BLAIR OF THE BLOODY HAND October 16, 2009 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. The Daily Mail of London (Saturday, October 10, 2009 - read here ) carried the following headline;

"I am not shaking your hand Mr Blair. You have got blood on it" .

2. This was said by a bereaved father after the ex-Prime Minister was criticised by the Archbishop of Canterbury at an Iraq remembrance ceremony.

3. It is clear that many in England have a low regard for Tony Blair. Yet in he was welcomed and given the honour to give a talk on social issues to Malaysians. 4. When he was Prime Minister, Blair got the British Parliament to support war against Iraq by telling lies about the so-called weapons of mass destruction. Very soon after it was revealed that he had cooked up the intelligence report so that he could support his co-liar, George Bush, President of the United States.

5. The war that they unleashed on Iraq has caused the death of more than 100,000 Iraqis, wounded many more and devastated that highly developed Arab country.

6. The leader of the Iraqis was described as a dictator who was alleged to have killed many of his people. But it is obvious that the number of Iraqis killed and maimed by the British and American soldiers is far far greater than what Saddam was alleged to have killed.

7. Saddam was arrested for his alleged crimes and hanged by the neck until he died. So were his colleagues. Yet if one compares his alleged oppression of his people with the oppression of Iraq and its people, the killings and the destruction resulting from the orders made by Blair and Bush, it must be obvious that what the two leaders had done to the Iraqi people and Iraq is far far worse and heinous. Yet Bush and Blair have escaped any kind of retribution and punishment.

8. Surely there is no justice in the difference between the treatment meted out to Saddam and company and the treatment of Bush and Blair.

9. If people like Bush and Blair are allowed to escape any form of punishment for the brutal crimes they have committed, then others who may lead powerful countries will continue to war and to kill and destroy even when there is no justification.

10. After World War II, a court was set up by the victors to try the vanquished leaders. Such a court cannot be just as it was made up of nominees of the victors. If there was going to be justice, then the court must be made up of neutral judges. In any case the people responsible for the mass killings in war, no matter which side they may be, must be tried and punished. But only the vanquished leaders were tried and we know they were the ones who killed 100,000 in Dresden, Germany and 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

11. In the absence of courts sanctioned by the international community the Perdana Global Peace Organisation, a Non-Governmental Organisation devoted to criminalising war had decided to set up a tribunal to try war criminals.

12. The court may not be able to get the attendance of the accused persons or to carry out the proper punishment, but this is not going to stop the tibunal from holding a hearing. It will not be the first time that a court hears a case in absentia. But the trial must be held so that the crimes committed by war criminals will be exposed so that the world may punish in whatever way possible.

13. From October 28-29, 2009, a conference on war in its modern version will be held at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

14. Present at this conference will be people like Hans von Sponeck, Dennis Halliday, Michel Chossudovsky, Cynthia Mckinney, the victims of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, the people who had been tortured and many others. They will tell of the laws which prohibit torture, the tortures carried out in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, the detentions without rial and without laws by the very people who talk about human rights, about the rule of law and a lot more.

15. There will be an exhibition of the tortures and the sufferings of the victims.

16. Following the conference, the Commissioners and the Tribunals will sit to listen to the evidence of the brutality perpetrated in the Iraq War.

17. All Malaysians and others are welcome to the conference and to the hearings by the Commission and the Tribunal.

18. We Malaysians have not suffered as the Iraqis, Afghans, Bosnians and Palestinians have suffered from the wars launched against them.

19. We have not even suffered from the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the floods and the storms. Even when the tsunami hit us in 2004, we suffered less because Aceh took the brunt of it.

20. We have to be grateful that we have been saved from all these horrors.

21. But we must feel and sympathise with people who have been less fortunate than us. We must therefore try to appreciate the sufferings of others, be sympathetic towards them. That is the least we can do.

22. So Malaysians, please come to the Conference on War, on Criminalising War, and the upholding of justice.

23. No fees will be charged. Give us your moral support so that we can continue our effort to criminalise war so we may all be able to live in peace and security.

** For more information go to; /

142 Comments By wlAuthor Profile Page on November 20, 2009 12:37 AM

Tun, wars are indeed ugly.that's why we shd never ever have another world war.Better to tolerate & leave harmoniously at all levels be it internally or externally.Have heard first hand many times the horror & evil of the second world war from sufferers in my own family.How they had to run to hide & how they lived in deprived conditions too.Very sad. How hopes & dreams were broken 'cos of war & suffering.I know you are angry.But Tun, don't forget the sacrifices the British & americans had made for us in 2nd WW & also Vietnam War.If not for their great sacrifices you can say M'sia & many SEA countries will not enjoy the peace & prosperity that we are having now.Most likely we'll be under Vietnamese rule 'cos the Vietnamese army was very strong then.US fought a long & bitter battle agst the Vietcong & they lost soooo many young & promising American lives.I said this 'cos I saw the Vietnam war memorial with the longest list of mostly dead & maimed soldiers.Never seen such a long & scary memorial before.Don't wish to see another one like that again.So sad!!! By JessieAuthor Profile Page on November 4, 2009 10:20 PM

Hello, and my regards to Tun.

All I would want to say is:


That word still lives on and the actions around the world are showing it. By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 31, 2009 7:46 AM

United Nation was form to uphold justice,restore peace,assists nation that was hit by natural disastor for world mankind. It must be a body of its own,not being manupulate by any nations, strong and respectable. It is indeed very low esteem of UN now to allow US regardless of low vote to attack Iraq and Afganistan. Why help rebuilding nations that was torn by war, when we are able to stop the destruction from day 1. Why destroy than rebuild in the name of humantarian. Rebuilding and building are two different scenerio. It takes lots of work to rebuild.Can this rebuilding rebuild the lives of the dead,or the life of the lives one. It is Barbaric of UN to allow this happenings. This money can be use to helps nation that face natural disastor, which is unavoidble by human.War is avoidable. WHY funds this organization when it cannot upholds its foundation.We will be a bunch of fools. We are in this world of different races,nation,religion,belives NOT to kill each other but to understand each other,this differs us from beasts.

By Zulkiflee Bin AripAuthor Profile Page on October 30, 2009 10:16 PM

Assalamu'alaikum Tun, semoga Tun sekeluarga dilindungi Allah Subhanaullah Ta'ala sentiasa,dilimpahkan dgn kesihatan yg baik dan di panjangkan umur demi menjalankan tugas mulia memimpin,membentuk dan memupuk pemikiran bangsa.

Tun,saya setuju Tony Blair tidak sepatut nya diundang ke Malaysia dan sesiapa yg mengundang nya mesti dikenakan tindakkan disiplin.tapi saya tidak setuju dgn saranan Tun menjenayahkan Perang.apakah kerana kita kalah disana sini menjadikan kita berputus-asa? padahal Perang adalah termaktub didalam Al-Quran,ada kriteria-kriteria jelas,sebab-musabab yg ditentukan Allah untuk kita menuntut syahid.ini adalah Dunia,bukan Syurga yg kita boleh hidup dgn damai.malah ada ayat Al Quran yg boleh di nukil sebagai penguat hujah untuk mengatakan bahwa Perang adalah suatu Profession! dgn keadaan umat Islam yg semakin hari semakin parah,dgn keadaan kekafiran yg semakin hari semakin perkasa,pemimpin-pemimpin umat Islam sedunia semakin terhimpit untuk setuju menerima perdamaian yg di hulur oleh proksi-proksi Bush dan Blair dgn syarat-syarat yg hanya menambah miskin dan lemah kita.dalam damai,ketika berbaik-baik,kita di tipu.dalam perang,ketika mereka kuat,kita di serang.putaran hidup kita hanyalah tewas atau tumpas.samada tewas dgn tipudaya atau tumpas dgn balatentera,kita hanya kalah saja.tapi bila fikir baik-baik kita cuma kalah saja,bukan nya apa.cuma kalah saja...tapi selagi perang masih halal,orang-orang kafir akan terus bimbang akan ada nya suatu masa yg mereka tak dapat menang,tak dapat sewenang-wenang nya menaruh syarat merampas hak-hak kita sebagaimana yg mereka buat sekarang.sebab itu Perang perlu terus ada,sehingga datang nya keadilan.orang-orang kafir tidak akan mampu berlaku adil.kemenangan mereka tidak membawa kpd keadilan.keadilan hanya datang bersama kemenangan di pihak Islam.inilah yg mereka takut,dan biar lah mereka jadi seperti yahudi,hidup dalam ketakutan.kpd orang-orang kafir itu,samada penjajah atau penghijrah,kita katakan bahwa anda menyerang kami.anda menang,kami belum kalah,sempadan belum muktamad.the war goes on,the border is not final.

By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on October 30, 2009 7:49 PM

Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih.. adik adik

[[Upgrade our military capabilities to defend. We need better weapons, not just a weapon.Still we are left far behind. US,Britain are addicted to war. They design themselves to be military power.They beliefs in military might that till today they have elite weapons of mass destruction that can destroy the world.Compare to the Islamic weapons is like a toy gun against the real M-16. Muslims world never produce weapons.They buy to defend,and when they buy,they cannot defend themselves because they buy from their bullier.It,s like an idiot.]]

When one is young..they have idealism..the older they become..practicality comes into the picture and they becomes more pragmatic in thought and action...:)

In these sense adik adik have overlook the very serious concept of "weapon".

Human is the best weapon of all.And the one with proper faith guided by Allah have best weapon of all namely


[[Submit ourselves to them.NO of cause.They are on God, even though they are strong and powerful.Their own weapons will eat them,insayallah]]

It's happening now in their society in the name of moral decadence.

[[Why these are happenings.It is a wake up call for the muslims world to be united.My views is to made a tremendous efforts by Malaysia to hosts to unite the muslims world. Lets get them together for an Islamic Togetherness. Lets Jemaah together, Let,s meet HAMAS,HISBULLAH,FATAH toghether, lets meet Iran, Iraq leader, lets meet Afgan,Pakistan leader together. Lets get this foe together. Lets them see eye to eye,solves their difference in the name of ALLAH. It,s sounds crazy but in the name of ALLAH why should"nt We.]]

Yes but it start with our ownself...How serious we are?

Sometimes I pray to GOD that I want to be Superman

We are indeed Superman..But not the way you want yourself to believe and made believe.. adik adik..jangan lupa..muah..muah..

Terima kasih Tun.. By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 30, 2009 12:02 PM

The formation of United Nation is a must for mankind regardless of race,nationality,religion,etc. IT SHOULD BE A BODY OF ITS OWN. It should not be an instrument for a stronger nor the weaker nation. Rights should be uphold to the best of human ability. Failure of its function will collapse mankind,regardless of political,military,economic,natural disastor,poverty,war etc.

It is now an instrument of the US.Which thus will be a disastrous to mankind.UN consents itself to finance US with their warfare,legallise weopons of mass destruction to nation that are friends of US,illegalised those who are not in favor of US. OF such foundation it is most appropriate to collapased the UNITED NATION.For United Nation to illegallise North Korea,China or other Nation that has nuclear or weapons of mass destruction,they must also illegalise US,INDIA,ISRAEL and others.They must get everybody to tear down their weapons all at one time. If NOT Doomsday will tear the world apart and this will be due to what we call human intelligence.Remember Human Intelligence does not stays,it defects in many way.The detruction of Ozone is one good example.Please note Iran has no nuclear capability as what was lied by US to the world,as what they have lied about IRAQ,which today was destroyed not because of weapon of mass destruction, but of US propaganda Satanic lies. I am just a retail vegetables seller and I dare to call upon the World to bring down United Nation if it cannot uphold the nature of its foundation.AMIN. By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 30, 2009 12:02 PM

The formation of United Nation is a must for mankind regardless of race,nationality,religion,etc. IT SHOULD BE A BODY OF ITS OWN. It should not be an instrument for a stronger nor the weaker nation. Rights should be uphold to the best of human ability. Failure of its function will collapse mankind,regardless of political,military,economic,natural disastor,poverty,war etc.

It is now an instrument of the US.Which thus will be a disastrous to mankind.UN consents itself to finance US with their warfare,legallise weopons of mass destruction to nation that are friends of US,illegalised those who are not in favor of US. OF such foundation it is most appropriate to collapased the UNITED NATION.For United Nation to illegallise North Korea,China or other Nation that has nuclear or weapons of mass destruction,they must also illegalise US,INDIA,ISRAEL and others.They must get everybody to tear down their weapons all at one time. If NOT Doomsday will tear the world apart and this will be due to what we call human intelligence.Remember Human Intelligence does not stays,it defects in many way.The detruction of Ozone is one good example.Please note Iran has no nuclear capability as what was lied by US to the world,as what they have lied about IRAQ,which today was destroyed not because of weapon of mass destruction, but of US propaganda Satanic lies. I am just a retail vegetables seller and I dare to call upon the World to bring down United Nation if it cannot uphold the nature of its foundation.AMIN. By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 30, 2009 6:01 AM


I attended the conference of criminalise war at PWTC on day 1. Moves,efforts,ideas made to find solution to uphold the muslims world.Yes we have a long way.LET,S see it as a hikmah behind our sufferings.Ideas like to

1.Criminalize War. Are we capable to make it happen. The UN,OIC,the Islamic World are helpless,incapable of stopping US and Britain to invades the war,now we are talking to punish them.

2.Upgrade our military capabilities to defend. We need better weapons, not just a weapon.Still we are left far behind. US,Britain are addicted to war. They design themselves to be military power.They beliefs in military might that till today they have elite weapons of mass destruction that can destroy the world.Compare to the Islamic weapons is like a toy gun against the real M-16. Muslims world never produce weapons.They buy to defend,and when they buy,they cannot defend themselves because they buy from their bullier.It,s like an idiot.

3 Submit ourselves to them.NO of cause.They are on God, even though they are strong and powerful.Their own weapons will eat them,insayallah Many thoughts,efforts,ideas,better ways of solving has to be put forward Why these are happenings.It is a wake up call for the muslims world to be united.My views is to made a tremendous efforts by Malaysia to hosts to unite the muslims world. Lets get them together for an Islamic Togetherness. Lets Jemaah together, Let,s meet HAMAS,HISBULLAH,FATAH toghether, lets meet Iran, Iraq leader, lets meet Afgan,Pakistan leader together. Lets get this foe together. Lets them see eye to eye,solves their difference in the name of ALLAH. It,s sounds crazy but in the name of ALLAH why should"nt We.

Sometimes I pray to GOD that I want to be Superman

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 29, 2009 3:22 PM

By HBT on October 29, 2009 3:19 PM Dearest Ayahanda,

Did you say that Tony Blair was invited to Malaysia to lecture us on justice?? Was he paid?? Who invited him, someone directly link to the local private investment and insurance sector and KDN??? Blair is a war criminal and he knew that, and everybody know it...

Tony Blair was invited by Jet Li recently to launch the 1000-Village Solar LED Initiative in China to prevent climate change, a very serious problem in China. The joint initiative between The Climate Group and the Jet Li One Foundation One Family, engaged 400 villages in China in the first two years, and 600 villages in China, India and African countries on the second stage. This is Non-profits & Activism.

In youtube, Jet Li has a chance to lecture Tony Blair on the meaning of love for the earth, to Jet Li, earth and China are his Family. He told Blair that he does not want children to be educated and raised to rely only materials and money, everything is about money, money ...... which are not good for them. He wants children to learn matters that benefit future generations. Hm.. I guess Tony Blair got the clear message from Jet Li,China .... "No Wars because Earth is our (world) Family". Also, Beijing Central Government vowed to the world that China will never engage in "war", just like Malaysia.

It's disgusting to learn that Tony Blair was invited and paid to lecture us on Justice, who invited him? By looking at the FBM KLCI's index, it dropped below 1250 points due to over-confident in "rasuah-ing" some Menteri2 who has directly link as

Published by Star Online ...

Thursday October 29, 2009 MYT 7:26:00 AM

US stocks slide as new home sales fall

"Meluat with all these rojak t.r.u.m.p.s @ dollah trump ...... By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 29, 2009 8:04 AM

I attended the opening of Criminalise War at PWTC. A first Bismillah steps taken by Tun for a long, tough steps ahead to uphold the muslims world and justice to mankind. Criminalise War is an effort made,though it may not reach the objectives,much more efforts needs to put up besides to criminalise war.Can criminalise war reach the objectives.When even the UN, OIC and many world body illegalised the war, US,British walkoff,rudely and unhumanlly with their evil doings.And NONE of the world body able to stop nor punish them.In my point of views,we should invite the word leader, regardless of they are friends or enemy.Emphasizes on demilitarise every nation,change it to humans needs.Humans are made of different races,colours,beliefs,culture,etc not to kill each other existance but to coexists,respects each beliefs if not human is no different from animals,our brains are placed at the head top of our body,unlike animals their brains are parallel to their tails. Tun,lets party in an Islamic ways,together with the world leaders regardless of races,religion,regardless if they are enemy.Invite them to Malaysia,spending money to bring togethernes,harmony is far most,less expensive than buying weapons.With this togetherness Insyallah it will shy away the group of human beings who thought they are strong and powerful and they can do what they like. These togetherness will be a wake up call for all,and fear them. Remember, Humans intelligence do not remain ,and it will bring disastrous to mankind.Proven human rapid indusrty, materialized human, but later it destroy the ozone and the greens. LETS PARTY IN MALAYSIA in a civil manner.Lets make a differnent approach. By Khairul-DeanAuthor Profile Page on October 29, 2009 2:00 AM

Che Det,

October 20, 2009

Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan are No Joke Depleted Uranium Weapons By DAVE LINDORFF

The horrors of the US Agent Orange campaign in Vietnam, about which I wrote on Oct. 15, could ultimately be dwarfed by the horrors of the depleted uranium weapons which the US began using in the 1991 Gulf War (300 tons), and which it used much more extensively, and in more urban, populated areas, in the Iraq War and the now intensifying Afghanistan War.

Depleted uranium, despite it’s rather benign sounding name, is not depleted of radioactivity or toxicity. The term depleted refers to its being depleted of the U-235 isotope needed for fission reactions in nuclear reactors. The nuclear waster material from nuclear power plants, DU as it is known, is essentially composed of the uranium isotope U-238 as well as U-236 (a product of nuclear reactor fission, not found in nature), as well as other trace radioactive elements. It turns out to be an ideal metal for a number of weapons uses, and has been capitalized on by the Pentagon. 1.7 times heavier than lead, and much harder than steel, and with the added property of burning at a super-hot temperature, DU has proven to be an ideal penetrator for warheads that need to pierce thick armor or dense concrete bunkers made of reinforced concrete and steel. Accordingly it has found its way into 30 mm machine gun ammunition, especially that used by the A-10 Warthog ground-attack fighter planes used extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan (as well as Kosovo). It is also the warhead of choice for Abrams tanks and is also reportedly used in GBU-28 and the later GBU-37 bunker buster bombs. DU is also used as ballast in cruise missiles, and thus burns up when they detonate their conventional explosives. Some cruise missiles are also designed to hit hardened targets and reportedly feature DU warheads, as does the AGM-130 air-to-ground missile, which carries a one-ton penetrating warhead.

While the Pentagon has continued to claim, against all scientific evidence, there is no hazard posed by depleted uranium, US troops in Iraq have reportedly been instructed to avoid any sites where these weapons have been used—destroyed Iraqi tanks, exploded bunkers, etc. Suspiciously, international health officials have been prevented from doing medical studies of DU sites... By Khairul-DeanAuthor Profile Page on October 28, 2009 10:29 AM

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

...From October 28-29, 2009, a conference on war in its modern version will be held at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur... Following the conference, the Commissioners and the Tribunals will sit to listen to the evidence of the brutality perpetrated in the Iraq War.

Upacara dan acara ini besar maknanya. Banyaklah tanggungjawab yang seharusnya dipikuli dan dilaksanakan dengan baik mereka yang mahu lebih sempurna hidup bertamaddun. Biarlah ianya bermula dengan langkah kanan dan berbarakah munafaatnya buat tanah air tercinta kita ini, rakyatnya dan manusia dan alam sejagat. Selamat bersidang. By prof_ridcullyAuthor Profile Page on October 27, 2009 6:16 PM

Salam Tun, lebaikudin,

You forgot to add Sri Lanka, Yemen, Somalia, Peru, India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Colombia, Sudan, the DRC, Nigeria, Algeria and a host of others. You are right if you mean just 'armed conflicts'.

These conflicts are regrettable of course, but I think Tun is talking about war ie armed conflict between two nations or states, in particular when a more powerful state conducts aggressive war against a weaker state. In fact the Nurnberg Principles states that "Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefore and liable to punishment."

Read more at the ICRC's International Humanitarian Law site

Blair, Bush and that despicable John Howard (who falsely alleged Afghan refugees would throw their kids into the water if they were not allowed ashore in Australia apart from being principal cheerleader for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and Deputy Sheriff) fit the bill. By lebaikudinAuthor Profile Page on October 27, 2009 4:40 AM

Salam Tun,

Please define war.Does these include Yangon's regime against Rohingyas,Thai govt with the oppressed Pattanis,collateral damages Moros innocents bombed by Manila,chaotic and systematic killing in Timor Leste ordered by Jakarta..

All happened right under our nose..

Lest we'll be accused of double standard..

Salam By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 26, 2009 10:31 PM

IT is not just because the bloody hands that does not deserves a handshake,it is also because Blair right hand was was used to clean Bush Shit,and until today was not wash. Also the cause of H1N1 diseases,beside the AIDS viruses By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on October 26, 2009 10:23 PM

Salam Tun. Malaysisia ,UMNO harus menyatupadukan Pemimpin Dunia Islam. Tak perlu kita kumpulkan askar atau sebagainya, untuk menentang musuh,dengan kita dapat menyatupadukan Dunia Islam itulah kejayaan Islam sebenar,disamping kejayaan inilah yg akan mengerunkan musuh Islam. INDAHNYA KEBERSAMAAN, maka itu wajar bagi Malaysia menjadi Tuan rumah menjemput,Pemimpim Islam sedunia walaupun mereka bermusuh sesama sendiri. Adakan keramaian ,jemput mereka,jamu mereka,dengan tujuan menyatupadukan pemimpin dahulu.Isyaallah dengan hidangan tak seberapa dapat kita memperbaikikan hubungan mereka. Tentang salam Blair yang tak terima olih orangnya sendiri, sebenarnya Tangan Blair ada najis Bush. By AdamAuthor Profile Page on October 26, 2009 9:59 PM

Back again,

It appears Prof_Ridicully has answered that for me. Oh well, I was out of connection for ages. By kan2k77Author Profile Page on October 24, 2009 7:14 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, memang org malaysia suka sangat dengan orang luar kot...bad thing, even worse is the westernisation rather than modernisation, worst is liberalisation of everything. By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on October 23, 2009 6:06 PM

Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..

Abg Haji samuraimelayu dan Abg Kamal Ahmad


Saya bantah sama sekali..Nik Abdul Aziz mengikut jalan yang lain dari jalanan 'benar'

Kalau mengikut cerita cina zaman dulu dulu..Nik Abdul Aziz dan konco-konconya adalah mereka yang telah merosakkan "dunia kepahlawanan"..

Lihat contoh ulamak dunia dari zaman Yazid sehinggalah sekarang.Bila mereka mendapat kepentingan dunia mereka diam..malah golongan ini pernah menuduh Rasullulah s.a.w "tidak adil" dalam pemberian ghanimah..Kalau betul Nik Abdul Aziz dan konco-konconya jujur senang sahaja kita nak tengok..

Tok Guru dan semua pengikut Tok Guru mesti di lucutkan dahulu sebarang jawatan dunia yang mereka pegang untuk membolehkan majlis tahkim di mulakan..


Mampukah mereka bertahkim??

Terima kasih Tun.. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on October 23, 2009 4:17 PM


By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 23, 2009 2:02 PM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun...... only the veterans knows what they are talking about, what they have stood for and what they represents. Tun epitomizes that on one side and Nik Aziz on the other. Maybe Tun and Nik Aziz should see things that way for a change and see who would join in if there comes to exist a pact.



Ps. We should not 'dump' those corrupt and problematic leaders but shud either sent them to the 'pondok'( rehab centre) for rehabilitation perhaps for a mandatory period of two years ( inline with the ISA ) or bless them to follow the footsteps of Zaid Ibrahim ..hehe By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 23, 2009 2:02 PM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.

Nik Aziz knows what he is talking about. If this unity government would mean that all of Abdullah Badawi cronies and the AJK T4 finds new playground to work on and corrupt their way through (again), then I put my votes with the Tok Guru. At least he has principles and he has stand. As much as all and what I have said about him, it still remains true that only the veterans knows what they are talking about, what they have stood for and what they represents. Tun epitomizes that on one side and Nik Aziz on the other. Maybe Tun and Nik Aziz should see things that way for a change and see who would join in if there comes to exist a pact. Hadi and his group should know that if they plan to include the much hated and corrupted Badawi clan in their fold with UMNO along side the unity government, then a very good majority of the people would take them and UMNO out of the way for good. Their “trump” card may very well be their final calling card and little doubt that Anwar Ibrahim, Kit Siang and Nik Aziz & Co. would be in Putra Jaya power corridors next.


Nik Aziz wants EGM to decide on PAS leadership

PETALING JAYA: PAS should hold an extraordinary general meeting to decide on Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's position as president and those who want to work with Umno, said its spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

He said PAS could not have a situation where its members were split over the issue of whether to collaborate with Umno or not.

“For the sake of tajdid (reform) we should hold an EGM. If the EGM does not want to replace the president, it is all right.

"We should unite to uphold it (the decision). It is the same with (Datuk) Hassan Ali and (Datuk) Mustafa Ali who incessantly want PAS to work with Umno towards a unity government.

"The matter is raised and later subsides when people seem angry over it. What is all this?” he asked in his blog Friday. “This chaotic situation should not be left this way.

"People can accept or reject. Hence, to make it simple, the matter should be brought to EGM.

"Let us determine legally, which way to go. See who to retain and who to remove.

"An EGM can explain and determine a lot on this matter,” he added. By irasydAuthor Profile Page on October 23, 2009 10:22 AM


Y.Bhg Tun Dr MM, semoga sihat afiat dan di panjangkan usia. Kenapa si polan itu kata " I am not shaking your hand Mr Blair-you have got blood in it ", apakah dia akan berkata begitu jika anaknya masih hidup dan di anugerahkan bintang You are the british hero in Iraq, tepuk dadah dan tanya selera. Tentang terhadap perbuatan Blair dan Bush sepatutnya di tentang oleh rakyat negara-negara tersebut jika mereka berpendapat tindakan pemimpin mereka ada lah zalim dan salah.

Kita harap Tun, rakyat-rakyat di negara yang suka berperang dan menjajah negara lain akan bangkit menentang pemimpin mereka jika ada tanda-tanda pemimpin mereka mahu mengulangi kezaliman mereka. Hari ini negera-negera yang menghancurkan iraq dahulu,cuba menoleh ke Iran dengan alasan yang hampir sama dengan Iraq. Apakah rakyat British yang tidak mahu bersalaman dengan Blair ini bangkit untuk mengajak rakyat lain menentang hasrat negara-negara ini untuk menyerang Iran.

Pengajaran kita,terutamanya dunia Islam,daripada peperangan di Iraq ialah negera-negera Islam di rantau sana harus bersatu jika mahu menghentikan perbuatan-perbuatan jahat negara-negara ini.

Usaha Tun Dr MM untuk mengadakan conference akhir bulan ini walaupun mungkin kesannya dalam jangka masa pendek tidak kelihat,tetapi ia satu permulaan yang baik untuk membenteras perbuatan jahat,zalim dan pengganiayaan sesama umat manusia.

Orang Islam di berikan kesedaran dengan satu ayat yang maksudnya kurang lebih begini" Apabila kamu menerima sesuatu berita daripada orang yang fasiq selidikilah terlebih dahulu akan kebenaran cerita itu supaya kamu tidak akan melakukan pengganiyaan dan penzaliman"

Akhir kata YBhg Tun Dr MM, teruskan menulis dalam blog ini dengan topik-topik yang baru kerana ia memberikan peluang kepada kami yang menggunjungi blok ini untuk memberikan pandangan dan pendapat.TQ By etp2020Author Profile Page on October 22, 2009 7:44 PM

Salam Tun,

KUALA LUMPUR: Jawatankuasa Khas akan ditubuhkan untuk memantau pemilihan di semua peringkat parti, sekali gus memastikan proses demokrasi Umno dijalankan seperti dirancang, kata Naib Presiden parti, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata, ahli Umno tidak perlu bimbang dengan kemungkinan pindaan perlembagaan parti yang diluluskan dalam Perhimpunan Agung Khas Umno, baru-baru ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan seperti yang dirancang.

"Ahli Umno jangan bimbang dengan sebarang kemungkinan yang akan berlaku dalam pemilihan, baik di peringkat cawangan, bahagian atau negeri kerana ia akan dilaksanakan dan ditangani mengikut peraturan

Apa pendapat Tun?

From malaysia internet marketer By OrangLamaAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 6:58 PM

Salam, Saya masih ingat kawan2 British saya semasa di UK (orang Putih dan juga yang keturunan Asia) ramai yang terpengaruh dengan kepetahan bercakap dan janji manis "Tony". Di England Utara terutamanya Parti Buruh dapat sokongan kerena Tony dengan kepetahan bercakapnya menonjol dirinya sebagai penyelamat orang miskin dan lain2 yang tertindas oleh dasar Parti Konservatif ikut cerita kawan2 British. Parti Konservatif dituduh hanya menguntungkan orang kaya. Ada kawan orang Putih saya yang berkempen untuk Parti Buruh, sampai ajak saya sama2 pi join depa lepak di pusat mengundi. Nak tunjuk multiracial kot? (Saya tak pi kerana tak ada kaitan dengan politik depa).

Depa hangat hati, bila saya katakan berdasarkan penelitian saya terhadap pergerakan muka dan pertuturan yang tidak selari saya fikir Tony seorang "kaki kelentung" . Ketua Parti Konservatif masa tu ialah John Major. Johnny nampak lembap dan lembik tetapi hati dan mulut dia nampak seiring. Secara ringkas, saya bagitau kat depa Johnny nampak lebih boleh dipercayai dan sesuai untuk orang British. Hangat hati kawan orang Putih saya ini yang fanatik kat Tony. Rupanya orang putih pun ada perangai macam Melayu, semangat Asabiyah Al-Blair. Cuma depa tak main golok atau parang nak belasah. Bagaimanapun saya pun tak berapa suka Johnny kerana polisi diskriminasinya terhadap orang2 Islam Bosnia .

Lepas tak lama kemudian memang betui tekaan saya. tengok apa Tony buat kat Iraq. Dia ni kaki bodek George Al-Bush. Dia sanggup buat apa saja untuk menonj Berapa ramai rakyat Iraq terbunuh. Tentera British dan Amerika pun ramai mati sia2 di iraq kerana angkara Tony dan George Bush.

*********PENGAJARAN UNTUK RAKYAT MALAYSIA******* ada seorang pemimpin politik Malaysia perangai hampir serupa dengan Tony.Berhati2lah.

By tzAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 12:00 PM

Can we just look at the local crime? To me, it is as similarly cruel and ugly. Child get rape by own parents. How about Nurin? How about the teacher got gun shot by a drunk man? How about the Tar college girl got rape and killed?

Instead of viewing so far, we should just look at our own land first, since we are not doing action, but mainly "speaks" about it. By krishAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 9:24 AM

Salam che det..

By sputjam on October 17, 2009 6:09 PM I wouldn't shakeyour hands either Dr. M. there is blood in them too. maybe a certain date in 1969, instigating citizens against citizens.

Subky Latif, now retired former PAS commissioner for KL, wrote an academic piece for the publication SEAsian Affairs published by the Institute of SEASIAn studies, Singapore in the late 70s. Subky was a journalist then and was very close to Razak and Harun, former MB of Selangor and one of the key figures of the May 13 riots.

Subky wrote that the riots were definitely a coup to topple Tunku Abdul Rahman who was seen by the Malay ultras (Mahathir was one of them) to have sold Malay rights to the Chinese.

Subky said the riots were planned quickly and purposefully though the identity of the real culprits could not be accurately ascertained.

But the riots achieved their main purpose of toppling the Tunku because after that he lost his power and Razak took over, first as NOC director then PM.

And with Razak at the helm, Mahathir who was sacked by Tunku rejoined UMNO, where his Malay Dilemma thesis soon became the key fundamentals of the NEP. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 8:02 AM

Good morning Ayahanda Tun,

News round up from local main stream paper:-

1. TNB confirmed that it will set up the Nuclear Energy in 2020. The setting up in year 2020 is compulsory because TNB needs more time (kononnya) to study nuclear management, nuclear waste disposal bla..bla.., area is not announced yet.., hm.. will the area chosen is Pahang's Banjaran Titiwangsa - the backbone of Malaysia, the kampung of PM Najib and Hua Zong Chinese Association??

2. According to yesterday's China Press's online news (not in headline), TS Myuhiddin said that PPSMI will be taught in B.Malaysia starting 2011 year One pupils. He further claimed that He has informed Tun Dr M, but there was no sign of strong objection from Tun Dr M. The reason for no strong objection because Tun Dr M understands why MOE need to implement the change in PPSMI policy.

3. Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua) managing director, Datuk Syed Abdul Hafiz Syed Abu Bakar is not renewing his contract effective Dec 2009.

From the above news, UMNO is only interested in securing Ketuanan 1 UMNOputra rather than rakyat of Malaysia including non-UMNOputra Malays. In the PAU, PM Najib told Malaysians that he is not afraid of losing because HE has FULL SUPPORT from UMNO 14,650 members out of 3.2 million total members. Ironically, when he was declared as PM few months back, UMNO members are reported to be having members of 2.4 millions. Numbers are the game in securing Ketuanan 1UMNO in Malaysia, Najib Boleh! No more Malaysia Boleh, Ayahnada Tun, it's embarrasing to tell our neighbouring country's Mr Lee Kuan Yew that Malaysia indeed is controlled by 1UMNOputra.

The China Press interviewed Mr Lee Kuan Yew yesterday, hm.... nothing new, the topic is surrounding race issues whereby Chinese will be the minority in Malaysia as the population of Chinese is diminishing due to biological and migration factors. As a honest man, Mr Lee said that Singapore population is aging, and the lifestyles of his cucu-cucu are better off than his children. I am sure Mr Lee Kuan Yew would want his cucu-cucu to continue enjoy the benefits and developments initiated by him.

Mr Lee (berotak Islam / Confucious) is right, thus, in order to prevent politic and economic instability, our Kerajaan Malaysia must be warned and prevented from manipulating and controlling Malaysia Education as a tool to gain personal political agenda in order to make sure their "self-elected gangs" to be the PM and cabinets, and BN has been doing this until today, BN is still unable to change because of Play Safe, Habits or No Balls???

Good day Ayahanda Tun. By Khairul-DeanAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 2:00 AM

Che Det,

Ong Tee Keat Courage To Change Creating New Values i like: Finding the moral and political solution

Those who know me long enough understands that I've always been guided by morality and doing things that are correct politically. I assure these people that I have not changed. By Khairul-DeanAuthor Profile Page on October 22, 2009 1:50 AM

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir,

Do you think Ong Tee Keat has what it takes to promote good values in MCA and the country? I would like to see a strong united MCA with good values.

UMNO needs good competition, Tun - to be of any good to this blessed nation of ours.

Where is Ling Liong Sik, in all of these? By rifdiAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 2:33 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

May Allah give you happiness and good health always. Im just a normal citizen and am willing to support you in any way I can. Tun, Allah has given you the ability to understand complex issues and simplify it so that it can be understood by Malaysian and the whole world. Its just like a father telling his child what is right and what is wrong because a child doesn’t see the danger when he is playing with fire.

The only way to prevent war is to criminalize it. No other country should be allowed to attack or invade another country. Tun, you saw what was going on and what might happen in the future if people do not unite to fight against war. Of course those who are selling the weapon makes a lot of money, and this also implies to those who finance it.

How can we get out form this financial, political, social, ideologies and religious invasion? We can only invite people towards Islam, but we cannot force them to embrace Islam. And like you said before, the west cannot force democracy to others but can only propose democracy. The situation becomes worst when the so called democratic country modifies the rule, regulation and policies to enforce their agenda. I prefer calling it a communist country.

The only way to escape from the trapped system is to unite. The muslim must unite and this also implies for all none muslims. Unity to fight all kinds of invasion. Unity can only happen when the muslim returns to the fundamental teachings of Islam. Politician should not make statement that would divide the public into different sect. This is a few clips that I would like to share with all…

1. What would be the possible cause of World War 3 ?

2. Fighting The New World Order

3. One world Communist

4. HAARP Technology

Rifdi Abd Karim (A concern citizen) By faaAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 1:18 PM

Dear Tun, Out of topic, I suggest that the Federal Constitution be taught as one of the subjects in Secondary School. We don't need to have Sivic subject. Most of the time , the students tend to sleep and make fun of the others (and the teachers). A compulsory subject that requires one to pass.Otherwise , re- sit the paper! If it means students are brainwash to become a Malaysian who appreciates what our forefathers did and how expensive the price of peacefulness, WHY NOT!!! By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 11:25 AM

Dear Tun Dr M,

I have a suggestion for the United Nation as follows:-

United Nations Needs Drastic Changes

The state of the United Nations since it’s inception and until to date is rather pathetic with only 5 super powers (US, UK, France, Russia and China) controlling and dominating the decision making of the United Nations. Just imagine, if any of the 5 Permanent Security Council Members use their veto privilege, Any resolution tabled would be rejected. Of late, United Nations seem to be highly maneuvered and intensively pressured by the US.

It is a well known fact that the dominance of US and its allies on the UN is resolute. The only solution to this is to either revamp the UN or form a new UN which is powerful, just and independent.

The number 1 position in the United Nations is that of Secretary General. Their action, speeches, press conferences reflect how independent and how powerful United Nations is. Sadly, of late, during the period of Kofi Annan and Ban Kee Mun, the United Nations obviously seem to have its hands ties, lips sealed and ears plugged.

A lot of funds and other resources, contributed by the member countries, were spent in vain by the UN due to it’s inefficiency and some crippling limitations.

The US’s incursion on Afganistan and Iraq during this decade by the US and UK was actually not backed by the majority of the UN member countries. In fact more than 70% of the UN member countries either rejected or abstained on the war launched by US on Afganistan and Iraq.

How ideal it would be, if a separate country with a reasonable size is established for the United Nations. The country for United Nations should be superior to all the other nations. All its resources, including arms & ammunitions should supersede that of all other nations. The United Nations should be the ultimate dream destination of the citizens of rest of the world.

Since initially the country is to be established from scratch, its citizens would be chosen from various nations with the primary conditions i.e. they should be of mixed parentage (racist and biased mentality could be reduced radically) and reasonably educated. The more distantly their parents are related, the more qualified they are to be the citizens of the United Nations. They would be offered employment with attractive remunerations, according to their qualifications and expertise.

Any conflicts or disputes in the rest of the world should be referred to the United Nation (The current veto privilege would be withdrawn from the 5 Permanent Security Council Members). Instead, the United Nation would be given 1/3 voice and power in the Security Council. The other countries will have variable control in the UN depending on their population, economy, resources, literacy rate, forest reserves and others (to be mutually agreed upon).

If there is any objection to the above, then, those countries which support the proposed changes should withdraw from the current UN and form a new UN which would conform to the new proposals. This is the only way to have a super power which would be fair, effective, unprejudiced, proactive and swift.

Impossible to materialize? Please think again. By mahyuddinAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 10:19 AM

I have one thing to say about us Malaysia, that include me. We are a bunch of FOOLS.

We honour the wrong person for the wrong reason.

We condame a wrong doer but yet elect the person to head a community/state/country.

We disregard law for the sake of 'justice'.

What a bunch of FOOLS we are. By Mis_bahAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 9:34 AM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

HBT, I like to read every comment or response you post on this blog. Its brilliant and informative. Please do the same when commenting on the NEP. The objective of the policy is to bring harmony to all Malaysians by balancing all inbalanced aspects in our social life. In short to reduce soscial, economic and income gap between multi-ethnic Malaysians. To me, my concern is only about the policy's implementation. By aizaAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 9:33 AM

Assalamualaikum YAB Tun Dr Mahathir yang dikasihi,

Tahniah YAB Tun kerana berjaya menepis saman daripada DSAI. Nampak sangat betapa pengkhianat negara tu kurang cerdik dan kurang memahami undang- undang negara. Nak saman orang, tapi tak teliti betol-betol apa yang hendak disampaikan. Kesudahannya, dia sendiri yang rugi.

Keratan dari Utusan Malaysia Online bertarikh 21 Oktober 2009" " Peguam Datuk V.K. Lingam yang mewakili Dr. Mahathir berhujah, antara kecacatan tersebut ialah Anwar tidak mematuhi peruntukan Artikel 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Seksyen 8 Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1963/67 apabila memorandum rayuannya dibuat dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bukannya dalam bahasa Melayu. Memorandum tersebut juga, katanya, tidak ditandatangani oleh peguam cara perayu, tidak mempunyai tarikh spesifik, tidak mengandungi kronologi peristiwa kes serta gagal melampirkan indeks rekod rayuan dengan teratur".

Syukur kepada Allah s.w.t. dengan izinnya jugak perkara ini berlaku. Sekali lagi Tahniah YAB Tun Dr Mahathir. :)

Salam, Aiza By azlan95Author Profile Page on October 21, 2009 9:30 AM

Well done Tun!

And keep up the excellent work despite no longer in power. Your contributions to so many throughout the world will be remembered in times to come.

Azlan KL By muhazizanAuthor Profile Page on October 21, 2009 9:05 AM

Yang saya hormati ayahnda Tun Dr M dan Ibunda Tun Siti Hasmah. Malam tadi saya amat berbangga dengan Pedana Menteri kita Dato' Seri Najib yang telah menjawab soalan dari wartawan indonesia dari TV One berhubung dengan pendirian malaysia soal terrorisma yang dilakukan oleh rakyat malaysia, isu persempadanan, hukuman terhadap pendatang tampa izin dan penderaan tenaga kerja indonesia jelas dan tegas. Pada pandangan saya kekeruhan hubangan malaysia dengan indonesia adalah disebabkan oleh permainan media cetak dan media elektronik di indonesia yang gemar mengadu domba. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini kita harus mencari jalan untuk memperbetulkan laporan-laporan media yang berat sebelah terhadap malaysia. Pada fikiran saya kedutaan malaysia di indonesia harus memainkan peranan lebih akif untuk berkomunikasi dengan media indonesia. Malahan sekiranya perlu kita harus mempunyai satu station television kita sendiri disini. Ini adalah untuk megimbangi berita-berita negetif yang dilemparkan ke negara kita berulang-ulang kali dan berhari-hari. Konsepnya seperti air yang menitik diatas batu lama-lama lekuk juga. Bergitulah keadaanya disini. Mudah-mudahan pandangan saya ini membuka minda pemerintah kita bagaimana untuk mengimbangi pemberitaan yang kurang adil ini. Terima kasih By khairulAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 10:31 PM

Salam, sorry but i am little bit confuse, are we condemn Israel because they cannot have the land, or we condemn them bcoz they keep killing innocent people... i read about their history.. i think.. why not gave them the land.. but.. although they already got their land, why still war nonstop ? who started it first ? is the palestinians are not satistified.. or the Israeli are too greedy ? whatever they are.. i hate them for killing innocent people... thanks By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 9:52 PM

Ex-aide: Time for Anwar to reveal ‘secret’ over Azmin

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s former private secretary, Anuar Shaari, agreed with Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan that it was time for Anwar to reveal the “secret” why PKR vice- president Azmin Ali was special to him.

Anuar said when he was Anwar’s private secretary between 1995 and 1998, he could see that Anwar’s relationship with Azmin was more than an employer and an employee.

“Azmin used to sulk when scolded by Anwar. When he did not turn up for work, Anwar would become disturbed and could not concentrate,” Anuar said.

Anuar was commenting on claims by one-time close ally of Anwar, Nallakaruppan, that there was a “secret” as to why Azmin was special to him.

Anuar said when Azmin was not around, Anwar would repeatedly ask why Azmin was absent and whether he had called.

“He had never noticed if other staff were sick or did not turn up. Only Anwar can explain why Azmin received such special attention,” he said Anuar said there could be truth to Nallakaruppan’s claim that nobody would sacrifice for Anwar the way Azmin did.

“Other people did not give their heart and soul to Anwar. Azmin, however, will give it to the one he loves,” he said.

Nallakaruppan had also questioned why Azmin was simply appointed as PKR’s Sabah state liaison chief when there were several Sabah leaders better suited for the post.

He had also said that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, a former Cabinet minister, was more experienced.

It was earlier reportd that 18 leaders of the party’s 23 active divisions in Sabah signed a memorandum voicing their protest over Azmin’s appointment as the state chief. By FXSpecAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 7:26 PM

Dear Tun

Haha, some people here wouldn't shake your hands for the purported bloods of 1969 in them.....yet another said that its okay for the US to drop the atomic bombs on hiroshima and Nagasaki to end me such were only the delinquents' musings of retarded/prejudiced minds. For the former, which history books was he reading? And the latter its clear that he read the old history textbooks which glorified the winners and condemned the vanquished, sacrificing the truths in the process.

Now, no further comments necessary except for the fact that both Blair and Bush were - as mentioned by somebody earlier, and by Tun in his (notorious by Zionists' standard) OIC speech in 2003 - proxies who have to do the bidding of their masters. Else, they would be condemned to live a life of dishonour and decrepit poverty amidst their societies of plenty or even left to die an ignominious death. Such were their fear they would do anything to please their lord - the devil or its incarnation on earth. By nswamyAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 7:16 PM

Promoting Peace would have been Mr Ravi question and answer to have a world with less or no war so lets ask Tun the other way 1) What did his administration do to minimize stratification , class and race driven mindset in today's malaysian society? As there is real tension and strive in multitudes and multiples...i am giving Tun the benefit of the doubt as i had not seen much action here

2) what did tun or his administration do about abuse of police and high handedness of authorities , Amnesty international reports upto 10,500 custodial deaths

3) Memali , Kampung Gandhi and other such incidents targeting specific racial groups have further added to the no 1 . What was tun specific methods the case in point so that things are good

4) there are Penan abuse known and other minor sub groups in Peninsula and east malaysia - what did the govt do to help include them in the larger malaysia

Tough Love Tun style and constant pursuit of Skyscrapper and Malaysian book records venture of Tun plan for the 22 years and beyond - ooops the tough love of Tun Admin time was not Really peaceful i would If Tun had nuckler bomb capability and greater military might i would think Malaysia would have also flexed muscle's beyond border

We need to Walk Peace in Light of Martin luther King, Mandela and Gandhi before we can preach peace to the world , it is tougher for those who did not not walk the talk

Tun also needs to gets his facts on World War 2 better . Allies did not start the war and i certainly am happy for yamamoto Japan and Hitler germany losing it seriously. Even Tun would not be PM,as Japan would be running Malaya and yes tun your look east would have been literall By MelonAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 5:38 PM


Dear Tun' Masih ingatkah lagi bagaimana PM Britain Margaret Stacher datang kemalaysia dan mengumumkan Anwar Ibrahim adalah menteri Kewangan yang terbaik didunia. adakah Tun setuju dimasa itu?.Saya merasa loya pengumuman tersebut dan masih ingat lagi kenyataan Algore semasa lawatan diMalaysia. Alhamdulillah Tun Allah melindungi negara ini yang diketuai oleh Tun, kalaulah Anwar Ibrahim memegang jawatan PM sekarang sudah tentu kita rakyat malaysia dibawah telunjuk Amerika dan British.Kita bercakap syaitan besar Amerika cuba Tun siasat KSN adakah beliau turut mirip kepada syaitan Amerika kerana menantunya adalah Yahudi Amerika,beliau adalah consultant telah banyak masuk projek kerajaan yang melibatkan maklumat kerajaan dan kumpulanya adalah banyak dari Malaysian Insiders.nanti saya akan salurkan beberapa maklumat yang kita tidak sedari dan tanda tanya samaada KSN sedar atau tidak By Gopal Raj KumarAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 4:55 PM

Tony Blair, Condolessa Rice and others who were part and parcel of the mindset that forged this unholy alliance leading to the dismemberment of the state of Irak, the displacement of its people and the conveniently arranged theft of prioceless and ageless historic artifacts many of which we re being sold to dealers in Tel Aviv and Zurich within days, have more than just blood on their hands.

Blair and his group have written infamy into the future of a Britain that will never be forgotted for its barbarity, its contribution to re writing international law and its Attila the Hun morality with Irak.

What may have appeared on the horizon at one stage as an almost mirage like prospect for peace in the middle east during the time of Arafat has now evaporated in the wake of the Gulf war to reveal a nightmare of lies, deceit, theft on an unparalleled scale and precendence in international politics that will in future be repeated without doubt. The question is by whom.

The Malaysian Bar, a sychophantic institution that boot lick English traditions without so much as understanding the principles behind them are likely to be part of the culture that would invite the likes of Blair to Malaysia.

A week ago, the department of foreign affairs in Israel warned its deputy prime minister not to visit London on official business as a warrant for his arrest had been issued on war crimes. He now faces the prospect of arrest wherever he stps into out of Israel. He is now a prisoner in his own home.

This particular change in thinking in internaitonal law where impunity for those who commit crimes against humanity should serve as a warning to all in power wherever they be not to treat their minorities or adversaries as they please and expect to get away with their acts with impunity. Impunity and immunity for such crimes do not exist anymore. Accountability is the order of the day.

Blair will go down in history with Bush Jnr and John Howard as the white savages that terrorised the world in the short period when it did not have a counter to their unlimited unsurpassed power. There will be a time in the not too distant future when he too will face the wrath of an internaitonal community for his crimes.

Today the Taleban, however crude and backward we may regard them to be, make the might of American military power seem so vulnerable and pathetic on Afghan soil.

Armed only with their religious zeal, their simple yet disciplined lifestyles and an inherited instinct for martial skills, the have reduced the US to a force continually on the defence and the look out. They the US and their allies have been check mated into a position they will not win.

It is true that if there is one thing history teaches us, it is we do not learn from history.

Gopal Raj Kumar By kolang_kalingAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 4:46 PM

Salam TUN! Saya setuju sangat, penyangak dua ekor tu patut dihukum. Alangkah seronoknya kalau saya dapat baling kasut buruk pada depa. Padan muka!!1 By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 4:12 PM

Dearest Ayahanda,

The Big Brother's brother is here to BULLY & BULLY MCA again and again!! TS Myuhiddin said..“Unless the CC makes the stand that the one who can help resolve the crisis is the president or the Prime Minister. At least, then Najib can say, ‘You want me, and then this is my rule’.” Aiyoyo.. If Big Brother UMNO does not want to change, then be chained Lah, and Malaysians, like Indonesians are FED UP with CORRUPTIONS which make the POOR POORER, Malaysia Mana Boleh!!

//The Star Online....

Published: Tuesday October 20, 2009 MYT 1:51:00 PM

DPM: Najib will not step in unless asked by MCA CC members


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will not step in to solve the MCA leadership crisis unless asked by the party’s central committee (CC) members. said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin.

He said before Najib could intervene, there was a need for the CC to agree that the only person who could help resolve the situation was Najib and subsequently sought his help.

He said some people felt that the leadership had a moral obligation and should intervene in the leadership crisis.

However, Muhiyiddin said if Barisan stepped in without being asked, its action might not be welcomed and it would be treated as an outsider.

“The Prime Minister as chairman of Barisan Nasional has said we would like to see how MCA can manage itself. If they can do it themselves, then the credit goes to them,” he told reporters on Tuesday at the parliament lobby.

“Unless the CC makes the stand that the one who can help resolve the crisis is the president or the Prime Minister. At least, then Najib can say, ‘You want me, and then this is my rule’.”

“And when the Prime Minister makes the decision, then of course you have to accept it,” he said.

He added if all members of the CC agreed to seek Najib’s advice as he was the person who could resolve the matter, then Barisan might have the locus standi to make a decision.

On the other hand, Indonesians are fed up with crippling graft, poverty..

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP): Indonesians expect their re-elected leader, who was sworn in as the nation's sixth president Tuesday, to make greater progress against crippling poverty and corruption in his second five-year term.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 60, won a landslide victory in July elections, bouyed largely by his track record in combatting Islamist terrorists and the prosecution of politicians by the anti-graft commission.

Although the former general oversaw a period of political and financial stability, the new government that will be assembled in coming days faces an uphill battle lifting tens of millions of Indonesians out of abject poverty.

The Muslim-majority nation of 235 million also is regularly ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world by Transparency International, a leading graft watchdog. That negative image and a weak judiciary make it difficult to attract foreign investors.

More than 70 percent of respondents to a September survey by the independent Reform Institute said the economy should be the top priority for the country's new leaders.

Second on the list of public concerns was eradicating corruption in law enforcement, said the survey.

Some 2,550 people took part in the poll in 68 villages across the nation between Sept. 7 and Sept. 15. It had a margin of error of about 2 percentage points.

"Rising prices for basic foods and utility bills give me a headache almost every day," said Susanti Maharani, a 41-year-old mother of three who feeds her family on less than $5 per day in the capital, Jakarta.

"SBY must fulfill his campaign pledge to lighten the people's burden," she said referring to the president by his initials.

Yudhoyono "recorded a few achievements in stability of politics and security, but a number of substantive issues - justice, human rights and people's welfare - were not resolved by the end of the term of office," said political analyst Sunny Tanuwidjaja of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

A major failure of his administration was the inability to bring to justice the culprits behind the slaying of human rights activist Munir Thalib, who was poisoned on a flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam five years ago last month, Tanuwidjaja said.

One of the main challenges will be keeping up the campaign against corruption.

The Corruption Eradication Commission and a special anti-corruption court have been undermined by what supporters say is a political attack by police and lawmakers concerned by its far-reaching prosecutorial powers.

"Without real support from his Cabinet ministers and law enforcers in the field, corruption eradication is just a big dream," said Ricky Ilham, 46, an employee at an insurance company.

By Khairul Azni Bin ZainolAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 3:59 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Boleh tak Tun jelaskan kenapa Tun tidak bersetuju dengan pembinaan jambatan dari tanah besar ke Pulau Langkawi?

Seperti biasa, Tun mesti mempunyai pandangan yang jauh lebih jauh daripada ramai orang lain.

Terima kasih. By rozi66Author Profile Page on October 20, 2009 3:37 PM

Rozi66, Salam to Tun and all, someone wrote " 15 muslim terrorists in killing nearly 3000 innocent people in NY!!". Guess this guy never read much...just acceptted blindly what stated in the media (controlled?)...and parroting that back to others. Even American is questioning what had happened. Not the ordinary one but the experts (proffesor, scientist, engineer, pilots etc) raised lots of technical questions which are not being able to be explained by the authority. As a matter of fact, building with steel structure (like the doomed twin tower) wont collapse from impact and fire from such aircraft. Any decent engineer understand the reason why. Thus to that someone...go and learn some more (with open eyes and open heart) or keep quite (at least you can hide yr IQ). God bless all of us. By Abd Rahim AzizAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 2:29 PM

Salam YABhg TUN & Pembaca Kiraman kali ni saja je untuk hiburkan hati. Sebelum tu mintak maaf byk2 kat Samy V.

Samy Vellu and his driver, Muniandy, were cruising along a Sungai Siput country road one evening when an old dog loomed in front of the car.

Muniandy tried to avoid it but couldn't - the old dog was killed. Samy Vellu told Muniandy to go up to the farmhouse and explain to the owners what happened.

About an hour later, Muniandy staggered back to the car with his clothes in disarray. He was holding a bottle of expensive wine in one hand, an expensive Cuban cigar in the other and was smiling happily, smeared with lipstick.

"What happened?" asked Samy Vellu.

"Well," Muniandy replied, "the farmer gave me the wine, his wife gave me the cigar, and their beautiful twin daughters were so happy they kept kissing me!"

"My God, what did you tell them?" asked Samy Vellu.

Muniandy replied: "I'm Samy Vellu's driver, and I just killed the old dog." By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 1:34 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

The Star Online reported.....

//Published: Tuesday October 20, 2009 MYT 12:29:00 PM

Updated: Tuesday October 20, 2009 MYT 12:32:04 PM

Teaching of Science and Maths in BM for Year One could possibly begin in 2011


KUALA LUMPUR: The Education Ministry is looking into the possibility of implementing the teaching of Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia for Year One students beginning 2011, a year ahead of schedule.

Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said on Tuesday this would depend on several factors including the adequacy of teachers, how soon the new curriculum could be drafted and whether the text books for Science, Mathematics and English would be ready by next year.

“For Year Four, Form One and Form Four students, the policy will begin in 2012 to enable the Ministry to make the necessary preparations,” he said when replying Hulu MP Mohd Nor Othman during the question-and-answer session in Parliament.

Muhyiddin also gave his reassurance that the Government was serious about abolishing the policy of Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) while prioritising the new strategy to uphold Bahasa Malaysia and strengthen English (MBMMBI .. ini apa??).

Mohd Nor and 12 others had also asked for the Government’s rationale in waiting until 2012 to revert to teaching both subjects in Bahasa Malaysia and its efforts implementing MBMMBI.

He said the cost of implementing the PPSMI since it was introduced in 2003 was RM5bil (wow, what a CROOK!!), which included the cost of providing facilities and training teachers.

The ministry will ask for adequate allocation to make the MBMMBI a success besides using existing facilities, he said.


According to Dr Chua SL, MCA President Ong TK used the PPSMI reports made by YB Ong Ka Ting before he resigned and this report was passed to our ex-MOE, and today's MOE, TS Myuhiddin is using this PPSMI made few years back to gamble our future generations fate just to cover his political career. TS Myuhiddin, jangan lah anggap rakyat ignorant macam lagu "Ko ke"!! UMNO without Chinese and indian support, tak jadi jugak!!

Ayahanda Tun, it's look like the top guns are maximizing all the outdated information in MalaysiaToday to succeed 1 Malaysia.

By the way, Malaysia is proud of our IGP Musa Hassan, who has obtained a Pretigious and Honourable Medal From Singapore on his excellent service as the Polis force!! By chukai1Author Profile Page on October 20, 2009 12:24 PM

Salam hormat pada Tun yg dikasihi dan para pembaca yg di hormati semua,

Dengan izin Tun ....

Saya ingin untuk memaklumkan pada semua tentang satu maklumat penting khas untuk anak- anak muda Satu Malaysia !!! Orang-orang muda seperti anda semua sudah biasa dengan website yang memberi perkhidmatan untuk mendapat kenalan dari seluruh dunia.

Sesuai dengan matlamat NWO untuk menubuhkan satu Kerajaan dunia, mereka sedang giat mengumpul maklumat dan data peribadi melalui Facebook. Kalau tak silap saya bulan lalu ada saya terbaca Presiden Barrack Obama pun mengingatkan muda-mudi Amerika untuk tidak memberi sebarang maklumat peribadi didalam ruangan Facebook.

Sila lihat websites ini

Dengan menjadi ahli kepada blog ini, anda sebenar telah berkongsi makulmat peribadi anda dengan CIA, NSA & FBI.

Sila ambil ikhtibar, moga-moga negara kita yang tercinta ini sentiasa mendapat perlindungan Pencipta, amin.

Terima kasih saya kepada ayahanda Tun, please take care for we all love you.

Cheers. By musatoAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 10:18 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Saya boleh saja mengaku bahawa saya mempunyai pertalian darah dengan arwah Tokku Paloh (1817-1917).Salah seorang guru agama kepada Sultan Terengganu iaitu Sultan Zainal Abidin III merangkap penasihat dan penentu hala tuju pemerintahan Negeri Terengganu pada zaman beliau.

Seperti tercatit dalam buku sejarah Terengganu,sehingga kini tiada ditemui lagi penggantinya selepas pemergian beliau.Perlu diketahui bahawa semasa zamannya,pihak Inggeris tidak dapat mencampuri langsung urusan pentadbiran Negeri Terengganu walaupun digertak dengan pelbagai cara termasuk ancaman perang.Namun begitu,tak sampai setahun selepas kematian Tokku Paloh, pihak Inggeris telah berjaya mencampuri urusan pentadbiran Terengganu seperti yang dihajati.

Tentunya saya tidak beria-ria untuk menonjol akan perkara ini kerana saya tahu saya bukan berpendidikan tinggi dan bukan pelajar aliran agama serta tidak memakai gelaran Sayid.Sementelah susun galur ini tidak dapat diikuti dengan lancar kerana arus kemodenanan agaknya.Namun begitu,adalah sedikit sebanyak isu-isu yang saya berjaya menangi ketika berbincang dengan Tun kita ni..he..he..

Antara salah satu sebab mengapa Tokku Paloh mengutus surat memperingatkan kepada pemerintah pada zamannya ialah agar taat dan melaksanakan pentadbiran mengikut lunas-lunas Islam agar para alim-ulama tidak tersisih dan terhakis peranannya ketika zaman kemodenan mulai menampakkan bibit-bibit penguasaannya.

Apa yang ingin saya kongsikan disini adalah mengenai isu 'Khawarij' dan hukumannya seperti mana yang sering ditulis oleh ahli-ahli agama profesional apabila memperkatakan tentang isu politik Malaysia terkini,yang mana saya sendiri telah bangkitkan dalam perbincangan bersama Tun Mahathir secara langsung.

Dalam perkara ini saya amat hormati akan pendapat Tun Mahathir bahawa "seperti mana ketika waktu aman tiada pertumpahan darah akan berlaku dan begitulah juga ketika mana tidak aman".

Sudah tentu saya tidak dapat menyangkal akan pendapat ini kerana profil 22 tahun Tun memerintah negara ini telah membuktikan segala-galanya.Malaysia mempunyai undang-undang pencegahan yang berkesan.

Saya tiadalah tujuan apa-apa melainkan menulis apa yang ingin saya tulis dan bergurau senda ketika Tun Mahathir masih ada di dunia ini.Dan sudah tentu segala apa pandangan tulisan saya ini hanya berdasarkan pengamatan saya mengenai isu politik Malaysia terkini sahaja.Namun begitu,lain padang lain belalangnya.

Terima kasih Tun. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 7:24 AM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.

I am sorry to stray away from your posting of Tony Bliar of Bloody Hands. But this is maybe old news as now they are working on Ahmadinejad next.

However, I bring the news clipping below into light just so to share with fellow readers on criterias that is in need in selecting a GLC CEO in Malaysia. But I also bring into caution that the news piece was written by Bernama, of which they too are affected by this crony CEO appointment woe to the highest order. So with that in mind we proceed on to the article.

The report said that no guidelines and written criteria have been prepared by the Minister of Finance Inc and Privatisation Division (MKD) on the selection and appointment process for chairman, board of directors, CEO/MD of government-owned companies. From my own experience, a candidate must:

1) Be on very good boot licking terms with the PM and so-so the DPM.

2) Be on excellent rapport with the PM wife, kids and household pet cat (during Pak Lah time).

3) Be an all weather BN bumper sticker.

4) If the PM says JUMP! The most suitable candidate wont ask “why?”, but that candidate would ask “how high Tuan?”.

5) The candidate must appear to be smart, walk the part, talk the part BUT the candidate must always rely on higher up instructions to operate on the middle or long term planning. In short, the candidate must be a remote control stand alone unit: Aibo - Idiots like Khalid Gagap.

6) So many more criteria I could recall here, but the best candidate would be one who could cooked up nonsense out of thin air such as the: MAHAPUTRA award.

But how about senior government officers during Dollah time (all his crony) who had already retired in pursuant to the max 55 years old age stipulation of the JPA ruling, then rehire into the same post (usually Director Generals or above) and at the same time, because they are simply a “contract basis government staffs” were given directorships (non-executive acting as proxies) over companies that has direct link to the PM and his family? How about this issue? They draw a full tax free pension, a double monthly pay scheme from the government over latest contractual appointment back to old post and a directorship fee/allowances.

To those concerned, nothing personal but what you make and keep that way, you know is almost bad money – but why do it anyway? I thought you all Haji and twice Haji Checker board knows better? I frankly don’t care really, but some of my other associates, they care very much and they have all of you marked for the next duck hunting season. Was it all really worth it now? I mean was it all really worth it to have succumbed to the ways of Abdullah and his weaknesses? After trailing "righteousness" for decades, was it all worth it? No mirror could hold you enough now!


Senior appointments at govt-owned companies need to follow guidelines


The appointments of chairman, board of directors, and chief executive officer/managing director (CEO/MD) for government-owned companies need to follow guidelines and written procedures. This is to ensure the suitability of candidates appointed, according to the 2008 Auditor-General Report released today.

The report said that no guidelines and written criteria have been prepared by the Minister of Finance Inc and Privatisation Division (MKD) on the selection and appointment process for chairman, board of directors, CEO/MD of government-owned companies.

"From the audit viewpoint, there is a need for such guidelines and written procedures so that those appointed are candidates with the proper qualifications to improve the company's performance," it said.

According to the report, its audit found that the appointments of CEOs/MDs at 38 companies covered were approved by the Finance Minister.

In addition, the selection of CEOs/MDs was made following proposals from ministers, the ministry concerned or board of directors.

Based on the proposals, MKD will draw up a list of candidates agreed upon by the Treasury Secretary-General for approval by the Finance Minister.

The report also said that government representatives appointed to the companies have to prepare reports at least every three months on the performance of the companies concerned.

"Our audit found that only eight out of the 38 companies covered have prepared written reports to the Finance Minister before each annual general meeting," it said.

"The reports explained the performance of the company concerned and seek approval relating to the resolutions to be discussed at the coming meeting," it added.

According to the report, MKD should step up its monitoring of the companies to ensure that all rules are followed as laid down by the government and also introduce a reporting format which is more specific. - Bernama By mastersifuAuthor Profile Page on October 20, 2009 3:50 AM salam Ayanda Tun,semoga tun dirahmati ALLAH S.W.T....

SOMEONE WROTE THIS: "I wouldn't shakeyour hands either Dr. M. there is blood in them too. maybe a certain date in 1969, instigating citizens against citizens."




Oh sorry,how old r u when 1969....? if u r born before 1950,ooops,may be,I AM SORRY... By LiewAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 8:32 PM

Tun, Luckily, we in Malaysia don’t have such politicians that kill people but we have politicians that tried to create civil war by playing with racial and religion issues. Anything that involved US got to do with war even their movies and computer games are so violence. One of their main industries is weaponry and if we don’t buy their weapons they will sell us other things. Once people understand about their politics and stop buying weapons from them they will resort to other terrible things that related to bacteria or viral diseases and they start selling antidote. So the only way is for the Americans public to stop their own politicians and businesses from doing terrible things. We the world must keep condemning their wrong doing so that the American citizen understand and realize that the world is not just American and Americans only. Blair and Bush is just a small corrupted puppet in the Iraq war, it is the corrupted defense ministry people that are highly paid by the weapon company (kick-back) that started the war. Blair and Bush surely got some kick-back too but the Generals, Procurement officers and etc .. are the one that got the most. Look at how they award project with so high cost to the private companies to rebuild Iraq. Today wars are fought not because of right or wrong but is it more about money. Gone are the days of righteous America and Britain, where people from 3rd world look-up to. Today anything American should be double check. We should support China more to balance the world power and China have proven to be not so combative and we should have more world peace. We should support China more to balance the world power and China have proven to be not so combative and we should have more peace. But this peace will not be long too as China will be arrogant when they get too much support and power so there is no end to conflicts and wars. Maybe God make it that way. By arikAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 6:49 PM

Tak tahu apa nak idea...... Tunggu dah lihat....apa yang akan terjadi seterusnya.... Cuma berharap mereka jangan melampaui batas sudah....kerana sudah pasti mereka akan dapat jawapannya , kalau itu yang mereka inginkan sangat . Apa pun saya tak dapat hadir ....minta maaf banyak kerana tidak dapat memberi sokongan . By sitinurAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 6:12 PM

Asalamualaikum....saya setuju dgn pendapat en.kamal ahmad n dr.redhuan che mat sbb rasa menyampah n berbulu bila dgr khairi berucap...... yg duk guna sakan tongkat sakti mcm jakun tu bukan khairi huh!ni mula nak maki org ni.....ya Allah sabarkan aku.....tapi nak buat mcm mana harapkan pm yg lembab ngalahkan agar2....cakap tak serupa bikin...... pak lah bengap gak yg depa duk tekun ngikut teladan..... hiiiiiiiiiiiiis...... sabar2 kamu tu pompuan...lemah lembut ckit... By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 5:15 PM

Dearest Ayahanda,

The Star Online reported:

//Published: Monday October 19, 2009 MYT 2:51:00 PM

Keeping people safe more important than cutting deficit: Najib

KUALA LUMPUR: The government believes it is more important to ensure that the people are safe and comfortable and not saddled with economic woes than cutting the additional deficit.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said this was because the additional deficit could not be avoided in the short term as all countries were facing the economic challenge.

"If we want to inject a big stimulus package, we must accept the additional deficit.

“Which is more important? A smaller deficit or the people being safe and comfortable?

"The government chooses to save the people, but when the time comes we will tackle and reduce the deficit," he said when replying to a supplementary question from Dr Tan Seng Giaw (DAP- Kepong) at the Monday.

Tan wanted to know measures taken by the government to reduce a deficit that had reached 7.6 percent.

Najib asked Tan to wait for his budget speech on Friday to get a clearer picture on measures to be taken by the government to tackle the additional deficit.

To an original question from Tan, Najib said Malaysia had voiced its stand on the international economic and financial issues to stabilise the global economy and prevent the crisis from aggravating.

He said Malaysia also concurred with the G20's stand to strengthen international financial institutions and architecture.

"Actually Malaysia was ahead in taking unconventional measures when we fought our way out of the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998," he said, adding that in fact, the approach was being adopted by the G20.

Najib said Malaysia had called on the G20 Summit to solve the global economic and financial crisis, stabilise the international financial sector and foster sustainable economic growth quickly.

The Group of 20 (G20), consisting of both major advanced and emerging economies, has developed into a leading international platform for tackling the financial crisis, while the Group of Seven (G7), once dubbed a club of wealthy nations, struggles hard to stay relevant in a fast changing world. - Bernama//


Here he goes, Tidur, Main, Boros, Rugi with acculumulated deficit 7.6% by injecting huge stimulus, higher lo deficit.. in 2011.

Remarks: 7.6% Deficit is inclusive of3 french submarines, lost in G7 investments, loss in PK free Zone scandal and over-populated construction sector due to greed, blah. blah..??)

PM Najib said to save the people first, who are these people, HIS people or the private sector that would be the main driver of growth in the country once the government stimulus is gradually withdrawn??

Take care Ayahanda Tun. it will be interesting to know 1 Malaysia Budget for 2010, for RAKYAT or 1 PEOPLE (PRESIDENT)?? By kalyaneeAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 4:40 PM izin kan Tun to sputjam prove tun has blood in his hands. dont make stupid comments.if you dont like tun than dont make silly accusations By Freddie KevinAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 4:13 PM

Dearest Tun,

Happy belated Hari Raya to you and your family. I linked your article to my blog. I wish you all the best in the coming conference.

Thank you Freddie By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 2:47 PM

Dearest Ayahanda,

Malaysian Mirror reported that PM Najib is also linked to an Umno Youth gathering in 1987 shortly after the infamous Ops Lalang, where he allegedly threatened to bathe the keris with blood...... and did TS Myuhiddin involve in this Ops lalang too? Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, the 'nearly man' has enough, said "I am too old. Too old. I think it is time to give a younger person a chance.

//A rebranded Umno emerging

Shah A Dadameah

Thursday, 15 October 2009 12:26

Umno has set the pace for change and transformation.

The four-day general assembly that ends on Sunday incorporates a special gathering to pass amendments to the party’s constitution.

From here, a rebranded Umno is expected to emerge, with a greater sense of purpose to serve the interests of all Malaysians and not just the Malays.

The party will also introduce a new voting system to prevent the scourge of money politics; which could entail the abolition of the current quota system.

Way back in 2004, Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah had suggested a ‘ one member, one vote " method to select leaders for the supreme council right to the presidency.

Revised version He reckoned that with such system vote buying would be reduced as “who could buy the vote of Umno’s 3.2 million members as compared to only 3,000 delegates during its party election?”

His suggestion was ignored and many Umno members, on hindsight, feel it is a rather good idea.

While that idea may not be accepted in total, a revised version is expected to be adopted by the supreme council at the current assembly which would produce more than 140,000 eligible voters rather than just about 2,500.

Indeed, what most Malaysians want to see now is whether a resurgent Umno can help to wipe out money politics and graft, not just within its ranks but also within the government.

Was it not too long ago that Umno cracked down on vote-buying among its ranks, resulting in a dozen people – including vice-president Mohamed Ali Rustam - being banned from contesting in party polls?

The recent choice of former Negri Sembilan mentri besar Isa Abdul Samad as the Barisan’s candidate in the Bagan Pinang by-election had again raised the question of ‘clean politicians’ and not many Malaysians are convinced the ruling party is serious about combating graft.

This is because Isa was once also a disgraced Umno vice-president who was suspended for three years due to money politics.

Money politics aside, a much -awaited change, however, is the policy switch that will transform Umno into a Malaysian-friendly party.

Umno has longed billed itself as the "protector and champion of ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy), to serve as a reminder to other communities that the Malays are the rulers and ‘masters’ of the land.

However, it is often seen as just an empty boast as the party is widely perceived to be corrupt and inefficient by all races, including the Malays who form its main power base.

Its leaders are considered out of touch with the people, and especially with the minorities who see them as racists responsible for fueling a religious and ethnic divide.

Looking at all races After the devastating showing by the Barisan Nasional in the March 2008 general election, Umno suffered the ignominy of being harshly bashed by its coalition partners for thinking only of its ‘Malay supremacy’ and neglecting the shared responsibility of running the country together with them.

After being dominant for more than five decades, Umno suddenly realised that t it could lose it all if it does not take the corrective measures to win back the trust of not just the voters but also that of its coalition partners.

It could not ignore the ripples of dissent that were beginning to show and which were further aggravated by impatient members of component parties like the MCA, the Gerakan and the PPP pushing their leaders to quit the coalition.

Thus, when the party elected Najib Abdul Razak to succeed Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Umno president and prime minister, he immediately announced that he would work with every ethnic group under what he called his ‘1Malaysia’ concept – which purportedly places ‘the people first, performance now.’

In one media interview, Najib reportedly said: “In our fight for the poor, we must look at all the races. And when we help the Malays, let it be the worthy ones. Don't play favourites.”

Subsequently he announced a series of economic and social reforms, which initially confused even his own Umno members, but gradually accepted after unwavering explanations through party and public forums, the media and his personal blog.

Along the way, he pre-empted similar ideas espoused by the opposing Pakatan Rakyat coalition, such as doing away with the 30% bumiputra equity in business and providing prestigious scholarships to students based on merit per se.

While Abdullah had been derided by party members and also by the public, Najib too is faced with the tough job of cleaning up the party’s reputation as well as his own.

After all, there had also been allegations of corruption against him. Furthermore, Najib had been repeatedly linked to the gory death of Mongolian beauty Altantuya Shariibuu although he too had repeatedly denied this.

Najib is also linked to an Umno Youth gathering in 1987 shortly after the infamous Ops Lalang, where he allegedly threatened to bathe the keris with blood.

Brandishing a keris is a common gesture by Malay warriors to state their authority on matters pertaining to the Malay culture and it had been a regular feature in Umno Youth assemblies over the decades.

However, with the advent of better telecommunication and media technology, it became an issue in 2005 when Youth chief Hishammuddin Hussein brandished a keris at the Umno assembly of that year while decrying critics of Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution and the social contract among the races of the country.

Both Article 153 and the social contract preserve special privileges for the Malays.

Choosing a new path In the 2006 Umno general assembly, which was noted for controversial statements made by several delegates, Hishammuddin had again brandished a keris.

The assembly was the first to have its proceedings televised in full. Several delegates raised the issue of the Malay Agenda and called for greater enforcement of the NEP.

The dramatics and corruption aside, Najib has to also grapple with a weak economy, which could entail a review of the 39-year-old New Economic Policy, the affirmative action program for Malays that his father, the country’s second prime minister Abdul Razak Hussein, had started in the early 70s.

Thus, the Umno assembly this time around is essentially to accept that Umno is now at a crossroad and it has to chose a path that allows it to tackle graft and unconditionally serve the people.

Umno members will have to accept that in shoring up Umno's declining popularity it shall have to review its ‘Malay supremacy’ stance and ensure a more equitable arrangement with the Chinese, Indians and all other mimnority groups.

The people have given the signals at the last elections and their dissenting voice is too loud for Umno to ignore. It is a question of change or be chained.

Umno has to be brave enough to make changes or it will be shackled for life to the old ways that would neither win them friends nor lose foes.

SHAH A DADAMEAH is Senior Editor with the Malaysian Mirror. Last Updated on Saturday, 17 October 2009 05:37// By anirazAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 2:40 PM

Dear Tun,

Wish u good health and happiness always...... just read your comment on utusan about majority of malaysian are overweight....and really wonder how you can maintain 60 kg all this while till now.

Anyway, those two idiots of war criminal definitely should be brought to justice together with all the american/british generals for blindly supporting unjust war.




Approximately two months before Tun Abdullah raised the fuel price, I already warned about the implications of the action in my blog.

I already show them ( the viewers ) of what could happen, and the impacts of raising the fuel price along with wages at the same time.

The fuel hike was the effect of speculation, It would never last long -- even if the Government has to pay for the extra cost of maintaining the subsidy.

But nobody would listen to a 22 years old boy, as I am not famous, nor well known enough to be taken into account, or even given a heed. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 12:48 PM

Dearest Ayahanda,

Copy & Paste from Malaysiakini:

//Najib speaks with forked tongueKee Thuan Chye Oct 18, 09 8:08am

Najib Razak contradicted himself in his speech last Thursday at the Umno General Assembly. He spoke of the all-embracing 1Malaysia concept on one hand and of the need to retain the New Economic Policy (NEP) on the other. The Native Americans in old cowboy movies might have said that he spoke with a forked tongue.

How can you have the NEP and at the same time say that we are all 1Malaysia? The NEP is exclusive to a particular group of people, and such exclusivity sets them apart. There is no 1Malaysia; there are 2Malaysias.

Does Najib not see that or is his 1Malaysia idea merely PR spin or...//

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 12:48 PM

I will not be able to comment at the moment, but will be back as soon as I have my internet back.

I would gladly comment on what dontplaypuks posted earlier. By capello08Author Profile Page on October 19, 2009 12:11 PM

Dear Tun,

I read this interesting comment although not related to this topic, posted:

By kamal ahmad on October 18, 2009 10:36 PM.

His comment (if the facts are right) are just what Umno needs to take cognisance if Umno wants to change and come triumph in the next election.

Anyhow, we (Umno and all other political parties)are so bad that we have been wasting many recent years in debating things like this when we should be discussing and improving real stuff like education, people's welfare, security, economic activites, technology, international peace (like this topic) and so on.

Our politics are so bad and 'instable' such that there has been comparatively little foreign direct investments. Whether there's a direct link or not, the statistics suggest so. Malaysian citizens should support BN and make this country politically more stable for our own good. Just change the leaderships of BN like what happened/ happening in Umno, MCA and MIC if they're not performing. This Pakatan rakyat idea is really hurting all of us collectively with their shallow insight of the country.

Support the Criminalizing War efforts. Building large scale bombs which can destroy an entire country is crazy - what's the point other than destruction to the world and killing people? The whole world should just terminate and destroy all their existing nuclear weapons and production plant for the sake of mankind. All!! - include US, Europe, Korea, Australia, Middle East, etc. Not just 'Iran' or 'North Korea'. Start with the man in the miror - like what Michael Jackson said in his song. Or perhaps that's what human is about - some of us like killing each other and have no fear of God. Let's pray to Allah for continuous prosperity and peace in Malaysia.

By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 11:20 AM

Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih.. sputjam

[[I wouldn't shakeyour hands either Dr. M. there is blood in them too. maybe a certain date in 1969, instigating citizens against citizens.]]

You were there? First hand eyewitness? Care to share detail of your account? Or you read them somewhere form infallible source?

Terima kasih Tun.. By al-DinAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 11:19 AM

Our sensitivities have been dulled (by the media, manipulated) by war and human suffrage that we resigned in helplessness and let the world into brinkmanship. The greatest proponent of brinkmanship is US.

The Perdana Global Peace Organisation's tribunal to try war criminals is definitely a step in the right direction.

Candidates to be brought to court, include: - the bloody joker who approved Blair's visit. - the Malaysian zionist who signed "Oil for Food". - the make-peace Arroyo, pretending to offer the olive branch (as a front of do-gooder to Malaysia and others) but shoot the Moros at the back. Allah is Great (in retribution). By mohd_udaAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 10:59 AM i feel sad! Iraq was such a beautiful country! By chukai1Author Profile Page on October 19, 2009 4:49 AM

Salam Tun dan pembaca-pembaca yang dihormati semua,

Dengan izin Tun....

Saya suka mengikuti perkembangan politik dunia semenjak saya terbaca buku "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" pada awal tahun 80an. Saya rasa kita telah cuba di "brainwashed" olih penjajah sejak awal zaman persekolahan lagi.

Semasa era penjajahan British, mereka sengaja memberi syarat yang mereka kira pemimpin- pemimpin kita tak akan berjaya seperti, menerima kaum Cina dan India sebagai rakyat Malaysia sekiranya kita mahukan kemerdekaan. Mereka percaya, tidak ada negara didunia yang akan dapat mengekalkan keharmonian, sekiranya sesebuah negara itu terdapat berbilang bangsa didalamnya. Tetapi, jangkaan mereka meleset apabila kita mampu pertahankan perpaduan sehingga saat ini.

Begitu la, uniknya Malaysia, walau pun tak semaju mana tapi kita masih kira beruntung kerana kita punya Pemimpin-pemimpin yang tegas seperti Tun.

Selepas Perang Dunia Pertama dan Kedua dahulu Amerika telah diminta olih rakan sekutu Eropah untuk meletakkan nilai emas kepada Dollar US. Tetapi, mereka telah mengambil pendekatan yang berbeza dengan menawarkan perlindungan ketenteraan kepada Arab Saudi dengan syarat negara itu menperdagangkan jualan minyak mentah dengan Dollar US. Kaedah itu telah melonjakkan nilai matawang US ketahap selesa dan tak perlu meletakkan sebarang nilai emas untuk setiap keping kertas yang telah di cat dengan corak matawang.

Apa yang berlaku sekarang ini, suka atau tidak kita menghadapi cabaran politik dunia yang lebih hebat "percaturannya". Peperangan untuk mendapatkan "Kebebasan" yang di war-warkan olih negara maju seperti Amerika hanyalah untuk menyelamatkan Dollar US yang hampir sama dengan nilai kertas tisu tandas menjadi kenyataan. Kalau semasa zaman Bush menjadi Presiden dulu adalah untuk dapat memerintah 1 penggal lagi.

Begitu berkesan sekali propaganda Zionist melabelkan Islam sebagai ugama keganasan sehinggakan rakan saya orang Cina pun terpengaruh dan masih percaya dengan pembohongan era Bush. Wal hal Panglima Cheng Ho adalah orang Islam jugak taw ! So, wahai rakan-rakan ku "SATU MALAYSIA" jangan lah terpengaruh dengan agenda Zionist. Sebab, lagi banyak berlaku peperangan lagi bagus untuk "Bisness" mereka.

Peperangan perlukan sokongan padu rakyat Amerika dan penduduk dunia khasnya negara sekutu. Projek peperangan perlukan musuh, dan musuh yang paling sesuai adalah orang-orang Islam.Sekira propaganda "FEAR" atau ketakutan yang sistematik dapat dilaksanakan, usaha itu mampu untuk menjana sokongan rakyat dunia . Apabila Islam dengan rasminya dilabelkan dengan keganasan semenjak 911, maka projek peperangan boleh diteruskan. Peperangan mampu memacu kegiatan ekonomi negara Zionist, Institusi Kewangan dan industri pembuatan senjata.

Iraq diserang kerana mereka tidak mempunyai senjata "WMD" seperti yang disebarkan olih media Zionist. Ternyata, serangan itu dilakukan untuk mengawal minyak Iraq supaya mengalir ke kantong mereka sendiri. Mereka yang kononnya juara hak asasi manusia tidak perduli siapa yang terkorban. Selain dari agenda Zionist yang telah memegang Senate Amerika melalui AIPAC, mereka juga ada agenda lain seperti NWO atau Order baru Dunia.

Kumpulan yang bertuhankan Syaitan-GOD (Gold, Oil & Drug) memang mempunyai agenda yang pasti memerlukan korban jutaan manusia. Yang pasti Amerika memang ada kepentingan keatas negara Islam yang telah dilabelkan sebagai paksi kejahatan seperti Afganistan untuk mengawal laluan dadah, Iraq dan Iran untuk memastikan Dollar Amerika sebagai asas dagangan minyak mentah.

Alasan untuk menyalahkan Iran kerana negara Iran membina bom nuclear adalah tidak berasas, ini adalah kerana Israel sendiri mememilki beratus-ratus bom nuclear yang di simpan di Dimona, Israel.Serangan ketenteraan yang hendak dilakukan keatas Iran adalah sebagai hukuman keatas dosa negara itu menjual minyak mentah mereka melalui Euro Dollar.

Matlamat ini sangat penting demi untuk membolehkan Amerika menampung keperluan hidup sebuah negara Israel yang tidak mempunyai pendapatan sendiri sehingga kini.

Semoga kita semua sedar dan mengambil ikhtibar dengan agenda gila mereka. Sekian Terima Kasih. By zx7rrAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 3:09 AM

If i had a wish, i would love to spit on Blair and Bush face.. By UbodekAuthor Profile Page on October 19, 2009 12:45 AM

Salam Tun, nampaknya Tun, Umno masih melantik org yg rasuah bertanding tetapi dia org perlu ingat rakyat memerhati UMNO....bila dah start bagi peluang pada perasuah walaupun telah menjalani hukuman....maka ada ramai perasuah yang akan mengatakan bahawa Isa boleh bertanding nape mereka tak boleh....

Isa menang kerna parti so Najib harus hati2.....satu lagi ramai ahli UMNO tidak menjiwai rakyat, bekas wakil rakyat atau ahli UMNO sekarang lebih suka nak kaya. Bila jadi UMNO bukan nya ikhlas membantu rakyat. Baru-baru ini bekas wakil rakyat kawasan tempat saya dilantik dalam jawatan penting dalam koperasi...naik jelak saya tgk...tu nak ambik peluang nak jadi kaya laa...TOKEY BESAQ SUPPORT LA TU...sepatutnya mereka perlu mendekati rakyat bukan pegang jawatan untuk kaya...

Saya sokong Tun Saya benci perosak UMNO... By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 10:36 PM


Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. Sebenarnya saya nak komen tentang posting Tun “Wajah Pemimpin”, tetapi tak berkesempatan sebab ada satu dua hal kena buat.

Adakalanya pada wajah seseorang pemimpin tiada langsung kepimpinan dan juga sebaliknya apabila kepimpinan akan tetap menyerlah walaupun tanpa wajah.

Semasa saya di Mall pada 16-10-09 saya ternampak seorang wanita India yang berpakaian security guard berjalan kesana sini cari telefon awam yang boleh digunakan. Saya pun mempelawa beliau menggunakan telefon bimbit saya. Mungkin agaknya beliau tak sedar yang saya faham bahasa tuturan beliau, beliau bercakap dengan anak dirumah. “Emak tak boleh balik lagi, kena kerja sampai 8 malam. Makan atur sendiri, pergi sekolah jangan ponteng”. Itu mesejnya. Saya pun tanya dah berapa jam kerja? Jawab wanita yang mata sikit-sikit merah, sebab tak cukup tidur dah 12 jam. Campur lagi sampai lapan malam, maknanya direct kerja 20 jam sehari.

Seorang ibu tunggal membesarkan 2 orang anak bekerja sebagai tukang sapu sampah di sebuah hotel di JB. Pukul 6.15 pagi si ibu akan mengayuh basikal membawa 2 anak ini ke sekolah 2 kilometer. Kemudian beliau terus pula mengayuh ketempat kerja. Selepas sekolah dan kelas agama, anak-anak ini akan berjalan kaki balik kerumah mereka. Dulunya ada van hantar mereka. Tapi selepas tambang van dinaikkan (AKIBAT MINYAK TELAH NAIK 2 KALI DAN KINI PULA RAMAI MENGADU RON 95 TERLALU CEPAT PEMBAKARANNYA) anak-anak ini terpaksa berjalan kaki balik ke rumah selepas kelas agama mereka. Hujung minggu ibu ini ambil upah sapu sampah cuci pangsapuri mewah pula. Tapi tak mengapa, ramai para ibubapa prihatin telah mengambil ikhtiar untuk menghantar mereka ini pulang secara bergilir setiap hari. Mungkin akan sponsor bas sekolah cara alternative jangka panjang tahun depan. Tahu kenapa semua ni? Sebab minyak naik dulu mendadak! RM2.70! Barang semua naik. Servis kos semua naik! Turun harga minyak – ada turun harga barang? Kemudian naik kos elektrik! Lagi naik semua! TNB syarikat monopoli kerajaan, satu saja player. Tak kan boleh rugi RM1.3 billion? Masuk akal? CEO TNB siapa punya kroni? Siapa menteri TNB dulu?

Adakah kepimpinan pada UMNO di PWTC kali ini Tun? Saya yakin bahawa Pemuda UMNO tidak sepatutnya mencari jalan untuk buka bank dan pegang pengaruh/kekuatan kewangan. Check dulu ada benarkah cerita sampai pinjam duit ceti nak sponsor projek Pemuda? Susah nak terima akal punya cerita. Sebenarnya, selepas melihat pelbagai kesusahan rakyat dibawah sini saya dah tak yakin jentera tadbir kerajaan mampu sampai dan buat perubahan pada mereka ini dalam jangka masa yang ditetapkan.

Namun Ketua Pemuda buka cerita tentang Melayu jangan lagi harap ada tongkat sakti untuk berniaga; cease the crutch mentality. Ok, no problem jadinya Tun, mari kita kupaskan sedikit heraki nak jadi jutawan di Malaysia ni, subjek saya adalah Ketua Pemuda UMNO sendiri. Bukan sebab saya tak suka beliau, tetapi sebab beliau yang buka cerita tongkat sakti UMNO versi 2009. Kalau UMNO buang tongkat sakti Bantu Melayu, bermakna semua Melayu kena cari tongkat sakti sendiri. Saya kata ucapan ini kosong – moot point. Kenapa? Baiklah, sebenarnya tongkat sakti tak pernah wujud dalam UMNO; gores gigi sakti banyak ada. Kalau setakat Melayu nak buka bazaar Ramadhan, buka bazar Bandaraya jual kain batik itu memang banyak ada. Tapi “tongkat sakti” para dewa-dewa yang punya! Para dewa-dewa dan dewi-dewi UMNO!

Contoh terbaru:

Siapakah Asas Serba Sdn.Bhd? Apakah hubungkait Asas Serba Sdn Bhd dengan kelompok tertinggi UMNO Pulau Pinang? Apakah hubungkait proposal Asas Serba dengan kehadiran/lantikkan Datuk Shahziman Abu Mansor - Senior AJK T4 sebagai Menteri Kerja Raya (juga sepupu Khairy)? Apakah hubungkait Asas Serba Sdn.Bhd dengan AJK T4? Ini saya dapat input dari “circle pentadbir” kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang sendiri.

Saya daripada dulu dah selalu cakap kenapa beliau ke Kementerian Kerja Raya? Apakah hubungkait Khairy dengan semua ini? Saya minta Tun tolong kalau boleh buat posting juga tentang cadangan pengambil-alihan PLUS dan Litrak. Rakyat tidak pernah bodoh. Rakyat meletakkan kepercayaan kepada UMNO, tetapi UMNO telah hampir menghancurkan kepercayaan rakyat semasa zaman Pak Lah jadi PM dengan AJK T4 beliau. Cukuplah setakat April 2009. Adakah agenda mereka masih kekal berterusan? Kali ini nilai piala pusingan adalah RM50 billion. Lebih hebat nampaknya suku sakat Mahaputra (darjat istimewa tertinggi bumiputra). Apakah bahana jangka panjang yang akan dipikul rakyat akibat “maneuver” terbaru AJK T4 ini? Tidak ada satu pun entiti perniagaan dimuka bumi ini yang berniaga untuk bagi orang lain untung. Tak ada.

Saya cukup meluat bila orang atas makan kenyang, tangan bau gulai lagi kemudian kata dekat orang miskin dibawah – “jangan harap tongkat sakti kekal”. Anda di PWTC fikirkan tengok, ada asas tak kami naik meluat? Berapa orang Ketua Bahagian/Cawangan, Pemimpin Pemuda PAS yang bergelar Jutawan berbanding dengan UMNO? PAS, mereka pun kalau ada peluang akan makan lahap juga kemudian hari dan apa yang menyedihkan peluang berkenaan sedang UMNO sendiri ciptakan hari ini untuk PAS dengan ucapan bodoh macam ucapan Pemuda. Semua surat khabar agungkan ucapan ini. Utusan Meloya lagi sakan, sampai angkat bontot masuk bakul dan mengaku mampu bangkitkan semula Melayu (?) Apa meracau ini Utusan Meloya?

Hari demi hari pembangkang membongkar UMNO dan kini BN juga. Untuk menghalang ini memang susah, sebab dulu banyak dah makan kenyang. Cara terbaik adalah untuk mendekati rakyat semula. Lebih baik ambil pendekatan mesra rakyat (kepada ramai yang dah mula buat sebegini tahniah). Dekati hati rakyat semula. Mereka tahu anda semua kaya raya, apa salahnya kalau anda “cemar diri” sedikit suami isteri anak pinak dan turun padang. Mereka akan berbangga seorang jutawan Melayu mengambil berat hal mereka dan keluarga mereka, bersedakah beras gula roti kering. Jamah makan bersama. Apa salahnya? Anda semua nak minta ikhsan Melayu semula, kepercayaan mungkin juga ada lagi jika anda semua mampu membuka hati mereka semula. Oleh itu jangan buang masa.

Ini sesetengah ahli politik BN/UMNO kalau bagi hadiah depan kamera TV tak tengok orang yang ambil hadiah pun, cepat-cepat cari tangan nak salam, pegang tangan dan terus tengok kamera dan senyum. Apa agaknya tanggapan rakyat?

Mungkin Tun yakin dengan UMNO Najib, saya juga yakin dengan kepimpinan Najib. Tapi saya rasa macam apa yang Najib dah laungkan di PWTC akan hilang macam tu saja. Puteri tetap hanya mahu menyampaikan mesej Presiden pada ahli akar umbi. Tak ada pulak kata nak turun padang jumpa orang miskin. Susah hidup dengan puteri Kayangan. Susah kita nak nasihat orang Pemuda kaya. Kalau orang yang sedang kelaparan/kesusahan senang dinasihati. Agaknya mungkin UMNO tunggu ini untuk insaf dan sedar diri. Entahlah, apapun Melayu tetap akan hidup walaupun tanpa UMNO lagi. Takkan hilang Melayu di dunia! Itu amaran Datuk Hang Tuah pada UMNO, berkurun sebelum lahirnya UMNO lagi.

Saya tak akan boleh terima doktrin PAS dan PKR yang sedang menggadai Melayu dan Malaysia, namun saban hari saya juga semakin diperbodohkan Pemuda UMNO (Asas Serba Sdn.Bhd sebagai contoh terkini). Jika UMNO senantiasa tulis memperbesarkan isu Pakatan Rakyat retak sana sini, jika hancur sekali pun Pakatan Rakyat adakah UMNO begitu pasti mereka akan mendapat undi tambahan akibat dari perpecahan ini? Itu satu lagi isu yang UMNO semacam terlupa menilai sejenak. Jika PAS cerdik, mereka hanya perlu membuat sedikit sahaja pembetulan untuk menghapuskan nilai “demand & supply” pada UMNO tanpa mereka langsung perlu pun pengaruh DAP/PAP dan naluri Yahudi dokongan PKR lagi. Semakin hari semakin terhimpit nampaknya laluan UMNO akibat buta dan pekaknya diri mereka sendiri. Jika UMNO tetap tidak mampu berubah secara fizikal, akan berlaku juga dimana Melayu akan menyisih terus UMNO dari kehidupan mereka. Amat sedih sekali jika ini dibenarkan berlaku oleh mana-mana jua Presiden UMNO.

Seperti Tun telah sedia maklum, walaupun kami sebenarnya di Timur Tengah namun input daripada kami pastinya ada melalui para AJK kami sendiri, dan Kamal Ahmad tidak pernah menulis dimana-mana laman lain selain daripada di Terima kasih Ayahanda Tun. Ikhlas daripada kami semua diatas kesudian pihak Ayahanda Tun meluangkan sedikit ikhsan masa untuk kami dalam isu berkenaan. Perjuangan ini memang belum selesai, malah jauh lagi batuannya. By katun66Author Profile Page on October 18, 2009 8:58 PM salam tun, allow me to say something to this idiot "donplaypuks". You ask Tun to open up his eyes wider where he already can see far than you, sound stupid huh. But more wider you open up your mouth is showing clearly your own stupidity. If the tyrant Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito are the one who responsible killing hundreds thousand of innocent people, why they need to retaliate the same action. I don’t see the difference between Churchill, Truman and Eisenhower against Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. One person responsible, why you need to kill all other innocent people just simply to stop this one tyrant. You are really stupid punk. By AmirAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 7:54 PM

The planning to go to war in Iraq was made in the 90s. It was planned by the organization called American Enterprise Institute. The plan was called The Project for New American Century.(PNAC) When Clinton was president, they tried to push him to go to war in Iraq. The signatories of this plan are Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Woosley,Ledeen,Feith and etc.

The personalities of these people are striking. Majority of them are Israel Zionist and Christian Zionist.

Deep in the plan, the US should make war with every Arab countries including Saudi Arabia. These people gain poltical power when Reagan was elected into office. By cermaiAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 7:41 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, Well... they pay the price very well,the price that haunted them till their deaths. So now what is going to happen now? How many bodies more? They ring the wrong bell,and they pay the price badly. By JJJAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 1:31 PM salam Tun, some idiots here refuse to acknowledge that the Iraqi invasion is based on a big lie.The two witches,Bush and Blair are war criminals and should be treated as such.

As Alan Greenspan himself confessed after he left the administration,

"the war was actually all about the oil..."


By prof_ridcullyAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 1:20 PM donplaypuks

You agree that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were based on lies. As a result hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans have been killed, are being killed and will be killed, with no end in sight. It's already been eight years, longer than WW2.

Read Paras 9 and 10 properly. What would happen if leaders of powerful nations conduct war on a whim? There is already sabre-rattling with Iran. There is no mechanism to deter that belligerent behaviour at the moment except maybe the ICJ; but unfortunately the country that shouts the loudest about freedom and justice, the USA, has partly withdrawn from it.

You continue to have an extremely skewed and pathetic view of history.

Well not really. Hitler's rise was the result of the punitive terms of the Treaty of Versailles imposed upon the Germans by the victors of World War 1. The Allies learned from that experience and treated the Axis Powers, the losers, differently at the end of WW2 although there was a power grab in Germany resulting in it being divided into two. The Nurmberg Trials presumed the losers to be responsible and that's why only they were tried, although later there was some unease on the part of the British establishment about the carpet bombing campaign on Dresden that caused massive numbers to be killed, now put at 100 000 people. Truman okayed the use of atomic weapons on Japan and this was on top of the carpet bombing campaign on Japanese cities and the fact that the Germans had already surrendered in the West. He opened the genie's bottle on nuclear weapons -- it was proven that atomic weapons worked, and the world was forever changed. Many scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project turned their backs on nuclear weapons after seeing the destruction that they helped to bring about. Why weren't the victors asked to explain their decision to use the atomic bomb not once, but twice? By khairulAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 10:30 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun, Izinkan saya menulis disini... donplaypuks i think it was communist and socialist (secular) who start world war.. dont just see big country like germany, japan etc... see from inside, we also had communist war with the government. At last, thanks to democracy for saving us, for making the country independent... n the 100% democracy also not good.. finally, the democracy itself must based on The way of life to be perfect !

We should learn from the past kingdoms, which can live peacefully with variety of races & religions, and make it suitable with democracy... bcoz The way of life (good moral, etc) are suitable in every period of time. plus, Malay people also smart, and immune to any provocation from outside. kamal ahmad We should not have low regards to our 5th prime minister Ayahanda Tun Abdullah, bcoz, he is our (past) PM and he tried to do good to country and Islam by promoting Islam Hadhari,.. but... maybe he is little bit slow (no offense xD) and Ayahanda Najib are more suitable at this time...

PS: havent Ayahanda Tun wrote the story of your life ? or i'm just didn't found the story xD...

May Allah Bless AlifMalaysia.. Alif = One xD Thanks (sry for my bad english =P) Khairul By Puteri TanjungAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 9:26 AM

YABhg Tun

I remember feeling very upset when University of Malaya invited warmonger Tony Blair to give a talk on good governance a few years back. I am very sure that his visit to the university did not come cheap. I wonder how much of the tax payers' money had been dished out to Tony Blair for his speech.

Another thing that I find very distressing was that the university was headed by a moslem and her senate was made up of many moslem professors. In their race to be among the top 200 - 300 in the 'debatable' university ranking, they preferred to remain blase and was very pleased to honour the likes of warmonger Tony Blair. In fact, the then VC was more upset and was very, very peeved about the lower university ranking accorded to UM that year.

Tak malu! By That's RealityAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 8:28 AM

Salam Tun

“We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.” George W. Bush quotes. A dictator himself must fool all the people and there's only one way to do that, he must also fool himself. Beware of the past dictators could emerge again as they still around in this world.

Hidup Tun By ZAIDAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 7:56 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun, Semoga Allah panjangkan umur Tun untuk terus berjuang menegakkan kebenaran, insya Allah. I have been following your comments on various issues with interest and very much appreciate most of your ideas on many things.

With respect to this issue on criminals of war we should have for our records and the future generations of mankind of a list of those endorsed as criminals of wars just as much as we record things in Guinness Book of Records or Malaysian Book of records. Like Bush and Blair we should have a complete autobiography of each of them from our perspective of the making of a complete war criminals of all time. Then we should have a book on the Worlds Criminals of War so that we can learn of their life history and probably can stop anyone in future that may grow up to become another criminal.This is just my humble proposal.

However Ayahanda Tun, I believe that we as Muslims should not only blame for what that has happened in Iraq or any other Muslim countries as the faults of these two war criminals (Bush and Blair) but rather we should also point our fingers on ourselves as Muslims who are always disunited. Probably in order to stop this from happening again and again elsewhere or may be in Malaysia we have to perhaps first find out ways of uniting the Muslims (ourselves).Perhaps Ayahanda Tun, you can be the uniting factor.

Without unity we can only comment on what is happening around to our Muslim brothers but we can actually do nothing about it. May I suggest Ayahanda Tun squeeze some fruitful ideas on how to unite the Muslims of the world, particularly in Malaysia. This is probably the most difficult thing to do about the Muslims and can be a great challenge to Ayahanda Tun which will surely give immense rewads in this world and in the hereafter insya Allah. Wassalam. By khairulAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 7:24 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun, Izinkan saya 'copy paste' ayat yang saya dapat dari kawan saya ini.

------PTPTN perlu menghapuskan interest / riba jika tidak mahu menyematkan perasaan benci pelajar pada kerajaan.. surely we have lot of comments from students.. they even call PTPTIPU ! Kalau nak perguna / control pelajar pun, u can do it without riba... by making long term payment... & ubah riba kos pentadbiran dalam bentuk berganda (%) kpd bentuk fixed payment bertulis dalam surat perjanjian... ------saya rasa kerajaan perlu memandang serius dalam hal ini, kerana, ia mampu memusnahkan negara di masa hadapan..

Sekian terima kasih Khairul By miorfarisAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 5:06 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

To the well most respected leader on par with the Khalifa ar-Rasyidin ayahanda Tun. You have shown to the world that even a small country like us have the courage of a lion in unending fight toward justice. I'm terribly disappointed for being unable to physically show moral support by attending the conference as I'm studying overseas. I hope you will publish further news on what happen during the conference as I know you have millions of supporter who is in the same shoes as mine.

Thank you for being a role model for Malaysia and for Muslim around the globe. By truthseekerAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 2:56 AM

Salam Tun and others,

1. I hope all rakyat can come together on this. 2. I hope the idiot dollah do something meaningful like what Tun is doing. Well, what can I say...he never had brain before... 3. I hope the world is reading Tun's blog and give their supports too. 4. I hope the world punish those involved; bush, blair and others. 5. I hope najib makes his cabinet to support Tun's ideas.

Thank you Tun. By renovatioAuthor Profile Page on October 18, 2009 12:44 AM

A'kum & Salam Sejahtera buat Tun sekeluarga.

I could not agree more on effort to criminalise the war and to also propagate and sensanalise the agenda aggresively in global arena. just exactly like when 'they' maliciously propagate, sensationalise and make-believed the campaign of 'War on Terror' that is designed and dedicated to so-called (and non-existance) al-qaeeda and other Muslims when we the Goyim already knew who these actual terrors are and the purpose behind the 'War on Terror' campaign.

Tun, please allow me to share this article with other visitors.


The issue I am going to discuss today is probably the most important thing I’ve ever had to say about Israeli brutality and contemporary Jewish identity. I assume that I could have shaped my thought into a wide-ranging book or an analytical academic text but instead, I will do the very opposite, I will make it as short and as simple as possible.

In the weeks that have just passed we had been witness to an Israeli genocidal campaign against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza. We had been witnessing one of the strongest armies in the world squashing women, elderly people and children. We saw blizzards of unconventional weapons bursting over schools, hospitals and refugee camps. We had seen and heard about war crimes committed before, but this time, the Israeli transgression was categorically different. It was supported by the total absolute majority of the Israeli Jewish population.

The IDF military campaign in Gaza enjoyed the support of 94% of the Israeli population. 94% of the Israelis apparently approved of the air raids against civilians. The Israeli people saw the carnage on their TV screens, they heard the voices, they saw hospitals and refugee camps in flames and yet, they weren’t really moved by it all. They didn’t do much to stop their “democratically elected” ruthless leaders. Instead, some of them grabbed a seat and settled on the hills overlooking the Gaza Strip to watch their army turning Gaza into modern Hebraic coliseum of blood. Even now when the campaign seems to be over and the scale of the carnage in Gaza has been revealed, the Israelis fail to show any signs of remorse. As if this is not enough, all throughout the war, Jews around the world rallied in support of their “Jews-only state”. Such a popular support of outright war crimes is unheard of. Terrorist states do kill, yet they are slightly shy about it all. Stalin’s USSR did it in some remote Gulags, Nazi Germany executed its victims in deep forests and behind barbed wire. In the Jewish state, the Israelis slaughter defenceless women, children and the old in broad daylight, using unconventional weapons targeting schools, hospitals and refugee camps.

This level of group barbarism cries for an explanation. The task ahead can be easily defined as the quest for a realisation of Israeli collective brutality. How is it that a society has managed to lose its grip of any sense of compassion and mercy?

The Terror Within

More than anything else, the Israelis and their supportive Jewish communities are terrorised by the brutality they find in themselves. The more ruthless the Israelis are, the more frightened they become. The logic is simple. The more suffering one inflicts on the other, the more anxious one becomes of the possible potential deadly capacity around. In broad terms, the Israeli projects on the Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and Iranian the aggression which he finds in himself. Considering the fact that Israeli brutality is now proved to be with no limit and with no comparison, their anxiety is as at least as great.

Seemingly, the Israelis are fearful of themselves being the henchmen. They are engaged in a deadly battle with the terror within. But the Israeli is not alone. The Diaspora Jew who rallies in support of a state that pours white phosphorous on civilians is caught in the exact same devastating trap. Being an enthusiastic backer of an overwhelming crime, he is horrified by the thought that the cruelty he happens to find in himself may manifest itself in others. The Diaspora Jew who supports Israel is devastated by the imaginary possibility that a brutal intent, similar to his own, may one day turn against him. This very concern is what the fear of anti-Semitism is all about. It is basically the projection of the collective Zio-centric tribal ruthlessness onto others.

There is no Israeli – Palestinian Conflict

What we see here is a clear formation of a vicious cycle in which the Israeli and his supporters are becoming an insular fireball of vengeance that is fuelled by some explosive internal aggression. The meaning of it all is pretty revealing. Since Palestinians cannot militarily confront Israeli aggression and destructive capacity, we are entitled to argue that there is no Israeli- Palestinian conflict. All there is, is Israeli psychosis in which the Israeli is being shattered with anxiety by the reflection of his own ruthlessness. Being regarded as the Nazis of our time, the Israeli is thus doomed to seeing a Nazi in everyone. Similarly, there is no rise in anti-Semitism either. The Diaspora Zionist Jew is simply devastated by the possibility that someone out there is as ethically corrupted and merciless as he himself proved to be. In short, Israeli politics and Zionist lobbying should be seen as no less than a lethal Zio-centric collective paranoia on the verge of total psychosis.

Is there a way to redeem the Zionist of his bloody expedition? Is there a way to change the course of history, to save the Israelis and their supporters from total depravity? Probably the best way to pose this question is to ask whether there is a way to save the Israeli and the Zionist from themselves. As one may gather, I am not exactly interested in saving Israelis or Zionists, however, I do grasp that redeeming Zionists of their transgression may bring a prospect of peace to Palestine, Iraq and probably the rest of us. For those who fail to see it, Israel is just the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the day, America, Britain and the West are now subject to some similar forms of “politics of fear” that are the direct outcome of Neocon deadly interventionist ideology and practices.

The Shrink from Nazareth

Many years ago, so we are told, there was an Israelite who lived amongst his brethren in the land of Canaan. Like the contemporary Israelis, he was surrounded by hate, vengeance and fear. At a certain stage he had decided to intervene and to bring a change about, he realised that there was no other way to fight ruthlessness than to search for grace. “Turn your other cheek” was his simple suggestion. Identifying the Israelite’s psychosis as “a war against terror within”, Jesus grasped that the only way to counter violence is to look in the mirror while searching for Goodness within.

It is rather apparent that Jesus’ lesson paved the way to the formation of western universal ethics. Modern political ideologies drew their lesson from the Christian prospect. Marx’s normative search for equality can be seen as a secular rewriting of Jesus’ notion of brotherhood. And yet, not a single political ideology has managed to integrate the deepest notion of Jesus’ grace. To seek peace is primarily to search for one within. While Israelis and their Neocon twins would aim at achieving peace by means of deterrence, true peace is achieved by the search for harmony within. As a Lacanian scholar may suggest, to love your neighbour is actually to love yourself loving your neighbour. The case of the Israeli is the complete opposite. As they manage to prove time after time, they are really loving themselves hating their neighbours or in short, they simply love themselves hating in general. They hate almost everything: the neighbour, the Arab, Chavez, the German, Islam, the Goy, Pork, the Pope, the Palestinian, the Church, Jesus, Hamas, calamari and Iran. You name it, they hate it. One may have to admit that hating so much must be a very consuming project unless it gives pleasure. And indeed the Israeli “pleasure principle” could be articulated as follows: it continuously drives the Israeli to seek pleasure in hate while inflicting pain upon others.

It must be mentioned at this point that the ˜War Against Terror within” is not exactly a Jewish invention. Everyone, whether it is nations, peoples or individuals, are a potential subject to it. The consequences of American nuclear murderous slaughter in Hiroshima and Nagasaki made the American people into a terrorised collective. This collective anxiety is known as the “cold war”. America is yet to redeem itself of the fear that there maybe someone out there as merciless as America proved to be. To a certain extent, operation Shock and Awe had a very similar effect on Britain and America. It led to the creation of horrified masses easily manipulated by highly motivated elite. This exact type of politics is called “politics of fear”.

And yet, within the western discourse a correction mechanism is in place. Unlike the Jewish state that is getting radicalised by its own self feeding paranoia, in the West, evil is somehow confronted and contained eventually. The murderer is denounced and hope for peace is somehow reinstated till further notice. Not that I hold my breath for President Obama bringing any change, one thing is rather clear, Obama was voted in to bring a change. Obama is a symbol of our genuine attempt to curtail evil. In the Jewish state, not only it doesn’t happen, it can never happen. The difference between Israel and the West is rather obvious. In the West, Christian heritage is providing us with a possibility of a wish grounded on belief in universal goodness. Though, we are under the constant danger of exposure to evil, we tend to believe that goodness will eventually prevail. On the other hand, in Hebraic tribal discourse, Goodness is the property of the chosen. The Israelis do not see goodness or kindness in their neighbors, they see them as savage and as a life-threatening entity. For the Israelis, kindness is their very own property, accidentally they are also innocent and victims. Within the western universal discourse, goodness doesn’t belong to one people or a single nation, it belongs to all and to none at the same time. Within the western universal heritage, Goodness is found in each of us. It doesn’t belong to a political party or an ideology. The elevating notion of grace and a Good God is there in each of us, it is always very close to home.

What Kind Of Father Is That?

“Then when the Lord your God brings you to the land he promised your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give you –“ a land with large, fine cities you did not build, houses filled with choice things you did not accumulate, hewn out cisterns you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant – and you eat your fill.” (Deuteronomy: 6: 10 -11).

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations…then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.” (Deuteronomy 7:1-2)

At this point we may try to attempt and to grasp the root cause behind the severe lack of compassion within the Israeli discourse and its supportive lobbies. I believe that an elaboration on the troubled relationships between the Jews and their different Gods may throw some light on the topic. It is rather obvious that the ever growing list of Jewish “Gods”, “Idols” and “Father- figures” is slightly problematic at least as far as ethics and kindness are concerned. The very relationship between “the son” and the “non-ethical father” must be explored. The philosopher Ariella Atzmon (who happens to be my mother) defines the complexity of the false beginning as the “Fagin Syndrome”. Charles Dickens’ Fagin is a “kidsman”, an adult who recruits children and trains them as pickpockets and thieves, exchanging food and shelter for goods the children steal. Though the kids must be grateful towards their master, they must also despise him for turning them into thieves and pickpockets. The kids realise that Fagin’s goods are all stolen and his kindness is far from being genuinely honest or pure. Sooner or later the kids will turn against their master Fagin in an attempt to liberate themselves of the immoral catch.

From a father-son perspective, the Biblical Jewish God Jehovah is no different from what we might see in the Fagin syndrome. The father of Israel leads his chosen people through the desert to the promised land so they can rob and plunder its indigenous habitants. This is not exactly what one may expect of an ethical father or a “kind God”. Consequently, as much as the sons of Israel love Jehovah, they must also be slightly suspicious of him for turning them into robbers and murderers. They might even be apprehensive regarding his kindness. Thus, it shouldn’t take us by a surprise that throughout Jewish history more than just a few Jews had turned against their heavenly father.

However, bearing in mind the common secularist perception that Gods are actually invented by people, one may wonder, what leads to the invention of such an “unethical God”? What makes people follow the rules of such a God? It would be also interesting to find out what kind of alternative Gods Jews happened to pick or invent once Jehovah has been shunned.

Since emancipation, more than just a few Jews had been disassociating themselves from the traditional tribal setting and rabbinical Judaism. Many intermingled with their surrounding realities, dropped their chosen entitlement and turned into ordinary human beings. Many other Jews insisted upon dropping God yet maintaining their racially orientated tribal affiliation. They decided to base their tribal belonging on ethnic, racial, political, cultural and ideological grounds rather than the Judaic precept. Though they noticeably dropped Jehovah they insisted upon adopting a secularist view that was soon shaped into a monolithic religious-like precept. All throughout the 20th century, the two religious-like political ideologies that had been found to be most appealing by the Jewish masses were Marxism and Zionism.

Marxism can be easily portrayed as a secular universal ethical ideology. However, within the process of transformation into a Jewish tribal precept, Marxism has managed to lose any traces of humanism or universalism. As we know, early Zionist ideology and practice was largely dominated by Jewish leftists who regarded themselves as true followers of Marx. They genuinely believed that celebrating their Jewish national revival at the expense of Palestinians was a legitimate socialist endeavour.

Interestingly enough, their opponents, the anti-Zionist Bund of the East European Jewish Labour, didn’t really believe in the institutional robbery of the Palestinians, instead, they believed that taking from rich European is a great universal mitzvah on the path towards social justice.

The following are a few lines from The Bund’s anthem:

We swear our stalwart hate persists,

Of those who rob and kill the poor:

The Tsar, the masters, capitalists.

Our vengeance will be swift and sure.

So swear together to live or die!

Without engaging in questions having to do with ethics or political affiliation, it is rather obvious that the Jewish Marxist anthem is overwhelmingly saturated with “hate” and “vengeance”. As much as Jews were enthusiastic about Marx, Marxism, Bolshevism and equality, the end of the story is known. Jews en masse dropped Marx a long time ago. They somehow left the revolution to some enlightened Goyim such as Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales. Leaders who truly internalised in the real meaning of universal equality and ethics.

Though in the late 19th century and the early 20th century, Marxism found many followers amongst European Jews, following the Holocaust, Zionism has gradually become the voice of world Jewry. Like Fagin, the Zionist Gods and Idols: Herzl, Ben Gurion, Nordau, Weizmann, promised their followers a new unethical beginning. Robbing the Palestinians was their path towards a long overdue historical justice. Zionism transformed the Old Testament from a spiritual text into a land registry. But again as in the case of Jehovah, the Zio God transformed the Jew into a thief, it promised him someone else’s property. This in itself may explain the Israeli resentment towards Zionism and Zionist ideology. Israelis prefer to see themselves as the natural dwellers of the land rather than pioneers in a non-ethical Jewish Diaspora colonial project. The Israeli Jew furnishes his political stand by means of severe ethical escapism. This may explain the fact that as much as the Israelis love their wars, they really hate to fight them. They are not willing to die for a big abstract remote ideology such as the “Jewish nation” or “Zionism”. They overwhelmingly prefer to drop white phosphorous and cluster bombs from afar.

However, along the relatively short history of modern Jewish nationalism the Zio God made friends with some other Gods and kosher idols. Back in 1917 Lord Balfour promised the Jews that they would erect their national home in Palestine. Needless to say, as in the case of Jehovah, Lord Balfour made the Jews into plunderers and robbers, he came up with an outright non-ethical promise. He promised the Jews someone else’s land. This was basically a false beginning. Evidently, it didn’t take long before the Jews turned against the British Empire. In 1947 the UN made exactly the same foolish mistake, it gave birth to the “Jews-only State” again at the expense of the Palestinians. It legitimised the robbery of Palestine in the name of the nations. Like in the case of shunned Jehovah, it didn’t take long before the Jews turned against the UN. “It doesn’t matter what the Goyim say, all that matters is what the Jews do”, said Israeli PM David Ben Gurion. Recently Israelis had managed to even shun their best subservient friends in the White House. On the eve of the last American presidential election Israeli Generals had been filmed denouncing President Bush for “damaging Israeli interests for being overwhelmingly supportive” (Ret. Brig General Shlomo Brom). The Israeli Generals basically blamed Bush for not stopping Israel from destroying its neighbours. The moral is rather clear, the Zionists and the Israelis will inevitably turn against their Gods, Idols, fathers and others who try to help them. This is the real meaning of the Fagin syndrome within the Israeli political context. They will always have to turn against their fathers.

I believe that the most interesting Jewish belief system of them all is the Holocaust Religion, which the Israeli Philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz rightly defined as the “new Jewish religion”. The most interesting aspect of the Holocaust religion is its God-figure, namely “the Jew”. The Jewish follower of that newly formed dogmatic precept believes in “the Jew”, the one who redeemed oneself. The one who “survived” the “ultimate genocidal” event. The followers believe in “the Jew”, the “innocent” victim sufferer who returned to his “promised land” and now celebrates his successful revival narrative. To a certain extent, within the Holocaust religious discourse, the Jew believes in “the Jew”, expressed as his/her powers and his/her eternal qualities. Within the newly formed religious framework, Mecca is Tel Aviv and the Holy Shrine is the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. The newly formed religion has many shrines (Museums) scattered around the world and it has many priests who spread the message around and punish its opposing elements. From a Jewish perspective, the Holocaust religion is a fully transparent expression of self love. It is where past and future merge into a meaningful present, it is when history is translated into praxis. Whether consciously or unconsciously, every person who identifies politically and ideologically (rather than religiously) as a Jew is, practically speaking, succumbing to the Holocaust religion and a follower of its father-figure “the Jew”. And yet, one may wonder, what about Kindness, is there any goodness in this newly formed ‘father-figure’? Is there any grace in this narrative of innocent victimhood that is celebrated daily at the expense of the Palestinian people?

If there is an end to history, the Holocaust religion embodies the very end of Jewish history. In the light of the Holocaust religion the “Father” and the “Son” unite at last. At least in the case of Israel and Zionism they bond into an amalgam of genocidal ideology and reality. In the light of the Holocaust religion and its epic survival ethos the Jewish State considers itself legitimated in dropping white phosphorus on women and children who they have caged in an inescapable open- air prison. Sadly enough, the crimes committed by the Jewish State are done on behalf of the Jewish people and in the name of their troubled history of persecution. The Holocaust religion brings to life what seems to be the ultimate possible form of insular brutal incarnation.

Historically Jews have shunned many Gods, they dropped Jehovah, they dumped Marx, some have never followed Zionism. But in the light of the Holocaust religion, while bearing in mind the scenes from Gaza, Jenin and Lebanon, the Jew may have to continue in the tradition and drop “the Jew”. He will have to accept that his newly formed father-figure was formed in his own shape. More concerning is the devastating fact that the new father is proved to be a call to kill. Seemingly, the new father is the ultimate evil God of them all.

I wonder how many Jews will be courageous enough to shun their esoteric newly formed father- figure. Will they be courageous enough to join the rest of humanity adopting a universal ethical discourse? Whether the Jew drops “The Jew”, only time will tell. Just to remove any doubt, I did drop my “Jew” a long time ago and I am doing fine. By buntatAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 9:42 PM salam ayahanda tun and dear bro and sista thanx for da topic ayahanda,blair and bush=devil we already know what have they done to iraqi,palestine,afghan and other muslim people,their heart,brain,eye,soul is nothing but a rotten meat i pray to the almighty Allah SWT,may blair and bush suffer on earth and eternally burning in hell to my bro and sista from iraqi,palestine,afghan we pray for u all day n nite By sputjamAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 6:09 PM

I wouldn't shakeyour hands either Dr. M. there is blood in them too. maybe a certain date in 1969, instigating citizens against citizens. By apogeeAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 5:13 PM

Dear Tun, It was said that you paid some lobbyist money so that you can have tea with George Bush. This was during the time you were prime minister. If this is true, then you are a hypocrite. You paid to rub shoulders with a "war criminal". What about your own acts? Did you not put a lot of your opponents away using the ISA? What about the removal of Salleh Abas? Why is that you there is no inquiry or trial as whether you have abused your powers? The truth is that might is right. America is the most country in the world. Hence,who can touch their leaders. Even when Abdullah Badawi visited USA as deputy Prime Minister, he had to take off his belt. Had the Dy President of USA visited Malaysia, he would have just breeze through the VIP gate. So it is big fish bullying small fish. In Malaysia, the powerful ministers, push the ordinary people off the road when their motorcade comes driving through. But when they are in USA or even Australia, they are just little mouse. regards Apogee. By nadzriAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 5:03 PM

Bush & Blair, the war criminals. By Mohd FariedAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 4:30 PM

Salam Tun dan Toh Puan.

Lagi sekali ada yang comment sampai buta sejarah.

Ada yang tulis artikal di blogs Che Det, kalau orang putih tak dapat ke Malaya pada masa itu, kita mungkin di jajah oleh Jepun dan Jerman sampai sekarang.

Persoalan yang utama adalah, siapa jajah siapa?

Siapa jajah dulu? Orang Jerman atau Jepun atau Orang British menjajah Malaya dan Amerika yang merampas hak pribumi Redian?

Perlu di ingat, sebenarnya sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa Orang British pada masa itu BERJANJI untuk melindungi orang Melayu pada masa itu. Dan oleh sebab itu, sebarang senjata dan kemudahan yang ada di bumi Melayu pada masa itu telah di ekspolotasi oleh British. Dan mereka tidak sedikit pun mengajar orang Melayu untuk bersenjata. Kalau tidak ajar pun dan kalau orang British tidak datang pun negara Melaya tetap aman dan makmur.

Dan sebenarnya orang British adalah bangsa yang paling lemah dan penakit. Sejarah telah menunjukkan kan bahawa askar British hanya berkubu di Singapura dan membiarkan askar Melayu mati. British adalah penakut dan lemah.

Mereka tidak pandai berlawan dan tidak pandai bermain dgn senjata bahkan mengatur perancangan peperangan. Oleh sebab itu, mereka sanggup mengorbankan jutaan nyawa di Jepun.Terus jatuhkan BOM NUKELAR, Amerika mengaggap mereka telah menang tetapi reality mereka kalah dari segi moral.

Dan juga perlu diingat bahawa AS bukanlah kuasa besar yang pakar dalam peperangan. Mereka kalah di Vitnam dan Afganistan dan jaga di Iraq. Setiap hari di beritahu bahawa tentera Amerika mati di bunuh atau mati katak tanpa satu orang musuh yang tumbang.

Kedatangan tentera Amerika dan British tidak membawa apa-apa faedah pun walaupun mereka menang di satu-satu kawasan. Sebagai bukti, rakyat tempatan telah mual dan meluat melihat perangai tentera Amerika yang tidak menghormati penduduk di sekeliling dengan melakukan jenayah berat dan ringan. Merogol anak tempatan dan mengangu ketenteraman awam penduduk tempatan sudah menjadi kebiasaan. Terbaru Kerajaan Jepun dan Filipina ada ura-ura nak membuang dan mengusir pangkalan tentera Amerika di bumi tanah air mereka.

Kes Hitler adalah berlainan sama sekali. Kita sedia maklum Hitler bertindak sedemikian kerana sifat bangsa Yahudi yang jahat dan licik di dalam pentadbiran Jerman pada masa itu. Bagi Hitler, bangsar Jerman adalah hebat dalam semua bidang, tetapi sayangnya selalu di peralatkan oleh bangsa Yahudi. Dan sejarah membuktikan walaupun tentera Amerika menang tatapi reality adalah, tentera "Amerika menang dengan majoriti yang mati di bunuh kerana kebodohan pegawai tertinggi mereka yang tidak tahu selok belok peperangan."

Sejarah tidak boleh berulang. Yang lepas tetap lepas, dan sampai sekarang Amereka tetap kalah dari segi moral dan segala bidang.

British jugak apa kurangnya, masih lemah dan tidak ada ilmu langsung dalam semua bidang. Gembar gembur yang mengatakan sistem pendidikan mereka lebih hebat adalah salah sama sekali. Saya yakin ilmu di Universiti di Jerman dan Jepun adalah yang terkini dan lebih maju daripada Amerika dan Brtish. Seperti biasa propaganda dan iklan sana sini dan sahaja menghebahkan bahawa Universiti di Amerika dan British adalah yang terhebat adalah mainan mereka sahaja. Cuba bermain wayang dan cuba berlakon sepeti di HOLIWOOD.

Apapun dunia sudah maju dan peperangan bukan cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Terbukti sampai sekarang Amerika tidak boleh menyelesaikan dan menghapuskan Taliban dan rakaian penganas. Mereka masih jahil dan tidak nampak, peperangan sekarang bukan di antara negera- negara tetapi di antara individu-indivudu yang mempunyai cara yang tersendiri untuk menyampaikan messege.

Sedarlah Blair dan Bush telah melakukan kegagansan dan merupakan punca wujudnya rangkaian penganas di seluruh dunia. Mereka berdua patut di ambil tindakan Undang-undang Antarabangsa. Tiada sesiapa yang kebal dan boleh lari dari kesalahan.


HIDUP TUN! HIDUP TUN! HIDUP TUN! By rakyat_biasaAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 2:23 PM salam Tun, semoga usaha tun diberkati dan sentiasa diberi panduan oleh Allah... no matter how small or big the contribution it's always counted. good luck! By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 2:02 PM

Dearest Ayahanda Tun,

Malaysian Mirror reported ...

Versi Comedy Court - Jamal Takmo Kalah, the host for "WHO WANTS TO BE THE BILLIONAIRE:...

//Billionaire nabbed in multi-million $ hedge fund plot

Saturday, 17 October 2009 12:22

NEW YORK - One of America’s wealthiest men were among six people charged in a US$20mil (RM70mil) insider trading scheme that federal prosecutors called “the biggest ever involving hedge funds.”

Raj Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of the Galleon Group, a hedge fund with up to US$7bil (RM24.5bil) in assets under management, was arrested on Friday with five other fund managers and corporate executives. The others included Rajiv Goel, a director in strategic investments at Intel Capital; Anil Kumar, a director who worked as a director at McKinsey & Co and IBM Corp executive Robert Moffat. Goel was arrested in California.

Also arrested were former officials at Bear Sterns Asset Management Danielle Chiesi and Mark Kurland, who are affiliated with the firm’s New Castle Partners, which managed about US$1bil (RM3.5bil).

All six were charged with securities fraud and conspiracy in two criminal complaints filed in a US district court in Manhattan.

Kumar was permitted to be released on a US$5 (RM17.5mil) bond, Kurland on a US$3mil (RM10.5mil) bond and both Moffat and Chiesi on a US$2mil (RM7mil) bond. In California, Goel posted US$300,000 (RM1.05mil) cash for bail.

US magistrate Douglas Eaton set Rajaratnam’s bail at US$100 (RM350mil) and ordered that he may not travel more than 110 miles from New York City.

Assistant US attorney Josh Klien asked Eaton to hold Rajaratnam in jail pending his trial.

'Prosecutors misconstrue evidence'

He said the hedge fund manager had “enormous incentive” to flee to his native Sri Lanka or elsewhere. The prosecutor said there’s additional evidence and, maybe, more charges against him.

Klien told the court that Rajaratnam had told some officials after his arrest that he was worth only US$200mil (RM700mil) , but, added the attorney, the portfolio manager is a billionaire.

Defence attorney Jim Walden told the court that the prosecutors are misconstruing the evidence against Rajaratnam and that the case is not as strong as alleged.

He said Rajaratnam is a diabetic and supports his parents. He will not flee, added Walden, warning that Galleon may be forced to close if Rajaratnam was jailed.

“There’s a lot more to this,” Walden said. “This is a simple insider trading case.”

The six were also charged in a separate civil complaint by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC said the accused traded on insider information from 10 companies.

The companies included Hilton Hotels Corp, Google Inc, IBM, Advanced Micro Devices Inc and several other companies.

Born into rich Sri Lankan family

Rajaratnam, 52, was ranked No 559 by Forbes magazine this year among the world's wealthiest billionaires, with a $1.3bil (RM4.55bil) net worth.

Born into a family of well-to-do Tamils in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo, he is one of the largest investors on the Colombo Stock Exchange.

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, he has been described as a savvy manager of billions of dollars in technology and health care hedge funds at Galleon, which he started in 1996.

The firm is based in New York, with offices in California, China, Taiwan and India. He lives in New York.

Last month, he reportedly pledged US$1mil (RM3.5mil) to help pay for the rehabilitation of former soldiers of the separatist Tamil Tigers, which fought 25 years to create a separate state for Sri Lanka's minority Tamils but were defeated in May.

His company stated in a statement after his arrest: “Galleon is shocked to learn today that Raj Rajaratnam was arrested at his apartment.

“We had no knowledge of the investigation before it was made public and we intend to cooperate fully with the relevant authorities. Galleon continues to operate and is highly liquid."

US attorney Pree Bharara said the defendants operated in a world of ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch your back.’ Greed, sometimes, is not good,” said US attorney Preet Bharara at a press conference in Manhattan here.

Calaling the case ‘unprecedented’ Bharara said it was the largest ever involving hedge fund insider- trading,

“It’s the first time wiretaps have been used to target insider trading, signaling the government will now use the same tools against Wall Street that it employs in organized crime and drug cases,” he said.

A black eye for credit rating firm

Alan Kaufman, the attorney for Chiesi, 43, said his client was “shocked” at her arrest this morning and will plead innocent.

Kurland’s attorney, Lawrence Iason and Moffat’s lawyer, Kerry Lawrence also said their clients are not guilty.

Lawyer Charles Clayman said his client Anil Kumar is as shocked as everyone else. “He emphatically denies these charges.”

The Galleon case also dealt another black eye for credit rating firm Moody's Corp Moody's Investors Service, one of the major rating agencies that have been strongly criticized for their role in the global credit crisis.

An analyst at Moody's who was involved with evaluating Hilton passed on insider information that Hilton would be acquired by Blackstone Group and that Hilton would likely announce the acquisition before July 4, 2007, according to one complaint. A Moody's spokesman said the firm would provide investigators with assistance in its investigation of the matter.

Joseph Demarest Jr., the head of the New York FBI office, said it was clear that "the US$20mil in illicit profits come at the expense of the average public investor."

The Securities and Exchange Commission, which brought separate civil charges, said the scheme generated more than US$25mil (RM115mil) in illegal profits.

Robert Khuzami, director of enforcement at the SEC, said the charges show Rajaratnam's "secret of success was not genius trading strategies."

"He is not the master of the universe. He is a master of the Rolodex (a rotating file device used to store business contact information),” Khuzami said.

“He cultivated a network of high-ranking corporate executives and insiders, and then tapped into this ring to obtain confidential details about quarterly earnings and takeover activity,” the SEC enforcer added. - Agencies

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 October 2009 13:14 //


With these culprits caught, then funding for wars and terrorism ... will be minimized, Thaksin is down, Wen JiaBao is going up, India will be split into 2, Nepal is under Communist China, Pulau Putih belongs to Malaysia ...... No matter what 1 UMN0 does, BN will split into 2, so in next PRU. Which Party will be in Power? GREED is the CULPRIT, I am wondering what will be the Budget for 2010, last supper before Sun Rise for LITTLE INDIA in BRICKFIELD?? Damn, I hate these Tamils who murdered the General and his son, The Tiger Tamil!! Mr Ma, President of Koumintang Taiwan was born in Hong Kong Kowloon (Yin - British Colony, Jyo - JyoLoong - Kowloon, HK) will be out!!! I am wondering what is "R Baginda is doing there in Hong Kong now, HK is doing well regulating her share market because they have learned in the hard way and they choose the the parliament members!!

Take care Ayahanda Tun. It's a cycle, not the vicious (OSAMA) as predicted by that Ravi, it's OBAMA Cycle with China, Japan, North Korea & Russia, North India, Pakistan !!! By hellyAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 1:37 PM

It doesn't matter whether the criminals will be present or not, important is the evidences,witnesses,verdict, all the pictures of criminals appear on all the major newspapers worldwide! By 64jengkingAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 1:24 PM

Assalamualaikum Yg. Bhg TUN,

Terima kasih kerana diatas usaha Tun membongkar segala rahsia kejahatan dan penipuan Iblis dan Syaitan yang bernama BUSH & BLAIR.

Rakyat Malaysia yg menyanjung tinggi kedua2 syaitan dan iblis ini adalah terdiri dari mereka yg tergolong didlm masyarakat elit di negara ini sendiri. Tidak hairan lah kenapa mereka menyokong dan menyanjung kedua2 syaitan dan iblis ini kerana mereka juga adalah golongan penindas dan pemeras yang mengaut keuntungan dari rakyat bagi kepentingan mereka sendiri....

Insyallah saya akan hadir pada 28/29 oct di PWTC dan cuba mendapatkan sokongan dari teman2....

By HajarAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 12:42 PM

Dearest YAB Tun,

1. Yes, Blair has got blood on his hand. DIRTY hand…

2. In Malaysia, many people even kiss the leaders hand, regardless of whether or not they have high regards for the leaders…”CIUM TANGAN ADA MAKNA..” But, I believe, many Malaysians have very high regards for Tun M because they still kiss Tun’s hand even though Tun is no longer the PM.

3. But I don’t understand why many Universities in Malaysia gave out Honorary Doctorates to Tun Abdullah for his MISTAKES and poor performance as a PM.

4. I really hope DS Najib walk his talk. There is no point shouting “UMNO PERLU BERUBAH”, and change the regulations/rules/policies, but the attitude is still the same. I think DS Najib must NOT SHOUT too much while giving his speech. He must learn from Tun M on how to deliver effective speech (without shouting – “terjerit-jerit”).

** May Allah SWT bless Tun & family ** By webman511Author Profile Page on October 17, 2009 12:23 PM

Mari kita baca apa komen rakyat Britain dalam seksyen komen Daily Mail

Dari 9/10/2009 20:02 harry, GREAT BRITAIN, I suppose Blair was there to represent the "scum" in society...

Hingga 10/10/2009 8:01 Sue, Wells, Somerset, England, Well done Mr Brierley. A man of principles. I wouldn't have shook his hand either if I had been in your situation.

Hanya dalam masa 12 jam lebih 90% komen yang mengecam dan menghina Blair lalu Daily Mail membuat keputusan “We are no longer accepting comments on this article.”

Nampaknya kebebasan bersuara ada juga batasannya di negara barat. Tetapi yang baiknya mereka tidak memadam pandangan yang telah dipamer.

[b]Best Rated[/b]

My hat off to you Mr. Brierley along with my condolence. You must be one ( if not the only one) of few people to to tell the truth to to the vacuous face of this opportunist individual - Brian M, Lowestoft, UK, 10/10/2009 1:40 Rating +ve 2734

Well done Mr Brierley.You have principal something Mr Blair lacks in abundance. - william, Bolton England, 10/10/2009 1:38 Rating +ve 2521

I would´nt shake hands with any of them - paul, germany, 10/10/2009 1:42 Rating +ve 2041

Tony Blair sent these men to their deaths. So to turn up today is like rubbing salt in their wounds. He has no shame! - Charles McFaulds, Bangkok, Thailand, 9/10/2009 21:08 Rating +ve 1881

Why on god's earth did they allow that moron to attend? It's his fault that those brave soldiers are dead in the first place. - Hannah, Northampton, England, 9/10/2009 21:11 Rating +ve 1753

I am glad members of the Royal Family paid tribute to our brave soldiers - Prince Philip, Prince Andrew and Prince Harry have seen action themselves, and the rest of them, especially Her Majesty, have proved that they care for the soldiers. Sir Richard Dannatt and people like him certainly deserved to be there as well. But how could Blair and Brown dare to show their faces in the Cathedral, how could they look into faces of those, who their incompetence and ignorance cost such a high price?! Confidently speaking on behalf of the British people, I want to thank our brave soldiers once again: your courage and sacrifice will always be remembered by those who love this country. - Amanda, London, UK, 9/10/2009 21:16 Rating +ve 1573


[b]Worst Rated[/b]

The shabby treatment of Tony Blair is disgusting beyong belief! I have given up believing a word of Dr Williams as gospel years ago. Nevertheless I have the greatest of sympathy for Peter Brierley and all who lost their nearest and dearest. - Dave, Durban South Africa, 10/10/2009 1:43 Rating -ve 2778

What was Tony Blair doing there ? Paying his respects like everyone else, I guess, and being thanked by the Iraqi minister for ridding the world of the tyrant Sadaam. Let us never forget Tony Blair's honourable role in this war: he did what ANY British PM would have done, namely stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our foremost ally during its time of need. - bob roberts, worcester, uk, 9/10/2009 20:15 Rating -ve 1391

Tony Blair is the best prime minister the UK had in a long while. These Tory-sympathising army types playing politics whilst hiding behind their army status is very sleazy. - Michelle, Folkestone, 10/10/2009 1:19 Rating -ve 1295

Peter Brierley, sorry but your son knew the risks as does every member of the military. All his colleagues and everyone else I suspect feel respect for what your son did, why be bitter about it and blame the PM. It would be more fitting to slate his commanding officers and a host of others there. People die in combat, sorry for your loss but insulting the ex PM and making a fool out of yourself in the papers makes a mockery of your son's memory ... - Tommy, Madrid, 10/10/2009 1:26 Rating -ve 1290

Peter Brierley, sorry but your son knew the risks as does every member of the military. All his colleagues and everyone else I suspect feel respect for what your son did, why be bitter about it and blame the PM. It would be more fitting to slate his commanding officers and a host of others there. People die in combat, sorry for your loss but insulting the ex PM and making a fool out of yourself in the papers makes a mockery of your son's memory. Why not be proud, there are enough bitter people in the world show some pride as we all need to. I never knew your son and as a parent I would hate the loss to happen to me but your son was heroic in his actions and the armed forced are under respected for their work. Show some pride in your son's actions and don't look for the cheap targets like the deputy PM. I am embarassed for you. - The one, Suffolk, 9/10/2009 23:50 Rating -ve 1155

Tony Blair should not be demonised in this way, these soldiers signed up, they were not conscripted. If you join the army then you must accept that as well as being able to kill, you too can be killed regardless of the rights and wrongs of the campaign. - Mike, Bath UK, 9/10/2009 23:49 Rating -ve 1062 By Justin WongAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 11:42 AM


I wish I could be there, but I am currently not in Malaysia. Anyway, I will offer my moral support to criminalise war. A world without war is what citizen around the world really wants.

Take good care of health, Tun. :) By adamjohariAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 11:33 AM

How do the leaders of the most powerful countries in the world unite, launch a preemptive strike on a third world country which they have already sanctioned, killing hundreds of thousands in the process, on the false pretenses of WMD, get away with it?

Donplaypuks, I don't know if you lived during WW2 or you are just reciting literature that you read in history books. It seems you have some hatred towards Japanese people. From your comments it seems as if you are the person who believes that the ends justify the means. Meaning, "owh it's OK if we blow up Hiroshima and Nagasaki and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians as long as we end the war". The world will suffer if everyone were like you. The Tun wants to criminalize war, not feed fuel to it.

Good article as always Tun.

Adam By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 10:40 AM tokdet, tony blair is a high degree freemasons. he will be the first EU president. there will be world war 3 coming in the next three years. the world dont have much time left. 2012 is the deadline for the NEW WORLD ORDER USA will have a civil war. the freemasons,the illuminati will take control of the world. dajjal is the one seeing eye in the federal reserve notes. By JJJAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 10:26 AM salam Tun, dontplaypuks is trying very hard to pass as a social commentator,but in reality is only a deceiving manipulator of all things Tun said and wrote,it is obvious this person has devious ill intentions and underlying reasons.There are a few of his comrades-in-arms here.

Tun should be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to reveal the hypocricy of the war criminals.Agree?

Please learn to think straight.Dont slither like a snake.Happy Deepavali!

Jeng3 By md.othmanAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 10:11 AM


Organisasi yang besar seperti UMNO ni menjadi wira melayu. Putera Puteri menjadi wira negara, konon nya, yang makcik2...Wanita pejuangkan.

Bukan nak melawak Tun Dr.

Dari negara merdeka sehingga kini, pendapatan negara keseluruhan agaknya dah trillion ringgit!

Yang nampak ketara, dari rakyat yang dapat, adalah ketua2, pak dan mak menteri dan kementerian, orang2 politik yang di beri lesen dan permit, saudara2 yang diberi tempat dan tanah, mereka lah yang kesana kemari dengan SUVs, MPVs, pakai Hummer, berkapal layar, berterbangan kesana kemari dengan Gulfstream, makan dari pinggan emas, rumah penuh perabot itali...

Kami, dari kampong, yang baru pandai pakai komputer dan internet ni, baru sedar, indah kabar dari rupa nya!!!

Lihat saja mereka merumpun di PWTC:

Jika tidak, tak lah cengkadak naik junjung dengan harta rakyat.

Yang Puteri hanya mampu perjuangkan talidra...

Yang Pemuda, lagi dasyat, ingat kantung duit aje!

Kami ingat dia orang nak taubat ke, ketua baca doa, jadi imam masa masuk waktu ke! Nak bagi idea nak cerna ekonomi rakyat ke?

Yang macam ni nak amik alih negara nanti?

Tun Dr, bukan nak buat lawak kan? Persidangan yang Tun Dr hadiri adalah hasil latihan dan didikan bangsa Blair & Bush Persidangan Ketamadunan Melayu yang telah merembat harta negara melayu Islam dan kini pelapis hanya mampu menyuarakan pemikiran yang kita semua saksikan?

Jangan buat lawaklah! By gubelinAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 9:33 AM

Tun Dr Mahatir yang amat mulia lagi paling dihormati

If Iraq have only coconut trees and no oil, definitely Bush and Blair will not be concerned about the alleged brutality of Saddam Hussein.

As for Iraq, very likely Weapons of Mass Destruction were hidden somewhere by Saddam Hussein. Only Bush and Blair knew where they were kept. They are hidden right underneath the oil-bed. That being the reason, Bush and Blair are clearing up all the oil found in Iraq. Once all the oil in Iraq is totally exported and the source is dry, very likely the Weapons of Mass Destruction would be exposed. As long as there is still oil in Iraq, the WMD are still hidden and cannot be found.

We Malaysians have to be wary, since there is oil in Malaysia. Sometimes it is safer to have only coconut plantations, instead of oil reserves. Lucky for North Korea, there is no oil potential there. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine, as to what would have happened to that country.

There is no reason to call Mr Bliar or any world thieves to give talks of advice to Malaysians. Why not just listen to the advice of the most honest and intelligent gentleman Malaysia have ever produced and he is no other than our own Tun Dr Mahatir, ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia?

Though quite impossible, it is hoped that no one is above the law of a country or the international law of the world. When will we be able to see to see the death of double-standard, so that not only the beggars but the rich and powerful are also impartially tried in the courts of law?

Thank you. By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 7:51 AM

YABhg Tun,


YABhg Tun,

...they are just proxy sir.... By JamalAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 3:16 AM

Dear Tun,

The Conference will gain great milage if the International Media can invited to cover the event.

Media names such as BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, CCTV9, KBS, Peace TV, EuroNews, CNBC, Iran TV,etc...should be invited.

This is a very important international event which the whole world must know about.

Cheers and God Bless the efforts of this NGO. By zamanAuthor Profile Page on October 17, 2009 12:21 AM

Salam sejahtera Kepada Tun dan Keluarga.

Tun jutaan terima kasih kepada Tun yang tidak mengenal penat dan lelah menjejak kezaliman blair dan bush pembunuh kejam teragung dunia.

1)Walaupun di zaman Pak Lah Tun cuba mengheret mereka berdua tetapi se olah tidak dapat sambutan kerajaan Pak Lah. Saya sungguh kesal dengan kepimpinan Pak Lah.

2) Apa perlu nya Pak Lah mendapat anugerah dari UUM. Ini lah Melayu.Itu lah sebab negara kita tergadai.

3)Tun teruskan perjuangan Mu bagi membawa pembunuh kejam ini ke tali gantung.

4) Saya sangat berharap kali ini di zaman Datuk Najib perkara ini dapat sambutan yang hangat.TUN TERUSKAN PERJUANGAN MU KAMI TETAP MENYOKONG.

Tun May ALLAH bless you for your good deeds. By Usahawan Telco&Post Author Profile Page on October 17, 2009 12:14 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Sebenarnya tujuan saya meninggalkan komen di blog ini hanyalah ingin perhatian dan penjelasan Tun mengenai salah satu produk DPMKL yang mana Tun sendiri yang merasmikannya tidak lama dahulu. Produk yang saya maksudkan ialah Telco&Post. Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya adalah salah seorang peserta yang baru mendaftar dengan membayar yuran yang telah ditetapkan untuk membuka Telco&Post Shoppe. Tetapi yang menjadi masalah saya sekarang ini ialah pandangan&pendapat peserta terawal yang membuka perniagaan ini, yang mana rata- rata mengatakan program ini tidak berjalan seperti yang sepatutnya. Sehinggakan ada yang mengatakan bahawa Telco&Post Putrajaya telah tutup kedai@gulung tikar.Ini semua dikatakan berpunca daripada kurangnya pemantauan daripada pihak Telco&Post HQ dan kurangnya promosi pengiklanan yang berterusan di media massa bagi menghebahkan produk Telco&Post ini. Ini dikuatkan lagi dengan tinjauan dan kaji selidik saya sendiri ke atas sebuah Kedai Telco&Post yang telah beroperasi, yang mana pemiliknya mengatakan kelemahan yang ketara di dalam operasi Telco&Post ini ialah kurangya penyampaian info- info terkini daripada HQ dan pemantauan operasi disamping tiada promosi di media massa yang berterusan. Untuk menjelaskan lagi keadaan yang sebenarnya, saya link kan di sini satu alamat blog yang membicarakan tentang Telco&Post ini.( post.html )Harap Tun dapat melihat keseluruhan isi komen- komen yang terdapat didalamnya bagai mengetahui keadaan Telco&Post yang sebenar dan dapatlah Tun mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya demi kebaikan para usahawan melayu yang sedang dan yang akan menyertai perniagaan ini.

Sekian terima kasih.

Usahawan Telco&Post [email protected] * Sekiranya tidak keberatan bolehlah Tun membalas komen saya ini terus ke email saya yang tertera di atas. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:57 PM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.

You know Tun, if I may say this out; I think that this year’s UMNO meet has been a bit more poignant and having an important effect due to Najib’s recognition of you. I know that you don’t need any of that. I know that you want retirement. But we still need that contribution very much Tun. During the terms of Tun Dollah as PM, he made that one biggest mistake of getting over confident in the head with certain airs of Oxford’s that was working hard at intoxicating him well beyond all his points of level-headedness. He embraced many of Singapore’s one sided doctrines ignorantly and he ended up bailing out Temasik over the BII issue and as a result out of this foolishness, there is now a scandal looming. Suffice to say, Najib must be smart in protecting his image and to maintain a firewall against soft ploys at leveraging out his ability and sincerity.

On this note I strongly disagree at Pemuda UMNO attempts in bringing in “Bank Pemuda” into this power play agenda of theirs. Enough bad money in UMNO! I doubt totally the agenda and the lines of a Pemuda having to borrow from a Chettiar to fund his Pemuda programs. Come up with better lines next time. All firing and arrows were held back during Bagan Pinang. That was for our UMNO. That was out of respect for our President. We have all again delivered our dues to UMNO resoundingly with PAS humiliating defeat. But all coats off now and its back to normalcy again here on chedet.

It is very good for us to be able to watch Tun talking to media at the UMNO meet again. There is that certain aura that is back in UMNO and Najib knows the respect and knew rightly well to accord fittingly. It does reflect well upon himself. For us, Najib would be a stronger UMNO President if he truly inherits Tun Dr Mahathir’s glorious UMNO. Otherwise it would just be a name and like I have mentioned to Tun in the past few days, what’s in a name after all. Good to see you back Tun.

With Tee Keat and his “absent message” at an UMNO meet (a first for an MCA leader), we must read well into their minds and power play. MCA is nothing except full of dirty porn stars with video scandals and with the kinds of attitude Tee Keat is displaying it would be just a matter for us to see the real Tee Keat now. Malays know this. And Malays also knows the misfortune that PAS and PKR brings along in their alliance with Singapore PAP through DAP. So in the end its very high time we call the shots once more. By KadokAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:49 PM

Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,

By Oumono Oct 16 2009 2.24 pm

I agree with you. He should read history more.

Nobody won in World War 1. They just ceased fire and the war. But the allies cheated the Germans through the Marseiles Treaty as it was the Germans who lose the war and must accept the punishments.

In order to regain back their and their nation's prides, the people of Germans chose to committ suicide which was to prepare and to go for another bigger war (WW2) to wipe out those responsible. By swAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:00 PM

Dear Tun,

The roads in KL are so bad! Malaysia is really taking a step back. Whoever is in charge should fired.

Btw, I support your what you said on Blair and Bush.

Kind regards, Sirhan

By Dr. Rezuan Che MatAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 10:14 PM

Salams Tun,

Agak keluar topik sikit:

1. Isa menang di Bagan Pinang.

2. Khairy berucap di perhimpunan UMNO macam orang tak bersalah.

3. Ahli UMNO seolah-olah lupa, mereka diperhatikan rakyat.

4. Putri UMNO semakin ghairah mahu menonjolkan diri dengan idea-idea sampah.

5. Najib dan Muhyiddin dengan slogan perubahan yang hanya manis dimulut tapi bacul dihati.

6. Rakyat sedang memerhati tindak tanduk UMNO kini.

7. Teks ucapan pemimpin UMNO hanya dipenuhi kata-kata semangat yang manis dimulut, tetapi meloyakan untuk didengari.

8. Tun, keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia sedang memerhati, selagi perasuah masih mendapat jawatan, saya menjangkakan kekalahan luar biasa BN di PRU-13 kelak.

9. Good luck BN

Wassalam. By pppzAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 9:57 PM

Salam YAB Tun,

And fight with them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere.

Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!

(Remember also) Qarun, Pharaoh and Haman.

Whoever works righteousness benefits his own soul; whoever works evil, it is against his own soul.

And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.

Wassalam. By samaritanAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 9:55 PM

Dear Tun,

Cleary stated by Jesus at Matthew 26:52 - "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword"

Watching wave split into two in action is special should make us to ponder. By ABIAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 9:49 PM

Tun, you have always adopted a "holier than thou" attitude towards things. Hence I believe that "what cannot be cured, should be endured." I endure the bunkum and popycock you always write! When you point an accusing finger at another person, you should realise that the other fingers are pointing towards you! Most of the time, we don't see our back.. we are quick to judge others.. "Judge not lest you be judged"- Let's remember this! ABI By skaizerAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 9:00 PM

Saya rasa kebodohan gerakan anti peperangan atau zionis adalah setakat mengadakan demo dan forum , tetapi bodohnya gerakan ini apabila berteriak melaung tetapi tak tahu siapa yang sebenarya hendak ditentang.

Sebab itulah orang seperti ehud barak , ariel sharon , shimon peres, livny, george bush boleh tidur lena akibat kebodohan gerakan ini yang tidak membuat sebarang tekanan antarabangsa terhadap mereka ,barisan kabinet dan kepimpinan mereka ditangkap, dibicarakan dan dihukum gantung sebagaimana penjenayah perang nazi. Yang mengarahkan pembunuhan pemimpin mereka bukan rakyat.

Mereka hanya tahu berdemo di tengah panas menentang israel , amerika. Tidak semua orang israel dan amerika itu macam bush dan pemimpin israel lain. Lain kali nak tembak , tembaklah at the right target. Sebab itulah saya tak join demo bodoh begitu.Kita sepatutnya menentang individu dan kepimpinan, bukannya bangsa.

Bertahun-bertahun penentangan khususnya dekat Malaysia ni tiada satupun yang meminta barisan kepimpinan kabinet israel dan amerika yang membunuh orang islam dan melakukan jenyah perang diburu dan ditangkap.Seumur hidup saya ini tak pernah kedengaran tekanan sebegini. Melainkan hapus amerika dan hancur israel.Bodoh punya perjuangan. patutla siapapun yang menjadi pm israel dan presiden amerika boleh terus membunuh orang islam kerana mereka tahu tiada orang yang akan tangkap dan bicarakan mereka macam penjenayah perang nazi yang sampai ke hari ini diburu sampai ke lubang cacing dan waran tersebut masih hidup. By rarunasalamAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 8:53 PM


I've asked you a number of times and I'll ask you again...why is it you tirelessly champion the cause of criminalising war, when you don't have any intention of championing peace?

GW Bush and T Blair (as with J Howard) may have unlawfully engaged Iraq in war. However, between the 2 of Bush and Blair, they also tried engaging Israel and Palestinians to a peace accord.

You on the other hand sir could have championed the same by engaging the Muslim world to engage Israel and Palestine in a dialogue to work towards long term peace.

But you only ranted about how Israel is unfair and didnt' once make sincere efforts to chair collaborative talks. It's easy to call one a criminal etc.

But it's more criminal for one to stand on the sidelines and watch people get slaughtered and supressed and not do anything about it.

So, answer me sir - where do you stand on the subject of Peace?

(Ravi) By aghaniAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 8:47 PM

Give your support and be there. I will be there By sakuragi10Author Profile Page on October 16, 2009 8:19 PM

Slm Tun,

"They will tell of the laws which prohibit torture, the tortures carried out in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, THE DETENTIONS WITHOUT TRIAL AND WITHOUT LAWS by the very people who talk about human rights, about the rule of law and a lot more." saya tertarik dengan petikan di atas.. adakah ianya sama dengan ISA yang ada di Malaysia? saya kira ISA patut dikaji semula cara perlaksanaannya.. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 6:30 PM


By donplaypuksAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 12:41 PM

"But only the vanquished leaders were tried and we know they were the ones who killed 100,000 in Dresden, Germany and 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki." ...... It was not Churchill, Truman and Eisenhower who started WW2, but Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito!



Don't also forget that under your leadership Mishuari was secretly funded in his insurgencies in the Phillippines. I ask you in all sincerity - Is there blood on your hands?


MAY THE ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU. By donplaypuksAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 6:28 PM

And oh yes, Oumono, do explain from the vanquished's point of view how Saddam was justified in invading Kuwait, and the 15 Muslim terrorists in killing nearly 3,000 innocent people in NY!!

I await with bated breath, moron! dpp We are all of 1 race, the Human Race By donplaypuksAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 6:23 PM

OumonoAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 2:24 PM

Oumono, instead of mouthing bland cliches that history is written by the victors, pray do tell us how you would write the history of WW2 so we can understand your mind.

Is it your view,like Dr.M's, that Churchill and Truman should have prolonged the war to keep alive scum warmongers like Hitler and Hirohito and their genocidally inclined generals and soldiers? What would have been the additional cost in human lives and devastation to nations that could justify it? It was global war and not a game of tiddlywinks. For the horrors of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hitler and Hirohito have to shoulder the blame 100%, not Churchill and Truman!!

Millions may condemn the West. But, hundreds of millions also support it, though not blindly. dpp We are all of 1 race, the Human Race By media mogulAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 6:06 PM

Mr Tony Blair and Mr Abdullah badawi are an examples of two fiasco PM. By globalnomadAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 5:19 PM

Oumono, it is clear that you have no clue about communications and research in the West. The Germans kept meticulous records during World War II, as always. The Nazi regime is the most researched and analyzed event in the history of the West, and much of the information comes from the Germans themselves--their records and their confessions. it is not true that only the victors tell their stories, and make up propaganda. That is something that is true of Malaysia, but not generally the West. It is true, however, that the Japanese choose to hide such atrocities as the Nanjing Massacre, where it was fully documented (even with film) that the Japanese soldiers massacred at least 100,000 civilians just for sport. That is something that Dr. Mahathir, in his never-ending worship of the Japanese empire, never, ever mentions--or if he does, he claims it's a lie. It is not. As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, frankly, that was the only way to save somewhere between 200,000 and 2 million American lives, for Japanese forces in defense of the home islands were still massive. They still had 5,000 kamikaze planes, and a secret underground air force with advanced jet fighters that had been improved over the German designs. A US invasion would have cost, as I said, at least 200,000 and probably more American lives, and possibly the sinking of the entire fleet and thus the loss of the war. I see no reason to have sacrificed so many lives and resources to the Japanese empire when two bombs wold end it all. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 5:08 PM

Dearest Ayahanda Tun,

Happy Deepavali Holiday and take care. By rbAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 3:54 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

1. I totally agree with you that Bush and Blair should be punished for the brutal crimes they have committed against Iraqis and their beloved country. The reasons created to justify their attack against Iraq is obviously untenable and nonsensical. 2. If Saddam was tried then hanged until he died for killing his own people, both of them deserve the same. No Court of Law will let them go. too many overwhelming evidence for their brutality. 4. Tun, this has nothing to do with the main discussion. But I shall be pleased, if you may answer my question. Q.1 Do you think Dato Seri Najib is a right candidate to lead Malaysia Now? Why?

TQ. By Rimba EmasAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 3:32 PM








WALLAHUA'ALAM. By dheepanAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 2:46 PM

I will be there. :) By zharifAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 2:27 PM

Salam Tun I'm grateful that you publish about this conference in your blog.Hope it will attract more people to come. I hope to see you in the conference since i will be there as one of the volunteers in the conference

BEST REGARDS ZHARIF By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 2:24 PM donplaypuks, you are the one that have skewed and pathetic view of history. millions condemn the west for their hipocrisy, even people from the west themselves condemn their leaders. what do you know about the truth of WWII. only the winners write history and the history that you've been reading clearly the propaganda history of the west.

Idiot! open your eyes wide. By emma49Author Profile Page on October 16, 2009 2:24 PM

Dearest TUN, i`ll be there.. Insya-Allah.. already applied for leave from 28-30 Oct.. Hehe =D

~emma~ By donplaypuksAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 12:41 PM

"But only the vanquished leaders were tried and we know they were the ones who killed 100,000 in Dresden, Germany and 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

You continue to have an extremely skewed and pathetic view of history.

It was not Churchill, Truman and Eisenhower who started WW2, but Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito!

And if the allies had not bombed Dresden and Munich, and Truman Hiroshima & Nagasaki, the lingua franca of the world might today be German and Japanese!! And in M'sia we might be saluting the flag of the red fried egg and saluting the Japanese Emperor's potrait every morning!!

Think about that!

Think also about the millions who died in Britain, Europe, Russia and Asia defending a free world against the excesses of tyrants and dictators like Hitler and Hirohito.

It is astonishing that you quote figures of 100,000 in Dresden and 200,000 in Hiroshima and oh so conveniently forget the millions who perished in China, Europe and Asia in WW2 defending our very existence. And would you have been able to offer some kind of guarantee that Hitler and Hirohoto would have surrendered sooner and peacefully? And at the cost of how many more innocent lives?

Don't also forget that under your leadership Mishuari was secretly funded in his insurgencies in the Phillippines. I ask you in all sincerity - Is there blood on your hands?

But nevertheless I agree with you that Bush and Blair deliberately conconcted this thing about WMD's to justify their invasion of Iraq and they LIED to the world about it. They actually wanted to invade Saudi Arabia from where 9 of the 15 terrorists came from who were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist act, but could not and would not due to oil and other political considerations.

But in the end, I think it is 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other. Saddam deserved to be be toppled for his unwarranted invasion of Kuwait (where many innocent Kuwaitis and US soldiers' lives were lost), poison-gassing of his own countrymen, the Kurds, by the thousands, and for being a continued threat to regional and world peace. Now they have a tiger by the tail and the problem has become Obama's.

As for Afghanistan, if you breed Talibanism and Terrorists, don't expect others to sit back and allow another Hitler or Hirohito to emerge to start WW3! dpp We are all of 1 race, the Human Race By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 12:02 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

It is rather unfortunate for the most advanced nations and 'highly civilized' nations waged war against another country rather hastily and used racist thinking more than logical basis.

The war on Iraq by US and Britain (both with Caucasian majority. Bush waited to act on Iraq any slightest provocation. He was under the influence and pressure from his father (former US President Bush). He was obviously having vengeance against Saddam and Iraq. He could not trounce Iraq,thus he pressured his son to take whatever opportunity available to strike Iraq and punish Saddam.

The 'good opportunity' came on the terrorist attack on the September, 2002. 1000's died(both Americans and a large group of foreigners mainly working on the twin towers). Our condolences to those who died.

The Bush immediately wants revenge even though the perpetrators do not come from any single country. However, "Cowboy Bush" could not wait until the country behind the terrorists attack. He quickly waged war against Iraq.

Britain, the close ally of US followed suit and attacked Iraq. The excuse they gave for war on Iraq is it has Nuclear power. However, till today it is yet to be traced.

Blair PM of Britain was actually a true "Pak Turut" of US.

Lastly I do not condone terrorism (in fact I hate it). What I am cheesed off here is the way they attacked Iraq which resulted in high civilian casualties. The manner in which Guantanamo Bay detention camp was administered by the self proclaimed as the "most civilized nation" By khalidAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 12:02 PM

Common, lets support this cause.. By Capt.Jag2020Author Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:53 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Dear Sir,

InsyaAllah, We shall answer the call to attend the conference. Actually, I believe you should be the one who won the Nobel Prize on your tireless and strenuous effort to promote the safer world and humanitarian values. It may sounds quite common, but not in today's chaotic world, where people almost forget that we need to share this planet fairly with other human kin and not to mention other living organisms.

Well Sir, what can I say, We are all out for you in this course.....

Thank You and May Allah grant us the GREAT VICTORY. Wassalam By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:45 AM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.

Many in Malaysia have LOW regards for Tun Dollah and still he is getting the UUM Mahaputra award? What is the award all about?

1- Najib finally condoning Tun Dollah mess out of the RM2.70 fuel hike?

2- Najib condoning all of the AJK T4 activity which led to the near downfall of BN and near wipe out of UMNO?

3- Najib is having an over reliance on Tun Dollah and the AJK T4?

4-Najib is condoning blatant wastages by a senior UUM official, wastages of public funds, public assets, and public time on the senior official “mengampu” endeavor to Tun Dollah?

We have the same low regards syndrome happening at home and the PM and UMNO is glorifying the individual and his cronies with honorary Doctorates and brainless awards? What is Mahaputra? Special class Bumiputra that UMNO is creating now with the help of UUM? I tell you how Anugerah Mahaputra would best look like: XrAvs/s320/Pak.jpg

Please click there.

Tun, you may be impressed with UMNO and their “gallantry” of media speeches in PWTC over the past few days, but let me tell you this: the rakyat too is becoming British here, we just have low regards for all those who never lears but gloats and regals as if nothing has happened and nothing could happened further.

That picture of Tony Blair sulking in the front page, could be any of our PM next on a cheap tabloid soon after PRU 13. Think about it Najib. Tun maybe impressed, but the rakyat is still waiting to see what all the brouhaha was about in PWTC. Ask Puteri and Pemuda to “turun padang” and “banci” all the hardcore poor. Do not simply relegate the task and ask the poor to register themselves. Some don’t even have TV or time for raido. Puteri could only come up with ban all “cerita hantu” on TV3”? What’s next? Put make up mirrors at all bus stand?

Get them to “turun padang dan banci” Mr President. Utilize these two wings that has been over- rated and over-pampered. Tell Pemuda to stop talking nonsense on creating banks and this dana that dana. We know they have excellent experience from screwing up the SME Bank and we know that Tune Group would still benefit hugely in most of Najib policies. The rakyat is watching.

Tun maybe impressed with the going on’s in PWTC, but not many out here share the view. YET.

Utilize Pemuda and Puteri to the max! Right now many perceived them to be redundant, over rated and over pampered. They may well make or break UMNO in the next round. Get them to meet the hard core rakyat house to house and survey out the hard core poor.

Custom made Baju kurung, wrinkle free Pink Tudung and pristine ironed White shirts would soon have to make way for jogging outfit and sneakers with soiled shirts in getting the message Najib has spoken to the ground level.

Make or break UMNO. By AdamAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:27 AM

First come first, LOL

This is what I like about you, I will not disagree if you otherwise. Ha ha ha. By Azza_disiniAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:23 AM

Sepatutnya bukan Tony Blair shj...Bush jg sepatutnya ditempelak sebegitu kerana brsekongkol dgn Israel. Walaupun cara ini mungkin hanya sedikit terkesan (atau tiada) di hati mereka ttp sekurang-kurangnya...kita rakyat biasa dpt memberitahu mereka bahawa kita mmandang rendah maruah mereka di sebalik jawatan tinggi mereka...... By NOM AirbusAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:12 AM


Shukur Alhamdulillah finally someone got the nerve to bring this war criminal leaders of the first countries to face to explained their wrong doing if not now perhelps later.

Apart Archbishop of Canterbury, maybe our Imam of Muslim world and President of other countries should also say something.

I took time to follow up stories of this poor nations of Palastinian, Afghan, Bosnian and the Iraqi who were brutally tortured by the this living animal leaders who is still free.

The conference to be held in KL on the dates hopely if not now maybe will be an starting point for the case to be heard or even drag this rascal to justice of the neutral judges.

I hope there will be some kind of books and or momentos of the people who had experience this be on displayed or sales.

May I suggest we put those 2 war monger leader big photos to be on the floor so that all people from all walk of life who will come to the conference will walk on them or to have a shoe throwing game at one of the booth.It would be a good idea to invite the shoe throwing reporter to be at the conference too.

I urge all Malaysian come to this conference gain such exposure.


What do you think of the Muslim leaders of Saudi Arabia,Kuwait, Pakistan? I think they too need to be drag for allowing the US and British rascal leader at that time for assistance for this rampage. I will travel home from BKK for this surely. By samexAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 11:10 AM

Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun i will definately come n support !! :D By JulianaAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 10:43 AM

It would be great if future conferences can be held over the weekend so more people can attend. Thank you for your work! By MKMAuthor Profile Page on October 16, 2009 10:39 AM




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