At 6:00 p.m. President Nancy Gregory called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Trustees Nancy Gregory, Doug Park, Troy Rohn, AJ Balukoff, Maria Greeley, Brian Cronin, and Dave Wagers. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly; Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis and Clerk Jennette Clark; Directors Lisa Roberts, Amy Kohlmeier, Dr. Ann Farris, Matt Kobe and Blas Telleria; Administrators Debbie Donovan and David Roberts; Supervisor Tom Willis and Marnie Schell; Communications Specialist Ryan Hill; Public Information Specialist Dan Hollar; BEA President Stephanie Myers; Principals Tim Standlee, Robb Thompson, Chris Ryan, Jeff Farley, Beverly Boyd, Deb Watts, Kurt Thaemert and Ted Hettinga. Assistant Principals Kay Hansen, Kelly Fossceco and Mark Bleazard.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance led by 4th – 6th grade Student Ambassadors from Grace Jordan Elementary, Counselor Lindsy Thomas, Principal Jason Hutchison


It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for almost 27 years. This person is a fantastic asset to the District who has influenced many students and staff members for many years.

This person is an amazing educator and media specialist. She uses her performance skills as a former drama teacher to make technology, computers, and reading come alive for students as well as for her peers. She is a tremendous resource, having a huge wealth of knowledge in general and of the books in the library. This person is creative, efficient, and incredibly tech-savvy. She is always on the cutting edge of technology, the latest and greatest books, and up-and-coming authors. She always has creative ideas to make the library more innovative, user-friendly, and exciting for students. She really cares about getting students excited to read, and the passion she has for literature is inspiring.

This person also reaches out to students who may not have a place to go at lunch to feel comfortable, offering the library as a refuge. She offers brain games, fun books, book clubs, and other activities to remain an integral part of the school and to keep reading at the forefront of students’ minds. The library is constantly being updated with new books, technology, and resources, and this person spends the time and effort to research grant opportunities to make it happen.

This person’s experience as a drama teacher has given her unique perspectives into teaching and working with students. She coordinates the school talent show each year, making sure the acts are high quality and the timing is impeccable. She helps students write scripts and stage their performances for assemblies. Her WordPlay club has been a tremendous asset to the school. WordPlay is free and fun and students get the opportunity to explore theater arts under a master teacher. This person’s kind nature and patience, combined with her diverse skill set are a blessing to her school.

Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Red Apple Award for January 11, 2016 to Adrienne Stark, education media generalist, Riverglen Jr. High School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow.


It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for over 12 years. Students and staff adore and appreciate this person in all of the many hats that she wears at Boise High.

Although this person’s official title is in-house detention monitor, she supports students both formally and informally in countless other ways. In her capacity as detention monitor, this person offers exactly the right balance between advocacy and accountability. She can motivate students that no other adult can. She is an experienced and skillful instructor who helps struggling students salvage classes that they would otherwise fail. She cares deeply about students and they know it.

This person cares about every staff member and is perpetually cheerful and optimistic. In the day-to-day functions of the school, she is invaluable. She does whatever needs to be done with a moment’s notice, from checking in substitute teachers to covering classes to supervising students during lunch or break. Her famous dance and smile brighten even the most challenging days.

This person also serves as cheerleading advisor and assistant athletic director. She spends hours and hours of extra time with the cheerleaders helping them to become strong and skilled athletes, successful scholars, and exemplary citizens. At the girls’ basketball team’s annual Pink Out to raise money for breast cancer research, the student body is challenged to “out pink” this person. No one can. This person attends virtually every athletic event and is a strong advocate for and role model of sportsmanship and school spirit.

Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Golden Apple Award for January 11, 2016 to Shelly Heath, in-house detention monitor, Boise High School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow.


ASB representatives from Capital High School and Timberline High School reported to the Board of Trustees: Capital High School – Lilly Boggan and Timberline High School – Carter Jones and Bella Zito.


Upon a motion by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Park, the Board unanimously approved Enclosures 1 - 12.

1. Minutes of previous meetings: a. Enc 1 – Minutes: Board Meeting – December 14, 2015

2. Business and Financial Items: a. Enc 2 - Regular Bills – Report reflected total checks written in December 2015 of $19,004,203.17 b. Enc 3 - Treasurer’s Report – Report reflected a balance on the books as of December 31, 2015 of $2,601,782.75 c. Enc 4 - Capital Outlay Projects Completed: ° Hillcrest Office Roll Up Door ° Whitney Dental X-ray Machine Installation Projects in Progress: ° Whitney Well #5 ° Jefferson Fire Alarms ° Boise High School Training Room ° F & O New Facility - 2 - ° Capital High School Wrestling Room HVAC RTU Replacement ° Longfellow Portable #96 d. Enc 5 - ASB Financial Reports:

SCHOOL BEG. BAL. INCOME EXPENSE BALANCE BOISE 333,597/10 69,671.53 58,377.12 344,891.51 BORAH 228,188.53 83,655.24 69,961.69 241,882.08 CAPITAL 173,726.86 77,199.02 68,350.68 182,575.20 FRANK CHURCH 28,856.77 3,903.37 4,383.89 28,376.25 PROF TECH 44,751.39 3,341.84 5,625.86 42,467.37 TIMBERLINE 340,242.18 59,692.72 30,378.26 369,556.64 EAST 70,448.40 1,557.15 6,807.31 65,198.24 FAIRMONT 63,234.11 2,184.99 7,812.70 57,606.40 HILLSIDE 55,475.16 6,735.25 8,045.87 54,164.54 LES BOIS 64,120.64 3,092.55 20,620.75 46,592.44 NORTH 103,943.98 10,745.62 24,569.85 90,119.75 RIVERGLEN 43,152.62 1,838.56 8,456.37 36,534.81 SOUTH 96,710.04 5,026.79 4,097.15 97,639.68 TVMSC 47,281.69 0 1,193.21 46,088.48 WEST 76,546.90 6,027.80 10,016.15 72,558.55 e. Enc 6 - Elementary Financial Reports: Reports were approved as presented. f. Enc 7 - Budget Transfer: The District anticipates substantial savings in the transportation budget as a result of decreased fuel costs and the reduction in the number of routes utilized for the year. We are requesting that a portion of the savings be utilized to assist with paying owner costs (permit fees, utility hookups, testing fees and equipment costs, etc.) Associated with the Facilities and Operations Building. We request authorization to transfer the following budgeted funds:

Expenditure Account

Transportation - Purchased Services 67100001 53311,53411 ($300,000) Capital Assets - Non Student Occupied 81108801 -55361 $300,000 g. Bid Awards: Enc 8 - Food Service 2 nd Semester – Twenty bid solicitations were distributed and the District received eight bids in response. Bids were reviewed and awarded on a line item basis with totals per bidder as follows:

Northwest Distribution Service $400,933.19 Sysco Food Service $395,871.71 Food Service of America $339,851.15 Nicholas and Company $116,331.60 National Food Group $ 18,938.00 J Weil $ 13,955.60 h. No Final Pays This Month

- 3 - i. Enc 9 - Interim Financial: The interim financial statements summarizing the financial activity for the six months ending December 31, 2015. The package included a balance sheet for December 31, 2015 and a statement of revenues and expenditures for the six months ending December 31, 2015. The percentages for each year have been compared and variances calculated. Any variance greater than 5% was explained in the "Summary of Significant Variances from Prior Year”. The entire report may be viewed online or in the District Clerk’s office.

3. Personnel Items: a. Enc 10 - Personnel Report: The Board approved the Personnel Report for January, 2016.

New Hire Employee Location Position Vacancy Reason Effective Certified Decker, Hannah Whittier Elem Teacher-Elem. Resignation 12/10/2015 Gentil, Bonnie North Jr. Teacher-Sec. Leave 1/19/2016 Stephens, Louise Fairmont Jr. Teacher-Special Ed. Transfer 1/5/2016 Classified Anderson, Jennika Timberline High Spec. Ed. Asst. Resignation 1/11/2016 Mcevilly, Monique Lowell Elem Spec. Ed. Asst. Resignation 1/4/2016 Facilities & Operations Warren, Bruce Washington Custodian Transfer 11/18/2015 Leaving the District Employee Location Position Reason Effective Certified Boyd, Cheryl Morley Nelson Teacher-Elem. Retirement 1/15/2016 Bruyninckx, Michaline Whittier Elem Teacher-Elem. Personal 12/11/2015 Classified Faber, Gale Capital High Business Technician Retirement 2/26/2015 Lake, Ashley Hillcrest Elem Spec. Ed. Asst. Personal 12/18/2015 Facilities & Operations Darrenkamp, Shawn Hillcrest Elem Head Custodian- Personal 12/31/2015 Nichols, Esther Fort Boise Head Custodian- Retirement 12/18/2015 Just for Kids Fleming, Shauna Amity Elem Child Care Provider Return to School1/22/2016

b. Enc 11 - Alternative Authorizations: Under Idaho State Board Rule § Initial Qualifications, we request the Board of Trustees declare a hiring emergency for the purpose of employing less than fully certified teachers.

The District requests approval to seek an Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist for the following individual:

Taylor Ashe Idaho Secondary English 6/12 Robert C Gillingham Natural Science 6/12

4. Other Items: a. Enc 12 - Enrollment Report: The total enrollment for January 4, 2016 is 26,060 up 228 from the same time last year.


Upon a motion by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Balukoff the Board unanimously voted to amend the agenda. The Executive Session was amended to 74-206(1)(b)(f). Good faith reason: New information arose in a court proceeding today which was not known before this afternoon.


Principal Chris Ryan, Gina Watson and Sarah Harris presented a report on the Classical Education Program at Pierce Park Elementary. Classical education is a model of education following an ancient pattern called the trivium which divides learning into three distinct stages: Grammar (K-4) This stage teaches skills in core subject areas of reading, writing and arithmetic while building a broad framework of knowledge in history, literature, language and scientific investigation. Logic (5-8) This stage builds on the foundation of knowledge established in the grammar stage by teaching students to analyze, question and critically think about topics studied. Rhetoric (9-12) Adding to the previous stages, students apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning to express themselves verbally and write articulately.


Trustee Maria Greeley presented the following policies for First Reading: New Board Member Orientation #1610, Homeless Education, Rights and Services #2231, Request for Reconsideration of Books or Other Materials #2512, Request for Reconsideration of Books or Other Materials Procedure #2512P, High School Graduation Requirements #2640, High School Transcripts #2641 and Early Graduation #2643. These policies will be back for Second Reading and approval at the February 8, 2016 Board Meeting.


Trustee Maria Greeley presented the following policy for Second Reading: Order of Business #1420. Upon a motion by Trustee Park with a second by Trustee Gregory the Board unanimously approved the policy and to become effective immediately.


Facilities Committee : Trustee Doug Park presented the following report from January 7, 2016. Attendees: Doug Park, Maria Greeley, Dave Wagers, Coby Dennis, Dr. Ann Farris and Tom Willis

Progress Report on the New F&O Building Tom Willis, reported that work continues. The timeline has been challenged due to the weather of late. He will provide a more detailed report for our February meeting.

Updating the Facilities Master Plan The DeJong-Richter staff facilitated a series of labs with the supervisors over the past month to gather their important perspective regarding the Facilities Master Plan update.

The administration reports that more information will be available soon regarding bringing the October 26 th participants back together for a second meeting in the spring.

Maple Grove The administration reported on the potential improvements being considered at Maple Grove. They are working hard to prioritize scarce capital funds to include Maple Grove improvement.

- 5 - Harris Ranch The administration reported on a series of meetings with the Harris Ranch team. They are excited about the prospects of developing a site for a primary school within the Harris Ranch. They were very enthusiastic about these initial collaborative meetings.

Syringa Valley The first phase of a plan to build 2000 homes was announced just before the holidays. This development includes our strategic high school site purchased last fall. The administration reported that this first phase of 453 homes, might be starting sooner than expected. They will be contacting the developers to discuss a elementary school site and their timeline. Growth in this area of Boise will need to include possible boundary changes as well as new schools.

St Luke’s Master Plan We received an update from ACHD regarding the St Luke’s Master Plan. This update was helpful as it will influence our plans for the necessary green space development for Boise High.

Governance: Trustee Maria Greeley presented the following report from January 5, 2016. Attendees: Maria Greeley, Doug Park, Coby Dennis, Lisa Roberts and Jennette Clark

This past December, Executive Director of ISBA, Karen Echeverria, sent an email to all Idaho Trustees and Superintendents regarding open meetings and executive session. The Governance Committee began with a review of the email and Board adherence to Idaho Code Section 74-206. The Governance Committee members believe that the Board agendas correctly reflect the purposes for executive session and the subject matter is appropriate for executive session. The committee members also reviewed Ms. Echeverria’s reminder that action subsequent to holding an executive session needs to be identified on the Board’s agenda. Again, the committee members have confidence that the Board and Clerk are properly following Idaho Code. All executive sessions are accurately posted on the agendas, votes are done in open session, and the votes are documented in the minutes.

The following policies were identified as needing possible revisions: 1610, 1640, 1710, 2231, 2512, 2512P, 2640, 2641, 2643, 3212P, 3233, 3272, 3313, 3411, 3420, 3431, and 3432.

The following policies will be reviewed by the Board for first reading: 1610, 2231, 2512, 2512P, 2640, 2641, and 2643. The committee members felt that these policies required updates or minor content revisions.

There was a more in-depth discussion of policy 1710-District Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Beliefs. The Governance Committee members agree that this policy does not require revisions and is the foundation for Boise School District expectations. The Cabinet will determine if the BSD Statement of Beliefs needs any updates or modifications and will then bring it to the Strategic Planning Committee for input.

Strategic Development: Trustee Balukoff presented the following report for January 7, 2016: Those in attendance were: Trustee AJ Balukoff, Co-Chair/Director Dr. Ann Farris, Coby Dennis, Nancy Gregory and Doug Park.

Gate Update Stacey Roth reported on the Gifted and Talented (GATE) program in the District. The District has been analyzing GATE participation by school, and noticed disparities between the Title I schools and Non-Title I schools. The District hired a GATE Title I Specialist to work on achieving better GATE representation from Title I schools. The Specialist is currently working with teachers and parents in eight highest need schools. They are working with 247 students, testing and evaluating them for GATE. 78 of those students have qualified for GATE. They have identified two students who qualify as Highly Gifted.

The Specialist trains teachers to know what to look for in students, and allows them to refer students when parents do not know how or are unable to advocate for their children. The specialist also works with parents to help them advocate for their children. - 6 -

Differentiated Training Update Debbie Donovan, Becca Anderson and Chris Taylor described their professional development efforts to train teachers how to teach to all students when students in the same classroom have diverse learning styles and readiness levels. This is called differentiation. The professional development includes giving teachers the strategies and resources to optimize differentiation as they work with students.

The following is a list of some of the strategies and resources for three content areas:

Social Studies • K-12 teachers use Document Based Questions (DBQ) in their classes in order to optimize differentiation. • District in-service training will have multiple sessions that focus on differentiation. • The new social studies curriculum incorporates the Idaho Core Standards and differentiation resources for the content. • Plans for the 2016-17 school year include a two-day differentiation workshop. • Plans for the 2016-17 school year also include purchasing leveled readers for grades 5 and 6. Science • Saturday science classes focus on integrating science into K-6 classrooms and how to create differentiated labs for the students • The new science curriculum incorporates the Next Generation Science Standards with a focus on inquiry and differentiation. • All high school science teachers are attending a two-day workshop focusing on differentiation and science for all students. • District in-service training will have multiple sessions that focus on differentiation. • Science leveled readers were purchased for grades 1-4, and the 2016-17 plans include purchasing them for grades 5 & 6. • 15 teachers attended a Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) class the focused on grouping and inquiry based learning in the secondary science classroom. • BSU professors are providing professional development on how they differentiate at the college level. • Professional development includes pedagogy training; traditionally PD has been content only. English Language Arts • Teachers in grades 3-10 have been shown how to create leveled instructional groups based on the STAR universal screener. They were also shown how to access leveled resources within STAR. • The Integration Specialist team presented differentiation/grouping using STAR resources to the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at several schools. • This is the second year of implementing Citelighter in grades 6-12. Citelighter is an online writing platform that offers scaffolded support in writing and research. • The K-6 curriculum was redesigned with built-in resources for differentiation. • Representatives from the College Board will be presenters at the February 12 in-service training sessions. They will show teachers how to access and use the PSAT and SAT new website that offers leveled resources to students for skill building and preparation for the PSAT and SAT tests. • This is the second year of training secondary social studies and English teachers in pre-AP/AP strategies to build vertical alignment and meet the needs of all students.

Debbie Donovan presented the results of an analysis of the number of first time, full-time freshmen attending BSU that enrolled in remedial math or English classes. In the fall of 2015, there were 319 Boise District students enrolled as freshmen at BSU. 43 of those students were enrolled in remedial math. This represents 13% of the Boise District cohort.

The data for remedial English were not as clear, but it appears that the percentage of the Boise District cohort taking remedial English is less than 15%.

- 7 - Other Items of Discussion Ann Farris presented an analysis of cost per student for varying levels of enrollment at the Booth Marian Pritchett School that she will use in discussions with the Salvation Army.

At a spring workshop, District Administration will present an overview of a potential pilot program for Neighborhood Community schools that could begin next fall.

Trustee Development: Trustee Dave Wagers presented the following report for January 5, 2016. Those in attendance were: Dave Wagers, Trustee President Nancy Gregory, Dr. Troy Rohn, Matt Kobe and Blas Telleria.

The Trustee Development Committee considered the following subjects for possible future discussions or education opportunities for Trustees:

1) The committee considered possible upcoming topics for trustee education and reports:

January Workshop Open Enrollment Presentation Board Superintendent Evaluation Facilities Update Possible Debrief on Transportation Decision making process.

February Board Meeting Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) Teacher Mentor Program Professional Development Design

2) Trustee Development Committee was tasked with reviewing Policy 1610 New Board Member Orientation.

Members had the following suggestions that will be forward back to the Governance committee.

• Delete the second bullet point under #1 (Board’s policy manual is available online) • In #2 change the word “Board” to “District” to be more reflective of administrative duties. • Add #4 with “The Board shall plan for Board training focusing on specific Board duties such as but not limited to: annual Board training topics, topics from the priority grid, other possible training resources include but not are not limited to: ISBA, NSBA, Idaho Attorney General, Idaho State Board of Education.

3) The committee discussed revisiting the priority grid again with the current Board. The committee consider that some training topics may become annual, reoccurring training topics for the Board and other topics presented on an as needed basis. Chairman Wagers will help facilitate this separation of annual training topics and the priority grid development process for the Board. We expect to send out a preliminary training topic list to all board members and the cabinet. Suggestions for training topics will be compiled and then revisited by all to select the most relevant training for Board members.

4) Parking lot issues:

Ongoing discussion of use of data for Trustees: What data should the Trustees ask for on a regular basis to assess district performance? What data should Trustees get on a regular basis? What data should Trustees get on a periodic basis? If Trustees are voting on a topic, they should have all the data. Could a scorecard of some kind be developed to make data easier to use? Consider having training topics 45 minutes before a board meeting as an additional training opportunity for Trustees. - 8 - BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS

Trustee Maria Greeley reported on a visit to Fairmont Junior High. Principal Brian Walker invited the Board to attend an AVID Open House on February 18, 2016 at 7:30 a.m.

Trustees are reminded to let Clerk Jennette Clark know if they will be attending the ISBA Day on the Hill. Capital Notes will begin on Friday, January 15, 2016


At 7:02 P.M. in accordance with I.C. 74-206(1)(b)(f), a motion was made by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Balukoff to move into Executive Session. The Board voted as follows Greeley – yes, Balukoff – yes, Park – yes, Cronin – yes, Rohn – yes, Wagers – yes, Gregory – yes.

Those in attendance were: Trustees Nancy Gregory, Maria Greeley, A. J. Balukoff, Troy Rohn, Doug Park, Dave Wagers and Brian Cronin. Also in attendance were: Dr. Don Coberly, Coby Dennis, Jennette Clark, Dan Skinner, Blas Telleria, Ann Farris, Lisa Roberts, Amy Kohlmeier, and Matt Kobe.

Attorney Dan Skinner reported on personnel and a pending litigation

At 7:29 P.M. with a motion by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Wagers the Board unanimously voted to move back into open session.


There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Rohn made a motion with a second by Trustee Balukoff to adjourn the Board meeting. The Board unanimously agreed at 7:30 p.m.


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