BY TIM KELLER hristmas is the church’s is a polarizing statement. If he is salvation is by grace. In every C annual observance of the not who he said he is, he should other religion the founder is a miracle of the incarnation, that be mocked or utterly ignored. If human being sent by God to show God became human in the person he is who he said he is he should us what to do to be saved. But of Jesus Christ. So what? What be adored completely—we should Jesus is God come himself. If we practical difference does it make center our lives entirely around could save ourselves by our per- that Jesus is not just a human him. Jesus is God—and therefore formance, God would have only being, but God himself? What he should be the pre-eminent needed to inform us what to do practical difference does it make concern of our choices, the ulti- for salvation, and he could have that Jesus was not simply a divine mate Lord of over our wills. sent a prophet. His personal com- figure, but a real human being? Third, if Jesus is God, his salva- ing, however, means he did not Jesus is God himself. First, if tion is of infinite value. His blood just tell us what we had to do to Jesus is God, it is not enough to was shed as a ‘ransom’ (Mark be saved, but he did for us all that simply believe in him or even to 10:45) to pay for our sins. But his we could not do ourselves. obey him. He is to be worshipped blood was the blood of God (Acts Jesus is a real, fully human (2 Corinthians 3:18), reveled in, 20:28)! Imagine how valuable being. First, if God became truly savored, and rejoiced in. The that is! He is able to save ‘to the human, we have a remarkable purpose of our lives is to behold uttermost’ (Heb. 7:25-King James resource to face pain and suffering. his glory and beauty (John 17:24.) Version.) No sin is too great to be The incarnation means that Jesus is God—and therefore he forgiven; no corruption is too for whatever reason God chose to should be the ultimate beauty and great to be healed. Jesus is God— let us fall into a condition of satisfaction for our heart. and therefore he should bring being limited, to suffer, to be sub- Second, if Jesus is God, he complete rest and assurance to ject to sorrows and death—he has must be given the central priority our consciences. nonetheless had the honesty and of our lives. Jesus’ claim to be God Fourth, if Jesus is God, then (Continued on page 6)


Sunday, December 9, 2007 Once a year the Diaconate receives a special offering at all five services to fund the needs of Redeemer members and regular attendees who are under its care. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this vital ministry, which supports men, women and children who are experiencing financial, physical, social and spiritual hardships. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (Romans 12: 9-13) ABE CHO JOINS REDEEMER STAFF

braham Cho comes to of 1) rearticulating the historic Abe grew up all over the A Redeemer as the newest gospel in an increasingly secular United States from Minneapolis, assistant pastor and Director of world and 2) building authentic MN, to Virginia Beach, VA, and Fellowship Groups after having gospel communities that will finally to New Haven, CT. served as the Director of stand as a lived-out apologetic Thankfully, his baseball alle- University Ministries at Citylife for the watching world. Abe says giances lie with the Minnesota Presbyterian Church in Boston. he is thrilled to be a part of the Twins, conveniently sidestepping He completed his M.Div. at any hostility that may have other- Gordon-Conwell Theological wise threatened his career in Seminary in South Hamilton, New York City. MA, and then went on to pursue He currently lives in Harlem a second degree in missiology with his wife of three and a half with a particular interest in years, Jordyn, whom he met in approaching post-Christian secu- seminary where she pursued a lar contexts as the missiological degree in Christian education. challenge of our day. He was He has two children, a daughter, ordained as an assistant pastor Lydia (almost two), and a new- at Redeemer at the end of born son, Ezra (four months). All November. Jordyn, Lydia, Ezra and Abe Cho things considered, the transition Abe comes to New York with into the city for the Chos has a strong sense of calling to min- Fellowship Group team as it been a remarkably smooth one. ister in post-Christian urban set- seeks to build and deepen They are thankful for the warm tings. He senses that the two authentic gospel community in a welcome they have received from greatest challenges that face the place as busy and as mobile as the community at Redeemer. church today are the challenges New York City.

Center for Faith & Work Upcoming Events in December 2007

DATE EVENT DETAILS Sat, Dec 1, 10:00AM What is a Gospel-Centered Venture? An Entrepreneurship Initiative workshop. Register at ($20) Thu, Dec 6, 7:00PM Legal Fellowship Dinner Monthly vocation group meeting at Redeemer Office Sun, Dec 9, 12:00PM Finance Chat Held at Hunter College Room 507 Tue, Dec 11, 7:00PM Graduate Students Group Monthly fellowship at Redeemer Office Wed, Dec 12, 7:00PM Marketing & Sales Christmas Party New vocation group at Redeemer Office Thu, Dec 13, 7:00PM Health Care Fellowship Monthly Prayer Fellowship. Contact [email protected] for location and details. Fri, Dec 14, 7:00PM InterArts Fellowship Monthly fellowship at Redeemer Office Sun, Dec 16, 12:00PM Health Care Fellowship Lunch Monthly lunch gathering. Meet at Hunter College welcome desk at 69th St. entrance Mon, Dec 17, 7:00PM Entrepreneurs Fellowship Apply for this group at Thu, Dec 20, 8:00AM Legal Fellowship Breakfast Monthly study on the book of Galatians. Held at Redeemer Office Advance Registration or RSVP required for most CFW Events. Go to

The Redeemer Report is a publication of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church. REDEEMER REPORT OFFICE • 1359 BROADWAY (BETWEEN W. 36/37TH STREETS) • FOURTH FLOOR • NY, NY 10018-7102 (212) 808-4460 (PHONE) (212) 808-4465 (FAX) Kathy Keller HUNTER COLLEGE AUDITORIUM ETHICAL CULTURE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH East 69TH (Between Park & Lexington) West 64TH and CPW Corner of West 79TH and Broadway Heather Klein services at 10:30AM • 6:00PM service at 9:15AM service at 5:00PM & 7:15PM 2 CALVIN CHIN CHOSEN TO HEAD ENTRPRENEURSHIP INITIATIVE

alvin Chin, a former investment banking, lending, and Fellowship, the annual business CRedeemerite and member private banking. His successful plan competition, the EI Net- of Redeemer’s first church plant career included building and work of people with skills and in Rye, New York,has been hired managing relationships with high experience to mentor, partner, to manage the growing net worth individuals, institution- and consult with entrepreneurs, as Entrepreneurship Initiative run al investors and senior corporate well as a variety of seminars and by Redeemer’s the Center for managers at Alliance Bernstein, workshops.The EI will help start Faith and Work (CFW). The Chase, Bank of America, and gospel-centered ventures in much Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) Burnham Securities Inc. Calvin the same way as Redeemer’s began in March, 2006, when Church Planting Center helps CFW held a Forum for prospec- pastors start new churches. tive investors to gauge interest in Calvin Chin According to Katherine Leary, a program to help Christians start New Director CFW Executive Director,“Calvin gospel-centered ventures (see is a great person to manage this of the effort. He has a strong banking 06). After this Forum, a Steering Entrpreneurship background and is passionate Committee was formed to about helping entrepreneurs Inititiative develop a full scale CFW draw upon the resources of our Entrepreneurship Initiative. It faith, the church community, formally launched last January earned his M.B.A. from NYU’s and the best practices of other with a church-wide business plan Stern School of Business. successful entrepreneurs.” competition.The next step was to The Entrepreneurship Initia- Calvin was born and raised in hire a full-time director. tive’s goal is to create a movement New York City’s Chinatown. He Calvin has served on the of new, gospel-centered, culture- lives with his wife,Amy, and their board of Hope of New York renewing institutions and ven- two children, Megan and Allison since September, 2006. For the tures. In addition to the annual in Scarsdale. past 17 years Calvin worked in EI Forum, the Initiative includes Visit the website to learn the financial services industry in the monthly Entrepreneurs more:


BY KRISTIAN ROSE ew York winters can get Redeemer members, pile up dur- might experience the kindness N awfully cold. For over ing the summer in anticipation of and graciousness of God through 30,000 of our neighbors living on the coming cold. that clothing? the streets, wintertime is much On December 11th of this This labor of love will provide more than a minor inconvenience year, we will gather with about hundreds of homeless people with or an excuse to go shopping. 300 of our hungry neighbors for a measure warmth and beauty Imagine the difference between a dinner celebration just west of during Christmas. It won’t solve braving the cold during your Times Square. There will be lots all of the difficulties they’re fac- walk home from the subway and of food and friends. We will sing ing, but these gifts are created and sleeping in the subway. songs and rejoice together in the given in response to the words of Last year a Hope for NewYork coming of Emmanuel—God with Jesus, who endured suffering far project began with this in mind— us.At the end of the evening, each beyond the cold that we might knitting. There is now a year- of our guests will receive a gift not have to: “…Freely you have round effort by about 100 people bag, and in that gift bag they will received, freely give.” Matthew who meet weekly, led by Tiffany find beautiful hand-made gar- 6:8 Merry Christmas! Koch, to create scarves and hats ments that were created with just To become a part of the for those who most need them. them in mind. What a great gift! HFNY Knitting team, contact It is wonderful to see boxes of How many of us own clothes that [email protected] warm clothing, hand-made by were manufactured so that we 3 STEWARDSHIP CORNER – ADVENT

Online Giving: eflecting once again this is more than sentimentality,but an tions through Hope for New Make a one-time or monthly gift online via RAdvent on the birth of Jesus, event that forever changed the York,and our Counseling Center credit card or electronic the prophet Isaiah helps us under- world - bringing hope, healing staff handled over 4000 client vis- check. Go to stand what we are celebrating, and joy to a world too often filled its.These are all ways that those in when he writes: with despair, brokenness and our congregation and staff Checks or Cash: “Be strong, do not fear! Here grief. As we reflect on another brought ‘streams in the desert’ to Checks should be made out to Redeemer is your God. ….He will come year of ministry, we are humbled our community and City. Presbyterian Church. and save you.”Then the eyes of and at how the commu- As we close out another year, Place your checks or cash in the offering on the blind shall be opened, and the nity at Redeemer celebrates and please consider how you can con- Sundays, with your ears of the deaf unstopped; then incarnates the joy and hope of the tribute to Redeemer’s vision.As is name and current the lame shall leap like a deer, Gospel of Jesus. the case every year, almost 40% of address clearly identified. Alternatively, and the tongue of the speechless For example, our Diaconate our income is received in the last you may mail your sing for joy. For waters shall has provided counseling and 3 months of the year; with $2.1M checks (please don’t break forth in the wilderness, and needed in December send cash) to the church financial assistance for over 140 ! Listed in office at Redeemer streams in the desert. men and women in our congre- the margin at left are several ways Presbyterian Church, These words remind us that gation; our congregation donated to donate. Thank you again for 1359 Broadway, 4th Fl., New York, NY 10018. the joy associated with Jesus’ birth over 40,000 hours to organiza- your generous support!

Automatic Bill Pay: If your bank has automated bill pay, you can set up Redeemer DECEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Presbyterian Church to receive electronically Locations and additional information available at generated checks. Stock Gifts: December 2: Regular schedule; communion at all services If you would like to donate stock you can initiate the transfer December 9: 9:15AM–West Side morning service of Lessons and Carols with string orchestra, through your broker soloists, and scripture readings in a meditative recounting of the advent and request that the shares be transferred to: of Christ. Special offering to support the work of the Diaconate at all services. Charles Schwab Account Name: Redeemer Presbyterian Church December 16: Note special morning service times! Acct. No.: 7354-3138 9:00AM–West Side morning service (early start time) DTC #: 0164 9:45AM & 11:30AM–East Side morning services of Lessons and Carols with Before the transfer, contact Sandy Young, Orchestra of the Redeemer, choir and soloists conducted by Miriam (212) 808-4460 x108 or Burns. Music from the Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio and the Mozart [email protected], and provide the “Great” Mass in C minor. Scripture readings in multiple languages. following: name of the 5:00PM & 7:15PM–West Side evening services of Lessons and Carols with band, security, number of horn section, soloists, scripture readings, and an update from New Song shares and approximate date of transfer and gift Community Church in Harlem. designation. 6:00PM–East Side evening service of Lessons and Carols with jazz and gospel arrangements of carols, soloist Rozz Morehead, scripture readings in multiple languages and an update from New Song Community Church.

December 23: Note combined evening services! Morning services on normal schedule 6:00PM–All evening services combined at Hunter College for a family-friendly, one hour service No services at 5:00PM or 7:15PM this evening

December 30: Note combined morning and evening services! 10:30AM–Morning services combined at Hunter College No 9:15AM service at Ethical Culture 5:00PM–All evening services combined at First Baptist Church No services at 6:00PM or 7:15PM 4 HOLIDAY BLUES?

BY JUDY CHA, COUNSELING CENTER DIRECTOR or many people, the holidays overindulge in drinking, eating or It’s not necessarily bad to Fmean gifts, laughter, and a partying as a way of avoiding sad- experience the holiday blues. chance to spend time with friends ness or loneliness. Instead, talk to Emotions are there to tell us and family. For others, however, someone about it—whether “Hey, I don’t feel good, what’s the holidays can trigger the friend, pastor or professional going on?” The blues may be an “blues.” The causes can range counselor. Don’t face it alone. indicator that you should take from fatigue, financial limitations, 4. There may be complex inventory of your life and be family tension, to grief over issues in your family that require reflective, and as a result, make losses. Although there is no one- healing and restoration. Don’t decisions about moving toward size-fits-all solution, here are a expect the holiday season to be growth and health. If despite your few general suggestions that may the cure for all past problems. best efforts to remain upbeat, you help you minimize and cope with However, set goals toward find yourself persistently feeling the “holiday blues.” reconciliation and forgiveness. down for a sustained period of 1. Give meaning to the holi- 5. If you have lost a loved one, time, don’t try to “tough it out” days by recognizing that Jesus the holiday season can be alone. Christ is the greatest gift of all. extremely painful. It is important So, for those who are strug- Create meaningful ways to cele- to make space to remember your gling, reach out. For those who brate Him and to share His love loved one. Include memorial are sought, be a good listener. with those around you. activities in the holiday plans, and Serve and give to others, bringing 2. If you find yourself feeling seek solace and guidance from the joy of the Gospel into their tired or anxious, take a breather. your Christian community. Get holidays. This may be a great Spend some time alone with God connected with others so that you antidote for the holiday blues! to recharge. Delegate and collab- have a strong support system that For information about orate with friends and family to will let you experience God’s Redeemer Counseling Service, break down tasks to make them truth and grace—growth, healing, please contact Missy Terrell at more manageable. and change doesn’t happen in (212) 370-0475 x131 or email 3. If you’re feeling lonely,don’t isolation. [email protected].


wo years ago a group of touch.“Every year we are getting more in the coming years. TRedeemer artists arranged to see kids be first in their family “When your neighbors are and recorded Christmas of Peace, to go to college,” White says. lacking in some of the basic a thoughtful and contemplative Over the past two years, the resources needed to flourish, the holiday , to benefit programs have expanded from simple call to love your neighbor Harlem’s New Song Community being able to serve about 15 to as yourself requires that you Corporation, the community about 75 students. address those issues,” White says. ministry of New Song New Song has also recently “New Song is deeply grateful for Community Church. opened an adult computer lab, the partnership it has with The money raised from sales located in their new education Redeemer. Our work would not of Christmas of Peace has helped building. In addition, they will be be possible without Redeemer. New Song to provide for its opening a restaurant in 2008 as On top of that, I love the CD! I neighbors in a way that deeply a way of providing their neigh- think it’s an amazing piece of art.” reflects the heart of the gospel. borhood with jobs and job train- You can purchase For example, New Song’s ing. New Song Community Christmas of Peace and support the after-school and educational Corporation has also been able to ministry of New Song at enrichment programs have been offer eight units of affordable or having a measurable impact on housing in its building, and the lives of the families they intends to open and offer 100 einfo.cfm?Product_ID=270 5 1359 BROADWAY NON PROFIT 4TH FLOOR ORGANIZATION NEW YORK, NY 10018 US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK NY PERMIT # 349


the courage to take his own human, then Christians should well as the spiritual. This means medicine.... He himself has gone not be too impressed with glitz, that fighting disease, injustice, and through the whole of human physical beauty, status, and power. hunger is on God’s agenda along experience—from the trivial The incarnation means that God with saving souls and forgiving irritations of family life and the was willing to empty himself of sins. This also means that the cramping restrictions of hard work his glory and power and live material world is a good thing and and lack of money to the worst humbly as a servant. That means, it is God’s will for us to enjoy it. horrors of pain and humiliation, among other things, that he Finally, if Jesus is God himself, defeat, despair, and death....He became extremely ordinary in become human, we live with an was born in poverty and...suf- appearance. The incarnation irrepressible, infallible hope. Some fered infinite pain—all for us— should mean that Christians do day all deformity, decay, sin, and thought it well worth his not go on appearances; it should disease, imperfection will be while.—Dorothy Sayers mean the end of our snobbery. wiped away ( Romans 8:18-25.) The Bible never gives an Third, if God became truly Whatever problem we face— exhaustive answer to the big human, then ‘matter matters.’The whether disease or injustice or question of “why?” But the doc- incarnation means God assumed a some other suffering—eventually trine of the incarnation gives us a physical body and entered the God’s power will triumph over it. resource in our suffering that is material world. Many philoso- Weeping may remain for the perhaps more valuable than an phies see the material world night, but joy comes with the explanation. God descended into either as an illusion (like eastern morning (Ps 30:5.) Jesus is God— the world and became vulnerable religions) or as polluted and and that means ‘God has landed’! and suffered and died himself. He intrinsically evil (like the Greeks) Jesus is man—and that means is God-with-us (Matt 1:23)—he or as the product of random God cares for us. God has become gives us his personal presence in chance and doomed to final human; the ideal has penetrated our suffering. Only Christianity extinction in the death of the the real and is transforming it into adds “courage” to God’s list of universe (like modern secularists.) his likeness.The world is destined attributes. He knows what its But the incarnation means that for joy sooner or later, and so are like to experience hunger, danger, God believes the material world all those who ‘love and long for injustice, rejection, torture, to be a good thing.And the resur- his appearing.’ suffering, and death. rection shows us that he intends Second, if God became truly to redeem the physical world as