The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ?:;tT..'Ka«^«;-«c<tfji.v^, THE NOTRE DAME I i ALUMNUS ^^^e haol **rt^ rli-ih ^p^ x;-^ 'v^^Mt:, ^^^ U. N. D. Night April 19 BROWNSON HALL April. 1937 No. 7 Pronounced Alma-naris SUPERCARBONATED CUaXoA. Notre Dame Alumni enjoy good living. In their own homes, se cluded from the roar and rush of business or profession, they appreciate the delights of fine food and true refreshment. Almanaris Supercarbonated Water adds an extra sparkle to an evening at home, as it does to the conviviality of the club or the gayety of the smart crowds in America's leading hotels. Have you tried it? When in South Bend, get togeth er with your memories (and Ahncmaris) at the Hoifmann Hotel. THE HOFFMANN HOTEL JACOB HOFFMANN. PRESIDENT The magazine is published from October to June inclusive by the Alumni Association of the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. The subscription price is 32.00 a yeai : the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUMNUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1. 1923, at the post oflice at Notre Dame. Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ^K. m /f£ WAS RUSM/NG TO HER,„W//£lif FA^G/ "m ...A sioW'Ourf REX BEACH well-known author Read REX BEACH'S thrilling True Story of the man who is living on ''Borrowed Time'' bigger and BIGGER H^Stillin g leaped into his car—'20 and the worst part —25—30—35—40'readthespeedometer.