Secondary School GCSE (And Equivalent)

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Secondary School GCSE (And Equivalent) Secondary School GCSE (and equivalent) Performance Tables 2010 Lincolnshire 2 Introduction These Tables give information on the achieve- school’s control (such as gender, mobility The Tables also include a new symbol against ment and attainment of pupils in second- and levels of deprivation) that have been those schools where the absence rates were ary schools, and how they compare with oth- observed to impact on pupils results afected by severe weather conditions. er schools in their local authority (LA) area and ■ A bar chart which shows how A- E This boolet is one of a set of 1, covering each in England as a whole There are two England (and euivalent) including English and LA area in England All secondary schools in the averages based on all schools and on the maths results for pupils at the end of in area are listed in alphabetical order, including maintained sector only including CTs and each school has changed each year since Academies. ■ LA maintained schools ■ Overall, persistent and unauthorised ■ Academies In addition to giving bacground information absence rates at ■ City Technology olleges on each school, the Tables present ■ Independent schools and ■ Attainment in Es (and euivalent The information in these Tables only pro- ■ pecial schools (for pupils with special ualiications) of pupils who were at the vides part of the picture of each school’s and educational needs reuiring special end of ey tage () in the 1 its pupils’ achievements. Schools change from teaching and facilities) school year; year to year and their future results may dif- ■ The percentage of pupils who have met the fer from those achieved by current pupils. The new English accalaureate reuirements Tables should be considered alongside oth- (reported for the irst time this year) er important sources of information such as ■ Percentage of pupils at the end of who Ofsted reports and school prospectuses. Ofsted have made at least epected progress in school inspection reports can be obtained from English and separately in maths or direct from the school ■ Percentage of pupils achieving A- grade on request. Maintained schools, Academies Es in both English and maths and City Technology Colleges must provide ■ Contextual Value Added scores including parents with prospectuses on request. English and maths bonuses (CVA) which For the irst time in the Performance Tables, measure the progress made by pupils from accredited International Es (iEs) and the end of ey tage () to the end of their legacy ualiications are included in the using their test and eam results VA igures as euivalent to Es and have been taes into account the varying starting counted towards the English and Mathematics points of each pupil’s test results, and indicators. also adusts for factors which are outside a 1 About These Tables General Choosing a school Expected levels of secondary These Tables provide the eam results for sec- If you are considering local secondary schools school performance ondary school pupils who are at the end of for your child, you will ind helpful information The government assesses mainstream main- In the maority of schools, those pupils in Year in the Tables about the performance of schools tained secondary schools’ performance against 11 in the 1 school year are at the end in your area owever, the Tables provide deined “loor standards” Considered against of For each local authority (LA), schools only part of the picture of each school’s over- these, a school would be seen as “underper- are listed alphabetically, with special schools all achievements and cannot provide a predic- forming” if its ey tage results are shown separately at the end of each list. tion of future performance You can get a better ■ less than 35% of pupils at the end of Key overall impression of a school by also reading If your child already attends a school listed in Stage 4 (KS4) achieving 5 or more GCSEs school prospectuses, reports of recent Ofsted the Tables, you may be interested to see how its A*-C (or equivalents) including English and inspections and by visiting schools and taling results compare with other schools in the area, maths GCSE; and to teachers and with the LA and national averages You can ■ below average % of pupils at the end of also see, at a glance, how each school’s results The ey Stage Performance Tables give more KS4 making expected progress in English have changed over the past four years. than one measure of a school’s performance (national median for 2010 = 72%); and These measures can be considered alongside ■ below average % of pupils at the end of You may want to discuss the results with teach- each other when evaluating the performance KS4 making expected progress in maths ers at your child’s school – how do they feel of a school ”ow to read the Tables” and the (national median for 2010 = 65%) the school is performing, and what plans do following sections describe what is published they have to improve levels of achievement for each school and eplains how to interpret How can you support the work of the school the information and what conclusions can be What more can you do to help your own child drawn from the information given do better? You will ind more information on how the The Performance Tables website now enables measures in the Tables are calculated the you to sort schools in ran order under each ational Curriculum the ational Qualiications performance indicator to search for types of Framework adustments to number of pupils school download underlying data and access on roll and pecial Educational eeds in the school by school spend data for -1, show- ‘More nformation’ section of this boolet ing how much individual schools spend on things such as teaching staf, catering and T. 2 Pupils and Qualiications Reported in the Tables Reporting at the end of KS4 Education are not reported in the Performance use as a means of measuring school perform- All performance data published in the Tables are Tables Information on all accredited ualiica- ance It allows the reporting of diferent types based on the achievements of pupils at the end tions approved by the Secretary of State can be of ualiications on an euitable basis It is not of KS4. Results for 15 year olds who are not at the found at the Ofual website at httpregister. designed to allow udgements to be made end of KS4 are no longer published in the Tables. ofqualgovu about the value of diferent ualiications The Performance Tables show a year on year QCDA assigned each ualiication a threshold iGCSEs comparison of the proportion of pupils attain- contribution igure epressed as a percentage n order to better capture the attainment of pupils ing A - Es (or euivalent) includ- as well as a point score in the ndependent sector accredited interna- ing English maths Es for all pupils at the tional GCSEs (iGCSE) have been included in the ■ ive GCSEs at A*-C (and equivalent) end of their programme of study In most Performance Tables for the irst time. Only iGCS- contribute 100% to the level 2 (i.e. 5 A*- schools this will cover all pupils in Year 11 class- Es that were not accredited at the beginning of grade or equivalent) threshold; and es ut, although most pupils at the end of the period of study but have since been accred- ■ ive GCSEs at A*-G (and equivalent) are aged 1 at the start of the school year, ited are included. This means that Cambridge contribute 100% to the level 1 (i.e. 5 A* - in some schools there are younger and old- nternational Certiicates (CiCs) and their leg- grade or equivalent) threshold. er pupils in this year group, as diferent pupils acy Cambridge nternational Examinations progress at diferent rates. iGCSEs are included in the performance meas- Using this formula, a E A- is eual to one ures. Other iGCSEs which had not been accred- ifth, or of the level threshold In the Which qualiications are reported ited at the time of publication are not includ- same way, all ualiications included in the These Tables report achievements in all ual- ed. Many of these “missing” iGCSE results are in Tables have been assigned a percentage contri- iications approved for pupils of compulso- Mathematics and individual science subjects bution to the level 1 and thresholds. ry school age Entry Level Qualiications Level and this continues to impact on some of the 1 and Level ualiications eg Es i- Eamples of ualiications and their thresh- indicators published in the Performance Tables Es Vocationally Related Qualiications s old contribution and points allocation can be for ndependent schools and Functional Skills A Levels Advanced Free found in the ‘oint scores for tests and eami- Standing Mathematics raded Eams and the nations’ publication on the website at Counting a ider range of qualiications Asset Language Level ualiications taen wwweducationgovuperformancetales From , the Tables have reported a wide early are also counted range of ualiications QCDA assigned points Qualiications that have not been through to all ualiications approved for use pre aged a formal process of accreditation and are 1 on a scale euivalent to Es The point not approved by the Secretary of State for scoring system used by QCDA is designed for 3 How to read the Tables or more grades A (or euialent including nglish and maths S School Street Name Village/Tow City/County Postcode Tel The percentage of pupils at the end of Key Stage ho have achieed the diferent leels of See the ‘Abbreiations and their meanings’ section The number of pupils attainment as speciied in the ‘esults for Pupils at the end of Key Stage ’ section of this booklet.
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