IMPACT FACTOR 5.923 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Frontiers in Protein Structure Research Guest Editors: Message from the Guest Editors Prof. Dr. Istvan Simon Dear Colleagues, Institute of Enzymology, RCNS, Lorand Eotvos Research In recent years, new frontiers opened in protein structure Network, Center of Excellence of research. Besides the traditional form of proteins, like the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1117 Budapest, folded water soluble proteins, transmembrane and Hungary membrane associated proteins, disordered proteins which
[email protected] able to fold on the surface of folded proteins or other stable macromolecules, new forms of proteins and protein Dr. Csaba Magyar complexes emerged. Among others, fuzzy complexes in Institute of Enzymology, which during physiological function at least one protein Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd component is still in disordered form, mutual synergistic Research Network, Budapest, folding complexes in which two or more disordered Hungary proteins help each-other to fold, are new subclasses of Excellent Institute of the proteins. Combination of the above mentioned proteins, Hungarian Academy of Sciences like partially disordered proteins or proteins participating
[email protected] in liquid-liquid phase separation, represent new forms of proteins. These are all new and interesting fields of proteins structure research. Deadline for manuscript submissions: As guest editors of the “Frontiers in protein structure” 28 November 2021 special issue of IJMS, we would like to invite you to contribute a paper related to protein structures. SpeciaIslsue IMPACT FACTOR 5.923 an Open Access Journal by MDPI Editor-in-Chief Message from the Editor-in-Chief Prof.