Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8 DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0957-6


Nitrogen dynamics in large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu,

M. Zhang Æ J. Xu Æ P. Xie

Received: 24 March 2007 / Accepted: 11 July 2007 / Published online: 8 August 2007 Ó Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Temporal and spatial dynamics of nitrogen in Keywords Nitrogen Eutrophic Flux lake and interstitial water were studied monthly in a large Sediment–water interface Lake Chaohu shallow, eutrophic lake in subtropical China from October 2002 to September 2003. The distribution of nitrogen was consistent with the idea that high nitrogen concentrations in Introduction the western part of the lake resulted from high levels of the nutrients from the surrounding cities through sewage– Many freshwater lakes undergo eutrophication because of drainage systems. Nitrate was the predominant form of increased input of nutrients, e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus nitrogen in the overlying water, while ammonium was from anthropogenic sources. The dynamics of macronu- predominant in the interstitial water, indicating that strong trients such as nitrogen and phosphate have been oxidative nutrient regeneration occurred near the sedi- vigorously studied because their availability is one of the ment–water interface. Nitrate could be an important most important controlling factors for primary production dissolved inorganic matter source for phytoplankton, which (Ryther and Dunstan 1971; Schindler 1977; Carpenter et al. in turn influenced the seasonal variations of nitrate con- 1998). Although phosphate is usually thought of as the centrations in lake water. Significant positive correlation major limiting nutrient of primary production in lake between ammonium fluxes and water temperature was environments (Schindler 1977), it has been suggested that observed and could probably be attributed to the intensified at least in eutrophic lakes, nitrogen could be a more ammonification and nitrate reduction with increased tem- important factor (Elser et al. 1990; Downing and McCauley perature. Positive correlation between ammonium fluxes 1992). Therefore, understanding the natural cycling of and algae biomass and Chl a concentrations may indicate nitrogen (N) in eutrophic lakes is of key importance. that phytoplankton was an important factor driving Besides external input and regeneration in water columns, ammonium fluxes in our study lake, and vice versa that inorganic nitrogen released from sediments is an important higher fluxes of ammonium supported a higher biomass of nitrogen source for primary production (Gardner et al. the phytoplankton. 1987), especially in shallow lakes (Harrison 1980). The sediment–water interface plays a major role in N cycling of aquatic ecosystems through mineralization of particulate or dissolved organic N including ammonification, nitrifica- M. Zhang tion, denitrification (Blackburn and Sorensen 1988). Such College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, processes result in exchange of DIN (dissolved inorganic 430070, People’s Republic of China nitrogen) at the sediment–water interface and accumulation J. Xu P. Xie (&) of ammonium in the interstitial water (Denis et al. 2001, Donghu Experimental Station of Lake Ecosystems, State Key Hasegawa and Okino 2004). The immobilization of nutri- Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology of China, ents in sediments and the rate of regeneration are related to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan 430072, People’s Republic of China a series of interacting physical, chemical and/or metabolic e-mail: [email protected] processes. Factors that can alter the exchange balance are, 123 2 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8 the capacity of sediments to retain nutrients, the conditions still not well understood, although its shallowness implies a of the overlying water (e.g. dissolved oxygen, redox strong interaction between its sediment and water column. potential and pH), and biotic composition (Redshaw et al. Therefore, this investigation was conducted from October 1990; Staundinger et al. 1990). 2002 to September 2003 in Lake Chaohu and the objectives With regard to nitrogen, sediments generally represent an were to estimate seasonal, spatial and vertical variations of important source of ammonium and a sink for nitrate (Sei- nitrogen species in lake water and interstitial water, and tzinger 1988; Denis et al. 2001; Liikanen et al. 2002; describe how sediment–water diffusive fluxes of ammo- Liikanen and Martikainen 2003; Hasegawa and Okino nium vary seasonally and spatially, and discuss the possible 2004). Denitrification is known to remove nitrogen by bac- controlling factors in this shallow eutrophic lake. terial reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas via nitrite in anoxic sediment environments, and may be based on both nitrate diffusing from the water column into the sediments and on Materials and methods nitrate produced by nitrification (Seitzinger 1988; Howarth et al. 1988). Ammonium in interstitial water usually origi- Description of study lake nates from two important biological processes: bacterial deamination of organic matter and excretion by benthic Lake Chaohu is located in the delta of the River in organisms. In aerobic conditions ammonium can be oxidized southeastern China, between 117°160E and 117°50E longi- to nitrate during nitrification, assimilated by microphyto- tude and between 31°250N and 31°430N latitude. It has a benthos and/or bacteria, and involved in exchange reactions mean surface area 770 km2, a mean depth of 2.7 m and a between the adsorbed and interstitial-water ammonium pool storage capability of 2.1 billion m3 (Fig. 1). Prior to the (Kemp et al. 1990; Van Luijn et al. 1999). Ammonium inputs 1950s, it was well known for its scenic beauty and richness of from the sediment can be important seasonally (Sornin et al. aquatic life. Since that time, however, the lake has under- 1990; Souchu et al. 1998) and serve as a main source of N for gone serious eutrophication. Increasing pressures from the phytoplankton (Gardner et al. 1987; Collos et al. 2003). population and economic development in the drainage area Planktonic algae are capable of using both ammonium and are responsible for the current state. A great amount of nitrate as N sources. For example, DIN exchange at the industrial wastewater and domestic sewage were discharged sediment–water interface may provide a large part of the into the lake (Shang and Shang 2005). The results have nitrogen requirements for phytoplankton, up to 30–80% in created negative ecological, health, social, and economic temperate estuaries (Blackburn and Henriksen 1983). effects on the lake and its use (Shang and Shang 2005;Xu Previous studies in aquatic systems have suggested that et al. 2003, 2007). In the warm seasons of each year, the lake ammonium fluxes may be regulated by several factors is eutrophic with dense cyanobacterial blooms (mainly including type of sediment, oxidation of organic matter, composed of Microcystis and Anabaena) (Xu et al. 2007). temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations. For example, Dorota and Halina (2001) have reported that diffusive ammonium fluxes were significantly different in Sampling and assay relation to sediment type (p < 0.05). Their values were higher in sediment with the largest silty-clay fraction than Two water column and three sediment samples were col- with the largest sand fraction. Massive input of organic lected at six locations (Fig. 1) at monthly intervals from matter settling on surface sediment increased DIN fluxes at October 2002 to September 2003. Sites I, II and III were the sediment–water interface (Cowan et al. 1996; Denis located in the western part of this lake, and Sites IV, V and et al. 2001). However, little is known about the effect of VI in the eastern part. Water samples were collected at the planktonic primary producers on ammonium flux in sedi- surface (0.5 m) and overlying water. Sediment cores were ment–water interface in freshwater ecosystems. obtained using a hand-driven stainless steel corer (100 cm Lake Chaohu is one of the five largest freshwater lakes long with an internal diameter of 3.9 cm). For depth in China and has undergone serious eutrophication for profiles, sediment columns were sliced into three layers: decades. Based on a series of investigations, phosphate was 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and 20–30 cm. The interstitial water usually thought of as one of the major limiting nutrients of was separated from the sediment particles by centrifugation primary production in lake environments (Xu et al. 2005; at 3,000 rpm for 30 min (Degobbis et al. 1986) immedi- Zhang et al. 2006). However, at least in eutrophic lakes, it ately. The supernatants and water samples were then has been suggested that nitrogen could be an important filtered through a 0.45 lm membrane filter. limiting factor (Elser et al. 1990; Downing and McCauley Ammonium was determined by the Nessler method, 1992). In Lake Chaohu, the dynamic patterns of nitrogen nitrate by ultraviolet spectrophotometric screening method, species and the role of the sediment in nitrogen cycling are and nitrite by the a-naphthylamine method (Xu et al. 2005). 123 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8 3

Fig. 1 Location of Lake 117 36 E Chaohu in China (a) and the sampling sites in this study (b)

B 31 40 N


Nanfei River

Hefei City Chaohu City

I Pai River VI II III Yuxi River Mushan Island V

N IV Hangbu River

Mawei River 010 Km B

Total nitrogen (TN) was measured by alkaline potassium T T 2 T 2 DS ¼ D h ¼ D h ð2Þ persulfate digestion-UV spectrophotometric method (APHA T 2 1 1995). Mean porosity and grain size in surface sediments where D (cm s ) is the infinite dilution diffusion were carried out according to Hua and Wang (1993). coefficient at the ambient temperature T (°C). This value 2 1 Sediments were air-dried and sieved through a 0.149-mm was calculated from the zero-degree coefficient D° (cm s ) mesh. Total nitrogen in sediment was measured by BUCHI according to Boudreau (1997): 339 Kjeldahl Analyzer Unit. DT ¼ D þ aT ð3Þ

2 1 1 Diffusive flux calculation where a (cm s °C ) is an ion-specific coefficient. In the calculation of diffusive fluxes, the diffusion DT Diffusive fluxes (FDiff) were estimated according to Fick’s coefficient S only includes molecular diffusion around first law by calculating a linear gradient between the sur- sediment particles. The calculated diffusive fluxes must face interstitial water concentration and the bottom water therefore be considered as minimal diffusive fluxes (only concentration of solute (C) in the sediment: diffusion; Callender and Hammond 1982; Emerson et al. 1984). T FDiff ¼/DS ðÞdC=dz ð1Þ T with DS, the effective diffusion coefficient of the solute C in the sediment, /, the sediment porosity, and z the depth in Results the sediment. The effective diffusion coefficient of a solute in the Sediment characteristics sediment must take into account the convoluted path that molecules must follow around sediment particles (i.e. tor- The porosity, granulometric characteristics and total nitro- tuosity h). Following Berner (1980), we used Archie’s law gen in sediment of the six sampling sites were shown in (h2 = /(1m)), with the empirical coefficient m = 3 (Ullman Table 1. Mean porosity of the surface sediment was slightly T and Aller 1982). The effective diffusion coefficient (DS)of higher in the western than in the eastern areas, ranging from a solute in the sediment was then calculated as follows: 0.67 to 0.75. The sediments of all the six sites almost 123 4 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8

Table 1 Average of physical I II III IV V VI and chemical properties of sediments in Lake Chaohu Mean porosity (mL cm3) 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.69 0.72 0.67 Grain size (% dw) Sand 2.1 2.6 4.3 4.9 6.1 3.1 Silt 88.2 91.1 92.3 92.0 88.6 88.7 Clay 9.1 6.0 3.4 2.9 4.0 6.3 TN (mg g1) 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.49 0.52 0.58

40 the western sites I, II, III than in the eastern sites IV, V, VI C) C) o o A 30 (t test, p < 0.05). 20 10 Lake and interstitial water Temperature ( Temperature ( 0 20 Water temperature ranged from 3.8°C in February to 28.0°C ) ) B -1 -1 in July (Fig. 2a) with an annual average of 16.6°C. Dissolved 15 oxygen concentrations varied between 16.0 and 7.2 mg L1 10 (Fig. 2b), and Chl a concentration changed between 9.4 and 5 1 DO (mg L DO (mg L 47.9 lgL with peak values occurring in June (Fig. 2c). 0 Concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and TN in the lake water exhibited a consistent spatial pattern decreasing from 100 ) ) C station I to station VI (Fig. 3a, c, d), and were significantly -1 -1 75 higher in the western sites (sites I, II, III) than in the eastern gL gL µ µ 50 sites (sites VI, V, VI; t test, p < 0.01). However, ammo- 25 nium concentrations in the lake water showed Chl. a ( Chl. a ( 0 inconspicuous spatial variation (Fig. 3b). In the interstitial ONDJ FMAMJ JA water, both ammonium (Fig. 3b) and TN (Fig. 3d) con- Month centrations were significantly higher in the western sites Fig. 2 Seasonal variations of temperature (a), dissolved oxygen (b) than in the eastern sites (t test, p < 0.01). and Chl a (c) in the water column of Lake Chaohu. Mean values were Vertical profiles of nitrate and ammonium in the lake calculated from data of all sampling sites. Error bars represent one and interstitial water were shown in Fig. 4. Nitrate was standard deviation unless smaller than symbol dominant in the lake water, while ammonium was domi- entirely comprised silt (>88.2%). The clay content was nant in the interstitial water. In both the western and obviously higher at station I than at the other stations. The eastern areas, there was no significant difference in mean concentrations of total nitrogen were significantly higher in nitrate concentrations between the surface and overlying

Fig. 3 Spatial changes in Lake water Interstitial water nitrate (a), ammonium (b), ) 3.0 -1 5.0 )

nitrite (c) and TN (d) -1 A B 4.0 concentrations of the lake and 2.0 interstitial water from Lake 3.0 Chaohu. Mean values were 1.0 2.0 calculated from data of all 1.0 sampling dates. Error bars Nitrate (mg L 0.0 0.0 Ammonium (mg L represent one standard deviation 0.3 20 unless smaller than symbol ) C -1 D ) 15 0.2 -1 10 0.1 5 TN (mg L Nitrite (mg L 0.0 0 I IIIIIIVVVI IIIIIIIVVVI Sampling Sites

123 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8 5

Fig. 4 Vertical changes of Concentration (mg L-1) nitrate and ammonium in the 012340.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 lake and interstitial water in the western (a), Sites I, II, III, and A B eastern (b), Sites IV, V, VI, Surface Water areas of Lake Chaohu. Mean values were calculated from Overlying Water data of all dates. Error bars represent one standard deviation unless smaller than symbol Interstitial water (0-10cm) Depth increase Interstitial water (10-20cm)

Interstitial water (20-30cm)

Nitrate Ammonium water. Vertical patterns of ammonium concentrations in the with the maximum in summer (Fig. 5b). Comparatively, interstitial water were different spatially. In the western nitrate in the interstitial water and ammonium in the lake sites the maximum ammonium concentration occurred in water (Fig. 5b) showed no apparent seasonal variations. the surface sediment with gradual declines towards deeper sediments (Fig. 4a), whereas in the eastern sites the max- imum was observed in the deeper sediment layers Diffusive ammonium fluxes (Fig. 4b). The vertical changes of nitrate concentrations in the interstitial water were relatively stable. In most situations, ammonium fluxes were directed from Temporal variations of total nitrogen, nitrate and the sediment to the water column. Ammonium fluxes were ammonium concentrations in the lake and interstitial water significantly higher in the western sites than in the eastern were shown in Fig. 5. Nitrate concentrations in the lake sites (Fig. 6). Ammonium fluxes increased significantly water changed between 0.50 and 2.65 mg L1 (Fig. 5a) with water temperature (Fig. 7a), algae biomass (Fig. 7c) with the minimum in summer. Ammonium was the pre- and Chl a (Fig. 7d) concentrations, and decreased signifi- dominant dissolved nitrogen species in the interstitial water cantly with dissolved oxygen in the lake water (Fig. 7b).

Lake water Interstitial water 4 )

-1 A 3 Western Eastern 60 I IV 2 50 1 40 30

Nitrate (mg L 0 20 10 )

-1 0

8 )

B -1 -10 d

6 -2 60 II V 4 50 2 40 30 0 20

Ammonium (mg L 10 0

) 16 -10 -1 C 12 Ammonium flux (mg m 60 III VI 8 50 40

TN (mg L 4 30 0 20 ONDJFMAMJ JAS 10 Month 0 -10 ONDJ FMAMJ JAS ONDJ FMAMJ JAS Fig. 5 Seasonal variations of nitrate (a), ammonium (b) and TN (c) Month in the lake and interstitial water of Lake Chaohu. Mean values were calculated from data of all sampling sites. Error bars represent one Fig. 6 Temporal and spatial changes of ammonium flux at the standard deviation unless smaller than symbol sediment–water interface in Lake Chaohu

123 6 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8

40 A strong oxidative nutrient regeneration at sediment–water C) o 30 interface (Wu et al. 2001; Landing et al. 1991). Because of shallowness and vertical mixing of the lake water all the 20 year, vertical variations of nitrate and ammonium con- 10 centrations in the water column were not observed in this Temperature ( 0 lake. The decreases in nitrate concentrations in both the eastern and western portions of Lake Chaohu, probably 20 ) B

-1 indicated the microbial denitrification in the absence of 15 adequate DO and under anaerobic conditions in this shal- 10 low eutrophic lake. Though related properties of sediments,

DO (mg L 5 e.g. absorptive capacity, DO, redox potential and pH, were not analyzed, previous studies carried out in the eutrophic 0

) freshwater lakes with increased input of nutrients, e.g. -1 60 nitrogen and phosphorus, from anthropogenic sources C demonstrated that the excess availability of nutrients not 40 only stimulates primary production but also has significant effects on microbial processes (e.g. Liikanen et al. 2002). 20 The elevated mineralization consumes oxygen (O2) in the

Algae Biomass (mg L 0 overlying water and interstitial water, leading to lake anoxia (the absence of adequate DO) (Smith et al. 1999), 150 ) D favoring anaerobic microbial processes, e.g. denitrification -1 120 (Hasegawa and Okino 2004). The increase of ammonium gL µ 90 in the interstitial water in the eastern sites with sediment 60 depth might be mainly related to regeneration by anaerobic Chl a ( 30 metabolism with the development of anoxia as gener- 0 ally reported in other studies (e.g. Liu et al. 2002). -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 However, high ammonium in the interstitial water was Ammonium Flux (mg m-2 d-1) observed in the surface sediment, which might be attributed Fig. 7 Correlation of ammonium fluxes with temperature (a), to strong mineralization at the surface layers of the sedi- dissolved oxygen (b), algae biomass (c) and Chl a concentrations in ment because the organic matter content of surface the lake water of Lake Chaohu. Significantly positive correlations were found between ammonium fluxes and temperature (r = 0.60, sediments is higher in the western than in the eastern areas p < 0.0001, n = 63), algae biomass (r = 0.67, p < 0.0001, n = 63) (Tu et al. 1990). and Chl a concentrations (r = 0.65, p < 0.0001, n = 56) of lake water. Significantly negtive correlation was found between ammonium fluxes and dissolved oxygen (r = 0.42, p < 0.001, n = 63) Seasonal variations of nitrogen and correlation with phytoplankton Discussion Nitrate concentrations in the lake water showed obvious Vertical and spatial variations of nitrogen seasonal changes in this study, while ammonium did not. It has been documented that ammonium is often used pref- Higher total nitrogen concentrations in the western sites erentially over nitrate when both substrates are available could be attributed to high levels of nutrient inputs from the (e.g. Berman et al. 1984; Gu et al. 1997), and therefore surrounding cities because the previous studies showed that more obvious seasonal changes in ammonium than in nitrogen inputs from the rivers in the western part of this nitrate can be expected. However, both obvious seasonal lake accounted for 79% of whole-lake nitrogen discharging changes in nitrate concentrations in this study and a from the rivers (Tu et al. 1990). TN increased with significantly negative correlation between nitrate concen- increasing clay content with the exception of site II, which tration and algae biomass by Deng (2004) indicated the may reflect the greater sorptive capacity of clay minerals effective utilization of nitrate by phytoplankton in this relative to silt and sand. Positive correlation between clay eutrophic lake. This was supported by previous studies that content and nitrogen content in the sediment was also distinct seasonal trends of nitrate concentrations in lake reported in previous studies (Lu et al. 2005). Nitrate was water indicate the winter stock of nitrate and the utilization found predominantly in the overlying water, while of nitrate during the summer bloom (Temponeras et al. ammonium dominated the interstitial water, indicating a 2000). 123 Environ Geol (2008) 55:1–8 7

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