Alberta Wastewater Environmental Response Line [And Contacts by Region]

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Alberta Wastewater Environmental Response Line [And Contacts by Region] Alberta Wastewater Environmental Response Line 1-800-222-6514 Rainbow UV58 Lake High Level or UV58 1-780-422-4505 VU35 PEACE RIVER Manning VU63 VU88 Fort McMurray UV69 UV986 VU64 LOWER Hines Creek Peace River Grimshaw UV2A ATHABASCA Berwyn Fairview UV64A Nampa Spirit River Rycroft Falher 49 Girouxville McLennan VU Donnelly UV63 High UV59 VU2A Prairie Sexsmith Hythe VU2 2 Beaverlodge VU Slave Grande Lake Wembley Prairie UV43 Valleyview 2A VU43 VU GRANDE VU55 Swan PRAIRIE Hills Athabasca Cold Boyle Lake VU55 Fox VU33 VU36 Creek VU55 UV32 UV41 Bonnyville 44 UV Glendon UV947 UV28A Westlock Smoky 43 Barrhead Lake VU 18 Clyde VU Vilna UV28 UV18 Waskatenau 8 40 SPRUCE St. Paul VU Grande Elk Cache Legal Redwater Point UV36 Mayerthorpe Bon 38 Andrew VU32 GROVE Accord VU Bruderheim Willingdon Morinville Gibbons Two Lamont 45 UV22 28 28A Fort VU Hills VU2 VU UV Saskatchewan U43 UV37 Chipman Myrnam VU41 Prod uce d by Re d De e r-North Saskatche wan Re g ion, O pe rations Division V Base Map Data provid e d by the Gove rnm e nt of Albe rta Alberta Beach UV45 Dewberry und e r the Albe rta O pe n Gove rnm e nt Lice nce . Nove m be r, 2014 21 UV15 Mundare Cad astral – Dispositions Data provid e d by Albe rta Data Partne rships Edson VU © 2020 Gove rnm e nt of Albe rta Marwayne © 2020 CNES, Lice nse d by BlackBrid g e Ge om atic s Corp, www.blackbrid g e .com . 16 UV16A 16 © 2020 Tarin Re source Se rvice s Ltd . All Rig hts Re se rve d U 216 V 31 Wabamun 16A UV VU Vegreville Inform ation as d e picte d is subje ct to chang e , the re fore the Gove rnm e nt of Albe rta UV UV 16A assum e s no re sponsibility for d iscre pancie s at tim e of use . Spring Lake UV100 UV Hinton UV60 VU14 Vermilion Tofield Innisfree Kitscoty Devon Beaumont Mannville Lloydminster UV47 Minburn 1:1,300,000 VU19 NORTH Calmar Ryley Drayton Leduc Holden Valley 0 75 150 Thorsby Hay Lakes Kilometers VU39 Warburg Viking SASKATCHEWAN 17 Millet Paradise VU VU40 Breton UV14 Valley 22 Camrose 26 UV Bittern 13 Wetaskiwin VU VU VU16 Lake 13 UV13A Irma VU Bawlf Daysland Wainwright 21 UV Killam Strome Edgerton Sedgewick Edberg Rosalind Lougheed Chauvin 93A 2A Ferintosh UV UV Hardisty 20 41 VU Ponoka UV36 VU Heisler Rimbey UV53 UV13 20A Bashaw 53 UV Amisk VU Forestburg 2 Donalda VU53 UV Hughenden PEACE RIVER SPRUCE GROVE Galahad Lacombe Czar 11 Bentley Hao Shi Mesbah Ahmed UV Rocky Clive Alliance Provost U U 12 UV50 Mountain VU D Phone : 1-780-833-4752 D Phone : 1-780-960-8625 House Blackfalds Eckville Alix N Ce ll: NA N Ce ll: NA Sylvan Stettler I I 11A UV Lake Em ail: Hao.Shi@g Em ail: Me sbah.Ahm e d @g 56 Botha 11A VU Gadsby Halkirk UV Red Deer VU11 Castor P James McCallum P Bruce Lange UV12 Delburne M Phone : 1-780-624-6357 M Phone : 1-780-960-8621 93 VU Penhold Coronation O Ce ll: 1-780-625-9940 O Ce ll: 1-780-699-6024 42 C Em ail: Jam e s.McCallum @g C Em ail: Bruce .Lang e @g U2 VU Caroline V U54 Consort V Veteran Big Innisfail Valley I Anupama Chalise I Yaming He 11 Elnora N N U RED DEER Phone : 1-780-624-6568 Phone : 1-780-960-8646 V Bowden U Ce ll: 1-780-618-8936 U Ce ll: NA VU22 VU21 M M Em ail: Anupam a.Chalise @g Em ail: yam ing .he @g Trochu Sundre Olds 27 2A VU Three VU Hills Hanna Didsbury Morrin 9 VU27 Delia VU Carstairs Linden GRANDE PRAIRIE LOWER ATHABASCA Munson Youngstown Cremona Neil Calder Rajinder Jassar Acme U U Carbon Cereal Drumheller Oyen D Phone : 1-780-538-5608 D Phone : 1-780-643-0790 Crossfield N Ce ll: NA N Ce ll: NA 10X I I UV U72 Beiseker UV10 Em ail: Ne il.Cald e r@g Em ail: rajind e r.jassar@g V Irricana VU1A VU22 40 P Glenora Coles P Michael Conboy UV Airdrie 93 Rockyford M M VU 1 Phone : 1-780-833-4955 Phone : 1-780-743-7364 VU Cochrane Banff O Ce ll: 1-780-882-6272 O Ce ll: 1-780-215-7897 1A VU21 Canmore UV C C 56 Em ail: Gle nora.Cole s@g Em ail: Michae l.conboy@g Standard VU UV1X VU1 Hussar Empress I Anupama Chalise I Rajinder Jassar VU68 VU1A UV41 N Phone : 1-780-624-6568 N Phone : 1-780-643-0790 UV8 Chestermere Calgary U Ce ll: 1-780-618-8936 U Ce ll: NA M M Em ail: Anupam a.Chalise @g Em ail: rajind e r.jassar@g UV22X UV901 Bassano UV36 CALGARY 24 VU Rosemary Okotoks Duchess Arrowwood Turner Valley UV40 VU7 NORTH SASKATCHEWAN CALGARY Black High UV1 Brooks Diamond River Mohammad Shoaib Matt Haghighi 2A Milo U U UV Longview D Phone : 1-780-644-8525 D Phone : 1-403-297-7878 N Ce ll: NA N Ce ll: NA I Em ail: m oham m ad .shoaib@g I Em ail: Matt.Hag hig hi@g Vulcan Nanton UV23 Lomond AEP Contacts P Breeann Barry P James Jorgensen 2 M Phone : 1-780-427-6966 M Phone : 1-403-297-6035 VU 22 CALGARY O Ce ll: 1-780-722-5261 O Ce ll: 1-403-669-8010 VU Champion C Em ail: Bre e ann.Barry@g C Em ail: Jam e s.Jorg e nse n@g Stavely Redcliff GRANDE PRAIRIE Carmangay Vauxhall Medicine I Fengqin Wang I Frank Lotz Hat N Phone : 1-780-644-4814 N Phone : 1-403-297-8279 Claresholm U U LETHBRIDGE Ce ll: 1-587-991-6837 Ce ll: NA Barons VU25 M M Em ail: fe ng @g Em ail: Frank.Lotz@g Picture Butte Granum LO WER ATHABASCA Nobleford Taber 3A NO RTH SASKATCHEWAN Fort UV Coalhurst Barnwell Macleod UV3 RED DEER LETHBRIDGE Lethbridge PEACE RIVER Robert Pole Meghan Nannt 40 U U VU D Phone : 1-403-340-4849 D Phone : 1-403-388-3198 LETHBRIDGE Cowley 41 RED DEER Pincher 36 U N N VU V Ce ll: NA Ce ll: 1-403-330-6100 Stirling 61 Foremost I I Creek VU Em ail: Robe rt.Pole @g Em ail: m e g han.nannt@g 52 Magrath UV SPRUCE GRO VE P Curtis Horvath P Jen Bitten UV5 UV4 Glenwood INDUSTRIAL M Phone : 1-403-340-7721 M Phone : 1-403-382-4256 VU2 O O 6 Ce ll: 1-587-876-1368 Ce ll: 1-403-308-1059 VU Warner I N D U APPRO VALS Hill Spring C C ENGINEERS Em ail: Curtis.Horvath@g Em ail: Je n.Bitte n@g Milk Cardston 62 CO MPLIANCE VU River C O M P WASTEWATER I Pervez Sunderani I Jeffrey Wu INSPECTO RS N Phone : 1-403-340-7742 N Phone : 1-403-381-5499 UV5 U U MUNICIPAL Ce ll: 1-403-358-8896 Ce ll: 1-403-715-7957 M U N I APPRO VALS M Em ail: Pe rve z.Sund e rani@g M Em ail: Je ffre y.wu@g Coutts ENGINEERS Date : 4/15/2020 VERSION: 2020041516.
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