8891 Hon. Jim Gerlach Hon. Michael N. Castle Hon. Steve

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8891 Hon. Jim Gerlach Hon. Michael N. Castle Hon. Steve May 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 6 8891 The GSEs should be incentivized to invest and went on to earn his Bachelor of Science ness and sports community. He was born in in projects that actually do increase or pre- at the University of Delaware and his Master Memphis on May 19, 1929, to William and serve affordable housing. That is what my bill of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Kathryn McElroy. He graduated from German- will do. It will require the Federal Housing Fi- Pathology at North Carolina State College. town High School in 1946 and later attended nance Agency to rewrite its rules for distrib- Don spent his entire 39-year career at the the University of Tennessee and Memphis uting housing goals credit so that Freddie and University of Delaware, working as a Pro- State University—after which he enlisted in the Fannie cannot receive credit for investments fessor, Vice President of University Relations U.S. Navy and served 46 months with two like the one they made in the Stuyvesant and Business Management, Dean of the Col- tours in Korea. Mr. McElroy then returned to Town project. It would also require the GSEs lege of Agricultural Sciences and Director of Memphis and worked as President in his fam- to use the same underwriting standards for in- the Agricultural Experiment Station. Don’s aca- ily business, McElroy Insurance Agency. vestments in the secondary market that they demic and administrative contributions truly William McElroy, Jr. made many contribu- do for their direct investments which are much embodied the tradition of excellence held by tions to the Memphis sports community. In stricter. That way, the GSEs won’t invest in our state’s flagship university; his knowledge, 1958, he was involved in the creation of the the secondary market in projects where the his expertise, and his dedication enhanced the University of Memphis’ Tigers Football booster rental income is insufficient to cover the pay- curriculum of the College of Agricultural club, the Highland Hundred, for which he ments on the debt on the property. Sciences, as well as its focus on service to served as President in 1963 and Chairman of Madam Speaker, this bill addresses a crit- the University and the broader community. the Board. In 1963, he co-founded the Mem- ical component of GSE decision-making when Among the numerous academic and commu- phis Chapter of the National Football Founda- it comes to their investments: whether or not nity awards he received are both the Univer- tion and College Hall of Fame which recog- they will receive housing goals credit. It does sity of Delaware’s Medal of Distinction and its nizes top area high school and college football not prohibit them from making investments, it Outstanding Alumnus Award, the Arthur scholar-athletes. Mr. McElroy was a recipient merely says that if those investments do not Trabant Women’s Equity Award, and the New of the National Football Foundation’s ‘‘Distin- lead to an increase or a preservation of afford- Castle County and State of Delaware Farm guished American Award.’’ able housing, the GSEs cannot receive credit Bureau Awards for Outstanding Service to Ag- In the mid-1960s, Mr. McElroy was involved for them. riculture. in the development of the Memphis Memorial f An integral part of our economy in Dela- Stadium which originally had a seating capac- ware, agriculture is ingrained in our state’s his- ity of 50,160. In 1965, he was the driving force PERSONAL EXPLANATION tory and Don’s leadership and involvement in behind convincing Bud Dudley to move the this issue has extended well beyond the walls Liberty Bowl from Atlantic City, New Jersey to HON. JIM GERLACH of the University. As the first Chairman of the the new stadium which was preparing for its OF PENNSYLVANIA Delaware Farmland Preservation Foundation, grand opening. Mr. McElroy served as Presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Don fought to ensure that agriculture would al- dent in 1970 of the Liberty Bowl Festival Asso- ways remain a part of the fabric of our culture. ciation and Chairman of the Board in 1971. Thursday, May 20, 2010 He sat on a number of boards—including The Liberty Bowl was such a success for Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, unfortu- those of the National Corn Breeders Associa- Memphis that the stadium was renamed Lib- nately, on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, I missed tion, the Delaware Agricultural Museum, the erty Bowl Memorial Stadium in 1976. three recorded votes on the House floor. I ask Delaware Nature Education Society, the New- William McElroy, Jr. remained involved with that the RECORD reflect that had I been ark Senior Center, and Longwood Gardens— the growth of the stadium for 30 years after- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall and was Chairman of the Coastal Zone Indus- wards. Today, the Liberty Bowl Memorial Sta- 273, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 274 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall trial Control Board under three different Gov- dium, now called the AutoZone Liberty Bowl 275. ernors. Moreover, because of Don’s direct Stadium, has a seating capacity of over f leadership in the preservation and permanent 61,000 and is home to the University of Mem- protection of more than 60,000 acres of Dela- phis Tigers football team, the AutoZone Lib- IN HONOR OF DR. DONALD F. ware farmland, former Governor Ruth Ann erty Bowl and the Southern Heritage Classic. CROSSAN Minner declared July 26th, 2001 as Dr. Donald Mr. McElroy’s enthusiasm for sports also in- F. Crossan Day. cluded baseball. He helped establish the Serv- HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE Don was a loving husband to his wife, with ice Academy Spring Classic, a baseball tour- OF DELAWARE whom he enjoyed entertaining family and nament comprised of teams including the Uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends in the Swedish tradition. With Ruth at versity of Memphis, the Air Force Academy, the Naval Academy and three other teams Thursday, May 20, 2010 his side, their recent travel to Antarctica saw them reach their goal of visiting all seven con- that changed yearly. Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with tinents. Don will be missed immensely by his William McElroy, Jr. was active in numerous great honor but a heavy heart that I rise today wife and their family, including his sister, local organizations throughout his life. He to pay tribute to Dr. Donald F. Crossan, a Delores, his children, Connie, Donna and Eric, served over 50 years in the Kiwanis Club Delaware native who devoted his life to his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and nieces where he was named ‘‘Kiwanian of the Year’’ community and his career to academics at the and nephews. and later served as President. Mr. McElroy University of Delaware. Dr. Crossan will be We in Delaware are grateful for the con- was on the Board of Directors and Gala Com- missed by many throughout our state, but his tributions of Dr. Donald F. Crossan as both a mittee for the Marguerite Piazza Gala, the legacy lives on in the lives he touched through scholar and dedicated community member, longest-running annual charity event of its kind his service as a professor and community and I am honored to be able to recognize and in Memphis that raises money for St. Jude member, and with the agricultural academic pay tribute today to the life of such a good Children’s Research Hospital. He was also ac- scholarship endowed in his name. friend and leader. tive in the President’s Circle at Christian Born in 1926 and raised in Wilmington, Don f Brothers University, the Grand Krewe of was a Veteran of the Second World War, an RaMet of Carnival Memphis, the Kroger avid outdoorsman, and had visited all seven HONORING THE LIFE OF WILLIAM LeBonheur Senior Challenge and Lindenwood continents over his lifetime. Don’s interest in F. MCELROY, JR. Christian Church. plants, animals, and the outdoors was estab- William McElroy, Jr. passed away on May lished early in his life. As a boy, he learned HON. STEVE COHEN 16, 2010, at the age of 80. He is survived by about hunting and fishing in the nearby ponds OF TENNESSEE his children Trip, Mary and Susan, all of whom and fields and acted as an Assistant Boy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES worked at McElroy Insurance Agency with Scout Leader. After graduating from P.S. Du- their father. Memphis mourns the loss of Mr. Pont High School in 1944, Don enlisted in the Thursday, May 20, 2010 McElroy, Jr. who was a leader in the commu- Army Air Corps and was stationed in Guam, Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today nity continuously involved with its improvement serving as a tail gunner. Upon returning home, to honor William McElroy, Jr., a man who con- and overall a really nice guy. Thank you, Wil- he married his ‘girl next door,’ Ruth Swanson, tributed greatly to Memphis, Tennessee’s busi- liam McElroy, Jr., for coming our way. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:41 Jun 18, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20MY0.000 E20MY0 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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