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Grnus 1. TROCHUS, 5. TROCHUS 7. TROCHUS 150 ucl julvo-zonatb ; spird conicd, acutb ; anfractibus 6,planiusmlis, suturd profundd junctis, ultimo conuexiore, vix descendente ; colu- melld brevissimd, basi denticulatb, callum emittente tenuem, vix circumscriptum ; aperturd parsm oblipud, semiouali ;peristomate acuto, subrecto. Operculum tenue, testaceam, carneum, margine columellari eleuato. Diam. maj. 6% min. 5$, alt. 5 mill. Hab. St. Domingo (SaZli). 3. CONTRIBUTIONSTOWARDS A MONOGRAPHOF THE TRO- CHIDIE, A FAMILY OF GASTEROPODOUSMOLLUSCA. BY ARTHURADAMS, R.N., F.L.S. ETC. Grnus 1. TROCHUS,Linn.-Pyramidea, sp. Swains. 1. TKOCHUSNILOTICUS, Linn. Trochus niloticus, Linn.; Grnel. p. 3565. no. 1 ; Chemn. Conch. v. t. 1G 7. f. 1605, t. 168. f. 16 14.-Trochus marmoratus, Lamk. (young). Hub. North Australia (Dring). 2. TKOCHUSMAXIMUS, Koch. Trochus maximus, Koch ; Phil. Abbild. Trochus, t. 6. f. 3. Hab. -? 3. TROCHUSACUTANGULUS, Chemn. Trochus acutaz&us, Chemn. Conch. v. t. 163.-Trochus conus, Gmel. Hab. Burias. 4. TROCHUSSPINOSUS, Lamk. Trochus spinosus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. Hab. -? 5. TROCHUSASPERULUS, Lamk. Trochus asperulus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. 22. Hub. -? 6. TROCHUSCUMINGII, A. Adams. T. teatd turrito-conic$, vio- laced, maculis viridibus pulcherrimk pictd ; anfractibus planis, cingulis, granorum moniliformibus ornatis, infernt? nodoso-pli- catis, anfractu ultimo angulato, peripherid radiatim nodo-spi- nosd, basi concavd, cingulis granulosis, insculptd, centro pro- fund2 emavato umbilicum simulante ; cotumelld eupernt? tor- tuosd, basi dente terminatd ; aperturd tetragond ; labro intus lirato. Hab. Sibonga, idand of Zebu, under stones at low water (H. C.). Mus. Cuming. 7. TROCHUSFASTIGIATUS, A. Aclams. T. testd conicd, imper- foratd, rubrd, maculis albis longitudinalibus variegatd ; an- 151 fractibus planis, in medio concams, supern& cingulis trihua nodulorum ornatis, ad suturam nodis subspinosis instructis, basi pland, concentric2 liratd ; &is crenulatis ; columelld pos- tic2 canaliculatd, antic2 truncatd ; labro in medio angulato. Ha6. -? Genus 2. CARDINALIA,Gray. Pyramidea, Swains. 1. CARDINALIAVIRGATA, Gmel. Trochus virgatus, Gmel. p. 3580. no. 83. Huh. -? Genus 3. PYRAMIS,Chemn. Tectus, Mont f.-Pyramidea, sp. Swains. 1. PYRAMISDENTATUS, Forskal. Trochus dentatus, Forsk. Egypt. Desc. him. p. 125. no. 67.- Trochus foveolatus, Gmel. Hub. Port Essington (Jukes). 2. PYRAMISNODULIFERUS, Lamk. Trochus nodulverus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. 18. Nab. Miiidanao and Madagascar. 3. PYRAMISCBRULESCENS, Lamk. Trochus cmrulescens, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. 18. Hab. -? 4. PYRAMISOBELISCUS, Gmel. Trochus oheliscus, Gmel. p. 3579.-Trochuspyramis, Chemn. Hub. Boliao, island of Luzon, on the reefs (H. C.). 5. PYRAMISACUTUS, Lamk. Trochus acutus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. Vii. g. 23. Dab. Ticao, on the reefs. 6. PYRAMISTRISERIALIS, Lamk. Trochus triserialis, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. 22. Hub. Philippines. 7. PYRAMISPRASINUS, Menke. Trochusprasinus, Menke, Moll. Nov. Holl. sp. p. 16. no. 6.1. IIa6. Eastern Seas. 8. PYRAMIS MAURITIANUS, Gmel. Trochus mauritianus, Gmel. p. 3582. no. 99. Hub. Capul, on the reefs. 9. PYRAMISFENESTRATUS, Gmel. Trochus fenestratus, Gmel.; Chemn. Conch. v. t. 163. f. 1549-50. Hab. -1 152 10. PYRAMISCRENULATUS, Lamk. Trochus crenulatus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. t. vii. p. 22. f1ab. Guimaras, under stones (N.C.). 11. PYRAMISARCHITECTONICUS, A. Adams. P. testff conicd, impelforatd, albidd ; anfractibus planis, subimbricatis, longi- tuditialiter costatis, costis crussis, rotundis, subnodosis, basi pland, firis concentricis exaratd ; columelki breai, tortuosd, antic; truncatd ; labro margineJimbriato. Hub. Signet Bay, North Australia (Dring). 12. PYRAMISLEUCOGASTER, A. Adams. P. testd conicd, im- per-oratd ; spird acutd, in medio tumidd, albd, viridi variegatd ; anfractalus planulatis, longitudinalitw corrugatis, transversim cingulis noduloais ornatis, ad suturam nodis sulcatis Jimbriatis, basi pland, albd, concentriei. aulcatd ; coluaelld brevi, valde tor- tuosd ; labro antic? intus Iirato. €€ah. -? Genus 4. TEGULA,Lesson. 1. TEGULAPELLIS-SERPENTIS, Wood, Trochus pellis-serpentis, Wood, Ind. Test, Suppl. pl. 5. f. 4.-Tro- chrrs strigillatus, Anton. Hab. -? Genus 5. INFU N D I BU LUM, Montf.-- Carinidea, Swains. 1. INFUNDIBULUMCONCAVUM, Linn. Trochus concavus, Linn. ; Chemn. v. pl. 168. f. 1620-21. l-lab. -? 2. INFUNDI3ULUM RADIATUM, C'hemll. Trochrrs radiatus, Chemn. v. pl. 170. f. 1640-42. IIab. Zanzibar. 3. INFUNDIBULUMCARINIFERUM, Beck. Trochus cariniferus, Beck ; Reeve, Conch. Syst. pl. 21 8. f'. 8. Hub. Signet Bay, North Australia. 4. INFUNDIBULUMKOCHII, Phil. Trochzts Kochii, Phil. Abbild. Trochus, vi. t. 3. f. 8.--1 Trochus Listeri, Wood, Ind. Test. Suppl. p. 5. f. 8. Nab. -? 5. INFUNDIBULUMDELICATULUM, Phil. Trochus delicatulus, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 1846, July, p. 105 ; Chemn. v. pl. 171. f. 1669. I$& St. Elena. 6. INYUNDIBULUMSAGA,Phil. Trochus Sagn, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 18-16, July, p. 103. IIab. -1 153 7. INFUNDIBULUMDEPRESSUM, Gmel. Trochus depressus, Gmel. 3573 ; Chemn. Conch. v. pl. 171. f. 166s. Hab. -? 8. INFUNDIBULUMCHLOROMPHALUS, A. Adams. 1. testd de- presso-conicd, pseudo-umdilicatb, viridi, atro-purpureo punc- fatd ; anfractibus planis, cingulis confer fis granorum ornat4, basi concavd, cingulis inaqualibus articulatis insculptd, regione unzbilicali infundibuliformi, intus viridi ; colurnelkd supern? tor tuosd, tubercu Zatd. Hub. --? I). INFUND~BULUMCALIFORNICUM, A. Adams. I. testd de- presso-conicd, pseudo-umbilicatd, albidd, viridi rufoque varie- ga ta ; a@actibus planis, supra angulatis, ultimo angulato, cingulis tuberculorum subdisfantium mubtiformium ornatd ; interstitiis longitudinaliter obZiqu2 cosfatis, basi concaad, cin- gulis confertis erenulatis insculptd, regione urnbilicali infundi- Luliformi, viridi, lined albd elevatd cincto ; columelld supern? tortuosd, fuberculatd. Hub. California. Genus 6. POLYDONTA,Schumacher.-Lamprostoma, Swains. I. POLYDONTAMACULATA, Linn. l'rochus macwlatus, Linn. ; Chemn. v. pl. 168. f. 1615-18. Nab. Port Essington, adhering to rocks, deep water (Jukes). 2. POLYDONTAIN~QUALIS, Chemn. 2'~ochusinqualis, Chemn. v. pl. 170. f. 1G35--3G.-Troch~~ yra- nosus, Lamk. IIab. Philippines. 3. POLYDONTAREGIA, Chemn. Trochus regius, Chemn. v. p. 170. f. 1637. Nab. -? 4. POLYDONTATENTORIUM, Chemn. Trochus Tentorium, Chemn. v. p. 169. f. 1628. Hab. Philippines. 5. POLYDONTASTELLATA, Chemn. Trochus sfellatus, Chemn. v. pl. 169. f. 1630. Hab. -? 6. POLYDONTAVERRUCOSA, Gmel. Trochus verrucosus, Gmel.; Chemn. v. pl. 1 j0. f. 1638.-Trochir~ elatus, Lamk. Ha6. Zanzibar. 7. POLYDONTACOSTATA, Chemn. Trochus costuks, Chemn. v. pl. 169. f. 1633-34. flab. -? 154 8. POLYDONTASPENGLERI, Chemn. Trochus Spengleri, Chemn. v. pl. 169. f. 1631. Eab. -? 9. POLYDONTAOCEIROLEUCOS, Gmel. Trochus ochroleucos, Gmel. ; Chemn. v. pl. 169. f. 1629. Hab. -? 10. POLYDONTAVERNALIS, Chemn. Trochus vernalis, Chemn. v. pl. 169. f. 1625-26.-TrocRus rer- mis, Gme1.-Trochus subviridis, Phil. Hab. -? 11. POLYDONTAVIRIDESCENS, Chemn. Trochus viridescens, Chemn. v. pl. 170. f. 1643--14.-l'rochus zr- ridis, Gmel. Hab. Capul, Philippines. 12. POLYDONTARETICULATA, Wood. Trochus reticulatus, Gray in Wood, Ind. Test. Suppl. pl. 6. f. 38. Hab. Bencoonet, Sumatra, on the reefs (11.C.). 13. POLYDONTALINEATA, Lamk. Trochus lineatus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. tom. vii. p. 23. Hab. Swan Point (Dring). 14. POLYDONTAHANLEYANA, Reeve. Trochus Hanleyanus, Reeve, Conch. Syst. t. f. -TrocRus en- grainus, Philippi. Hab. Swan Point (Briny). 15. POLYDONTATIARATA, Quoy & Gaim. Trochus tiaratus, Quoy & Gaim. Voy. del'hstr. t. 64. f. 8.--Poly- donta elegans, Gray. Hab. New Zealand (Earl). 16. YOLYDONTA INCRASSATA, Lamk. Troehus incrassatus, Lamk. Hist. An. s. Vert. tom. vii. p. 20 ; Chemn. Conch. v. p. 169. f. 1632. Hab. -? 17. POLYDONTA ELEGANTULA, wood. Trochus elegantulus, Gray in Wood, Id.Test. Suppl. p. 5. f. !J. Hab. -? 18. POLYDONTAASPERA, Chemn. l'rochus asper, Chemn. Conch. v. pl. 169. f. 1633-34. Tab. Banguey, province of North Iloco, island of I,uzo~,on the reefs at low water (H. (7.). 19, POLYDONTACONCINNA, Philippi. Trochus concinnus, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 1846, July, p. 105. Hub. -? 155 20. POLYDONTATURRIS, Phil. Trochus turris, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 1846, July, p. 102. fIa6. -? 21. POLYDONTAINCARNATA, Phil. Trochus incamatus, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 1846, July, p. 103. fIa6. Suez, Red Sea. 22. POLYDONTAIGNOBILIS, Phil. Trochus iynobilis, Phil. Zeit. f. Malac. 1836, July, p. 102. Hub. -? 23. POLYDONTAPUSTULOSA, Phil. Trochuspustulosus, Phil. Kust. Conch. Cab. pl. 44. f. F. IIab. -? 24. POLYDONTAGIBBERULA, A. Adam. P. test&elevato-conicd, in medio gibbosri, anfractu ultimo angustato ; albidd, lineis roseis jlammulatis radiatim pictd ; arlfractibus subconvexis, cingulis gra- nosis transversis ornatd, ultimo obtusb angulato ; basi convexi- usculd, albd, fasciis roseis radiatim pictd ;centro excavato, umbi- hum mentiente ; columelld supern'r sobtd, margine tuberculo-den- ticulato ; labro intus lirato, infern? denticulato. Iia6. Philippines. 25. POLYDONTAPALLiDuLA, A. Adams. P. testci elevato-conictl, albidd, maculis luteolis pictd ; anfractibus planis. cingulis tuber- culorum ornatd, tuberculis infernk in costas excurrentibus, basi convex&, cingulis granosis ornatd, cavitate contortd umbilicum simulante ;columelld supernh solutd, margine tuberculato-dentato ; labro intus lirato, infern2 denticulato. Hab. -? 26. POLYDONTACORRUGATA, A. Adams. P. testd elevato-conic&, albidri, rufo-fusco variegatd ;anfractibus
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