*9“ -**>®*“ '*®*wlUbeat400: OEP has several regular increase, will be resubmitted to type of witch hunt.’’ America s first deficit In mer- rt«iwi„o. k„ A^AAWA#! AA are In Seattle, San Fran- (Continued to m Page One) the results of Incraased conges- f - ^ ® toe Board of Directors tonight. Hiere were some Job nibbles, chandlse trtide in years, another doubling, and by the duties. One, steeped in top se- dgee Denver DaUas KfLnjBxs year 2000 It WUI be at 600. cracy. is planning bow to^plck Although toe 1971-72 scluxil but Raska said they fell In another bit of glcmmy eco- U.S. military spokesmen in School Board Adopts homes In the area. Residence Zone regulations. budget is funded for only $9.6 through when his political be- nomlc news, the Commerce De- delphla, New York and Boston. *!**“* ’ *"**®® »«>r‘l»east A 4-to-l vote, with Martin The board said the only reason million and still has to be ap­ liefs came out. The outward ex- partment said output of the na- EachExch regional office, accord- Saigon, said the ship was re- dissenter favored proved, Spillane said, toe super­ ing to plan, will have an attor- hundreds of tons of ^°*®y "® ^ app'ucatlon to « * « “ **« t**® variance was cuse, he suld, ■was usually a tiem’s factories slipped 0.8 per Charlie Troop Pilots • Deo H. BeancKs appucauon xo stipulated Reimbursing Policy intendent of schools has been shortage of funds or that the In- cent in July, worst since the ney, a rent expert a wage ex- **®®vy cargo to the United « ' ^ tha authorized to operate on a $9,- stltution ■was not hiring at the 1.1-per-cent drop during last pert, an economist and a repre- States as part of the American *in the frontage *" “■ **^**' The Board of Education last night adopted a seven- tso.ckx) budget, November’s General Motors Medntain High Spirit sentaUve of the Justice D e i^ - vrithdrawal to m Vietnam. "*** ^ Richard F. Lydon, operator of time. point policy, governing procedures to be followed in re- '^® difference, he said, is strike...»■<=. ment. tho last resort for en- Th® cargo Included armored “ "* 1 1 ® ^ ” ®**' ®**®** S®*^®® Statiem at contingent ujion an Increased Late In the day Oonnally Is- RBB BAI, Vietnam (AP) — rifle fire and flew to safer forcement problems. A key- personnel carriers, helicopters, ^ *"®, “ 161 ToUand Tpke., was granted imbursing expenses incurred by administrators. state ADM (average daily mem- sued a two-paragraph state- "Dio Cav pUots of CSiarUe Troqp ground before it crashed- stone of the Nixon program is trailer vans, bridge components B e d r ic k s accompanlng plan to request lor a special general The adoption of the p o lic y ------harahlnl or-anf Nixon Enjoys ment emphasizing the 10-per- are still singing war songs. Newman’s command ship to avoid creating a big new and two trucks, but "there’s *’®vamp the would ****®v® repairer’s license. Hie area is last night is an apparent effort schools or his designated rep- ^ xu x cent duty surcharge on most Some at the problems that vex picked up the Cobra crew, and agency, like World War ----- ’s not a lot of value to It,” anHiX traffic problems caused by ^oned Business H. to remove flaws from previous resentatlve will be required to ®P‘**f"® ®^^ Round of Golf goods imimrted from abroad the U.S. Army elsewhere touch everyone got out alive despite OPA—Offi Gardner. "I have the impres- wash customers now, and board agreed Thomas procedures regulating relm- approve toe advance on a sep- maXion he ^ received c■ condor sitting on a tree pert, an exxmomist an da repre- It was the third freighter ®Ssii>st theapplication for the having both an attached and a account. Hiat audit was made Hie business m ea g er will Nixon first briefed 400 to 500 Meanwhile, close examination ed among American trxx^s Iq It says: “ I want to kUl sentatlve of the Justice Depart- mmir in Qul Nhon h a r b o r ^ c e R'‘^®P®"‘^®"* Garage Owners As- free-standing sign for the store, when toe Manchester Property not honor requestrf® for reim- sub<3ab4net-level executives in of the ■.Presldent.’s prxwlqmat/.op, JV^Letr-pi.... ______.-:®®.ni6*JMng.’’ ______... _.__nient;A,the., last cesort for-en- April, - - • — ®®*!^ ^® ^'^P'^ved car and, denied his jaippUcaUon re- Owners Association (MPOA) bursepients that are Improper- P iJ b liG . - the State Diepartment on bis dlsciosed that Uie tariff boost " i can tell you why In two the men share their forcement problems. A key- In the action along tho DMZ ash would have less room for questing the free-standing sign. charged “ discrepancies In ac- ly documented or authehticatea.' Warranty Deeds new economic program €ind will not increase the duty on a words,” says Capt. Dallas Craig, commander’s enthusiasm for stone of the Nixon program is enemy gunners poured abxxit counts of educational expendl- Insufficiently substantiated re- Peter and Shirley A. Vitols to then headed for the Burning particular item above the rate a helicopter pilot from Fayette- ***® ®loS®n- to avoid creating a big new 160 mortar sheila Into Fire tures,” and sought to prevent q u e ^ for relm^r^m^^^ Garftnkel, the best places ever invented for Which means you can pick Tree Club in suburban Mary- for 1662, when Congress author- yUle, N. C. "Jim Newman." *^P*' Ro*>®rt Newman, 23, no agency, ike World War U’s Base Saree and on« SAM Will Wind Up Season* renewal of toe contract of Dr. to be submitted by toe business on Vernon St cxmvev land for a round of goU with Ued the prerfdent to negotiate Maj_ James T. Newman, 36, r®*®*!®*' the major, says he OPA-Offlee of Price Admlnls- Vietnamese koidier woo Donald J. Hennigan. superin- manager to toe P®r®ounel ® ^ getting a bargain. the Chevy you want, including Secretary of State William P. mutual tariff reductions. CJdef- also from FayettevUle an helieves tiiere Is no longer any tratlon. ed w o im ^ «»aier was report- tended! xrf schools. finance committee of the board Marriage License W hen Impala, Chevelle, Camaro, Rogers. 1 ly^ affected are foreign car^ tcfwn adjacent to Ft. Bragg, has Am m can m- qj, Mctiday, when the ques- xwo small pmmH nioahoA With Holiday Rock Concert A standard education depart- for action, Robert Charles Bezzlni of 65 If you’ve never been to a ment expense reporting from Hie (MPOA) recenUy retaln- commanded CharUe Troop for frrJ, **®K®*} **>® also were repS!^wlth^e Linnmore Dr. and Deborah Ann we clean house, Monte Carlo, Nova and Vega LONDON (AP) - Richard per-cent levy. Hie duty will go nearly a year. He has^^cn transom, the pubUc-lnformatlon ^*** “*® .A full afternoon and evening Rush; Counter Space and Joe is to be used for all business ed an attorney to tiy to prevent ^ ^ Hartford, Sept, garage sale, now’s the time! Burtonarton will play the role of up to the 1662 rate of 10 per ^ and^m^n^^ ^ ’ "V staff of OEP was down to one of free rock cmicert will be pre- Hogan, a folk singer. lunches and out-of-town travel renewal of the contract of Dr. ^ ^ Assumption. Your Chevy dealer is having at a price that’s just right, Leon regardless_.xt xxx._ of toe nwsAimfr amount. Tr It UAsanlarovi Hennigan. ’ ^ you clean up. :on Trotsky, the Russian^xissian rev- cent,cenx, insteadinsxeau ofxn thexnc 13.xo.o-tmi- 8-P®.*-- with moderatemodei^dlaolnHnP discipline and«nd “b®®®®®® R’s my Job” but he man,man. killed and a thi-^oZ*®^.!®®...®®*'"®'' se.sented by Summer Activities in Hils week on Saturday, SAM neraonnel Kenneth FrancU Toft of 108 olutionary, in a film called cent mark that otherwise would sympathizes with a 18-year-old nRP>« o .„h„i„,.i,. “ h®“ ®ml three South Vietnam- Manchester /ax-txi(SAM) on Labor ... willh i ______present_ a______crafts. ______fair from must Include the purpose of the Robert Spillane one to clean out his stock of ’71s All this under one roof. The "TneT h e Assassination of have appUed. blend has won his resoeS‘®“^A- amone bSr Who ^Mk^d^f^^ "®® w"’*' “ “ I^P®-®mo“ ng retired Army gen- ®®® t-op® “ 7 ? " ’ wo^^ Day weekend. 1 to 8 p.m. and a rock con- expanse, dates, places and and finance committee chair- Czeezot of 48 Grove St., Aug. 24, names and relationship of man, commented that an Inde- Second Congregational Church. If you’ve ever been to a and make room for the ’72 one at your Chevy dealer’s. Drop Josef Shaftel said Monday. Cost hi* men and feuow com m anded w r “ t^e‘t ^ e r a l ® ^ ’ " T - s p ^ . ^ e m ? S e r a " ' ^ e l ^ ^ ®®« ®t®rting at 6:30 p.m., both guests. pendent audit of one travel ex- ^ . . . X . _____t_____ Z.MAW V.'UCUAAe X XUUU lltUi U LU ei* ______a ______a l a At^ ..A iL _ a .... a ®®“ °----- " *:?®'*------**® •• . a WAAA C6 a a —a al_ _ X. I. . announced the MXW plansy a — this aaxaw mom-aaa-waa. in Center Park. About 60 crafta- , , Thomas Edmund Hall and models. in now during his Garage Sale. men will exhibit and sell their A separate expense re^ rt pense account was made after ja ii^ K a y NOTen,‘“bath of sIliT- garage sale, you know it’s one of Mexico wares. Many are professionals must be used for each event or g meeting involving Board of nyvale, CaUf., Aug. 21, Center murdered - from this state, Rhode Island continuous series of events and Education Chairman Walter oongragatlanal Church assassin must be submitted to toe busl- _ m POA respresenta- Ri.nrtit.e- Permlte lots, many of them career of two heroin users in the caused no casualties, merce. and . New York. Several are agent of Stalin, Trotsky’s arch- anything In advance “ ***** The concert will be SAM’s from Manchester and surround- ness m a i le r ^thln two wMks. g^d himself. Spillane 5, ^ j j Jxtonson, sun porch at rival in a Kremlin power ------soldiers and several with at troop-less than the lowest esti- headquarters said, final event of the seasxm. ing towns. Any significant expense, includ- gtgjed that toe alleged "dls- 54 Richmond Dr., $2,600. struggle. least one previous tour in Viet- mates of the Vietnam-wide av- ™®®^® Saigon headquarters also re- __ The xxMicert will be held Sept. Lizard Tree, Jeannie McMil- ing chaiged Items, must be sup- erepancles” were found to be imperial Pools of Newington Burton also is scheduled to n®m. t erage. Enlisted men In the unit *wo other sheUing at- play another Communist lead­ Goveraor ------In addition,---- the------troop- A Is _ still thereu~. lua, may be~ some- ^®®^™hlP ® * e a f of books . Jacks’in 'toe ”centiJ‘w^“^ . 1^"’ rt ft. "justifiable expenses,” but the Bowes, pool at 28 The host ®®"“ ®"®^^ “ ®® documentation was poor. Montclair Dr., $3,495. er—Yugoslav President Hto—in actively engaged in fighting at what more hard drug use then economic nmt- ^ k . Cartoons wlU be present- fbrm at this week’s rock con- a time when most U.S. units toe major suspecte, but not Includ- civUians and ed in " toe “ evening between some " ~ cert, discretion about ***® J*®"*** George A. Kanehl of Manches- C2,arles R. Botteron, pool at a separate fUm about toe Yu­ Picks Slate visitors to the system e r- conducted toe audit, 75 Finley St., $600 goslav liberation struggle in suffer from the morale problems very much. ^ h ^ -W e l wounded 12 others, of toe numbers of nine musical Eric Geer will be In charge World War Et. that arise when soldiers have In a dra'wl that reveals his Dwight D. Dls- Elsewhere, Cambodian artll- groups. of the marshals for toe events. a t.inimld him, ’you’re damn ® ^ ® ®^'. ^®J®Phone men trail- ^ Vietnamese war veter- ®""8 Highlight In History of whose members are legisla- Shau vaUeys, scouting enemy- right I’m prejudiced. I’m prej- ^ ^ d *'*'"®®** S*toe*^ver^to^^ electronics Activities In MMchester vL ^e to use caih, where er handling of travel, meals and Roy Franklin, tool shed and On this date in 1914. Germa- tors, is to report its findings by held territory for signs of recent “ diced ®8:®hist duds, and it outlandere lugged suit ^ Monday to protest ^ at SAM’a ft pracUcal. The superintendent of lodging expenses."______con vert^ g^ e^ ^ t^ am lly room ny declared war on Russia at next Feb. 23. It was created North Vietnamese activity. doesn’t make any dlffere^e nrooer disqualification from toe ^ ^AM tola summer, Chnelle the beginning of World War I. after considerable legislative More often than not toe tiny, what color his skin is.’ Hie ^ ^ Tm^ai ® P**®*^®"**^ election. Ky ^ ® g ^ f ^1*.®®^ . heeded broadcasts warning of All-Season ’potil Inc. of Bol- in 1648^ Oliver Cromwell de- controversy over toe question mo^ulto-ltoe s c ^ t heUcoptera "We’re going to try ‘Sx® i„ ortvanca !<“>> two permits, one for Mr. was ®**^ Wallch; Hie Hubcaps; mlttee and SAM, Morrissey com­ feated Royalists under toe cf no-fault insurance. Storm Hits “and ‘ .took S r refuge in schools and M „ . S y s e t a .* , ^ f plimented toe yoxmg people In 268 Hackmatack St., $1,966; one Duke of Hamilton at the Battle Mesklll’s appointees: ships roll In on enemy antiair- i=* EF*“ - “ other public buildings. of Preston fn».England. Frederick C. Maynard of craft or troop peeltiens. “I took toe best machine gun- and "all re^xmsible leaders cf Odor at Pond SAM for presenting many youth- for Mr. and Mrs. David Whlta- In 1786, the hero of toe Al- West Hartford, a vice president At nighrthe piloU retreat to "®* *" ***® rifl® .P ‘®t°«>; P"> wlto n ^ * e l ^ ^ ^ c U n S ^ this country must be aware of oriented activities and for suc­ Hong K ong; ^ >‘®»’- pool ®t « Bette Dr., $2,490. my new electric cUppers thjg ^ sacrifice. Called Normal cessfully working with the power ®“*’* ^ “ ®", Joseph Mazzotta Jr., addl-' Kowloon, city of ^ " V * * * ^ tlon at 79 Keeney St., $3,900. in Tennessee Companies; LouU A. Follis Jr. ^ ^ ^ 'b a ? ^ ‘e to“ ceTe‘brate ^ « * * ‘ “ *" T m L ^ b ^ ^ ’l'^^wxiideTlfx^ Debris and toe odor at Center Over 90 Die people across the harbor from Dobkln, fence In 1640, Germany announced of the Follis Insui^ce ^® "® y almoet anything—but mainly toe ?®,st^q>^ toe ^ when I get back » Vietnam (AP) ^ t i- Springs Pond are due to the The committee serves as an :i total blockade of Britain in in New Haven; Leonard B. ^ another day. *®*** about not being able to get American demonstrations normal workings of toe pond advisory board to SAM. Many (Continued from Page One) Hong Kong Island. around pool at 163 Shallowbrook -IS... onan-imi Tl »*****" ‘® b® !^ ing a Job bank, glass coUecUon. commuted the death sentence and two membere ***®^^‘ their favorites. inserting toe ®P®*^******f’ S.C., about his Crash Claims a m®h® M“ ®*‘®®te«-'®hester. borough for Robert Cottboy, to fire a rocket around toe onlo, a much-decorated 19- gr 22, of Tacoma, Wash., killed Monday in a head-on col- monastery, was riding a motor- _ ' commence went to the ship and took off addition at 608 Vernon St., $1,- moon failed when a four-stage year-old warrant officer from recently became a hero when Usion on Connecticut 7 in bike when he was knocked °"® 8 ^ probably Everett Dlvosey, committee most of the crew, leaving be­ Ike’s Son Ends 200. rocket exploded seconds after Personal Notices Richfield, Conn. He has survived ^is Cobra knocked out three Ridgefield, police said. down and klUed by a gasoline ®'®“* *^® ****® m®iter. ^ntemnn. and the committee hind a skeletal force to assess Franklin C. and Virginia G. its launching. ------’ numerous hits and has now enemy .61 caliber antiaircraft Killed were Edward Muntwy- tanker truck from the U.S. rne spokesman observed members. the damage and make emer- Field, alteration at 83 Prince­ In 1959. earthquakes in West Embassy Chore In M em oriam stopped flying combat missions machine guns in three days, ler, 68, and his 70-year-old wife. Army’s 26th General Support gency repairs. Two U.S. Navy ton St., $400. Yellowstone, Mont., killed 28 togs went out to start salvage WASHINGTON (AP) - The Elmore Anderson, screened Impala persons and injured 60. In loving memory of my dear ^ preparation for going home Among helicopter pitots, the .61 Emma. Group, husband, Albert F o ^ who passed Sept. 11. "One of toe things jg the most dreaded weapon in Troopers said toe accident A crowd gathered and began D ictio n s. resignation of John .S. D. Elron- porch at 330 Oak St., $460. Ten 'Years Ago away August 17. 1950. about Charlie Troop is tod Vietnam. occurred when a car driven by beating the GI truckdriver, but Navy otflclals said there ap- hower as ^ bassad or to ^ 1 - Daniel J. Roach, enclose The Western allies sent notes It makes good sense to avoid an emergency in*Mn«onw''’nrn re 7 tln p -7 h 'p A voice u from m y holwhold gone, unity,” Said C.W.O. 2 Edward Fragging, When men of a Unit Sandra Chouinard, 33, of Ridge- mUitary police rescued him, peared to be no danger of toe glum has been accepted^to porch at 36 Lake St., $230. decision in time of great sorrow when the Reeulus breaking up, but they special regret by President Economy Builders Inc. of Tal- ing of toe border l^ e e n East A p\^t is vac^t In mv home. W. ^’Pappy" Pain, 21, of Thou- use fragmentation grenades or field, crossed into toe opposite authorities said sand Oaks, Calif. "You know if other explosives against their lane and slammed into toe Monday night 60 Buddhist same decision can be made after family ^ d It m lr t t t e several days Nixon, toe White House an- cottvllle for Edmond O’Donnell. and West Berlin. Russia reject- No*®one"taows®^ow'’®sadV*the part- V, r xh ifbnxiiir nxtent of “ ounced Monday. shed dormer at 266 Green Rd., ed the protests as an attempt ing was. you go down out there, they own officers or senior noncom- Muntwyler car head on. students and about 160 ctoer discussion and .-careful investigation. Of before they knew the extent of son of toe late ,i,ooo. , . ^ ^ ^ , Or what the farewell cost, to interfere In East Germany s ggj mg bright angels. won’t leave you, and I couldn’t missicned officers, has been a Mrs. Chouinard was reported Vietnamese stopped an RMK course, you may buy on time payments. the damage. president w hom Nixon served r . e . UtUe, pool and fence Internal affairs Have gained what I have lost. say toe same about some other problem for American units in in satisfactory condition at truck outside Hue Unlveristy. Ashore, firemen *^®®®“ as vice' president, has held the at 111 Bryan Dr., $360. units over here.” Vietnam—but not in Charlie Danbury Hospital. Her chil- The crowd hrew gasoline on Five Years Ago Sadly missed, by his wife. about 40 Chinese after their March 14. 1969. He ______Reports from Peking indicat­ Edith Ford. Papin, a third-tour s:out pi- Troep. dren, Michel, 14, Douglas, 2 the truck and ignited it. By toe five-story apartment building gave personal reasons for leav- lot, was shot dewn In toe A "Just before I got here,” and nine-month-old Wendy, time military police arrived, Sainf James' Cemetery crUlapsed, but four children TUnOB Cash orowa ed that Marshal Lin Piao had In Memoriam become the No. 2 man in Com­ J Shau Valley July 4. The Cobra Newman said, "there were un- were treated for minor injuries toe vehicle 'was blazing fiercely 868 BROAD STREET were buried under some 20 tons "nje white House said Nixon WASHINGTON — Balances In with toe driver inside. munist Ctolna. and my'’*^b!2Sr jSeph Blnks,“ who covering Papin'S scout also was successful attempts to kill both and released MANCHESTER of earth and rocks In a. land- wrote in a letter to Ehseitoowef federal government trust funds, One Year Ago jiassed away Aug. l7, 1953. knocked down, and the Huey toe commanding officer and toe In critical condition was 35- Police said the students car- sUde that curshed their home. that he had "contributed slg- such as Social Security, almost The entire fleet of B52 bomb- The years w^ spent together, that came in to rescue toe first sergeant, but there hasn’t year-cld Susan Muntwyler. Her reid posters denouncing the Mr. Higgins Hie heavy rains washed nlflcantly In strengthening our doubled between 1966 and 1960 And buckle both seat and shoulder belts. \biiVe back on Chevrolet Savings Time. ers in the Pacific raked enemy The scout crew was hit before it been a fragging since I tcok two children, 11-year-old Lisa United States, President Nixon PHONE Mr. M^ernuii down scores of squatters’ huts long-time ties of friendship be- —from $43 bllUcm to nearly $80 That’s an idea you can live with. landed. But It completed -the over toe' trocq). I don’t know and 9-year-cld Fred, were re- and President Nguyen Van from the steep hillsides, but tween our country and Bel- billion. They will total $97 billion “ *® *" issued by his wife, pickup in a hall of close-range why.” ported in fair conditimf. Thieu. of South Vietnam. . Henrietta, and children. moat of their ' Inhabitants glum." 1 by the end of fiscal 1971. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 Bucs’ Stargell Vibrates Astros, Herald Angle Eagles’ Passing Combination Downs Bills

EARL YOST Franee’s Durr Sport* Editor Two Cowboys Jenkins Swinging, Braves Kayoed Wins Canada within one-half game of St. CHiampionships 10 Years Apart Miss Action Periodically, he undergoes a strikeouts in 243 2-3 innings this NEW YORK (AP)—Wi- PIRATES - ASTROS — Louis in the NL East. Persistency as well as consistency, has paid off for The powerful 6-2^, 216-pound season. Singles Play lie Stargell felt the vibra­ "crises,” during which he feels * * * Erwin Kennedy, back on top as the Men’s Division club Stargell had been in a slump, Jenkins, on the threshold of With Injuries tions— and the Houston As­ faint and parses blood. “ I’m being the first pitcher to string CARDS - REDS — golf champion at the Manchester Country Club. Ken­ TORONTO (AP) — "I was going 10 days without a homer, PHILADELPHIA (AP) — tros got the shock. not supposed to play ball,” he together five consecutive 20-vic­ The Cards were beaten by nedy, who first held the crown a decade ago, has been slow, soft and consistent,” befpre crashing two against St. Cincinnati on George Foster’s Gary Ballman was hit by Presi­ Ferguson Jenkins felt like Ixmls Sunday. He then felt he says, “ but I can control it. I tory seasons since the Braves' a top-flight campaigner ever since but didn't manage „ „ „ „ „ Francoise Durr of France said run-scoring single in the ninth. dent Nixon’s wage freeze, but swinging—and the Atlanta had shaken his slump. ‘T could Warren Spahn did it from 1956- after beating Australia’s rest when I feel a crisis coming The hit scored ’Tony Perez, who to add a second crown until last Sunday when he won apparently it didn’t have any Braves got kayoed. feel it when I picked up a bat,” 60, said he pitches about the the 72-hole medal test. Kennedy -----Zi------1 effect on toe pertormemce of Evonne Goolagwig in straight Stargell, the major league cn." ^ had walked and reached secotid he said. "M y strength was Otherwise, he says, "I don’t same against all clubs except edged four-time winner Stan the PhUadelphla Eagles’ veter- sets 6-4, 6-2 to win toe women’^ leader in home runs with 41 coming back. Somehow when' I Philadelphia—the team that on Johnny Bench’s single. HUlnskl on toe final 18 holes Women’s Singles Tennis Tour- ^ singles crown of the Canadian and in runs batted in with 106, think about it. I don’t worry.” St. Louis took a 3-0 lead on' do that a message goes to my ’The victory ended a four- traded him to the Cubs in 1966. with a 303 to 304 total score. The Sl-year-old Ballman haa Open Tennis Championships. cracked three singles and a brain and tells me if I’m ready "They (the Phillies) ^ d I Joe Torre’s 18th homer, a two- . . . One of toe tourney’s high- been squabbling over salary Miss Durr, seeded fourth, de­ double and drove in four runs game Pirate losing streak and run shot in the fourth inning, to hit or not.” i nc r e a s e d their National didn’t have any fast ball,” he lights was a one-under par 71 with E lie s ’ general manager scribed her victory Monday Monday night, pacing the Pitts­ He certainly was ‘ready said. "Well, now, I don’t give and Lou Brock’s run-scoring round by youthful Scott Leone, J**® 'Helpsl® Tennis Retxlaff. He has refused over Miss Goolagong, toe top- burgh Pirates to an 8-3 victory League East lead to five games against -the Astres. them anything but hate.” single in the fifth. local Jaycee champion. It was S'*** dts in c e p ^ and g contract and ap- seeded Wimbledon champion, over the Astros. over St. Louis. Pittsburgh starter Dock EUis Chicago scored its first run in Bench got the Reds a run toe only sub-par round of toe oa^Ung has won many parenUy decided to play out his as "quite a surprise,” especial­ Jenkins, the winningest pitch­ Jenkins, the high-kicking 6-6, was forced to leave after seven the third inning when Glenn with a sacrifice fly in the sixth, 72-hoIe, four-day, two*weekend t°ur»am®nts w e r the past 26 op- ly after toe Australian Jumped er in the National League, 203-pound Cubs’ ace, limited At­ and Cincinnati moved ahead 6-3 innings because of a sore el­ Beckert doubled and came grlnd. tlon away to a 3-1 lead in toe open­ moved closer to his fifth con­ bow, which has been bothering lanta to only two hits—Ralph with four runs in the eighth, home on BUly WUllams’ single. Sam Huff f<^® r New York he caught ing set. secutive 23-game season, hurl­ him the past few starts. How­ Garr’s single in the fourth and one on a sacrifice fly by Fos­ Giant llnebMker, hM slimmed ^ ^ ^ Earl Williams’ single in the They added two runs in the Miss Goolagong had troubles ing a two-hitter for his 19th vic­ ever, he gained his 17th victory ter, another on a single by Here ’ n There down from to 206 pounds . . t^ h d ow n In toe Eagles’ tory as the Chicago Cubs fifth. He also stopped the 22- ninth when Johnny Callison with her backhand, normally against six losses. walked. Brock Davis singled. Tommy Helms and two on Pete blanked Atlanta 3-0—with the A more serious threat to game hitting streak of the her strongest shot. Callison was out at the plate on Rose’s bases-loaded single. t ®« toe BOS- ?el;"^a‘*famirr” far''on^^^^ ^»ato"^Uir help of a two-run double by the Ellis’ career is a blood disease Braves’ Hank Aaron, retiring ^ Red Sm does not make a ROO commercial In recent worrv Miss Durr controUed the pace a grounder by J. C. Martin and ■nie Cards tied the score on big right-hander. called sickle-cell anemia. Un­ him three straight times. Manager Eddie Kasko’s peel- d g „ „ t_ „ g g _ wondered iriio ^ going t o worry of the match not letting Miss Jenkins dropped his double into Joe Hague’s two-run homer (AP photo) In the other National League less a cure is found, Ellis re­ He walked Just one and with two out in the top of the Uon very secure Kasko’s de- featured star was It’s Em- *“ *® HaHman Goolagong play the fast game games, Cincinnati defeated St. struck out seven, giving him left field. parture from the Boston ncene A s ^ ^ n L ^ A m ^ ‘®®™®‘* “ "*® she prefers. "She tried to make BLEACHER SEATS— Frank Baker tries to eoax his wife out on the bow as portedly will die at a young ninth. Louis 6-5 and New York topped age. only 26 'bases on balls and 204 The triumph moved the Cubs may be sooner than expected. League basetaU umpire Pat- not to worry a ^ t any- the ball faster,” Miss Dun- other Yankee players, Danny Cater and Fritz Peterson, are over the briny deep. Lee Angeles 6-0. Boston’s troubles do not begin nv>rza and Helen Revnolds comes toto said, “ but I was slow, soft and Having day off, the club went out on the yacht America on Long Island Sound. with Kasko but toe manager s wtom ^ of combination cd consistent.” usuaUv toe fall euv Best sec- whom p l^ golf oW M quarterback Pete LIske to Bal- usuauy me lau guy. . .Best aec Manchester Country C^ub, ^ kpved the Eiuriea’ second ■’She didn’t attack enough,” Scott Goes Home, Talks to Wife Major League ond g u e ^ r ^ o n g toe major ^ „ e in toe same threesome said Vic Edwards, Miss Goola- l ^ e broadcasters ^^Ich teed off this morning in ^ i^ S r gong’s coach. ===Leaders= who come into this area is Phil nt tiift ‘tta.te 8ajnes. lasKe piayea omy two Miss Durr also teamed with Rizzuto of toe Yankee crow. ^ ® X s ^ m X u r ^ l o ! S - *1"®^®™’ “ Mets Irk Dodgi AMERICAN LEAGUE Rosemary Casals of San Fran­ Hero, He’s been having a field day g^ ^yman Meadow in Mid- Jl*'. Conigliaro Becomes BATTING (300 at bats) — Ol­ cisco to win toe women’s disagreeing with umpires’ and Ma~ ' Dolan com­----- touchdowns. iva, Minn., .369; Murcer, N.Y., The Eagles scored first -when doubles crown. pleted toe threesome In toe men’s double final, Ok- .333. -Happy Feller, toe rookie from late. ’Ihis is toe 62-year-oId Rlz- Burnham, who lives in Middle ker paired with Marty Riessen Streak RUNS — Buford, Balt., 84; zuto’s fifth year with toe ^ut iriays out of Manches- Texas, kicked a ^25-yard field RSox Snap Losing Murcer, N.Y., 77. of Evanston, III., to defeat Ar­ By ’THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Yaitoees ^ one man’s op in io alsHritered in the Worn- ^®Bgi"gjo ®e^^e Seaver Hurls 1 , *1. RUNS BA’TTED IN — KiU- score a thur Ashe of Los Angeles and is that he gets progressively Amateur. Bunaio came oacx to American League bunt with two out in the fifth, Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield, BOSTON (AP) — Billy -worse. . JRalph Houk was at his «' * * touchdown on a 10-play, 66-yard T ANGELES (API__If an or Remain in Play the Red Sox snapped a up best before Sunday turnouts ijgrtford will (rfficlate in (Friday known as the Dodgers’ lowered his National League - away from Seaver. He’s one Washington 19 .412 vain effort to rob L^cud. ' " ^ . l BS - Carew, Minn., 7; featured five pass completions ^/lottC ISoO StS IHUTlTUTh^ seven-game losing streak. when he goes into his un- gj-ht-g Nutmeg Bowl football B a y State NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP) Alumni Club, it’s under- leading earned run average to of the best, right with Bob Gib- Cleveland 48 .397 After a walk, Scott putBos- , N.Y 6. nuuneg w w i . ^iske, three to Ballman, ^ Mostly platooned with Joe ton ahead 3-1 with his 20th Patek, K.C., 6 , F.Alw, N.Y^, «. scheduled dirt-kicking act. In- ^ Bridgeport’s — Both Connecticut teams standable. third shutout and gon and Juan Marichal in our West Division HOME RUNS — Carii, Det., in Bridgeport s Kennedy finlriied toe drive with a Hodges, new the manager of also fanned 10 Dodgers, ^ ^ g league.” Oakland Laheud in the cutfleld, 0>n- homer, a towering smafii high i s „ „ " . . . Safety Head stayed in the running as the 78 42 .609 igliaro started against Califor­ 26; R.Smith, Boet., 26; Melton, the umpire erred in calling toe jjgjj jjjg jggg ggj,j about last , .. ahead 10-7 Eastern Regional Little League the New York Mets, Insists him 212 lor the year which is Seaver, apparently, is out of Kansas 65 .534 14 into the left field screen. nia right-hander ’Tom Murphy back vrith Chic., 26. play too ^ in wMch O ^ a n d ggturday night’s fiasco at DU- ^ Bufflto -Jrito I^nnir'Shaw Defense, Specialty Teams tournament opened Monday at thre’s “ still a litUe of the old hi the league. Dodgers’ league, however, chlcaao 63 .476 21 California came — Patek, “ I told GU Hodges to let me . Monday night because Reggie four runs on an error, stncles S’TOLEN second baseman Dick Green j^g stadium in Hartford toe , ^ g „ scored three Studies Jam Mitchell Wood’s field here. Dodgers left in me,” but AlsUm 67 .465 23% ^ K.C., 39; Otis. K.C.. 36; Alo- and the Dodgers are not con­ pitch against tJto Dodgers all . ‘ Smith had an upset stom^h. by Rivers and Tony Gonzalez, . . , o,;„,u..u-period ------Wilton, Conn., opened toe the U i^ .” he went on with a ^ >n pltohlng abotrt m weU m Minnesota 64 65 .464 23% Oollf., 30; Campaneris, j 7 lf o u f o f ‘l i s X " ® 'S { : ? ° second-period TD^ to go ahead Billy had a double wasted walk,W alK, a pinchpincil auiRicsingle by BiUy jnar,^ Ho-mAr MU 18. football fans got caught up in ipjjg jjrst came

f, IH’ PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, ClONNn TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 Houses For Sole 72 ___ Houses______For Sale 72 Out of Town Rooms Without Board 59 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Prince Manchester MANCHBISTER ACREAGE — Circa 1800. 'll- ^®l* Sole 75 Most Americans in Viet LARGE comfortable room, for COLONIAL Hospital Notes BERRY’S WORLD 6 large rooms,^m s“ l^JSflarge b oreeie- r^«- MANCHESTER - 46-48 MapleayoaI. ^ m Oolcnlal. b ^ , h i^ ele- c»V E N T R Y (NORTH) gentleman, next to semi-pri­ Offered by the vatlon, sweeping views. Hutch­ To Learn way, 2-car garage, IH tUed -r t W ITH CHARM CLASSIFIED vate bath and shower. Refer­ lent Investment, $85,500. T.J. ins Agency, Realtors, 649-63^4. COME SEE . . . VISTTINO HOURS baths, built-ins, full attic, fire­ We have just listed a pri­ ’This lovely, large four-bed- ences. M9-0719. Intermediate Care Semi­ place, plastered walls, city Crockett, Realtor, 875-6^^- vately situated lovely clean 31-33 HOMESTEAD ST., duplex, room Colonial home just To Run Ship private, noon - 2 p.m., and <1 Feel the War Nearing End THE THOMPSON House —Oot- utilities, immediate occupancy. seven room Colonial on a listed for a low, low $29,- MANCHESTER — Poiir-famUy PHILBRICK excellent condlUon, 2-car ga­ p.m. - 8 p.m.; private rooms, tage St., centrally located, Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. large treed lot for a rare 900. This fine home is in im­ ADVERTISING in center of town location. All rage, lot 100x125. Marion E. LONDON (AP) Prince 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., and 4 p.m. - '8 EDITOR’S NOTE: A year sive. They have puUed back asked one American of tong large, pleasantly furnished price of only $27,900. This 1 8-room apartments for mini­ Robertson. Realtor, 643-6958. maculate condiUon and is Charles is about to leam how to ago, Associated Press corre- from the demilitarized zone, miUtary experience. rooms, parking. Call 640-2858 RAISED Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 2 neat as a pin home has privately set on large, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS mum maintenance. New heat­ ■run a ship(ftor the BritishV. u navy. .rfii Pediatrics: ' Parents aUowed sp ndent Peter Arnett left Viet- from the Cambodian border. "Does Saigon send troops for overnight and permanent fireplaces, aluminum siding, three bedrooms and two large lot. CaU Mr. Bogdan 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. all storm windows, large treed ing system. Excellent invest­ AGENCY Starting in November he iMll except noon - 3 p.m.: nam after eight years cf cov- They are at the base camps from the Delta to protect the guest rates. baths. Call Mr. Bogdan now Lots For Sale 73 now for a great home value. lot in prestige neighborhood, ment opportunity. Wolverton for an appointment. others, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. erlng the war, during which he waiting to go home. north? If they do they will have Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 649-5306. ^aea-missiie aestroyer nor- gelf Service: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; won a Pulitzer Prize fer his re- The South Vietnamese army real trouble to their back COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ROOM for gentleman, quiet many extras. Low 40’s. Call OVERSIZED 6-room Cape Cod VERNON —Bolton Lake lot $4,- 4:S0 P.M. D AT BEFORE FUBUCATION convenient location. 224 Char­ owner, 646-8674. MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom • • B & W • • with attached breezeway and 2- 200. Vernon high scenic lot. $6,- ® • R & T w IV In. 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. pcrtage. He recently returned is trying to fill in the huge gaps yards; already 80 outposts have ter Oak St. 643-8368. car garage, beautifully land- 900. Tolland acre, $4,000. Cov- .... a t r . nt Intensive Care and Coronary for three weeks. Here is hts left by the American divisions, been overrun this year to an Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 4 :S0 p.m. Friday Cape, dining room, 2 baths, b a r r o WS AND WALLACE CO. BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. dicates that the Prince of $15,900 — 5-ROOM Cape, fire- scaped treed lot 140x150, large entry half-acre ^,500. Hayes Care: Immediate famUy only, appraisal of hew Vietnam looks They hive taken over the war. upsurge of guerrilla acUvity. place, knotty cypress paneling, fireplace, garage, Oiraer will Manchester Parkade Wales will have a busy time. CENTRAL, clean room for mld- living room, dining room and Agency, 646-0181. Manchester Parkade American casualties have ..But if Saigon settles on a attached garage, large treed consider reasonable offer. Hel- Manchester 649-6306 •He wiii spend a iot of time ^ «"™e, Umlted to five min- tc him one year later, dleage gentleman separate kit­ Manchester 649-6306 dropped well below a hundred a strategy built around the Delta TOUR COOPERATION WILL H I A I 9711 lot. Hutchins Agency, Realtor, 6** D. Cole, Realtor, 643-6666, ------—— ------,, bedrooms, modem kitchen. As on the bridge,” the captain BE APPRECIATED I I chen Emd bathroom use, park­ Maternity: Fathers. 11 a.m. By PETER ARNETT week. The South Vietnamese Q^^pg then they ing. 640-4286. B321 Dick Lemieux 649-9787. MANCHESTER- 7-POom older rocm Ranch, said. ______------Colonial on quiet dead-end 1*4 baths, formal dining room, purpose of that is to P-™” «=30 p.m. - 8 Associated Press Writer casualties have held near a unbearable pressur- MANCHESTER — New listing, BOLTON Lakefront. ExecuUve’s gt^eet, oversized living room outstanding home site, traffic- Icvely half-acre lot. Dead end stand w atSes take his turn at P-™-: others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m.. SAIGON (A P ) — America is thousand killed and wounded north.” he predicted, ADAMS ST. —House to share CIRCA 1790 charming old Co- free area facing green. Call 5-room Ranch, garage, seclud- estate, two foyers^ ^fireplaces, fli-eplace, formal dining street. Priced to sell imme.11- the steering wheel and learn to- and 8:80 P-*n- -S p-m... getting cut. ea^ week. Many Americans worry about CenHmied From Preceding Page with 2 other gentlemen, pri­ lonial, 4 fireplaces, large barn, Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233. J. vate room, parking, utilities ed on one-acre treed lot. Ask­ open beams, paneling, 2V4 room, 4 bedrooms, playroom ately. Mr. Zinsser. Belflore terfleet ccmmunlcaticns. Llnilts: 16 to maternity. Beth militarily and, in a ™ ere are^ mUlta^^ s i ^ that Vietnamese populaUons ca- baths, 5-zone heat. Hutchins ^ school, bus sheds, garages, hen house, on Watson Beach Co. Real Es- L^rrnlii'to'drivc'aTshlp like 1* ‘ n other areas, no limit in sense, psychclcgically, most seme call heartennlg. The ^ withstand the psy- furnished. 643-6166. ing $24,900. Frechette Real­ one acre. Needs work, $36,000. fate, 547-1650. Agency, 647-1413. Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 tors, 647-9993. Agency, 649-5324. shopping. 649-9586. thls is Important,” a senior self-service. ______c^oIogical pressures of a series CUSTOM 8-room Colonial, large iiTVir.i»iT ^ i_ -.I—. COVENTRY'-.v'VE.i'iJ.IVI. Lake area, vacant ^ officer said ' “ After all it Thb emergency entrance on is ending. Arcs-'-. — b------^ ALUMINUM screen - storm CLEAN used refrigerators, began g y ^ military reverses in the MANCHESTER area — 9-room PITKEN _ Porter St area 5- MANCHESTER - Just listed modern kitchen. 26’ family 4-room hoc *’‘8^ wooded ta x ^ y e r about 12 000 Armory 8t. is the only hospita. That Is the inescapable Im- w'th enemy strength down one- automatic washers Wanted - Rooms - .. f'.nfknTAr AaV TUfsr> OKI1K«4/s1r _ . With the Americans doors, built-in bath tubs, lava- ranges custom built Garrison Colo­ room, 4 bedrooms, 2^ baths, * J Asking $11,900., but entrance open from 11 p.m. tc presslon gathered in a three- third to 31.000 armed men in with guarantees. See them at y ^ l a l^ in u m sided cus- 2 this could panic them into tore's, toilets, kitchen cabinet Board 62 nial. Large family type rooms. walk-out basement, 2-car gar­ Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. owners ■will listen. Lake privl- other outside doors week return visit by this cerre- the past 16 menUvs. Only half ^ • B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 640 tom built, 8-room Garrison. ■■ — . ^ ____ m •» luiJVt . . ______i_ ____At.v.. levooAo o . rivir sinks, metal wall cabinets, hot Five bedrooms, 2^ baths, dou­ age, 36’ sundeck among the leges. Good financing. T.J toghl spondent after a cne-yea^''ab- th^ mTntWy en^mylosses'' of 2.- civic unrest and turmofl that Main St. Call 643-2171. 21-YEAR-old MOC student de­ Family room with beamed Heritage House, 646-2482. That’s $28,800. are locked during the water furnace. 643-2465, 643- ble garage. Hayes Agency, Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. sence. 000 men arc being replaced, could threaten the Saigon gov sires room with kitchen privi­ ceiling and built-in bar, dream MANCHESTER 3-family house. many extras. Qllt of TOWII S u b -Lieutenant • Prince shift. 1442. 646-0l31. The sights and sounds of The U I Corps reglcn around emment. REFRIGERATOR — apart­ leges or will share apartment kitchen with barbecue, etc. Charles, as he ■will be called, ------centrally located, $34,000. $4,- STA’TB LY 4-bedroom Colonial, For Sale 75 withdrawal are everywhere. Saigon Is similarly quiet. ■ SILVBRTONE console stereo. ment size, like new, $75. 30" expenses. References avail­ will live to a 6 X 7 cabin with a Patients Today: 219 RANCH in desirable area. etc. Call Now. Hayes Agency, 200 Income yeariy. Call owner completely redecorated first CO’VENTRY Ycu see it in Qul Nhon, again But to the central highlands AM-FM radio, walnut cabinet. gas stove, $35. Aluminum com­ able. Call collect and ask for floor, front-to-back living room, HEBRON — 3-bedroom yeair old stainless steel wash basin, a . . patterns Large paneled den with built- 646-0181 228-9692. YESTERDAY; to a fishing village, and no and thel Corps region that bor- $180. Call 643-6067. bination screen doors, $10. Sue MacDonald, 658-4702. ins, screened porch, carpeting, formal dining room, modem Raised Ranch, fireplace, 2-car Eight-room Cape, oversize sliding door wardrobe, a l»ok- ADMUTEaD FOREST HILLS — 8-room shelf "and space for perhaps a Thomas M. Anderson, Bear longer the hectic, noisy supply ders North Vietnam, the unsettling each. 643-2465 evenings or 643- I 1971 k; NIA, liK. 2 air-conditioners, many ex­ kitchen with breakfast alcove, garage. Gay City State Park garage. Lot 200x100’, stone KITCHEN cabinet, $15. kitchen Raised Ranch, first floor-fam­ small recoil player* He will Swamp Rd., Andover; John F. center for the thousands of GIs rnunlst forces are as strong in — 1442- tras. Call owner, 643-1752, 643- FIRST OFFERING 1^ baths, g;arage, assumable area. $30,500. 649-6509 after 6. fireplace, two full baths. set, $18; bureau, $20; Refrig- ily room with fireplace, bed­ share one steward ■with other Avery, 64 Rachel Dr., Apt. A; who feught the bloody battles those areas as they were in the unsetUtog patterns of behav- Aportments - Flats - 0934. mortgage, $34,600. Only $18,900. Please call erator, $25; studio couch, $30; WE BUY, and sell used fur- room, laundry, half bath, 2-car GLASTONBURY— New lisUng. tralning officers and use the Julius Barbanell, East Hart- at la Drang and Dak To. The toughest days of the war. And apparent within the Tenements 63 "I don't care what they say, Henry—I don't believe Bella Excellent value, large 6- 289-7476, 742-8243. Buffet, $35; Living room set, nlture, appliances, etc. Week- garage; second floor — living COLONIAL with swimming pool, Manchester line. Executive same bath and four riicwers as ford; Vicki L. Barbero, 283 airfield is closed. The few while obviously JP, Vietnamese army. An Ameri- Abzug is one of your girl friends!" MANCHESTER $24,500. Cen­ room Ranch, beamed living $66. 643-8341. days, and evenings, 13 Oxford THREE - ROOM apartment, room with fireplace, wall-to- first-floor family room, one full, Ranch with all the luxuries. 38 other officers Doane St.; Victor Black, 34 Americans are civilians. bloodied they s ill can official said there are In- trally located 7-room Cape, ga­ room celling, 14x28 rec St., Manchester or call 643- second floor, $125. a month, wall carpeting, formal dining 2 half baths, enclosed screened Living room and a formal din­ Uke other men of the quar- Cumberland St.; Mrs. Madeline Ycu see it flying over Viet- strong leadership, spirit and de- instances of banditry rage, nicely shrubbed and room, baths, built-in 8341 anytime. pj^g heat. Security and refer- room, kitchen, electric range porch, centrally air-conditioned, ing room with wall-to-wall car­ terdeck, Charles will be as- F. BotU ,260 Bush HIU Rd.; nam. The broad Vietnamese termination. jj goidlers who hold up buses treed lot. Quick occupancy, oven and surface unit, PASEK 65 Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. and hood, dishwasher, dispos­ large yard, $38,600. peting, master bedroom with signed to lock after the welfare Mrs. Luella M. Buckmister, 46 highlands remain studded by The North VletnameM have ..jhis is disquletingly Boats & Accessories 46 SEWING machines 1971 push ^nces required. 646-0481. Apartments - Flats - Houses For Rent hot water oil heat, porch. al, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full bath, 2 other large bed- REALTORS, MLS of about 30 sailors. That means: Overland St.; Mrs. Rose Cacace, the jungles by men and bull- retained the Initiative in these ^g^grioration of the Na- button zig-zag, unclaimed lay- d e LId Eb Tenements 63 Large 2-car garage, A-frame CONTEMPORARY L Shaped SPECIAL 15’ Wellcraft boat, 2 - bedroom apart­ MANCHESTER — 6V4-room LAKEWOOD Circle, 3 bedroom loads of closets. Austin A. ______rooms, kitchen with built-ins Talk with men who have per- 263 Highland St.; Mrs. Soitole bases and encampments that regions while South viei- Chinese armies to the away, $46.50. Singer zig-zag Ranch available September playhouse. Excellent condi­ Ranch. Redwood and Birch ex­ also 18’ Wellcraft boat with ment, wall-to-wall carpeting, ______Colonisd, carpeting, appli­ Chambers, Realtor, MLS, 643- We need a three-bedroom sonal worries and help sort CWuda, 24 Brian Rd.. South were tom in war’s haste f ^ namese have .. said, with cabinet, originally over tion throughout. Beautiful terior, on wooded lot, 1V4 acres appliances, family room, trailer and 85 h.p. Johnson. complete appliances, 2 air- FOUR rooms, first floor, stove. for one-year lease. Security, ances, laundry room, screen­ them out. Windsor. the jungles b ymen ^ d bull- slvely weaker with U*® * P ® "' ‘ ncX ^75 percent of incidents $340 now only $52.00, under 2325. with a view. Five bedrooms, 2 fireplace, central vacuum, home to the country ■with Also come in and see the conditioners, full basement, refrigerator, parking, $130. references, $260 monthly. ed porch, 2-car garage, wood­ shade trees and profession­ Also, Mrs. Velma L. Clarke, dozers. ButL a closecioee looklovn, revealsicvcojo lureture oi of U.S.u.o. Marinesiviaiwico and •••In- -y In. the.. guarantee. Easy terms, 522- fireplaces, family room, den, 2- ce:*tral alr-condiUonlng, slate approximately 2 acres. For Wellcraft boats, 16’ to 24’. Ma­ washer-dryer hook-up, vanity Available September 1st. One Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ed grounds. Call owner, 649- MANCHES’TER — Newer 4- ally landscaped. $32,900. East Hartford: David E. Cook, they are abandoned, monsoon fantry divisions. A suggestion of Dtoh 0476, deeiler. car garage. $69,900. large closets. 2-car ga­ a professional appraisal (no rine supplies and accessories. type bath, glass sliding doors child accepted. 649-8350. 8590. bedroom Garrison Colonial, 38 Orchard Hill Dr., Wapplng; rains filling what were foxholes that two new Vietnamese in- northern De p FOREST HILLS — Immaculate rage, exclusive area near the obligation) please call us. 38 orchard Hill Dr., wapping; rams imuig wimi wcic uiai iwu — ------urere actuallv used motors. Capitol Equip- TRADER ’ ’P ” — Antiques. onto patio. $220 per month. bulldins, 3 baths, fireplace, % CHARLES LESPERANCE RANCH — Less than one-year g-olf course. Situated on an Gregory A. Culver, 102 High- and lush green creepers slowly fantry divisions be Tuong ^ s V FiVE rooms, second floor, re­ 7-room partially furnished MANCHES’TER — By owner, 6- Lady Medic ment, 38 Main St., Manches used furniture and appliances, Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, acre treed lot, garage. Only old. Modem eat-in kitchen, fam- Only $44,900. Fre- We are members of the na­ land Dr., South Windsor; Mrs. blindfolding the firing apertures these regions was turned down caused frigerator and stove, adults, Ranch home. All electric room Colonial, breezeway and ter. 643-7958. 50 Pearl St., Manchester. Open 643-2692. $33,900. Hayes Agency. 646-0131. 649-7620 Uy room, 3 bedrooms. 2-car ga- chette Realtors, 647-9993. tional associatlim of real ek- Jacqueline DanlotU, 26 Wood- cl crumbUng bunkers. in Saigon. ^ nc pets, security, references. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, attached garage, 3 large bed- ____ rage. Many extras stay, toclud------—------tate boards. Also members Rides Rope land Dr., South Windsor; John You hear the sounds of with- “ So what can the strategy be to a U.S. Embassy study. 14’ 1966 DURATECH. 40 h.p. Call 649-2607. large fireplaced fam ily room, rooms, large living room, din- MANCHESTER — Duplex, 4-4, MANCHESTER is only minutes n o r t h ^ jo d - ing refrigerator and freezer, SOUTH 'WINDSOR — Immacu- of the. Manchester, Hartford, W. Doering. Warehouse Point; drawal in the cenversaUens of tar Saigon when the Commu- "ThU deterioration must Mn- Evlnrude motor, Snowco trail­ One and two-bedroom apart­ 2-car garage. One year lease, Ing room, finished basement, live practically rent free. New from this 3-bedroom Ranch on FIVE-ROOM duplex, 2 bed­ washer and dryer, new wtill-to- late 6-room Raised Ranch, 3 and 'Vernon board of real­ Mrs. Antonia Grunschneder, the middle and upper level nists attack, as expected, to eflt the enemy ultimately. er, excellent condition. 646- machine Singer ments, ' central air-condition­ security deposit. Call Suzsmne professionally landscaped, ex­ baths, 12 bedrooms. Only $26,- lovely private grounds. Fea- baths, 3 rooms partially fin­ To Rescues rooms, heat, hot water, stove, wall carpeting throughout most tors. East Hartford;'' William A. Ha- Americans. spring next year to show Amer- commented a U.S. adviser. 7648 after 6 p.m. zig-zag. Buttonholes, mono­ ing, carpeting, batlcony, car­ Shorts, 646-3233. cellent condition. Upper 20s. 900. Call now. Wolcott Realty, tures fireplaced - living room, ished lower level. Only $34,900. refrigerator, no pets. Call 643- of the house, ’IV antenna, cus­ T/iniMr. ATR nviRnr UAnH mtlitarv military men w who h o ______hnekinircan backing. Nearlv Nearly 100 per- 100 per- boat, 35 h.p. Johnson, electric MANCHES’TER MANCHES’TER—617 Center St., fireplace equipment, lawn and terms. Call 522-0931, dealer. Estate Associates, 643-5129. Out of Town $26,900. Wolverton Agency Garrison Colonial, 4-large bed- man cn toe ground watches as g Macey, 23 still IdenOfled Saigen’s goals start with generator, trailer 30 LOCUST Street, 4 rooms, older Colonial, 3 bedrooms. garden tools. $37,500. 1 cent of toe population is sta- $165, security, family unit. Call For Rent 66 7-ROOM COLONIAL Realtor, 649-2813. ANDOVER rooms, first floor family room ^ Air Fbrce helicopter ^ ^pke. ■ Mrs. Aim L. with those of toe United States, O r a D tlsUcaUy under government and skiing equipment, $450. VVING chair, gold pattern, rea- LARGE 4-room apartment, first Ideal for antique shop, etc. G RAdD U S antique colonial to Troopers 646-2426, 9-6. with separate entrance, 2-car hovers overhead. A medic is srtiool Rd.. Bolton: a ” we will prevail together” „ I control, but American analysts Call 742-9474 after 6. sonable. Call 643-5931 after floor, range and all utilities in­ With 2-car garage, oversized Large lot. Frechette Realtors, m ANCHEISTER, like new, ex- excellent condition, 3 fireplaces, ACRE PARADISE garage, all this on 3 acres. lo w e r^ on toe hoist 'j^ Milton, 50 Clinton philosophy. One hears much I5 ta t0 llillip lO y C now say that even to a fully pa- 6:30. cluded. Spacious yard, conve­ NO. COVENTRY — 4-room lot, city water, sewers, early 647-9993. quisitely reproduced authenUc 13 beautifully decorated rooms, 3 H.P. JOHNSON outboard mo­ occupancy, attic for expan­ ^ e n t a Agency, Realtor. 646- cable ^ m toe gt.; Mrs. Marie A. Spaulding, less of that now, to three weeks ¥1;' J r "' a clfled area, the Vletcong can nient location and parking. SIX-ROOM duplex, no pets, apartment. 872-3679. 9V^-room Dutch Colonial on modern eat-in kitchen, formal 20s tor, excellent condition. $80. r c a WHIRLPOOL 30' Electric sion — 2 more bedrooms. MANCHES’TER ______Lewman coming to h^escue Coventry; John of traveling around Vietn^ 111 A* im C l 1' r a U Q stm recruit some 10 percent of Available September 1st. secu­ inquire 69 Birch St. park-like lot in presUge area. living and dining room, break- CaU after 5 p.m. 289-2538. stove, in good condition. Call HEBRON — Wall St., 2 - bed- Seven rooms, 2 ceramic rity deposit required. Call 646- $28,000. PREFERRED BOWERS ■Three fireplaces, 4 baths, first- feut room, 3 sitting rooms, 4 COVENTRY -Tollan d-M cu to is a woman. Strimike, East Hartford; and locking ^ RIDGEFIELD - (A----- P )------— Doris the adult------population,. - gl'vtog- room apartments, heat, hot 644-8362. 01223 alter 5. FOUR rooms, newly redecorat­ SCHOOL AREA floor laundry room, S-zeme bedrooms, plus studio, study tiled baths, exceptitmally watering opportunity. This And so he meets Marilyn Scott D. Turner. 27 Graham ances many now to high posi- an employe of toe them a theoretic recruiting ed, stove, refrigerator, adults, water, carpeting, appliances, F. M. G A A L A G E N C Y house will generate income to pierce cf West Covina, Calif., Hd., South Windsor; Resdmary uoiw. state Department cf Finance base of 600,000 adult Vletnom- FIVE-ROOM duplex, garage, 3 Immediate Occupancy heating and much more. Must and 3 baths, stone walls, ga­ well built Ranch home with inquire 58 School after 4 p.m. children welcome. Available REALTOR, MLS help you make payments While the first and only woman flight Vlens, 88 Strickland St., Paula s a n , Control, was released on ese. Garden - Farm > ElARLY Victorian lounge, $50. Immaculate 7-room Colonial see. A real opportunity. Hayes rage, large barns and out build­ many, many extras. Blxcel- blocks from Main St. A v a ila b le ______immediately. $190 monthly. 643-2682 you live to it. Enjoy toe beeuity crew member of an air rescue Whitmore, EnflelcL__ swd. si her own recognizance Monday In toe boiling cauldron that is I^one 876-0083. 3 bedrooms, 1V4 baths Agency, 646-0131. ings. A view frt>m every win­ Dairy Products 50 Sept. 1st, $165. monthly, secu- ’THREE room apartment 3rd 646-0882, 649-2871. lent VEdue for the family de­ of rural Connecticut, easy ac- team to toe A ir Force. BIRTHS YESTERDYESTERDAY: AY: A ^ ® . vtot. evening after she was charged Saigon to August, I got toe Im- MANCHESTER — New listing. Remodeled kitchen (self­ dow. $48,000. LCO-lil UI uic trvta rity deposit required. Write floor, heated, $100 monthly no MANCHES’TER — Early Amer­ sirous of peace and quiet on cess to UConn, Hartford, Rock- inIn crash and emergency situ- son to ^ Mr. an< voara workliw embezzlement by a public presslon that the Vietnamese Porter St. area, very large 6- cleaning stove and dish­ Box F., Manchester Herald. children, no pets. Call after 6 Rockville ican 28’x54’ raised ranch, {sres- AMS’IO N LAK E 6-room cottage, ■vUle. Attractive Ranch with atiens not involving fire and to Jobs Hill Rd., E llln gt^; a ymm, spen tog y official, state police said. population had not yet come to ATTENTION Musical Instrument 53 room Ranch, one of Manches­ washer) charming country road p.m. 649-8476. tlge area, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, completely furnished right down two-car garage, separate third which her copter cannot land, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- in t e pro c y, Mrs. Senior, 67, of Oxford, terms with the American ■wlth- ROAD SIDE LOOKING for anything in real CAREN APTS. ter’s finest locations. Many ex­ Screened porch, large foyer to the dishes. Extra lot includ­ amidst comparable proper- 2 fireplaces, buUt-ln bookcases, bedroom with bath and cooking a I c Pierce is the first out toe .erick------—G ag^n, o---- , — 28 Wuitems------St. ;^ . - 1„ who ...... worked out cf an office at drawal. Enough GI money was estate rental — apartments. V ILLAG ER Apartments — tras. Living room with fire- Attractive llvinig room (den ed. $14,900. . ties. CaU Suzanne Shorts, STAND STEINWAY baby grand piano. . 3 ^ , m room apartments. dishwasher, disposal, self­ facilities that has been earn- chopper door. ■ a son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael g r ils e to move *" Fairfield Hills State Hospital to gyu flowing to oil toe wheels of homes, multiple dwellings, no Available Oct 1st, 5-room town- idace, formal dining room, 2 adjacent) Asking $500. Call 649-3390. Available now. Including ap- cleaning oven, sundeck, gas 4-UNIT apartment — good in­ 646-3233. tog rental income for it’s own- Lowered to earth on toe hoist H yla n d ._K eilyR j d Vernon: -----— . -a z; — , • ____.„,hnt he newtown,Newtown, suncuucicu surrendered accord- gg^commerce, ^ erce. The noises of war O ^ R A T O R S fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ house, full basement, tiled full baths, finished famUy Formal dining room *.-.1 pUances, wall-to-wall carpet­ grUl, unfinished famUy room, come. Call for details. sociates, Inc. 643-5129 baths, air-condiUoners, ap­ room with fireplace, garage, Completely finished 3rd floor TATA A /ATT /A/-w *’®®"’ cable, it’s her job to see what son to Mr. and ^ h n Van Prra ™,iiinir nut Even Ing to a prearranged plan to cf- gj^^g retreated into ^ILVERQUEEN—THE ing, heat, hot water, swim- city water, sewers, 2-car ga­ J. W ATSO N BEACH CO. ferred. Priced to sell fast at the situation calls for, if medic- Ness, 33 Hickory Dr., Covent^. says „ to ‘ *'® ®^‘ ® P °“ ®® C a m b ^ Antiques 56 pliances, carpeting throughout, park-Uke yard with patio. A AU city uUUUes U-ROOM CUSTOM RANCH. SWEETEST SWEET iniiig pool, storage and park­ rage, many extras $39,500 — $26,900.------Ashford ■------Realty, -1-429- gi ...... attention is believed to be d---- is------c h a r g e d------YESTERDAY; men known as , hawks reem „ to reportedly was '-“ noouia. WE HAVE customers waiting heat. No pets, one child. must to see. Frechette Real­ Most desirable residential Wall-to-wall carpeting through­ Hartford Office 547-1560 , . My Vietnamese friends ing. From $150. Call Su- save, caU owner, 646-1282. Ism. 1-429-4112 evenings. needed. Mrs. Judith M. Swlney. 313 accept toe fact that the situ CORN COLLECTION antique pattern lor the rental of your apart­ Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. out, 3 baths, large rec room, out cf state over the weekend. knowingly when I men- periniendant, 875-1665, 278- tors, 647-9993. neighborhood, convenient to ------Women’s lib? Birch Mountain Rd.; Jeffrey E. atlon has changed. State auditors said toe ___-v ,-. NOW AVAILABLE glass, china, etc. Also antique ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ all schools, shopping, trans­ opening onto patio, 'with pool. crewel bedspread. Moving. THREIE-ROOM apartment, with 1510, 242-6658. MANCHESTER — 2-famUy, 36- ELLINGTON — Immaculate 6- n°m®"not a part of that Deschenes, 164 Charter Oak St.! "Always ‘^®™ amount tovolved to toe alleged tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. 106 FOOT 7H-room custom portation. CaU Suzanne Large treed lot, 180x216’ with a TOLLAND -Six-room Ranch, room Ranch, built-ins, fire- CALL 649-5064. all conveniences. Call after 5, brick Ranch. 87’ Uving room, 37 Chestnut St., aluminum sid­ ROCKVILLE — AttracUve 3V4 Shorts, 646-3233. ing, 2 furnaces, $29,900. Helen view. paneled study, 2-car garage, % niece wall-to-wall carpeting roup ” says MarUyn ’’! just f f Z ^ r i c ^ ^ T e t o to ^ e t n S ! Laos?” asked one’ of them, a 644-1454 NEW 4-room apartment, in­ 649-9043, or 649-0463. 2-car garagre, 2% acres. Goiv sel I ’m doing something far A n d o v e r ; Mrs. Furdl_a B_. Hurst, ^ countrv o* 81.100-______farmer television cornerman WE HAVE a collection of oil rooms, appliances, heat, D. Cde, Realtor, 643-6666, cludes stove and refrigerator. geous view. Hutchins Agen- WATSON BEACH CO. e»Ar OEm m sr. L.n4. .0- . q b . c a ^ » < > , » tS T " Z l i ' T Z ' u..™ w .™ after 3:30 lamps, ready to use in case of heat, hotwater, carpeting, $185. FIVE ROOM duplex. Adults on- adults, no pets, security. 649- Dick Lemieux, 649-9737. cy, 649-6824. Hartford Office 647-1650 room power failure. Char-Ro-Lane, Wolverton Agency, 649-2813. ly, no pets. $125. Reply Box 4824. SIX-ROOM Ranch, aluminum home BUCKLAND Farms, fruits^uid CaU 872-3279. ■EE” , Manchester Herald. VERNON — 5-room apartment MANCHESTER — Nice three- SDC-ROOM Cape, near schools, possibility MANCHESTER — Deluxe two- ... *---n------T> --SkAWAa . . . and brick, 2 batte, fireplace, " ’ WgBttfbtea'piat^ fre $180 per month, mlddleage bedroom RMCh. Three a c ^ . shopping center, rec room, alu land. bedroom duplex IM baths, garage. Asking $33,900. Make Open 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., couple preferred. AvaUable Meal for horses or ponlM. minum siding, new storms and Wearing Apparel - fuU basement, carpets, ap­ offer. Wolcott Realtor, 668- lUXSO/EDGE-Dynamlc 9-room COVENTRY - New listing, 6- « « Colonial, very good condl- thm ^ t. . -a namese army, when toe Saigon g/J“ ^ i^ rn tor^ h ^ ltels- " Americans I talked with Comer Tolland ’Tpke., and Furnished September 1st. 4^ Church St., W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- screens, ftr^lace, wall-to-wall Adams St. Furs 57 pliances and heat Included. _ 8200. I ^ed Ranch 5 bedrooms. 2% p ^ ^ g h , centrThiat. «». Must^ shf c“ t getTs^reS government would cleanse it- Talley aTMlddle- agreed that the Vietnamere $235 monthly. Paul W. Dougan, A p a iT in e iltS 6 3 - A 872-8382. <68®- carpeting. May be occupied be fore school starts. 643-8315 be b ^ , lai^e room, ca- ^Von’t last at $11,900. Frechette predated. Priced right. A u ^ without experience so she ®‘ '., „ t Karvelia obvious corruption and ^ Norwich State people to the clUes who have LOMBARDO’S — Pick your Realtor, 649-4586. ______FIVE-ROOM apartment — Tal- MANCHESTER — Business tween 4-8 p.m. Principals only toedral ceUtog rn ^ g and dining « a . Chambers. Realtor. MLS. "^g^^^^ir^ree PaS A P®“^ Stal-toe investigators re- Emitted themselves to the own tomatoes, peppers, egg AUTUMN Haze mink cape, ‘THREE • ROOM furnished cottvlUe, $186, stove Included, zwie, large well kept estate- ______room, modem kitchen. A ver------e«-2325. ^‘^T^re s h f ^H n t o toe medic- hfaTd c U ^ S l’ Rd ^ ^ rte d a lack of adequate con- Saigon side, have not serioualy plant. By the pound or by- the like new, $295. CaU 649-4216. apartment, heat, private batii. 643-8169. Hke home, 1% baths. Malnte- go WOODBRIDGE ST., Man satile home to an excellent lo- COLUMBIA LAKE area — 40- bedrwom apartment on Main al field and was working toe ’-M -^Norah C Starin ®®“"V'y®‘ ‘^®’ when toe enemy gjgjg sanitariums, considered the full SmpllcaUons basket. Rear l2l5Vi Silver ------— Apply Marlow’s Inc. 867 Main nance free exterior. Double ga- cheater, 6-room older Ranch niBht office when the Tolland ^ s . Norah C. Starin. g,g home,” _ ^a^rel HelghU to g, America’s departure. St. $167 per month Including cation. 2-car garage. ' E h . " ’I ^ r f i r e p ’S . toght'surgeon’s office when toe 7 “ “ “ ’ R^el^e;' “ P 8^° "®"'®’ They were Laurel HelghU in g, America’s departure. Lane, East Hartford. St. RSIASONABLE FOUR- room rage. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. one-car garage and carport WODdLAND Wanted - To Buy 58 appliances, air - conditioning bungalow in Bolton. Phrnie city water and sewage, front BUTTER and sugar corn. Also ■TWO acres, 7-room Raised o™, HOUSEHOLD lots — AnUques, and carpets. Paul W. Dougan, EAST HARTFORD — Singles Hartford 624-5132 or 246-4729. and rear enclosed porches, MANOR canning t^ a to e s , bring con- Realtor, 649-4635. Ranch, built-ins, recreatlmi bric-a-brac, locks, frames, ______preferred, nicely furnished shaded lot. Ride by, if interest- tainers, $1.39 half bushel. twivbedn^m Town house. WUl EAST HARTFORD -ad u lt cou- .garage, gorgeous view, APARTMENTS glassware. We buy estates. MANCHESTER — Newer two- 12 acres. Priced at $37,600. Buckland F’arms, comer Tol­ accommodate up to four. AvaU- ple, no children or pets, 4 |82,goo. Hutchins Agency, Re- uasion neaiiy 64»- TODAY! Please call Lange Agency, 5S1- ~ r E r S ™ — Village Peddler, Auctioneer, bedroom duplex. $185 monthly 6731. HOMiESTEAD ST. f l l ^ t crew. It just hadn’t been Hebron; Richard N. Templeton, be implemented when we for improved procedures. land ’Tpke. and Adams St., able immediately. $200. Mr. rooms, heat, hot water, stove alton, 649-5324. 22iB-0346, 228-3296. 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649-3247. including heat and appliances. 45 S. Alton St. leave,” toe young American o Manchester and Route 83, Ver­ Coni am, J. D, Real Estate As­ and refrigerator. CaU 628-0596. MANCHESTER — Stately 7- OFF W. MIDIHJS TPKE. Wanted - Real Estate 77 done before Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- WARANOKE RD. —4-bedroom MANGHESTEK Souadron headouarters at El- Also. Mrs. Ethel S. Rogers, said. non. WANTTED — antique furniture, sociates, 648-5129. Monday-Friday, 6 p.m. - 9 room older Colonial, modem GLASTONBURY — 6-room Co- Squadron headquarters at r-i Hartford; Nancy E. Cor- High on the Ust of remaining Easy^To-Wear Money-Saver 4536. home, in fine residential area. glass, pewter, oil paintings or p.m., weekends, 9-9 p.m. kitchen, 4 bedrooms, trees, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom luxuiy PHILBRICK — ___ _—-— ------H THREE - ROOM, clean attrac- Tremendous location and coran, other antique items. Any quan­ z~~: centrally located, dead-end apartments. Features wall-tiv Household Goods 51 DELUXE 2 - bedroom apart- apartment, aU uUllUes In- ROCKVILLE — 4-room apart­ priced to seU. Drive by, signs sor; tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, street. Hutchins Agency Real­ wall carpeting, vanity tile n ment A v^b le now $2(» ^ cludinTl«rWn«- 649-7743. ment, first floor, heat, hot wa­ on property. T. J. Crockett, 166 Oakland Street. month including heat and ap- ______tors, 649-5324. baths, built-in oven, range, Realty, 875-3367. ______^ h ^ 't^ p e r- eltef 126 Prospect St., Rockville; gounterlnsurgency,’ ’ one ex- ter, electricity, no pets, $160. Realtor, 643-1677. dishwasher, refrigerator and FURNITURE and appliances AGENCY ALL CASH for your property . toe helicopter Mrs. Margaret Worthington, perlenoed American com- pliances. Paul W. Dougan, t HREB-ROOM furnished Call 875-4220 after 6 p.m. MANCHEiS’TER — Immaculate disposal, electric heat. 2 air- oa for sale. Call 646-8175. $27,900 — EIGHT-ROOM Colo- Bolton wlthto 24 hours. Avoid red ^ ^ June vrito no con- Daly Rd., Coventry: Mrs. mented. “ We have i^rfected Rooms Without Board 59 Realtor, 649-4535 apartment. Heat and all utili­ 6-room Ranch plus 12x17’ fam ­ conditioners, gloss sliding 1^ 0 ties Included. References re­ nlail, in-law quarters. Alumi­ doors, all large rooms. £\lll B E A U T IF U L BOLTON tape, Instant service. Hayes ggggigns granted her sex. Janice E . N a s h and son, Storrs; techniques of pacification and SEWING Machine — Singer jjtR G E furnished room tor MANCHESTER — One - bed- ily room. Three large bed­ quired. $175 mwithly. PhU- num siding, new heating sys­ basement storage area, am­ This lovely 7-room Raised Agency, 646-0131. gg far ail her mleslons have Mrs. Janet E. Davis and daugh- indoctrination that are superb. ■Touch and sew in walnut cabi- jjjale only, parking, $16. week- room garden apartment. Car- Resort Property rooms, fireplaced living room, REALTORS brick Agency, Realtors, 646- tem. Off East Center St., trees. ple parking. Starting at $175. Ranch has 3 bedrooms, Vk been practice but Marilyn is ter, 226------New State . .-JRd As I said we have all toe an­ net, dams, mends, embrol- jy_ 646-0223 after 5. peting, all appliances, heat, attached garage. Private yard. 4200. For Rent 67 Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Handy to shopping, schools, baths, family room, 2-car looking forward to toe first real swers, except toe answer to one ders, monograms, etc. Origl- ______and parking. $170. Immediate 20s. Wolverton Agency, Re­ 649-6824. bus and religious facilities. garage, carpeting, over an question; How toe hell do you nally over $300. Special, CLEAN, comfortable room for occupancy. Highlsiul Oak VU- LAKE Wlnnipesaukee — Five- altors, 649-2813. S 0 0 ICS challenge. ” I ’m eager to go,” Model apartment open for acre of land AND A LARGE get leaders?” $51.00 cash or terms. Call 623- gentleman. Inquire 2 Pearl St., Joge, 643-6177. Evenings 647- room Chalet, very modern, ful­ MANCHESTB5R — Near hospl- inspection weekday’s 1-7 p.m. 646-4200 In the view of many seasoned ly-equipped. Last minute can- ABOVE-GROUND POOL. “ ^e I ’m really needed and Guida G0ts Nod 0200. Dealer. Mrs. Demute. 9921. Business Locations tal, immaculate 6H-room Cape, — weekends 1-6 p.m. A N0W Pr0sid0nt _ -,-,1 . Americans here, toe leadership High assumable mortgage. doing something for 6 4 ceUatlon makes the last 2 ideal for medical office, r o r l \ . 0 " l i / l C C t l O I l problem goes right up to Presl-. NEWER 4-room duplex, bath For Rent ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY weeks of August available. nurses, specialties, etc. Bel BuUt by MANCHESTER — Centrally lo­ WELLESLEY. Mass. (A P ) - dent Nguyen Van Tlileu, who and a half, full basementowlth ______Call 643-0188 after 6 p.m. PRESIDENTIAL cated spacious 4-bedroom old­ $28,600 Air Real Estate, 643-9382. ihe board of trustees at Well- t jg^es guU to work under NEW wiiivv h HAVEN avuiit (A P ) — Mayor iia/.has - disenchanted------them--- by -spon- r - - washer and dryer hoougan, Realtor, 649-46.36. tact Barbara Wing, 3 Paul St., NOTICE prestige area. A one of a ture. Terrific value at only to be free of "administrative ~ ceding administration of Mayor ^ k e of w ^ t he c ^ e r e d to COMMERCIAL place tor lease Burlington, Mass. kind home. Owner. 643-6096. $25,000. T. J. Crockett, Re- responsibliitles and return to a S c r 0 0 1 1 A c t O F S ^ , be toe problem with Thleu and PUBLIC HEARING Richard C. Lee and Gulda’s saw in it a reflection of prob- DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ or sale 461 Main St., next to ______aitors, 643-1677. quieter life.” „ ment, wall-to-wall carpeting post office. Excellent business OLDER home, living room, dto' “The priorities for the college 'Da|..||.y l.0 1 ltr 3 C t challengers, Henry E. Parker lems in other areas, where 71 BOARD OF DJRECTORS ing room, kitchen and family b OLTON throughiut, complete appli­ locauon vrith building. Call Land For Sale have now been established and 1 im __ The and Vincent J. Slrabella. some Americans find it more \i _ TO W N OF room. Three bedrooms, bath. .^t/^tt ances,. vanity bath. Centrally 646-2426, 9-6. SHOPPING CENTERS the groundwork for toe (1976) HOLLYWTOD______( ) . Parker, who aUowed ® BHYIOITW located. $175. monthly. R. D. BOLTON — 7% acres. Route MANCHESTER, Garage. Lot 100x126’ Marion E. 5-ROOM RANCH c e n t e r s ! plans laid,” she Screen Actors Guild says its Murdock, 643-2692. WAREHOUSE, 60x30’ in Ando- 44A. Ideal for business or apart-’ CONNECTICUT Robertson, Realtor, 643-6953. with earaae wall-to-wall car- said. members navehave rauucuratified a.a new name to~ be placed, - in noml- ■•'niey’re iney re not noi listening1101. to us. ver, $100 per month. Call after ments. $65,000. Now under construction, Broad St., Manchester, ■- J l i ^ n e - a c r e beautifully Miss Adams served as dean contract granting them an to- n a ^ ------"• d— lH o t S- detail. We’re LARGE 6-room, 3-bedroom MANCHESTER — 8-room over- up before we GIRLS' SIZES 6 p.m., 876-0166. MANCHEISTER — Beautifully Thursday, AugUSt 19, 1971 spring occupancy; Vernon, Route 83; Windsor -lizGd exnanded Cape. ’Twob SL'Sflot. treed lot. Exclusive area. u5%%7iyo of01 Douglass nougiaao Collegeviwicee in New *■>=" ------______prelStS. L " .j 1414 apartment, wall-to-wall carpet 6-8-10 yn. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC iiig, stove, heat, available Sept. 130 HARTFORD RD. — Next to treed lot, resldenUal area. $6,000 Board of Directors will Locks, Route 76. 7-15 2194 sroom, . lovely suburban lot. Ga- buyer. $25,000, -s . » Lynch iMotors needs another mechanic who takes pride 1st. $220. per month. Two chil- Community College, 8,000 (COVENTRY — Large level conduct a public session Thurs- taught in toe English depart- The guUd said Monday mem- venUon and said they would en- „ow is paternalism,” another dren accepted, no pets. Charles square feet. Sale or lease, wooded lot. Quiet area, away day, August 19, 1971, from 6:80 Hurry with your requirements, we will build to ^ e $29,900. Hayes Agency, ^ AGENCY This button - down - the - Use those left-over fab­ in his work. Our policy is to give the best service possible, ment at toe University of Ro- bgrg voted 5,680 to 2,006 in a ter toe Democratic primary man said. "'We have got to let front jumper is not only rics to make a patchwork and we are looking for another man who is willing to do Lesperance, 649-7620. Owner. 649-6148. from lake. $2,500. p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Board suit Chester. maU referendum to accept the Sept. 22. , , easy-to-wear, but, also, skirt for the young lady of Directors’ Office in the Mu- . :------REALTOR, MLS "that Utle bit extra.’’ A minimum of 6 years’ experience MANCHESTER — New listing 643-2682 She holds a bachelor’s degree ^g^^ three-year contract with Referring to the Lee admlnls- We cannot hold ^ t P T ^ - - Beautiful BuUding to hear com- Commercial — Industrial, various other locations Huge__ „ ____ 10-room brick Ranch, ____ frem Adelphl College, a mas- j^e Association of Motion Pic- tratlon, Guida said: "When I namese forever.” with PHOTO-GUIDE is in has complete sewing and ExceUent opportunity to grow with a young organiza­ older 2-famUy house, walking apartment, ideal for small to- level b u ll^ ^ lot. ^W^klng dls- “ uggesUons from the exclusive area, live in one of COVENTRY — 1061 Ranch, 3 jgj.ig from Columbia University gnd Television Producers took the reigns of office New Another said: "W e can do no Sizes 7 to 16 (bust SI- finishing directions for tion. Nine months ago we had 3 mechanics. Now We have distance to Mato St. and Burance business etc. Call af- tance to water, $6,000. available on land lease or build'to-suit basis. Miss Sizes 12-14-16 and public. Manchester’s finest locations, bedrooms, attached garage, g Doctorate from Radcliff. y jg three TV networks. Haven, despite claims to the more for them. They have got S I). Size 9, S2 bust . . . 7, and we need one more. Our sales and service business churches, small yard, heat ter 6, 649-9043 or 649-0463. regular length, 2% yards Girl’s 6-8-10 years inclu­ F. M. G A A L A G E N C Y large beamed living room, din- large wooded lot, hardwood Nelson J. Darling, trustee ^ apokesman said it be- contrary, was In a disastrous to do it alone now. We should has exceeded our wildest expectations! included, adults preferred, no Future sessions will be held Immediate occupancy -j- Manchester, 25 Olcott St., of 64-inch; midi, 2% sive. We also need an hpprentice technician to service new ------^------REALTOR, M I£ the first ’Tuesday of each month 4,600 square feet. Ideal for commercial, light man­ ing room, 4 bedrooms, family floors, 16 minutes from Man- board chairman, said toe full jjg^gg jjjg ^ew contract will not state of affairs. get out as soon as possible, fas- yards. SEND tot li ctint lor oaeh pattor* , cars. We are willing to train someone with mechanical pets, references, security. room, den, kitchen with built- cheater. $13,600. Meyer, Real- board would meet Sept. 8 to de- . a*/ggtgd by President Nix- “ Fiscally, we bordered on ter than the current pace.” A -loclodoi pestoto lod kiadllaa. $150. monthly. Call 8-5 dally, Houses For Rent 65 6^3-2682 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and Patterns available only Aaae Cabot. Maanheotwr tltude. ufacturing, warehouse, additional l2,000 sq. f t ins, 2 full baths, 2-car garage, tors, 643-0609. termine toe procedure for se- wB^e-nrice freeze because bankruptcy with an enormous third commented: “ It has be- in sizes shown. We offer a high hourly rate, brand new modem shop, 649-4522. m the third Tliuraday of each month from 6:80 p.m., to 8:80 available. laige screened in paUo, ex- _ Alr-condlUonedI >®®‘^ ^ j j ^ gg^ garugr as debt with no easy means of re- come wholly a V le ^ e s e war. SEND 7SC In csini for OKh pottom paid training at Toyota Service Schools in N.J., and a good TOLLAND — 6-room Ranch Houses For Sale 72 tremely large landscaited TOLTON Air c «^ Wellesley, a member of toe J .^g covery,” he said. "The situ- We must leave enUrely. ’ — Incindii RoiUft and hindllnt. N . T . 1 6 6 M . benefit program. Our work week is 5^ davi, and ovenime 474 M AIN ST. — 3 rooms, heat­ p.m. to the Board of Directors’ 8ae Boraett. Maaehastor PriRt Naow, Addrott oriOi ZIP' available September fur one- yard. Call today. is available if desired. ed, $135. Security. Family CUSTOM BEAUTY — Brand Office Choice Main Street office space, various sizes. .— 1 r-oii fndav Frechette io0x400 lot! f®);®" Co*l®«® The contract gives actors a atlon required severe and They entertained no Evealiur HerM, U50 AVE. CODE pnd Stilt Ntiibpr. year lease, 2 baths, garage, Realtors, M7-9993. OF ZJikuCAS, NEW YOBK. Apply in person to Joe McCavanagh, Service Manager, unit. 646-2426, 9-5. Donald D. Wells, M i/^o’s Bel Air Real Estate, women students. J^n _ minimum prompt measures and we took about toe troubled Umes th ^ The Spring & Summer security, references, $266. new 3-bedroom, two-bath Rais' N.T. k m S: betwem 10 AjM. and 4 P.M. ed Ranch with aluminum sid­ Secretary M3 9M2 MV per^y to $138 frem $120, toem immediately.” possibly lie ahead for toe South Print Naan, Sddrttt with ZIP '71 ALBUM is 664, includes THREE nice rooms, hot water, monthly. Hayes Agency. 646- .'HANCHESS'TER — Six-famUy W3-0332- traUon program with toe Mas- pay p « <“ 7 ’ ™ . j DemocraUc in- Vietnamese. postage and handling. ing, work saver kitchen and Board of Directors CODI, Stplo Hsabt^asf Slis. heat, stove, refrigerator. 668- 0181. JARVIS ENTERPRISES t o - raThrsetr^I^Utute Of Tech- and provides ^or payment to All other THE ttC OUIITER... 1 IttcHtr f«r formal dining room located on Manchester, Conn. I continue for actors for life cumbente, with toe exception of One quarter of a mlUlon tPlIt-nuklRsi lilt 12 livtii dt- 0833. Indian Drive. Open for tospec- 283 E. C E N ^ R s t r e e t ' ment. Secondary financing ished. tl|Rl. Patttm piMtt! dlrtcUtot. LYNCH MOTORS LARGE 3-room home, pleasant, ’ '“ •,1; .“'S ' 6t0T-Wt, iRclidtt ptttiit tod NEW two-family, 6-room apart­ convenient location, large tlon Sunday 1-4 p.m. Evenings Dated at Manchester, Connec- 643-4112 kiadllRi. ^ 345 Center Street Manchester lawn, working adult or work­ 6-8. Starkweather Construe- tlcut, this fourth day of August profile, no longer

nT- TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1971 PAGE SIXTEEN U9anrl;piitfr lEttptting llpnilii A'verage D ai^N et Press Run The Weather For Tlitt. Week Bnded atdy 81, it n Cnear tonight with patchy fog Hie Westhlll Gardens Social Capt. Lawrence Beadle, of- ing, 276 Windsor St., Hartford. courses and registration may be developing early In morning; Public Courses obtained by ccsitactlng Preston About Town Club will have a picnic tomor- flcer-in-charge of the Manches­ Course titles are accounting HattrljPHtpr lEumtitg Upral& low near 60. Fair and quite how at 4:30 p.m. at the West­ ter Salvatic^i Army Corps, will principles for financial man­ Reed, director of special pro­ DeBella and Resale Opticians 1 4 ,8 9 0 warm tomorrow; high about 90. be guest spetlker at the meeting Announced For agement, investment analysis, grams, RPI Connecticut, 276 St. Mary’s Episcopal Church hlll picnic site, or In the event Manchester— A City of Village Charm will have a mid-week service o( of rain, In the Community Hall. of Manchester Rotary Club to­ oral and written communica­ Windsor St., HarUord, 06120. night at 6:30 at Manchester RPI Connecticut Holy Communion tomorrow at Those planning to attend are tions for mshagers, small busi­ Com plete reminded to bring table set­ Country Club. He will tell ot the ness management, scientific (ClMtUed Advertteliit on Fnge 8S) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS 10 a.m. Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ VOL. LX X X X , NO. 271 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CQNN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1971 tings and chairs. activities of the Salvation Army decision making for managers; Connecticut E ye Glast-- There will be a volleyball and its Camp Nathan Hale in stitute of Connecticut will offer technologicEd forecasting plan­ Coventry. The program will also Service game tonight at 7 ;S0 at the Trin­ ’The Greater Manchester 16 new courses this fall for ex­ ning and assessment, systems Include Instrumental music. May Oppose ity Covenant Church. Summer Pops orchestra will re­ ecutives, engineers, public of­ engineering methods for prob­ hearse tonight from 7 to 9 In lem solving and desig;n. Mrs. Marion Crossen of 137 ficials, and others who need up­ Iioced high school delegates the Unitarian Meeting House, Also, optimization techniques Nixon, Lalvor N. Elm St. recently returned dating or new training for their' ITT Proposal who will attend a three-day con­ 466 Main St. Student, amateur for buslitesB application, com­ from Jamaica where she spent jobs. Copter in Explosion ference beginning Sunday and professional musicians are puter science for non-computer (Continued from Page One) a week at the Tower Isle Hotel. Most of the courses, presented "You’ve Got a Lot to Give,’’ invited. The Pops Concert Is Battle Looms by RPI Connecticut’s Center for managers, business applications sponsored by the Connecticut scheduled for Sept. 1. only knowledge of the settle­ Continuing Studies, will start in programnilng, methods In fati­ Division, American Red Cross at Bv Rail and Sea gue deadgn, servomechanisms ment "comes from what I read The Manchester Jaycees will early October and run for 10 In the newspapers" and that his O n Economy Quinnipiac College in Hamden BOURNEMOUTH, England and feedback systems, advanced have a clambake for Jaycees two-hour sessions during the fedl office was not contacted in ad­ 18 Asylum dt. are: Patrick Farrell of 96 Dart­ (AP) — Alan Gilbeit, a clerk strerrgth materials, transporta­ Over Germany Kills semester. By NEIL GILBMDE mouth Rd., East Catholic High and Jaycee wives Saturday at here with the natlanallied Brit­ vance by either the company or Room 104 Courses carry no formal edu­ tion systems analysis, health federal authorities. AP Labor Writer School; Linda Pisch of 71 Grant 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. ish rail system, has set off on a Tel. 632-0767 cation requirements, and class­ care systems, and urban socio- "As insurance commissioner Entloo F. Reels Rd., Manchester High School; and Mrs. John Hamill, 16 Ser­ leisurely trip around the world, Rubb DeBeUa Hartford es will meet In the late after­ envlronmental sciences for engi­ I may have an obligation to In­ . WASHINGTON (AP) — and John Dun agin of Enfield, ver St. For reservations, con­ in which he plans to travel as noons, evenings, and Saturdays neers. tervene and oppose the settle­ Labor leaders headed to­ Howell Cheney Regional Tech­ tact Mrs. Ronald Lewis, 394 far as practicable only by train In RPI Connecticut’s new build­ Further information about ment," Altermatt said. Read Herald Advertisements day for a bitter confronta­ nical School. Main St.' and ship. He Is 28. 37 U.S. Servicemen tion with the White House over President Nixon’s PEGNITZ, Germany Anton Klement, owner of '8; ■ there were repeated exploalans. wagre-price freeze amid (AP)— A U.S. Army trans- betel 600 yards from the crash There must have been ammunl- , , . 1 J J • site, said he was eating a meal tion on board,” he said. "There signs some unions will de­ port helicopter exploded in J,e heard an explosion. was nothing more of the hrtl- fy his request to halt all flight near the Grafen- “j looked out the window and copter to be seen. 'The wreck- strikes. woehr training area today saw the blades of the rearmost age was spread over an area of ’Ilie AFLrCIO's blunt-spoken and all 37 men aboard were engine of the helicopter had about 800 to 1,000 yards. ■ Tlie President George Meany kei>t a IrilloH flip A rm v rpnnrtpd been blown away,” he said, bodies lay In a radius of about grim silence pending Thurs­ l i r ’ t^ n eimTd^ S (^ i: "The forward blades were sUll 2<^ Vards^ No one was ^ v e day’s meeting with top admin- nook helicopter was en route as the heMcopter hurt- when I ^ there. Four b ^ y IstraUon officials. But the 77- from Ludwlgsburg, near Stutt- “ »ward the ground. The charred l^ ie s were still fas- 1 % on.2 fo 5 year year-old chief of the giant labor gart, to Grafenwoehr with a whirling blades sawed off parts tened to toelr^ aU . federation was reported seeth­ crew of four and 33 members of from fe e s before the machine Klem^ent said It ^ a h ^ ing over the remark of Secre­ the 66th Artlllerv Brigade ac- hit the ground and exploded.” hour before two fire engines tary of Labor J. D. Hodgson toe After alertiqg police. Klement rrived on toe scene about 200 Savings Certificates’ that "Mr. Meany appears to be U.S. Army European Command aald he rushed to the crash yards f r ^ toe au tobah n ^ F ^ sadly out of step with the needs In Heldel^nr He said 26 bod- scene. men fought the flames for two and desires of America’s work­ ieshad bee^recoveredsofar. "The woods were afire and I h < ^ as It spread Into the ing men and women." The helicopter belonged to couldn't get too close because woods, ^ A YEAR Meany had denounced the freeze as helping corporations toe Army’s 4to Aviation Battal- and hurting workers. ion of toe 16to Aviation Group “ If he wasn’t furious before at Schwaeblsch-Hall. he is now,” said one member of ’The spokesman said toe craft the AFL-CnO’s 36-man execu­ was on a routine mission. tive council which wUl meet Witnesses said the helicopter with Hodgson and White House broke in two alter toe explosion economic adviser George and toe fiery wreckage fell to Shultz. earth at the edge of woods be­ Chief 'Federal Mediator J. tween this Bavarian city and Curtis OoAmts, who announced Jackson, Miss, police watch Republic of New Africa president Imari Obadele toe Nuemberg-Berlin autobahn. the strike ban request with the and six members of his black separatist group after a shootout in which three ’The crash site is 26 miles hint of forcible acUen if neces­ lawmen were hurt. Obadele, second from right, obscures another man. (AP Photo) west of toe Czechoslovakian sary to halt walkouts, conceded border. that Hodgson’s statement Servicemen “ won’t pour any salve on the wounds." Reliable souloes said other Exempt From School Edition administration officials had Three Lawmen Hurt in Battle tried to halt Hodgson’s state­ Today’s edition of 'The ment, but failed to act In time. Hetald contains toe Back to on 1 to 2 year “ We’ve got to be conciliatory Black Separatist Group Fre«ze School tabloid insert. It fea­ at this time,’’ one official said With WASHINGTON (AiP) — The tures the latest fashions and cf Nixon’s effort to win labor Pentagon said today members supplies for students, and cooperation for the freeze and JACXeSON, Miss. (AP) — An One of the city policemen handguns and officers -respond- (,f toe armed forces are exempt carries articles on beauty Savings Certificates* the requested strike ban. FBI agent and two policemen was wounded critically. ed with rifles, handguns, shot- President Nixon’s 90-day care, health, careers, and "Incredilde," said one major were wounded in a 20-minute None otf toe black separatists gruns and tear gas. wage freeze, problem areas in education. union president of the request shootout today at toe headquar- was shot. Lindbui-g and city police Defense Department spokes- gives you to halt all union strikes and ters of a black separatist Seven blacks were arrested chief Lavell Tullos said five man Jerry W. Friedhelm said A YEAR company lockouts during the group. at toe headquarters lAtoen they men and two women ran out military personnel will conUnue 90-day freeze. City end federal officers, fled tear gas and four others, the back door to escape tear to receive all pay Increases for A NASA Award “ Furious isn’t the word for armed with arrest warrants for including RNA president Imari jjaa and they were arrested promotions, benefits and bo­ lt," sal0 another high labor of- four i>eople, went to the head- Obadele, were picked up for in- without additional shooting. nuses due them during this pe- flclai. ’’What about strikes that quarters of the group called the vestigation a short time later at Dist. A-tty. Jack ’Travis said riod. aren’t over 'wages, but about a Republic of New Africa. They a nearby house. the seven would be charged There is also a 32.4 billion Appeal Filed union’s efforts to win bargain- said they were met with a bar- Elmer Lindburg, assistant 'with assault with intent to kill military pay hike scheduled for Ing rights?” rage of gunfire when they an- head of toe FBI office here, the officers. Oct. 1 which Frietoielm said “ Ridiculous, and I think It’s nounced their 'mission over bull said occupants of the frame Tuesday may be delayed by B y P & W A Oomfrietely Illegal,’ ’ said Rich- boms. house fired with rifles and (See Page Eight) Oxigress until mid-November. EAST HARTFORD ard Groulx, a Son Francisco la- This raise is part of the draft _.. „ .. „ Map locates Pegnitz, Germany, near where a U.S. bor official, legislation which toe lawmak- & WWtney Aircraft asked Army helicopter with 37 men aboard exploded in Harry Bridges, president of ers expect to take up when they ^ g o ve i^e n t Tues- 0 the air. All aboard were reported killed, (a p photo) TOPDOUJUI return from their summer re- the Intematlimal Warehouse- cess next month. AeronauUcs and Space Admln- SMn’a ,. . and. ' "^^em ai’s Istration’s award of a $590 mll- Union, scheduled a news con­ Australia and * New Zealand "The secretary of I^fei^e j. ap^ce’- shuttle engine con- ference later today to discuss has toe authority to run his de- tract'to Rocketdyne Oo. of Call- Nixon’s request and the 49-day- partment and this Is our deci- old dock strike tying up all In A letter to toe U.S. Gener- Three Accidents on Road West Ooast shipping. To Pull Troops Out of Viet Friectoelm cued ^ Accounting Office (GAO), ) 4 % "We are not going back to dente toe period during World Whitney (P&W) work," said Don Kenna, presi­ War n when wage and price . j 1.1. z. ai, 1 j.i 1 Qaim Four Area Residents on 90 Day Notice dent of one of 23 striking tele­ CANEBERRA, Australia ot South Vietnam and President McMahon said toe controls were to effect but selection of phone workers’ locals with (AP)__Australia and New Nixon about the Australian missile destroyer Brisbane, due "left"toe mUlta^y free to Rocketdyne was "ill'egal, arbi- Two seperate auto accidents girl ZftalanH AmimincpH toHav withdrawal, as weU as con- home from Vietnam early to provide oav Increases that went capricious, and based in Vermont last night, and a Brattleboro Memorial Hoepltol. (See Page Eight) ii. suiting with toe New Zealand September, will not be re- with ornmotlon in rank unsound decisions.” bicycle-car accident In Vernon Mrs. Alexander and her hus- Savings Aeobunts* that they will withdraw government. placed. b ^ re^rters If this “ a InvesUga- yesterday afternoon, have band, a chemist, who recently all of their combat troops J,ew York where President The government has pledged was to keeping with toe spirit several reasons claimed the Uves of five per- moved to Manchester from ’Dar^ EARNINGS from Vietnam, most of Nixon_____ was visiting. White__ other forms of mllitaiy assls- of President Nixon’s new eco- why Pratt & Whitney—not -not sons, four from toe Manches- rytown, N.Y., Uve at the Oak- 1 A YEAR Support Seen them by the end ofo f thet.Ha House Hnu5ie pressnrena secretaryHecrAtnrv RonaldRonnM tance to South Vietnam asas-toe toe nomlc i-\Tvw,-QTnprogram, TTrlp^heimFriedhelm re- Rocketdyne should build toe ter area. land Apartments on ’Tudoc year. L. Ziegler said: withdrawal precedes, he said. plied: "This is our judgment of engine. Dead are: Lane. Prime Minister William "I understand that there was Noting that $7 million had what is required pf us under P&W lost out by an Anne Marie Alexander, 3, Troopers said two truck drivj For President McMahon of Australia said lull consultation with toe South been set aside for this in 1971- toe circumstances.” tremely close^vote^ Another, John M., four ers stopped at the scene most of his country’s fighting Vietnamese government re- 72 McMahon said: “ I express He said he was not aware of Points were g:iven by NASA aft- mentos, cf Tudor Lane to Man- pulled Mrs. Alexander from the and a Choice of men wlU be home by Christ- gardtog withdrawal of Austra- the government’s conviction any area of toe mlUtary pay er examining and testing each Chester; and their aunt, Miss overturned wreckage. She W M . mas. and shipment of stores Han forces from South Viet- that toe decision I have an- system that would be affected engine component of plans sub- Anne Louise Mltiguy, 23, of treated for a hand Injury, and On Economy and equipment will be com- nam. And this further indicates nounced is a mark of success by toe wage freeze. This to- mltted by toe companies. Burlington, Vt., killed to a cne- another son, Michael, 2, WAEffUNG’^ON (AP) _ Pres- pleted by early 1972. toe South Vietnamese ability to which has attended our policies eludes, to addition to toe higher protest, Pratt & Whit- car accident on 1-91 at Dum- tatoed a skull fracture, and was Ident Nixon appears likely to In WeUtogton, Prime Minister provide for their ow ndefense.” Md~ aetton^ in” Vietna pay for promoUons, longe'vlty ney’s first to 45 years as a gov- merston, Vt. listed to fair condlUon. forces tbe years.” pay, reenlistment bonuses, hos- emment contractor, was based Robert E. Lee, 31, of 117 Dart hour after that get essentially the economic Kclto Holyoake said Australian accident, Zealand’s small combat force have been to Vietnam since McMahon also announced toe tile fire pay and living allow- on several allegatioi^: Hill Rd., Wapplng, ktoed In a Robert E. Lee pf Waj^tog was legislation he has asked from ^ withdrawn by "about‘about 1968,1966, and a team of Australian government planned to reduce ances. -T h a t NASA didn't notify head-on collision at Troy, Vt. killed instantly when his station the Democratlc-controlled Con- , ^ ^ ,, army instructors since 1962. full-time army strength 'These are all written Into toe P&W of deficiencies in Its en- Michael Edward Jakad, 6, of wagon ram;med hibad-on into a cress, although pressure Is McMahnn said he hhad written Their present strength is 7,266 71 Montauk Dr. Troy. Troopers sold (See Page Ten) (See Page Eight) t o ^ ^ ^ d ^ t ^ ^ J e n Van Thleu men (See Page Eight) was struck by a car while rid- Leg ^led of a fractured skuU. Savings Plans individuala. tog his new bicycle near his ^he other driver. Identified as Hie I ^ t e HouM declared it- Home. Klaus Urbatzka, 42, of West- ■etf pleased with the tone of a Vermont State Police said toe vt., was hospitalized with 2)4’bour discussion Tuesday Alexander children and their blp injury, that brought together the Presi­ aunt were killed when Mrs. Ml- Funeral arrangemente for B52 Strikes Alexander, % dent, some of his top advisers, incomplete. and key members of the Senate sister of toe dead children and being handled by the Benja- ...and you earn from on Regular Passbook woman, apparenUy lost control J. rtpiiahnn Funeral Home, and House. While appctoently no com­ Along D M Z of toe station wagon she was Mato St., East Hortfonl. mitments were made by Demo- driving, causing it to roll over Yesterday afternoon in Ver- Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal Savings Accounts* crate to support the legislation several times. Police said toe „ „ „ five-year-old Michael Jok- In exactly the form Nixon has Intensified two chUdren were killed when g^ ^as Wiled when hit by a they were thrown from the car. gg^ rfdlng a bicycle he suggested, they reportedly were By GEORGE ESPER Miss Mltiguy and toe infant bad just received for his Wrth- A YEAR predamlnanUy in favor of the boy were pronounced deewl at thrust of his proposals. . SAIGON (AP) — Half toe B62 toe scene, and the Alexander (See Page Eight) In otoer economic develop- Compounded DAILY bombers to Southeast Asia to- " * !S i e IditoWstraUon asked day made toe heaviest strikes labor to end current to a year along toe demlllta- 8 atrlkes and not stort any new rlzed zone, and South Vletnam- In Connecticut Paid M ONTHLY ones during the 90-day 'wage- ese commanders predicted price-rent freeze, and hinted at heavier enemy rocket and mandatory back-to-work orders mortar attacks along toe norto- Party Heads in Five Cities for workers vriw refuse. em frontier. *S