he Draft Master Plan 2013 is Singapore’s latest blueprint for T development over the next 10 – 15 years. Urban Redevelopment Authority Chief Planner Lim Eng Hwee explains it is the result of close inter-agency collaboration to support a vibrant economy and create a green, healthy and connected city for its residents.

01 With population growth, Singapore planners face new challenges, like strains on urban infrastructure. Draft 35 Master Plan case study

The Challenge 2013 In January 2013, the Singapore government released its White Paper on Population, highlighting ENVISIONING the challenge of a shrinking and ageing resident population and A GREAT CITY the need to supplement it in order to sustain reasonable economic growth. Accompanying this White Paper was the Land Use Plan, which outlined broad strategies to support a population scenario of up to 6.9 million. Some of these strategies – development of our Now there are new significant land reserves, land reclamation challenges, including a diminishing and redevelopment of low-intensity land bank, rapid urbanisation land uses – address enduring and intensification, strain on our challenges such as land scarcity public transport system and other and growing land demand. infrastructure, and the public’s increasing desire to have a say in how we develop our future. For planners, these new challenges require innovative urban solutions that provide for a quality living environment while retaining Singapore’s unique social fabric and cultural roots. June 2014 June 2014 • •


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The Solution With the last Master Plan review envisioned the DMP13 as people- 01 An artist’s impression centric and relevant to the everyday of high-density yet undertaken in 2008, it was highly liveable and imperative that the latest Master concerns of residents. While the car-reduced housing Plan Review responded to the plan caters for the needs over the in . potential demographic challenges next 10-15 years, the exhibition faced going forward. Building on highlighted development plans over the strategies of the Land Use the next five years. The Master Plan, the Urban Redevelopment Plan focused our strategies in six Authority (URA) released the Draft key areas: Housing, Economy, Master Plan 2013 (DMP13) last Transport, Recreation, Identity year with the aim of striking a good and Public Spaces. balance in supporting growth while New housing areas will be opened continuing to improve the lives of up. The public can expect a variety residents and future generations. of living options, including homes As a statutory land use plan, the closer to nature (Bidadari), more Master Plan is reviewed every five waterfront precincts ( years to accommodate changing Matilda), and even new car-reduced needs and demand. It is also an housing areas (Kampong Bugis, important strategic platform for the Marina South). Towns will also coordination of the work of our be more walkable, with amenities development agencies to ensure close to homes and more one-stop that the necessary infrastructure will community hubs. Public spaces will be provided to adequately support also double-up as social areas to existing and new developments. facilitate community bonding and ageing-in-place. As older towns On 20 November 2013, the URA rejuvenate, their unique heritage exhibited the DMP13 for public elements will be retained. feedback. Themed “Our Future, Our Home”, the exhibition 37 case study June 2014 •

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Sufficient land has been safeguarded Access to recreation and greenery to grow the economy while is an important aspect of a quality bringing jobs closer to home. life. More parks will be introduced While the Central Business District near homes, including a continuous will continue to be the heart of 25-kilometre Green Corridor along Singapore’s financial sector, new the former railway land, and a regional employment centres and 150-kilometre linear park that growth areas (e.g., the North loops along the coast round the Coast Innovation Corridor) are island. More waterways will be strategically distributed islandwide progressively opened up for public as part of an overall decentralisation enjoyment, and more nature areas strategy to ease traffic flows into the (Jalan Gemala, Beting Bronok city centre. and Pulau Unum) have been identified to safeguard Singapore’s In public transport, more integrated biodiversity. New and upgrading transport hubs for seamless transfers of town and regional sports centres and an extended network of covered have been planned for by 2030, linkways have been planned to while more school sports facilities enhance the comfort and convenience will be opened up for public use. of commute. The rail network is also set to double. In addition, the As Singapore develops, familiar National Cycling Plan aims to grow surroundings and landmarks have the cycling route network, improve become markers of identity for the cycling infrastructure to further residents and need to be conserved. enhance mobility and encourage an More than 70 buildings will be active lifestyle. conserved under the DMP13, 39 case study

02 adding to the over 7,100 buildings stakeholders and interest groups to 01 Recreation and greenery already protected. Three new get early feedback and buy-in from improve liveability and mitigate urban stress. Identity Nodes – Holland Village, the local community on some of the 02 An artist’s impression and Garden key development proposals. of a more pedestrian- – have been recognised. In addition, For sensitive areas, plans were friendly Queen Street new heritage trails in various estates in the Civic District. presented in greater detail with will be developed by 2014, including 03 Early feedback and care taken to explain the planning a heritage walk as part of the future support were sought approach to mitigate potential from interest groups like Bidadari Estate. concerns. We also developed this cycling focus group. Finally, more public spaces will 26 Planning Area Brochures for be set aside for community spaces towns with residential areas. These that would help create new shared brochures gave residents a more memories. Hence the URA intimate understanding of how the launched “PubliCity”, an initiative DMP13 strategies would translate that involves the community to into immediate development plans celebrate meaningful public spaces at the local level. and enlivens public spaces through 03 good design and programmes. For instance, the rejuvenation of the Civic District will result in a more pedestrian-friendly precinct with elegant street furniture and extensive public spaces. A calibrated communications plan was adopted for the DMP13.

Together with relevant partner June 2014 • agencies, extensive public engagement sessions were held

with Members of Parliament, key ISSUE 5 The Outcome The DMP13 exhibition was well received by both the public and private sectors. Nearly 71,000 visited the exhibition with about 1,500 surveys completed, most of By 2030, at least eight in 10 which were complimentary about households will be within a the plan and its presentation. The 10-minute walk to an MRT station dedicated DMP13 website was also because of the doubling of the rail popular with some 158,000 visits network, and more than 90% of and about 611,000 page views. households will live within 400 Lim Eng Hwee is About 20,000 copies of the Planning metres of a park because of more Chief Planner and parkland and enhanced accessibility Area Brochures were downloaded. Deputy Chief Executive The public submitted about 400 to green spaces. We would be able Officer of the URA. written suggestions. All the feedback to support future growth yet He has extensive received were studied carefully for maintain a good quality of experience in urban refinement of the DMP13 before it living environment. planning, urban design, was to be gazetted by mid-2014. and implementation of These outcomes would only be land use policies and Building on this strong support and possible with close collaboration development initiatives. interest, the URA and other agencies between public agencies and the Mr Lim graduated with will now aim to roll out the following community to make Singapore a a Bachelor of Planning projected tangible outcomes. great city to live, work and play in. from the University of Auckland in 1989 and a Master in Public Administration from Harvard University in 1997.

01 Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and grassroots activists at the exhibition; DMP13 implementation builds on support and feedback received at such 01 engagement platforms.