E650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 26, 2001 as a tutor for Literacy Outreach, teaching COMMEMORATING THE 15TH ANNI- why we must be so vigilant in remembering adults otherwise unaffiliated with CMC how to VERSARY OF THE CHERNOBYL the past. read. Marcia is also involved with the students NUCLEAR DISASTER It is important to continue to talk about the as a faculty advisor. She has worked on Armenian genocide. We must keep alive the CMC’s Adjunct Faculty Pay Plan Committee, HON. CURT WELDON memory of those who lost their lives during and has been an active member in the Na- OF PENNSYLVANIA the eight years of bloodshed in Armenia. We tional Association of Developmental Edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must educate other nations who have not rec- cation. ‘‘We are very excited that Marcia has ognized that the Armenian genocide occurred. been chosen as the college’s adjunct faculty Thursday, April 26, 2001 Mr. Speaker, I commend Armenian-Ameri- of the year,’’ said Dean Harry Silver in a re- Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, cans—the survivors and their descendants— cent Glenwood Springs Post Independent arti- fifteen years ago today, the small town of who continue to educate the world about the cle. ‘‘Marcia epitomizes our adjunct faculty.’’ Chernobyl, Ukraine was the scene of the tragedy of the Armenian Genocide and make Marcia came to CMC 14 years ago as a world’s greatest nuclear accident in history. valuable contributions to our shared American science and ecology teacher. She soon began The aftermath of Chernobyl brought untold culture. Because of their efforts, the world will teaching developmental classes. ‘‘Students will devastation to thousands of families in north- not be allowed to forget the memory of the come after failing, sometimes again and again ern Ukraine. Radiation from blowing winds victims of the first 20th Century holocaust. in school, and see success as an impossible was spread as far away as the Scandinavian f dream. The wonderful part is for me to see countries, even to coastal areas of southern them succeed and see that they can learn,’’ Alaska and northern . Even by most TRIBUTE TO DR. GEORGE LINDSEY said Marcia. conservative experts, Chernobyl unleashed AND THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH Marcia’s supervisor Karen Dunbar says she more radiation than 90 Hiroshima-sized ALABAMA has the ability to present information to the bombs. Most of this fallout blanketed heavily students in a kind and gentle manner. ‘‘I really populated areas of northern Ukraine and HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. do love working with adults who have had southern Belarus. OF ALABAMA problems in school in the past . . . It’s more Studies have shown thyroid cancer has sky- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES than a job for me, it’s something I feel is a val- rocketed among children exposed to the radi- Thursday, April 26, 2001 uable contribution, and I’m good at it.’’ ation. Stillbirths and birth defects in Ukraine Mr. Speaker, for the last 15 years Marcia have doubled, while the rate of infant mortality Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Hund has helped out numerous students try- is twice the European average. Unfortunately, recognize Mr. George Lindsey and the Univer- ing to finish their education, and for that she the effects of radiation exposure, including la- sity of North Alabama for their efforts in orga- deserves the thanks of Congress. I know she tent cancers, do not emerge in the body until nizing and participating in the George Lindsey/ will continue to do an outstanding job with her ten to twenty years later. In effect, the next UNA Television and Film Festival. This film students. For that, we are all grateful. five to ten years will be crucial as humani- festival is in its fourth year and has become an international affair showcasing and reward- f tarian efforts mount to respond to the devasta- tion inflicted over a decade ago. ing excellence in film and video endeavors. COMMEMORATING THE 150TH ANNI- Although all Chernobyl nuclear reactors The cultural and educational benefits for UNA, VERSARY OF THE GLENS FALLS have been closed, the community is still suf- the Shoals and the entire state of Alabama NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST fering. Let us not forget the silent disease af- are immeasurable. COMPANY fecting the citizens of Ukraine. Dr. Lindsey, a 1952 alumnus, is known throughout the country for his role in The Andy f HON. JOHN E. SWEENEY Griffith Show. Lindsey also became a staple COMMEMORATING ARMENIAN OF NEW YORK character on Hee-Haw. His credits and ap- GENOCIDE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pearances on television and film fill many a page. However, Lindsey has not let his fame Thursday, April 26, 2001 SPEECH OF and fortune cloud his commitment to good will. Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Instead, Lindsey has used his success and commemorate a historic institution in the 22nd OF NEW JERSEY talents to improve the lives of those around District of New York. The Glens Falls National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him. He has raised more than one million dol- Bank and Trust Company is the oldest bank in lars for the Special Olympics and started the Warren County. Tuesday, April 24, 2001 George Lindsey Aquatic Center at the Ala- In 1851, the bank was founded by a dozen Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I am bama State Hospital for the Mentally Re- pioneering businessmen from the local lumber, pleased to participate once again in the an- tarded. His generosity and dedication to the limestone, and insurance industries. Under the nual remembrance of the Armenian genocide University of North Alabama are legendary. leadership of its first president, Benjamin today, 86 years after this terrible tragedy Along with Bobbie Hurt, Bill Jarnigan, Rob- Burhans, the bank recorded more than seven- which claimed the lives of over 1.5 million Ar- ert Potts, and Lisa Daniell of UNA, Lindsey teen thousand dollars in deposits in its first menians between 1915 and 1923. had a vision for a festival that would provide month alone. The Armenian Genocide began in 1915 with aspiring artists, especially those from the state Despite times of turmoil, such as the Civil the rounding up and killing of Armenian sol- of Alabama, the opportunity to showcase their War, the Great Depression and the two World diers by the Turkish government. After that, art while learning from professionals how to Wars, Glens Falls National Bank was able to the government turned its attention to slaugh- strengthen their work. They have succeeded not only prosper, but grow as a dedicated es- tering Armenian intellectuals. They were killed beyond their greatest expectations bringing in tablishment to downtown Glens Falls and the because of their ethnicity, the first group in the such speakers as Tom Cherones, director of North Country. Although the bank currently 20th Century killed not for their actions, but for and Academy Award-winning actor has 23 branches, 350 employees, and over who they were. Ernest Borgnine and launching the careers of one billion dollars in assets, this landmark has By the time the bloodshed of the genocide several of the participants. been committed to remaining independent and ended, the victims included the aged, women As this year’s festival gets underway, I local. and children who had been forced from their wanted to express my deepest appreciation to Glens Falls National is a true pillar of the homes and marched to relocation camps, Dr. Lindsey and UNA for encouraging the fu- North Country. The bank and its employees beaten and brutalized along the way. In addi- ture leaders of the film industry. I also want to donate money, time, and hard work to more tion to the 1.5 million dead, over 500,000 Ar- thank them for helping share with the world than 300 charitable and community causes in- menians were driven from their homeland. the wonderful things that are going on at UNA. cluding Glens Falls Hospital, the United Way, It is important that we make the time, every On behalf of the United States Congress and and the Adirondack Balloon Festival. year, to remember the victims of the Armenian the people of the 5TH district of Alabama, I Mr. Speaker, as a proud resident of the genocide. We hope that, by remembering the share my congratulations with UNA for the 22nd Congressional District of New York, I ask bloodshed and atrocities committed against success of the George Lindsey/UNA Tele- my colleagues to join me in commemorating the Armenians, we can prevent this kind of vision and Film Festival and I wish them the 150th Anniversary of the Glens Falls Na- tragedy from repeating itself Unfortunately, many, many more years of fruitful collabora- tional Bank and Trust Company. history continues to prove us wrong. That is tion.

VerDate 112000 05:15 Apr 27, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26AP8.009 pfrm01 PsN: E26PT1 April 26, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E651 REAUTHORIZATION OF THE I look forward to working with my colleagues A TRIBUTE TO RAY GEORGE, MARITIME SECURITY PROGRAM on this vital effort to enhance the national se- DARE DEPUTY FOR MONTEREY curity of the United States while ensuring that COUNTY, CA HON. DUNCAN HUNTER critically important U.S.-ownership standards OF CALIFORNIA are maintained. HON. SAM FARR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 26, 2001 DESIGNATION OF THE LEE H. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, as Chairman of HAMILTON FEDERAL BUILDING Thursday, April 26, 2001 the Merchant Marine Panel of the House AND U.S. COURTHOUSE IN NEW Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise Armed Services Committee, I rise today to ad- ALBANY, INDIANA today to honor Deputy Ray George of the dress a matter under the jurisdiction of my Monterey County Sheriff’s Department and panel which is of the utmost importance to the HON. BARON P. HILL their Drug Abuse Resistence Education national security and the maritime capability of OF INDIANA (DARE) program. As you may know the DARE the United States, namely the need to reau- program helps bring a multi-faceted approach IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thorize the Maritime Security Program (MSP). to staying away from drugs in the classrooms The MSP program was established by the Thursday, April 26, 2001 of 5th and 6th graders around the world. Dep- Maritime Security Act of 1996. The program Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise uty George is one of three full-time deputies was designed to maintain the continued pres- today to introduce H.R. 1583, a bill to name assigned to the Monterey County DARE pro- ence of an active, privately-owned, U.S.-flag the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in gram, and it is for his recent fund-raising ef- and U.S.-crewed merchant shipping fleet that New Albany, Indiana, after my friend, mentor, forts that I wish to honor him here. would provide sustained sealift capability in colleague and the former Congressman of Mr. Speaker, the Monterey County DARE time of war or national emergency. That Act southern Indiana’s 9th district, Lee Hamilton. I program, currently under Deputy George, Dep- phased out the operating differential subsidy would like to thank State Representatives Bill uty Vince Hernandez, and Deputy Karen Gen- program, provided reduced payments to ves- Cochran and Jim Bottorff of the Indiana Gen- tile, was founded in 1993 by Deputy Fabian sel operators who agreed to make vessels eral Assembly for urging Congress to des- Barrera. In the past 8 years, they have coordi- and associated intermodal assets available to ignate this building in honor of Lee. nated with the local police departments Department of Defense (DOD) upon request, Lee Hamilton served the people of southern through the county, as well as the schools to and authorized $100 million annually for MSP Indiana with distinction for 34 years in the bring their courses that aim at helping young program funding. Without the MSP program, United States House of Representatives. In people face drug abuse in their lives. Some of U.S.-flag vessel owners would have been the course of his long career, he established the key topics they try to bring to their stu- forced to shift their operations to foreign flags himself as a leader in international affairs, dents include: building selfesteem; the con- with foreign crews in order to remain inter- serving as the chairman of the House Foreign sequences of drug use; decision making skills; nationally competitive. This would have been Relations Committee, the House Intelligence recognizing and resisting peer pressure; tech- detrimental to our national security interests. Committee and the Iran-Contra Investigation niques to say no; and ways to deal with The MSP has proved very successful. Committee. Lee was an honorable, forthright stress. Today, 47 U.S.-flagged commercial vessels, and trustworthy member of Congress whom Deputy George recently organized a black- crewed by U.S. citizens, participate in the we could always count on for a calm voice of tie fund raiser in Monterey, and his hard work MSP program. These vessels are engaged in reason as our nation dealt with foreign policy was made clear with the success of this event. the foreign commerce of the U.S. and are en- issues throughout the Cold War. Everyone present that evening, myself in- rolled in DOD’s Emergency Preparedness Pro- Lee Hamilton served as my Congressman cluded, felt that these deputies help bring a gram to ensure that such vessels and associ- from the time I was 12 years old until he re- crucial message to our communities. Their ated worldwide intermodal transportation and tired in 1998. Lee’s common sense leadership dedication to this cause is commendable, and management assets are incorporated into I would like to especially honor Deputy George DOD sealift plans and programs, and are im- in Congress helped make southern Indiana a better place for Hoosier families to live and for his commitment to excellence. The service mediately available to meet military sealift re- of local officials such as these are an asset to quirements. Without the MSP the cost to DOD work for over thirty years. No matter how im- portant he became out in Washington, we al- our nation, and I thank the Speaker for this would be substantial—approximately $800 mil- chance to honor them. lion annually would be required by DOD to ways knew he was working hard for us. provide similar sealift and related system ca- When Lee retired from Congress in 1998, f pacity on its own for the rapid and sustained Washington Post columnist David Broder TRIBUTE TO BILLY DE FRANK LES- deployment of military vehicles, ammunition wrote, ‘‘Hamilton is a throwback to the old BIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY CEN- and other equipment and material. days of the House and not just because he TER Authorization for the MSP is for a ten-year still has the crew cut he wore when he came period up through September 2005. To ensure to Washington as a small-town Hoosier lawyer HON. ZOE LOFGREN the continued operation and viability of a mari- in the Democratic landslide of 1964. He is an exemplar of the common-sense, instinctively OF CALIFORNIA time security fleet of privately-owned, militarily- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES useful U.S.-flag vessel operators, Congress moderate model of legislator that used to be Thursday, April 26, 2001 needs to move forward with the reauthoriza- common in Congress but is increasingly rare tion of the MSP. This would provide the indus- today.’’ Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to try with the timely assurance they need that Lee currently serves as the Director of the commend the Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay the MSP program will continue beyond the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Community Center of San Jose. On April 28th, year 2005. Scholars in Washington, DC and the Director the DeFrank Center will celebrate 20 years of Additionally, I am concerned over rumors of The Center on Congress at Indiana Univer- service to the Santa Clara Valley. that U.S. citizenship requirements for this pro- sity. He has received numerous public service The DeFrank Center opened on Keyes gram could be modified. I strongly believe that awards including the Paul H. Nitze Award for Street in downtown San Jose in 1981. Serv- reauthorization of the MSP program must en- Distinguished Authority on National Security ices in what was then a 2 room storefront in- sure that current United States citizenship re- Affairs, the Phillip C. Habib Award for Distin- cluded a hotline, counseling, and a switch- quirements continue to apply for operators of guished Public Service, the American Political board. Today, the Billy DeFrank Lesbian and U.S.-flagged, U.S. crewed commercial ves- Science Association Hubert Humphrey Award, Gay Center serves a large and diverse com- sels. The MSP program now requires that pri- the Indiana Humanities Council Lifetime munity. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and ority be given to MSP vessel operators that Achievement Award, and the U.S. Association transgender people of all ages and back- are owned and controlled by United States of Former Members of Congress’ Statesman- grounds find resources here that are not avail- citizens (such operators are commonly known ship Award. able elsewhere. Each month over a thousand as ‘‘Section 2 citizens’’ under section 2 of the I believe it is only fitting that we designate people visit the DeFrank Center’s head- 1916 Shipping Act). Such U.S.-ownership and the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in quarters, and many more call the switchboard. U.S.-control requirements are critical to the New Albany as the Lee H. Hamilton Building Over 140 meetings, workshops, health pro- continued viability of the MSP program and to pay tribute to his limitless dedication and grams and special events take place at the must be preserved. service to the people of southern Indiana. DeFrank Center each month.

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