Fianrilfhtpr Mpralii Manchester, Conn. 2
- / J !____M .\N( HKSTKH IIK KALI), Ki ldiiy, May II, 1!)H4 MOTORCYCLE INSU TAG SALE — Center TAG SALE — Saturday, 1976 DODGE DART — 1973 PINTO HATCH 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS Tag Sales 69 May 12th, 8:30am-2pm. AM/FM cassette, 7 good BACK — New engine, WAGON. 350 V-8. Auto- RANCE — Compefetive Congregational Church, rates, big bike rates Manchester - Saturday, Chairs, old wicker settee, tires, automfi^lc trans registered, standard motic Posi-traction. books, records, tools and EVERGREEN CONDOM- mission, power steering, shift. $350. Call 742-7261. Roof rack, radio, de- available. Call Clarice, May 12th, 9am. Thou Clarke Insurance, 643- TAG SALE — Saturday. sands of good items In our a lot more old stuff. 68 INIUM TAG SALE — 40,000 miles. Excellent fogger, rr|,ore. Original Reagan halls reforms Dena’s mother wants Manchester man 5/12/84, rain date S/19/84. famous ,01c, ,05« and ,10c Box Mountain Drive, May 12th, 9am-5pm, 633- condition. $2900. Coll 649- 1981 HONDA CUSTOM owner. 643-2880._______ 1126. Household and antiques. sections. Many better Vernon. 635 Center Street, on the 8365. ^ CM 400 — Low mileage. SUBARU GL WAGON, 24 Fairtleld Street, Man items ,25c and up. Come ---------------------------- -—- Courtyard lawn via St. ---------------------------------- Extras! Light blemishes. In American schools daughter to stay home recalls Beirut chester. No Early Birds! 1983 — Automatic, 5 year m o t o r c y c l e INSU for terrific bargains. Ey- John Street. Clothing, 1976 FORD MAVERICK Asking best offer over RANCE SPECIALIST — ★ toys. Cabbage Patch doll — AM/FM stereo, auto- warranty, rust proof, erything priced way $600.
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