Whitewater Canoekayak
Whitewater CanoeKayak Long-Term Paddler Development Model We acknowledge the financial Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du support of the Government of Canada gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise through Sport Canada, a branch of the de Sport Canada, une direction générale Department of Canadian Heritage. du ministère du Patrimoine canadien. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form for commercial purposes, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or from any information stored in a retrieval system, without the permission of CanoeKayak Canada. 2011 CanoeKayak Canada - Whitewater, #705 - 2197 prom. Riverside Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1H 7X3 To view this document, visit our website, www.canoekayak.ca, or contact CanoeKayak Canada at 613.260.1818. Copyright © CanoeKayak Canada 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form for commercial purposes, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or from any information stored in a retrieval system, without the prior written permission of CanoeKayak Canada. Legal Deposit – Library and Archives Canada, 2nd edition, January, 2011 Les éditions Vice Versa 4545, avenue Pierre-De Coubertin Montréal (Québec) H1V 3N7 CanoeKayak Canada LTAD Project Leader: Chuck Lee CanoeKayak Canada LTAD Steering Committee: Saskia VanMourik, Michal Staniszewski Charles Cardinal, Sport Canada LTAD Expert John Edwards, CanoeKayak Canada Domestic John Hastings, CanoeKayak Canada WW Peter Niedre, CanoeKayak Canada Coaching Editor: Chuck Lee Designer: McGregor Creative Printer: The MCP Group Long-Term Paddler Development Acknowledgements A special ‘thank you’ to the Canadian Sport Centres, Sport Canada LTAD Experts Charles Cardinal, Istvan Balyi, CanoeKayak Canada LTAD project leader Chuck Lee, the CanoeKayak Canada - Whitewater LTAD Steering Committee.
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