BUILDING PARTNERS Stand out in your community by hosting an Over The Edge Global Fundraising Event Welcome Visionary leaders A THANK YOU wanted! BIG TO OUR BIGGEST CONTRIBUTORS! ur non-profit clients are seeking a building partner that is philanthropic, innovative, community-minded – one who is looking to set themselves apart from other owners, O and leasing agents in their community. We are seeking innovators and community minded industry leaders that enjoy giving back to their community and we hope your organization and team are consider us the right fit. Hosting an Over The Edge rappelling fundraiser to benefit the needs of a local non-profit is a big ask and being the first in your community is not always a comfortable or easy position. $ MILLION $ MILLION $ MILLION But we could not have raised over $60 million dollars for non-profit organizations (NPOs) RAISED RAISED RAISED MIKE MAGEE 5.6 2.1 1.8 without people like you and we commend those champions who have this spirit. President, Over The Edge Global In the meantime if you would like to learn more about going Over The Edge or hosting an exciting event I would love to hear from you. Let’s put your property on the map in a whole new way and go over the edge! Kind Regards, Over The Edge building partners include: 866-434-8776 x135
[email protected] OTE ROPE TECHNICIANS SETTING UP FOR AN EVENT 2 | OVER THE EDGE GLOBAL OVER THE EDGE SIGNATURE EVENT + BUILDING PARTNER | 3 About Us Over The Edge Global Excellent event for community exposure and OTE handled everything.