Cfunm Mure B. D &SON Leurnttig Nixon Bids Legislators Back Him On
MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average DaUy Net Press Run The Weather lEtiPUing l$ m U i For The Week Ended July 31, 1971 Clear and cool tonight; low Town Democrats 55 to 60, Tomorrow sunny, About Town lEurnttig warm: high near 90. Chances of rain near zero mroughout. Itfanchester Chapter Endorse Tonight 1 4 ,8 9 0 aPE>BSQSA, will rehearse to Manchester— A City of Village Charm Manchester’s Democratic night at B at the Army-Navy Town Committee meets at 8 to Club. The rehearsal Is open to (Olnssllled Advertiaiiig on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS all men wishing to sing four- night to endorse a slate of of VOL. LXXXX, NO. 270 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY AUGUST 17, 1971 part, barbershop-style harmony. ficers for the Nov. 2 town elec tions. Its meeting Is In Room Sunset Club members and A-7 of Manchester lOgh School. friends will have a picnic The Republican Town Comn^lt- Wednesday at WlcWiam Park in tee will endorse its slate of can Area 1 at 11:80 a.m. Members didates Wednesday, at an 8 p.m. Witness Testifies State E(^onomists Give are reminded to bring their own meeting In the Municipal Build lunch, folding chairs and card ing Hearing Room. Nixon Bids Legislators table. In case of rain It will be A Democratic nominating Nixon Plan Second Look postponed until Friday. committee, headed by Atty. Da vid Barry and Miss Barbara Medina Told GIs; NEW HAVEN (AP) — .After that no teachers could be grant- Miss Nancy Paganl, daughter Coleman, has a recommended giving a standing ovation to ed increases.
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