DO YOU EVER WISH YOU COULD JUST...STOP THINKING?... cut through the mental chatter (that’s keeping you from sleeping)?. . . focus more easily on your work (or just on the more important things in life)?. . . look and feel healthier? The answer is headspace. It’s , but not as you know it. There’s THE ALL-IN-ONE AUDIOBOOK no chanting or sitting cross-legged on a hard floor, no specific religious beliefs or major changes to your routine. Just an effective, easy-to-learn regimen for the organ that we rely on the most and care for the least: our minds. With these simple exercises, stories, and techniques culled from Andy Puddicombe’s fifteen years of experience as a meditator and teacher, anyone can add a little headspace to their daily lives. Get Some Headspace also brings us the fascinating science behind this seemingly simple cure-all, showing how daily doses of mindfulness can build up over time, physically altering parts of your brain and positively impacting every aspect of your health. From productivity and focus to stress and anxiety relief, sleep, weight loss, and personal relationships . . . the benefits are limitless. Start now and see how just ten minutes a day can make a world of difference. “Teaches techniques that can be practiced on a crowded subway or even while wolfing a sandwich....Ed Halliwell [] said Mr. Puddicombe is ‘doing for meditation what someone like Jamie Oliver has done for food.’ And like Mr. Oliver, he’s ready to conquer the United States.” —The New York Times

ANDY PUDDICOMBE is a Clinical Meditation Consultant registered with the U.K. Healthcare Commission. As a former Buddhist , he trained extensively all over the world and is widely acknowledged to be the U.K.’s foremost expert on meditation and mindfulness. Visit Andy online at READ BY THE AUTHOR Running Time: Approx. 8 Hours • Unabridged Produced by Laura Wilson • © 2012 by Andy Puddicombe  2012 by Macmillan Audio, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Package design by Margo Goody, adapted from book jacket design by Jason Ramirez • Cover illustration based on ACTUAL SIZE 16597

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