A Technics Journa
RCA 'VIEW a technics journa RÁDIO AND ELECTRONICS RESEARCH ENGINEERING VOLUME XII SEPTEMBER 1951 NO. 3 Part II www.americanradiohistory.com RCA REVIEW GEORGE M. K. BAKER CHAS. C. FOSTER, JR. THOMAS R. ROGERS Manager Editorial Manager Business Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS: United States, Canada, and Postal Union: One Year $2.00, Two Years $3.50, Three Years $4.50 Other Countries: One Year $2.40, Two Years $4.30, Three Years $5.70 SINGLE COPIES: United States: $.75 each. Other Countries: $.85 each Copyright, 1951, by RCA Laboratories Division, Radio Corporation of America Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by RCA Laboratories Division, Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey Entered as second class matter July 3, 1950, at the Post Office at Princeton, New Jersey, under the act of March 3, 1879 RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA DAVID SARNOPP, Chairman of the Board FRANK M. FoLSOM, President LEWIS MACCONNACH, Secretary ERNEST B. GORIN, Treasurer RCA LABORATORIES DIVISION C. B. JOLLIPPE, Executive Vice President PRINTED IN U.S.A. www.americanradiohistory.com RCA REVIEW a technical journal RADIO AND ELECTRONICS RESEARCH ENGINEERING Published quarterly by RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA RCA LABORATORIES DIVISION in cooperation with INC. RCA VICTOR DIVISION RCA COMMUNICATIONS, BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. RADIOMARINE CORPORATION OF AMERICA NATIONAL INC. RCA INTERNATIONAL DIVISION RCA INSTITUTES, VOLUME XII SEPTEMBER, 1951 NUMBER 3 PART II CONTENTS PAGE Review 443 FOREWORD The Manager, RCA 445 Methods Suitable for Television Color Kinescopes E. W. HEROLD 466 A Three -Gun Shadow -Mask Color Kinescope H. B. LAW 487 A One -Gun Shadow -Mask Color Kinescope R.
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