Sail Away, Sweet Sister (Enhanced Fiction) Stats
>> SHADOWRUN • ENHANCED FICTION << GAME INFORMATION USING THIS BOOK WITH Spells: Alleviate Addiction, Alleviate Allergy, Antidote, Armor, Bind, Con- SHADOWRUN, FIFTH EDITION fusion, Cure Disease, Detect Individual, Detect Life (Extended), Detox, Di- agnose, Fix, Fling, Foreboding, Heal, Healthy Glow, Increase Reflexes, Lev- The Game Information for Sail Away Sweet Sister is pro- itate, Light, Magic Fingers, Manabolt, Night Vision, Preserve, Prophylaxis, vided with stats for both Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Resist Pain, Shatter, Slay Vampire, Stabilize, Sterilize, Stunball, Stunbolt Edition and Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Several of the qualities, Mentor Spirit: Great Mother [+2 dice to Medicine tests, +2 dice to Health metamagic techniques, spells, and weapon modifications magic, –1 die for combat] listed here are not detailed in the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition Gear: AR contacts [Rating 3 w/ image link, smartlink, thermographic vi- core rulebook. Supplemental rulebooks such as Run Faster sion], AR earbuds, AR wristbands, 2x clips of regular ammo, commlink [Hermes Ikon, Device Rating 5], license [legitimate, concealed carry], and Street Grimoire, which will provide more details about lined coat, medkit, Uncle Wayne’s military dogtags [Sustaining focus 3 these items, are coming soon. Where necessary, though, (Manipulation spells)], silver ring [Sustaining focus 2 (Health spells)], sis- interim rules are presented here. Any rules presented here ter Lenore’s high school class ring [Power focus 3] will be superseded by later supplemental rulebooks.
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