Now Accepting Applications Call Today 618-462-5626 Surrey Court

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Now Accepting Applications Call Today 618-462-5626 Surrey Court 4C Thursday, August 29, 2019 CLASSIFIEDS The Telegraph LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS Lost & Found REAL ESTATE SALES Apartments / Townhouses 19-0192 19-0262A 19-0272A REWARD!!! 19-0262B 1RZ$FFHSWLQJ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF REWARD!!! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Lost: Gold Diamond IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT $SSOLFDWLRQV THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIR- COUNTY OF MADISON - Ring, Large Center CUIT COURT CIRCUIT COUNTY OF MADISON - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS Diamond With Several EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS ---------------------- MADISON COUNTY, WELLS FARGO BANK NA; MADISON COUNTY, Small Diamonds ILLINOIS Plaintiff, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK NA; 6725(< U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- Around, Return With No Plaintiff, vs. Questions Asked With 0$125 IN THE INTEREST OF: PHYLLIS L. ANDERSON SOCIATION, vs. PLAINTIFF, Reward!! This Is A PHYLLIS L. ANDERSON $3$570(176 A ҋ MAURA WATSON- AKA PHYLLIS ANDERSON; Sentimental Ring, CARTER RYAN K. HERNANDEZ AKA VS. AKA PHYLLIS ANDERSON; ---------------------- RYAN HERNANDEZ; UN- CYNTHIA ANNE Please Return If Found RYAN K. HERNANDEZ AKA Plaintiff 618-304-5133 $SSOLDQFHVZGKNXS KNOWN WINCHESTER; MARY RYAN HERNANDEZ; UN- UHQW VHFXULW\GHSRVLW vs OWNERS AND NONRE- KNOWN BRIDGET BAILEY ROBERTA WALKER; LANCE EDVHGRQLQFRPH CORD CLAIMANTS; MICHAEL GOLD; PHILLIP OWNERS AND NONRE- Defendant GRANDVIEW ALLEN GOLD; STEVEN CORD CLAIMANTS; ---------------------- ACRES ASSOCIATION; RANDALL GOLD; UN- Auctions GRANDVIEW CASE NUMBER: Defendants, Call today 18 CH 659 KNOWN HEIRS AND LEG- ACRES ASSOCIATION; 2019P000412 ATEES OF MARY A GOLD Defendants, 618-462-5626 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby A/K/A MARY GOLD A/K/A 18 CH 659 ---------------------- given that pursuant to a Judg- MARY ALICE GOLD, IF ANY; NOTICE OF SALE (TXDO+RXVLQJ Notice is given you, UN- ment of Foreclosure entered UNKNOWN OWNERS AND PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby 2SSRUWXQLW\ KNOWN FATHER, Defend- in the above entitled cause In- NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; given that pursuant to a Judg- 77<7'' ant, that this cause has been tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- MICHAEL DIAZ, SPECIAL ment of Foreclosure entered commenced against you in poration will on Wednesday, REPRESENTATIVE OF THE in the above entitled cause In- )RU+HDULQJ this Court asking for Guardi- October 2, 2019, at the hour DECEASED MORTGAGOR, tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- ,PSDLUHG2QO\ anship and other relief. Un- of 12:00 noon in the office of MARY A GOLD, poration will on Wednesday, less you file your response or Community Title & Escrow, DEFENDANTS. October 2, 2019, at the hour Inc., 2600 D State Street, )UL$XJXVW otherwise file your appear- Alton, Illinois 62002, sell to 19 CH 000244 of 12:00 noon in the office of ance in this cause in the of- the highest bidder for cash, 1549 LADD AVENUE 6DW$XJXVW Community Title & Escrow, fice of the Circuit Clerk of the following described mort- WOOD RIVER, IL 62095 DPSP Inc., 2600 D State Street, Madison County, Courthouse, gaged real estate: NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ★★★★★★★★★★ Alton, Illinois 62002, sell to Edwardsville, Illinois on or be- Lot Number 6 in "Grandview NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the highest bidder for cash, fore the 7th day of October, Acres" a subdivision of part of TO YOU, (VWDWHRI7KH/DWH the following described mort- 2019 at 9:00 a.m., a Guardi- the Northeast Quarter of Sec- Unknown Owners and Non- 7RP)LVKHU gaged real estate: anship and other relief may tion 4, Township 3 North, Record Claimants 6W$QWKRQ\'U P.I.N. 01-2-24-04-07-201- Range 5 West of the Third Phillip Allen Gold 013. be granted as prayed for by Principal Meridian According *RGIUH\,/ )$%8/286 Plaintiff. Unknown Heirs and Leg- Commonly known as 1105 to the plat thereof recorded in ★★★★★★★★★★ Helvetia Drive, Highland, IL $))25'$%/( plat Book 28, page 89 in atees of Mary A Gold a/k/a Madison County, Illinois. Situ- Mary Gold a/k/a Mary Alice %XLFN9HUDQRZ 62249. 08676(( (SEAL) The improvement on the MARK VON NIDA ated in Madison County, Gold, If Any 0LOHV<DPDKD $3$570(176 Illinois. defendants, that this case has property consists of a single ★ Clerk of the Circuit Court 3LDQR3DUVRQ7DEOHV family residence. If the sub- 3OD\JURXQG P.I.N. 01-2-24-04-07-201- been commenced in this )LUHSODFH+HDWHU/LQFROQ ★&RPPXQLW\5RRP 013. Court against you and other ject mortgaged real estate is ★ 19-0261A Commonly known as 1105 defendants, asking for the 'HVN*UHDW$UW:RUN a unit of a common interest 6HFXULW\ Helvetia Drive, Highland, IL foreclosure of a certain Mort- 7ZLQ%HG'UHVVHUDQG community, the purchaser of ★0XFK0RUH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 62249. gage conveying the premises &KHVWRI'UDZHUV$Q the unit other than a mort- THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT The improvement on the %HGURRPV described as follows, to wit: WLTXH6HZLQJ5RFNHU.LW gagee shall pay the assess- 5HQW 6HFXULW\%DVHG COUNTY OF MADISON - property consists of a single PARCEL #1 A TRACT OF FKHQ,WHPV&ROOHFWLEOHV ments required by subsection EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS family residence. If the sub- (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the 2Q,QFRPH ject mortgaged real estate is LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST 1HZ:KHHO%DUURZ HSBC BANK USA, N.A., 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST Condominium Property Act. 12:$&&(37,1* Plaintiff, a unit of a common interest :HEHU*ULOO 0XFK Sale terms: 10% down by cer- $33/,&$7,216 community, the purchaser of 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWN- 0XFK0RUH vs. the unit other than a mort- SHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 9 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ tified funds, balance within 24 Call Bissell VICKEY SUE HOUSER, gagee shall pay the assess- WEST OF THE THIRD PRIN- hours, by certified funds. No Apartments Today!!! MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC ments required by subsection CIPAL MERIDIAN, DE- .,0%52$8&7,21 refunds. The property will ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Go to NOT be open for inspection. .OHLQ$YHs9HQLFH,/ INC., NCEP LLC, Condominium Property Act. BEGINNING AT THE for more pictures and For information call Sales De- Sale terms: 10% down by cer- PORTFOLIO RECOVERY SOUTHWEST CORNER OF detailed listing. partment at Plaintiff's Attor- 77<7'' ASSOCIATES LLC, CITY OF tified funds, balance within 24 THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF Questions? ney, Manley Deas Kochalski, (TXDO+RXVLQJ hours, by certified funds. No THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF LLC, One East Wacker Drive, 2SSRUWXQLW\ GRANITE CITY, UNKNOWN refunds. The property will Call: 618-910-2329 TENANTS, UNKNOWN SAID SECTION 26, SAID [email protected] Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) NOT be open for inspection. 220-5611. File Number 18- OWNERS For information call Sales De- CORNER ALSO BEING THE AND NON-RECORD partment at Plaintiff's Attor- SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 035110 6XUUH\&RXUW CLAIMANTS ney, Manley Deas Kochalski, OUTLOT "D" OF ELMWOOD I3129634 $SDUWPHQWV LLC, One East Wacker Drive, PARK SUBDIVISION NO. 4; Home Improvements Defendants, 19-0269B 18 CH 396 Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) THENCE NORTH ALONG $675/Month NOTICE OF SALE 220-5611. File Number 18- THE WEST LINE OF THE 035110 SOUTHEAST QUARTER 1/4 Leafguard is the only one IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FIRST MONTH PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby I3129634 piece gutter system THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT given that pursuant to a Judg- OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 503.65 FEET TO A POINT guaranteed to never clog, get COUNTY OF MADISON - FREE!!!!! ment of Foreclosure entered 19-0269A a jump on Fall and Save 75% EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS %HGURRP%DWK OF BEGINNING OF THE on installation and receive 8SGDWHGDSSOLDQFHV in the above entitled cause In- TRACT HEREIN DE- US BANK NATIONAL ASSO- tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF $500 for your old ladder! Call CIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR +DUGZRRG9LQ\O)ORRUV THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SCRIBED; THENCE EAST- 1-800-216-0539 'HFN3DWLR poration will on Wednesday, ERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AEGIS ASSET BACKED SE- October 2, 2019, at the hour COUNTY OF MADISON - :DWHU6HZHU7UDVK3DLG EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS TO THE SAID WEST LINE, A CURITIES TRUST MORT- :'+RRNXSV of 12:00 noon in the office of US BANK NATIONAL ASSO- DISTANCE OF 235.0 FEET. GAGE 3HW)ULHQGO\ Community Title & Escrow, CIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR THENCE NORTHERLY AT EDUCATION PASS THROUGH CERTIFIC- Inc., 2600 D State Street, AEGIS ASSET BACKED SE- RIGHT ANGLES, A DIS- ATES SERIES 2005-4; &DOO)RU0RUH,QIR Alton, Illinois 62002, sell to CURITIES TRUST MORT- TANCE OF 170.0 FEET; Plaintiff, the highest bidder for cash, GAGE THENCE WESTERLY AT AIRLINE CAREERS FOR vs. the following described mort- PASS THROUGH CERTIFIC- RIGHT ANGLES A DIS- NEW YEAR - BECOME AN WILLIAM F. DELEHANTY; gaged real estate: ATES SERIES 2005-4; TANCE 235.0 FEET TO SAID AVIATION MAINTENANCE CONSTANCE J. DELE- P.I.N. 22-2-19-24-08-203- Plaintiff, TECH. FAA APPROVED HANTY; “The Quarters vs. WEST LINE OF THE TRAINING. FINANCIAL AID 011.001. SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Condos” WILLIAM F. DELEHANTY; IF QUALIFIED - JOB PLACE- REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Commonly known as 2006 CONSTANCE J. DELE- NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID MENT ASSISTANCE. CALL CLEVELAND BOULEVARD, HANTY; SECTION 26 THENCE AIM 800-481-8312 INC For Lease GRANITE CITY, IL 62040. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC SOUTHERLY, ALONG SAID UNKNOWN OWNERS AND The improvement on the REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, WEST LINE, A DISTANCE NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; property consists of a single INC OF 170.0 FEET TO THE Defendants, family residence. If the sub- UNKNOWN OWNERS AND POINT OF BEGINNING; REAL ESTATE SALES 19 CH 202 ject mortgaged real estate is NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; PARCEL #2 ALSO AN EASE- NOTICE OF SALE Defendants, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby a unit of a common interest MENT FOR THE BENEFIT 19 CH 202 19-0261B given
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