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Contents FES NEWS FES CYPRUS NEWSLETTER NR. 97 / JUNE 2020 Contents 1. New and Upcoming Publications/Podcasts ( .........2 2. FES Cyprus Events...................................................................................3 3. Cyprus Problem ......................................................................................3 4. Hydrocarbons .........................................................................................5 5. Greek Cypriots ........................................................................................6 Economic Developments ........................................................................ 6 Domestic Developments ........................................................................ 8 Labour Relations and Trade Unions........................................................ 8 6. Turkish Cypriots ......................................................................................9 Economic Developments ........................................................................ 9 Relations with Turkey ........................................................................... 10 Domestic Developments ...................................................................... 10 Labour Relations and Trade Unions...................................................... 12 FES NEWS - - please follow and visit us on - - - For subscription to this free newsletter please find the form here 1 FES CYPRUS NEWSLETTER Nr. 97 / JUNE 2020 1. New and Upcoming Publications/Podcasts ( May Hubert Faustmann, Gregoris Ioannou, Sertac Montfort University, UK; Costa Gavrielides, Sonan Adviser to the Cyprus, Trade Union Monitor [for 2019] President of the Republic of Cyprus for (In English, German) Multiculturalism, Acceptance and Respect to Diversity & Former President, Accept – LGBTI Cyprus (2012 to 2017) (In English) Ömer Gökçekuş, Sertac Sonan Socio-Economic and Political Impact of 8402/posts/2980377862070114/?d=n Austerity Policies in North Cyprus: or: A Brief Assessment (In English, German, Greek, Turkish) malink/default-ce4a91a247-1-2-1-1- 1?fbclid=IwAR0zlMMX0sBGe1OI2yFZ85sc9CO BoB5rzzeSA4UenNYCy0VT0A5WT1gyF9o Sertac Sonan, Ebru Küçükşener, Enis Porat Politics and Society in North Cyprus: A Survey Study, 2019 Report (In English, German, Greek, Turkish) Podcast: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Cyprus as a new Migration Hotspot With Nicos Trimikliniotis, Professor of Sociology at University of Nicosia. Head of the team of Cyprus’ team for the Ömer Gökçekuş, Sertac Sonan Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU. Corruption Perceptions in North Cyprus: 2019 (In English) Report (In English, Turkish) ermalink/the-impact-of-the-covid-19- pandemic-on-cyprus-as-a-new-migration- hotspot Podcast: The LGTBI Movement in Cyprus With Enver Ethemer, Independent Researcher & Co-founder, Envision Diversity; Okan Bullici, Psychologist & Co-founder, Envision Diversity, Nayia Kamenou, VC2020 Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Social Sciences & Deputy Director, Media Discourse Centre, De 2 FES CYPRUS NEWSLETTER Nr. 97 / JUNE 2020 2. FES Cyprus Events stated that although they would allow people to cross to the south of the island for work, All upcoming public events have been can- those people would either have to stay in the celled until further notice in response to the south until July 1, or face a 14-day quarantine spread of the corona virus. when they returned to the north. Following the announcement, UNFICYP expressed its concern over the situation and the disruption it has caused to people from both communi- 3. Cyprus Problem ties and asked for clarifications. On June 11, the TRNC announced that as of June 22 peo- In June crossings between the two sides be- ple working in the south but living in the north gan following May’s agreement between the will be able to cross daily between the two Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot leaders, sides if there was no deterioration of the epi- Mustafa Akinci and Nicos Anastasiades to demiological conditions. It was also an- gradually open the checkpoints for certain nounced that as of July 1 visitors from other groups of people. On June 1, via a two-hour countries would be allowed to the north in- teleconference of the members of the bi- cluding citizens and tourists crossing from the communal Technical Committee on Health, south. the two sides briefed each other on the epi- demiological situation before any decisions On June 11, peace activists from both sides of were taken for easing restrictions on crossing the divide submitted letters to the Greek and points. The crossings however did not open as Turkish Cypriot leaders calling for the reopen- agreed on June 8. They remained closed until ing of the crossing points. Representatives June 21 as continued restrictions by the north from the bi-communal initiative United Cy- did not permit any effective movement. The prus which represents more than 75 groups non-alignment of the policies on both sides of from both sides, arranged a distance meeting the divide caused a lot of confusion and issues at the closed Ledra Palace crossing point be- to the island’s citizens throughout the month. fore paying separate visits to their leaders. Among their demands, was the re-opening of On June 10, TRNC1 Deputy Prime Minister and crossings points and resumption of negotia- Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kudret Ozersay, tions for a permanent and comprehensive 1 The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) settlement of the Cyprus problem. is only recognised by the Republic of Turkey. While for Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots, Mustafa On June 12, the Greek Cypriot side protested Akinci serves as President of the TRNC, the to the UN Secretary-General’s Special Repre- international community considers him the communal leader of the Turkish Cypriots. As the government of the Republic of Cyprus remains Union. However, the acquis communautaire is internationally recognised as the government of suspended in northern Cyprus pending a political the whole of the island, the entire island is now settlement to the Cyprus problem (see Protocol considered to be a member of the European no. 10 of the Accession Treaty). 3 FES CYPRUS NEWSLETTER Nr. 97 / JUNE 2020 sentative in Cyprus, Elizabeth Spehar over the Cypriot side as per his agreement with allegedly biased way UNFICYP addressed the Anastasiades. two sides on the issue of reopening the cross- ings. The government was reportedly irked by UN Special Representative Elizabeth Spehar is UNFICYP’s lukewarm response to the refusal expected to begin talks with both leaders in July, ahead of the UN Secretary General’s by the Turkish Cypriot side to implement the decision taken in May by the two leaders on report on renewing UNFICYP’s mandate. The reopening the crossings on June 8, given that talks are reportedly set to take place online a more critical stance was taken by the UN on July 5 and 10 where Spehar is set to have towards the Greek Cypriots in February, when separate talks with Anastasiades and Akinci. According to CNA, the report is expected to the suspension of the crossings was an- nounced. be published on July 10. The Greek Cypriot side started allowing cross- On the 1st of June, petrol bombs were thrown ings between the two sides from June 21, into the Koprulu Haci İbrahim Aga Mosque in apart from Ledras Street, while the Turkish Limassol and “Immigrants, Islam not wel- Cypriots allowed crossings a day later. While come” written on its wall. The Turkish Cypriot the Greek Cypriot side opened the check- leader Mustafa Akinci, the government and points to all Cypriots and permanent residents opposition parties all condemned the attack if they had negative COVID tests. Those who on the mosque. Akinci condemned the inci- are enclaved or Maronites were allowed entry dent which he described as an act of Is- into the north. Though the Ledra Palace cross- lamophobia and racism, and called on the ing has been open on the government- Greek Cypriot leadership to act swiftly to in- controlled areas since then, it is understood vestigate, identify, apprehend and punish that pedestrian crossings are not allowed. those who were responsible. Akinci said that such acts should not be tolerated and that all The Turkish Cypriot side initially opened five places of worship, irrelevant of which religion, crossings: Ayios Dhometios, Zodia, Strovilia, were sacred sanctuaries which needed to be Pergamos and Ledra Street, which remains respected. Later in the month, a Byzantine closed on the Greek Cypriot side. The Turkish flag was hung up at a mosque in Larnaca, Cypriot side eventually opened the Limnitis which was also protested by the Turkish Cyp- crossing on June 26. On June 30 they an- riot side. nounced that it would open Ledra Palace crossing from July 1 for pedestrian crossings. Speaking in the Turkish Cypriot parliament, National Unity Party (UBP) MP Oguzhan On June 23, Akinci accused the TRNC govern- Hasipoglu said that the fenced-off suburb of ment of creating total chaos over the cross- Famagusta, Varosha/Maraş, could be reo- ings by refusing to coordinate with the Greek pened by the end of the year if the necessary political will was exercised. Until 1974 the 4 FES CYPRUS NEWSLETTER Nr. 97 / JUNE 2020 suburb had been inhabited by Greek Cypriots had to be found, while there
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