Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2019 A Conductor's Guide to Selected Works by Female Composers for Chamber Wind EnsembleMichael Scott Douty Follow this and additional works at the DigiNole: FSU's Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected] FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC A CONDUCTOR’S GUIDE TO SELECTED WORKS BY FEMALE COMPOSERS FOR CHAMBER WIND ENSEMBLE By MICHAEL SCOTT DOUTY A Dissertation submitted to the College of Music in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2019 © 2019 Michael Scott Douty Michael Scott Douty defended this dissertation on June 24, 2019. The members of the supervisory committee were: Richard Clary Professor Directing Dissertation Jane Piper Clendinning University Representative David Patrick Dunnigan Committee Member Steven Kelly Committee Member Clifford Madsen Committee Member The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members and certifies that the dissertation has been approved in accordance with university requirements. ii To Bethany, for teaching me about the importance of supporting Women in their careers and—as alWays—for your support. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank several people who contributed to the completion of this dissertation, starting with my committee members, Prof. Richard Clary, Prof. Jane Piper Clendinning, Dr. Patrick Dunnigan, Dr. Steven Kelly, and Dr. Clifford Madsen. Invaluable guidance and assistance Were provided by Laura Gayle Green, Françoise Masset, Dr. Suzanne Rita Byrnes, Dr. Rick Fleming, Prof. Nancy Galbraith, Dr. Julia Wolfe, Dr. Evan Jones, Dr. Jill Halstead, Dr. Victoria Rowe, and Lance Baker.