The Helsinki Watch Committees in the Soviet Republics
FINAL REPORT T O NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET AND EAST EUROPEAN RESEARC H TITLE : The Helsinki Watch Committees i n the Soviet Republics : Implica - tions for Soviet Nationalit y Policy AUTHOR : Yaroslav Bilinsky T8nu Parmin g CONTRACTOR : University of Delawar e PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR : Yaroslav Bilinsk y COUNCIL CONTRACT NUMBER : 621- 9 The work leading to this report was supported in whole or in part from funds provided by the National Council for Sovie t and East European Research . Yaroslav Bilinsky (University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711, USA ) Tönu Parmin g (University of Maryland, College Park, ND 20742, USA ) HELSINKI WATCH COMMITTEES IN THE SOVIET REPUBLICS : IMPLICATIONS FOR SOVIETY NATIONALITY POLICY * Paper presented at Second World Congres s on Soviet and East European Studies , Garmisch-Partenkirchen, German Federal Republic , September 30 - October 4, 198 0 *This paper is based on the authors' longer study, The Helsinki Watch Committees in the Soviet Republics : Implications for the Sovie t Nationality Question, which was supported in whole or in part fro m funds provided by the National Council for Soviet and East Europea n Research, under Council Contract Number 621-9 . Travel to Garmisch- Partenkirchen has been--in Bilinsky's case—made possible by grant s from the American Council of Learned Societies and the University o f Delaware . The authors would like to thank their benefactors an d explicitly stress that the authors alone are responsible for th e contents of this paper . 2 Unexpectedly, within two years of the signing by the Sovie t Union, the United States, Canada, and thirty-two European states , of the long and solemn Final Act of the Conference on Security an d Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki, August l, 1975, there sprang u p as many as five groups of Soviet dissenters claiming that th e Helsinki Final Act justified their existence and activity .
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