Congressional Record—Senate S3204
S3204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 24, 2020 Secretary, Department of Defense, transmit- and Containments)’’ received in the Office of POM–208. A resolution adopted by the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the President of the Senate on June 22, 2020; Board of Supervisors of the City and County titled ‘‘Department of Defense (DoD) Guid- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- of San Francisco, California, urging the ance Documents’’ (RIN0790–AK97) received in lic Works. United States Congress to pass Emergency the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–4882. A communication from the Direc- Earned Income Tax Credit; to the Committee June 22, 2020; to the Committee on Armed tor of Congressional Affairs, Office of Re- on Finance. Services. search, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, POM–209. A resolution adopted by the EC–4872. A communication from the Fed- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Board of Supervisors of the City and County eral Register Liaison Officer, Office of the a rule entitled ‘‘Regulatory Guide (RG) of San Francisco, California, urging the Secretary, Department of Defense, transmit- 1.233, Revision 0, Guidance for a Technology- United States Congress to pass H.R. 40 (Com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Inclusive, Risk-Informed, and Performance- mission to Study and Develop Reparation titled ‘‘TRICARE Pharmacy Benefits Pro- Based Methodology to Inform the Licensing Proposals for African-Americans Act) and gram Reforms’’ (RIN0720–AB75) received in Basis and Content of Applications for Li- implement a federal commission to study the Office of the President of the Senate on censes, Certifications, and Approvals for and develop reparations proposals for the Af- June 22, 2020; to the Committee on Armed Non-Light Water Reactors’’ received in the rican American Act; to the Committee on Services.
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