Italian G7 Presidency W7

Stefania Salustri Head of Communications and Media Aspen Institute Italia Cell ‐ 335‐7919949 [email protected]

NOTA PER LA STAMPA Crescita sostenibile e lotta alle disuguaglianze, la sfida delle donne

Roma, 7 aprile 2017 ‐ Si apre oggi a Roma e terminerà domani 8 aprile 2017 il Forum internazionale di dialogo ʺStarting from girls. Women Forum on inequality and sustainable growthʺ. Il Forum, che si svolgerà presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, è organizzato in collaborazione con l’Aspen Initiative for Europe, Valore D e WE‐Women Empower the World

Il Forum è aperto alla stampa nelle sessioni plenarie. Risultati e proposte saranno presentati in una conferenza stampa prevista alle ore 13:00 di sabato 8 aprile 2017 presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Sala Aldo Moro.

L’iniziativa della presidenza italiana del G7 si basa sulla convinzione che rafforzare diritti e capacità delle giovani donne sia una condizione indispensabile per farne agenti potenziali del cambiamento: il forum di dialogo punta a costruire un’alleanza internazionale sull’empowerment femminile, come tassello irrinunciabile di una crescita più equa e sostenibile. Verranno discusse una serie di proposte per il G7, volte a rafforzare lʹapporto delle donne alla crescita economica, la loro partecipazione al mercato del lavoro, allo sviluppo tecnologico e alla sostenibilità. Unʹattenzione specifica sarà anche dedicata ai temi delle migrazioni ‐ “women on the move” ‐ e allʹevoluzione della global care chain, con le relative implicazioni per la salute e i sistemi sanitari.

La conferenza prevede in apertura un videomessaggio di , High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Partecipano tra gli altri Maria Elena Boschi, Italian Undersecretary of State, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, ; Valeria Fedeli, Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research; , Italian Minister of Health, Rome; Emma Bonino, President, WE‐Women Empower the 1

World; President, European Council on Foreign Relations; Marta Dassù, Chair, The Aspen Initiative for Europe; Executive President, WE‐Women Empower the World; Linda Lanzillotta, Vice President, Italian Senate; Vincenzo Amendola, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome; Mario Giro, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome; Benedetto Della Vedova, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome; Princess Sarah Zeid, Her Royal Highness of Jordan; Laurence Rossignol, Minister for Families, Children and Women’s Rights, Paris; Phumzile Mlambo‐Ngcuka, Executive Director Un Women, New York; Diane Jacovella, Deputy Minister G7 Foreign Affairs Sous‐Sherpa, Ottawa; Imen Ben Mohamed, Member, The Ennahdha Party, Tunis; Marietje Schaake, Vice Chair Delegation for Relations with the United States; Member, Committee on International Trade European Parliament, Brussels; Marc Benayoun, Chief Executive Officer, Edison, ; Diana Bracco, President and CEO, Bracco Group, Milan; Flavia Bustreo, Deputy Director General, WHO ‐ World Health Organization, Geneve; Ilaria Capua, Director, One Health Center of Excellence, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Catherine Colonna, Ambassador of France to Italy, Rome; Elisabetta Belloni, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome; Chantal De Jonge Oudraat, President, WIIS‐Women in International Security, Washington,DC; Veronica De Romanis, Standford University The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies in ; Maria Patrizia Grieco, Chairman, Enel, Rome; Emerine Kabanshi, Minister of Community Development, Mother and Child Health, Zambia; Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Chair, Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore; Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Chair of the Executive Board, WPL‐Women Political Leaders Global Forum, Brussels; Meg Jones, Chief of Economic Empowerment, UN Women, New York; Monica Maggioni, Chairman, RAI ‐ Radio Televisione Italiana, Rome; Marialina Marcucci, President, Robert F. Kennedy Foundation of Europe, Rome; Sandra Mori, President, Valore D, Milan; Monica Parrella, Director General, Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome; Lia Quartapelle Procopio, Member of the , Rome;Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20, OECD ‐ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris; Simona Scarpaleggia, CEO Ikea Switzerland and Board Member IKEA Food, Zurich; Hanna Serwaah Tetteh, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ghana; Lawyer, ʺOsafo Buabeng & Coʺ Law Firm, Tema, Ghana; Helle Thorning‐Schmidt, CEO, Save the Children, Fairfield, CT; Luisa Todini, Chair of the Steering Committee, Project Grow‐Generating Real Opportunities for Women, Rome; Manuela Tomei, Director of the ILO’s Condition of Work and Employment Programme, Geneva; Beatrice Trussardi, Chairman, Friends of Aspen; President, Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan; Susanne Marianne Wasum‐Rainer, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Italy, Rome; Avivah Wittenberg Cox, CEO, 20‐first, London; Alexander Zehnder, Chairman and CEO, Sanofi, Milan.