Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Social Special Accomplishment in Temples: A Case study of Sonitpur, , India

Rupam Borthakur Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese, Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Assam, India

Manisha Bordoloi Research Scholar, Department of Assamese, Gauhati University, Assam, India

Abstract- There is an indispensable related subject of society and that Religious institution on temples. Therefore it is seen that the social responsibility of temples or various religious institutions is of variety in members. At the same time, it can be said that in the growth and development of human civilization, the contribution of religions institution or temples are very significant. The temples of Sonitpur District have been attributing contributions to the social development for long. The social special deed related with the temples of Sonitpur district are – religions special deed, the establishment of social unity, respectfulness of culture, providing the facility of entertainment, to give moral education, social control, cultural reflection, economic special deed, center of tourism, historical study also source of Research and folk literature collection and study. This study will attempt to comprehend that the temples of have been rescuing religion, culture, and art – civilization since ancient times up to the peasant time. Temples have been maintaining a pioneering role in the construction of religious elements, secularism, unity, friendship, patience, and society cum race. At the influence of godly powers, the religion preached in temples have bound the society attracting the mind of the devotees.

Keywords: Religion, Temple, Custom, Culture, Belief.


Religious institutions or temples are an organically related subject of society. The relation of religion with society is very intense. So, the social responsibilities of temples or various religious institutions are of variety in number. Various festivals can beliefs are related to temples. These festivals and beliefs are indispensable organs of society and culture. It is seen the influence of people’s beliefs and activities with the traditional festival-programs of a society. The customs of a society, lifestyles, religious heritage, traditional social belief, unity among human beings and harmony, etc. pictures are reflected with the festival-programs related to the temples. The festival-programs are directly related to society. The festival programs of society are born in the womb of that society and society takes care of those festivals. Moreover, it is seen the contributions of society in their future development [1].

Festival and its related future – programs are included in the subject of society. It is impossible for the theoretical study of a society ignoring such types of customs. Along with the customs included in the society festival-programs also perform various social special deeds. The social special deeds that perform festival – programs related to temples are mainly connected with the political institution, social institution, social moral value, and social formation.

The social special deed related to temples cum festival – programs are divided into two parts. Those are; a) Positive, and b)Negative. Positive social special deeds are divided into various sub-sections. Culturist Sahablal Shribastab has divided the positive social special deed into ten sub-sections. Those are i) Religious special deed, ii) Luxury, iii) The teaching of ethical education, iv) Socialization, v) Social control, vi) Social complaint, vii) Publicity media, viii) Knowledge Recollection, ix) Proof of culture, and x) Social set [2]. The temples of Sonitpur District also have been attributing contributions in social development. Therefore the significance of the temples of the district and the festival's programs related to the temples is also huge and infinite. The social special deeds related to the temples of this district are discussed bellow.

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4501 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930


2.1 Religious Special Deed

The idea of religion in human society is very ancient. Religion is the base of the universe. Religion is the impulsion of the social behavior of man. To be kind, sympathetic, consolidated to others, etc. are the special part of religion. So, religion keeps away people from unsocial activities. Religion maintains the level of ethics of social life. Religion never gives shelter to dishonesty, jealousy, hatred, lies, and other unsocial activities. Religion inspires good deed. One more characteristic of religion is to show respect to the wish of others on to attribute selfless service to the necessity of others to help others in their need is a good deed and it is called religious duty.

The significance of religion has changed from time to time. Religion is the collection of the customs that have been continuing since ancient times, beliefs, moral values, etc. Though religious expression remains silent at the general state, its reflection takes place through various programs. Temples are born based on people’s beliefs and traditions based on belief. The programs related to temples increase the workforce among people. This type of program reform and moderate person’s nature by bringing is to control people's uncontrolled and unethical activities [3].

Hindu religion is the most ancient religion of India. The temples of Hindu religion and the programs related to those have attributed contributions in varied ways in terms of performing religious special deeds. It is worshipped goddess Kali also with Mahadev and goddess in the remarkable temples of Sonitpur District deep hilly Shiv temple, Mahabhairab temple, Singari temple, Biswanath temple, Nag Shankar temple, and Bhairabi temple. One of the festivals celebrated happily in Mahabhairab temple is Shivratri. Shivratri festival is celebrated is Biswanath, Nagshankar, and Singari temple-like Mahabhairab temple. Bolbom festival is also celebrated is these temples in the month lasting activities. The interest and dedication of the Hindu religion-oriented people are universal towards the easily satisfied God Shiv. People participate here irrespective of caste-community and creed. Such type of spontaneous participation brings Shivratri and Bolbom program to the height & religious blindness. Kalipuja is also celebrated in Bhairabi temple along with in a very pious way. The sacrificing process has prevailed in this temple. Sacrificing tradition is very ancient in India. In ancient times the Kings in under to extend their strength worshipped power goddess and sacrificed animals as oblation in the feet of Goddess. This sacrificing tradition is related to universal peace in a disguised way. There is no scientific base on it. On the other hand in the outside compound of Mahabhairab temple and the Chandi temple situated in the Biswanath area, it is celebrated anti sacrificing Durga puja. Generally, though there is a custom of sacrificing duck, pigeons, goat, etc in Puja in both these temples, the animals are set free by exposing them on the name of Goddess for the universal welfare of the nation and the community. Therefore such type of religious festivals well constructs the society publishing the message of peace and harmony along with making the religious binding strong in the society.

Any kind of religion by teaching people discipline teaches people to be honest. Based on that people have been learning this education from the temples of Sonitpur. Moreover, temples always increase godly belief, worshipping mentality, etc. The temples of Sonitpur also increase the level of devotion among the distant devotees along with local people. The temples have created the systems to always obey the religious customs and the matters like getting results from that etc. Various obligations related to temples control the norms of society along with man. Moreover, such types of religious obligations by creating a healthy spiritual environment help in the spiritual welfare of humankind. It is seen noticing from this direction that the religious festivals celebrated in the temples of Sonitpur District have a special significance and those help in performing the religious special deed.

2.2 Establishment & Social Unity

Religion does not only give self-satisfaction to people; it also brings unity to society. Society exists only through unity. Man cannot be happy until he adjusts to society. Only religion makes it possible. A man’s obligation to his society arises as soon as he participates in the religious programs prevailing in the temples. It teaches people to sacrifice for society and acts as the conductor of controlling society. So it is seen the contribution of the temples in establishing social unity. The various customs celebrated in the temples help to arouse unity harmony and brotherhood among the man.

Society is a collection of human folk living irrespective of cast-creed and community. Unity is an important element for the progress and development of a society. People have been performing various activities in terms of various religious programs since ancient times. It is seen such types of activities related to religious programs helping to establish social unity from time to time.

It is performed various social reformative activities in the Hindu religious temples of Sonitpur District. Among such types of reformative activities Annaprasan, Surakarna, Upanayan, Marriage are noteworthy. Such type of

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4502 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

activities increases the sense of Co-operation among Kinsman and relatives above maintaining co-operation among the family members. Such type of activities is an example of social unity.

Moreover, Bhaona is held in the Singari temple on the occasion of Shivratri. Though nowadays it is diminished once Debdashi and Ujapali programs tradition have prevailed in Biswanath temple. The prevailing of Debadashi, Ujapali, acting, and Bhaona have able to bring closer people binding in unity by eradicating social discrimination. Such type programs increase entertainment along with increasing co-operation among people. At the same time, such types of programs inspired to tend to make a successful ending of a prevailing programme eradicating age- old discrimination among people. Besides, these inspire to make man and collection of man discipline that create social havoc. As a result, society becomes clean and problems. The games and sports on art competition on Ujapali, Debdashi programs that celebrated in various temples of Sonitpur District make to have shared feelings among all class of people. As a result of this, it is established a harmonious relationship among the people of the district, and in this way, it is formed a well-disciplined society in Sonitpur District.

It is held a huge fair in the temples of Sonitpur District on the occasion of various puja. In these fairs various people belonging to various religions like Hindu-Islam-Christian etc. get-together. Such types of fairs move towards the height of religious limitations and bearing the message of peace- tranquility co-operate in establishing social unity in the district. Moreover, the conferences that are organized in these temples have made strong the binding of discipline among us by giving everyone to share their opinions and by giving proper value to everyone’s opinions. It gives everyone’s social security as well as giving a platform to exhibit good thought, good purpose and mutual intimacy to proceed towards a proper decision by sharing opinions of all by sitting on the same stage on the part of the society. Some decisions taken from the stages of these temples are very important and admirable to ruin indiscipline and unsocial malicious activities.

2.3 Respectfulness of Culture

The contribution of temples and its programs is very significant in the case of paying homage to the culture. The inhabitants of a society accept certain idealistic decisions without an assessment that have been prevailing since ancient time in society. In the medium of such type of idealistic decisions, society exists in a unifying and disciplined way. Faith and acceptance are the base of such types of idealistic decisions that suggest the direction of a society. According to Richard T. Lepiyros Faith is the symbolic behaviors that are aroused based on a former element through the combination of try and error [4].

It is seen the significant contribution of Sonitpur Districts temples and the various customs and traits that celebrated there in cases of paying homage to the culture. There is various history saturated in the maximum numbers of temples of this district like Da-Parbatiya Shiv temple, Mahabhairan temple, Biswanath temple, Nagshankar temple, Shingari temple, etc along with establishing process and various customs and traits. According to one history related to Biswanath and Mahabhairab temple, King Bana built Shivlinga of clay regularly to worship Shiva. Bana by the feeling problem to build in this way linga of clay always prayed to Shiva so that he would provide him a permanent Shivlinga [5]. On the blessings of Shiva, it aroused a hundred crore Shivlinga throughout entire India. On the other hand, several numbers of Shivlinga aroused in the area of Biswanath temple out of the one hundred crore Shivlinga [6]. On the other hand according to one myth related to Nagshankar temple when Shiva toured the universe taking the body of Sati the naval part fell in the Nagshankar temple [7]. Therefore the name of this temple was at first Navishankar and later on, it became Nagshankar. Such types of myths along with making more powerful the tradition increase social significance also. The songs, mantras, etc. related to the temples are not only the medium of entertainment; these give a message of knowledge to people regarding various duties, obligations, ethical ideals, etc that are entrusted in the life cycle of people.

2.4 Providing Facility of Entertainment

The temples have a stupendous contribution to providing entertainment to people. Though temples carry people to a proper religious sector, the various customs or festivals celebrated in such types of institutions provide the facility of entertainment to humankind.

In the ancient period Ujapali, Notidance, Devadashi Dance, etc were organized in the Biswanath temple. Bhairabi temple etc. of Sonitpur District [8]. Such type of dance performance song, dialogue delivery, acting, etc provides pure entertainment to the mass. It is seen providing entertainment to people the Palnam that is organized in the month of “Zeth” in Mahabhairab temple. It starts month lasting busy schedule among the daughter-daughter-in- laws for the occasion of Palnam. People can attain ample entertainment enjoying the songs of Palnam. Moreover, the prevailing of such type of programme eradicates the Stereotype nature of human life and supplies work inspiration increasing the mental parameter.

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4503 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

2.5 To Give Moral Education

Rule scripture is an ethical special process of human behavior. The opinion of A.D.W. Maleficent is significant regarding this. According to him, Ethics is commonly defined as a system of moral standards of conduct [9]. On the other hand, Emile Durkheim has opined the relationship as not different between society’s ethical control and religious system [10]. Man’s deep faith consists of festivals related to temples. It is seen the connection of the ethical education side between this faith and conduct.

It has around various principles based perceptions among people centering temples. Among such perceptions ‘victory of virtue even evil’, ‘the victory of truth always’ etc. is remarkable. It is given the same moral lesson through various customs celebrated in the temples such as – Da Parbatiya Shiv temple, Mahabhairab temple, Bhairabi temple, etc of Sonitpur District. People get the education of rules and morality through the various folk – cultural programmes organized here. It is spread the moral saying regarding good-bad, truth-false, virtue-vic, etc among people through the songs and other programmes included in Bhaona on other folk cultural programmes. People also tend to live a disciplined and real-life obtaining such type of moral education.

On the other hand, various programs performed in the temples of Sonitpur District such as – Marriage, Palnam, etc. also provide education of principle and morality to people. In the marriage ceremony, women sing marriage song in a chorus way is large numbers while welcoming the groom, while the bride sits at the hoom, while drawing water, etc. These songs are kind of blessings for marriage life. In such matters, it is given lessons to both bride and groom to perform their duties in their conjugal lives, the duty of daughter-in-law, etc. It is given a signal in the marriage songs how a daughter-in-law has to behave as a new daughter in law with the in-laws and with the other members of the family leaving her father’s home. It is expected the welfare of people and society in the mantras that are pronounced in the various Yagyas that are celebrated in the temples. It is noticed various moral matters in the Palnams program that is organized at the Mahabhairab temple is the month of ‘Jetha’. It is explained the stories related to the conjugal life of Mahadeb-Parbati here. In these stories apart from explaining various matters related to married life it suggested to lead a happy conjugal life like – Hara-Parbati. Potentiality, having various folk – cultural programs, the performance of dance songs in the religious festivals related to the temples have been making people conscious regarding their morality and social responsibility along with providing entertainment to people.

2.6 Social Control

The rules and regulations in a society that controls behavior, activity, etc. of people, that is called social control. Social control is like an artery of society, without this a society goes away from its goal. It is needed disciplined rule regulations for a beautiful and healthy society. When the numbers included in a society do not follow the definite rule – regulation of the society, it is created an undisciplined situation in a society. In such a situation it requires the collective measure/effort of people and various organizations to control the society. The temples have also special contributions to control an undisciplined society. The temples take a step to prevent various anti- societal activities that increase the anti-peaceful atmosphere in society. Various songs related to temples, various performed art forms, etc. such as Ujapali, etc. take initiative in this regard. It is seen the recitation of proverbs, stories, etc in the context of the conversation between Oja and Dainapali in the Ojapali program. There has ample significance in controlling society [11].

Religion is established on fear and heavenly/godly natural power. People start doing good work in the influence of religion for fear. For fear stay away from indulging injustice work of the society. Again, to satisfy natural, godly power it is performed various types of dance – song program. Their activities arouse general passion and are applied for the good of society.

There is a perception in the human society that as a result of the worshipping program in the religious places of Sonitpur district it is eradicated to torture, corruption, etc. of the society. According to the belief of human folk such type of problem arises as to the god-goddess is unsatisfied. So, in under to eradicate such type of vice work, it is taken the blessing of God. Moreover, it is carried the people who create problem misery in the society to the temples of Sonitpur District. It is given inspiration to those types of people making them confess before God never to engage themselves in any kind of evil deeds. It is kind of getting a good way. It is tried to make people stay away from engaging themselves in any kind of evil deeds through the various programs organized in the temples of Mahabhairab, Biswanath and Singari temple. In this way, temples have seen performing contributions as path shower to establish a disciplined society.

It is tried to control social life through the marriage ceremony also. Marriage is a holy program and it shows the direction to people for leading disciplined and patient life obeying society’s particular rules-regulations. Especially, there is no doubt about it that this encourages weaker section people in terms of a marriage ceremony. Moreover,

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4504 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

it becomes a help from converting many Hindu youths. Upanayan, Surakaran, etc also almost perform the same activity as a marriage ceremony. Upanayan, Surakaran, and Marriage are performed in the temples of Sonitpur District. There also inspire people to lead a disciplined and unified life through various particular customs and rules. In this way, it is seen that the temples of Sonitpur District and the customs held there take initiative to establish a healthy society and to control society.

Religion provides social security to people. Man has certain particular limitations outside of which he cannot go. In such a situation man suffers from depression and social insecurity. Then the man looks back to the temples that are formed on his belief and based on his beliefs. In a real sense, religion provides security to weak people and encourages them to face pain and misery. Therefore, religion along with performing as a social controller empowers people to stay away from engaging anti-social activities. Based on this belief, it is seen the occurrence of devotees to the matter of our discussion temples.

2.7 Cultural Reflection

It reflects the cultural side of the society also through temples and the various customs and programmes celebrated there. Festival programs and the customs prevailing in the society has a religious significance. Again temples are established in the medium of a social system. It is seen the influence of society’s customs, rules, etc on temples.

It becomes clear the cultural side of the district through the medium of the celebration of various festivals in the temples of Sonitpur District. The singing of songs, Nan-kirtans in Puja programs are the sign of such cultural traditions. One of the noteworthy cultural programs that prevail in temples is Bhaona. Bhaona has been influencing the spiritual and social side of people and along with this Bhaona’s acting process, dress-up, dialogue delivery, and even Bhaona’s preparation and closing ceremony reflect the cultural side. There is a tradition of distributing Prosad concerning the puja programs of temples. This tradition is available in the temples of Sonitpur also. There are certain definite customs to distribute such prasad. This is also a sign of a cultural side. There is also a system in the district to organize local games – sports, puja, Mela centering various festivals celebrated in the temples. Moreover, at the time of this festival people get together and exchange feelings forgetting discrimination in terms of caste and creed. This has been making people warned regarding morality and social responsibility along with entertaining people through the performance of such type of programmes in the temples related to religious festivals. Pilgrims come from various parts of India to the Ambubashi festival that is held in the Bhairabi temple of Sonitpur. Here, Assamese people become familiar with Sanyashi, and their religion, thoughts, way of living of all over India. As a result, it is established a cultural unity and principle of the life of India as a whole.

Parsons wear different dresses in the various puja programs organized in the temples based on the rules of scriptures. Devotees also generally wear new clothes at the time of coming to temples and at the time of participating in the ritual programs of pujas. These customs enhance the beauty of general people, but the big thing is that as a result of this it prevails a different dress-up of persons then the royal and common people’s dress. This has reflected one of the cultural characteristics of the temple. Moreover, there is a culture of paying homage to parsons and Brahmins besides paying homage to the statues of temples on the part of the devotees. There are also learned from temples. It has reflected the cultural scenery of the society and has performed social special deeds through the medium of such types of activities of the temples.

2.8 Economic Special Deed

Temples perform various special deed also. It is held various pujas, yagyas, etc. in temples from time to time. Centering all these it is held small – big fairs at the campus of the temples. It is sold purchased various local and imported things in these fairs and it is transacted a huge amount of money through this.

Shivratri is celebrated in a very rejoiced way in the Mahabhairab, Biswanath, and Singari temple of Sonitpur district. It is held a very big fair on the campus of the temples on the occasion of Shivratri. It is an organized exhibition and sale center of local food items, traditional garments, etc. in these fairs various self-help groups, self- oriented centers manage to sell various imported goods besides selling local goods at the incorporation of government. Such type of fairs helps self-help group or person or collection of people to become economically sound.

Such types of markets provide benefits to the cultivators of the rural area also. Cultivators can carn some money by selling their cultivated vegetables or other cultivated goods in such markets. Moreover, the market that is formed based on festivals can take a strong step to establish an economic base.

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4505 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

2.9 Centre of Tourism

Tourism is a great potential area at present time Temples on various religious organization help to establish a region as a center of tourism. As soon as such types of tourism center get a position in the social set at the medium of religious organizations the region of such type of organization also occupies special importance. Hence, the significance of the temple is very grave in case of getting a place very significant or becoming famous Temples social special deeds is also performed in this medium.

The historic value-based temples of Sonitpur District have a special significance. The Mahabhairab temple that is located on the North bank of the river Brahmaputra has been symbolizing as a center of Puja worshipping since the time of the king Bana. The stone sculpture of this temple is also a center of attraction for the tourists. The Bhairabi temple that is located on the bank of Brahmaputra is famous for enhancing its natural beauty. The newly built gate of Bhairabi temple, the Kaliabhumura bridge noticed from here, etc. attract the view of all sections of indigenous. Foreigner tourists regarding this temple. Moreover, the campus of this temple is considered as a pioneer picnic spot and people from this part of Assam to that part make this place brisk to have a picnic. In the same way, it is seen the briskness of indigenous and foreign tourists in Biswanath and Singari temple also. The park that is built beside the temple to increase the occurrence of tourists calls tourists raising hands. Moreover, it is seen the historical materials of the Da-Parbatia temple attracting the tourists that are considered as National monuments. The temples of Sonitpur District have able to hold their identification besides making strong the tourism industry of the district.

In this way, it is seen that the temples of the district have been performing Social Special deed in other shapes besides performing tourism centric special deed.

2.10 Historical Study and Source of Research

Temples are not only the source of religion but reflector of culture or unity, temples can help to study the myth or historical matters. Because, if Shiv is related to these temples then it is related to Indian Shoiva literature, Shiva Purana and if Goddess is related then myth is related to Shakta literature. So, through the study of temples, it can be studied that matter. After that, it can be a resource in terms of research. Because, the sculpture related to these temples help to find out the mystery of ancient history, the art-culture of ancient times on the mystery of these sections. At present sculpture is considered as a special element of social study. The study of the sculpture of temples especially helps regarding the study of people’s cultural life’s progress and history of lifestyle. Moreover, sculpture study has significance from the side of artistic shape understanding, the norms of shape structure, and from the side of things shape understanding. The research of the sculpture of the temple can able to reveal the religious, cultural, or political situation of ancient society. Moreover, the study of the sculpture of these temples can rescue the untold wealth or data of history, can manage to preserve those by beholding consciousness among people [12].

2.11 Folk Literature Collection and Study

There are various temples in Assam where there are traditions of singing songs. So, it can be collected the folk songs included in folk literature through the study of temples. A part of goddess devotees constructed a class of struta in the Assamese in Shakta peeths situated in Sonitpur. Still the pujari’s sing these struta’s as prayer song. In the same way, the welcome song and a farewell song are sung in Durga Puja have depth and dignified unity. Such types of various shined related songs that are created as a result of the puja of Shakta God-Goddess can help in the study of Assamese folk literature. The songs are sung in Annaprasan, Surakaran, Janmasthami, Palnam of the month of ‘Jetha’etc. that are held in temple well identify people’s culture-related artistic quality.

One other aspect of folk literature is dance. Dance has the only relation with temples from ancient times and the festivals related to this though it is considered as a medium of happiness and exercise. One kind of ancient dance form of Assam related to the Puja of God-Goddess is ‘noti’ dance. Especially it was organized in Shoiva and Shakta temple. These Shiva Shakta temples' ample contribution is noteworthy in the case of the development and spreading of various norms related to the dance of Assam’s religion.


The temples can help to perform other various activities along with performing the social special deeds mentioned above. In amidst of those it helps in studying ancient Indian Arya civilization – culture along with the study of India’s religious history through anyone temple. There is such a type of Shoiva temple in Sonitpur, which is perhaps rare in India. In this sense, it can be told about Mahabhairab temple. That is because there is a record that the Shiv

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4506 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

linga of Mahabhairab temple is the largest in entire Asia. Therefore, it should become to this very temple to know about India’s Shoiva history, its significance cum characteristic. So, temples can help in the study of ancient Indian Arya civilization.

Temples can also help in the historical study of ancient Kamrup’s Kings, Ahom Kings, etc. That is because there are several temples in various places of Assam, most of which are built by Ahom Kings. For example – it can be said about the Biswanath temple of Sonitpur. It is got in history about the rebuilding of Biswanath temple by Maharaja Pratapsingha. From this side, it can be known through the study of this temple about the very king as well as the heredity of his royal family, the period of rule, etc. Moreover, there are one-two temples in Sonitpur, where it is related to the resource of the royal family indirectly. Even the life history of saints is also related to many temples. It can be total about the Singari temple regarding this term. It is explained in Gurusorit of Kusumbar Bhuyan’s getting Shankardeva as a son worshipping puja at Singari. Therefore, it is got about the life history of a distinguished person beside Kings, Saints, or God-Goddess through the study of temples. So, temples can help in the life study of such type of distinguished persons.

Culture is another shape of humanity. Culture is that, where it is performed welfare of people. So, those are also reflected in the temple. Though the poor or beggars are betrayed in some other places, general people get mental satisfaction contributing to donation as per capability to such people in the temple. People purify their minds by offering puja in temples to overcome from anger, to get a good result from marriage, to overcome from diseases, to overcome from evil powers, etc.

It is got the signal of the food habits of the ancient Indian people through the offering of prasad to the Gods in temples. It is got an idea regarding the need for material for Shiv Puja or Goddess Puja through the study of the temple. Moreover, through the study of the temple, it is got Indian people’s mentality regarding ancient history, their perception regarding Goddess, Shiv, or other Gods. There are various temples in Sonitpur, with which there is a relation of ponds. Therefore temples also help in the study of beels or rivers, ponds that are partially related to ancient temple sculpture.

Temple does not only bring happiness-festival within the parameter or the area of the temple, but it also brings happiness – festival to the house of a region. That is because when it is the imminent time for Shivratri or Bolbom it does not mean that it is maintained purity-holiness only in the surrounding area of temple house, it is seen the formation of a festival oriented on the pure environment of mind in the house in of the people of entire Sonitpur District. Therefore the influence of the temple helps in the purification of society.

Temples have a special contribution to the preservation of national garments also. It is seen usually gents wearing Dhoti-Payjama and holding a Gamocha at neck and ladies wearing Sadar-Mekhela while going to the temple. It expresses people’s dedication regarding/towards temples as well as it helps in the spreading and preservation of our national garments.

God-worshipping was started in various shapes to decide the direction in various subjects in mental meditation for peace, to get away to lead life to get information about the omnipotent by knowledge hunger soul, or to get recovery from evil power, etc. Hence, the base of all religious study – assurance, devotion, faith, and truthful life living. As a consequence this it was established various-shaped God-Goddess statues, temples, Dewalaya, etc. These temples have been rescuing religious culture, art-civilization since ancient times up to the present time. Temples have been maintaining pioneering rule in the construction of religious elements, secularism, unity, friendship, patience, and society cum tribe/race. The religion preached in temples has bound the society attracting the mind of the devotees at the influence of godly power.


The authors would like to express gratitude to the temples authorities of Sonitpur, Assam, India for providing invaluable pieces of information for this research and the Department of Assamese, Gauhati University, Assam, India.

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 Page No: 4508