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i? < >v! Number 3 % '* ϊν MARCH, 1938

Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting Cleveland, Ohio, October 19-21,1938 Headquarters, The Allerton

Official Publication of



Industrial Quality Control Officers

Medical Milk Commissions

Milk Plant Operators

Milk Control Officials

Dairy Technologists



KEEP ABREAST of the new developments in milk technology through the

Journal of Milk Technology

Join the

International Association of Milk Sanitarians

See page 53 for particulars POTENCY CONTROL of “C ream Vitex” (to be used in the preparation of Vitex Vitamin D Milk)

• Each batch of Cream Vitex is given a "batch number.” This number is stamped into the head of each Cream Vitex can of that batch. The Cream Vitex is then biologically assayed to check the proper vitamin D content. The "batch number” also ap­ pears on the vitamin D assay report of that batch.

• Copies of these Cream Vitex vitamin D assay re­ ports, carrying this identifying "batch number,” are furnished state and city food control officials. This is done before any part of the particular batch of Cream Vitex is supplied to licensed dairies for use in the particular food control officials’ territories.

• If, by chance, any food control official is being omitted from this service, please advise.

VITEX LABORATORIES, INC. a Nopco Subsidiary Harrison, N. J. H e r e i s

C u t - a w a y view of the C C S p r a y Fasten r- izer equipped with Sentinel Control showing the spray of hot water flotv- ing over the lin in g .

JN the cut-away view above you see an actual still lower water temperatures than ever before.

close-up of the spray of hot water flowing Sentinel Control, also illustrated above, auto­ down over the stainless steel lining. Now give matically cuts off the flow of water when the this photo a close look— notice how very thin pasteurizing temperature has been reached. This is this film of hot water— and how snugly it feature — plus the very thin lining — maintains clings to the entire length of the lining utilizing a uniform temperature during the holding period every bit of surface. and also brings positive assurance of no creep in You operators in the trade know that a the milk temperature during the holding period. of milk of rich, natural flavor is best turned out Tell your CHERRy-BURRELL salesman you want when heating water temperatures are kept low. to see the new movie that tells the complete

The improved CC— with extra thin lining and story of the CC SPRAy PASTEURIZER or write increased heating water speed — operates at us for Bulletin Θ-299.

CHe r r y -BUrrell Corporation · 4 2 7 IV. ^ C A ic a n c JOURNAL OF MILK TECHNOLOGY

Official Publication of

The International Association of Milk Sanitarians

Volume 1 MARCH, 1938 Number 3


Editorial ...... „...... 1 Plumbing Hazards in Pasteurization Plants—W. Scott Johnson, M. S...... 3 Observations on Problems Relating to the Paper Milk Bottle-—E. Wheaton, R. H. Lueck, and E. W. Tanner...... 11 The Use of Social Security Funds in Training Milk Inspectors—C. E. Waller.... 16 Nutritional Aspects of Milk—W. E. Krauss, Ph. D.~.—...... 22 Report of Committee on Methods of Improving Milk Supplies in Small Communities—Leslie C. Frank, Chairman ...... 27 Report of Committee on Dairy Farm Methods—F. D. Holford, Chairman...... 30 Report of Committee on Dairy and Milk Plant Equipment— Walter D. Tiedeman, Chairman...... 34 Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in Milk—O. F. Garrett-.;...... 37 Certain Practical Aspects of the Use of Paper Milk —P. H. Tracy_...... 40 Some Sanitary Problems in the Ice Cream Industry—Robert C. Hibben...... 43 Report of the Committee on Standard Methods for the Bioassay of Vitamin D. Milk—Henry T. Scott, Chairman...... 49 Information Concerning Journal of Milk Technology...... — 53 Application Blank for Association Membership...... 54 Constitution and By-Laws—International Association of Milk Sanitarians. 55 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK SANITARIANS

Secretary’s Office: State Department of Health, State Office Building, Albany, N. Y.

OFFICERS 1937-1938 President, Alexander R. Tolland...... LBoston, Mass. First Vice-President, Victor M. Ehlers...... Austin, Texas Second Vice-President, Paul B. Brooks, M. D...... Albany, N. Y. Third Vice-President, Leslie C. Frank...... Washington, D. C. Auditors: J. R. Jennings...... Chicago, III, F. D. Holford...... :______,...... New York City Secretary-Treasurer, C. Sidney Leete...... ____ :...... Albany, N. Y.


The Executive Board consists of the Association President, the three Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer

COMMITTEES AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AFFECTING MAN—Their Relation to Public Milk Supplies I. A. Merchant, Chairman ...... Ames, Iowa DAIRY AND MILK PLANT EQUIPMENT Walter D. Tiedeman, Chairman...... Albany, N. Y. SANITARY PROCEDURE Walter D. Tiedeman, Chairman...... :...... Albany, N. Y. DAIRY FARMS METHODS F. D. Holford, Chairman...... New York City SANITARY .CONTROL OF ICE CREAM F. W. Fabian, Chairman...... East Lansing, Mich. LABORATORY METHODS A. H. Robertson, Chairman...... Albany, N. Y. METHODS OF IMPROVING MILK SUPPLIES IN SMALL COMMUNITIES Leslie C. Frank, Chairman...... Washington, D. C. PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Sarah Vance Dugan, Chairman______Louisville, Ky. RESOLUTIONS ' Ernest Kelly, Chairman______Washington, D. C. LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE· 1938 MEETING (To be appointed when place of meeting selected). JOURNAL of MILK TECHNOLOGY

Volume 1 March, 1938 Number 3

Editorial Section The opinions and ideas expressed in papers and editorials are those of the respective authors. The expressions of the Association are completely recorded in its transactions.

The Journal as Official Organ of Local Associations The Journal of Milk Technology came into being because the International Association of Milk Sanitarians had outgrown their annual year book. The latter had served well for twenty-five years but was inadequate for the present needs of the Association. A publication medium was necessary to keep the membership abreast of the new developments in dairy technology, to publish the papers in convenient form, to convey official notices of the officers, to maintain frequent contact through­ out the year, and to foster Association' loyalty and maintain interest. These ob­ jectives are being fulfilled by the Journal, judging from the letters we are receiving from our fellow sanitarians. Some rather rapid recent developments have indicated that the local or . area associations of milk inspectors (sanitarians) are recognizing similar needs. They feel that the papers presented at their annual meetings should be published, but they feel the need of a more frequent contact than their year book. The publication of a journal is a somewhat larger undertaking on which they hesitate to embark. A newly formed local (area) association which had not yet organized its publication program made overtures that this Journal serve as its official organ. As soon as two of the older and larger state associations heard of this idea, they expressed themselves as being interested in a similar relationship. The management of the Journal outlined a plan whereby such a development could be realized and submitted it to the Executive Board of the International Asso­ ciation. The Board approved a plan that would be mutually beneficial to all local associations and the International Association. Local associations would maintain their independent status as now. The Journal would become their official organs. This would provide a medium for publication of the notices, programs, news items, and such papers as the local association secretaries would designate. 2 Editorial

It is clear that such a development would be to the interest of all quality control officers, both official and commercial. At the option of the local associations theit papers would be published either in their year books as now or in the Journal. Their programs of meetings would be published more widely than now and thereby foster local interest and develop some where none now exists. The publicity given these programs would enable secretaries to learn ydiat are the most interesting and valuable papers given at other meetings, and thereby assist them in building up their own programs. The frequent contacts between the officers and membership would op­ erate to maintain interest between the annual meetings. Under the present conditions, only the larger states have the resources in per­ sonnel to support a state association. The difficulty of building good programs and the expense of publication deters the men in many of the smaller states from assum­ ing the responsibility of forming a state association. The small membership and limited circulation would be insufficient to support a journal. Under such a plan as above outlined, these obstacles would be overcome because the Journal would publish programs, papers, and technological news which would effectively relieve the officers of their chief worries. If this general plan were followed, any state that has 25 inspectors should form a state association for the following reasons: 1. it would accord to milk sanitarians everywhere professional privileges which are available now only to those in the larger states; 2. it Would improve their local prestige; 3. it would publicize the work of milk quality control and engender interest where none now exists; 4. it would form a working nucleus which would serve as a rallying center to all local milk sani­ tarians and gain strength as they joined one by one: 5. it would make the local inspec­ tors vocal and give them a voice in any public measure in which they are interested; 6. it would tend to strengthen their positions by reason of the combined influence of their fellow members; and 7. it would improve the work of all milk sanitarians by reason of the pooled knowledge.

NEXT ANNUAL MEETING The Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 20 and 21, 1938, with headquarters at The Allerton. Journal of Milk T echnology 3

Plumbing Hazards in Pasteurization Plants W. Scott Johnson, M. S. Chief Public Health Engineer, State Board of Health of Missouri, Jefferson City, Mo.

Notable progress has been made during milk to develop leaks. Frequently a the last ten years in the sanitary features product such as butter is washed direct in of pasteurization plant and equipment de­ tap water. Cooling water is used over sign. However, the milk control official’s and over with the aid of roof aerators motto must be "constant vigilance,” and which are exposed to aerial contamina­ his objective, to improve continually the tion. Condensers are often employed for safeguards surrounding the quality of a cooling the refrigerating medium with tap public milk supply. The recently re­ water which is used repeatedly with the vised attitude of health officials toward aid of aeration or discharged to waste the health significance of plumbing should through a solid connection to the sewer. be sufficient reason for the milk control Toilet facilities are provided to maintain officer to add additional items to the re­ satisfactory personal hygiene. Generally quirements of pasteurization plant sani­ this equipment is connected directly to tation. It is difficult to conceive of any both the water and sewer system of the location where greater potential health building. hazards might be introduced from de­ Provision is made for the disposal of fective plumbing than in a milk pasteur­ waste water from such plants by means ization plant. To appreciate fully the of the usual system of sewer lines. The hazards of faulty plumbing in a pasteuri­ contents of these lines consist of the zation plant it is essential to discuss sewage from toilet rooms as well as large briefly the plumbing requirements of milk volumes of waste water from washing plant equipment and the hazards of faulty and rinsing machinery, floors, and other plumbing. appurtenances. These sewers carry po­ A. modern milk plant is concerned tentially infectious material and at times with the processing of milk and milk are probably overloaded to the extent of products for the market. Pasteurized producing internal pressure. fluid milk and cream, butter milk, cul­ Most pasteurization plants maintain a tured milk, cheese, and ice cream consti­ laboratory for control purposes. Many tute the principal end products. For the pieces of laboratory equipment such as manufacture of these products various aspirators, water baths, etc., are con­ types of equipment are necessary, such as nected with the water or sewer system in pasteurizers, coolers, holding vats, churns, such a manner as to constitute potential condensers, refrigerators, compressors, hazards. brine tanks, bottle and can washers. From this brief description it should Large quantities of water are essential be apparent that the quality and quantity for washing, rinsing, cooling, the gen­ of the plant water supply are very im­ eration of steam for power, and steriliz­ portant from the standpoint of the sani­ ing purposes. It is common practice to tary protection of the milk supply as well rinse equipment with water before milk as effective operation. Likewise safe or milk products are placed in contact disposal of plant waste by means of the with surfaces. Usually the initial cooling sewer system is essential to sanitation. is accomplished with tap water and it is It is recognized that at least a partial not uncommon for the shell or pipe wall vacuum may exist without warning in any separating this cooling medium from the water piping system due to a number of 4 Plumbing H azards causes such as a heavy draft in a main frequency with which such valves are due to a fire, or cutting off the water made ineffective by corrosion, stoppage supply and draining lines for repairs. by foreign substances, or even tampering Such a vacuum has been shown for ex­ by the careless or uninformed, render ample to be capable of siphoning the (heir protection very uncertain. It is a contents of a flush valve type toilet bowl, yell known fact that building as well as in good working order, into the water street sewer lines do become clogged supply line. See Figure 1. For a simi­ causing sewage to back up at times under lar reason any potable water outlet that is considerable pressure. Further it should submerged may be converted into a siphon never be assumed that a sewer line, re­ and pull the liquid substance into the gardless of its construction, will not water supply pipes. sooner or later leak due to excessive pres­ The usual method, if any, of protect; sure, faulty joints, or corrosion. ing potable water lines directly connected In general, these faults of piping or to contaminated water or sewer lines plumbing systems are responsible, in a against pressure on the non-potable water great variety of modifications, for most side from a pump or back pressure due of the existing potential haaardous plumb­ to the temporary stoppage or surcharging ing conditions. The public health rea­ in a sewer line has been by means of a sons for keeping the contents of sewers check or manual valve. The ease and from contact with food or a potable

Illustration P r i n c i p l e o f BacK'Siphonaee in Plumbing Fixtures.



Familiar Example Siphonace.

• \ r o b b e r \ HOSE. TABLE. %~B==z. u i _ Vi\ m am m a V ra m tu m . 1 1

’ffj x<_ IC tO B E B VALVE. v * - r t a z \vv* Journal of Milk T echnology 5

water supply are too well understood by water closets and urinal traps, laundry health officials as well as the public to washing machines, processing tanks, water require further discussion. softeners, and stockwater basins. Inlets A recent survey of the plumbing and not ordinarily submerged beneath the piping systems of six milk plants indi­ surface of the fixture contents but which cated a situation that was extremely com­ , at times become submerged due to care­ plicated, especially in the large plants. lessness in filling or to stoppage of out­ The many types of equipment concerned, lets, such as flushing ritn openings in the frequent maze of pipes, and the vari­ water closets, urinals, and slop sinks, ous ways that this equipment was inter­ connected with water and sewer lines lavatories, aspirators, utility room sinks, presented many difficulties in obtaining drinking fountains, bottle washers, loose accurate information. To simplify and hose, etc. clarify the results of the survey, the de­ Type 3. Sewer lines located over pas­ fects found have been grouped into six, teurizers or other milk processing equip­ general types according to the way in ment; floor drains located in refrigerators which the condition becomes a plumbing, or other rooms where food is stored or defect and potential health hazard. processed and in rooms where ice is "Plumbing defect” is used in a broad made or prepared for use. sense to, include faults in piping systems as well as equipment design. Figure II Type 4, Water supply subject to aerial illustrates typical plumbing defects of pollution. Example—Potable water sup­ the various types found in the six milk ply tanks with open or loose tops or plants surveyed. covers located on roof of building or Type 1. Direct pipe or equipment con­ other exposed location. nection between potable water supply and Type 5. Possible infection of persons sewage or other contaminated water, with through use. Example—Incorrectly de­ or without check or manual valve be­ signed drinking fountains which can be tween, which through excessive back pres­ contaminated by user with possible hazard sure or negative head, or both, might re­ to subsequent users. sult in the contamination of the potable Type 6. Equipment designed to hold supply with sewage or polluted water. Example—Polluted water pump directly food during processing, surrounded by connected to potable water supply; con­ or containing pipes or jacket through densers directly connected to potable which the water supply is circulated. Fre­ water supply and also to sewer lines; quently this type of equipment is rinsed drains or overflow from potable water with tap water just previous to use. The tanks directly connected to sewer lines; danger from such connections and opera­ mechanical refrigerating units directly tion is predicated upon the water supply connected to potable water supply and becoming contaminated due to other ' sewer lines.\ faulty plumbing and the development of Type 2. Potable water supply inlets breaks in the pipes or jacket so that con­ submerged constantly or because of direct taminated water would leak into the food or indirect stoppage that, due to a nega­ supply. Example—Certain types of milk tive head or vacuum in the potable water pasteurizers, milk holding vats, milk supply lines, might result in the con­ coolers, and other equipment in which tamination of the potable water supply with sewage or polluted water through dairy products are heated or cooled or back siphonage. Example—Constantly both. submerged inlets which are hazardous Based on this grouping of plumbing even when the fixtures are in good op­ defects, Table I indicates the number of erating condition such as siphon jets in plumbing defects in each milk plant. 6 Plumbing H azards FIG. II Journal of Milk T echnology" 7

Table I Number of Plumbing Defects in Each Milk Plant Surveyed,· Classified According to Types Number of Plumbing Defects Found Milfe Plant Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Total A ...... 4 35 1 . 3 4 12 59 B ...... 0 13 0 0 0 1 14 C ...... 0 21 1 1 0 14 37 D ...... Λ...... 0 13 2 0 0 9 24 E ...... 0 10 2 0 0 3 15 F ...... iv...... 4 43 0 5 5 4 6·1ι

Total ...... 8 135 6 9 9 43 210

Table II Number of Plumbing Defects in Milk Plants Classified According to Type and Equipment Involved Number of Plumbing Defects Found Equipment Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Total Bottle Sterilizer .... — 2 — " --- ' — --- . 2 Bottle Washer ...... — 4 ---' — — — 4 Brine Tank ...... — 2 — — — — 2 Can Washer ...... — 5 — — — — 5 Washer ...... — 2 — — . --- — 2 Cheese Tank __ — — --- ' — — 2 2 2 2 Culture Tank ...... __ 6 ______5 11 Drinking Fountain.. — 5 — 9 — 14 Floor Drain ...... — — 2 . --- — — 2 Flush Toilet ...... — 25 — ---■ ' ■ — — 25 Hose ...... — 51 ---' — — — 51 Laundry Washer _ — 2 . --- — --- ' — 2 Milk Cooler...... — — — — — 4 4 Milk Condenser .... 1 — ■-- — — 1 , 2 Milk Storage Tank — — — — . 2 2 Pasteurizer ...... -- : — '■--- — — 29 29 Potable Water Tank — — — 7 — — 7 Pump ...... 5 — — — •-- — 5 Refrigerator ...... 1 — — --- . — ■ --- 1 Roof Cooler...... — — — 2 — . — 2 Sewer Pipe ...... 1 --- 4 — — — 5 . Soaking Tank ...... — 1 — — — . --- 1 Steam Cooker ...... — 4 — — ■ --- — 4 Sterilizer...... — 1 — — — — 1 Wash Bowl ...... ■ — 15 — — . --- — 15 Wash Tank ...:...... — 7 --- . — ' --- ' --- 7 Water Softener ..... — 1 — — — — 1

Total ...... 8 135 6 9 9 43 210 Table II indicates the extent to which equipment is involved in various types of plumbing defects. 8 Plumbing H azards

In two instances samples of water col­ wise the type and age of buildings, equip­ lected from milk plants showed heavy ment, maintenance of equipment, and contamination. In one case, an auxiliary other factors, all have a bearing on the spring water supply, cross-connected with possibility of a health hazard occurring. the city water supply and also used for Old plumbing, badly corroded and lack­ cooling and flushing purposes within the ing many modern safeguards, as well as plant, showed contamination. In the a poorly maintained piping system pre­ second instance the water sample was sent great potential hazards. Besides taken from a supply line to a milk cooler. defective plumbing, this survey indicates The survey of milk plants showed the that milk plant equipment is improperly existence of 210 plumbing defects. There designed in many cases, and may be re­ were 28 different kinds of milk plant sponsible for contamination of the water equipment involved in the hazardous con­ supply or milk products. nections found. In 152 instances the In general methods of eliminating plant water supply was subject to possible these plumbing and equipment defects contamination. Forty-three pieces of in milk plants do not present unusual dif­ equipment were found with water jackets ficulties, although some ingenuity and a or coils which in case of a leakage would thorough understanding of the hydraulics allow the plant water supply to come into of plumbing is essential. J n the con­ contact with the milk. In 137, or 65 struction of new plants the added ex­ percent, of the defects found, back pense of eliminating plumbing defects siphonage and in some cases stoppage of will be small. Likewise in the purchase outlets would be necessary to cause a of new equipment there should be no hazard. Ten, or 4.8 percent, of the de­ difficulty in specifying a design that will fects resulted from direct connections, eliminate hazardous conditions. How­ that is, solid piping without a break ex­ ever, in the case of older plants and isting between contaminated water or equipment, more difficulty and consider­ sewage and the potable water supply. able expense are involved. Frequently The results of this survey reveal a the difficulty of finding all plumbing number of ways in which water supply, hazards in old plants is a major problem. milk, or milk products in all the plants In the case of Type I or direct pipe surveyed might be contaminated. If the or equipment connection between potable water supply of the plant becomes con­ water and contaminated water or sewage, taminated with sewage because of one of it is usually quite a simple matter to the above reasons, there are many possi­ provide protection. Figure III indicates bilities of this pollution coming in con­ a scheme for introducing an air gap which tact with milk due to leaks in coolers or precludes the possibility of contamina­ pasteurizers. Whenever water is used in tion gaining entrance to the potable water direct contact with milk products, such lines. as butter or rinsing surfaces of milk Type 2 defect when potable water sup­ equipment, the danger is obvious. There ply inlets are submerged constantly or is also the ever present danger of this because of stoppage can usually be cor­ contaminated plant water supply back- rected without difficulty. Figure IV in­ flowing into the distribution system. Ad­ dicates methods for correcting the most ditional examples of a hazardous situa­ common connections of this type so that tion in milk plants is the location of there is no danger of contaminating , the sewage lines directly over equipment potable water supply. used to process milk products, and the Whenever a plant is located on more dangers due to leakage from joints or than one floor, the sewer lines serving corroded pipes. the upper floors should be so located Certain types of plumbing connections that they do not pass over or near any are more dangerous than others. Like­ equipment used for processing purposes. Journal of Milk T echnology 9

Satisfactory Method of Providing a Priming Satisfactory Air Gap Connection between Line from Potable Water Supply to Pump Drain and Overflow of Potable Water Tank an d Se w e r

Condenser or Cooler and Sewer


X—It·r"to 2* Above Rim

Contaminated Water or Other Material

Satisfactory Above Rim Potable Water Inlet to Wash Water Vat or Sim ilar Equipment

Schem e for Keeping Hose Nozzle above Floor 10 Plumbing H azards

It is recommended that the floor should As an additional safeguard and protec- drain to walls or supporting columns with tiqn in the design of a plumbing system inlets at these points to sewers which for milk plants, careful consideration rise vertically from the basement to roof should be given to the hydraulic char­ vent. In the floor construction, particu­ acteristics of water and sewer lines. In lar attention should be given to assuring both cases loss of head should be reduced water tight conditions. to a minimum and the size of. pipe de­ When floor drains are installed in re­ termined on the basis of maximum flow frigerators where milk or milk products requirements. Properly designed sewer are stored, these drains should have a and water lines will greatly reduce the broken connection to the house sewer, as danger from excessive back pressure in indicated in Figure V, to prevent the the former and negative head or vacuum back flow of sewage into the refrigerator. in the latter. In the case of auxiliary water tanks on While it is not the function of this roofs they should have tight tops that keep discussion to deal with the administrative out air borne contamination. Cooling problem presented by faulty plumbing, towers should not be directly connected in conclusion the following brief sug­ to the potable water supply. gestions are offered. Plans for new plants To eliminate Type 5 defect all milk must be carefully checked and^ approved pasteurization plants should be equipped before the construction contract for build­ with angle jet drinking fountains de­ ing or equipment is let, and field checked signed in accordance with the standard after installation to assure compliance. set up by the A. P. H. A. The work is very definitely a function of It is obviously not feasible to elim­ the health department and should be un­ inate the use of water for cooling pur­ der the supervision of a competent pub­ poses in pipes or jackets surrounding lic health engineer. When die existing milk or milk products. Likewise it would plumbing inspection department is not be difficult to assure that these pipes are under the jurisdiction of the health de­ absolutely leak proof at all times. How­ partment, close cooperation is essential. ever, if the potable plant water supply is The health department should not dele­ protected against every possibility of con­ gate the responsibility for' assuring safe tamination as previously discussed, it plumbing in milk plants to any other would appear that every reasonable pre­ department for the same reasons that the caution has been taken against the con­ responsibility for proper milk pasteuriz­ tamination of a milk or milk product ing and cooling equipment is not dele­ from this source. gated to another agency. Journal of Milk Technology 11

Observations on Problems Relating to the Paper Milk Bottle* E. WHeaton, R. H. Lueck and F. W. Tanner Laboratories of Bacteriology of the American Can Co., Maywood, III., and the University of Illinois, Urbana.

Willingness on the part of those con­ It has so many advantages in its favor. cerned with production and distribution No attempt will be made in this dis­ of milk and milk products to accept new cussion to review the history of the one- ideas has kept this industry on a high trip milk bottle. Some eight or ten have plane. Few foods in America are hand­ been proposed since 1920 and used to led under conditions which have been so various extent under commercial condi­ greatly influenced by science as has milk. tions. With one or two exceptions, none While this may be largely due to the in­ .have enjoyed wide use, and interest in herent character of the product as well the earlier ones practically disappeared. as to the fact that it may be an important However, the recent introduction of new factor in spread of communicable dis­ types of such has revived much eases, economic factors have also had an interest in them. Something over half influence. During the early days of the a million quarts' of milk are being distri­ milk industry practically all milk was buted in paper milk bottles daily in the sold in the bulk. While bulk or dip milk metropolitan New York area. This indi­ has not been entirely eliminated, health cates that either something quite new has officers have done much to drive it from been introduced, or that the public has the market and to introduce the individ­ assumed a different attitude; we believe ual retail filled and closed in the former. the milk plant. To the present time As evidence of the fact that something this container has been made of glass and has been given to the public in the newer has many advantages. For obvious rea­ type square base single trip container sons, attempts have been made at regular which meets with popular approval, the intervals to substitute a one service con­ following features are of interest. The tainer and it is with this problem that elimination of home and dairy contact, this symposium is concerned. thus preventing the possible transmission Several years ago saw the beginning of of communicable diseases, makes the fibre a trend in food distribution toward pack­ bottle a welcome addition to the single­ aging in retail containers. Today, prac­ trip container field. The ease with which tically all foods are packaged before they the containers may be stored in the home reach the hands of the retailer, only a refrigerator as well as in the dairy and few being packaged by the retailer him­ on the delivery wagon, and the marked self. All of these packages are used reduction in weight of handling have once and not returned. Fluid milk is proven attractive features. Of import­ about the only major food product which ance to the users of this type of container is distributed in returnable containers. is the compactness with which these bot­ The other dairy products such as cheese, tles may be stacked, thus allowing the butter and ice cream are distributed in milk packages to remain cold longer due one service . One wonders why to the inability of air to circulate around the one-trip container for fluid milk was them. not developed successfully before this. To the housewife the freedom from paying a deposit at retail stores has fur­ * Read before International Association of Milk Sanitarians» October 13, 1937, Louisville, Ky. ther enhanced the value of the fibre con­ 12 Paper Milk Borri,,e Problems'

tainer. Other features such as the neat­ Dr. P. S. Tracey and Dr. M. J. Prucha of ness of the package, its easy destructibil- the University of Illinois have also under­ ity after use, the elimination of dripping taken work on paper milk bottles. after pouring are all factors which have This short discussion of some prob­ helped the new fibre milk bottle reach its lems relating to manufacture and use present state of popularity. of one-service milk bottles must indeed be somewhat fragmentary. We shall not To the dairies, the opportunity for at­ atjtempt to review all of the results which tractive advertising on the bottle and the have Been secured over some four years elimination of expensive cleaning and of practical research. We shall, how­ sterilizing equipment have proven attrac­ tive incentives for the use of the fibre ever, present some of our conclusions, bottle. The fibre container made by the leaving for other papers in scientific pub­ American Can Company has a cap for lications presentation of detailed results of experiments. While our work has closure integral with the bottle. The cap been done with but one bottle, we believe is sealed at the place of manufacture un­ in general our conclusions will apply to der conditions free from organisms. The container once closed remains in that other bottles made in somewhat the same way. The conclusions which we have condition until it reaches the filling ma­ reached are based on over four years of chine at the dairy, and after filling is investigation, during which time thou­ immediately sealed again. These opera­ sands of bottles have been rinsed to de­ tions are all completely mechanical, thus termine their bacteriological condition. eliminating handling by human hands. The paper board base from which the The health of consumers of dairy pro­ bottle under discussion is made, comes ducts has always been carefully guarded frpm pure virgin pulp. The base is by health officers. Practically all of the not, as some believe, made from waste larger health conservation agencies have and scrap paper. Not one particle of divisions which are concerned only with such material is used. Anyone who is milk. Consequently any new venture in familiar with the methods of making this field is scrutinized closely to deter­ paper will appreciate that few, if any mine its effect on human health. How­ bacteria, could endure the' chemical and ever, consumer acceptance on a large heat treatment to which it is subjected. scale in the New York Metropolitan dis­ The pulp is subjected to treatment with trict indicates beyond any reasonable calcium acid sulfite or alkaline sodium doubt that the one-trip container for fluid sulfite at high temperatures, bleached with milk has come to stay just as it has for chlorine, and then passed to the rolls of several decades for other dairy products. the paper making machine. Here it is The problem now seems to be mainly again subjected to temperatures which one of informing those who are inter­ markedly reduce its bacterial content and ested in such containers about its present in some cases probably sterilizes it. It bacteriological condition and making it is quite probable that in the near future,, possible for them to examine the con­ a sterile paper will be produced. Leav­ tainers themselves. Our information to­ ing the paper making machine, the board day on the bottle under discussion re­ is rewound and cut for the bottle making sults from several years work in our machines. The rolls of paper are care­ own laboratories, the laboratories of the fully wrapped and sealed for delivery to Department of Bacteriology at the Uni­ the bottle making plant. versity of Illinois, and more recently At the bottle making machine the those of the New. York Experiment Sta­ paper board is cut into the various parts tion at Geneva. At the last mentioned required for the bottle; these are printed institution the work is being carried out ana the seams cemented with thermo­ by Dr. J. R. Sanborn under the direc­ plastic resins. The use of this type of tion of Dr. R. S. Breed. More recently cement avoids the use of adhesives that Journal of Milk T echnology 13 might themselves be media for bacteria bination of factors such as smothering, unless preservatives be employed. The or burying of organisms in the solid par­ bottle is then given its water-proofing affin, the lack of nutrient material and of treatment which consists of immersing in oxygen. hot paraffin in such a manner that it is completely coated. It is then drained and For experimental purposes a laboratory cooled to set the paraffin. During this paraffining unit was constructed with last step it is Sealed under essentially which the actual effect of this operation sterile conditions and the seal is not on bacteria in artificially inoculated paper-. broken until the bottle is on the filling board was studied. The assembled-un- machine in the dairy. Upon delivery paraffined containers were sprayed with from the cooling chamber the containers pure cultures of various bacteria after are placed in paper cartons which are which they were passed through the par­ tightly sealed thus rendering them dust- affin bath to be examined later for viable proof. In this condition the containers cells. Pure cultures of Escherichia colt, are delivered to the dairies either for Eherthella typhosa and Staphylococcus immediate use or storage. aureus were used in cell concentrations greatly in excess of what would be expect­ The paraffin serves several functions, ed under practical operating conditions. among which it water-proofs the paper- For example, the containers in certain of board, contributes to rigidity of the bottle, our experiments received 0.5 ml. of an improves the appearance, and assists in Escherichia coli suspension containing obtaining a sterile container. At the pres­ 10.975.000 cells per ml. The average ent time it is the best material to use for bacterial content of containers sprayed these and other reasons. Recent exten­ with Staphylococcus aureus was 55,237 sive observations have not revealed any cells per bottle before paraffining. Plates alterations in the taste of the milk stored made from the rinse water of unparaffined in the paraffined bottles. Every attempt bottles sprayed with Escherichia coli has been made to use highest grade par-, were uncountable. After paraffining, affin. At the present time the paraffin the average number of bacteria in 12 is being delivered from the refinery to bottles sprayed with suspension Staphlo- the bottle making machines in the molten coccus aureus was only 59 per bottle; condition. This has made it necessary to seven of these bottles failed to yield any secure special stainless steel tanks both for viable bacteria. After 96 hours of stor­ transporting the paraffin and holding it age, 12 more bottles were rinsed but in the plant. The paraffin baths iri the none showed viable bacteria. Results bottle making machines operate at a tem­ with Escherichia coli were similar. These perature of 82.2° C. (180° F.) to '85° results are typical of those secured in C. (185° F.). many experiments. They indicate a Originally it was felt that the paraffin marked reduction of bacterial flora dur­ when applied to the bottles at a high ing paraffination and death of bacteria in temperature 82.2° C.—87.7° C. (180° F. or on the paraffin during storage. 190° F.) exerted a thermal-lethal effect To secure added information on the on microorganisms thus insuring a sterile effect of storage on bacteria in the bottle, container. Subsequent investigations have bottles were sprayed with concentrations indicated that this is not entirely true. of Escherichia coli of varying numbers: It has been shown, however, that a 830.000 per m l.; 12,550,000 per ml. and marked reduction of bacteria is brought 22.250.000 per ml. Bottles received 0.5 about by the application of this hot par­ ml. of these suspensions and were then affin coating. In addition to some ther­ paraffined. Rinse tests were made and mal-lethal effect, the decrease in bacterial the rinse water plated after the bottles flora brought about by the paraffination had been stored for 96 hours. None of process is probably due also to a com­ these bottles tested (144) showed pres­ 14 Paper Milk Bottle Problems ence of viable Escherichia coli. Similar While the bottles are tightly sealed when work with Staphylococcus aureus showed they leave the manufacturing machine this organism to be somewhat more re­ and packed in heavy paper cartons, ex­ sistant. A few bottles yielded viable periments were carried out to determine cells after 96 hours but the number was whether they could become contaminated always low—less than 5. It should be by the air about them in the . We emphasized again that the number of sought to determine whether tightly viable bacteria used in these experiments sealed and opened bottles in damaged were greatly in excess of those which are and undamaged cartons, would take in found in regular paper-board. bacteria as the temperature varied with The behavior of microorganisms in the different storage temperatures. A large paraffin bath was also studied. Original­ pumber of closed bottles as well as bot- ly it was thought that the paraffin bath ]tles with the closure cap removed were during continual operation might become placed in the paper shipping cartons and heavily seeded with bacteria which would allowed to stand overnight at 43.3° C. be taken up by the bottles passed (110° F.). The following morning the through the bath later. To study this cartons were transferred to a cold room possibility heavily inoculated bottles and in which the air had been sprayed with a uninoculated bottles were passed alter­ test bacterium. Some of the cartons nately through the paraffin bath. Over were purposely torn at the time of plac­ 300 uninoculated bottles were used, none ing in the cold room. The organism was of which showed viable bacteria. This not found in commercially sealed bottles seems to indicate that even though all bac­ held in the damaged or undamaged car­ teria . are not destroyed in the paraffin tons or in the opened bottles retained in bath, they are greatly reduced in number. the undamaged carton. The only in­ If by chance some containers harbored an stance where the organism was recovered abnormally large number of organisms at was in a very small number of the open the time of passage through the paraffin, bottles held in a damaged carton. the possibility that bacterial free contain­ During the past few months we have ers might pick up these organisms from examined in one laboratory alone 4,933 the bath is rather remote. containers to determine how many bac­ Damaged paraffined containers were teria are being carried as well as to make also studied because it was believed that observations on the types present. All such bottles might release viable organ­ of the bottles which we have examined isms if they happened to be imbedded in are within the limits of bacteriological the paraffin. In studying this phase, in­ contamination suggested for the glass oculated unparaffined containers were bottle i. e., not over one colony per ml. coated in the regular manner and then of bottle capacity. In practically all in­ chilled. The containers were then stances they also meet easily the require­ damaged in such a manner as to Cause ments of the Baltimore city regulation of the paraffin coating on the inside to February, 1937, of less than 50 colonies become severely cracked. These bottles per bottle. were then rinsed with sterile water and Data from these examinations allow this cultured for the test organisms. No clear-cut conclusions. Fibre milk con­ evidence could be secured to indicate that tainers are now being supplied to dairies the bacteriological picture was influenced in a nearly sterile condition as deter­ in any manner by the cracked paraffin. mined by a rinse test method approved The bottle with which we have worked by several laboratories. Approximately is completely assembled in the bottle eighty percent of fibre milk containers making plant. It is, therefore, different now being used yield no viable bacteria. in this respect from some which are Of the remaining 20 percent that do show formed and paraffined in the dairy plant. colonies on plates made with· rinse water, Journal of Milk Technology 15

over 90 percent give fewer than five Modifications of this method have been colonies per bottle, the great majority used whereby the bottle is rinsed with 10 showing but one colony per bottle. These ml. of sterile water and two one ml. and counts are especially significant when it two one-tenth ml. portions have been is realized that the Public Health Ordi­ plated on plain agar. Another tech­ nance and Code (1935) states that bottles nique involved the rinsing of the bottles shall be so clean that they shall con­ with 10 ml. of water and the subsequent tribute not more than approximately 1,000 culturing of the total recoverable amount organisms to each quart of milk, or one (9.5 ml.) on three plates. The use of bacteria or colony per ml. capacity. plain broth and skim milk as a rinsing The types of bacteria have been care­ agent has been tried by Dr. Clark at Ur­ fully observed. Escherichia coli has been bana and somewhat higher counts were consistently absent when determined by secured in the few instances tried. culturing 5 ml. of rinse water in lactose Fluid agar has been used to rinse the broth. Lactose fermenting organisms bottles after which the agar is left in the have never been found to be present. Bac­ container and incubated in that condition. terial types that have been found on the Considerable difficulty with spreaders was plates have been white staphylococci, yel­ encountered by this method. low sarcina, spore-forming and non spore­ forming rods. Rarely have molds been Our data indicate that at the present isolated. Consideration of the types of time the best method available and the organisms that have been isolated, along method which gives the most uniform with the fact that they are present in results is the one whereby the bottle is very few numbers in containers that have rinsed with 10 ml. and all the recover­ any viable microorganisms whatsoever, able portion is plated. Perhaps in the indicates that real- progress has been made near future an even more Satisfactory toward an ideal package for fluid milk. method may be developed. A procedure Further study should even improve the involving the rinsing with twenty ml. of present situation. water and the culturing of 10 ml. of this Previous mention has been made to might prove even better. This would the use of the sterile rinse test which is permit the use of a larger amount of the method described in Standard Meth­ rinse water as well as the accurate plat­ ods of Milk Analysis (Sixth Edition p. ing of a designated amount. 58). In our tests we have used the It is apparent that the paper milk con­ method outlined whereby the bottle is tainer as judged by the results presented rinsed with 100 ml. of sterile water and by various laboratories is a good one for two 1 ml. portions are then plated with fluid milk. Distribution of milk in it plain agar. The number of colonies de­ makes it possible for this perishable food veloping on each plate multiplied by 100 product to be merchandized under con­ equals the estimated number of colonies ditions which contribute much to clean­ per bottle. liness.

NEXT ANNUAL MEETING The Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 20 and 21, 1938, with headquarters at The Allerton. 16

The Use of Social Security Fun^s in Training Milk Inspectors* C. E. j a i l e r Assistant Surgeon General, U. S. Public^ Health Service, Washington, D. C. Mr. President: If you will permit me Our second oldest function is that of to do so, I shall depart somewhat from preventing the introduction of disease the subject specifically assigned to me in from abroad into the United States. You your program. I think I probably can are all familiar, no doubt, with our quar­ best give you what I believe you wish to antine service maintained at all of the hear by outlining in a general- way the important ports of entry into the United operation of the public health program States and with the physical and mental under Title VI of the Social Security Act, examinations made by the Service of all showing as I go along where milk sani­ aliens who desire to be admitted to this tation and training for milk sanitarians country. lit into this program. The third important function of the 1 think it might be well, also, before I Public Health Service is that of prevent­ discuss Title VI of the Social Security ing the interstate spread of disease. Or­ Act, to preface my remarks by a brief iginally the Domestic Quarantine Divi­ reference to the functions of the Public sion had for its chief function the ren­ Health Service. dering of assistance to the states in the The oldest function of the Public application of interstate quarantine mea­ Health Service is that of providing med­ sures. I think everyone here today real­ ical care to certain beneficiaries of the izes how futile it would be to try to federal government, particularly seamen prevent the interstate spread of disease in the merchant marine, federal employees through the application of quarantine injured in line of duty, the personnel of measures under present conditions; so we the coast guard and veterans. discharge our functions in the preven­ The Public Health Service had its ori­ tion of the interstate spread of disease in gin in the first Marine Hospital, estab­ other ways. I need do no more than re­ lished at Norfolk, Virginia, in 1798. A fer, in passing, to our work on the certifi­ great many people have wondered why cation of water supplies used on interstate the Public Health Service is a bureau in carriers and the activities we carry on in the Treasury Department. There you cooperation with the several state auth­ have the answer. When the first Mar­ orities in protecting the consumers of ine Hospital was established for the shellfish. benefit of American seamen, and the One of the most important functions Marine Hospital Service was created, performed by the Public Health Service there were just three departments in the in helping to prevent the interstate spread executive branch of the federal govern­ of disease consists in research into the ment. One of these was the Treasury causes and methods of prevention of dis­ Department which at that time had ease. The results of these researches are charge of everything pertaining to ship­ handed down to the local and state auth­ ping and the merchant marine. Therefore, orities for application. our service became a bureau in the Treas­ The Public Health Service cooperates ury Department and has remained there with the states also by giving special aid ever since. in. the suppression of epidemics; by giv­ ♦Read before the 26th Annual Meeting of the Inter­ ing financial aid, as is now being done national Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louisville, Kentucky, October 11*13, 1937. under the provisions of Title VI of the journal of Milk Technology 17

Social Security Act; by rendering expert The third section, 603, authorizes the consultation service to the state and local Congress to appropriate direct to the authorities through the state health, de­ Public Health Service, for its own use, partments; by conducting surveys of pub­ the sum of not to exceed $2,000,000 a lic health administration in states and year for extending the research activi­ local communities; and, lastly, by lend­ ties of the Service, and financing the ex­ ing officers to aid in the organization of pense involved in the administration of state and local health departments. the grants-in-aid program. I should like particularly, at this It should be noted that these sections point, to make it clear that the of itfie Act do not actually appropriate the Public Health Service has no jurisdic­ funds. They merely authorize the Con­ tion whatever over local health matters gress to make such appropriations, within entirely within the states. You probably the limits prescribed, as it may see fit to recall that the Constitution of the United make from year to year. States reserved to the states all powers It is conceived to be the. aim, among not specifically delegated by the Consti­ other purposes, of Title VI of the Social tution to the federal government. Con­ Security Act, to stimulate a comprehen­ trol over local health matters wholly sive nation-wide program of public within the states was not among health, financially arid technically aided the powers delegated to the federal by the federal government but supported government by the Constitution. I so far as possible, and administered, by also wish to emphasize the fact that it is the states and local communities. To not the aim of the Public Health Service, this end the funds provided for allotment in carrying out this or any other program, and payment to the states are available to establish a huge federal machine which for (a) strengthening state and terri­ will have control over all state and local torial health departrnents, or bureaus or health work in this country. It is our divisions of such departments, and pro­ purpose, bn the other hand, to aid the viding adequate facilities especially for state and local authorities in developing promotion and guidance of district, coun­ further their own organizations and pro­ ty, and city health services; (b), through grams. The last thing we wish to do is the state and territorial, health depart­ to break down the local sense of propri­ ments, strengthening or aiding in the etorship and the sense of responsibility, development of district, county, and city among the local people, .for support, fi­ health services; (c), the training of per­ nancial and otherwise, of their own insti­ sonnel employed or to be employed in tutions. state and local health organizations. Title VI of the Social Security Act is Work to be done within the states divided into three parts. Section 601 under the Public Health Title of the of the Act authorizes the Congress to Act is not performed directly by the appropriate not to exceed $8,000,000 a Public Health Service but carried out by, year for grants-in-aid to the states for and administered under the supervision the purpose of assisting states, counties, of, the state and local health authorities health districts and other political sub­ under the authority of state and local divisions of the states in establishing laws and regulations, in the same manner and maintaining adequate public health as the regular activities of such authori­ services, including the training of per­ ties have been performed heretofore. All sonnel for state and local health work. funds paid to the states become state Section 602. prescribes the procedure to funds just as if they had been appropri­ be followed by the Surgeon General of ated by the state legislature. All per­ the Public Health Service in allotting the sons employed on the work within the funds to be given to the states for these states and local communities are state or purposes and in making the payments to local employes, selected, appointed, and the states from the allotments. paid by the state or local authorities. 18 Training Milk Inspectors

Responsibility for allotment of the an­ gets and meets other conditions with nual appropriation for grants to the states which it must comply before payments is placed on the Surgeon General of the can be made. Public Health Service. In making the Once funds have been allotted and allotments to the states, however, the p^id to a state, they must be expended Surgeon General must take into account sqlely for the establishment and mainte­ three major factors, namely: the relation­ nance of health services and in accordance ship of the population of each state to the with plans presented by the health auth­ total population of the United States as a ority of such state and approved by the whole; financial need of certain states, Surgeon General. or inability of certain states to meet their In the administration of the appropria- health problems without financial assist­ tipn for aid to the states, as I have al­ ance; and special health problems impos­ ready pointed out, it is the aim of the ing unusual burdens on certain states. Public Health Service not to establish The second and third factors are ap­ Federal jurisdiction over health work plied as differentials. As examples of within the states but to aid them in the special health problems there may be development and expansion of their own cited the prevalence of bubonic plague in state and local health services under their the Pacific Coast and Mountain States; oyra laws and regulations, to tfee end that the unusual prevalence of endemic typhus the public will continue to look to its fever in Georgia and Alabama; and the own state and local health authorities for large areas to be covered, and the sparse protection and guidance in local matters populations, of some of our northwestern affecting the public health. and mountain states. The selection of activities to be car­ The weighting and application of these ried on within each state has been left factors in the distribution of the funds largely to the state health departments. are left to the discretion of the Surgeon Each state health officer has the privi­ General, subject to the approval of the lege of originating such plans as he may Secretary of the Treasury. It should be consider best for his state. While these noted particularly that the allotments must plans must be submitted to the Public be made to the states and that the Public Health Service for approval before they Health Service can not deal directly with become effective and before the payment local authorities either in the distribution of federal funds may be made, it has been of the funds or in the consideration of the policy of the Public Health Service to plans for the work. It is within the dis- give its approval to any plan that may cretion of the state health authorities to be considered scientifically sound and — make, -soch—distribution—of—the—federal— whieh gives-promise jlf an adequate re· allotments as they may consider advisable, turn on the investment. Therefore, communities interested in par­ The Public Health Service has particu­ ticipating in the benefit of federal aid, larly refrained from recommending a must present their applications and plans standard pattern of organization and ad­ to their respective state health depart- ministrative practice. On the other hand, ■ ments. it has encouraged the adoption of plans The entire appropriation for aid to adapted to the particular needs of each states each year must be allotted at the state and encouraged experimentation with beginning of the federal fiscal year; different methods of administrative prac­ however, the fact that an allotment has tice. It is believed this policy will stim­ been made to each state does not mean ulate local initiative in the search for that each state necessarily receives the better methods of public health adminis­ full amount of its allotment. The state tration as the program moves , along and allotment is in the nature of a drawing will avoid the freezing of organization and account from which the state may receive administrative practice in a standard pat­ payments as it presents plans and bud- tern which would not permit readjust­ Journal of Milk Technology 19 ment to changing conditions and future eases; 3. Maternity service, including concepts of the public health program. home visits to expectant mothers, mainte­ Payments to the states are made quar­ nance of maternity clinics, and infant terly in advance, in accordance with bud­ and pre-school health service, including gets submitted by the state health officers maintenance of clinics for and on care to the Surgeon General and approved by of infants; 4. School hygiene, including him. At least fifteen days prior to the inspection and examination of school chil­ beginning of each quarter, the state dren and dental health education; 5. health officer makes a request for the Diagnostic laboratory service for com­ quarterly payment. After the request municable diseases; 6. Environmental has been determined to correspond with sanitation, including protection of water the approved budgets and the amount of supplies, sanitary control of milk sup­ money available, certification for pay­ plies, sanitation of food handling estab­ ment is made by the Public Health Ser­ lishments, and mosquito control; and 7. vice to the Treasury Department. The Public health education, including home checks are issued by the Treasury Depart­ conferences, public lectures, newspaper ment and mailed to the state official legal­ articles, moving pictures, literature, ex­ ly empowered to act as custodian of the hibits and instructions in schools. funds. The provision of medical care, other As examples of specific purposes for than that involved in immunization for which federal funds may be used by the prevention of communicable diseases and state health authorities, the following may treatment of venereal diseases to render be mentioned: (A) State health depart­ cases non-infectious, is not contemplated ments: 1. Addition of technical and ad­ under the provisions of the Act, nor is ministrative personnel (and this includes any provision made for cash benefits to personnel employed on milk sanitation); compensate individuals on account of ill­ 2. The addition of special facilities for ness or to provide medical services. the control of syphilis, tuberculosis, can­ With respect to the training of per­ cer, malaria, and other diseases regarded sonnel, portions of the allotments to the as special health programs; 3. The addi­ states have been set aside especially for tion of facilities for promotion of special the training of state and local public activities in fields such as industrial hy­ health workers. These funds may be giene, mental hygiene, public health used for paying tuition fees for instruc­ nursing, milk sanitation, public health tion and for subsistence stipends for such education, and nutrition; 4. The addition personnel while in training. The indi­ of public health laboratory facilities (in­ viduals chosen for special training are cluding milk laboratory facilities); 5. selected by the state health authorities. Strengthening divisions of public health As a rule the selection is limited to per­ engineering in the promotion of environ­ sons already employed on health depart­ mental sanitation, including supervision ment staffs or to individuals specifically of water supplies, sewage disposal, sanitary chosen to fill existing or anticipated va­ control of milk supplies, and mosquito cancies. control; 6. The purchase of serums and If any state health officer wishes to vaccines and drugs; 7. The purchase of use any part of his allotment especially other, supplies and additional equipment. for the training of milk sanitarians, en­ (B) The programs of local health de­ gineers, or any other members of his partments which will be developed or staff charged specifically with the duty of aided through the use of federal funds the protection of milk supplies, it is usually include the following activities: within his discretion to do so. The 1. Communicable disease Control, includ­ Public Health Service will approve bud­ ing home visits to cases, immunization, gets which contain items set up for pay­ and maintenance of diagnostic clinics; 2. ing living stipends and tuition for train­ Facilities for treatment of venereal dis­ ing milk sanitation personnel. The state 20 Training Milk ^Inspectors

health officer may select the school where specific training center. He is at liberty he wishes to send such students. tq send them wherever he believes the' I wish to add, however, that this whole most satisfactory training will be received. training program contemplates only post Among the conditions laid down, not graduate instruction. It is not intended by law but by the Public Health Service, to serve simply as a means by which any under which payments will be made to individual who may desire assistance in states, is a requirement that certain por­ obtaining a professional education may tions of the allotment to each state must do so at the expense of the federal gov­ be matched. A certain part of the allot­ ernment. It is to train people who are ment may be matched with what are called already in service or prospective employees "pld funds.” These are funds that were who have had under-graduate .work but being appropriated prior to January 1, who must have additional special train­ 1!)35. Another portion must be matched ing. with new funds appropriated since Janu­ To meet the urgent need for trained ary 1, 1935. personnel for new work made possible To illustrate what a stimulating effect in the states under the provision of the this matching requirement has had, seven Social Security Act, it became necessary to arid a half million dollars of new money consider the establishment of additional have been appropriated for health work facilities for short intensive courses for by the state and local authorities since health officers, nurses, and other person­ January 1, 1935. The amount is at least nel, to serve at .least until the present that much, and we believe there is more emergency has passed. Certain schools that we do not know about. to be used as regional training centers This matching requirement does not for giving short courses were designated necessarily mean that the federal contrib­ by majority vote of the state health officers ution to each budget need be matched. in the territory to be served. In the se­ Tire state must show that it is expending lection of these schools, special consider­ in a lump sum the amount required .to ation was given to those already having match the "lump sum” allotted to the a nucleus of facilities for public health state by the Public Health Service; but instruction upon which to Duild. The after the "lump sum” matching require­ additional amount necessary to equip the ment has been satisfied, it is within the school to give the desired short courses discretion of the health officer to set up has been, in each instance, set forth in an individual project in which no match­ budget form and included among the ing whatever with local funds would be budgets of the State in which the school required, if he should see fit to do so. is located. It is highly desirable that It is conceivable that a project might be public health workers eventually receive operated entirely with federal funds. at least one year of special training. One Once the matching requirement has been year fellowships have been provided in satisfied through the expenditure of state most states for specially Selected indi­ or local funds somewhere within the viduals in key positions. state, that is all that is required. The short courses, as now constituted, Under Section 603 of the Social Se­ are based on either one semester or two curity Act, the Public Health Service has semesters of intramural instruction. It is been able to effect a considerable expan­ intended that those who take the initial sion of its research activities. We have courses shall return later for completion been able to undertake new work in of the full year’s work. It should be es­ pathology, pharmacology, chemistry, zoo­ pecially noted that although the training logy, cancer research, child hygiene, co­ centers have been selected by the state operative studies with institutions and health officers through the. exercise of state and local health departments, in­ group choice, no officer is obligated to dustrial hygiene, leprosy, malaria, and send his people under training to any milk sanitation. Journal of Milk Technology 21

The research projects in milk sanitation Mr. Frank’s milk specialists. The whole are all related .to an attempt to reduce program of cooperation with the states the amount of milk-borne disease. The on problems of organization and admin­ studies relate to: 1. pasteurization and heat istration is being coordinated and brought treatments, infection, temperature and into one more or less integrated service. time requirements; 2. chlorine and chlor­ The regional consultants do not act as ine compounds in sterilizing milk con­ supervisors. They are there simply as tainers and equipment; 3. tests of recent aids. They go into the states only on pasteurization equipment in order to as­ the request of the state health authorities, sure state and city health authorities as or on request of the local authorities to the efficiency of pasteurization equip­ through the state health deparment. ment; 4. municipal milk control surveys In summary, I may point out that the relating to control in American cities; 5. funds are allotted and paid to the states advisory assistance to state health authori­ through the state health departments. ties on milk control programs. The Public Health Service can not deal To assist the states with their prob­ directly with local communities in con­ lems of organization and administration sidering requests for financial aid or for in carrying out their public health pro­ the training of personnel. It is within grams, we have set up five regional of­ the discretion of the state health officer fices, in each of which we have a regional to devote to milk sanitation and to the medical officer, and a regional nurse. training of milk sanitation personnel any. Recently we have combined with that part of his allotment which he may con­ force our district engineering service— sider proper in relation to other activities and in several of the districts some of of the state and local health departments. 22

Nutritional Aspects of Milk* W. E. KrausSj Ph. D. Ohio Agricultural Experiment, Station, Wooster, 0.

A group of milk sanitarians is natur­ All of you are familiar with the per­ ally interested in the production of milk centage chemical composition of av­ of high quality. A group of nutrition erage market milk: water 87.3; protein workers also would be interested in the 34, fat 3.6, lactose 4.9, ash 0.7. In gen­ production of milk of high quality, The eral it is almost impossible to, change term "high quality,” however, would permanently the chemical composition of have a slightly different meaning for each milk through feeding. The one notable group. exception to this concerns the element Tne term "quality milk,” at least until iocline. The iodine content of milk can rather recently, was applied to milk in be changed readily by varying the cow’s the production and inspection of which intake of this element. ^ the following points had been given con­ There is in milk another class of sub­ sideration: stances whose vital importance has with­ 1. Health of the cows. in the last ten years been brought to the 2. Health of the handlers (?) attention of all, namely the vitamins. All 3. State of the milk (raw or pasteur­ of the six generally recognized vitamins, ized) . A, B, C, D, E, and G, are found in milk. (Fat Fresh milk is a rather constant source of 4. Composition < vitamin B, and E, but varies considera­ ( Solids not Fat bly with respect to its content of the ( Acidity other vitamins. 5- Keeping power·! (total So little work has been· done on the ( Bacteria ! vitamin E content of milk that little can (harmful be said other than milk contains it and 6. Cleanness—sediment. that 5 percent of butterfat in a diet will 7. Flavor—taste and’odor. allow normal reproduction in an experi­ It will be noted that all the above mental animal. points can be included under the general Milk is but a fair source of vitamin B heading of “sanitary aspects”. At this and all attempts to increase the amount point the nutrition group raises the ques­ in milk by feeding the cow have been tion, “What about the food value of the unsuccessful. milk; should not another item "Food Milk is an excellent source of vitamin value’ be added to those comprising the G but the amount present can be varied sanitary aspects?” It is with this ques­ by changing the nature of the roughage tion that this paper will be particularly fed.. Young, growing, pasture grass, for concerned because in the light of our example, results in milk somewhat richer newer knowledge of nutrition it is known in vitamin G than that produced on more that the value of milk as a food depends mature grasses. to a considerable degree on how the cows producing that milk were fed and VITAMIN C how the milk was handled subsequent to Until recently most of the experimental its production. evidence has shown that suitable changes in the cow’s feed would result in measur­ *Read before the 26th Annual Meeting of the Inter­ able changes in the concentration of vita­ national Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louisville, Kentucky, Oct. 11-13» 1937. min C in her milk. Workers at the Journal of Milk Technology 23

Kansas Experiment Station have never Our problem in connection with this agreed with this contention, having failed vitamin would seem to be with conserv­ to find increased antiscorbutic potency in ing the vitamin in the milk after it is pasture: milk over that found in winter produced rather than with trying to put milk. Using both the biological assay more into milk only to have it dissipated method and the new titration procedure, by subsequent handling. In this con­ Riddell and coworkers at Kansas (1936) nection it might be mentioned that high- compared milk from cows receiving pas­ temperature, short-time pasteurization has ture with milk from cows receiving either little, if any, effect on vitamin C, whereas silage or dry feed alone. The results long-time, low-temperature pasteurization of these experiments indicated that the may be quite destructive. rations studied had no significant influ­ ence on the vitamin 'C content of milk. VITAMIN D Shortly after this there appeared an article Indirect evidence that cow’s milk is a by Rasmussen and coworkers at Penn poor source of vitamin D has long been State ( 1936) on the effect of breed and available. This was based on the obser­ stage of lactation on the vitamin C con­ vation that infantile rickets was relatively tent of cow’s milk. This work showed prevalent and that it was more common that wide variations existed in the vita­ in bottle-fed than in breast-fed babies. min C content of milk from cows of the Biological tests for vitamin D in milk same breed and that these differences confirmed this observation. As was the could be partially accounted for on the case with all the other vitamins except basis of stage of lactation. The vitamin vitamin E, studies were made soon after C content of milk was found to be rela­ the discovery of vitamin D to determine tively high during the early stages of what effect, if any, was exerted by the lactation, but decreased to a minimum cow’s feed on the amount of this factor after about two months, and then in­ in milk. One of the earliest observa­ creased to a maximum in the later stage tions made was that milk produced ■ by of lactation. The milk from Brown cows on pasture contained more vitamin Swiss, Holsteins, Ayrshires, Jerseys, and D than milk of cows that were barn-fed Guernseys was studied. Brown Swiss but it was not clearly demonstrated to milk had the highest ascorbic acid value what extent sunlight was responsible for and Holstein milk the lowest. At the this difference. Just a few months ago American Dairy Science Association meet­ Bechdel and Hoppert of Michigan pub­ ing last June the Kansas workers again lished a paper which contributes much showed that they were unable to increase to the fragmentary evidence that was the vitamin C content of milk when as previously available regarding the rela­ much as 65 to 85 pounds of green rye tive importance of ordinary feed and were fed. The Vitamin C content of sunshine in determining the vitamin D the urine increased fivefold, which is in potency of milk throughout the year.. By keeping with a similar observation made assaying monthly milk fats from several at the Ohio Experiment Station when sources over a period of two years it was cows were fed large quantities of A. I. found that milk may vary as much as 900 V. silage. In view of the most recent percent in antirachitic potency. Values work on this question it would seem that ranging from 3-1 to 43.8 U.S.P. units per milk varies considerably in vitamin C quart were observed. Highest values content and that breed and stage of lac­ were obtained during July, August, or tation are at least as important as feed in September, and lowest values during Feb­ determining the amount of this factor in ruary. This variation could be closely milk. One important point brought out correlated with the amount of available in this recent work is that fresh milk sunshine and led the authors to conclude contains considerably more vitamin C. that sunlight is the major factor contrib­ than was credited to it in the early work. uting to the vitamin D content of milk. 24 N utritional Aspects of Milk

Unequivocal verification of this conten­ cows out-of-doors as much as possible tion just recently came from England, during the effective sunshine season will The conclusion just cited applies to or­ hqlp to keep up the vitamin D content dinary feeding operations when the usual of milk, but for the production through roughages like hay, pasture, and silage feeding of what is now classified as "vita­ are fed, but leaves unanswered the aca­ min D” milk, irradiated yeast must be demic question as to whether or not the resorted to. vitamin D content of milk can be in­ Milk is also being enriched with vita­ creased by feeding. min D by the direct addition of vitamin As early as 1924 Lesne and Vagliano D concentrates and by irradiation with had succeeded in increasing the vitamin ultra-violet light. A discussion of this D content of milk by feeding cod-iiver nutritional aspect of milk might well oc­ oil to cows. This was later confirmed by cupy the full time allotted to this paper. several groups of investigators who found Suffice it to say at this time that in the at the same time that too much cod-liver opinion of nutrition workers, it is de­ oil depressed the fat percentage of the sirable to fortify milk with vitamin D milk. Wachdel, in Germany, was the and to point out that as far as the Coun­ first to show that the vitamin D content cil on Foods of the American Medical of milk could be materially increased Association is concerned, approval of the by feeding the cows irradiated yeast. fqrtification of foods with vitamin D will Since then, other vitamin D concentrates be restricted to milk. have been fed, such as irradiated ergo- This group is interested also in con­ sterol and a concentrate (Vitex) prepared trol measures. The newest control mea­ from cod-liver oil. Very recently it has sure concerns the checking of commer­ been shown that by feeding two pounds cial vitamin D milks. Our laboratories daily of cacao shells the vitamin D at the Ohio Experiment Station have for Content of winter milk could be brought more than two years assayed periodically up to that of summer milk. Of these surprise samples of commercial vitamin methods, the feeding of irradiated yeast D milks produced in the state of Ohio. has been shown to be most economical. The results have been gratifying. In very In addition to proving that vitamin D few instances have we found samples to could be fed into milk, such a large be below standard, and on rechecking amount of D needed to be fed before these have met the requirements. This much change in the milk could be ef­ fected, that under ordinary feeding con­ new development in the production of ditions sunshine is seen to be the prin­ milk with enhanced food value is pro­ gressing under what seems to be satis­ cipal factor in causing seasonal varia­ tions in the vitamin D content of milk. factory control.

In view of the available evidence, then, v it a m in a we can expect market milk to vary in In speaking of the vitamin A potency vitamin D content throughout the sea­ of milk we are referring to the response son and to be a poor source of vitamin obtained with rats in a properly con­ D even during the summer months. ducted biological assay. In the case of Owing to the efforts that have been made milk, this response is due to two bio­ within recent years to point out the de­ logically active substances: (1) the pre­ sirability, from a public health stand­ cursor of vitamin A—carotene, or, more point, of enriching milk with vitamin D popularly, the colored form of vitamin A, to the extent that it becomes an anti­ and (2) true vitamin A, or the colorless rachitic agent, it is well to be informed form of vitamin A. This is important as to the status of this question from time because the fat of milk, which is the bi­ to time. The use of sun-cured legume ologically active fraction of milk, contains hay during the winter and turning the both the colored and colorless forms of Journal of Milk Technology 25 vitamin A, the amount of each present To 1 refer to each of the researches of depending upon the feed and the breed very recent years would consume consid­ of the cow. Thus, a deeply colored erable time so we will concern ourselves Guernsey butterfat does not necessarily with a summary of the results with nat­ contain mote vitamin A activity than a ural crops and then spend a little time less deeply colored fat from Holsteins if on special treatments. Green crops, such both breeds were fed alike because Guern­ as grass, alfalfa, clover, and soybeans, seys secrete proportionately more of the have been found to be outstanding sources colored form of vitamin A into their of carotene, the consumption of which milk, whereas Holsteins secrete more of by cows results in milk rich in yellow the colorless form. Both fats may have color and high in vitamin A potency. the same biological activity. Within the The great loss' of carotene which has been same breed, however, color of the fat is a shown to occur in the methods usually rough index of its vitamin A activity. used in preparing crops for winter feed­ It must be explained that in plants ing has led to a search for methods of vitamin A exists in the colored form as conserving carotene. Grass silage a!nd ar­ carotene which is a yellow pigment. The tificially dried hay have given striking depth of yellow color in butterfat de­ results in this respect. More recently pends, therefore, upon the amount of attention has been directed to the ensiling this yellow pigment consumed by the of leafy crops like soybeans, alfalfa, and cow and upon the extent to which she alfalfa-clover mixtures. By adding mo­ transfers carotene into the colorless form. lasses or mineral acids to crops such as The vitamin A response obtained from these when they are put into the silo, plants can be accounted for on the basis carotene is preserved to a high degree of the amount of carotene present. Since and it is possible by feeding these silages carotene can be determined chemically, during the winter months to maintain the there is thus afforded a means of deter­ yellow color of milk at a high level. mining the vitamin A potency of plants There are several reasons for being con­ by a chemical method. The significance cerned about preserving the carotene nor­ of this lies in the fact that! the effect of mally present in green crops, In the any particular feed on the vitamin A first place it has been shown that cows and yellow color of milk can be predicted have a high requirement for vitamin A with reasonable accuracy on the basis of a and that when an excess of the body re­ chemical determination. quirements is not fed this is reflected in a lowering of the vitamin A content of All research work on the; problem has the milk. This occurs during the winter shown that as the vitamin Ajintake of the when the vitamin A intake, due to the cow increases, the vitamin A content of feeding of dry roughage, is materially her milk increases up to a certain maxi­ reduced. In the second place, young mum. So uniformly consistent have been calves have a high requirement for vita­ the results in this field that;it seems un­ min A and it has been shown that disease necessary to review the early literature. and mortality in young calves increase This early work soon showed that milk when their dams are fed roughage low in varied considerably in vitamin A potency, carotene. Thirdly, the vitamin A in­ the most striking change being observed take of humans decreases during the win­ to occur when the cows weje placed on ter months due to a decrease in the sup­ or removed from pasture. Recent work in this field has been concerned primarily ply of fresh vegetables and due to the with developing systems of handling drop in the vitamin A content of milk. crops that will make availably for winter A fourth reason involves milk sales. Every feeding material which will at least pre­ milk dealer has complaints during the vent the large drop in vitamiji A potency winter because of lack of color in the that occurs after the pasture Season ends. milk. Should it be possible to prevent 2 6 N utritional Aspects of Milk this, milk sales might be maintained and and still produce, because of poor feed­ even stimulated. ing and management, milk of lower nu­ It is hoped that by this time you have tritive value, I think you can. By en­ become more familiar with the newer couraging whenever possible (he adoption concept of "quality milk” which com­ of feeding programs of proved value, and bines the sanitarian’s and the nutrition­ by keeping abreast of developments in ist’s viewpoints. As sanitarians, can you handling and processing milk after it is accept this broader concept of quality produced so as to preserve or enhance milk, and if so, can you incorporate it its nutritive value, you will be having a in your guardianship of the nation’s most part in the production of not only a vital food? When it is realized that a pathologically safe milk but a nutrition­ cow may be free from contagious disease ally sound milk.

Abstract of Third Annual Report The Accuracy of the Direct Micro­ of the Committee on Milk Control of scopic (Breed) Count of Bacteria and the Canadian Public Health Associa­ Leucocytes.— N. /. Strynadka and H. tion.— Canadian Public Health Journal, R. Thornton. ]. Dairy Science. 20, 685- September, 1937. 692(1937). Milk-borne epidemics in Canada be­ With a view to determining the ac­ tween 1906 and 1935 are listed. Typhoid curacy of the Breed count for milks con­ fever was responsible for 6,612 out of taining few bacteria, counts were com­ 7,935 cases and for 681 of 688 deaths. pared on from 60 to 2,000 fields per The Montreal epidemic of 1927 was re­ smear of aseptically drawn samples of sponsible for the bulk of these. middle-milk.! Replicate smears were also A survey of the extent of pasteuriza­ prepared from 8 samples. The authors tion in cities of over 20,000 population concluded that counts on 60 fields were is reported. Information concerning the seldom reasonably representative of the percentage of cows tested for tubercu­ sample even when the bacterial content losis and contagious abortion is included was rather high for such milks. The ex­ in the table. A further table shows the amination of even 1,000 fields sometimes approximate number of dairy cows in gave misleading results. Consequently, each province and an estimate of the as milk improvement is effected the use­ percentage tested for these two diseases. fulness of this test decreases unless more Licensing of. milk distributors under the fields are examined than seems possible new regulations in Ontario is dependent in routine work. The number of fields upon a favorable report by the Provin­ examined should always be indicated in cial Department as to the type of plant reporting Breed counts unless ■ the bac­ and equipment, method of processing and terial content is high. qualifications of the operator. When applied to the determination of Studies of the present standard meth­ leucocyte content, the Breed method ods for laboratory examination of milk showed reaionable accuracy. Differences and of the phosphatase test have been observed between replicate 60 field counts carried on under the direction of the were attributed to uneven distribution of Committee in three laboratories. cells in the smear. · - C. K. Johns. C. K. Johns. Journal of Milk Technology 27

Report of Committee on Methods of Improving Milk Supplies in Small Communities* Leslie C. Frank, Chairman

Last year’s report of this committee indicated in Table 1, that 66 percent of brought out the following facts: all milk-borne outbreaks of disease which (1) That local milk control is carried were reported to the Public Health Ser­ out by only one in five municipalities in vice during the past decade took place in the 1,000 to 10,000 population group. communities of less than 10,000 popu­ There are approximately 5,500 such mu­ lation. nicipalities, and only 852 of the 5,500 The inevitable conclusion from these communities in this population group facts is that we cannot possibly hope to were reported as having milk ordinances. reduce materially the annual toll of milk- This figure included milk ordinances of borne outbreaks in the United States until all kinds, good and bad, complete and we have solved the very important prob­ fragmentary. lem of how to introduce adequate milk (2) That on the average the state milk control in urban communities of less than control staffs are not adequate to cope 10,000 population. with the problem of milk control in all It may be worthwhile, therefore, to small communities in the state, would in inquire more closely into the reasons why fact have to be increased four or five-fold milk control is so conspicuously lacking before state control could possibly be in this lower population bracket. Among adequate. the reasons may be cited the following: (3) That an average of only 38.6’ per­ (a) Smaller communities are much cent of the milk sold in communities of less likely to have full-time city or the 1,000 to 10,000 population group town health departments than are the is pasteurized. larger communities and therefore much It has further developed from the less likely to be provided with an ade­ studies of the Public Health Service, as quate milk control staff. A number of

T able I Number of Outbreaks by Population Groups All Population Year Under 1,000 1,000 to 10,000 Over 10,000 Groups 1927 5 20 11 36 1928 12 22 12 46 1929 5 18 28 51 1930 . 8 22 18 48 1931 1 20 13 34 1932 9 14 10 33 1933 13 15 14 42 1934 7 22 13 42 1935 17 1-6 11 44 1936 16 17 14 47 Total Outbreaks 93 186 144 423 Percent 22 44 34

*Presented before the 26th Annual Meeting of the In­ ternational Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louis­ ville, Kentucky, Oqtober 11-13, 1937. 2 8 Milk Supplies, Small Communities

the smaller communities which have no sanitation program has not as yet been health departments do nevertheless em­ adequately brought home to many of ploy milk inspectors, but they constitute these local health departments. so small a percentage of the total com­ (d) In many sections the county or munities that this fact need not be seri­ district health departments are not em­ ously considered in a general analysis powered to pass milk ordinances for the of the problem. The important thing is entire area and must therefore resort to that milk control has tended to come into the adoption of a local milk ordinance in being very little faster than the estab­ each individual town in the area. This lishment of full-time local health de­ naturally retards progress. Further­ partments. more even the expense of publication of (b) The county or district health a complete milk ordinance seems prohibi­ departments have only recently begun tive to many of these small communities to recognize that milk control should and deters them from adopting a milk form .an essential part of their gen­ ordinance. eral public health programs. Such (e) Many of the county or district "area” health departments have been in­ health departments would have to in­ creasing in number rapidly during the crease their personnel in order to add past decade. Many of the towns effective milk control to their present in a state are too small to afford a full­ public health program. Appropria­ time health department and the area tions for such increased personnel are of most states is too large to permit an often not available. efficient centralized state control of all of the minutia of public health (even if (f) There is a real shortage of ade­ it were possible to secure the enormously quately trained local milk inspectors. augmented state appropriations which In order to undertake milk control it is would be required). Therefore the con­ frequently necessary for local public viction is rapidly growing that there must health authorities to employ a relatively be established some intermediate area of untrained man and then hope to secure public health organization which can be training for him from some source. Here held responsible for the details of pub­ again the need for adequately trained lic health work within such area. personnel in the state health department The area plan of milk control has comes into play. Until all state health been progressing rapidly during' the past departments are in position to give such decade. However, while exact figures training» to local health personnel quickly are lacking general observation supports and effectively many county and district the statement that except in certain areas health authorities will be reluctant to un­ in the south and other limited portions dertake a milk program. of the United States, where the develop­ (g) The Committee believes that in ment of the United States Public Health some states retardation of active local Service Milk Ordinance and the develop­ public health control has been the result ment of county health departments have of a divided state authority in matters of proceeded simultaneously, such local milk control. The Committee considers “area” health departments have in general that the division of authority between the not tended to include milk control as part state health department and some other of their milk control programs. state department is unwise and that the (c) Few state health departments public health control of milk supplies have as yet an adequate and sufficiently should be vested exclusively in one de-. trained staff of milk sanitarians charged partment. with the task of promoting adequate The reasons why so large a percentage milk control by the city, county, and dis­ of small communities do not now enjoy trict health departments of the state. milk control may therefore be summed Therefore, the necessity for a sound milk up approximately as follows: Journal of Milk Technology 29

( 1) The individual communities them­ all small communities which do not un­ selves are too small to afford independent dertake effective control for themselves, full-time health departments. should set up an adequate milk sanitation (2) The county or district health de­ staff empowered to carry out the follow­ partments, which are intended to provide ing duties: public health work for such local com­ (a) Promote the approval and en­ munities, have not awakened to the need, forcement of the state milk regulations or are not authorized to pass legislation by the county or district health depart­ and must therefore resort to the cumber­ ments, or, in the absence of such regu­ some and expensive procedure of having lations, promote the adoption of ade­ the ordinance passed in each small com­ quate, uniform local milk regulations munity within the area. Often they have by the county or district health depart­ insufficient funds, or cannot easily secure ments, or by the individual towns ; adequately trained milk inspectors. (b) Help secure and train local in­ (3) Many state health departments spectors for the municipal, county, or are not empowered to undertake direct district health departments; state control and have not undertaken a (c) Make periodic investigations of program to promote the establishment of the enforcement of the milk regula­ adequate control on a county or district tions in each municipal, county or dis­ basis. trict milkshed; The remedy for this situation is not (d) Assist the local departments in simple, but your Committee believes the solving special technical problems for following points should be stressed: which expert technical assistance is ( 1) All states which Have not already needed. done so should attempt to secure the pas­ (3) All state health departments should sage of state legislation which will either make maximum use of the privileges (a) empower the state milk sanita­ offered by the Social Security Act in pro­ tion authority to pass state regulations moting the establishment of adequate on milk sanitation which will be en­ local budgets for milk control. forceable by county or district health (4) To supplement item (2) (b) all departments, or state milk sanitation authorities should (b) empower county or district promote the establishment of milk sani­ boards of health to pass milk sanitation tation seminars or training courses at regulations. which local inspectors will be able to In either case the county or district secure intensive training in the details of boards of health should be authorized to milk sanitation. enforce the regulations in all communities Leslie C. Frank, Chairman in the area except those which prefer to C. A. Abele exercise their own direct control and C. J. Babcock which demonstrate within a reasonable H. J. Barnum period of time, to the satisfaction of the Η. E. Bremer state, that they are able to exercise effec­ W. C. Blake tive milk control. Sarah Vance D ugan (2) All state milk sanitation authori­ J. R. Jennings ties, unless they are prepared to under­ Ernest Kelly take direct and complete milk control in C. Sidney Leete 30

Report of Committee on Dairy Farm Methods F. D. Holford. Chairman Presented at 2 6 th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louisville, Kentucky, October 11•13, 1$>37 In a report submitted by the Committee swampy land, they bring into the stable on Dairy Farm Methods for the year a certain amount of dirt on their legs and 1936, the general fundamentals essential feqt which dries and drops on the cow for the production of a safe, clean milk beds. Cow beds should be kept clean. were discussed. However, this year we Whenever possible, clean bedding free will elaborate on a few topics which frqm dust should be used. we feel are of extreme value, namely, . No doubt some sediment finds its way "The Sediment in Milk," "Mastitis; in intp milk cans after they have been Dairy Cows” and "The Sterilization of washed at the factory. Cans should not Dairy Utensils on the Farms.” be allowed to sit along dusty roads or in SEDIMENT a dirty atmosphere. Sediment will also Formerly, sediments were taken from work its way into an empty can even a pint of milk out of a forty-quart can though covered. The change of tempera­ which had been thoroughly agitated. The ture inside of a closed can will^ary with next step was to take sediments from the the change in atmospheric temperature. last three or four quarts in the bottom As the volume offc air within the can of the can at the time of dumping. At changes, due to temperature, there is a the present time, the suction type sedi­ certain amount of air going in or out of ment tester has been developed which re­ the can. If there is a decrease in volume moves the sediment from the bottom of of air in the closed can it will bring about the can before contents are emptied. In more or less suction. As the air in the many cases apparently clean milk as indi­ can decreases in volume, one can readily cated by the earlier methods of sampling see that the quality of air surrounding might today show considerable sediment. the can would have a bearing on the Although the solution of this problem is amount of sediment within the can. For primarily one that rests entirely with the this reason it is necessary to store cans in dairymen, dairy control officials must rec­ as clean an atmosphere as possible. . ognize that they can and should cooperate Milk cans should not be transported in with and advise the producers on methods dirty trucks. Whether full or empty which, from experience, appear to be the they should be properly covered with can­ best procedure of preventing dirt from vas. It is a poor practice for truck getting into milk. drivers to walk over the top of milk cans. Sediment comes from different sources In the summer time with more dust but experience proves that most of it prevalent, it is a good practice to cover comes from the udder of the cow. For­ milk cans with wet blankets under the eign matter gets on the udder while the canvas covering. This will not only help cow is lying on a soiled bed located either to keep out dust and dirt but will also within or outside of the stable; also, by help to keep the milk cool while iri the cow walking through dirty barnyards transit. An insulated truck is an ideal or swampy land. Hair on the udders way to transport milk from dairy to plant. and flanks should be kept short at all It is true that morning’s milk contains times even though this may necessitate more sediment than the night’s milk. No more than one clipping during the year. doubt this is due to the fact that cows Washing of the udders and flanks before are not cleaned in the morning before milking may be a requisite procedure on milking and, in some instances, to neglect many farms. When cows are allowed on the part of the dairyman while rush­ to walk through muddy barnyards or ing to get the milk tp the factory on time. Journal of, Milk Technology 31

Acceptable filter cloths or cotton discs where a metal disc strainer is used, it is should be used in strainers. Filter pads advisable to dampen the disc with clean should be changed often during the pro­ water and then place it on top pad in the cess of milking and used only once. It , which will enable the proper placing is advisable not to use one strainer pad and centering of pad in the strainer—a for more than three cans. Fine sediment very important operation. will work through the best filter pads. It may be impractical to secure milk There has been much discussion on the entirely free from sediment, but with quality of filter cloths. A cloth with an proper methods employed at the source abundant nap gives the greatest efficiency. of production it can be reduced to a min­ From a dairyman’s standpoint the prob­ imum. lem should not be one of straining but MASTITIS one where extra effort must be applied Mastitis has been called the worst ene­ to keep all foreign matter out of milk my of the dairy industry. It goes with­ during production and handling. What out saying that the first and most im­ the public must have is clean milk not portant factor in the production of clean, "cleaned milk.” True, the use of some safe milk is the health of the animals means of removing the foreign matter producing the milk. As a disease prob­ from milk as soon as possible has dis­ lem, mastitis has been given particular tinct merit. attention due to its frequent relationship Finely woven cloths with a heavy nap between disease and human infection as have a tendency to retard the straining. observed in septic sore - throat and also It is well to call attention to the neces­ because it is one of the greatest prob­ sity of allowing the milk to filter normally lems of the dairyman where both useful­ through the pad. Shaking or bumping ness of the animals and the amount and the strainer may cause holes in the pad. quality of milk is involved. Its esthetic (This refers particularly to cotton pads.) aspect suggests that the milk from in­ Straining of milk on the farm should al­ fected udders should not be used for ways be accomplished by the use of some human consumption. It has been shown type of single-service straining pad, as by different investigators that the com­ this will eliminate the questionable wash­ parison of normal milk with mastitis milk ing of strainer material. In some cases is as follows:

Changes in Mastitis Milk Properties Increase Decrease X Fat X X X X X X X ...... X ______X X Potassium as K2O ...... -.... - ...... X X X ______Above 6.9 Below 6.4 ...... 1..... X __ x ______X ______X X X X Quantity ______—------. . . ----- X 32 Dairy Farm Methods

Milk from cows suffering with mas­ the results are observed. The character­ titis will frequently have a distinctly al­ istic change in the color of the sample tered physical appearance. Milk having after incubation, together with the occur­ either a flaky, stringy or watery appear­ rence of flakes or balls of growth, indi­ ance, a dark or abnormal color, or a dis­ cates the presence of S. agalactiae. Ex­ tinct salty taste, should be excluded from amination of 753 samples of milk by the use. Hotis test and the blood agar method The tests commonly used for the detec­ shows the two tests to be in perfect agree­ tion of mastitis may be classified in two ment for 715, or 95 percent, of the sam­ groups—field tests and laboratory tests. ples! This figure may be considered an From the standpoint of this report, we accurate measure of the accuracy of the are most interested in field or barn tests. Hqtis test if the results indicated by the Qualified veterinarians can be of much blqod agar plate are assumed to be 100 assistance in educating the dairymen as to percent. precautions to be taken in the preserva­ Early recognition of mastitis is neces­ tion of the health of their herds. The sary both for treatment and prevention. strip cup test for mastitis is one wherein Badly infected cows should be immediate­ the first few streams of fore-milk are ly segregated and their milk kept from passed through either a fine wire mesh the supply. Cows in infected herds or a dark strainer cloth into a separate should be stanchioned according to their vessel. This test can be applied by any classifications and milked accordingly. dairyman and will detect probably 25 Strip cups should be used before milk­ percent of the mastitis cases, especially ing each cow. Hands of milkers should those having discolored or flaky milk. be clean and dry during the milking pro­ The bromthymol blue test is an alkalinity cess. When the milker comes in contact test and can be used by any careful dairy­ with a case of mastitis, his hands should man who has been properly instructed as be thoroughly washed and disinfected to the reading of the reactions. The milk before handling the next cow. The vet­ from normal cows in the first and last erinarian making physical examinations stages of lactation might give a slight of dairy herds should follow the same reaction to this test. It is possible by procedure. Cow beds should be clean, the aid of the microscope to check cows dry, and when bedding is used, great in the first stages of mastitis and, in some care should be exercised as to the quality. cases, before any physical symptoms ap­ Lime or superphosphate should be used pear. However, the microscope may fail daily on the walks behind the cows. All to reveal long chains of streptococci in stalls where cows with mastitis have been milk from a cow with advanced stages stabled should be thoroughly cleaned and of the disease. In most of these cases disinfected before another cow is allowed the physical examination by an experi­ the privilege of the stall. enced veterinarian leaves no doubt as to the actual condition. In the construction of stables, the cow stalls should be of sufficient size so that A simple method for detecting mastitis the cows can lie as well as stand in com­ and streptococci in milk is put out by plete comfort. Partitions should be the United States Department of Agri­ placed between the cows so as to prevent culture—Circular No. 400, August, 1936, injury to udders and teats. Infection takes by R. P. Hotis—and is known as the place more readily after milking process Hotis test. The method consists in adding and it is good practice to dip the teats 0.5 cc. of sterile 0.5 per cent aqueous so­ in a non-irritant disinfecting solution lution of brom-cresol-purple to 9.5 cc. of after milking. All additions to herds milk carefully collected directly from the should be examined by a qualified veter­ animal. After the sample is mixed it is inarian before entering the herd. Injury incubated for 24 hours at 37.5° C. and may result in an infection. Journal of Milk Technology 33

Large producers are more susceptible bring a few of the more important fea­ to mastitis infection. Dirty milking ma­ tures to your attention. Milk utensils chine tubes and teat dilators also pave the should be cleaned at the point where the way for this disease. Clean milking ma­ water is heated. We all realize how dif­ chines and proper adjustment should be ficult a problem it is properly to clean stressed in the prevention of mastitis. and sterilize daily equipment without the Careless milkers are also factors. Im­ aid of hot water. Within the last few proper drying off is a common causative years chlorine sterilization has come into factor. Mastitis in first-cal'f heifers may use by leaps and bounds; however, the be due to their being sucked while quar­ importance of having clean surfaces where tered with other calves. This may cause chlorine is used has been efficiently dem­ enough secretion to bring about a marked onstrated. development in the udder, and then when In the sterilization of a milking ma­ the calves are separated the milk con­ chine with chlorine it has been shown tained in the udders may become in­ that it is more efficient to have a solution fected. Rough handling of the teats of chlorine constantly dripping through such as pressing against them with the the tubing rather than place the tubing knuckles when milking may bring on in the solution without circulating in the infection. tubes. With chlorine sterilization it is With regard to mastitis, it is the very important that some means be used opinion of the members of this Com­ to determine the strength of the solution. mittee that the following problems should Starch iodine papers have been used be solved: successfully as a quick index to the chlor­ 1 How much public health significance has ine strength. It is necessary to take into mastitis ? . consideration the human element, and 2 Has the hemolytic streptococcus (epidemi­ cus type) in raw milk before pasteurization without some adequate means of check­ as much significance as typhoid organisms, up, such as routine quality examinations tubercular organisms and other pathogens? of the milk, or farm inspections at clean­ 3 Should all cases of mastitis be considered ing time, requirements pertaining to this a . potential danger until the specific organ­ item are useless. isms causing the infection have been differ­ entiated ? There is much work yet to be done on 4 Does the abnormal milk produced by mas­ all three subjects mentioned in this re­ titis cows and included in a pasteurized sup­ port. However, the Committee feels that ply affect its quality? in discussing the important problems con­ i Should prevention be considered our first line of defense in the production of safe nected with sediment, mastitis, and ster­ milk ? ilization, it may be the means of stressing 6 Should pasteurization be accepted as our sec­ the importance of further investigations ond line of defense? along these lines. 7 Is it safe to place all our confidence in the pasteurizing process? F. D. H olford, Chairman 8 Due to the magnitude of the, problem, are the dairy industry and public health officials C. I. Corbin reluctant to acknowledge its importance? G. W. Grim Sterilization of Utensils on Dairy C. K. Johns Farms Ernest Kelly It is needless to discuss in a general J. M. Lescure way the sterilization of dairy utensils on Russell Palmer the farm. However, we are anxious to J. J. Regan 34


Report of Committee On Dairy and Milk Plant Equipment* Walter D. Tiedeman, Chairman

Again your committee intends to dis­ visable to require a chart piercing pin on cuss trends or recent developments in thp driving hub of recording thermom­ milk plant equipment. We have not had eters. Most new recording thermometers the advantage of examining new models are so equipped. Some of the older in­ of equipment at the Dairy Industries Ex­ struments can be readily and cheaply con­ position because it follows our meeting verted by substituting a hub with a pin this year instead' of preceding it so we in it for the old flub. Others can be must draw on our experience in the field changed by soldering to the hub an annu­ for material. lar ring containing a pin. It is also Many of us have felt that the great advisable to require that the hub be strides in the development of pasteur­ driven by a geared mechanism or other izing equipment during the past ten years provision made to prevent turning the have almost brought us to the point where chart hub by hand. we could say to the manufacturers, "Well A further revelation of the phospha­ done.” tase test relating to equipment is a case However, recent use of the phosphatase in which undertreatment of the milk re­ test for pasteurization indicates that al­ sulted from an operator forgetting to though occasionally we have been criti­ close the outlet valve on a batch pasteur­ cized for being too stringent or at least izer before he introduced the raw milk. too "fussy” in some of our requirements This was an accident that happened to a on pasteurizing equipment, this is not man we considered a good operator and the case for we may have erred by being it may happen to many. Of course he too lenient, at least in permitting the closed the valve as soon as. he discovered continued use of old equipment that did his error but did not attempt to recover not quite meet new specifications. For for1 treatment the raw milk that had example, we required that the leak pro­ passed the outlet valve. Test results in­ tector grooves on outlet valves of pas­ dicated that the outlet line must have teurizers mate for every closed position been full of raw milk to the pump. We of the valve. By use of the phosphatase are not prepared to make a definite rec­ test on pasteurized milk we found a case ommendation but the indications are that in which dangerously undertreated milk the use of some automatic device is de­ was leaking past an outlet valve having sirable to insure the closing of outlet grooves which did not quite mate in a valves on holders before the introduction partly closed position of the valve. It of unpasteurized milk. was only natural for the operator to keep the valve handle in the closed position Along with this, we must again point which experience showed gave the least out the desirability of a recording ther­ leakage onto the floor. mometer record that will show actual The frequency of the occurrence of holding time of every particle of milk. chart pushing, particularly by inexperi­ Several years ago Barron1 described the enced or relief operators to save time but development of a milk pressure recording resulting in undertreatment of the milk, element on a recording thermometer chart leads us to the conclusion that it is ad­ which indicates that the practical com­ mercial development of an instrument *Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Inter­ showing such holding time may not be national Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louis­ ville, Kentucky, October 11-13, 1937. far off. Journal of Milk Technology 35

In order to meet provisions of the re­ sterilized. A low priced seamless can is vised Public Health Service milk ordi­ much to be desired. Such cans are now nance, some manufacturers have devel­ on the market but some have caused dif­ oped flow diversion valves for use on ficulty similar to that resulting from open certain continuous flow pasteurizers. seams. It appears that the metal is trim­ These valves are designed to replace the med to a feather edge before welding simple pump stop and to return any and there is a tendency for this thin edge underheated milk to be reheated. to curl slightly along the welds. Another need in this field, particularly The problem of bottle washing is of for high temperature-short time pasteur­ even more direct importance. Many bot­ izers, is a pump that will continuously tle washers are so designed that with rea­ deliver a constant volume of milk. Pumps sonable care in maintenance and opera­ now used gradually drop off in capacity. tion, bottles can be properly washed and While this increases rather than decreases sterilized. However, rinse tests made on the holding time, it soon reaches the bottles ready for filling at large numbers point where it affects creaming. This of plants have shown that many of these calls for variable speed drive which must have not been properly washed and ster­ be sealed by the inspector if there is to ilized. Investigations have shown this be any assurance that holding time will to be due to many causes, including fail­ be maintained. ure to maintain hot water sterilizing solu­ Notwithstanding these indications that tions at required temperatures. A record our pasteurizing equipment has not as yet of sterilization of bottles similar to the reached 100 percent efficiency, there is a record of pasteurization of the milk is present need for focusing attention upon desirable. It is possible to record the the important problem of protecting the temperature of the hot water sterilizing milk after pasteurization. Are we hand­ solution when this type of sterilization ling this milk in properly covered, steril­ is used but this gives no assurance that ized equipment and placing it in properly all the jets have regularly discharged into washed and sterilized containers? This the bottles sufficient quantities of hot brings up a host of equipment problems water to accomplish sterilization. of which we shall single out a few of the Furthermore, there is a question in the more important. minds of some health officials as to An outstanding problem is that of se­ whether this problem is serious enough curing clean and sterile cans. Although to warrant limiting sterilization of bot­ the condition of the can is especially im­ tles to the use of hot water particularly portant when pasteurized milk is sold in if satisfactory equipment is not available bulk, the much bigger problem in pro­ for use of the small dealer. portion to use is the condition of the cans When we eliminate the bottle washer returned to farmers. Sterilization for by turning to single service paper con­ these raw milk cans is not so directly im­ tainers, we encounter new problems. In­ portant from the standpoint of public asmuch as this subject is on the program health but is all important in maintaining for discussion, we shall not go into de­ quality of the milk. Present equipment tail. It may be sufficient to suggest that gives us no record of whether steriliza­ we study the conclusions reached and the tion has been properly carried out. Fur­ recommendations made by the committee ther study and development along this which is now studying paper containers line is necessary before any recommenda­ in cooperation with the industry. tions can be made. Along with the glass milk bottle we There appears to be fairly good agree­ have the problem of the use of caps cov­ ment by both health officials and milk ering the pouring lip. Most dealers are plant field men that cans with open voluntarily using good types of lip cov­ seams cannot be properly washed and ering caps on premium grades of milk 36 Milk Plant Equipment claiming added health protection. If for the small dairyman; further develop- this is so, it is even more important to ment and improvement of plate heat ex­ cover the pouring lip on the more gener­ change equipment with stainless steel heat ally used non-premium bearing grades. exchange surfaces; and much needed fur­ The total difference in cost per year be­ ther improvement and refinement of can tween lip covering caps and plug caps washing equipment. on all milk sold in most large cities will Your committee confidently expects dwarf the total expenditure for milk continued improvement in milk plant inspection service. In an effort to re­ equipment generally and directs special duce this differential, cheaper lip cover­ attention to the need for further improve­ ing caps have been developed. Some of ment in equipment designed for holding these are so easily knocked off that they or handling milk after pasteurization. are impractical. One of the latest moves W alter D. Tiedeman, Chairman is the use of an aluminum foil lip-cover­ Loomis Burrell ing cap on a small neck milk bottle. This W. D. Dotterrer necessitates the use of soaker type wash­ V. M. Ehlers ers which leaves the small dealer without Leslie C. Frank a similarly inexpensive cap. In the fairly Gilbert H. H ood, Jr. limited trial of these caps, they appear to. Ralph E. Irwin -- have merit although there have been both George W. Putnam favorable and unfavorable consumer re­ actions. Reference General developments of the year in­ 1 I. L. Barron and G. W. Molyneux, clude power bottle fillers and cappers 1934, 8th Annual Report N. Y. State with capacity of 18 bottles per minute Assn. Dairy and Milk Insp., p. 99.

NEXT ANNUAL MEETING The Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 20 and 21, 1938, with headquarters at The Allerton. Journal of Milk Technology 37

Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ) in Milk' O. F. Garrett New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. ].

Recent interest in the amount of ascor- Reagents bic acid (vitamin C) in milk because it Preparation of the Dye: The prepared is a vitamin and because of its relation to dye may be purchased on the market as good flavor in milk has created a demand sodium 2, 6-dichlorobenzenoneindophenol for a rapid routine laboratory method for (Eastman) or it may be prepared in the its determination. The author has used laboratory. The author prefers to pre­ the method about to be described with pare his own dye according to the follow­ much success. It is a slight modification ing directions: of the method proposed by Guthrie1 and To 5 grams of powdered 2, 6-dichloro- Sharp at Cornell University. quinonechlorimide in a 400-ml. beaker This paper is not a report of research cooled in an ice bath, add 2.25 grams of but is intended to give a practical and phenol and stir thoroughly. Slowly usable method for the convenience of add, with constant stirring, 18 ml. of 3 technicians in dairy and commercial lab­ N sodium hydroxide solution. Keep the oratories. Methods for the preparation temperature near p° C. After 30 min­ and standardization of all the necessary utes add 150 ml. of 15 per cent sodium reagents are given since detailed descrip­ chloride solution, stir until precipitation tions of these methods are not always is complete, and filter on a Buchner fun­ easily available to dairy technicians. nel. Remove the dye from the Other satisfactory standardizing reagents and stir with successive 300-mI. portions and methods may be substituted if the op­ of warm distilled water until all of the erator so wishes. dye has been dissolved (2 to 3 liters). Ascorbic acid is a rather strong reduc­ Add dry sodium chloride to the solution ing substance. It is, therefore, possible until the dye again is salted out. Again to determine it quantitatively by the use catch the precipitated dye on a Buchner of a proper oxidizing reagent. The funnel, wash with 5 to 10 portions of strong oxidizing reagents such as potas­ ethyl ether to remove most of the red sium permanganate are not satisfactory impurity and finally suck dry. Remove because they oxidize other organic sub­ the dye to a desiccator containing calcium stances in milk as well. Some of the or­ chloride. Drying can be hastened by the ganic oxidizing compounds are usable, use of a vacuum desiccator. When dry, however, and the organic dye, 2, 6-dichlo- powder the dye in a mortar and store rophenolindophenol, is very satisfactory. for use. The dye keeps well as it is It is strong enough to oxidize ascorbic quite stable in the dry state. acid but not so strong that it attacks most Standard Potassium Iodate Solution: of the other organic substances present. Weigh exactly 1.7835 grams of reagent This dye is blue in neutral and alkaline grade potassium iodate, dissolve the salt solutions and red in acid solution. In in a small amount of water, transfer the its reduced form it is colorless.1 2 solution quantitatively to a one-liter vol­ umetric flask and dilute to the mark with freshly distilled water. The concentra­ 1) Journal Series paper of the N. J. Agricultural tion of this solution is 0.05 N. The so­ Experiment Station, department of .dairy hus­ bandry. lution in a glass-stoppered bottle will 2) Private communication. keep almost indefinitely and is to be used 38 Ascorbic Acid in Milk for the standardization of sodium thio­ liter. The starch solution will keep in sulfate solution. Potassium dichromate good condition for several months. may be used instead of potassium iodate. Approximately 1 N Sulfuric Acid: Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Solution: Carefully pour 30 ml. of concentrated Weigh approximately 12.42 grams of re­ sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) into 200-300 agent grade sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2 ml. of distilled water. Cool, dilute to 0 ,.5 H20 ) , dissolve the salt in a small 1 liter, and mix thoroughly. Approxi­ quantity of freshly distilled water, trans­ mately 0.1 N acid may be prepared by fer the solution quantitatively to a one- diluting 100 ml. of the 1 N acid to 1 liter volumetric flask and dilute to the liter. mark with more freshly distilled water. Potassium Iodide Solution: Dissolve Store in a glass bottle and let stand about 100 grams of pure potassium iodide in two weeks. If the solution is dear, 900 ml. of distilled water. standardize immediately; if free sulfur Standard Iodine Solution: Dissolve has separated out, siphon off the clear about 1.35 grams of pure sublimed iodine liquid before standardizing. The solu­ in a solution of 2.4 grams of potassium tion is standardized as follows: To 25 ml. iodide in 200 ml. of distilled water and of the standard 0.05 N potassium iodate dilute to 1 liter. Store in a glass-stop­ solution in a 300-ml. Erlenmeyer flask pered bottle. Iodine solution changes add 10 ml. of a 10 percent solution of its concentration rather easily so it is potassium iodide and about 20 ml. of 1 necessary to standardize it frequently— N sulfuric add. Titrate this solution once a week during use and more fre­ with the sodium thiosulfate solution de­ quently if necessary. It may be standard­ livered from a burette. When the io­ ized as follows: To 25 ml. of the iodine dine color has faded to a pale yellow add solution in a 300-ml. Erlenmeyer flask 1 ml. of a starch solution, prepared as add 20 ml. of 1 N sulfuric acid. Ti­ described below, and continue the titra­ trate from a burette with the standard tion until the blue color of the starch- sodium thiosulfate solution until the io­ iodine compound has just disappeared. dine color fades to a pale yellow. Add Titrate a blank containing all of the re­ 1 ml. of starch solution and continue the agents except the potassium iodate with titration until the blue starch-iodine color the thiosulfate solution. Subtract the just disappears. No blank need be run volume of sodium thiosulfate solution on these reagents. The normality of the used for the blank from the volume iodine solution may be calculated by the used to titrate the potassium iodate following formula: solution. This gives the true volume of sodium thiosulfate solution necessary to Ml. of thiosulphate x normality of thiosul­ reduce the amount of potassium iodate fate used. The normality of the sodium thio­ — ------= Normality of sulfate solution may be calculated accord­ Ml. of iodine . iodine solution ing to the following formula: Dye Solution: Dissolve approximately Ml, of iodate solution 50 mgs. of the dry 2, 6-dichlorophenol- x 0.05 Normality of sodi- indophenol in warm water, cool, make to —:— ------= um thiosulfate solu- Mb of thiosulfate so- tion a volume of 250 ml. and filter through a lution good grade of . Since the dye is not entirely stable in solution it is Starch solution: Rub up 5 grams of best to prepare and standardize a fresh soluble starch with a little cold water solution for each day’s use. The solu­ until a suspension has been formed. Pour tion may be satisfactorily standardized as the suspension into boiling water and follows: Dissolve 25 mgs. of pure as­ boil for a few minutes. Add 1 gram of corbic acid in 0.1 N sulfuric acid, dilute salicylic acid and make to a volume of 1 to 250 ml. with the same ,acid solution, Journal of Milk Technology 39 and mix well. Set up two burettes; fill milk has met with much success in the one with the standard iodine solution and author’s laboratory: the other with the dye solution. Quanti­ Set up two or four burettes each con­ tatively pipet 25 ml. of the ascorbic acid taining the standard, dye solution. (The solution into each of two 400-ml. beak­ number of burettes used depends on the ers. To the ascorbic acid solution in number of samples to be analyzed and the beaker which is to be titrated with the speed with which the operator iodine add 1 ml. of starch solution. Si­ works.) Accurately pipet 10 ml. of milk multaneously titrate the two aliquots of into each of the 400-ml. beakers, add 25 ascorbic acid with the iodine and the dye ml. of 0.1 N sulfuric acid, and set each solutions. The end-point in the iodine beaker on a white surface under its bur­ titration is reached when a faint perma­ ette. Run into each beaker, a few drops nent blue color appears. The end-point at a time, some of the dye solution, mix in the dye titration is reached when a by swirling, and let stand a few seconds faint permanent pink color is reached. for the reaction between the dye and as­ To aid in detecting the latter end-point, corbic acid in the milk to take place. An place near the burette a beaker contain­ excess of the dye appears as a pink color ing 50 ml. of 0.1 N sulfuric acid and a in the acidified milk. Complete the tit­ few drops of the dye to give it a perma­ ration slowly by adding the dye, a drop nent pink color. After a few ml: of dye at a time, and observing the disappear­ have been run into the ascorbic acid a ance of the pink color. The end-point is pinkish amber, but not definite pink, reached when a single drop of the dye color appears; this is not the true end­ solution causes the faint pink color to point which is reached only when a per­ remain about 30 seconds. Since there manent and definite pink color appears. are substances in milk other than ascorbic The concentration of the dye in terms of acid which react with the dye, it is nec­ ascorbic acid is calculated according to essary to run a blank on a normal sample the following formula: of milk which has had the ascorbic acid A X N.F. X 100 X 0.88 destroyed. This may be accomplished by ------= c adding soluble copper (copper sulfate B solution) to the milk so as to get a con­ in which A = ml. of iodine solution centration of copper amounting to about N.F. = Normality of iodine solution B = ml. of dye solution 2 parts per million and holding the sam­ C = mgs. of ascorbic acid equiv­ ple at about 40° F. for 12 to 24 hours. alent to 1 ml. of dye This sample is titrated with the dye in 1 ml. of 0.01 N iodine solution is equivalent the same way as is the normal milk sam­ to 0.88 mgs of ascorbic acid. ple. Procedure The amount of ascorbic acid is ex­ Sunlight, whether direct or diffused, pressed as milligrams per liter of milk has a destructive effect on ascorbic acid. and may be calculated according to the Heat accelerates , the reaction. It is, following formula: therefore essential that' samples be kept (X—Y) X A X 100 = B cold and protected from sunlight before in which analysis. X = mis, of dye solution required by The determinations are best made in sample. diffused daylight. Artificial light can be Y = mis. of dye solution required by blank used but the end-point is more difficult A = equivalent wt. in mgs. of ascorbic add to see. The following procedure for de­ per ml. of dye solution termining the amount of ascorbic acid in B = mgs. of ascorbic acid per liter of milk 40

Certain Practical Aspects of the Use of Paper Milk Containers* P. H. Tracy Department of Dairy Husbandry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. For many years glass bottles have been ing a special filling machine; those pre­ the accepted container for milk. Al­ fabricated but not requiring a special ma­ though the life of a glass bottle is limited, chine for filling, it being possible to use its adaptability for washing and steril­ the regular glass bottle filling machine; izing, and its transparency (which in­ and finally, those that are formed and creases the sales appeal of the contents) paraffined in the dairy just before filling, have enabled it to maintain easily a com­ requiring of course a special machine for plete monopoly in the milk industry. the purpose. With the recent development of store­ While it is our intention to study all selling of milk there has come a demand th;:ee types of containers from the stand- for an inexpensive single service type of oints of their sanitary qualities, adapta- milk container. The store shopper nat­ ility for dairy plant operation, and ac­ urally prefers to buy milk in a package ceptance by the consumer, the present re­ that does not have to be returned, and port will deal only with that type of con­ one which can be conveniently and safe­ tainer formed and paraffined immediately ly carried to the home. To meet this before filling. The container used for need several paper milk containers have this purpose was the Pure-Pak. The ma­ been developed. chine necessary for preparing and filling the container was supplied by the Ex- According to Winslow (The Produc­ Cello-O Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. tion and Handling of Clean Milk, pp. The machine, without the platform, 140-142, 1907-1909) the paper milk con­ covers a floor space of approximately 2 y2 tainer was invented by G. W. Maxwell feet by 24 feet, and weighs 5 tons. The of San Francisco, and first used by dairy­ printed containers are fed into one end men in Los Angeles. These early con­ of the machine where they are formed tainers resembled an ordinary drinking and the bottoms glued down, after which glass and were sterilized by dipping into they pass into the hot paraffin bath where paraffin at 220° F. A special machine they remain for 18 seconds. They then was used for filling and capping. Ac­ drain for 12 seconds longer before passing cording to Winslow the advantages of the out of the hot paraffin compartment. The paper containers are their freedom from temperature of the paraffin and the air germs, no breakage or loss of bottles, no above may 'be varied but the minimum bottle washing and sterilizing necessary, recommended by the manufacturers of the and reduced weight in transportation. machine is 170° F. The container next The first extensive commercial use of passes through a cooling chamber where paper containers was probably in New a blast of 40° F. air solidifies the paraffin York City in 1929. Since this time, how­ and cools the container. The container is ever, the single service container has been then filled with milk and any excess foam introduced into several of the larger is removed by a blast of dry steam. The cities all over the country. There are in top is folded in, heated, and pressed general three types of containers used, along the edges so as to seal the closure. namely: those pre-fabricated and requir­ A hot (400° F.) wire staple is inserted to secure the seal, and finally the day of *Read before the 26th Annual Meeting of the Inter­ the week is stamped on. The containers national Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louisville, Kentucky, October 11-13, 1937. of milk are then packed twelve to a case. Journal of Milk Technology 41

The paper case of twelve bottles weighs of paper milk containers. A certain approximately 28 pounds. rigidity of side walls is desirable from The amount of paraffin necessary for the standpoint of ease of handling and coating the containers varies from about prevention of leaking. The greatest 12 to 15 grams. As the temperature of bulging naturally occurs at the higher dipping is raised the amount of paraffin storage temperatures. Neither the weight retained decreases. In our studies, two of the paper used nor the type of dairy grades of paraffin were used—the high product placed in the container are sig­ (135°— 137° F.) and the low (125°— nificant factors. 127° F.) melting point paraffins. In There is but slight difference in the rate actual tests the temperature at which the of temperature change of milk in glass paraffin melted sufficiently to be detecta­ and paper containers, though the milk in ble on absorbent paper was about five paper warms slightly slower. When the degrees below the rated melting points, paper and glass containers are packed in so that danger from paraffin melting and their respective cases the rise in tempera­ running into the milk would not be evi­ ture is much slower in the case of the dent until the container temperature milk in paper containers. In one experi­ reached about 120° F. in the case of the ment the milk in glass bottles in wooden low melting point paraffin and 130° F. cases stored at room temperature was in the case of the high melting point par­ slightly warmer after three hours than was affin. that in paper containers stored in paper Since there is some bending of the cartons after seven hours. paraffined paper during handling and The detrimental effect of sunlight on opening, an attempt was made to deter­ the flavor of milk in glass bottles has mine to what'extent the paraffin chipped been known for some time. While milk off into the milk. The average weight stored in paper containers will acquire of ^paraffin found in six bottles filled with the "sunshine flavor,’’ the effect of the water and hauled on a milk delivery sun is not nearly so serious as it is in the truck for eight hours was .001 gram. case of the milk in glass bottles. As previously stated, the foam that re­ Consumer tests based upon 221 com­ sults from filling is removed by a small pleted questionnaires returned by the jet of steam. Foaming is more of a milk customers on the University milk problem in the case of homogenized milk route have shown a preference in most than regular milk. The amount of foam respects for the paper. From a sanitary formed is directly related to the tempera­ point of view the majority of users pre­ ture of the milk—greater at the lower ferred the paper. Few thought there was temperature. The amount of steam dilu­ any difference in the flavor of the milk, tion was found to average 0.3073 gram its keeping quality, and its tendency to per quart of milk. freeze or the rate of temperature rise. The amount of moisture absorbed by It was almost a unanimous opinion that the walls of the quart containers was the paper containers took up less space found to vary from 0.5 to 2.5 grams. in the refrigerator and were more con­ Somewhat more moisture is retained by venient for picnics, etc. The glass bottle the heavy (0.019 inch) paper than by was picked for greater ease of pouring the light (0.016 inch) paper. The most and for ease of separating the cream from important factors, however, were the time the skim milk. A slight majority pre­ and temperature of storing the containers, ferred the paper containers to the glass the greatest retention taking place at the when the milk sold for the same price, higher storage temperature and at the but at one cent less, 75 percent indicated longer storage period. a preference for the paper container. Bulging of the side walls is one of the Whether the milk was purchased from a minor problems connected with the use store or was delivered made no material 42 Used Paper Milk Containers difference as far as preference was con­ The Electrokinetic Potential of cerned. Milk Fat— III—R e l a t io n t o t h e F a t Some of the favorable individual com­ G l o b u l e " M e m b r a n e ” —E. L. Jack and ments were as follows: C. D. Dahle—/. Dairy Science 20, 637- 643 (1937). 1 Easier to handle by delivery man...... 2 The nature and distribution of the ma­ 2 No washing of bottles...... 51 terials adsorbed on fat globules in milk 3 No breaking or chipping of bottles.... 14 have intrigued investigators for many 4 No bottle to return ...... 32 years. This study is. interesting in view 5 Moisture does not condense as much of the fact that it throws light on the as on glass ...... 1 6 Empty containers make garbage con­ subject of increasing the fat content of tainers ...... j...... 4 miljc (or cream). The lipoid phosphorus 7 Excellent for picnics, pack easily and content per unit of fat declines slightly easily disposed o f ...... 4 in cream from 17 per cent to 60-65 per 8 Good containers for other foods in cent and above 65 per cent it decreases ice box: ...... :...... _... 7 rapidly up to a fat content of 81 per cent 9 Containers easy to dispose of ------8 whereas the electrophoretic mobilities of 10 Good for kindling ...... ~...... 6 the fat globules is constant up to a fat 11 More easily handled ...... 12 content of 65 per cent while above this 12 Easier to close after being opened___ 3 they increase rapidly. The nitrogen con­ 13 Less weight on refrigerator shelf.._.... 2 tent, however, decreases gradually with 14 Bottles easy to open ______4 increasing fat content. The evidence 15 Eliminates noise of bottles and cases presented seems to substantiate the auth­ early in the morning ...... —— -----1 3 or’s view that the point of the sharp break in the lipoid phosphorus curve at 60-65 per cent concentration is the point at which some of the tightly held phospho­ lipid material in the fat globule mem­ The Effect of Homogenization at brane must be removed if cream with a Different Temperatures on Some of higher fat content than 60-65 per cent is the Physical Properties of Milk and to be secured. Cream.— R. Whitaker and L. D. Hilker The suggestion that the membrane on Dairy Science 20, 281 (1937). the surface of fat globules is a phospho­ The experimental data shows that ho­ lipid-protein complex, in which the phos­ mogenization at temperatures ranging pholipid is oriented toward the fat and from 50° to 175° F. has a marked influ­ the protein into the liquid phase is based ence on various properties of milk and on the author’s negative observations that cream. The fat must be in a more or the washing of cream resulted in con­ less liquid state for good homogenization siderable loss of protein in the first wash­ as evidenced, by extensive subdivision of ing with an attendant gradual decrease the fat globules. This is best done at a in protein thereafter (up to 8 washings) temperature of 100° F. or above. Marked plus a gradual decrease in the phospho­ differences in the properties of the homo­ lipid content with each washing whereas genized cream resulted when it was held their affirmative observations indicated at 40° F. and then heated up to the homo­ that a synthetic milk, in which the casein genization temperature in Contradistinc­ layer was absorbed On a phospholipid tion to the properties obtaining when the layer existing on the surface of fat glo­ cream was heated to 145° F. and then bules, resembled normal milk in the po­ cooled down to the given homogeniza­ sition of the isoelectric point and the tion temperature. In general, the cooled slope of the pH/mobility curve. The cream had to be homogenized at a higher latter observation also suggested the prob­ temperature than the heated cream in or­ ability of a double layer membrane on the der to obtain comparable properties. surface of the fat globule. Μ. E. Parker. . J ournal of Milk T echnology 43

Some Sanitary Problems in the Ice Cream Industry* Robert C. Hibben Executive Secretary, International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers, Washington, D. C.

The policy established by your Associa­ products in interstate commerce and ac­ tion several years ago of having repre­ tually built up artificial tariff walls which sentatives of the different branches of the has been very detrimental to the farming dairy industry appear on your program interests, both in dairying and non-dairy­ to give their views in regard to sanitary ing sections. As you study this situation, regulations is indeed very constructive. it would seem to be caused by a lack of It is this spirit of cooperation on the part uniformity in the different state and city of both the officials in charge of dairy health regulations. Because of this lack sanitation and the industry that has made of uniformity in these regulations, one for the progress that has been accom­ state will not accept the inspection of the plished in the dairy industry which has dairy products of another state. It nar­ resulted in great benefits to the consumer rows down even to city health depart­ in offering him a safer healthful product. ments not accepting the inspection of As we look back over one, two, and their own state department, and in some three decades, the ice cream industry has places it is county against county. This become not only a large but a very mod­ naturally increases the cost of manufac­ ern food industry and. this modernization turers doing business. From a purely has gone forward hand in hand with the economic standpoint it will hinder the advancement of the science of sanitation. future growth of the industry, for no It is the duty of the ice cream indus­ manufacturing industry can progress un­ try to produce a wholesome quality pro­ less if has a free and abundant flow of duct at a reasonable cost. If the price the required raw products and a broad goes too high consumption falls, with consumer outlet. the result of loss to the industry and the Allow me to set forth a few examples dairy and fruit farmers. Sanitation costs of this serious situation in the ice cream money and, therefore, it is the duty of industry at the present time, of course, your group to see that only sound practical deleting all company identities and loca­ sanitation requirements are promulgated, tions: so that we can go forward in a practical The problem is stated in a nutshell in cooperative manner and produce a whole­ the following paragraph from a middle- some ice cream at a reasonable cost. west manufacturer: When I was invited to appear on this "I feel that the greatest problem con­ program I sent a letter out to about one fronting the health regulations in the vari­ hundred ice cream manufacturers, both ous localities throughout the United States is large and small, in practically every state. the lack of uniformity in the regulations on I believe that you will be interested in the parts of the various health authorities the reactions I received from this group. in the different cities. They do not seem to There has been an increasing tendency be able to agree on what regulations should to promulgate arbitrary regulations in the be adopted, making it very difficult for ice different states which have interfered with cream manufacturers to sell ice cream in the the free flow of cream and other dairy different cities. In many instances, they ♦Read before the 26th Annual Meeting of the Inter­ give entirely different views regarding sani­ national Association of Milk Sanitarians, Louis­ ville, Kentucky, Oct. 11-13, 1937. tation as far as certain specifications are con­ 44 Ice Cream Sanitary Problems

cerned. Either one of the two is correct, to submit to county inspection. The county leaving the ice cream manufacturer in the inspector goes over the same things as the middle. If some middle ground could be city inspector—each having different ideas reached that would produce a safe product on what we should do to comply. Many to be used in the manufacturing of ice cream, times their opinions have been contradictory, it would certainly save the ice cream indus­ and as a result the city and county inspector try a great deal of money and at the same in that particular area do not get along. To time enable the manufacturer to produce a add to the inconvenience, the city is near product that is safe for the public.” the county line and we do business over the From the South one manufacturer county line, therefore being subjected to in­ spection by the neighboring county. To this writes: is added the general inspection by the state. "Our city ordinances prohibit the ship­ "This entire duplicate inspection problem ment of cream into our city unless the source would be eliminated if uniform methods of of supply is personally inspected by the inspection were developed and made manda­ Health Inspectors of the city. This inspec­ tory by the inspectors, and if the inspectors tion is made on a mileage basis and the local would accept one another’s honesty. This, I department interprets the law to mean that believe, would make our operations more they must not only inspect the creamery pro­ consistent. In some places the inspector is ducing the cream but each individual dairy­ very lax, and I think this is not only bad for man or farmer producing the milk. For ex­ us but for the entire industry. Uniform in­ ample, one of the best sources of supply of spection would undoubtedly build confi­ cream for us is a creamery in an adjacent dence.” state. They are supplied by about two thous­ and farmers, and in order to meet the re­ An Eastern manufacturer writes: "For example, adjacent State A must have quirements of our City Health Department its ice cream made out of raw materials from these two thousand farms would have to be approved sources. They should be agreeable inspected once a month by our local inspec­ to accepting inspections made by our. State tor, which of course makes the cost on a inspectors unless they can immediately send mileage basis prohibitive. Occasionally they one of their own inspectors. I believe that have permitted us to ship in some cream pro­ an exchange of inspection service between viding we color it or sweeten it at the states would save the states some money source of supply, but you can appreciate this and would be just as fruitful in its results. is not very satisfactory. Our contention is I believe that the states should work towards that they should admit any cream that has a uniform inspection blank or service that been passed by State inspection, and from a could be interchangeable. Certainly there source that bears a certificate of the State seems to be no necessity for a good many inspector.” trips from one state to another when the in­ Again from the South: spection is available at the source.” "At present State A is inspecting our state From the Central East comes an ex­ plants which ship into State A because our ample of considerable confusion between state sanitary laws are different. State A’s city and state inspection: periodical inspections of course add an addi­ "As an illustration, at one plant we are tional burden on our state manufacturers shipping cream into State A and we must shipping into State A.” have the inspection of State A, which is From the West: quite thorough. From this same plant we "If uniform methods of inspection were are shipping to City A in our own state, developed this should, in itself, eliminate which will not recognize State A inspection expensive and time-consuming 'duplicate' in­ and have one of their own. Furthermore, spection. For instance, in one small town the local department will not accept the in­ in which we operate there is a city inspector. spection of City A or State A—which in my The city is so small it represents only a small opinion are both more severe than our city portion of the county. Therefore, we have inspection requirements. Journal of Milk T echnology 45

"We just could not have three inspec- could not have some kind of a reciprocating tiors bothering our producers—it was bad sanitary law which would enable other states enough having two; therefore, we are not which had the same sanitary laws shipping permitted to sell anything in our own city this cream in and conforming with our State from this plant; although in my opinion the A requirements.” products from this plant are of higher qual­ I could continue with such examples ity than the products from 95% of the and it is obvious that there is considerable plants in our city. confusion arising because of this situa­ "I think that if we were to ship into State tion in this industry. These gentlemen B we would be required to have another are not theorizing, but actually are being inspection.” harmed from a cost standpoint. One ex­ Another Eastern manufacturer points ample was brought out where, because of out how the regulations have cut down requirements of one city health depart­ the source of supply: ment which will not accept the farm in­ "The greatest problem confronting us, and spection of an adjacent state department, no doubt all other manufacturers selling their the ice cream manufacturers are required ice cream in several states and numerous in­ to pay twenty-two cents over Chicago corporated municipalities, is that each Health Extras for cream where ninety miles from Officer has his own requirements—in some this city the same cream was selling in cases conflicting requirements with other that city for seven cents over Chicago Health Officers—which limits, of course, Extras. sources of supply to those meeting the re­ It is useless to criticise without giving quirements of all Health Officers. This a constructive thought on how to over­ naturally sharply cuts down the sources of come the problem thus criticised. Your supply to a very, small number, and does not Association could accomplish a great deal ' encourage, nor does it maintain a strictly if working with similar organizations and fair competitive basis for prices charged for the industry the following could be es­ tablished: supplies, because these sources are practically (1) Uniform method of farm inspection. assured of the sale of their output. Be­ (2) Uniform requirements of quality of cause of these conflicting requirements, these cream and other dairy products used in ice Health Officers are unwittingly a party to a cream that is shipped in interstate commerce. 'hold-up.’ ” (3) After a state has adopted these uni­ This is also voiced from another East­ form requirements, the state inspection of one ern ice cream manufacturer from another state would be accepted by other states; further­ state: more, that the cities within a state having such "The problem of procuring dairy products uniform requirements accept state inspection during the peak of the season especially dis­ for the products used in ice cream in. that city. turbs us a good deal when the local or even Another problem confronting the ice nearby sources of supplies are inadequate to cream industry is the matter of inspection fake care of our demands. Where we are of equipment in ice cream plants. There located, in our particular center, most of the' is great lack of uniformity of require­ milk is being bought for bottling which pays ments of the different health departments a higher rate than the manufacturing price. in the various states covering such re­ This, of course, draws all the milk in that quirements. Let me quote from just two direction so that we can not get what we of the manufacturers heard from: want. The Sanitation Boards require that (a) "One outstanding problem is obtain­ you buy all cream approved by our state ing equipment that will be approved by all (State A ). This we found to be impossible health officers. One health oificer in our because there were times when we even tried section requires that he approve all equip­ to procure cream from sources in State B ment before it is installed. Some firms now which have been State A approved but not are ordering equipment subject to the ap­ being able to get it. I do not see why we proval of 'so and so’ health officer. Regard- 4 6 Ice Cream Sanitary Problems

less of what some people say, this man is at least two and preferably more companies gradually being recognized as doing a needed manufacturing this type of machinery have job and doing it well. Many equipment been approved by said health departments. houses, of course, object to changing equip­ This procedure is only logical for if a de­ ment to meet his sanitary specifications be­ partment should recommend only a particu­ cause only a small portion of their sales are lar manufacturer’s piece of machinery and in his territory. If cooperation between the np other, the industry would be at the mercy equipment manufacturers and health officers of the manufacturer who would be in a po­ could be gotten under way, real progress sition to charge practically any price he saw could be made toward building equipment fit. I believe the Milk Sanitarians cannot that would be satisfactory to all. Perhaps h^’lp but see the justice of the request that this is too much to eyer hope for, but if at least two manufacturers’ products be ap­ equipment could be sold with the approval proved before the industry is required to of the 'Milk Sanitarians’ which would pre purchase the product of one.” vent individual health officers from con­ I know that the members of the Dairy demning it, a big load would be lifted, from and Ice Cream Machinery and Supplies many ice cream manufacturers.” Association, are willing to cooperate with (b) "During the past year or so, particu­ your organization and I am sure the same larly in the east, the various health depart­ will hold true of the Sanitary*. Control ments have interested themselves more than Committee of the International Associa­ ever before in the design of manufacturing tion of Ice Cream Manufacturers. It equipment. This is something which, as you would be very helpful if a joint com­ know, I have recommended for many years. mittee of these three organizations, and In the past the departments have taken the any other organization deemed advisable attitude of refusing either to recommend or by your Association, could set up a pro­ to prohibit the purchase of a piece of ma­ gram for approval of equipment at its chinery. After the machinery has been in­ source of manufacture so that this stamp stalled and inspection is made then the com­ of approval would be acceptable to the pany is told whether or not .it satisfies the different city, county, and state health requirements of the department. I have departments. always recommended that the department Another problem which is prevalent in pass on machinery before it be offered for most health departments and one that the sale to the manufacturing companies. heads of such departments always regret "As stated above, the departments are (and in many cases can do nothing now interesting themselves in equipment about) is the lack of properly trained and suddenly, in many cases, have taken the inspectors to enforce adequately the city arbitrary stand that a piece of equipment or state sanitary laws and regulations. I should be thrown out and replaced, even could give you many examples of this, though they may have tacitly approved the but let me confine myself to two: old equipment for many years, by their in­ (x) "Several years ago we were able to spectors failing to place any. violations on get the Department to make a ruling that the equipment. An arbitrary stand along the maximum bacteria count would be 100, these lines is apt to put a terrific burden on 000 but this hasn’t meant a- thing as they do the manufacturing companies, causing them not have inspectors enough to check the bac­ to replace a good portion of their entire teria or follow up in case they were to take equipment in one year. This stand I feel to counts. Frankly, this is a serious health be absolutely inconsistent with their, former menace and the only way a correction can attitude and somewhat difficult for them to be made is for an epidemic to take place, justify, looking back.over the record of in­ and then our Association or public opinion spections. can pick it up and push some regulations "It certainly behooves the various health through the Committee.” departments before a particular type of ma­ (y) "I believe that the official in charge chine is recommended for the industry that of dairy inspection should be paid a suffici- Journal of Milk T echnology· 47

' . ent salary to enable him to give his entire you that of the above quotations, two of time to this business and that if it is found them come from small wholesale plants that he is dabbling in "side issues” he which are below the average in size and should be replaced. Likewise I think that the third comes from a state where there inspectors should be given a course of train­ are no million gallon plants. ing and study by the health department be­ fore they are hired and that there should be You are charged with the duty of pro­ an end to broken down ward heelers receiv­ tecting the public against any epidemic ing these appointments. These deputy in­ or sickness caused through your citizens spectors should also receive reasonable liv­ eating unwholesome ice cream. If such ing wages.” an epidemic breaks out it will make no difference whether the ice cream is made This problem, as I previously stated, is by a wholesaler, retailing manufacturer, a budgetary problem in the different state or retailer. It just isn’t cricket not to do and city departments. However, I believe a thorough job, and from the economic we all agree that it is'better to have simple standpoint I quote: sanitary regulations adequately enforced than a complicated set of sanitary regu­ "Enforcement of regulations only on a lations without enforcement. minority of manufacturers is equivalent to As the ice cream industry is set up at the government subsidy for the majority, thereby making it very difficult for the min­ the present time, there are three classes ority to conduct a profitable business.” of manufacturers—the wholesale manu­ facturer who sells to ice cream retailers, As I study the different food industries the manufacturing retailer who manu­ the manufacturers fall into two classes— factures and has his own stores, and the those who are behind the food officials in retailer who manufactures in his shop their laws and regulations, and others and sells over the counter. You as sani­ who are not cooperating but endeavoring tary inspectors are charged with the equal through legal technicality and otherwise enforcement of the regulations governing to break down the system of control for the product of all three types of plants. their own profit. In the dairy industry, From the survey I just made of the in­ and I am not confining this to the ice dustry, I am led to believe that the larger cream branch of the industry, we have plants are the ones that receive the inspec­ seen such elements endeavoring to break tion and that, due in many cases to a down your regulations, standards, and lack of an adequate inspection force, all inspection, even to the extent of fighting the plants are not covered. Let me quote you through the courts. This is unfor­ from just three sections of the country: tunate as it is against public interest. "We have observed for quite a number of It was in 1910 that I first entered, the years, the tendency of inspectors to slide creameries and' ice cream plants of the over infringement of regulations on the part middlewest. Great progress has been of the smaller plants.” made in these twenty-seven years, both "With reference to sanitation, of course in the science of manufacture and im­ if is the old story of inspectors who provement in equipment. However, many thoroughly inspect a wholesale plant but of the same fundamental principles of .do not pay quite such close attention to the sanitation hold as good today as nearly smaller retail plants.” three decades ago. No substitute has "The inequality of laws or enforcement of been found for live steam for steriliza­ sanitary requirements as regards the opera­ tion in every plant manufacturing any tion of what might be termed wholesale dairy product nor for plenty of good manufacturers and retail manufacturers." washing powders and hot water for Immediately you are thinking that this cleansing purposes. There is not now is the old story of the big manufacturer and never will be any short cut to clean­ against the little fellow but I can assure liness. 48 Ice Cream Sanitary Problems

The ice cream industry has gone for­ A Study of Some Factors in the ward due to increased consumer accept­ Butter Churning Process.— D. Levo- ance. Formerly considered a confection witz and P. A. Van der Meulen—/. Dairy with questionable standing, manufactured Science 20, 657-665 (1937). ice cream today is considered a whole­ This study is of interest in view of the some food. It has puiblic acceptance not fact that it tends to confirm in part, at only because of the efforts of the manu­ least, the Rahn foam substance theory of facturers to produce a wholesome pro­ butter churning rather than the Fischer- duct, but also due to the advances made Hopker phase reversal theory. The first in sanitary science by the members of step in churning is assumed to lead to your organization. the production of a foam containing a You are doing a splendid job and the high concentration of fat globules fol­ industry is fortunate that it has men of lowed by the second step wherein a large your standing, sincerity, and talent to proportion of the milk serum drains from guide it in the manufacture of a whole­ the foam. Whereas Rahn assumes that some product. the next step is the irreversible coagula­ tion of the "foam substance” resulting in the formation of a rigid structure contain­ ing globules of butterfat still ^stabilized by their original protein films, the authors Mr. Putnam are of the opinion that as a result of the mechanical action of the churn, the sta­ Vice-President of Creamery Package bilizing films of some of the fat globules Manufacturing Co. are broken, liberating the oil from the least stable globules, but leaving the more Following the annual meeting on Feb­ stable globules essentially unchanged. In ruary 15, Mr. G. E. Wallis, president of other words, the free oil produced by the the Creamery Package Manufacturing rupture of the least stable globules forms Co., announced the election of Mr. a cementing material for the stable glo­ George W. Putnam as a vice-president. bules in its immediate vicinity. In sup­ Mr. Putnam, a graduate of the Uni­ port of this view, the authors have been versity of Minnesota Engineering School, able to produce butter without churning was a state sanitary engineer, and then by decreasing the concentration of serum joined the milk control staff of the Chi­ solids and by raising the temperature cago Health Department under Dr. which was achieved by proper dilution Bundesen. During this incumbency, he and warming of the cream followed by discovered many of the mechanical defects subsequent centrifuging. It was further of pasteurization machinery and worked demonstrated that the relative electrical out their correction. He joined the potential on the butterfat globules and Creamery Package Manufacturing Co. as the viscosity of the interglobular solutions a research engineer in 1928, and after have little, if any effect on churning several years was made Director of Re­ search. His new duties will be those of tune· Μ. E. Parker. vice-president in charge of the company’s Editor’s Note: In support of the extensive research and development pro­ author’s theory of butter churning, we gram. have the evidence of King [Kolloid, Z. Mr. Putnam has been an interested and 52, 319 (1930)3 that the crystallization active member of the International Asso­ of fatty constituents, with high melting ciation of Milk Sanitarians for many point, may be a factor in producing a years and has made many valuable contri­ stable globule, plus the additional evi­ butions to its programs by papers and dence of Dr. Wm. Clayton et al. (Nature, committee work. He is an Associate Apr. 24, 1937) on the physical chemistry Editor of this Journal. of butter churning as per Rahn’s theory. Journal of. Milk T echnology 49

Report of Committee on Standard Methods for the Bioassay of Vitamin D Milk (American Public Health Association) The method herein described incor­ Preliminary Period porates the principles of the method out­ Throughout the preliminary period, lined in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1937 each rat shall be raised under the imme­ Supplement, page 91, for the vitamin D diate supervision of or according to di­ assay of cod liver oil. Terms herein rections specified by the assayer. Through­ used are defined in the U. S. P. Supple­ out the preliminary period, the rats shall ment. Certain modifications of the U. S. be provided with adequate amounts of a P. method suggested by the Association ration which will allow for normal de­ of Official Agricultural Chemists (Jour­ velopment in all respects. The supply of nal of Association of Official Agricultural vitamin D in the diets listed below is Chemists 20, 78, 1937) for the assay of sufficient for maintenance needs and is vitamin D milks are optional with the limited to such a degree that rats weigh­ assayer. ing between 44 and 60 gms., at an age Collection and, Preservation of the Sample of 21-28 days, when placed on a suita­ The sample of milk in the original ble rachitogenic diet for three weeks bottle shall be shipped to the assayer im­ should manifest evidence of severe rick­ mediately after collection. Shipments ets. should be made in iced containers. Ex­ The following ration is an example of perience has demonstrated that dry ice is one suitably low in antirachitic potency, not suitable for refrigeration of milk dur­ for this purpose. ing shipment unless care is exercised in Yellow maize 71.0 packing. Even during the summer sea­ Linseed oil meal 16.0 son the super cooling effect of dry ice in -Crude casein 5.0 many instances causes the milk to.freeze, Alfalfa meal 2.0 resulting in the bottles cracking and a Butter fat 5.0 total loss of the sample. Shipping con­ Bone ash 0.5 tainers with icing pans (using ordinary Sodium chloride 0.5 ice) are preferable. Fed with fresh whole milk After receipt and acceptance by the as­ and water ad libitum. sayer, the milk shall be immediately If it is not convenient to use fresh placed on assay or as soon thereafter as milk, the diet may be modified as fol- possible. If necessary to delay the assay, lows: the milk shall be preserved in its original homogeneous state. This may be accom­ Yellow maize 57.0 plished by the addition of two drops of Whole milk powder 25.0 10% formaldehyde per quart of milk and Linseed oil meal 12.0 ordinary refrigeration (40-50° F.) for a Crude casein 3.7 period of not more than 30 days. Once Alfalfa leaf meal 1.5 a sample of milk becomes soured, curdled, Iodized sodium chloride 0.4 or the fat definitely separated out, it is Calcium carbonate 0.4 unsuitable for assay purposes. Obvious­ With water ad libitum. ly, collection and preservation of evap­ All the solid constituents of the ration orated or dried milk samples present no must be finely ground so as to prevent special problems; however, once they have selection by the animals. Care must be been submitted to the assayer and opened, exercised that milk and butter fat are precautions with respect to preservation used to which an antirachitic substance outlined above must be followed. has not been added. 50 Bioassay of Milk

Depletion Period Assembling Rats into Groups for Assay A rat shall be suitable for the deple­ Period tion period when the age of the rat does For each milk assay there shall be one not exceed 28 days, and if the body weight or more assay groups. In the assay of of the rat shall exceed 44 grams and one vitamin D milk, there shall be pro­ does not exceed 60 grams, and if the vided at least one reference group, but animal manifests no evidence of injury, a single reference group may be used for disease, or anatomical abnormality which the concurrent assay of more than one might hinder growth and development. vitamin D milk. On any one day dur­ Throughout the depletion, each rat shall ing the interval of assembling rats into be provided with the rachitogenic diet groups, the total number of rats that and distilled water ad libitum, and dur­ shall have been assigned to make up any ing this period no other dietary supple­ one group shall not exceed by more than ment shall be available to the animal. two the number of rats' that shall have When the rats' have reached the weight been assigned to make up any other and age range above indicated, they are group. For a given sample, no less than made rachitic by transference to and seven rats should be used, whereas ten­ maintenance on a very finely ground or mpre rats per given assay group will rickets producing diet. Formulas for reduce the error due to variation*. suitable rachitogenic, diets are given be­ When the assembling of all groups low. shall have been completed, the total num­ McCollum Diet #3143(I> ber of rats in each group shall be the #1. Whole yellow maize ground 33.0 same. Not more than three rats from Whole wheat ground 33.0 one litter shall be assigned to the assay Ground gluten 15.0 group unless an equal number of rats Gelatin - 15.0 from the same litter is assigned to the Calcium carbonate (CaCOs) 3.0 reference group. Sodium chloride (NaCl) 1.0 Assay Period Steenbock Diet $2965^ A rat shall be suitable for the assay §2. Whole yellow maize ground 76.0 period, provided that the depletion per­ Ground gluten 20.0 iod shall have exceeded eighteen days and Calcium carbonate (CaCOs) 3.0 shall not have exceeded twenty-five days, Sodium chloride (NaCI) 1.0 and provided that a rat shall manifest evi­ dence of rickets. The presence of rickets It is advisable that each new lot of may be established by examination of a ration be used in a preliminary way to leg bone of one member of a litter by determine whether it produces satisfac­ the "line test” described below, by pah tory rickets. pation, or by X-ray examination of the Throughout' the depletion and subse­ animals selected for assay. quent assay period, the rats shall be main­ Rats suitable for the assay period are tained on wire screens in a room away weighed and segregated in individual from direct or reflected sunlight of suf­ provided with screen bottoms and ficient intensity to influence rickets in shall be provided with the rachitogenic the rat. A range of temperature between diet and distilled water ad libitum. On 72-80° F. is satisfactory for the care of any calendar day of the assay period, the the animals during the depletion and assay and reference groups shall receive subsequent test period. a rachitogenic diet compounded from the same lot of ingredients. (!) Journal of Biological Chemistry 51, The assay period shall be seven 24-hour 41, 1922. days in length. Throughout the first (2) Journal of Biological Chemistry 64, six days of the assay period, each rat in 263, 1925. any one assay group shall be fed daily Journal of Milk T echnology 51 the calculated dose of vitamin D milk, In the reference group already men­ and throughout the first six days of the tioned, U. S. P. reference cod liver oil assay period each rat in any one reference shall be used as a comparative standard group shall be fed daily a dose of refer­ for the vitamin D assay of milk ence o il/1) except that the following de­ viation from the daily feeding shall be Preparation of Standard to give y2 to 2/3 permissible: that the daily dose of milk or U. S. P. Unit. reference oil may be doubled on the day preceding a one day holiday falling with­ SAMPLE CALCULATION in the first six days of the assay period. The U. S. P. reference cod liver oil (See A.O.A.C. method referred to on now in use contains 95 U. S. P. units per page 49 for additional feeding options.) gram; 1 unit is contained in 10.52 mgs. As soon as possible after the termination In making up each cc. of diluted oil use of the assay period, each rat shall be 52.6 mgs. of the reference oil and each killed by suitable means and one or more 0.1 cc. of the diluted oil will contain l/2 leg bones examined for healing of the unit of vitamin D. Other concentrations rachitic metaphyses according to the line of the diluted oil can be calculated in a test described below. similar manner. From the amount of The reference oil shall be diluted be­ U. S. P. reference oil determined to be fore feeding with an edible vegetable oil necessary to produce positive macroscopic free from vitamins A and D. The diluted evidence 'of calcification, the calculated oil shall be stored in the dark at a tem­ amount of milk based on the unitage perature not exceeding 50° F., and the claimed is fed during the first six days in duration of this storage shall not exceed six equal doses. If l/2 unit per day for thirty days. Not more than 0.1 cc. of six days (3-0 U. S. P. or 31.56 mgs.) is the diluted reference oil shall be fed as a necessary to produce the type of calci­ daily dose except as provided for above. fication above described, then the dose of Inasmuch as the dose of the reference oil vitamin D mill? which would be expected required to give a standard narrow con­ to produce a degree of calcification equal tinuous line of healing may vary from to or greater than the degree of calcifica­ laboratory to laboratory, depending upon tion obtained in the reference group may conditions, the dose of reference oil to be calculated. be fed shall be determined prior to the For a vitamin D milk carrying 200 U. running of routine assays. By way of S. P. units per quart, this amounts to orientation, it may be said that a supple­ 3/200 of 946 cc. in one quart, or 14.14 ment falling between l/2 to 2/3 U. S. P. cc. total dose; if fed in graded doses dur­ unit of standard per day (U. S. P. ref­ ing the first 6 days, 14.14=6=2.35 cc. erence oil) will be found to produce a daily. A vitamin D milk carrying 400 narrow continuous line of calcium de­ U. S. P. units per quart would require posits in approximately three-fourths of just one-half, or a total dose of 7.07 cc. the test animals. It is advisable to use administered at a level of 1.18 cc. for six the minimum amount of U. S. P. ref­ days. If a higher increment of U. S. P. erence oil required to produce this degree reference oil is required, then the amount of healing for comparison. The refer­ of milk to be fed, based on unitage ence oil shall be diluted so that one-sixth claimed, is calculated. In the method of the dose necessary to produce positive just described, the milk shall be fed in macroscopic evidence of calcification shall small dishes separate and apart from the be administered each day for the first six diet, and the reference oil may be fed in days of the assay period. the same manner or directly to the rat (1) There is no unanimity of opinion as to whether by calibrated dropper or pipette. it is necessary, from the practical standpoint, to feed skimmed milk solids at all assay levels, and, there­ Certain variations from this method, fore, further experimental work must be done before such as the length of the assay period a recommendation can lie made with regard to the feeding of the solids to the reference oil group. and the manner in which the milk and 52 Bioassay of Milk reference oil are fed, may be used with­ used providing they are equally satisfac­ out influencing the validity of the re­ tory in showing calcified areas. sults obtained. Recording of Data Line Test Records shall be made, immediately after staining, of the extent and degree The effect of the milk feeding and re­ of calcification of the rachitic metaphyses sponse to the U. S. P. reference oil is of every section. Numerical values shall determined as follows. The line test be assigned to the extent and degree of shall be made on the proximal end of the calcification of the rachitic metaphyses pf tibiae or distal end of the radii or ulnae. the bones examined by the line test so The end of the desired bone is removed that it will be possible to average the per­ from the animal and cleaned of adhering formance of the group. On the day be­ tissue. A longitudinal median section ginning the assay period and on the sev­ shall be made through the end of the enth day thereafter, a record shall be bone with a clean sharp blade to expose made of the body weight of each rat. a plane surface through the junction of the epiphysis and diaphysis. In one as­ Vitamin D Potency of the Milk say, the same bone of all the animals must In determining the vitamin D potency be used and sectioned through the same of the milk, the average performance of plane. Both sections of the bone shall the reference oil group with respect to be rinsed in distilled water and Shall then the healing of the rachitic metaphysis be immersed in a freshly prepared 2% shall be such that two-thirds or more, aqueous solution of silver nitrate for one but not less than 7 of the animals of this minute. The sections shall then be rinsed group show macroscopic evidence of cal­ in distilled water, and the sectioned sur­ cification. When the average response faces of the bone shall be exposed in of the assay group is equal to or greater water to daylight or other source of ac­ than that of the reference oil group, the tinic light until the calcified areas have vitamin D content of the milk fed during developed a clearly defined stain without the assay period is equal to, or greater marked discoloration of the uncalcified than the vitamin D content of the ref­ area. Evidence of congestion in the erence oil fed during the assay period. rachitic metaphyses should be clearly dis­ When the average response of the assay tinguished from calcium salts stained group is less than that of the reference with silver, as the principal criterion of group, the vitamin D content of the milk healing is the. development of the line fed during the assay period is less than at the provisional zone of calcification. the vitamin D content of the reference As an optional procedure, the bone oil fed during the assay period. The after being removed and sectioned may data from a rat shall be considered valid be placed in 10% formaldehyde or 95% for establishing the average performance alcohol for a ' period of three to four of a group only on the condition that the hours, after which it is rinsed in distilled weight of the rat at the termination of water and stained with silver nitrate in a the assay period shall equal or exceed the manner previously described. The use weight of the rat on the beginning day of of this modification is purely optional; the assay period, and on the condition however, the bone specimens seem to that the rat has consumed each prescribed stain more distinctly, the tissues having dose of milk within twenty-four hours been hardened and cleared. The time from the time it was fed. that the specimen is resident in the for­ H enry T. Scott, Chairman maldehyde is too short to cause any sig­ Elm er M. N elson nificant declacification due to formic acid. W alter C. Russell If longer periods of storage are used, W m . E. K rauss 95% alcohol is preferable. Other modi­ F. D. Baird fications of the staining technique may be J o h n W . M. Bu n k er 53,


Official Publication of the

International Association of Milk Sanitarians


W, B. Palm er, Managing Editor J. H. Shrader, Assistant Editor Orange, N. J. East Orange, N. J.

Associate Editors

C. A. A bele Ernest K elley Montgomery, Ala. Washington, D. C.

Sarah V a n ce D ugan P. F. K rueger Louisville, Ky. Chicago, 111.

J. G. H ardenbergh Η. N. Parker Plainsboro, N. J. Jacksonville, Fla. ' M. A. H ein zm a n Μ. E. Parker Ventura, Cal. Chicago, 111.

J. A. K e en a n G. C. P u tn am Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111.

G K. J o hn s H. R. T h o r n to n Ottawa, Canada. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The JOURNAL OF MILK TECHNOLOGY is issued bimonthly beginning with the Janu­ ary number. Each volume comprises six numbers. Subscriptions: The subscription rate is $5.00 per volume. Advertising: All correspondence concerning advertising, reprints, subscriptions, and all other Business matters should be addressed to the Managing Editor, W. B. Palmer, 29 North Day Street, Orange, N. J. Manuscripts: All correspondence regarding manuscripts, editorials, news items, announce­ ments, and other reading material should be addressed to the Assistant Editor, J. H. Shrader, 339 Springdale Avenue, East Orange, N· J· Membership and Dues: Active and Associate Memberships in the Association are $5.00 per year. This includes all issues of the Journal. All correspondence concerning membership in the ASSOCIATION OF MILK SANITARIANS, including applications for membership, re­ mittances for dues, failure to receive copies of the JOURNAL OF MILK TECHNOLOGY, and other such matters should be addressed to the Secretary of the Association, C. Sidney Leete, State Department of Health, Albany, N. Y. 54

Application for Membership I wish to apply, for membership iri the International Association of Milk Sani­ tarians.

...... -...... 19......

Name ...... :...... -...... (Print name in full apd degree)

Address ...... (Street and City)

Present occupation ...... :......

Previous positions

Application is for:

...... -...... Active membership

...... Associate membership Person may qualify for MEMBER if officially engaged in dairy or milk inspection, or laboratory control, or administration of such function for any country or subdivision thereof; or officially engaged in research or educational work related to dairy or milk inspection for any country or subdivision thereof. ASSOCIATE MEMBER if interested in the promotion of dairy sanitation. DUES: $5.00 per year payable in advance, and includes the Association JOURNAL OF MILK TECHNOLOGY. Application endorsed bv: Active or Associate Members..

Mail with remittance to: C. Sidney Leete!, Secretary, Int. Assn, of Milk Sanitarians, N. Y. State Dept, of Health, Albany, N. Y. Journal of Milk T echnology 55


Constitution and By-Laws

CONSTITUTION Adopted October 16, 1911*

NAME This Association shall be known as the International Association of Milk Sanitarians.

OBJECT The object of this Association shall be to develop uniform and efficient inspection of dairy farms, milk establishments, milk and milk products, and to place the inspection of the same in the hands of men who have a thorough knowledge of dairy work.

MEMBERSHIP There shall be two classes of membership in this association: Active and Associate. The active membership shall be composed of persons’ who are officially engaged in dairy or milk inspection, or the laboratory control of, or the administration of such function for any country or any subdivision thereof, and of persons who are officially engaged in research or edu­ cational work related to dairy or milk inspection for any country or subdivision thereof, provided, however, that all persons who at the time of the adoption of this amendment are members of the Association, shall be active members. The associate membership shall be composed of any persons not eligible for active member­ ship, who are interested in the promotion of dairy sanitation. Associate members shall not be eligible to vote, serve as officers, hold the chairmanship of any committee, serve on the Resolu­ tions Committee, or serve as majority members of any committee of this Association. Any properly qualified person may make application for active or associate membership to the Secretary-Treasurer and if application is accepted by the Membership Committee, said appli­ cant may become an active or associate member, as the case may be, upon payment of the annual dues of five dollars ($5.00). OFFICERS The officers of this Association shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary- Treasurer, and two Auditors, who shall be elected by a majority ballot at the Annual Meeting of the Association, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected. An Executive Board, which shall direct the affairs of the Association when not in Annual Session shall consist of the President, the three Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer.

AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those active members of the Association who register their votes with the Secretary. Any member proposing amend­ ments must submit the same in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer at least sixty days before 'the date of the Annual Meeting, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall at once notify all members that the proposed amendments will be open for discussion at the Annual Meeting immediately succeed­ ing such notification. After discussion at the Annual Meeting such Amendments, upon a majority affirmative vote of the members in attendance shall be, within 90 days, submitted to the entire membership of the Association by the Secretary-Treasurer. All members voting on such amend­ ments shall, within 60 days after receipt of such notification, register their vote in writing with the Secretary-Treasurer on blanks furnished by the Association. These ballots shall be opened and recorded by the Executive Committee, and the results shall be reported by the Secretary- Treasurer at the next Annual Meeting: and if the amendments are passed they shall become a part of the Constitution from the date of such report by the Secretary-Treasurer at the Annual Meeting. * Amended October 20, 1932 and October 15, 1936. 56 Constitution and By-Laws


Adopted October 25, 1913

ORGANIZATION. The Constitution shall be the basis of government of this Association.


MEMBERSHIP Se c t io n 1. Any person eligible for membership under the Constitution who shall file an official application, accompanied by the first annual membership dues of five dollars, and whose application for membership shall have the approval of the Membership Committee, may become a member of the Association for one year.

Se c t io n 2. Any person having once become a member may continue membership in the Association so long as the annual membership dues are paid. Any member who Shall fail to pay annual dues within thirty days after having been notified by the Secretary that said dues are due and payable, shall be dropped from membership. Any member so dropped may, within ninety days, be reinstated by the Membership Committee, upon application filed in due form and accom­ panied by the annual membership dues for that year.

Se c t io n 3. - A member of the Association may be expelled for due cause upon recom­ mendation of the Membership Committee, and a majority vote of the members at any annual meeting. Any member so expelled shall have refunded such pro rata part of his membership dues as may not be covered by his term of membership.

h o n o ra r y m em bers Se c t io n 4. Members of the Association may elect as honorary members, at any stated meeting, on the recommendation of the Membership Committee, those whose labors have sub­ stantially added to the scientific knowledge of milk supply betterment, or those who have been of pronounced practical influence in the improvement of the milk industry. From such members no dues shall be required. They shall have the privilege of attending the meetings of the Association, but. they shall not be entitled to vote.


o ff ic e r s

Se c t io n 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a First, Second, and Third Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, and two Auditors, who shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting of the Association, and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected. SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the three Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer.

Se c t io n 3. The Membership Committee shall consist of the President, the three Vice- Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer. Journal of Milk T echnology 57


DUTIES OF OFFICERS Se c t io n 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Associa- ation. He shall examine and approve all bills previous to their payment, appoint all committees unless otherwise directed by vote of the Association, and perform such other duties as usually devolve upon a presiding officer, or are required of him by the Association.

Se c t io n 2. The Vice-Presidents, in the order of their selection, shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

Se c t io n 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the proceedings of the Association. He shall keep a list of members, and collect all moneys due the Association, giving his receipt therer for. He shall record the amount of each payment, with the name and address of the person so paying. He shall faithfully care for all moneys entrusted to his keeping, paying out the same only with the approval of the President, and taking a receipt therefor. He shall, immediately after his election to office, file with the President of the Association a bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, the expense of which shall be borne by the Association. He shall, at the annual meeting, make a detailed statement of the financial condition of the Association. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to assist in making arrangements and pre­ paring a program for the annual meeting, and to compile and prepare for publication all papers, addresses, discussions and other matter worthy of publication, as soon as possible after the annual meeting.

Se c t io n 4. The full management of the affairs of the Association when the Association is not in session shall be in the hands of the Executive Board, as provided in the Constitution. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the Auditors to examine and audit the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer and all other financial accounts of the Association, and to make a full report of the condition of the same at the annual meeting.


MEETINGS Se c t io n 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at such time and place during the month of October of each year or at such other time as shall be designated by the Executive Board.

Se c t io n 2. Special meetings o f the Association may be called by the Executive Board, of which due notice shall be given to the members by the Secretary.

Se c t io n 3. Quorum.—Twenty-five per cent of the membership shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any annual meeting. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.

ARTICLE 5 These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any annual meeting of the Association. Any member proposing amendments must seasonably submit the same in writing to the Secretary-Treas­ urer, who shall then give notice of the proposed amendments by mail to each member of the Asso­ ciation at least thirty days previous to the date of the annual meeting. A T R IB U T E

Much credit is due to the guardians of Public Health for their cooperation in the perfection of milk control. The milk supply of metropolitan New York has improved year after year. Today, because of the high standards which have been set and met, the public has new confidence and faith in dairy practices and dairy productsr SHEFFIELD FARMS 524 W. 57th STREET NEW YORK CITY

Diet for the Journal

(Bill Palmer has written to "Dr. Jones" for a pre­ scription diet for the infant Journal. "Dr. Jones” —whose recent broadcast was printed in the last issue of this Journal—is our own Dr. Brooks). "... Glad you liked the report on the What is the big idea of holding back sub­ journal. Sure there is a January issue, but scriptions just because we are young? Again, labor troubles at the print shop and .other things you are well qualified to know that an infant we could not control delayed the work, but de­ must be kept fed if one hopes for its develop­ livery is to be made Monday. The journal will ment. Everything should be done to help it show the marks of the struggle with the forces along to become strong and healthy. If this of darkness which dog the steps of a new en­ baby journal has to wait for assistance because terprise. However, we are changing printers of a lot of buts and ifs, it may be a little de­ for the March issue. Your anxiousness to have layed in getting even its first teeth to get a issues at more frequent intervals is real evi­ good bite into circulation diet which is a most dence of your keen interest in the Journal, and excellent food. Now you’re one of the doc­ this is gratifying. Now you surely know that tors on the case, so may I suggest that you an infant is slow in getting on its feet, and the prescribe subscriptions as an item of its nurs­ Journal, likewise, must creep and crawl be­ ing care—with some ads thrown in as dietary fore it can get into full stride. Maybe when necessities...... ” it is just a little older it may begin to walk (Editor’s note: Each member sanitarian can con­ tribute to the infant's diet and help Dr. Jones more rapidly. feed this lusty child). When you see an Alseco Aluminum Milk Hood, you T.M.Reg. 1 ^ $ ^ ! U. S.Pat.Off. understand why sanitarians endorse them. Samples of all types will be sent to you gladly. Also, any f((V ALUMINUM information that you may desire. Write a l u m in u m se a l co., 1347 Third Avenue, New Kensington, Pa. MILK BOTTLE HOODS

Borden’s Offers 2 Kinds of Vitamin D Milk IRRADIATED VITAMIN D MILK A 135 Unit Vitamin D Milk that is used in thousands of homes today. 135 U.S.P. XI units of Vitamin D in every quart. A safe and dependable source of the "Sunshine” vitamin for the entire family. 400 UNIT VITAMIN D MILK A "400” unit Vitamin D Milk for babies under 2 years and special cases where the physician ‘believes an extra measure of vitamin protection to be desirable. This milk is prepared with IRRADIATED ergosterol and contains 400 U.S.P. XI units of Vitamin D per quart. Both Borden’s 400 unit Vitamin D Milk and Borden’s IRRADIATED Vitamin D Milk have been accepted by the Council on Foods of the American Medical Association. CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST ABOUT YOUR DIET Coming Meetings

Interstate Junior Livestock Show, San Francisco, Cal,, Mar. 21-25. Public Health Association of New York City, April. Dairy Products Association of the Northwest, St. Paul, Minn., April. Ohio Federation of Public Health Offi­ cials, Columbus, Ohio, April. American Chemical Society, Dallas, Tex., Apr. 18-21. American Water Works Association, New Orleans, La., April 24-28. American Institute of Nutrition, Bal­ timore, Spring. Georgia Public Health Association, At­ lanta, Ga., May. Iowa Public Health Association, Des Moines, la., May.' IS LIVE STEAM? Association of Food and Drug Officials A KE this simple test and see tor yourself. of the South Central States, Biloxi, Miss., M A thermometer placed against the steam notzle may read 200° F... but only one foot May. away it will drop to 136° F. or lower. Equip­ ment must be heated to at least 180p F. for Pennsylvania Public Health Associa­ fully 2 minutes to really kill bacteria. tion, Harrisburg, Pa., May. Diversol takes the guesswork out of sterilli- ing . . . kills bacteria quickly and surely at South· Carolina Public Health Associa­ any temperature. Un­ tion, Myrtle Beach, S. C , May 23-25. like ordinary chlorine MAKE T H IS T E S T sterilizers, Diversol American Medical Association, San never corrodes or J x n ' f AT N O XZlf damages equipment. Francisco, Cali, June 13-17) W on't lose its strength. National Conference on Weights and leir a" away Write today for Re­ Measures, Washington, D. C , June. search Bulletin on the comparative efficien­ Western Branch, American Public iaiKLo cy of heat versus Health Association, Portland, Ore., June O is*V chlorine sterilization. v". l.ill’AWAV 6- 8 . Place a thermometer at THE DIVERSEY National Education Association, New varying distances from CORPORATION the steam hose nozzle. York, N. Y., June 26-30. See how quickly temp­ 53 W. Jackson Blvd., erature drops below Chicago, 111. mini mum American Veterinary Medical Associa­ necessaiy to kill bacteria. tion, New York, N. Y., July 5-9. New York State Dairy and Milk In­ spectors, Rochester, Sept. 14-16. American Public Health Association,


The Sealtest System of Laboratory Protection was formed by a group of leading dairy and ice cream companies for the purpose of unifying and improving the scientific supervision over their products. In this System are more than 100 lab­ oratories and several hundred technicians. Its methods and standards are under the direction of some of the nation's foremost food scientists. Both the member companies and the Sealtest Laboratories are under the same ownership.

SEALTEST, INC., 120 Broadway, New York ■W’B·?'



BACTO-PEPTONE is recommended in "Standard Methods of Milk Analysis” for use in preparing nutrient agar for routine plate counts of bacteria in milk. In solution Bacto- Peptone is sparklingly clear and has a reaction of pH 7.0.

BACTO-BEEF EXTRACT is also recom­ mended in "Standard Methods” as an ingredient of the standard nutrient agar. This product has a reaction of pH 6.8 in solution.

BACTO-AGAR is a high grade product which may be used with Bacto-Peptone and Bacto-Beef Extract without adjustment of the reaction or filtration of the medium.

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