1 Pre-registration is required at www.mcsask.ca/ **For voting purposes each delegate must be signed in on their own device as Zoom only allows one vote per device** Each congregation may register one delegate for every 25 members or portion thereof. Each congregation is invited to appoint a youth delegate in addition to their regular delegates. Youth delegates have all the responsibilities, rights and privileges of regular delegates, except holding office in elected positions. They are expected to prepare themselves in the same manner as other congregational delegates by attending any congregational delegates’ meeting and reading the reports Youth delegates must register! Contact
[email protected] for further information. Acronyms used at Mennonite Church Saskatchewan AMBS Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary COSA SS Circles of Support and Accountability South Saskatchewan CMU Canadian Mennonite University MC Canada Mennonite Church Canada MCEC Mennonite Church Eastern Canada MCM Mennonite Church Manitoba MC Sask Mennonite Church Saskatchewan MCA Mennonite Church Alberta MCBC Mennonite Church British Columbia MCC Canada Mennonite Central Committee Canada MCC Sask Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan MHSS Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan MTL Mennonite Trust Ltd PLC Pastoral Leadership Commission RJC Rosthern Junior College PRJ Parkland Restorative Justice SMYO Saskatchewan Mennonite Youth Organization TMM The Micah Mission YFBC Youth Farm Bible Camp YFCB Youth Farm Complex Board 2 Page Table of Contents 4 Agenda