2020-21 for FC Date
List of 500 selected students of Al-Ameen Mission to be coached Under "Naya Savera" Regular component of Free Coaching & Allied Scheme for candidates belonging to Minority Communities, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India, for the year 2020-21 Centre : Al-Ameen Mission, Khalatpur Total Candidates - 200 (Male - 120, Female - 80) Male / Sl. No. Name of Students Father Name Address & Mobile No. Student Photograph Female A. Income A. Community Vill- Murarai College Road, P.O.- Murarai, P.S.- Murarai, 1 Abdul Aziz Abul Kalam Azad Muslim Block- Murarai I, Male 48000 Dist.- Birbhum, PIN- 731219, Phone- 9732373495 Vill- Jatradanga, P.O.- Jatradanga , P.S.- Malda, Abdul Aziz Al 2 Late Md Saiful Ali Muslim Block- Old Malda, Male 60000 Aman Dist.- Malda, PIN- 732141, Phone- 9641433063 Vill- Mohendrapur, P.O.- Daharpar, P.S.- Suti, 3 Abdul Borak Bodirul Islam Muslim Block- Suti 2, Male 72000 Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN- 742201, Phone- 9064996809 Vill- Mohendrapur, P.O.- Daharpar, P.S.- Suti, 4 Abdul Hadi Mehebub Hossain Muslim Block- Suti-2, Male 60000 Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN- 742201, Phone- 8145406155 Vill- Rameswarpur, P.O.- Giria, P.S.- Raghunathganj, 5 Abdul Karim Abdul Basir Shaikh Muslim Block- Jangipur-Ll, Male 72000 Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN- 742230, Phone- 9775443443 Vill- Kumed Pur, P.O.- Hatgachhi, P.S.- Itahar, 6 Abdul Khalek Joharul Hoque Muslim Block- Itahar, Male 66000 Dist.- Uttar Dinajpur, PIN- 733143, Phone- 8945094018 Male / Sl. No.Name of Students Father Name Address & Mobile No. Student Photograph Female A. Income A. Community
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