Summer 2012

PCA Conducts 10,000th Live Workshop Talking Points E-Mail Series Launches Deloitte Adds $100,000 in Triple-Impact Website Re-Staged Competitor® Scholarships Continued Geographic Expansion and Impact! Jim Thompson’s Elevating Your Game Published The Purpose, Power and Promise of Youth Sports

ast year – a year in which PCA conducted its Youth sports provides an endless proces- 10,000th workshop and laid the groundwork sion of teachable moments. PCA workshops, on- Lfor expansion to at least eight local Chapters line courses, books and new media help coaches by the time you read this – I joined a panel for the and sports parents focus on the bigger picture in 25th reunion of my class at the Stanford Graduate youth sports and learn to seize these moments, School of Business to talk about social entrepre- to benefit the millions of kids who play sports. neurship and what I had learned in founding PCA. The Power I said, “Ensuring that kids have a good expe- rience with youth sports might not be as critical as, Washington Post sports writer Thomas for example, dealing with climate change or global Boswell argues that sport “has become central poverty. But it was an area where I had a lever to to what remains of our American sense of iden- make a difference, while I didn’t have such a lever tity” and even has become “the meeting ground with other big problems our society faced.” where we discuss our values.” What happens in pro and college sports trickles (or floods) into My GSB classmate, Mike Stanley, challenged youth sports. me on this. As a longtime coach and sport parent, he thought fixing problems with youth sports was When a pro hockey game turns into a one of the most important things anyone could do. mixed martial arts event, or a football coach I realized Mike was right and I was wrong. pays bounties for injuring opponents, those acts are not confined to the pro sports arena. What Cover photo: Santa Cruz The Purpose happens in sports reverberates across our society. SPIN softball players fill each All the more reason to get youth sports right, to others’ emotional tanks dur- I started PCA in 1998 to stop adults from ing 16 & Under competition doing negative things (however well-intentioned) use it to enhance our world. in the Rohnert Park Rebels that were driving kids out of youth sports. Eventu- Our society faces difficult problems. And Classic softball tournament. Brooke Scothorn (#2) is the ally, it dawned on me how we could use sports to too many leaders too often put selfish interest daughter of photographer develop better athletes and better people. before the greater good. We need more positive Tara Brown, who is married to PCA Member and San contributors and ethical, effective leaders. There Lorenzo Valley High School is no better place to develop them than in sports. Softball Coach Mark Brown.

Thanks to the PCA National Advisory Board Members pictured below and listed at right.

Phil Jackson Dusty Baker Shane Battier Ken Eriksen Kristine Lilly Mark Murphy PCA National Manager, NBA Star and past , Former U.S. President and CEO, Spokesperson; Cincinnati Reds NCAA Basketball USA Softball National Women’s 11-time NBA Player of the Year National Team Soccer Team Champion Coach Captain

2 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM PCA’s National Advisory Board (in addition to those pictured below) Brad Ausmus Jennifer Azzi Albert Bandura Bruce Bochy Ruthie Bolton Bob Bowlsby Bill Bradley The Purpose, Power and Promise Brenda Bredemeier Larry Brown Frank Broyles of Youth Sports Doug Burgum Bill Campbell Brandi Chastain Nadia Comaneci Kevin Compton Bart Conner Rob Cornilles Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi William Damon Rick Davis Seth Davis Donna de Varona Tony Dorsett Joan Duda Carol Dweck Mark Edmunds Herm Edwards Joe Ehrmann Joy Fawcett Pat Fitzgerald Susan Ford Julie Foudy Howard Gardner PCA Trainer Joe Thomas, PCA Chief Impact Officer Tina Syer and Alameda Soccer Club leader Steve Bitker at PCA’s 10,000th Jim Gibbons workshop. Daniel Gould Dick Gould Tony Granato The Promise Chris Grant Daniel Grossman A Double-Goal Coach® uses teachable of their youth sports experience committed to Peter Harris moments to help an athlete become a Triple-Im- making themselves better; their family, friends Dan Hawkins Chip Heath pact Competitor – someone who is committed and colleagues better; and our society better. It Lionel Hollins June Jones to making self, teammates and the game better would truly be a different, and better, world. Steve Kerr by the way he or she competes. That is the pur- Jerry Kindall Alexi Lalas pose and promise of youth sports – to help kids Blaire LaCorte become better athletes and better people. Richard Lapchick Ted Leland Imagine what our world would be like Leo Linbeck III Donna Lopiano if we had hundreds of thousands of coaches Ronnie Lott developing millions of athletes who come out PCA Founder and CEO Barry Mano Steve Mariucci Mike McCaffery George McCown Chris Moore Jim Mora, Jr. Rebecca Morgan Donna Orender Noel Perry Charles Phillips William Pollack Jerry Porras Ken Ravizza Dr. Dot Richardson Ted Robinson Dave Roux Chris Salvaterra Lee Shulman Keith Smart Dean Smith Claudio Reyna Doc Rivers Summer Sanders Brad Stevens Doug Wilson Steve Smith Former U.S. Head Coach, Olympic Head Basketball General Manager, Leigh Steinberg National Men’s Boston Celtics Swimming Gold Coach, Butler San Jose Sharks Steve Stenersen Soccer Team Medalist University Kerri Strug Captain Kathinka Tunney Gene Washington David Weekley Barry Zito Jim Thompson’s Elevating Your Game Published

ince the last issue of Momentum, PCA has re- “In the months following the release of S leased the eighth book by Jim Thompson, El- Elevating Your Game, I realized more than evating Your Game: Becoming a Triple-Impact ever that directly training student-athletes is Competitor. The first of Jim’s books written central to our movement,” Thompson says. for student-athletes, Elevating Your Game pro- “Whether PCA succeeds by impacting coach- vides inspirational advice and specific tips, tools es, parents, school and organizational leaders and frameworks to help teens impact sports on or youth athletes, our ultimate goal is to help three levels by working to improve themselves, develop Better Athletes and Better People, and teammates and their sport as a whole. I hope the publication of Elevating Your Game Beautifully produced by PCA’s publishing is a major step in that direction.” partner, Balance Sports Publishing, the book is used as an aid for student-athletes par- ticipating in PCA’s Becoming a Triple- Impact Competitor workshops through- out the U.S. The El- evating Your Game Coach’s Guide – a companion publica- tion downloadable for free from PCA’s web- site – helps coaches mentor their athletes in the ways of a Triple- Impact Competitor. Participants in PCA’s Student-Athlete Leadership Conference discuss Jim Thompson’s Elevating Your Game.

Talking Points E-Mail Series Launches

CA recently launched a new series of free for distribution to athletes and click through to Pweekly e-mails for coaches called Talking PCA’s website for an expanded version of the Points. Under the project funded by David topic to print in PDF. Weekley, coaches go to PCA’s website to sign “When Jim Thompson told me of live up for a 13-week Talking Points subscription, PCA training he was piloting around the con- enough to give coaches one topic per week in cept of talking points, it seemed natural to a typical high school sports season to address use e-communication to expand it to as many with their players. coaches and teams as possible,” says Weekley, Each e-mail in the series helps the coach a long-time, major PCA supporter. “I am glad initiate conversation with athletes around such to know we are helping PCA reach thousands PCA principles and axioms as “Emotional of coaches, and therefore tens of thousands of PCA National Advisory Board Member David Weekley Tank” and “Pressure is a Privilege.” All Talk- athletes, with the Talking Points e-mail series.” ing Points contain a link to a video featuring Says Thompson: “I appreciate David a PCA National Advisory Board member, Tri- Weekley’s financial support of this initiative and ple-Impact Competitor Scholarship winner or his creativity and leadership in so quickly bring- other notable dispensing advice or inspiration ing to life an important new PCA initiative.” that reinforces the theme of that week’s issue of Talking Points. Coaches may print the e-mails Sign up for Talking Points at

4 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM Deloitte Adds $ 100,000 in Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarships

CA’s Triple-Impact Competitor Scholar- to expand its support of our scholarship Pship Program offers $100,000 in new program, from the pilot in the Bay Area to scholarship opportunities, thanks to De- now running this program in seven of the loitte, the global accounting and consulting largest metro areas in the U.S. It is impos- firm that helped found and fund the pro- sible to overstate Deloitte’s importance to gram in 2008, along with Thrive Founda- the PCA Movement.” tion for Youth. “Our goal is to positively impact The new $100,000 from Deloitte ex- youth and equip them with the tools they pands the program to the Boston and Dal- will need to succeed,” says Mark Ed- las areas, where high school junior (class of munds, Vice Chairman and Regional Man-

2013) student-athletes may now apply for aging Partner in Deloitte’s San Francisco Mark Edmunds , PCA National scholarships through June 30. Deloitte’s office, which also provides mentors for Advisory Board Member additional funding also raises the value of scholarship program finalists in the Bay each scholarship to $2,000. Area. “One way to do that is by support- “Every year, I am amazed at the en- ing PCA’s efforts; another is to bring our ergy and commitment Mark Edmunds and own expertise to the table so that the youth Deloitte bring to our programs and our mis- we and PCA impact have a well-rounded sion,” says PCA Founder Jim Thompson. experience.” “We are delighted that Deloitte continues

For more information and videos of past Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship Program events visit

From there, student-athletes in the metro areas of Boston and Dallas may apply for scholarships through June 30, 2012.

Golden State Warriors Assistant Coach Kris Weems, featured Jackie ElZakhem of Westmont (IL) High School delivers her speaker at the Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship Awards acceptance speech at the Chicago-Area Triple-Impact breakfast in the San Francisco Bay Area, congratulates Competitor Scholarship Awards Ceremony at U.S. Cellular Field. scholarship finalist Nathaniel Batey.

Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 5 CA has completely overhauled its website and other e-communications, fueled by years of Padvances in content development and key partnerships. “We have been investing in development of new online courses and other content and curriculum so that we could meet the coach-training needs of such major partners as Amateur Athletic Union and Tex- as’ University Interscholastic League,” explains PCA Founder Jim Thompson. “The natural next step was to bolster our delivery and promotion of that content. Content, National Partnership Drives Bold New Communications Initiative

Fortunately, we had tremendous support from Kevin and retaining our audience of Compton, David Weekley, and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. coaches, parents, school and Foundation.” organization leaders and stu- The new website at is dent-athletes,” says PCA Chief much more dynamic, engaging and navigable than Impact Officer Tina Syer, who its predecessor. For example, a large, bold slide show led the communications over- quickly conveys key aspects of PCA , such as a Nation- haul. “Also, adding the Chapter websites contributes al Advisory Board of high-profile athletes and coaches a lot to the scalability of our geographic expansion and a testimonial from a coach PCA has impacted. model. More than ever, our marketing and commu- nications are aligned with our deeper objectives as a Other key features include: non-profit movement.” l The “news crawl” at mid-screen, al­lowing for Marcia Argyris, S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation frequent updates on PCA initiatives and other Senior Program Officer, said, “We enthusiastically youth sports news supported PCA’s partnership with AAU because we l A section titled “Our Tools” offering free tips saw the impact PCA could have with one of the big- and tools for coaches, parents, athletes, school/ gest and most visible youth sports organizations in organizational leaders and officials, as well as new the country. We now are pleased to help PCA up- resources on child abuse prevention created in the grade its web site and communication ability so it can wake of scandals involving major college coaches reach even more youth sports leaders, coaches, par- l An enhanced “Ask PCA” feature, where parents ents and athletes with its outstanding content.” and coaches ask and answer questions about best The e-mail outreach overhaul also reinforces practices in youth sports and hear from PCA’s PCA’s mission. In addition to launching the new Talk- expert trainers. ing Points series funded by David Weekley (see p. 4), Additionally, each PCA Chapter has its own web- PCA re-designed 2-Minute Drills for coaches, parents site (i.e.,; Chicago.Positive- and athletes; Leadership Gameplan (for leaders of, etc.) to allow for more geographic-specific PCA Partner schools or organizations); and Trainers messaging and initiatives. “Housing our content in a Clipboard (for PCA Trainers). PCA Connector, for- website that represents the breadth and depth of the merly a weekly e-mail, was re-designed and renamed PCA Movement increases the likelihood of attracting Momentum and now issues bi-weekly. Most importantly, all the e-mail franchises are rich in the PCA content that initially attracts interest and support in the PCA Movement.

6 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM Liberty Mutual Insurance Further Integrates PCA into Responsible Sports Program

he Liberty Mutual Insurance Responsible Soccer Team Captain Julie Foudy served as the TSports Program Powered by Positive Coach- program’s national spokesperson. ing Alliance added new elements from PCA in Among the Top 10 Moments: 2011. Key among them: l Sabrina Iannetti of the St. Mary’s High School l Aggressive expansion of podcasts featuring  hockey team (Lynn, MA) boarding the bus of the PCA Founder Jim Thompson interviewing opposing team to congratulate them on ending PCA National Advisory Board Members and her school’s 100-game winning streak and to other sports notables wish them the best in the state tournament l Introduction of the Top 10 Responsible l Josh Ripley of the Andover (MN) High School Sports Moments. cross country team picking up an injured oppo- Podcast subjects for 2011 in chronologi- nent, carrying him back to the start-finish line cal order of their appearance were Former NFL for treatment, and then returning to the trail to Head Coach Jim Mora, Jr.; NFL Hall of Famer complete the race Steve Young; Women’s World Cup Legend Bran- l A U-11 soccer coach demonstrating sports- di Chastain; U.S. National Women’s Softball Head Coach Ken Eriksen; and ESPN Anchor manship by consoling a teen referee whose John Buccigross. officiating error had cost the coach’s team. The Top 10 Responsible Sports Moments “The Liberty Mutual Insurance Responsible invited the public to nominate examples of Sports Program Powered by Positive Coaching sportsmanship, sacrifice and selflessness – both Alliance has been an incredible partnership since big and small – at the youth sports and amateur its inception in 2007,” says Greg Gordon, Lib- sports levels. Liberty Mutual Insurance awarded erty Mutual Insurance’s Senior Vice President of $1,000 to each school or organization at the Consumer Marketing. “The longer we work with center of each of the Top 10 Responsible Sports PCA, the more we realize the impact and value of Moments. the content and messages PCA produces.” The campaign kicked off with a satellite Says Tina Syer, PCA’s Chief Impact Officer: media tour that had PCA Founder Jim Thomp- “We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity son rallying millions of TV viewers and radio lis- to expand our partnership with Liberty Mu- teners throughout the U.S. around the positivity tual Insurance. The company is instrumental in of youth sports. PCA National Advisory Board helping to improve youth sports for millions Member and Former U.S. Women’s National of families.”

National Advisory Board members recently interviewed for Responsible Sports podcasts, from left: Julie Foudy, Steve Young, Jim Mora, Jr. and Brandi Chastain.

Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 7 National Partnerships, Local Expansion Spread Positive Coaching Far and Wide PCA Impact Statistics From 1998 to press-time, May 2012 CA has gained tremendous mo- mentum in its drive toward a long- Number of coaches trained: 452,300 Pterm goal of establishing Chapters in dozens of cities. In the first half of Number of parents trained: 96,000 2012 alone, PCA launched Chapters in Denver (with major funding from The Number of youth impacted: 4,558,500 Daniels Fund) and the San Francisco Bay Area (fueled by funding from the Number of live workshops conducted: 11,012 Morgan Family Foundation, a long- time PCA supporter). Major funding for Number of online courses taken: 134,500 Phoenix is in place from Tom Lewis and the T.W. Lewis Foundation, and board and executive director recruitment will occur in the latter half of 2012. “We are grateful for the financial support and vision of the individuals and Sacramento foundations that are fueling our city-by- city growth, which continues building Bay Area toward national scope,” says PCA Chief National Headquarters Denver Revenue Officer David Shapiro. “Success is breeding success as we add chapters.” Another key part of PCA’s expan- sion is continued work with the eight National Partner youth sports organiza- tions whose logos appear below. “Our Phoenix National Partners provide an invaluable introduction to the grassroots leaders, Los Angeles coaches and parents who make up the heart of the PCA Movement,” Shapiro says. “Through e-mail promotion, we- binars, hosting our workshops at their events and running grant programs that provide easier access to our training, Hawaii these partners are critical to our ability to impact millions of youth.” Those interested in supporting a PCA Chapter or in becoming a PCA National Partner may contact Sha- piro at [email protected] or 916-400-4232.

8 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM National Partnerships, Local Expansion Spread Positive Coaching Far and Wide PCA Impact Statistics From 1998 to press-time, May 2012 Number of coaches trained: 452,300 Number of parents trained: 96,000 Number of youth impacted: 4,558,500 Number of live workshops conducted: 11,012 Number of online courses taken: 134,500 New York Boston


Washington, DC Denver

Dallas Chapters Regional Offices Chapter Opening 2012


Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 9 Donors to Positive Coaching Alliance 201 1 CA experienced yet another re- Hall of Famer Leo Redmond Team Captain cord year in contributions to our Sheppard Mullin Richter $100,000 and above $2,500 and above PAnnual Fund in 2011, thanks Rodger Rickard and Diane Talbert Kenneth and Susan Abrams to hundreds of youth sports leaders, Daniels Fund Deloitte John Rinehart Rick Aguirre coaches and parents, who helped us Greater Houston Jim Thompson and Sandra Brian and Kalyn Baer meet a $150,000 matching challenge Community Foundation Hietala Richard Beleson grant from PCA supporters, including Morgan Family Foundation Jeffrey W. Tocci Patty Benet National Spokesperson Phil Jackson, Payne Family Foundation Larry and Robyn Varellas Franklin and Jami Byrd Vision Service Plan (VSP) Green Bay Packers President and CEO S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Alison Carlson and Stephen Bechtel Fund Jim Coffman Mark Murphy, and an anonymous Thrive Foundation for All-Star Les Denend member of the Boston Celtics owner- Youth $5,000 and above Frost National Bank ship group. David Weekley Mike Gardner Randy and Laurie Allen PCA emphasizes in its work- Tim Haley Olympian Hayes Barnard Patrick Hee shops, online courses, books, website $50,000 and above Jon Biotti Dr. and Mrs. William G. and e-mail communications the critical Sandy and Bill Bryan Heegaard life lessons of hard work, persistence, Anonymous donor Kevin Callaghan Jeff Housenbold sacrifice, empathy and teamwork. We Robert H. Graham Thomas G. Cassutt Rich and Gina Kelley Tamar and Patrick Pichette are poignantly reminded of the impor- Don and Sandra Craighead Kelly Foundation, Inc. RGK Foundation Bonnie Larsen tance of those traits when we realize Cockrell Family Fund Russ and Beth Siegelman Mike Dorsey and Susan Brent Lawrence how integral they are to the individu- Ford-Dorsey Linda Stern–James P. als and organizations listed here. All-Pro Karen Francis and Rick Bennett & Co. DeGolia Doug and Shawn $25,000 and above Mackenzie John Frisch Jeff and Anne Anonymous donor Gregory and Kelly Golub Baxter Trust Maggioncalda Hunter Greene, M.D. David and Camilla Olson Peter and Devon Briger Kate and Steve Gibson Elizabeth Plumlee Triad Foundation, Inc. Brock Hudson Ray Purpur Dan and Katharine Whalen Mike Krulfeld Michael Rudin Most Valuable Ginny and Dan Lee Paul and Carley Rydberg Player John Magness StarTex Power Ross Malinowski Anne and John Syer $10,000 and above Paul McClure The California Endowment Anonymous donors The Methodist Hospital The Minneapolis Foundation William V. Campbell National Philanthropic Eric and Lan Wenick Community Foundation of Trust the Virgin Islands, Inc. Paul Olschwanger Wente Family Estates Mark Edmunds Nancy Olson Xilinx Gary Petersmeyer Fenton Family Foundation Play Maker John Finegan Lee Popper Doug and Suzy Galen Andy Priest $1,000 and above Tom Grilk Timothy and Theresia Ranzetta Anonymous donor Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Daniel Abrams Hogan San Francisco Giants Nikesh Arora Phil Jackson Shutterfly Frederic Allen Arp St. John’s School Margaret and Ken Jacobs John Bailey Peter Steinhauser Chris and Leslie Johnson Jim Bailey Jeremy Styles Christopher W. Kleinert Andy Beal Donald and Erica Sweeney Wendy Fenton McAdam Brent Bechtol and Tim McAdam Geoff Tickner Rick Beeler Valerie and Barry McCarthy Robin Voigt Sam and Kelly Bronfman Dennis and Gloria O’Brien Steve Zuckerman and Sean Burns Wendy Petersmeyer and Debra Meyerson Dave Bagshaw 10 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM George Cogan and Michael F. O’Connell Martha and Paul Chamberlain Betty Musgrave Fannie Allen Phil Oates Chicago Jets Hockey Club Bob Newell Michel P. Cole Open Door Foundation Larissa Cleveland John Newlin and Comerica Bank Paine Family Trust Chris Coleman Patricia Carton 201 1 Marc A. Compton Liebe Patterson Donald C. Collins Ruben Nieves Elizabeth Conlisk Greg and Carrie Penner Robert Crossley and Marc Philippe Alanna Cotton Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer Monica McAlpine Nicole Quandt and Mitch Cox Jeff and Mary Pickard Gillian Darlow Andrew Girardin Nancy and Joe Critchfield Andy and Laura Poppink Alison Davis Kathleen Quinn Amy Bassell Crowe Porter Scott Jennifer Duggan Beth Ann Reese Jamey C. Cummings Kenny Randle Lauren Dunnigan and William Reller Greg Dalton Red Sox Foundation Scott Petersmeyer Laurie Rood Mike Danilack Robin and Jake Reynolds Dianthe and Robert Robert A. and Diane D. Eisendrath Rosenberg Deer Valley Resort Brian and Jennifer Rodrigues Eric Eisendrath Gregory and Barbara Rosston Dr. Pepper/7 Up Inc. Jay Roth Raul Escalante Jack and Jodie Russi Karl Droppers Pulin and Anu Sanghvi Joseph M. Esposito Mike Schonenberg Bill Durham Walter and MaryJane Scherr Robert A. Eustace Craig Scott Janet Eisendrath Ed Schweitzer Dino Ewing David and Amy Shapiro Susan Ellis and Mark Linton Greg Shannon Rip Fisher Gabe Shapiro Shirley Ely Barry Smink Ronny D. Flowers Michael and Sharon Shapiro John and Laura Fisher Elizabeth Snell Chris and Margaret Forman Stanley Shepard Rick and Donna Fluegel Spare Time, Inc. Professor George Foster Clay and Sandra Sigg Cindy and Paul Frank Speramus Foundation John D. Gillespie Elmore Simpson James Freedman Stanford University Timothy and Jill Geoffrion Cathy and Marshall Goldman Strake Jesuit College Michael Stanley Preparatory Russell Getter Len Goldman and Hoff Stauffer Jayme Gallagher Brendan Sullivan Goldman Sachs & Co., William Stender Matching Gift Program Kirsten Gray Sara Syer and Tom Steven H. Durham Family Bodenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grimes GU Energy Labs Foundation Hugh Taylor Bill Hartfiel Joshua Harmatz Paul Stewart R. S. Tillitt Robert Hellman Rocky Harris Tina Syer Village Pub Gary Hornbeek and Susan Lucy Hartwell The Eagle and The Hawk Jeffrey Williams Miller Hornbeek Foundation Roger Heegaard and Cheryl Thomas Jeff Williams Brian Ivie Peter Ueberroth Lucy and Jeff Heegaard Rich Wohlstadter Dr. and Mrs. Ross A. Jaffe James C. Van Horne Jude and Lindsay Hickland Pitch and Cathie Johnson Douglas W. Van Order Diane Holt Team Player Craig and Nikki Johnson Kris C. Vogt Teena Hostovich David Johnson Patrick and Karen Walker $100 and above Scott Jolly Peter and Winifred Hussey John and Allison Wallace Anonymous donors John S. Kemp II Tom Hutchinson Wells Fargo Eric Aafedt Bob and Dottie King Intuit Foundation Donation Peter Wexler Matching Program Charles Abboud Kingsford Capital Michael Wilkins Brian Iwashita Adam Abramowitz Management, LLC John and Leslie Wilson Tom Klein Roger Jasek Michael K. Ackrell Marty Kandes Luke Aguilera Steve Knaebel Triple-Impact Paul and Karen Kunzel Competitor Doug and Jennifer Kaufman Shani Ahearn Laura and Gary Lauder Anthony and Sara Kiehn Marianne Akerland Patricia Leicher $500 and above Richard and Jane Kruse Roger Akers Connie and Bob Lurie Anonymous donors Vic Lamanuzzi Barbara Alhouse Barry and Mary Marks Adobe Systems Susan Levy Dan Allen Lynda and John Marren All Stars Helping Kids Christopher B. Lucas Michael Alter Alycen McAuley Judith and Israel Alter Dave Lucchetti Tal Alter Robert T. McFarlane Robert M. Anderson Edie and Bo Lycke Jeffrey Alves Allen McGee Colleen Anderson and Brad and Twinkie Lyman Joshua R. Alves Dave Middleton Jim Lobdell Tom and Donna Mallon American Airlines Scott D. Miller Martha and David Arscott Dennis Marks Ed and Beth Anderson Mark Murphy Jim and Melissa Badger Duncan and Shirley Matteson Alan and Staci Anderson Rick Nelson Tom and Deb Barnds Dot McCorrister Steve Anderson Dennis Nerland Joy Bender Shaun McCullough Azzani Search Consultants LLC David and Janet Nolan Jeanie Buss Bob and Glenda McFarlane Jennifer Babik Nonprofit Resource Center David Carver Michael M. Metz Dana Bainbridge Brad and Judy O’Brien CC Fitness Bill and Betsy Miller John and Tashia Morgridge James Balassone

Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 11 Jeffrey and Jamie Barnett Chicago Sky William Farrell Nancy Hill Scott Barnum Adrian Cibilich Stefan Fatsis Nick Hinz Beau Wine Tours & Diane Ciesinski Thomas A. Faye Craig and Noel Hirst Limousine Service Greg Clark Rich Feller Gordon and Sara Hodge Sarah Beetem Bridget and Gregory Clark Tom and Randee Fenner Chris Hoffmann Kathryn Begley Drs. James and Linda Clever Stephen P. Filios Mark W. Honbo Joe Belanoff Debby and Gary Colberg Beth Finch Dana Hooper Johanna Bell Rogg Collins Michael Fitzgerald Nancy Huang John and Virginia Beman Mr. and Mrs. Terence Collins Jim Fletcher Charles Huddleston Karen Bentsen Kevin and Kim Cool Linda Flower Michael and Christine Hughes Deron Benvenuti Tom and Diane Copeland Michel Floyd Kerry and Stephen Incavo Robert R. Bergstrom Dan Copenhagen Ellen Foley and Ken MacLean Philip Ishmael Kelly Berman Nancy and Charlie Cord Brianna Forde Will Jackson Daniel Bernstein Dennis and Erika Corradi Four Seasons Hotel Reid Jackson Krista Bessinger Maurice A. Costa John F. Fowler Christine C. Jacobson Ed and Jane Binkley Ian Craig Gerald E. Fradin Richard Jenkins Grace Bird Ed and Susan Craighill Kristen Franz John Bentley’s Walter M. Bird III Anne Craighill Bruce Freeman Chris Johnson Roger and Linda Bishop Collette and Kim Cranston Mark Gainey Eric and Oksana Johnson Marjorie Bjerkager Cristina’s Restaurant & Jamie and Mindy Gallagher Mike Jolly Peter and Ann Bjorklund Bakery Howard Gardner Landon and Sarah Jones Stephanie Blake Jeffrey Croke and Catherine GCB Marine Inc Craig and Gina Jorasch Ira Bodenstein Carlson-Croke Sharon L. Gerber Elaine R. Jordan Clare Bodensteiner Randy S. Crossley Don Gilbert Barbara P. Joseph Amy Boggs Olga Crowe Gregg Gilles Brenda Kane Jim Bonfiglio Andy Crowe Tracy Gillette Rii Kanzaki Gwen Books Henry T. Cullinane Steve and Carol Gleaves Jim Kauffman Michael Borislow Kerry and Howard Dallmar Jonathan Glenn Carol Kaufman Douglas Bosley Kayle Dangerud Golden State Warriors Lew Kelller Paige Bowie Peter Davies Marissa Goldenberg John Kessel Leslee and Patrick Brady Elizabeth and Juan Davila Rick Goldsmith David M. Kidd, Jr. Katie Brady Carl Dawson Dick and Anne Gould Richard Kimball Richard Braugh Carlos De Leon Catherine Gray Richard and Karen King David Brekke Sonja and Ryan DeWitt Larry and Sharon Gray Diane Kirchner William Brennan Dorothy Dey Jeff Greenfield and James Kirkland Peter Bresler Rajeev Dham Marilyn Keller James and Chris Kitch Teresa Briggs Bruce Dickinson Thomas L. Grissom Suzanne Klein Marty and Angie Bronk James G. Disch Danny Grossman Rustam Kocher Jerry and Dawn Brooks Robert and Mary Dodge Barry Gruttemeyer Brad and Lauren Koenig Daniel Brown Cheri Doege Jim Hall Tim Kolar Carl B. Brown Ann L. Doherty Lindsay and Brian Hampton Paul and Andy Koontz Skye Bruce Dan Dorosin and Fern Man- John and Sondra Hanley Kara Kotler and Amy Stanley delbaum Frank and Marijean Brush Lisa Hansen Aaron Kozmetsky Anson Dorrance Thomas Buhr David M. Harding Mark Krail Drew Dougherty Russell Burbank Kathe Hardy Bill and Donna Krepick Pat Doyle Robert and Shari Burnham Alisha Harrington Klondie Kunzel Joe Drape Lewis and Sheana Butler Rick Hartfiel Jeffrey B. Kushen Dry Creek Kitchen Gary Caine Thomas and Barbara Hartsell John C. Laing DSSports, LLC Ann Callister Virginia Hatch Simon Landon John F. Duddy Susan Callister Socrates Hattox Mark Lanier Julie Dunn Will and Sharron Carleton Becky and Jon Hayman Dr. Richard Lapchick Carol S. Dweck Christopher Carney Jay Hedlund Christy LaPierre Linda and Marc Eaman Janet Carter Kip and Lucy Heegaard Terry Larsen Len and Margaret Edwards Dr. Matthew Cary James Heeger Dr. T.L. Lawrence Matt Eisendrath Rich Casey Tom Heimsoth Allen D. Leck Elle Rose Lillian M. Cassutt Richard W. Held Kenneth B. Lee Jr. Jeffrey Ellis Ryan J. Ceriani Charles A. Hellings Robert Leith Alex Engles Mike Champion Greg Herenda Dave and Ann Lerner Ana English Belinda L. Chan Bill Herenda David and Cheryl Leskar Chris English Victoria and David Chang Ginny Heth Connie Leverton Sue Enquist Tom A. Cheli Ralph Hietala Mathew Levine Susan Fairweather

12 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM Stephen Lewin-Berlin Patricia Neal Barry D. Reynols Mark Spring Brad and Regina Lewis Lee F. Nelson Bob Rhein John Stamos Steve Lieberman Greg Nichols Lloyd B. Richardson Stein Eriksen Lodge Mitch Lilien Darryl Nirenberg Matt Richtel and John and Clara Steinhart Jason Lilien Bernard and Mary Nolan Meredith Barad Steve Stenersen Matthew Lilien James and Jacqueline Nolan Carol Rigolot Jeffrey Stern Ulf Lilienthal John and Joyce Nolan Ashley Riley John Stone Roselyn and Frank Lima Molly O’Connell Damian Rinaldi Mrs. Carol Stork Darlet and Patrick Lin John O’Donnell Emily Risberg Joe Straton Larry Lind Sean O’Leary Renato Rivera Jr. Dan Swisher John and Marcie Lindvall Jim O’Neil Brad Roberts David Tarrant Pete Lopez Cory Olcott Doug Roberts Lisa and Darrell Taylor LTS Chicago LLC Robert Oliver Rocket Ball, LTD. Robert and Rachel Thebault J. David Lucke Fane Opperman Pascal Ronveaux David Theibert Keith and Julie Lundquist Andrew Oser Corrine Roscoe John and Karin Thompson Richard and Elizabeth Lyman Lee Overstreet Wendy Rose John and Peg Thompson Jeffrey N. Maggioncalda Gary Pacarro Rosewood Sand Hill Annette Shelby and John Todd Mike Mainiero John Panagakis Ron and Amy Rossi Mary Beth Todd Fern Mandelbaum Jeff Parker Linda J. Roth Melissa Train Glenna Mandernach Robert Parks and Chris and Nicole Roth R. James Troppmann Paul Markovich and Karen Dillon Andrew Rowley Frederick L. Tufts Lisa Alumkal Stacy Parson Rebecca Royall David H. Uchiyama Kelly Marren Kevin Partington Allen Ruby Nikki Valentine Tevis and Lynne Martin Matt Passell Cathy Z. Rutter Lee Van Boven Paul J. Martini Deb Pavle David and Loretta Sacks Annie VanDenToorn Donald L. Maruska Matthew Payne Clint and Jessica Sanchez Peter and Dee Vesanovic Mike Masajlo Andrew Payne Susan and Terry Schedeler Visual Image Photography, Andrew and Ann Mathieson Linda Pelochino R. Douglas and Elaine Inc. Maureen McCaffery Penn-Air & Hydraulics Corp. Schneider Tom Vogel John McCormick Jane C. Penner Jay and Nancy Schulman Dave Vollmer Charles McDermott Paul Perez Carolyn Schwab-Pomerantz Matt Walbeck Brian J. McDonald Amy Perko and Gary Pomerantz Marci A. Waldman Peter McGahey Steve Peters Ray Seals Donn and Tracy Walklet Luke McGee Tom Petersmeyer Steve Seely Stephen Wandzura Colin and Toni McIntosh Nancy Petersmeyer Joe Selewicz Karen Warner Chris and Beth McLachlin Rob Peterson Amado D. Sgueglia Sarah L. Watterson Edward McLaughlin Donna Petkanics Ben Shapiro Carrie Watts Jim McSweeney Creed Pettit Andrew Sharp Kris and Neda Weems Matt McWright LaCoby Phillips Gillian Shaw Frederick Weiland Paul Mechmann Helen and Joe Pickering Michael and Riki Sheehan Peter and Lynn Wendell Raymond Merala Daniel Piltch Lori and Murray Shepard Christopher and Aileen Ulrike Merrick William E. Pimental Judy and Rich Shereikis Wheeler Jan Merryweather Kiha Pimental Masako Shiono Jason S. Wheeler Brent A. Michel Amy Rao and Harry Plant Mike Shuler Amy Whelan and Eleanor Steven Mills Vicki and Bob Plutchok Ruth and Bob Shumway Morton David Mitchell Francis J. Pokigo Jr. Marc and Valerie Silverman James F. Wiggett David and Lynn Mitchell Stuart and Linda Pollack John Simmons Renee Willette Bob and Toni Mitsch Courtney and Saul Pollack Bret and Pam Simon James Williams Lisa Mizono Jerry and Charlene Porras Heana Simpson Claude R. Williams Jr. Marshall and Susan Mohr Larry Price Charles W. Sizemore Douglas A. Wilson Lily Moledina Thomas Price Gretchen Sloan Robert Withers Dudley Molina Rick Raich Barbara and Clark Smith Elizabeth Wolf Judith D. Morse Erick Raich Garth E. Snow Ward Wolff Bruce M. Morse Rocio Ramirez Soccer Centers of Excellence, Art and Janet Wong Inc. Harold P. Mottet Carmen Ramirez Mike and Gretchen Wyatt Neil Solomon and Michael Mowatt Alastair Rampell Larry and Vickie Yamaoka Paula Birnbaum Anne Young Robert Mulligan Ken Ravizza Marc T. Solomon Annette Mullins Gabrielle Raymond Jan Young Greg Soukup Jody Zetterquist Art Munda Mary K. Redmond Dan and Riane Spalding Ken Munis Haley Reimer Bob and Cheryl Zider Marshall Sperbeck Anthony Zuccarini James Myers Melissa and Steve Reller Spoke Folk Cyclery Chad Nachtrieb Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 13 Team Member Chris Brandin Kathy DeBoer Janet Galen Mary Jackley Patricia Brenner Ed Defty Tim Gallagher Rob Jekich Up to $99 Jackie Brooks Andre Demian Bruce and Pamela Gallaher Arnold Jirasek Anonymous donors Rachel Broshears Robert and Janis Dewitt Katherine Gallo-Podesta MaryAnn Jirasek Doug Abrams Bob Brown and Matthew Dey Jeaney and Rich Garcia Michael Jirasek Melvin Abrew Su-Moon Paik Lynne Diehl Dawn Gerdt Andre John Penny and Richard Adams John Buchholz Donald E. Dietz III Dean Getz Rainey Johns Niti Agrawal Kurt Burmeister Michele DiMarco Paul Gilbert Tracey Gangi Johnson Ramon Aguillon Dr. Darrell Burnett Dimitar Dimkov Paul Gillespie Sally Johnson Kim Aitken-Young Edwin W. Byers Monique DiVarco Michael Giordano Neil Johnson Scott Akimoto Robert M. Caldwell Lance Doalson Kristin Kasper Glickman William Johnson Donald L. Albert Craig Calkin Christopher Doherty Charlie and Mary Gofen Jay Johnson Kim G. Allen Deborah Callister Robert A. Dokousian Andrew K. Goodrich Robert and Stacie Johnston Donna J. Allen Cameron Campbell MariAnne Dolack Pamela C. Goris Catherine M. Jones Priscilla Anderson Martha Campbell David Dorsch Anthony Goularte Jeff Judah Kirk Anderson Patricia Campbell David Downey Keir Graff David Juillerat John Anderson Brian Cantoni Kevin Drake Michael Greenspun Jeff Kane Mark Angelucci John Caramanico Greg Drennan Andreas Gutzeit Ward Kanowsky Deirdre Araujo Therese Cardinet Shannon Drury Wally Halas Ed Karasek John D. Archimede Chris B. Carson Andrea Duane James C. Hale Anthony and Colleen Kelly Mitch R. Arnold Courtney M. Carter Ron and Gay Duval Daniel Hall Scott W. Kemp Ken Astle Danny Caruso Katrin Dzietko Donnie Hall Barbara Kenney Camille Astle Peter Cary Jeff Egan Neila Hallenbeck Melissa Kenny Emily Athens Dr. Curtis L. Cetrulo Patty Einarson Stephen J. Hamano Olivier Kerautret Randy Babb Marisha Chamberlain Tara Emrick Bill Hannemann Justin Kerfoot Marie Babik Stephen Chambers Katherine Erwin Sam and Janet Harding Kevin and Brittany Kettle James H. Baker Spencer Chen Tim Esgar Jane Hardy Craig Kimura George Baldwin Robert Chodosh Danielle Fagan Michael Hare Andrew Kish Dick Balenseifen Al Chorens Mike Farley Lauren Harris Andrew Klee Christopher Barbera Bruce Chucoski George M. Farley Greg Hawk Jeffrey D. Klein, M.D. Bradley Barbera John C. Clark Leland Faust Karen Heegaard and Scott Kleinman Doug Barker Hollie and George Clay Linda Fearon Chuck Legros Duane A. Kleven Barbara and James Barysh Paul Cochrun Maxine Feil John Helin Maxwell Kligerman Lauren M. Bauman Andy Coe Jack and Judy Feinberg Graeme Henry Nissa M. Koerner Cliff Bayuk Robert Cohen Dave Feldman Mike Hensley Kenneth Kornick Seth Beamer Michael Coholan Laura Fender Phil Herlich Bill Kramer John Beaven Bayard Collins John and Beth Fensterwald Roth Herrlinger Lindsay Krasna Jay Beckley Fred Colman Laura Fetrow Julie and Neil Hershberger David Krassner Zuzana Bednarova Shannon N. Connor Joni H. Fichter Peggy Heyn Greg Krauska John A. Beilfuss Jr. Brad Cooley Cassie Figoni Peter N. Hillman Nancy and Gordon Theodore A. Bernstein Carla Corbit Karen Fisch Bruce and Valerie Hironaka Kruberg Rich Berra Alberto and Sharon Patrick T. Fitzgibbons Walter Hoehler Geoff Kuhlman Correia John A. Bezmalinovic Kathleen Foley Laura Hoisington Adam Z. Kuperstein William and Lynn Costello Jeffrey Bird Sylvia Fort Hanley Holcomb Eric J. Kusunoki Eve Cowen Bill Bishop Nicola Fox Brenda Holloway-Donegan Janna LaFountaine Steve Cox Steve Bitker Brad Fox Todd Hopkins Chris Lages Steven Cremer Kenneth Boese Stephanie Fox and Pam Harper Horst Jeffrey S. Lamb Ken Crocker Folke Boman Jessica Parker Laura Horstkamp Michael Lamb Michael Curran Tonya Booker and Kiki France-Perry Bruce and Sharon Horton Matt LaMotte Mollie Galloway Nicholas DArchangelo Amber Frankhuizen David B. Houser Alan H. Landes Angela Booker and Matthew Davidson Joseph Franks Adelaide and Greg Hulbert Margot Langsdorf Susie Plettner Scott Davidson Joel Franks Sancheza Hull Roger LaPlante Karen Borbee Ahngelique A. Davis Darlene Freber Carolyn Hurlock Lauren Larsen Maria Bougie Dawn M. Dancey James Fredericks Michael Hyde Kevin Lash Karen Bowen Richard Day George French John Iwanski Suzy Lattin Sandford Boyce Joao Maria de Lemos David Frings Richard and Martha Aaron Lavergne Fernandes John Bramlet Pamela B. Galen Jachowski Deanna Lawrence

14 | Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM Alan Ledford Matt Morehead Jack Rafferty Karl and Sandy Schoech Diane F. Taniguchi Jane E. Ledlie Rick Morgan Maria and Carlos Ramos David Schoenfeld Moe Tarrant Paula M. Lee and Ryan W. Morgan Bart Reed Steve Schwartz Raymond W. Taylor Christina E. Saladin Bob Morikuni Kenneth Reed Kevin Scipione Greg Tehven Eric Legg Cindy Morrison Debra Reiff Kevin Scott Joe Terrasi Steven Lenard William Murdoch Josh Reimnitz Rachel Scott Tim and Brenda Teykl Kathleen Leonard Jon C. Nachtigal Jamie and Catherine Resor Benjamin Scott Elyse Thogerson Mitchell Leppicello Jeremy Edwards and Jeff Reusche Michael Scriven Rick Thomas Florence Lesar Amy Nakamoto John Rhodes Craig Seidel Cynthea Thomas Pamela Leskar Steven Narel Nona Richardson Win Seipp Dana Tom Josh Leskar Emily Nerland John and Patricia Richter Jennifer Selke Kenneth Tomalka Robert and Barbara Lester Stuart Newton Tony Riehl Dennis Sellards Dale Traficante Anthony Levitan Bart Nielsen Stephanie Rigolot Joe Selvaggio Brian Trelstad Jacqui Lewis, Ph.D. Sue and Scott Nittler Silvia and Salvador Rivas Jim Seviour Casey Triggs Pam Lewis Pete Nixon Edward Rizzitello Jackie Seyb Heather Trotta Orm Limpisvasti Michael Nolan John and Lucia Robinson Bradley Seymour Andrew J. Tyson Emilie D. Lind Brian Nolan Corby Robinson Beth Shaver Betsy Underhill Lila Locke-Chin Linda North Robin Romero Adrienne Sherman Kyle Utsumi Bennett Lombardo M. Nowrang Marion Rorich Len Shimabukuro Jason Van Orden Andrew Lopez Jackie L. Nystrom Parker Debbie and Robert Roscoe Steven Shriberg Jerry Van Pelt Andrew S. Lowy Bill O’Brien Ben Rose Greg Siehl Rene G. VanDeVoorde Julie Lubetkin Adee Medina O’Dowd Christopher S. Roth Mitch Silberman Allen Varner Daniel Luchi Kevin Oclaray Josh Rovenger Ralph Simone Joanne Venditto Jerry Lyles Tim Oey Rachel Ruano Michael Simpson Robert S. Verdugo Sharon Lynch Quin Ogawa John Rudnicki Coleman Sisson Paul Vinopal Jim and Janet MacGregor Julie A. Oloroso Patrick S. Rufener Bryan Skelton John F. Volek Andrew MacKenzie James P. Osborne Kristina Ruiz-Healy Dan Slain Colleen von Eckartsberg Craig MacLean Heather Owen Victoria E. Runyon Murray Smart Edward J. Warchol Gerry Maher Jason K. Pacarro Larry Russell Brady Smith Rebecca Wartell Gerard J. Maher Ralph Palumbo Leo W. Ruth Matthew and Christine William W. Washauer Andrea Mann Hauchie Pang Steve and Mary Kay Ryan Smith Bruce Watson David Mark Sharon Parmenter Amir T. Saber William Smith Karen Watson Natalie Marston Chris Pasternak Justin Sabet-Peyman Paul Smith Richard Waxman Rick Martinez Joan K. Patton Peter Sabin Don Smith Charlotte Webb Tod Mattox Laurette Payette Francine Sachs Charlene Snyder Trey Wehrum Randall Mayne Brent Peintner Todd Saligman Mitchell Souza Shari Welsh J.D. Mayo Marc Penziner Amy Saltzman Paul Spere Earl Westbrook Florence and Mike Margaret Percival David Samudovsky Cynthia Spiro Anna Westrick McBride Stephen Perry Jill Samuelson Paul B. Spraycar Robert B. Wham Stephen J. McGarry Brian Peterson Rev. Joanne Sanders and Sheri Staak Christoph J. Whittet Alexander McLanahan Charles Pettler Kathy Armstrong Steve Stanford John and Betsy Wiens David McNellis Adam R. Pettler Alison Sandman Michael Steele James E. Wilkerson Rita McPeck Sally and Joe Plicka Steven Sawamura Luke Steidlmayer Jana Williams Virginia T. Menninger Ted and Eloise Pollock Suzanne Saxe Cindy Steidlmayer James Wilson Rick and Chris Meyer Jason Polykoff Naomi Schatz Mark Stogner Kim Wyant Warren J. Michaelis Tony Powers Matt Schechter Kent Stone John Yates Douglas Miller Jason Pratt Steven C. Schecter Timothy Strait Jeffrey J. Yocom John Miller Thomas Pratt Eric Scherr John Strickler Thomas E. Youngs M. David Minnick Michael T. Pratt M.H. Scherzer Jr. Lee Strongwater Mike Zacher Katie Minor Wesley Procino Bradley Scherzer Darrell Stroope Marvin Zauderer Mark Mirsky Timothy Prout Colleen Schilling Karl Stukis Cynthia Zea Arthur Mollenhauer Margit Pschick Cynthia Schlaepfer-Youker Ron Suchan Jeffrey Zimmerman Kelly Moller Rod Puentes David Schlansky Michele Sullivan Gray Zischke Claire Moore Andri Puller Elanor Schmidt Ralph Susmark Toni D. Zolezzi Michelle Morale Diana Quach Caley G Schmierer Earl Suzuki Ed Zschau Paul Mordarski John P. Schmierer Michael Swift

Positive Coaching Alliance | MOMENTUM | 15 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage PAID Santa Clara, CA Permit #895

Positive Coaching Alliance 1001 N. Rengstorff Ave., Suite 100 Mountain View, CA 94043

about Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit with the mission to transform the culture of youth sports so every youth athlete can have a positive, character-building experience. This transformation occurs through:

Delivery of live workshops and online courses comprising research-based content from leading coaches and sports and educational psychologists, working in conjunction with 1,700+ PCA Partner schools and youth sports organization throughout the U.S. Workshops and courses for school/organizational leaders, coaches, parents and student-athletes strive to establish these prevailing models in youth and high school sports: • The Double-Goal Coach®, whose first goal is winning, and whose second, more-important goal is teaching life lessons through sports • The Second-Goal Parent®, who concentrates on life lessons, while letting coaches and athletes focus on competing • The Triple-Impact Competitor®, who strives to impact sport on three levels by improving oneself, teammates and the game as a whole.

Books by Jim Thompson, PCA Founder and Executive Director, Ashoka Fellow, and, according to the Institute for International Sport, one of the 20 living Americans who have made the most significant contributions to the practice of fair play and have enhanced the national consciousness regarding the central importance of sportsmanship.

Ongoing communication with the PCA Movement – including workshop attendees, National Advisory Board Members, media, PCA supporters and social influencers – through newsletters,Talking Points, media outreach, social media and events.

Since its founding within Stanford University, PCA has grown to include 40 employees in 11 locations across the country and roughly 100 PCA Trainers, who deliver live workshops nationwide. PCA has trained more than 675,000 parents, coaches and youth organization leaders, and has impacted more than 4.5 million youth. As successful as it has been to date, PCA has reached only a fraction of the 40 million youth athletes in the United States. We invite you to join us in our commitment to make sure every youth athlete benefits from the endless procession of teachable moments and life lessons available through youth and high school sports. • toll-free 866.725.0024 • PCA@