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1-29-2004 Arbiter, January 29 Students of Boise State University

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Sexual What has assull student allegation government rocks BSD done for Student charged with battery, BSU professor you lately? under investigation BYGRETA KRANZ BYKYLE GORHAM News Editor News Reporter

A Boise State student faces With much of the spotlight battery charges and a BSU shining on the student govern- faculty member is under in- ment's efforts to increase fund- vestigation by the Ada County ing for Boise State, many of their Sheriffs office, following serI- more micro activities go unno- ous accusations by a female ticed. BSU student and member of This semester ASBSU is work- the Keith Stein Blue Thunder ing on issues ranging from im- Marching Band. The student proved recycling methods to a alleges that she was sexually teacher evaluation program ac- assaulted on the return trip cessible by Boise State students. from the Rose Parade in which ASBSU President Ali Ishaq said the Idaho All-Star Band per- a system where students can ac- formed earlier this month. cess teacher evaluations is a big In the early morning hours issue for student government. of Jan. 2, the female student "This is a service students have alleges that fellow' student PHOTO COURlESY OF THE CULTURAL CENTER been requesting for a long time, and band mate, 21 'year-old ~ think it's very well warranted," Eric Turner, initiated inap- Vietnamese exchange student Trang Doan will be remembered by the Boise State community as a young woman with heart and ambition. he said. propriate sexual contact with After researching different her while she slept. The stu- methods and firms the ASBSU dent says that the incident decided to go with "Pick-a-Prof' .was not consensual and that - a firm with a comprehensive she woke to find Turner using and nationally recognized evalu- Boise tate 10 es tudent ation service, he said. Ishaq said her hand to perform a sexual act on him. the program would help students The student also says that to find teachers best suited to when she told a faculty mem- their own individual styles. ber about the incident, her The current teacher evalua- leader inauto accident tions at Boise State are not ac- claim was not taken seriously. cessible to students. The trial run Instead, the student says that jured in the ac- BY JESSICA ADAMS . ' ganize the Vietnamese New Year eel- will cost $2,500 per year, down the faculty member told her cident, Castro Managing Edttnr' '"' ...... ·ebration. Memorial from the company's initial es- that was "getting too up- was transport- she "Just a couple of weeks ago we were timate of $5,000, and will come set" and that she should "keep ed to Portnuef Service for Boise State student Trang Doan, 23 putting flowers together for the New from ASBSU's budget, he said. in mind that it was probably a Medical Center was killed Saturday in a weather-related Year and we were arguing, as always. She Trang Doan Also undergoing change in the dream." in Pocatello. traffic, accident on 1-86 near American kept telling me to keep working," Lam near future is the method used to The student also alleges that His injuries are Falls, Id. Doan and seven other BSU said. "Almost every time I'd see her we'd fund Boise State clubs and orga- the faculty member claimed not, considered Thursday, 7 p.m. students were returning from a cul- argue, but she never became angry." nizations. Ishaq said the student the assault was due to exhaus- life threaten- SUBJordan Ballroom tural diversity workshop at Idaho State "You never know how much a person government is looking at ways tion and that "these sorts of ing. Castro is an Persons wishing to University when the 12 passenger uni- touches you until she is not there. She ease fundraising efforts for clubs. things happen when guys get ASBSU senator versity-owned van carrying the students was always joking, making everyone donate to her funeral "Instead of spending their time over tired and that he couldn't from the College laugh," Lam said. fund are asked to raising money, they should be guarantee that the same thing wrecked. of Applied Doan, a Vietnam native was a stu- Lam and another of Doan's close call (208) 426-1551 able to spend more time doing wouldn't have happened if he Technology. dent at Boise State for five years and friends, Godfrey Chow, organized activities, going to conferences,' had been the one sitting next Doan's memorial service slated for Five other stu- was an active leader and a student em- dents who were and holding events on campus," to her." ployee with the BSU WOl11en's Center, Thursday at 7 p.m. in the SUB Jordan he said. Finally, the student says that passengers in- and Cultural Center. She was also in- Ballroom. Currently, ASBSU matches the in the middle of the meeting, curred minor injuries. They were treat- volved with the Vietnam Student "At the beginning we were planning dollar amount raised by clubs the professor took a one' hun- ed and released from Harms Memorial Association, the International Student .for about 50 to 75 people to attend the and organizations. Ishaq said by dred dollar bill from his wal- memorial, now we are planning for SOD, Hospital in American Falls for minor Association and the Filapino-American injuries .. working with club presidents and let and handed it to Turner, maybe more," Chow said. researching how other schools, saying that he wanted Turner Organization. According to Idaho State Police re- Student Union Director Leah Barrett In addition, the university is collecting fund organizations, they can. to "take her out to a nice din- ports, the van slid into a ditch, jumped said Doan, an international student, money to bring Doan's family to Boise come up with an effective pro- ner and movie and that once a cement barrier, struck a tree and came lived with her host family for the last five from Vietnam for her funeral services. cess. Ishaq said he expects to see people saw them together in Anyone wishing to donate to a fund to rest in an embankment. years and they were very close. change in the method sometime public, that this whole thing for this purpose is asked to contact the The accident was among several Doan completed a bachelor's degree caused by snowfall and drifts between next year. would just blow over." in computer infonnation systems in Student Union at 426-1551. Student government is also It was because of this re- , Banett said the phones have been 5:30 p.rn. Saturday and 9 a.m. Sunday, December and was working on another Idaho State Police said. During that pe- tackling' campus recycling this sponse the student says that ringing off the hook. degree in business management. riod, state police responded to 27 slide- semester. Ishaq said ASBSU is she felt she had no other alter- Described as soft-spoken, yet not shy, "The number of people that are af- working on a proposal to take to native but to go to the police. offs in the Pocatello area, including five Doan 'was instrumental in organizing fected by this tragedy is reflective of how the administration outlining a Turner, who has already many lives she touched," Barrett said. property-damage accidents and two many cultural events on campus. dedication to campus-wide re- been charged with battery, a Another student leader, Ramiro other crashes in which motorists sus- Minh Lam, one of Doan's closest cycling .. misdemeanor that carries a tained minor injuries. friends, recalls working with her to or- Castro, 23, of Burley was seriously in- The current program is decen- See Assault page 2 tralized, each buildlng'ts respon- sible for their own conservation practices if they choose todo it, he said. Ishaq .said this causes Ada County equipped with GPS technology much waste and inefficiency' at the university. After looking at The Federal deadline. different models of recycling monitors flash information things get complicated. While Ada Countyhas the BYMONICA PRICE If the call to dispatch is from Communications Commission at other universities. he said, News Reporter such as name, address and is requiring that Enhanced technology tolocate.cell call- ASBSU should have a proposal phone number. a cell phone.. then the name ers, not all cell phones have' that appears is the cell 911 (commonly referred to as completed towards the end of the Each. dispatcher has four thatof . the chipset to aUow for an ex- . In a dimly lit basement room phone provider, while the ad- E911lbe' able to pinpoint a semester. monitors dlsplaying-> ~ffer-,. act location. In order for the of the Sheriffs Office, a hand- dress is that of the nearest cell cell phone signal within 5Q1O ASBSU Vice President Jim ent information. When' a call E911 system to work, the cell fiJI of people are busy taking .tower. , . . . 300 meters of its location 'by Wolfe said getting the adminis- for help comesIn. the name, phone must be equipped with calls, These dispatchers are . "We get no Information on December 2005.· Ada County tration to match funds for the address and phone number either ,phase one or phase two the backbone of Ada County's the calling party,". said Lynda Dispatch is currently operat- Idaho Promise Scholarship as of the caller pops up on the location-based services. law enforcement. Tiny voices K. Lyons. communications su- ing an Enhanced 911 system, part of the Campaign for Students screen. Unless the call comes was also a proud achievement echo from headsets as calls for pervisor. two years ahead of the' FCC' .See Phones page 2 help come in, while computer from a cell phone - then this year. The Idaho Promise Scholarship .provides $250' for Idaho !J.igh school graduates who enroll Idaho institutions of high- er education. "I think we need to compete Kerry's voting~cord with schools from other states and keep more Idaho high school -:·-·:~~'·gmdtia~-in~~it.iailij/~-:-~·he~"-oaidr·· "This is OliewaYwc cando that." to draw a,t-tae~.:;'- By adding the.sCholarship to the i ,'s.fi1dent c~gn,peopledonat- fot'"schOlarships' BYCRAIG GORDON 2002 votes. In. so~7,. the .·.iri:g'rnoriey can Republicans delightIn potnting out, now." '. 'ldaho'Promise , Newsday Kerry is eventptheIefr of liberal ';/3$'0'" ' ns: '.' '.'-",':,' :I~ MANCHESTER, N.H.-- As Sen,John leon' ari,dfelIowMassachtisettsSen.. . Keriytakes a second step toward the .Edward M. Kepn~dy,;, : : '~:" .'. nomination, Republicans are wast- .···Kerry·S..'cairipaign,dlsinis$es,·· ing no time trying to define him as far iuitnenca1 '.' .misrepre:· more liberal than mainstream voferssentative;butalookatKenYs'fout __and a look at Kerry's Senate voting .,tenns{n the Sena~$howii'that he,n:as: .... record shows plenty of grist for that '1}.~ ,i;loselyto,:the;li,b(hllrst~ces: >, Republican line of attack. . . . of his coRstitlledtS'iri Massacbuse~; '. -KenY~is consistentfy rated. oneofwithOlllY~occa$io~more.:'.)L the 10 most liberal senators--more ·moderate'posittOli's,sucliias$tip'~rt.,,·~ . liberal on' economic issues than~. 95 ing.:Jjliliin,ced.' bu~t '¢aRs, ,welttti'e '. er ent of his colleagues in a Nationallimits;and schObl,refQnn. ;,'. ~.~': .•~: foU~al m.agazine ranking b~CdO~,J(~~" ~iJppori&i:givmg~~SldElnt $ ··":Phones" ~an: Iraq from page 1 . , A$sa~lt • • U.N.W$stuay~,'_ - -. 0. electtolls•• • from page 1 Phase oneprovides dispatchers with a call- er's cell phone number. Phase two gives a lo- ma¥imumpenaltyof sixmonths in jail and a cation within 300 meters of the caller's actual $500 fine, Jlwaitsbis Feb; 5 arraignment For ,if.coalition guara:tttees safety location. " .... his part •.the rpusic professor was the' sub- However, "It's not one hundred percent," ject of an investigation by the Ada County ~0~0G~N Iraqi man walk past the BYTOM IASSBTERAND destroyed ILK. headquarters sald .Lyons. And, during a demonstration Sheriffs omceearlier this week. Sergeant HANNAHAUAM one call that was supposed to be phase one Alan, Olsen, however; said that "our detec- Knight Ridder Newspapers buildinlln Ba&hdad, Iraq, compliant and able to list a call back number, tives have. completed their .investigation" (KRT) Tuesday, Janllary 21, 2004. falled to do so. Instead, the number listed was and that their department is now waiting The lLK. has announced plans that of the cell phone provider. . for. the t>rosecutor'soffice. to determine BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.N. to send a team back to Iraq to In another example, Lyons tried to call dis- whether or not charges will be filed against Secretary-Generill Kofi Annan determine whether elections patch with a Nextel phone from the base- the professor. If filed, the charges will be for said Tuesday that he would send should be held before the ment of the Sheriffs Office but was unable bribing a witness. '. a delegation to study elections mid-year hand over of power to get a signal. However, another dispatcher When' asked' about the allegations and in Iraq if the U.S.-led coalltion in June. took the phone to the parking lot and called investigation, BSU's director of University could guarantee Itssafety, again. Lyons was able to find her signal on a Relations, Bob Evancho, said that he was But underscoring the dlfflcul- KAT PHOTOORAPH BY 10M map: she appeared as a pink square on 7200 unable to comment on the specifics of the . ty of providing a safety guaran- PENNINGTON/FORT WORTH Barrister Dr. . case and instead issued a copy of the uni- tee - for the mission or for even- STilR-lELEGRAM If callers are on a cell phone don't assume versity's anti-harassment policy. Evancho tual elections - .six American dispatch knows where you are at Lyons sald, " did say, however, "If a problem does exist it soldiers were killed in bomb "We have the responsibility to beheld. Make sure one of the first things you do Is tell is a personnel matter" and indicated that it blasts in Khaldiya, about 50 provide for a safe, secure Iraq," The United States announced the dispatcher where you are and your phone would continue to be so unless charges were a plan in November that would miles west of Baghdad, and in said coalition spokesman Dan number. filed by the prosecutor's office: Iskandarlyah, south of the capi- Senor. "That's not to say It's hand over power to an interim A company can be phase two compliant but Under university policy, administra- tal, on Tuesday. complete security at all times, national assembly chosen by that doesn't mean your phone Is. "The com- tors or supervisors who have knowledge The U.N. team would as- 24 hours a day, seven days a a system of national caucuses, pany Itself Is phase two, where the phones are of harassment or receive a complaint sess whether open elections week." . rather than direct elections. something else," said Less Shadduck project shall immediately take action according are possible this spring. Many Annan's announcement sig- That plan didn't sit well with director. T-Mobile, Nextel, Cricket, and AT&T to the procedures described in this policy. Iraqis have threatened to revolt naled a possible U.N. return many Iraqis, most notably are phase one compliant. Nextel and AT&T Administrators and supervisors shall make unless elections are held for a to Iraq after a three-month Grand Ayatollah Ali al Husselni are phase two. Verizon Is the only company known to all of their members those Indi- transitional' government that's absence. The United Nations al Sistanl, the nation's top ShUte that doesn't comply with either standard. viduals and offices designated as resources, scheduled to take power June pulled its foreign staff out of Iraq Muslim cleric, whose word Is Getting a phone with phase two technology for people seeking assistance with harass- 30. American officials in Iraq after attacks on aid workers, In- considered law by millions in Isn't easy. "I have no Idea what that Is," said ment. .. Student Conduct Officer Blaine say the lack of a census, election' cluding an August bombing that the country. Matt Saunders manager of a T-Mobile store. Eckles said that he could not comment on laws and security would make killed the top U.N. envoy, Sergio Sistani has continued to Insist Saunders did know that none of the T-Mobile any complaints that mayor may not have It Impossible to have safe and Vieira de Mello, and 21 other on elections. But a spokesman phones have GPS technology. been brought to his office, but did stress for him said Tuesday that the . open elections. people. Mikki Hunt a sales associate for Orion the importance of the faculty's and admin- "I have concluded that the The United States initial- cleric was taking a wait-and-see Wireless said all new Nextel phones are GPS istrators' duty to Inform students of all of United Nations can playa con- ly didn't Involve the United attitude about the U.N. mission enabled. "None of our other phones are GPS their options andto take complaints ofha- structive role In helping to break . Nations In planning for Iraq's and had asked those around enabled," Orion also carries A'IT&T, T-Mobil, him to keep quiet until he was. rassment seriously. Eckles also said, "part the current impasse," Annan transition to self-rule. But af- and Cricket. of my job is .to notify you of your options" sald in Paris. "Therefore, once I ter weeks of widespread unrest ready to make a statement. Consumer reports conducted a survey of and that when such matters are presented am satisfied that the (American- over the election Issue, the Bush Last week tens of thousands 11,500 people fall 2002. In that survey 1,880 of ShUtes marched through in his office; that he "makes sure that they led coalition) will provide ad- administration and members . people had tried to call 911 from their cell Baghdad, promising widespread [the studentl understand ... the process as equate security arrangements, of the Interim Iraqi Governing phone In the previous year. 15.percent had revolt if their leader's demands far as filing and lodging a complaint." Eckles. I will send a mission to Iraq In Council requested last week that trouble connecting, and 4 percent of those also pointed out that a student can file a response to the requests that I the United Nations send a team weren't met. calls couldn't reach 911. . complaint with the university as well as law received," to study whether elections could enforcement officials, and should not feel as though one choice precludes another. Vietnam, Is proof that sacrlflce . tire quickly of attempts to de- his Senate record by highlight- the attack will be, 'He's out of tion rights, promising only In combat does not Inoculate a monize him as a Northeastern ing his personal story as a dec- touch, Massachusetts is not In- Supreme Court justices who Democrat agalnst charges that liberal because they will want orated Vietnam veteran and dicative of the rest of the coun- support that position. He also Is they are "soft." Cleland, who to move past name-calling and former prosecutor. Norman try and he's not one of us.' " anti-death penalty, but has sup- has campaigned with Kerry, - "cultural warfare" to substan- Ornstein, a political analyst Republican National ported It for some terrorist acts. at the American Enterprise lost his re-election bid after He threatened to (ilibuster a bill tive answers to the nation's Bush broad war powers last Committee' Chairman Ed Institute, said, "If you can have Republicans criticized him for Gillespie previewed that line of . to open Alaska wilderness to oil problems. voting against the White House year, which put him outside his As for being attacked as a lib- something that demonstrates party's liberal base, but opposed attack last week, saying Kerry drllling. you're tough on foreign policy version of the homeland secu- In world affairs, he has shown eral, Kerry sald, "If being that the 1991 Persian Gulf War, a was "out of sync" with main- and tough on crime, that makes rity bill. a more middle-of-the-road ap- means I want decent schools fact Republicans appear sure stream voters. it harder at least to pigeonhole The L-word probably would proach, supporting free-trade for people in the South; if be- to seize on, particularly In the On most social issues, Kerry you." work. most effectively against agreements. As he fights for ing that means I want health South, where Northeasterners has voted straight down the line But Jennifer Duffy of the Kerry In the South, includ- those primary votes now, Kerry care for every single American, such as Kerry have struggled to with Democratic colleagues. Cook Political Report said Ing among swing voters, and has sought to temper that po- and I want a system that makes connect even with more moder- Kerry voted against Bush's tax Republicans have been adept Democrats will have a hard sition, saying he wants tougher sense; if being that means I cuts, and now wants to repeal at "cherry-picking" Democrats' time taklng back the White ate Democrats. worker and environmental pro- want to balance the budget and "In the short run, his record them for families maklng more records for one or two obscure House without winning a few tections as part oftrade deals. be responsible fiscally and not Is not necessarily a hindrance, than $200,000 a year, which but potent attack lines. Kerry Southern states. Kerry Is a member of the leave our children with debt ... but in the long run, it may be Republicans say would be a tax has spoken out against a con- Senate Foreign Relations I'll take that anywhere in the a real problem," said Nathan Increase. Kerry also opposed stitutional amendment to allow Committee and worked on country." Gonzales, political editor for the Bush's Medicare prescription punishment for flag-burning. Vietnam POW issues with Sen. In a general election cam- Rothenberg Political Report. drug bill, saying it's a boon to Former Georgia Sen. Max John McCain, R-Ariz. paign, Kerry's campaign is ex- "Once President Bush begins insurance and drug companies. Cleland, who lost three limbs in Kerry argues that voters will pected to shift the focus from to focus his $100 million-plus, Kerry is staunchly pro-abor-

BIG EASY CONCERT HOUSE 6-9PM Thursday January 29th


Teaehers give bad grades to U. of fashion "that.pays' Missouri-linked school in Kuwait 'to be me.

BYSUSAN C.THOMSON A Gulf University teacher said EDUCATION' The UMSL-Gtilf University St. Louis Post-Dispatch in a telephone interview from contract expires June 30. (KRT) . Glassman said the two schools Kuwait: "I find thatI am daily UMSL numbers and descrip- thinking, 'Why am I here?' I'm are talking about extending it A private university in Kuwait tions. for five years. so frustrated with the students A contract signed in July 2002 operating in cooperation with "Rather than focus on what not working, missing too many pledges that UMSL will provide the University of Missouri at went wrong" at the university, classes. It takes two to learn." consulting services to the uni- St. Louis falls far below par aca- Glassman said, "I would rather . The teacher asked not to be versity for two years for a total demically, say two of its teach- focus on what we're going to do identified for fear of losing his of $100,000, plus $10,000 for ers. job. to gel a better outcome." They contend that the Gulf. overhead expenses. The teacher who wondered Former teacher Ronald The 'money, .Glassrnan said, University for Science and why he was still there is work- Singleterry, who started teach- has gone mostly to pay the sal- Technology, which opened in ing toward the same purpose. ing American literature and ary and benefits of a full-time the fall of 2002 in Kuwait City: He followed up the telephone English at Gulf University last employee of the international -Admits students unprepared interview with an e-mail: "I am, fall, sald he was fired rnldse- center's office who also spends for college work. mester. "They never gave me at GUST to help start a new The Arbiter time on a similar, American- -Allows them to register un- university and to make a differ- any reason why," he said. He as- style university UMSL helped til late in a semester after they ence. I am holding my students sumes he was let go because he start several years ago in Oman. have missed many classes. to U.S. standards and asking the is seeking a part time copy-editor objected to what he perceived Travel being expensive, UMSL -Pressures faculty members other faculty to do the same .... I as low academic standards, ad- communicates with both uni- (experience preferred - must have work study] to give students passing grades put in a large effort to make the ministrative censorship of his versities mostly bye-mail, he even if they don't deserve them. class materials and overall mis- programs here at GUST a suc- The teachers describe atten- said. cess. GUST has an excellent op- management. Gulf University's new presi------also-wante~: ~iter-s for allsactiens dance as lax, with an absentee portunity to be successful. and Singleterry returned home dent, hired last month to suc- rate as high as 50 percent for the board is making the effort to to Sf. Louis and is teaching ceed the original, temporary some classes, and cheating on be successful." this semester at St. Charles one, and the chairman of the tests as rife. Community College, where he university's board, did, how- Joel Glassman, political had taught before. He said he ever, travel to UMSL earlier this science professor at UMSL complained to Glassman in month for three days. and director of its Center for person about Gulf University, Glassman said that as a result International Studies, said Gulf Glassman said the university of those meetings, UMSL has University administrators have has made "some unfortunate agreed to start evaluating Gulf never mentioned to him any of hires." University's courses and to take the alleged problems with regis- Like Singleterry, the oth- a more active role in recruiting tration, attendance, 'grades and er teacher criticizing Gulf administrators and "a long list" cheating. But they are aware, he University is an American with of needed faculty. Some of the , said, of "concerns about qual- experience teaching college openings stem from departures ity control" and are working to' in this country, who signed from Gulf University last spring eliminate them. on at the university last fall. around the time of the Iraq war. , "They know the students are Both say they never saw any- By Glassman's reckoning, not well- prepared to do college- one from UMSL at the univer- Gulf University has about 1,000 level work and they are not pre- . Unlimited calling on sity or any evidence of UMSL students, half of them women, pared in the English language," oversight, even though the a total higher than expected by Friday, Saturday and Sunday words "in cooperation with he said. now. Glassman said UMSL had the University of Missouri St. UMSL has yet to get any 600 WHENEVER minutes" agreed to help set up Kuwait's Louis" appear prominently on transfer students from the uni- first university not run by the Gulf University's building and versity, which is offering only No long distance or roaming charges government, largely to open a 'literature. the first two years of college pipeline of transfer students. The university, a for-profit courses, so far. Glassman said $39.99 a month UMSL's goal in cooperating operation, promotes itself as of- plans call for developing some was "to create a more diverse fering classes in English leading junior and senior courses, in- GET MORE' MIt/UTES. MORE fEATUf

101003 SERVICE INfORMATION: Limited time offer; subject to change. Coverage only available on our domestic OSM/GPRS network and that of our roaming partners ("Gel More network"), Domestic long distance (but not for credit card. calling card or operator- caUs) and roaming are on the Get More network. ~~~i~~n:~n~~7u~~~I~icg~~~\~~:~ct~r~~~~~~~u:~;~~~~~rs(;~~~~'l~~~n;C~~~~~~o~eaX~~;ro~~.;::~~~~}.~~~;e;~~:i~~IJoc:a~~tl~~~~f:lio':~:'l~:::P~U:l ~~~~.~e~~;~~r~)~g~~~~~~~i~:S~nC~~r~~dc::itR!t~~~~If~t:J~~~~~t~~~~;is~~mtn~r =~n~~;~;~n'd:\~u~t~u~So~::~~::;~ ~et~;:d~~~i:e~l~o~dl~~~ useon ourGSM/(WRS systems undmaynorhe l:ompatihlc wub other wireless systems. Additional restrictions apply; seebrochure and Terms and Condition. for Turning a photo op :~~~~~ ~~t~~tTo~N~:~~~i~~,~O~~~ ~~rn~~~l~~s~~~:~e~~a'rrA\~t~"J~:~~~~~~~~~~::l;r.l~_~~~~::~~i;;:;i~~~~~::~u~~~~~~~~. into a lobbying op saying Congress should pass BYALKAMEN Kwasniewski, leaning into an "immigration policy that The Washington Post Bush at times, was now in full lobby mode. "We will work, of matches willing workers with willing employers." WASHlNGTON--Notlling like course, but" the goal is no visa requirements, he said. Great, Kwasniewski pressed. an Oval Office photo op with a "We appreciate it very much, foreign leader. It's a chance for "Yeah," Bush said. but it is the present. The future smiling handshakes and a series No stopping the visitor now. "I speak to you. 'You know that is no visa." of banalities and platitudes be- , "Hmm," Bush said, according fore the warm fire. is the future," Kwasniewski to a transcript. But not Tuesday. President said. "Well, it could be," Bush Just wait till Kwasniewski tries Bush was in the usual mode with to get back into this country. Polish President Aleksander said, staying on message, again Kwasniewski when a reporter asked about visa requirements for Poles when people from oth- AnE vou nrfEnESTED IN UHWGIIlG BIG rW,iE5 TO BOISE? er countries, including France and Germany, don't need visas. ." COOL £V~lns TO CM1PUS? Bush was in top form, saying that "we're working ... on this very delicate issue" and" we've got a study group" and blaming the GOP-controlled Congress. This led to a mini-filibuster by Bush, on "realities ... here" 'and "what the realities are on the ground in Poland." Poland, which sent troops to Iraq, "is our great friend," Bush said, showing his mastery at these events. "There are thousands of Polish-Americans who .;." "Millions," Kwasniewski in- terjected. Bush, taken aback, kept it light. "Millions, excuse me. I just don't want to overstate the case here," he said as reporters laughed. Send an email to "No, that's true," Kwasniewski said, veering dangerously off- [email protected] cue. "That ..." Bush tried again. and tell us why you should "Especially before the elec- tion, there are millions and win a Bogus Basin Ski Pass. millions!" Kwasniewski said as Weill put your name into Bush laughed a bit more weak- ly, blamed Congress again and a drowinq. tried to talk about how' 'we un- derstand the need for dialogue -and travel ... and look forward f:t I.\~;'n;~'."j(~'!·,~i'..1fI,f>! i~!;~ i2'j. .tnt; If your name is chosen, . to working with (Kwasniewski) BOISE~Hm 1';tF""':..rU~·:~n~~,,, -~~tj .11' III IT' on these issues." you'll win a ski passJor the remainder of the season .

.Just another way to win with the Arbiter. Keep reading for more chances to win! ..• ()...... •..•....:... .. •. ~- .• '...... ' : " " " .' I' ";: " PAGE 4 " ,\ t ,'., ; \, " , .1 ('~B~l~~Sltater8dirtylittl« secret . 1~_. • .. . , . ' . " • . ' . :,~.

" \ .. Arbiter. in various capacities, for over two yelll.'s: accQ~tsofrape and sexual assault at this unlver- . dences riffor~ible fondling were reported. What . now, starting in the fall of 2001. During that nme.> sity that never, reached the awareness of the cam- the hell is going on? I wish I knew. However, I do It's time to talk frankly· I have heard many details regarding university pus community. Ibelieve that rape and sexual as- . know that it's the University's responsibility to ex- politics that Icould not report. It is often frustrat- sault happens With much greater frequency than . plain that discrepancy to us. And then fix it. To about sexual assault and ing, but to do so is a sure-fire way to find yourself you will ever hear from Boise State leaders. do other wise will only contribute an atmosphere on the wrong side of media law. . You don't have to be a student journalist to re- offear and mistrust. rape on campus However, I'll take a risk and provide an example allze this. Men, take an informal survey of your President Kustra· should rise to the occasion BY ANDY BENSON (remember, this is an opinion piece, not a news female friends. If they trust you, I'!llsure you' know that he takes sexual crime very Editor-in-CWef report). It is my opinion, not substantiated by on- will be surprised by their knowledge and/or ex- serlously and demonstrate that he will not toler- the-record statements, that a certain individual perience with sexualrviolence.'. If you are not. ate sexual violence against women. We have at- Journalism is often both a blessing and a curse. on campus was slapped with sexual harassment impressed by anecdotaf'~videnCe, consider the' tempted to contact Kustra regarding our front- Reporters almost always know more about the charges a while back. The records detailing the Department of Justice's statistics. Theyreport page story on sexual assault, and an assistant details surrounding a story than is never included cases have inexplicably disappeared, leaving no that nearly three percent of female college stu- informed us, in no uncertain terms, that Kustra in their articles, due to the nature of on-the-re- record other then institutional memory. Again, dents experience a 'completed oMttempted rape would not speak with us. I expected that from cord and off-the-record information. The aver- that's my opinion, not established fact. However, each year. If Bo\se,Stafe is all average university, the previous a

-; ,Leiter to the Editor !i ' 'J i " i we think. ··) ittl;mm, , , ~' '" .

{ \ I ,:~ { ","" 'ol.;" -. D~,arMr.E~(itor), ,I) '''''norma] 'people out there who f' I, ,,:' . don't know what flip-flops are. I'y.e always;wondereo what it I out an alternate wot\!d be like:~? writefo anews- choice'ofshoe. It was not nearly papel' WoUld,: they ...rea~·m,.y . a~,cool:'/ls the perfect shoe, but lette~ Would'mey thmk 1 was? Ihey, hQw often does one expect funnY1Wo"uld, tlley be ~y friend .to lienble to wear the perfect aft~r~t? W,,~e,' shoe.;;,~.sent the salesperson to chlcke\1 soul?wllj)~~g?~ sic~ ..: _> t1Je·~~ck." t daydreamed as she Well,t;.,all';~f',th,o.sel~ues.dO'il"ll·.(walked ,off: "Darn," the kids at aside, r haye,;il'fe\i:!th1rlgs' sC!lQqliwere sayipg, and point~ compI4i:li~o.ut: .~.~eY. lU'en't ',/)ri~>Go.odenouglf for this guy. anything,~t:)ou .(b;r "tllei'),:\;' ~~e;don'f have twelve in that can r~,~.~~\\Ih!>'gives'a'R?oVY~:··. 'eith~rl~rshe said, drop~\ng a box am I ngh,t1';\' '.:: ;" .:; '. .", .' 'of SIZe elevens and thirteens at So I wa~;in:,lbissho~ store in my fe¢t:' I think we may h~ve the mall M1e: ptb~r day.,: ;N:ow I ,eleven and a"balf, too Do you wear a si' ''''~qjv¢::$oe:,,. want~to try th~t? "No," I said, tall guy, "..1"<\,: ':l'~'~'ri~,~I~st hack Off the front of andone- .. , ". ",~ftrt..:~e~tslze thirt~ns. Do you foot ten ~~j),\1le; , ' : \1(aJl; i;p'av'f#~sly,a ~ox ,~fe, handy?" you laypl\Pl>~e;,>S~t1ia. s:$!~~~" :l:stte' agam didn't h,mgh at my big fe~t. ~~J:~'.no(i~pl~g:.:j~ke, butI ~as sure she appre- anytlllng, clated my ~ttempt. ~t· humor. For 'b~l:l,r!i.:ktl0~, Trang r ~,s~:·, I had smaner 'feet .Or'·shotte~~' I heard her'mutter..'under her toes. Or I .Wl,s~:.Boisebad:w~*;, breath as she walk~d away: According to Dinh, Trang also embraced a role not alto- BYAUBREYSALAZAR er weathli~5p.l,coU1d·wearfflp'i ..:( ,"Why do I put up witil this spit." Columnist gether customary in the Vietnamese culture. flops ,all $ll\l. tlirta".Hhblk;tll.p~'" :Atleast I think S!lesa!d spit. She "Trang assumed leadership roles very well, it's more of an flops ar~i,)atlie's fj)_oteqi.l~.r~",f''Js a strange:lW'1.. ''.; American trait which she latched on to, but she never lost her by the \'i.*Y. • ·~4bP.aX~Il~.;I~.'ep~.Ji/' . So,to make.~IPng. story .short, Last weekend, the Boise State community suffered the loss graciousness, or respect for the age order." big to sMde ir1tb,,~~p~{,. ,l?~t).'i the el~ven ana a half parr was of a fellow student Trang Doan to a serious car accident while Trang was president of the International Student even gClltne startei:!.,pn llOwfiiIi-' . a little snug, O\lt 1managed to on a university-sponsored trip: I saw and talked with Trang a Association as well. . ny it is~}vhen peop,li!;~$tipoer~ ..cram my, enomlOUs feet in, and few times, she was a receptionist at the Women's Center and Trang completed her fIrst degree in Computer Information stand ~ich versio~.~T~e'.word I purchas'~d them. I even wore Cultural Center at Boise State where I volunteered. Always Systems, but held off on attending the graduation cer· thong~' say: ''ff,\'" them out 'olf the store. Mostly cheery, and helpful, this was all I knew about her, but after emony in hopes of completing another degree in Business I gueSs I'm getting a mtl~off- because I i!ouldn't manage to talking to the few people who knew Trang well, I managed to Management. Posthumous degrees can be awarded to such topic. @yhow, so there J;wil;> in get my feet b~~k out. find out much more. individuals such as Trang who pass away just before the com- Foot I4pker the other daY. M~ .Now comes'Wy complaint. I Trang's life mirrors a great many lives of international stu- pletion of their program. This seems to be one those circum- I needd!;l a size twelve s~'p~. I'm don't have neatly enough vod- dents who come to study in the United States. She grew up in stances. It would at the very least, be appropriate for the sym- not proud of it, but I gotta' have ... ka in my house to deal with this Vietnam, in the Thua Thien Hue Province, located in the cen- bo~ of her hard work at Boise State to be given to her parents. something to cover my feet. I n5>nse~se. Size twelves, first of tral region of the country. The eldest of two children and the The last time Trang's mother saw her, it was in the sum- spot the o~dplest p*.ipf sneak- all\',dori't:lqpka d~ thing like only girl of a working middie-class family, she was very am- mer oflast year, when Trang was involved in another car ac- ers that, to;im.y~owledge, have, ., tP~s.i~e sevens on the~all. My bitious from the beginning. Her mother, Ho Thi Duong is an cident. Her father had visited h!!r the year before that. Most ever been ml.\l:l.W'a"wr~d~'They" 'c1bs~st cl?mparlsop 'would be English teacher and tour guide. Her father, Doan Van Toai is of us can't imagine how difficult it was for Trang's parents to look perfect. I can picture it in like walk1hg pasHi car deale~7 an electrician, and both still live in Vietnam. Trang graduated give up their only daughter to a strange and unknown cul- my head: loads of people will sWp and see'ir!g a nice Honda from high schoolin Vietnam with the highest of honors. ture, and then after building their hopes for her on top of the say the word "damn," with con- parked out front So you ask the While guiding an American tour group, Trang's mother many accomplishments she fulfilled, to watch them crumble. viction, and point at my shoes. I dealer sitting inslde. if he has a '. met a woman by the name of Clee McBee from the American Trang Doan was a testament to how much students should am that confident in how cool comparable car, onlya,lj.ttle bit 'Xouth of the United St~tes (AYUSA)organization, who then value the educational opportunities they are given. they will look. So I snap my fin- bigger, that can accominodate offered to set Trang up with a host family in the United States "Trang was maturer than most, because it takes a lot, costs gers at the sales person lurking your needs. Corey says, "Slire, where she could pursue her dream of a higher education. a lot, and bears a great responsibility to send your Vietnamese nearby, shout "Garcon!" and let me check in the back." Let's·_. Trang·left.Vietnam in 1998 and began living with Andrea and child to the United States to be educated. The hope is all in point at a patch of carpet next call Wm Corey for now. It'll be " ~arry leWis of Sewickley, Pennsylvania. After completing her one child," Dihn said. I also asked Dihn about Vietnamese to me. The sales person does simpler that way. And he goes 5.(\Ts,she b'~gan looking to attend a university. funeral ceremonles. not share in the joke, but assists to the "back." An hour later, ':You coUld tell she was appreciative and really valued In a BuddWst ceremony, the deceased is brought into the me nonetheless. Minutes pass. with fully dilated pupils he re- her experience here, she was very mature, always upheld home for a public viewing in order for the family and friends They reappear from the "back," turns. Driving Big Foot. The Vietnamese traditions and was' extremely respectful," said to pray and give blessings. To mourn, wWte is worn, with a dark area that I can only imag- car, not the missing link. (I'm Tam Qinh, fol'mer Boise State Cultural Center coordinator. wWte head bands for family members to dIstinguish them ine is dungeon-like, and has lots not sure how you would drive a After',Uving;with the Lewis family in Pennsylvania for a frem others. Sometimes offerings are made for the deceased of bottles of booze. I only guess big hairy primate thing.) short tini~, she moved in with Geoff Black and Janette Young to use and attain in the next life, as BuddWsts believe in re- this because when salespeople Okay, I know that wasn't a of poughkeepsie, New York where she attended the Dutchess incarnation. The offerings like money, images of houses, cars from. aIlystore return from .the .great example;. but then. again, C01llIl).!1niWCPllege ..Geol'{Black received a professorship to are burned as blessings for the next life. Food and froit are "bacI<;:\:thayareoft;endisQrient-. I'm no Joe MontaIia. ., .' ' .teach economics at Boise Stafe University, and moved the also offered as a sign of condolences. At Boise State, students ed arid'smelllikevOdka." . So anyway, I bate shopping, : family here in the fiill of2000:, , , . will have their own remembrance ceremony. So the salesperson returns. for shoes. After moving to Boise, Trang' started attending Boise State On Thursday, January 29 at 7 p.m. in the Jordan Ballroom, They were out of size twelve of and enrolled in the Computer Information Systems pro- a memorial service is planned for Trang and all are invited the perfect shoe. Apparently gram. She didn't stop th,e,re though, Trang, along with other to say goodbye to this extraordinary student Trang was ev- Nikeonly manufactured three i L'ov'~, . Vietnamese students at Iloise State saw &. need to create a club erything that Americans born and raised here are taught to perfect shoes this year in the .Travis Estvold' wWch reflected their culture and traditions, so she became a value, hard work, leadership, enterprise, and the pursuit of freakisWy large size twelve. Student co-founding member of the Vietnamese Student Association excellence. You didn't have to know her to understand what Also, they were out oftens, elev- (VSA)for which she served as vice president back in 2001 and she gave up to be here and why she should be remembered. ens, and thirteens. However, P:S. We are friends now. was treasuret at the time of her passing. Tracie Pham, 24, they did have several hundred P.P.S. Right? served as president ofVSA a couple years ago and had this fo size sevens. Perfect .for all the say ofTrang: "She was always out there to help people." '{ ._ ~ ;', c.".. ! .. ';'.' .; ,.-'::. : Business Manager BEN MARTIN xU7

General Ma:lager Adv!lrtl~l~g Manager BRADARENDTxlOI BRADY Nu;ON xl08

Production Manager Ass!. AdwrtIslng Manager MJKE ROCHE xllI TERRI STENKAMP xl09 Asst. Production Manager OffIce Manager DAVID HABBEN xlII IflLARY ROBERTS Reeept.lcinJst . LAUREN TUSSING

.. ~" -,-.,'·.!!!:-L~:-'-~" David Habben ' ANDREA TRUJlLU} - Sports Editor

345-8204 ext. 103 [email protected] PORTS PAGES THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2004


BY MANDY DANCER Cherrington said of the match. Sports Reporter The Broncos enter Friday night's compe- tition coming off a big win as they recently The Boise State wrestling team dominated Portland State University in their will host a match against Pac-lO first home match last Wednesday night with a opponent University of Oregon 37-9 Pac-lO conference dual victory. this Friday .at 7 p.m. in the The Ducks are expected to put on a show as Pavilion. If you attend this well. oregon recently had five wrestlers place match, however, you will dis- in the Aggie's Open hosted by UC Davis in cover that it's slightly differ- Davis, California. One wrestler finished ent from all of the others this second, two took third, and one placed season. The event is a dual fifth, while the other took sixth. competition between both the In the same competition, two women's gymnastics team and Broncos came away with cham- the wrestling team, as they com- pionships. Sophomore Scott pete side by side in the Pavilion. Jorgenson won the 133-lbs. The gymnasts will host Utah State. weight class and sophomore Both teams expect to draw in quite K.C. Walsh did the same by the crowd for this special event. This winning at 197 lbs. is the second year for the "Beauty Boise State also has six and the Beast" competition, and after wrestlers ranked among the last year's turnout of over 2,000 Bronco top five of their weight classes. Jesse fans, both the wrestlers and gymnasts Brock, with an overall record of 18- are looking forward to doing it again. 6 is ranked second. Not far behind "It's a fun event," sophomore Ben are teammates Jacob McGinnis See Beauty page 6


have been calling asking about the success All the girls are very supportive of their fellow teammates. Sports Reporter of the event. U.c. Davis hosted their first dual event between wrestlers and gym- The words "you got it" ring through nasts last week. They even called it Beauty the practice facilities at Boise State .. The Bronco gymnasts and the Bronco The upcoming event only contrib- and the Beast, Sandmire said. wrestlers are ready to put their hard work Bronco gymnast Carla Chambers said utes to their motivation. School to the test. Both teams anticipate a large, the crowd does playa role in the success spirit is the driving force for both energized audience, as Boise State will the wrestlers and the gymnasts ofthe event. host the second annual Beauty and the "The audience is much bigger and the during Beauty and the Beast. Beast event this Friday at 7 p.m, in the energy emitted really pumps both tearns To witness the beauty and Pavilion. elegance of the Bronco gym- \. The gymnastics team will go up against up." _Chambers added that school spirit is re- nasts and the strength. Utah State while the wrestlers match up ally intense in this meet. "It feels like we of the Bronco wrestlers with Oregon. It is sure to be a night filled are one team, the wrestlers and the gym- make sure to join in with exciting competition. Last year was nasts. It's really cool," said Chambers. the roar of the crowd the first time an event like this has ever The Bronco gymnasts have been work- Friday, Jan: 30 at 7 been held. ing hard on improving their routines. p.m, in the Pavilion. Boise State may be the first NCAAschool Coach Sandmire said in practice Monday to host such an event, but the success is that the bar people are really stepping it catching on quickly. Gymnastic Coach up and the whole team is really focused. Sam Sandmire said that other schools Capital ISO EIDPlov & Full·tl1D8 Students NO monthly service ch~rge, NO per item fees, Educator unl.imited check writing, FEDERAL CREDIT UNION , NO minimum balance requirement, PLUSwe' F EEHO e ankinglll PlY dlvld.ndJ on your account. We have NO lurcharge- ATM. at all four office FREE*ATMI. FREE DRAFT AT ALL OUR OFFICES (CHECKIN(i) locations' in the BSU'SUB. & IN THE BSU SUB! ACCOUNTS "

,? . ~,.\:~~,\f#}r; , .' TH{fflSDAY. JANUARY 29.2004 -,: " ~.i SPORTS PAGE 6, i<;~-,. I

',1'772 W. STATE ST• •j, ,. . BOISE. 10 83702 CoachGrahaorandtheBroncoshome for four (208)~33~2S66 i' BYTREVOR HORN 13- double-double Sports Reporter perfonnance ~ythe BuUdogs leading scorer Paul Millsap. Where will the road lead? Not only is he leading the Well, in' the case of Boise team in scoring at 14 points State's men's basketball team, per game, he is leading the it has lead them a split of the nation in, rebounding at an two games going into to- Impressive 12.3 per game. night's game versus Louisiana Millsap is also starting to rack Tech at the Pavilion. up the awards this season. Tonight at 7:30 p.m., the He is the newest winner of Broncos begin a crucial four- the WAC player for the week game home stand after los- of Jan. 19-25. The freshmen OPEN MONPAY-SATURDAYtO:OOAM - 9:00PM, ing to Hawali Saturday night scored a career-high 22 points 'and pulled down 13 boards · (1m uu-nu include (,I 1'lJ. K.\bnb .. lIld Lll.lld ,.1Il - I~ "~::. '}i"- "' ~ Ellis has dipped down to eight ~: like make it or' break it for the team in the WAC stand- boards per game, coming off • get an instant Quote! ings. Even as competitive as a six-rebound performance • receive instant policy acceptance/rejection online the conference seems to be Saturday night in Hawaii. • policy mailed direct to you within two business days this season, first place team On the up side for the Hawaii still has a three game Broncos, Aaron Haynes has NO AGENT NEEDED, ACCESS: lead on the Broncos with four once again been the go-to guy , WWW.JOHNALDENSTM.COM other teams falling between. A for the Broncos and Coach high point for the Broncos is Graham. Haynes is fifth in ENTER WRITING AGENT #M0902 that the only opponent with WAC play, averaging 17.6 a better conference record points per game. Haynes is is Rice, who the Broncos will joined on the scoring column host on Feb. 7. with Jermaine Blackburn, who Leadership will be a must for hasput up 33 points in the last the team, and the seniors are two games. With both play- looking to take on that chal- ers at the top of their shoot- lenge. Senior forward Aaron ing game, the Broncos are less Haynes is shooting an out-of- apt to rely on the three point this-world 70 percent (26-37) shot, and spend more time over the last four games. But producing scores than fore- a question remains. If your ingthem. leading scorer is shooting that Team sharp shooter high, why is he averaging oniy Franco Harris is also starting RLE PHaro BY STANLEY BREWSTER/THEARBITER just nine shots a game? to heat up, averaging 10 points Tonight's opponent is com- per game during the road trip The next four games look like make it or break it for the team in the WACstandings. Even ing of a road win last Saturday last week. as competitive as the conference seems to be this season, first place team Hawaii still at SMU, lead by a 22-point has a throe game lead on the Broncos with four other teams falling between.

"If you come to the match, "We can't let distractions ponents, Leair has a 9-8 record you will sec a lot of skinnin' and get to us,". sophomore Ben at 197 pounds and an overall a lot of winnin', " said freshman - Cherrington said. "You're only Beauty- record of 10-10. Lealr is known Ben Gilliland. in one place and you have to for stepping it up for the Ducks from page 5 The wrestlers encourage fans stay focused." at crucial moments, scoring 16 th to come out and watch the " I think it would be more (12-8), K.c. Walsh (ranked 4 ), teams points and becoming a match because you can cheer distracting for the gymnasts," Ben Cherrington (17-6), Russell team leader. The 197-pound se- for two teams at once. Cherrington added. Brunson (15-10), and Jonathan nior's leadership will be needed "It's cool to see two sports Following Friday night's Carlisle. in Friday night's match, be- going at once," Gilliland add-. match against the Ducks, the Duck's sophomore Joey cause overall, statistically, the ed, "plus, a lot of the wrestlers Broncos have some time to rest Bracamonte is ranked no. 19 Ducks don't compare to the in the 157-pound weight class know the girls from the gym- before they host another home Broncos. nastics team, so it's nice to be match against the Wyoming and carries an overall record Boise State, as a team is con- th able to cheer them on too." Cowboys on February 13 in of 13-5 (5-2 this season), in- sistently placed in the top 25, The wrestlers say they don't the pavilion. Then the team cluding a 5-1 pin record. Along while the Dlick's. aren't even get distracted by the two events travels to Tempe, Arizona to with Bracamonte, teammate ranked. As a whole, Boise State occurring at once, and say they compete in the Pac-l0 champi-. Jake Leair has shown immense has a 3-3 dual match record, ' power and ability on the mat and is 1-2 in Pac-l0 conference are only focused on one thing- onships. this season. duals this year. winning their match. Defeating his last three op- Women's tennis team ready lor BSUInvitational

• SPRING 2004 off against Utah, Cal State prove on the team's skills. BY AMBER FUGER "It is a team effort, we can't Sports Reporter Northridge, Lewis and Clark and Idaho. Saturday the rely on the seniors to do all of the work. Everyone needs to The Boise State women's Broncos will compete against step it up and get match-tough," tennis team is determined to Lewis and Clark at 9:30 a.m, and against Cal State Northridge at said Tichenor. bounce back from a tough 2004 The Broncos have five key season opener. Losing to BYU 5 p.m. On Sunday the Broncos will match up against Utah at returning players and three 6-1 on Jan. 24 may have been strong newcomers. The two se- a tough defeat, but the Broncos 1p.m. niors, [enima Hayward and Erin have regrouped and are pre- Head Coach Mark Tichenor Polwoski are joined by three paring to host the Boise State expects all the players to returning juniors Alissa Ayling, Invitational this Saturday and show up ready to play tough. Tichenor said that every meet Anna Curtolo, and Carolina Sunday. Pongratz. Pongratz suffered The Broncos will face provides the opportunity to im- a tom achilles last season but is back this season ready to play. Joining the Broncos from Long Beach is 1 Sophomore Megan Biorkman. To round up this team are the two true 746 W. Main St. - 388-1900 Freshman Tiffany Coll and we DeLIveRI Jelena Koprivica. The seniors do need to play Don't surrender big, but coach Tichenor doesn't to HUNGER!!! want to see the seniors carry the Counter-attack with a whole team but instead be lead- delicious PIT AI!! ers on and off of the court. $1.00 OFF or "All the girls need to come FREE DELIVERY to play and be ready for some tough matches," Tichenor said. Open 11-3a.m. Mon-Thurs. 11-4a.m. Frf/Sot '" As the Broncos prepare to Noon-3a.m. Sunday host the Boise State Invitational Deliveries stop 30 minutes before closing the focus is on improving as a Must mention couponwhen ordering team.

Before the Earth, planets, and the stars were ever created, there was the Almighty God Jehovah, who always was. Then Jehovah God created His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) the Word, and they Together created the Heavens, the Earth, and the angels. -Colossians 1:15-18

One of these angels was appointed to rule over man. He was a high-ranking cherub called Lucifer. Lucifer rebelled and misled Eve. After this, Lucifer was known as Satan, Serpent, Dragon, and Devil. -EzekieI28:13-15

After Lucifer's rebellion and the downfall of mankind through disobedience of Adam and Eve, the Almighty God Jehovah promised to bring forth a Holy One who would rule the universe and mankind under Jehovah God in righteousness. That Holy One is the Only Begotten Son of Jehovah God, the Word, Jesus Christ, who was sent to Earth to become flesh and choose his government from among mankind, consisting of those who would believe upon Him. The world, however, hated Him. They crucified Him, and He returned to the right hand of His Father Jehovah in Heaven until the appointed ti~e of His second coming. -Acts 3:20-23 & Luke 4:43

At Christ's (Jehovah's Son's) second coming, this wicked system of things will be destroyed, and His righteous, faithful followers will be resurrected from their graves to live forever, some in Heaven and some on Earth. -'-2 Peter3:?-l3 ' . PAGE 7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,2004 SPORTS

Lady Broncs gear up for two weeks on the road • Career Planning • Major Exploration ference with 10.1 boards per· ting up a fight against the Lady • Job-Search Advising BY MANDY DANCER Techsters. Players like Cassidy Sports Reporter game. Itdoesn't stop there. The Lady Blaine and Cariann Ramirez, • Internship Information who combined with 23 points The Boise State women's bas- Techsters have more. The team • Interview Training contains four of the league's top against Hawaii hope to contrib- ketball team is gearing up for ute to Thursday night's game.' a two week road trip as they six players in steals, including • Job Listings guard Erica Smith-Taylor, who The Broncos had one rest travel to play the Lady Techsters day after Saturday's game, and • Resume & Cover-Letter Assistance from Louisiana Tech University currently averages 2.93 steals per game. Senior guard, Amber plan to spend the next few days (13-2) on Thursday night. The preparing for Thursday night's Broncos enter the game com- Obaze is listed in four of the conferences statistical catego- challenge. ' ing off of a 51-44 loss against "The next few days will be fo- Hawaii Saturday afternoon in ries. Obaze is ranked No.9 in scoring, No.4 in steals, and No. cused on preparation," junior the Pavilion. guard Jodi Nakashima said. Thursday night's game will be 8 in percentage. Overall, the girls from La Tech The team hopes that this long a huge test for the lady Broncos. road trip doesn't have a negative The Techsters are not only are ranked No. 1 in nine of the Call: (208) 426-1747 -or- 19 statistical categories, includ- effect on their playing skills .. currently ranked 11th in the "Since the WAC schedule \ Western Athletic Conference ing field goal percentage (45.2), rebounding margin (+8.1), and came out at this time last year, \ standings, they also boasts four more importantly, points per I have targeted these two weeks ofthe league's top nine scorers. as a 'difficult stretch for our The team is led by senior for- game (83.3). l' Without a doubt, the ladv team," head coach [en Warden ward Trina Frierson, who is No. . said regarding the weeks ahead. 1 in the conference in scoring, Broncos, 6-10 overall, have their work cut out for them. "However, we are fortunate Already signed on with .someone else? with an average of 16.7 points in that our team chemistry is per game. Senior Amisha Carter After a tough 51-44 loss against Hawaii Saturday afternoon in strong, and our staff and our may also be added to the list, team is very close," she added. SO WHAT! she is ranked in the top 11 in the Pavilion, the Broncos hope rebounding, leading the con- to prove they're capable of put-

Wildtimes scared recruit all the way to Nebraska fore Murtha arrived for his visit, BYTOMPQWERS Murtha. Or, more likely, his par- ents got word of the festivities somebody didn't relay some Knight Ridder Newspapers helpful background informa- (KRT) and it was too much for them. So they reeled in young Lydon tion to the party-animal hosts. before he wound up on the path Something along the lines ST. PAUL, Minn. - Ouch, of: He prefers sock hops to lap to damnation. somebody picked up the wrong dances. folder. Clearly the Minnesota Now Murtha will play for the Nebraska Cornhuskersdown in Still, I'd like to know how it all Have you been fooled into thinking you are bound by a Golden Gophers got their re- unfolded over the lost weekend. cruiting wires crossed on this Lincoln, where they also have strip clubs, but they are hidden This is a big boy we're talking contract? WELL, JUST CRY ME A RIVERl one. behind the sorghum fields. I just about. I'm sure he wasn't kid- I guess this means that the re- napped and then released in cruit with the full-body tattoos hope the kid doesn't stumble You are NOT bound by any "sign-on" agreement with ANY companyl Ask yourself, why do past one on his way to the apple the Gold Room. A big "Nooo!" and pierced tongue spent his behind a clenched fist probably orchard. some companies do that? Hint: It is not because they are your best optionIIl official campus visit at a nearby would have conveyed the mes- church. Meanwhile, they took All those involved in this in- If you are smart and ambitious, you wi II at least give us a call. How will you ever cident should be suspended 'on sage that he wasn't interested. straight-arrow Lydon Murtha And at least one eyewitness know what we are wiIling to pay you? We are already one of the top companies out therel to a local strip club, introduced the grounds of sheer stupidity. So, DON'T SWEAT THE THREAT. If you've got what it takes, DON'T SING IT. BRING ITIl And if alcohol was involved at says Murtha wasn't exactly him to some big-city Iezebels climbing the walls to get out of Nobody comes close to our account retention orwhat we wiIf pay youll and scared him all the way to any point during the visit, there could be serious legal ramifica- the place, either. But Murtha Nebraska. insists he was pressured and What a mess. They had tions. Call: 208-351-1963 or 801-373-5323 or email: By the time you read this, ath- made to feel uncomfortable un- Murtha, a coveted offensive .til he went along with the crowd. tackle from Hutchinson, Minn., letics director Joel Maturi al- deweypestcontrol ready will have been jogging for 'Which is a good time to remem- all locked up. He had commit- ber what your mother told you ted to play football right here in eight hours. He'll be like Forrest Gump, running from coast to about your friend jumping off his home state for Glen Mason. a bridge. Then Murtha made his official coast. That's how Maturi releas- es steam. And his blood has to It's too bad because Murtha visit to campus in December, at would have been first string if which time his hosts exposed be boiling. 13Team not for those G-strings. He was 65n, t: Obviously, you can't blame s, ss. him to various debaucheries considered one of the top 50 re- number of Leaders needed I that changed his thinking about the coaches when their play- number of the number of percentage of ers do dumb things off cam- cruits in the nation. females who 19 original the University of Minnesota. . My biggest question: Is this famous people accounts sold accounts They should have known not pus. But in this case, I'm con- worked with us spots. sidering 'making an exception. standard procedure during re- who bought pest by Britt Balkcom. retained at the to try to show him a wild time cruiting visits? If so, it's no won- last summer. when Murtha showed up on Mason and Co. recruited this control from a He was our#1 conclusion of the kid for a year and a half. After der the recruiting classes have campus carrying a [ell-O salad. improved. It used to be you got - Dewey Summer rep and he was a summer. People Apparently, the other recruits all that time and effort, they .?? had to know something about a pizza and a tour of the library. 111 year rep. He like us! It is nice Is _ on this male-bonding junket On a bright note, I hear the Sales Rep. • • with a gaggle of Gophers foot- Murtha's family background. *Drummer for also broke the to know your They always check on up- recruit with the pierced tongue 1on, the percentage ball players had no problem may be gettingbaptized. BLINK 182 record by selling service is with the evening's entertain- bringing, family history and so the percentage of we are willing to . forth. So it is amazing that, be- *Singer-98 more than any 1st superiorl ment. But it was too much for you experienced pay qualified degrees year rep, everl Boise State University's Professional Business Fraternity reps reading this Team Leaders! *Lead Singer- Britt is founder of You will croak! the Mission Prep ad who are sick KORN of Pest Control Seriously. why ALPHA KAPPA PSI club. *2 MlB players. . not call? INf;O MEETING FOR BUSINESS MAJORS OR RELA TED FIELDS. Come to our meeting on Tuesday,' . February 3rd,' 2004 inthe. fi io/ ."£~:,,. 'EnhanceJour cellelo experience WitIl iIIeoldeSt & largost . Co-ed Business Fral8mltV nationwide . Johnson Roo.m.inthe .Student.U.nion ....•Bu.j.ldhJ9,.f[Q.m~-tpn1---~R!11~· .. ' - - - --~- ._.----..c-~_ ...... :~.. . . . "_:'" .' .' .: ... _~ __ ~_~.C":-.'".~'....1: .: ,.~' THUltSDAY. JANUARY.29. 2004 ; PAGES, Pass ,the Ruben for Towel-- president? Punkr.K BY SUSANNAH tech is ROSENBLAlT Los Angeles Times lA TImes-Washington Post changing our

What do Americans care . ru•.• habits about these days? Just add it up; the numbers are tell- BY SUSAN CAMPBELL ing when it comes to poli- The Hartford Courant tics versus popular culture.

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...... " '. < ,. --'..;.~._--- • - ...... :---.------" ::, •• . , . ., . PAGE9 .THURSDAY. JANUARY 29.2004 ARTS ,Be ENTERTAINMENT

Seattle band Flowmotion rocked out atPi TuesdayNight to a crowd of excited dancers.


'1030 Broadw6y'Ave. '.'': Boise,ID 83706 ' 1208}345-0990 • 4348 Chmden Feelin'the Bolse,IO 83714' 12081322-7401,. 6899 Overland Boise,ID 83709 FI wmotion 12081323-0606 I:, ;$1·0FF • i,l\~~.:il,<:'/AnySmall. Large or , dose of keyboards, congas, har- other" message that-we have all 608 '12th/we. So. Seattle band releases monica, and of course the cus- heard before, but rarely enjoyed "'::~':~:i'['-~(':":'Family Size Sandwich tomary guitar, base and drums. dancing to so much. . .',,:.' Nampa,IDS3651 :. vibrant grooves, flow There are also quite a few Knoubynoto. does drag for . 12081461-3740 ' www~~bbys,COm: (expires 8-15-04) lengthy songs; some. over ten three songs in the middle, stait~ in to Boise minutes. The strength of these .ing with the latter,part of "Drop longer tracks, and of the whole in the Flow," but the rest of the BYTREVER ALTERS album, is the seamlessblending album more than makes up, for A&EWriter of sounds.'. ' '. it. .. There is one long song;;~pr~p .FloWmotionhas indisp~table The first thing that caught my in the Flow," thatcontains'afast talent. They,ar~not a-mere ex{' ~. attention with Flowmotion's guitar riff, and thenlatersome ' penment.. however they fit lit ' newest album, knowbynow, was slow keyboards. This track has quite nicely at a variety of out- the cover art. It is very cool, and a lot of variety; yet the transi- doorfestlvals and h,empfest!>.·. ,,' ".' extremely chill. Iwas expecting l tions are really 6Ptooth.:'TI).~Y' ",WtIile' 'unden1a~ty .~'tlanc&~);;,';:,~." .', licationsfor admission into Teacher Ed. and the Professional an experimental hippie band; I had heard words like "world alS? blend;weU!':' 'apl.e,: ..and definitE!ly;,.:..tri.\"I....·(lY.•.".:. ~" ..:",,··.i: .•.';.::.•..•..: .' ' Year for both elementary and secondary Ed majors are due which i~a rare talent, , ,:F.l~wmoti?n supply ,~u~;:" ;.... ~.~. .",'" grooves" and "funkadelic" to '~9~ Late In-the album, "Pleasure '6IC. Evenlfyoudon'townasm~, ""I,,' . February 6, 2004 by 5:00 pm in Room E-222. describe this five-piece Seattle Opport~nlty~'Will start you. oncgle Phi~Iitee shirt or plaY'pa!t)i~,( ,:\~;, i,;~;~i\\ group. But these guys are no a fun ride that holds you for cake with Mary Jane, you,'\l still ';, ~ L'~'~~, For a copy of the application, pick one up in Room E-222. hippie experiment gone wrong, twenty minutes and takes you have fun with knowbynow. ,".,', .' . They are a funk-rock world through an ,ethnic percussion . Look for my interview with,,:: ,,;<:: ,.,..-- beats blend gone completely piece, a flamenco dance, and a Flowmotion in the next issue;.,. if"~'; ,', ,',;:'«,.;"'" right. smooth guitar solo. . . where I'll be dtscussing their"':), ;:.'..:I~.::,Al,':i,. iapplicationS must be turned in on the date and time mentioned The album starts with a These songs are my favorite performance at the Pi-Uve ,~, slow pseudo-reggae intro that parts of the record, but the best downtown, as we!! as what ln~ " . "',' ' " above or they will not be accepted. morphs into a super fun and song is definitely "Got's Mine," spired them to get tlleir motion" " ':'::-";" Also remember that applications will not be accepted unless you pass your dance able ditty called "Flatley's which appears earlier in the cd. flowing. ',",',',' Tool." The record has a few in- ',praXiS, technology (Teacher Ed tUpper Division), arid comprehensive literacy tests (Professional Year), "Got's Mine" has a "love one an- strumentals where you'll find a " ."

RATES ARE NOW BELOW CONSOLIDATE YOUR FEDERAL' STUDENT LOANS TODAY! Cut your month!}' payment lip to 58%1 AND lock in one of the lowest student loan interest rates in historyl PLUS!. Receiveyour cnoice of borrower benefitS:' 2.50 PfinclpalReduction The.2,50% principal reduction will awarded after 48 months'of on-time' 'Call for mora details on currant rates, For borrowers who borrowed ell loans after 7/1/98 end ara still payments within 30 days of due date (V'ith no deferment or forbearance In grace period or defennen~ the consolidation rate would be 2,875%. during the 48 months).·· .. ,or I%Annuallnterest Rate Reduction' Ud IDAHO dnntown belH wavesm• • Need' • .., theaters Asbton,Kutcher, left, and MeJoraWalters, reflected on riglrt, star in New Une • Instant Cash • Cinema's thriller, "The Butterfly Effect"

for Winter? course of the film, one wonder's Recollections fade into revela- TWs movie gave me a choked I if a diary was the most efficient tions, and he sees the answers feeling most of the time. I Donate Plasma at Although it is complete with prescription. to his own post-black-out ques- child molestation, dog-ld1ling, I , BiomatUSA Jump to many years later. tion: What just happened? • Evan is in college and has sue- ' As .with hls psychologically scary blond-haired boys, freaks, boys, prison' behaviors and Earn $50 the first week cessfully gone without a black- unstable father, Evan thinks he frat , out for seven years. Problem might be able to make-every- nose bleeds, I still recommend and $150 per month. solved, right? Not exactly. Some thing better, make changes/and seeing it for your self. Tue-Sat: 9:00 - 5:30 dumb girl found it cute to be play God. He keeps confronting The Butterfly Effect is far from I different memories, hoping that the family-fun flick, and I sug- I nosey and finds his journals. She then insists he read them to he can erase the past and im- gest chasing it with a comedy. GRIFOLS I I 4017 Overland Rd her. Thanks to her ignorance, prove his own life as well as the Coming from the Sundance Biornat USA, Inc. Film Festival, however, it's defi- Boise,lD 83705 the curse is back in full swing. traumatized lives of his friends. caring for people's health With every entry Evan reads, Chaos theory tells us, however, nitely worth the $5 GATS ticket. he's taken to the point where he that a small flap of a butterfly's Don't spend $9. L • • • blacks out as a child. Just like a wing can cause a typhoon. And film itself, his mind plays back so this becomes the theme of his own less-than-perfect past. The Butterfly Effect.

SHOPTALK Gollumin ball cap, Haphazard rants that can be suppressed no longer

r in a d -rag BYCRYSTALTHOMAS A&EEditor

clue and so I had to ask. There is a violent epidemic "It's like crossing an electric attacking tile people of the na- Musician Ned guitar with a cello. It has a wid- tion. It's a disease that enters er range than a regular guitar," the bloodstream, inactive un- Evett proves he explains. til its carrier's nerves become Evett and his partner, Franck irritated by random life hap- anything's Zigroux from France, record- penings throughout the day. ed their latest album simply There is but one symptom, and possible titled "EvettZigroux," in a stu- once it's discovered the poten- dio in France. Evett explained PHaro BY KRISTA ADAMS/THE ARBIlER tial for recovery is doubtful; BYDANAKA OLIVER that the album was released in Nod Evett the gauntlet has been thrown A&EWriter Europe about nine months ago ning Feb. 12. The Boise date is down. "I'll sue you!" This is and will be released the United Sunday, Feb. 22 at club Pi-Live the token battle cry of the virus "Experimental, yet acces- States on Feb. 4. at 612 Grove St. Their music is ADLD: Annoying and Desperate sible" said Ned Evett. This is in When asked how it was to currently getting substantial Lawsuit Disorder. response to me asking him how record in France, he said that college radio playas well. ' Think about it. Everywhere he would describe his music. they were embraced well by Although Evett is not exactly we turn people are suing oth- Evett plays what is known the people, as was their music. a rap connoisseur, Idiscovered ers in what appears to be an as a fretless guitar. If you're a The French are not in as much to my own personal delight earnest attempt to protect the guitar buff, you know what this of a hurry and it's a very cre- that he had created a song for right of one's own stupidity. term means. I, on the 'other ative vibe over there, which of the hip-hop heads. More com- For example, Billy eats one too hand, did not have the slightest course is conducive to record- ical than hard core, it is done many Cheesy Chili Dogs from ing an album. Evett added that with the voice of Gollum from Beefy Boy's Diner. Billy's girl- V it's a sign that, in a way, "the the Two Towers and includes friend leaves him because he '~fr~~~~"':r<"'"",':f"~~. t;-;r~'~:';':;'~~"l'\~~\3::- ';:;-'¢"')\"~", ~t. • '~~~~ ;:;i. J J ", \ :: '=- ~~~. :.~ b ~ ~ ~",'T < ~ :- Y"c :;: _:;~ ~_,~ ?' +:) ~', ~ r :";:'-;;"1 "::-, French and Americans are its own video, which has been has gained 250 pounds and he :~;·-,tNff~raa6~e~c)ff-€arnRl.JS ROUSing: -,-:-:moving on." receiving quite a few down- decides to sue the diner for not Evett has won guitar contests loads. warning him that his life would :~"'" .,--':'ELa\~rlfsflea or'·l:Jnfurnisnea "," - I" and done quite a bit of touring. You can check it out crumble because he is swine. i~1;\",::,~:.~_\~'\''0~![;;,;f{j,:" ,..;. ;, •. :~,,;' , "" :'~ :'-'h;·'.'j;";-"j\"\~: ,', . "\~.( ",-;,'j' 1.~::~ Most notably, he toured with and a whole lot more at , Seriously now, we can't even STEP UP AND INTO YOUR O\XIN ... Joe Satriani last year, playing a Also go say "so sue me" nonchalantly total of about 30 shows. see Evett on the 22 at Pi-Live. anymore without knocking on As for the current release, Until, next time ... cuz you wood. I am fully aware that Evett and Zigroux will begin know Il1 be back, to hook ya'll many lawsuits arc necessary or Private touring in the states begin- up. validated, but this isn't about COMPLETE 'WITH: those. Telephone Une Suite So for tile vain purpose ot fulfilling this CO!Ul1Ul'sfate of Built-in***Sink/Vanity meaninglessness, I have put together my own list of people Double Mirrored*** Closet I would like to sue, just for the sake of being trendy. Cable ***T.V. Outlet My second grade teacher: I THURSDAY IS BSU NIGHTI For laughing at me when I Personal***Food Pantry brought my stuffed Bambi to sliowYbLJr stutiertLl "..Show and Tell. She did not inform me on tile first day of for ss off as a rfl'"Onl school that she was an unfeeling demonic child hater. Therefore, - if Bambi hadn't already de- "Come sit in our hot tubs voured her, I would file suit on after hitting the slopes!" the basis that she was the cause of my distrust for authority, OUR HOURS ARE: Reservations: Clowns allover the world 9AM - 9PM: MON-THURS 2405 Bogus Basin Rd. OK, I'm sure most' of you are 9AM - 10PM:,FRI-SAT with me on this one. And if ev- 1PM - BPM: SUNDAY Call: 333-8827 eryone is so frightened of these sadistic red-mouthed beings, why don't we do something QUADS ON THE P.ARK about it? I'm suing them all, right after I pop their balloons . ."+ and beat them with their own 208.336.8787 size 40 shoes. AIR NATIONALG~~';" ....- Couples who wear matchIng outfits MiNIMIZE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES Really, this happens and I've MAXIMIZE YOUR LIVING BENEFITS seen it. I don't know which is Up to $3,000.00 Per Semester for worse, that the boundaries be- tween each partners' individu- Shared Kitchen includes MicroVJave &. Dish\Nasher Full- Time Students !!! ality is blurred, or the fact that I have no eyeballs since I gouged Furnished Dining***&. Uvlng Room • Montgomery GI Bill • Montgomery GI Bill Kicker them out the last time I wit- ~ nessed this atrocity. I find law- • State Tuition Assistance • Cash Bonuses Patio ***or Balcony suit potential here. • Student Loan Repayment Program I *** Fortune cookie manufactunlrs Computer Room VJith High Speed DSL Who comes up with the lame Pllt/Jour Futuro For More information contact: messages found inside these ~.~ so-called fortunate edibles? MSGT Gabs Usog ~ir Nal;::;;;; Guard 422·5927 or (800) 621-3909 Nothing irks me more after great .2 Blocks to BSU take-out than cracking open a cookie and reading "You are At the Entrance of happiest -when you are happy," *** After I sue these vague know-it- Ann MOlTison Park alls, I'm going to make my own cookies with logical messages Gated-Entry, ***Access inside such as "You have mui shui on your face." Laundry***Facilities People who sue others for no reason other than boredom Pretty much' what I've been 'discussing doing .. However, I seek to make our world a better, clown-free haven for all man- kind, and of courseto be so rich that I can quit work and school .to spend my time Inside court- rooms throwing fortune cookies at people ~th ~LD.

,'--Submttjvur oMi~nd""ra=II~-~- domneisforpossibleplw/lcaf/on in this ' seef/onIf) arlillershopt~ahoo,com . THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,2004

Arbiter classified advertisements are tiee to students. To place an ad call 345-8204 xl 00 or come to the office at 1605 University Drive (across from the S.U.B)

MIF Roommate wanted, EGGOONORS ~fo~ Wtculgent, blond Chetty sleigh bed. ENGL 101 Don Morray New lbd1Z.5 bath w/2 car NEEDED! ~' blue eyes and ' Solid wood. New-in-box, "Write to Learn" used garage for rent. Near BSU, 3BD/IBa House off Broadway, close to BSU. CompenSation $3500+. between the height of. ' ValUc $850, sacrifice book. Good condition. wId included. 724-2465 $210 + Uti\. 866-2069 Bright, Attractive and ' S'S and 5'U. For more $295. Call 888·1464 $25 obo, 830-3114 Am Openings Clean 2bdllba or 429- 6696 Healthy. For more information, please log Aexible Schedules Info,call 949-940~ on to our website at www Italian leather couch 2 Stanton Direct Drive townhouse near BSU includes wId, dlw, some 9163 or email: baby- .coasttocoasteggdonadon, and loveseat for sale! turntables. Fair condition. . Greal Resume bp. We neGd enthullaltlc util, swimming pool & Individuals with [email protected] com or call 208-634-9774 Brand new, still in plastic. Great for beginner DIs. $12. guar. base-i1ppl excellent verballkllls. or visit: and as~ for Tabitha. Retail $2450, sacrifice grounds keeping. No Work 20-40 houri $100. Call Pat 344-1640 per week. $899. Call 888·1464 smok~pe~.$550/mo.+ Cuslomer Sales,!SeMce ·PIId_ng $225/dep. 938-9598 Noexp. NmssalY/We Train ·c...... _ 1\SBSU prov ide's Mattress Set, Full Size Bartenders Trainees 'F1eld~_uJot FREE ATTORNEY Brand New in package. Room for Rent. $350/mo Needed. $250/day Scholarships Possible $8.00 I hr CONSULTATIONS Sacrifice $99. Call 866- includes all utilities! Potential. Local Positions. Please call for . 426·1440 2000 Toyota Taeoma more Infol1lUltion 7476 3 bdrm for the priee of 1.5 miles from BSU on 1-800-293-3985 ext 223 4x4, extended cab, V-6 with alooal 2 in quiet bench location, Bench. Internet included, fully loaded. $14,500/000 658;.4888 private lawyer for King size pillow top large units, I story and 2 lots of room. 631-7878 Make SSS taking online 429-6696 or 863-9460 mattress set Brand new in most legal problema story. Roommate friendly surveys, Earn $10-$125 NEED MONEY you may have, Inoludlng bag. Must sell $225. Can Room for reut in SW 1997 Honda Clvie OX, & pet friendly! Starting at for Surveys. Earn $25- FOR COLLEGE? dlvoroe/faml1y law deliver. Boise. New home. 3 1.el1llpaybsdlool. .... )'lIU- Red, low miles, 74K. only $545 call Ted at $250 for Focus Groups, landlord problema 866-7476 car garage. 1/3 util. 6 CAREER jJlI39~a)Ul Great condition. 345-4334 or visit ohlld oustody and month lease, No deposit Coli ... Btnefltllnclude: $7500 or bestoffer, WWW.PARKLANE.COM RESOURCES .S2i\OOparRdl ohlld support Queen pillow top required. Call 375-8245 idbsu 208-308-3905 Can help with: Resumes, • 1'M1II1lIllIIard S2l1,Ima oolleotlon and dept mattress set. Brand new, career and interview • ID,OOl \kdn I.olIIsRqxid still in plastic. Must sell Lakeview wlWD looking Roommate to share --- Plus: --- . problema 1989 Range Rover fully $159. Can deliver. 866- for MIF roommate to 3bdl2ba home in Kuna. coaching, interest testing. Gdpai!smoo bhlantwlanl personal Injury and loaded, great condition. BroncoJobs parndlllllllilrrBtlDb 7476 No pets/smoke. Willing @:wM,'Q'iliiwljli"j 10 years experience. Insuranoe ' $4800. More details on share 2 bdrm apt. w/many WdmyNl6xd1iml to take mom wI 1 child. Call 867-2122 or email workmen's compensstton www.b.oiseusedautos amenities. $323.50/mo. Addll\allll SI.11III &Dna. Beautiful solid oak $300/mo. + dep . [email protected] _ SJ08I1· $1800 olalms .com/3718. Call 866-3979 Call Angie @ 336-8618 Lookingfor Jobs Dill/orlmlnal entertainment center. Fits 631-1654 Ilmt 863-3516 or 313-7218 27 inch TV or monitor. while you are a 1976 Volkswagen Bug, Call for details. 939-8872 Primer, No Rust, Runs. F Roommate wanted in student, Career ~a CALL NOWI or 703-1100 $522.31 Call 850-2754 2bd~uplex apt. $275/mo. Opportunities, or Personnel Plus EGG DONORS + $200 dep, pets ok with 378-8700 ALPHASMART DANA Internships? 0]]~ NEEDED. 4000+ Are 1973 Volvo 4 Dr. New deposit. Call Rachel @ $300 subnotebook you a female between Tires, New Fuel Pump, ~ 331-0464 Internot salos/Customer sorvlce computer 20hr battery. the ages of 21-297 Coast body in good condo Not Must have Internet exp.lKnowledge Great for class notes, to Coast Egg Donation running, but not far from Female roommate library lab, USB, infrared PIT or FIT evening & weekend hours is looking for donors. it. $500/0bo 342-7691 wanted to share 2 Set your own schedule! $7.50 to start We are always seeking connect to desktop or bedroom home near donors of different ~.Piece Cherry Bedroom printer. Don 426-1899 Broadway. $250/mo. Great for students or ethnicities but currently se. . Brand-new in box. dwiniecki@ + some utilities. Call supplemental income have a high demand Retai! $1450, sacrifice Amanda 424-8879 $395. Call 888-1464 "ask about our sign on bonus 'WIoN~~smI)ENTS EMPLOYED BY BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY AND:

',J'" 'i\4iNG"EXEMPT" FROM INCOME TAXWITHOLDIl..'lG .ari'~i~mptionfr()m income tax witholding on their W-4 need to file a new W-4 to continue to be exempt from

...... ~Ify(),.(~la1rIledexempt for 2003t and want to continue to be exempt in 2004, a W'-4for 2004 needs to be received in

9ise.S.t~t~lJ11iy;~is.ityl'ayJ."011office (Administration Building Room 218) by February 15t 2004. If a W-4 for 2004 (claiming exempt) is i"¢f!iV~~;"~e~Wlbe:\\lithh~ldat th,e single rate with zero holding allowances. This will take effect with the February 27th paycheck.

l.[{·.:.;;If,,d)lotcl8,il]1~XeJIlPtfrO~ inc()me taxes on yourW-4 for 2003t yourwitholding allowances will remain the same.

1 t ,-',. :_:<,':> '. ::':' /_ _~,---~·~:;-~::-\P:/__<- .. \-'-:_~'T\'---,; ,/.>,:' "::.'".,.,"'«,.' _":.'..:'-,< <-'>-:'.,.-~ "' . .";,;'- '\~--;'- '-- ",':' .:; l,c}2"\\ ...... _._mrp'?\i;·;' .iV\T,i1g0l',t1\liareaVllilable InHuman Resource Services (Administration Building room 218). II t~~~_,\;2~~~L,;o.;~,~~:i\":.'L~,~j~~~~"~''';':'';;~:'::b$~~1.1l~Y()tl~



"H9.IY"I1O~I,W~'re~0S$}1I9 9ne p',tIlerarBI!O)(Js, In pro wrestling, folks: 'nie head comblnatlon lock'"

YOU NEED TO CHANGE i THE NAI"\E SHOULD ~E ~ MAYBE SOI"\ETHING LIKE THE COI"\PANYS NAI"\E o ' HI-TECH SOUNDING ]; -DUHFLUSHTECH.INC: Crossword TO CREATE THE ILLU- WITH A HINT OF ~ SION OF PR.OGR.ESS. ONOMATOPOEIA THAT ACROSS SIGNALS YOUR TOTAL I LIKE 1 Hair line I LACK OF ALJARENESS. I ITI 5 Played a role 10 Cicatrix ~ J 14 Nondairy spread 15 Yankee manager ~ I Joe 16 Tibetan monk '-- __ .....::.L-_....Ji~_~~~.....1 I'--_---.;~_~ 17 Burn a bit 18 Heavyweight with a horn BUT I"\y NEGLIGENCE 20 Topography WALLY. I DISCOVERED NO ONE. THE STOCK COULD CAUSE THE A DEADLY SAFET'f FLAW i WOULD PLUNGE AND DEATHS OF A DOZEN 22 Ease off IN OUR PRODUCT. WHO WE'D HAVE MASSIVE CUSTOI"\ERS. 23 Academic URL SHOULD I INFORI"\? LAYOFFS. YOUR ending CAREER WOULD BE THE FIRST 24 Windshield i RUINED. \ DOZEN IS cleaners ALWA.YSTHE 27 Popular \ HARDEST. babysltters ) 31 Lash marks 32 'Superman" star 33 Mred E. Neuman's mag 36 Eve's grandson 37 Fathers 38 Cabbie's passenger H(}R()S( :()PEl.IlIo.&-S---- 39 Born in Cannes e 2004 Trlbuno Uodla SOlVl.... I••• 01128104 40 Jolly pirate's All rights .... lVod. Cancer Oune 22-Julv22) 5a2ittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) name? ByUnda C. Black 41 Finnish bath 'Ifibune Media Services Today is an 8 - Schedule meetings to 'Ibaay is a 7 -Youll have to change review plans for your next adventure. your plans as you go alon~ and discover 42 Deejay's 8 Sea eagle Solutions workplace 9 _ volente 'lbday'sBlrthdayUan.29). This year. It'll be easy to see things that might not reality. That's Just the way It is when 0 work and then find ways around'them. you're being creative. Don't let it slow 44 Leitch and 10. Visits dreamland s " I 0 " .. s v , S you become interested in finding out Bailey 11 _ blanche NOS3 1 331l131rl1"1OVII13 you down. what's real and what can be built upon. 47 River island 12 Love in Lilla 3 .l0 N )l_N 3 1:1V )! You'll want to go back to the basics, both Leo (July23-Aug.22) 48 Wear away 13 Coarse files Today is a 6·Your fonvard motion has Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19) lV£l3lf:;'I 3001:13 in ~ur research and in your life. There's 49 Against the law 19 _ Boothe Luce '-'1 I vlIiIII S N V A 0 N 0 0 work to be done, but don't shy away been impeded, but don't despair. After. Today is a 9 "You may not be able to 53 "Five Easy 21 Appends NOI .lV J. S 01 o V 1:1_ from it. There's money to be made. you pass this exam; You inay find that buy eve~ a loved one deserves. Pieces" a~ress 24 Audio gear youve~edmore liuth0rity. LookshaIp.· '. Don't feel badabout it. Instead, give 57 Post·it message 25 Rahs "I N n v sil 1:13 00 3 3 N Arles (March 21-Aprll 19) .'. them more of your time. That's more 58 Pollster Roper 26 Guns It In ·3 1:1 V :l 3 1:1 IS SIo N 3 Today is a 6 •You cO\lld gather in a 10tVlrRo (Aug.ZS-Sept. 22) .' valuable, anywa~,: 59·Free-lor-ll.l1 neutral o V rl III 33 1:1l1li 11S ill 3M 60 Black. to Blake 27 Dancer Verdon ,~ 1:1£) of caSh if you focus on business now. ;'lbday is an& ;.'StaItfantasizing about . ·0 , _SI:I 3 H .l0 Vila NIV Not only IS more work coming your " the vacationthat you and your loved Aq1.Jarius Oan.20.Feb.18) 61 Dead and Red 28 Actress Russo S 1:I 3 d V 1:I :lsill n a 3 __ a 62 Bizarre . 29 Moisturizer way, butitlooks as if it pays pretty well. ' one will take. Isita first or second TOQa=. . is· .·.6. ·~o.lBke. . .s.orne of your recent d n .l 3 v 1:I l:I 3 J. Accept an opportunity. even iffriendS hOneymoonrWhy not1But don't gO '.. . and tnvest them in something . , 63 Gets darker Ingredient 30 Genesis ~_:lH v , s 0 " SO" , lOIN.. thInK you aren't ready. !Iulteyet thatWu stroJ!g. Get Yl)urself DOWN 33 HawaIIan Island V rl V, 311:11l:110J."I"0 3 1 0 TaUntS (Aprll20-May2O). ....•.', Llli.ra(Sept.23-oc!t;22) . sOmething twill be liealthy for you. 1 Washington 34 River under the 1:I V 0 S 0131.l1:lV .l1:1V d dally Ponte Vecchio . 'Ibday is a 9 -Thke a stand, hold your.. '. 'IbQliy is a 6: nutn is;you only liketh~ . Pisces (&lb.l~Matth 20) 2 Out of the wind 135 College offiCial 43 Snitched 50 Mongolian ground and put. up a good 6gh.t..,Yo.u ..:. : 'tnQ... ssftb ea..utifuI, and uSually the. m. ost. lbdav.. . is .a'Z..;~.·,'ii.OU.·'~.'quite a sweeti. e . 3 Bring up . 37 Word before jerk have friendS and others on your side.; If " ,~iVe, ~ But you can shop .' ;.tha~spUbnc,oi)lnion, anyway. Blit . 4 Deluges or pop 44 FakEH3ut desert 5 Opertcourt}iard 38 Made plump . moves _51 Particle . you don't ~ with a phllosophythat: . " ~f1.illy an<;lfiii4 batgalns.~t \yo~d' , don't IE!!- yi:lui$effqe:bulliea by a person 52 SLRpart. 40 Poe bird 45 pope'sfanon you think hilsbig holes. don't pretend.- ' ,:be Wise.' L ' ..'.'.. ,'. '...... ,<: '~o SOnl!!tUnesseems as cola as ice. .' G Joe McCarthy 54 AiJdI comllEllitor attorney Roy 41 SpanKer or jib 46 BelOnl opera . .' '" .: '.: ::.' :;.>:...... •...:,:;,,:' :I>et: '''.' 49 Champagne s5Dlrector$plke . . GemInI (May2Hune 21)<'" ··SOO~{Odt23.NOV.21); .~'"<~; <:-\~C"n'.\.c. 7 Prefix with dent 42 Bronco-bUst!ng :.56 Th6Gre8test ..... or corn events , bucket :.'~..' TodaYiU..5:Jt'l!!lo ..t a'gQod dal:r- '.." ....:..~.:.·"Tod!lY~~7.~.·· 'ftQdIl;_.,(;.Jc·~} o ttaveIortosendoutmessages. heres·. ,. , ". ....• '~"".: .. apttobealotofconfuslonoutthere.:,' .....:.~.... ~ .. Ulatt1tli¥,~~'.,,~, Thmorrowis a safer bet .. ' .. ··M~¥~~ >.:~~~~P::~;~;;;:..':r, i· I

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