An archaeological desk-based assessment of a site at Bourn, Cambridgeshire. September 2012 prepared by Howard Brooks on behalf of Andrew Martin Planning CAT project ref.: 12/9a NGR: TL 341 585 (centre) Colchester Archaeological Trust Roman Circus House, Circular Road North, Colchester, Essex CO2 7GZ tel.: 07436 273304 email:
[email protected] CAT Report 664 September 2012 Contents 1 Summary 2 2 What we know about archaeology in and around the proposed development site (PDS) 3 3 Archaeological sites and finds in and around the PDS 3.1 Introduction 7 3.2 Statutory sites: Scheduled Ancient Monument( SAM) 7 3.3 Statutory sites: Listed Buildings 8 3.4 Excavated or evaluated archaeological sites 10 3.5 Chance discoveries of archaeological material 21 3.6 Archaeological sites known as cropmarks 22 3.7 Field system and house platforms 23 3.8 Bourn airfield 25 4 Potential constraints on development 26 5 References and other sources 27 6 Glossary of terms used 29 7 Acknowledgements 29 1 An archaeological desk-based assessment of a site at Bourn, Cambridgeshire. 1 Summary This is an archaeological desk-based assessment of a proposed development site (PDS) at Bourn, Cambridgeshire. Excluding the airfield itself, there are six archaeological sites within the PDS – two ‘cropmark’ sites, two sites on which detectorists have found Roman coins and metalwork, a general reference to surviving fragments of a once more extensive medieval strip field system, and an approximate position of Roman burials (including a stone coffin). There is also a listed building within the application site (Bourn Grange). However, this will be unaffected by the proposed development.