Sub-Group 921-03, Universities & Private Training
IInndduussttrryy CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonnss Sub-Group 921-03, Universities & Private Training Industry Sector 9: Optional Coverage Rate Risk Category 15% Included Similar but Classified Elsewhere The operation of colleges and universities as listed under The Advanced Education Administration Act. These include: Coverage for colleges and universities that • University of Manitoba (and any are not listed under The Advanced college declared to be affiliated with Education Administration Act is mandatory the U of M under their Act) and is found under 708-05, "Education & • University of Winnipeg Instruction". • Brandon University • University College of the North K-12 public or private schools are found • Mennonite Colleges: under 708-04, "Schools & Schools - Menno Simmons, Divisions" if excluding coverage for - Concord College, "teachers"; or under 708-05, "Education & - Mennonite Bible College, Instruction" if opting for all-inclusive - Steinbach Bible College, coverage. - Providence College and Seminary, - Booth College Coverage for institution-run day cares, - and any corporation established by restaurants or retail stores that provide the Mennonite College Federation regular services to the general public, is Act. mandatory and are found under: Includes incidental operation of 601-02, "Specialty Retail Stores" residences, food services, administration, 701-06, "Restaurants & Food Services" professors, etc. 707-02, "Day Cares & Programs" Institution-run day cares, restaurants or Privately-run businesses on campus would retail stores for use primarily by staff and also be found under the above. students of the institution are considered incidental to the main operation. Operation of a dance studio Fitness class instruction at a health spa or gym is found under 706-08, "Wellness Martial arts instruction Facilities".
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