Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners

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Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners MISSION STATEMENT Cheboygan County officials and staff will strive to provide public services in an open and courteous manner and will responsibly manage county resources. Finance/Business Meeting December 12, 2017 9:30 a.m. Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Hearing – 2018 Budget 5. Approve Agenda 6. Approve Consent Agenda A. Approve Monthly Finance Claims B. Budget Adjustments C. Straits Regional Ride 1. Letter of Understanding 2. CCE 911 Tower Lease Extension D. 2018-2019 Cheboygan Public Defender Contract E. 2018 Attorney Contract Delinquency and Child Protection Proceedings F. Correspondence: 1. Gratiot County Resolution in Support of Funding for Great Lakes Restoration G. Minutes: 1. Finance/Business Meeting of November 14, 2017 & Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 28, 2017 2. District No. 4 Health Board – 10/17/17 3. NEMCSA – 11/3/17 4. Planning Commission – 10/18/17, 11/1/17 & 11/15/17 5. City Council Minutes – 10/24/17 & 11/14/17 6. Board Appointments & Procedures – 10/2/2017 7. Road Commission – 10/19/17 & 11/2/17 7. Brief Citizens Comments – (3 minutes per person) 8. Scheduled Visitors 9. Finance Director’s Report 10. Administrator’s Report 11. Committee Reports A. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Airport Authority B. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Construction Code Board of Appeals C. Reappointment to Cheboygan Department of Health and Human Services D. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Fair Board E. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Planning Commission F. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Waterways Commission G. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Zoning Board of Appeals H. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Department of Public Works I. Reappointment to Cheboygan County Economic Development Corporation J. Reappointment to Northern Lakes Economic Alliance 12. Old Business 13. New Business A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment #142 – Content Neutral Regulations for Signs B. Building Official Employment Agreement C. 2017 Salary & Wage Resolution #16-21 – Amendment #6 – Building Safety/ Assistant to the Director of Planning & Zoning Union Classification D. 2018 Salary & Wage Resolution #17-09 – Amendment #1 – Building Safety E. Northern Lakes Economic Alliance Service Agreement F. Remonumentation Grant Application G. Audit Bid Award – Years 2017-2019 H. 2018 Fee Resolution #17-013 I. Declaration of Surplus Funds Resolution #17-014 J. 2018 Budget Adoption 14. Citizens Comments 15. Board Member Comments 16. Adjourn to the Call of the Chair CHEBOYGAN COUNTY FINANCE REPORT DECEMBER 2017 VENDOR APPROVAL REPORT FOR CHEBOYGAN COUNTY INVOICES TO BE PAID 12/12/17 FINANCE TOTAL $ 159,900.00 PREPARED BY: KARI KORTZ 12/08/2017 02:49 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY VENDOR REPORT FOR CHEBOYGAN COUNTY Page 1/1 User: dogden POST DATES 12/12/2017 - 12/12/2017 : DB: Cheboygan BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN Claimant Amount Claimed Amount Owed Amount Rejected 1. MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 159,900.00 ***TOTAL ALL CLAIMS*** 159,900.00 CHEBOYGAN COUNTY PREPAIDS REPORT NOVEMBER 2017 CHECK REGISTERS BANK 1 TRUST & AGENCY BANK 2 GENERAL BANK 3 TAX PAYMENT/FORECLOSURE FUND BANK 5 COUNTY ROAD BANK 9 INMATE TRUST FUND BANK 2: GENERAL EXPENDITURES $ 781,108.51 MINUS NOVEMBER FINANCE $ 25,573.76 TOTAL PREPAIDS $ 755,534.75 FINANCE CLAIMS FOR NOVEMBER WERE PAID ON 11/14/17 ON CHECK #173027. PREPARED BY: DEBI KUCZYNSKI 12/06/2017 10:50 AM CHECK REGISTER FOR CHEBOYGAN COUNTY Page: 1/3 User: DWALINSKY CHECK DATE FROM 11/01/2017 - 11/30/2017 DB: Cheboygan Check Date Bank Check Vendor Vendor Name Description Amount Bank 1 TRUST & AGENCY 11/03/2017 1 63606 AFSCME MICHIGAN COUNCIL #25 AFSCME PR EMPLOYEE UNION DUES NOV 2017 1,419.20 11/03/2017 1 63607 BOND-CLERK FRIEND OF THE COURT CR BOND #06-6561-DP CZINKI V CASE 1,003.00 11/03/2017 1 63608 CITI CITI STREET PR CHEB CTY RETIREMENT PE 10/28/17 1,115.23 11/03/2017 1 63609 CLERK CHEBOYGAN COUNTY CLERK CC REST #17-5404-FH CRANE, WILLIAM - RE 400.00 11/03/2017 1 63610 DEP UNION DEPUTY SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION PR SHERIFF DEPUTY UNION DUES NOV 2017 168.00 11/03/2017 1 63611 GELC GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES PR SHERIFF DEPT UNION DUES NOV 2017 612.52 11/03/2017 1 63612 MISDU MISDU PR 910220383 2002007381 M. FAIRCHILD PAI 170.80 11/03/2017 1 63613 MISDU MISDU PR 913068876 2009007526 G. STANKEWITZ PA 35.17 11/03/2017 1 63614 POLC POLICE OFFICERS LABOR COUNCIL PR SHERIFF DEPT UNION DUES NOV 2017 804.00 11/03/2017 1 63615 SLG SHERMETA LAW GROUP PR TINA M GONSER JEWELL #15-5314-GC PAID 75.00 11/03/2017 1 63616 UN WAY CHEBOYGAN COUNTY UNITED WAY PR EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS PE 10/28/17 12.00 11/03/2017 1 63617 VANTAGE VANTAGEPOINT TRANS AGENTS-457 PR #30595-457 DEFERRED COMP PE 10/28/17 289.95 11/03/2017 1 63618 AO INS AUTO OWNERS INSURANCE AGENCY CC REST #14-4916-FH CHILDERS, GARRETT 25.00 11/03/2017 1 63619 AUTO OWNER AUTO OWNERS CC REST #14-4915-FH NOBLE, JASON 35.00 11/03/2017 1 63620 BANK U.S. BANK CC REST #14-4818-FH PERRY, THEODORE 15.80 11/03/2017 1 63621 BLAN C CLAYTON BLANCHARD CC REST #89-0223-FH ENGLAND, ROBERT 15.00 11/03/2017 1 63622 BLAN C CLAYTON BLANCHARD CC REST #89-0225-FH LAYNE DANNY 20.00 11/03/2017 1 63623 BRYA W WILLIAM BRYAN CC REST #03-2843-FH DELPH JR, KURT 12.50 11/03/2017 1 63624 BURE F FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CC REST #06-3503-FH BODA, ALAN 40.00 11/03/2017 1 63625 CHEB-DPS CHEBOYGAN DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY CC REST #13-4627-FH COLLENE, NICHOLAS 5.00 11/03/2017 1 63626 CINCI INS CINCINNATI INSURANCE CO CC REST #04-2874-FH STEMPKY, BRENT 50.00 11/03/2017 1 63627 CONS J JENNITH CONSTANTINE-PALMER CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63628 CRUS S STEVE CRUSOE CC REST #12-4483-FC KNAPP JR, ALBERT 6.50 11/03/2017 1 63629 FARM BUR FARM BUREAU INSURANCE CC REST #11-4456-FH LAVIGNE, JAN 50.00 11/03/2017 1 63630 FIFTH FIFTH THIRD BANK CC REST #03-2843-FH DELPH JR, KURT 12.50 11/03/2017 1 63631 FIND H HEATHER FINDLAY CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63632 GEZO C CYNTHIA GEZON CC REST #13-4748-FH TEMPLE, JOSHUA 45.64 11/03/2017 1 63633 GOHE D DONALD OR JEAN GOHESKI CC REST #13-4687-FH WOODS, SUSAN 500.00 11/03/2017 1 63634 HEAT G GERALD HEATH CC REST #09-4106-FH WAGNER, SONYA + UNDI 300.00 11/03/2017 1 63635 HYDE L LOGAN HYDE CC REST #11-4446-FC STEWART, RYAN 5.00 11/03/2017 1 63636 JONE P PATRICIA JONES CC REST #09-3952-FH JONES, WALTER 200.00 11/03/2017 1 63637 JULL D DAVID OR DIANE JULLETTE CC REST #17-5351-FH JULLETTE, AARON 25.00 11/03/2017 1 63638 LATITUDE LATITUDE SUBROGATION SERVICES CC REST #09-4108-FC CALLEAUX, DAVID 175.00 11/03/2017 1 63639 LATITUDE LATITUDE SUBROGATION SERVICES CC REST #04-2958-FH NOBLE, JASON 35.00 11/03/2017 1 63640 LATITUDE LATITUDE SUBROGATION SERVICES CC REST #10-4113-FC STEWARD, BEAU 75.00 11/03/2017 1 63641 LATITUDE LATITUDE SUBROGATION SERVICES CC REST #10-4125-FC WILLIAMS, TONYA 10.00 11/03/2017 1 63642 LONG K KERIANN LONG CC REST #17-5339-FH LAHAIE, RYAN 18.75 11/03/2017 1 63643 MDEQ MI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CC REST #16-5277-FH GODLEY, KENNETH 1,000.00 11/03/2017 1 63644 MDHHS STATE OF MICHIGAN CC REST #15-5158-FH MILLBOCKER, SANDRA 15.00 11/03/2017 1 63645 MDHHS STATE OF MICHIGAN CC REST #16-5212-FH RILEY, TIFFANY 75.00 11/03/2017 1 63646 MILL H HOLLY MILLER CC REST #17-5358-FH PETERS, RANDY 5.00 11/03/2017 1 63647 MILL J JACOB MILLER CC REST #17-5358-FH PETERS, RANDY 5.00 11/03/2017 1 63648 MINI T MR & MRS THOMAS MINICK CC REST #13-4676-FH DENNERT-MICHAELS, BR 139.00 11/03/2017 1 63649 MOOD N NATALIE MOODY-BROWN CC REST #05-3300-FH ROMINE, JOSHUA 100.00 11/03/2017 1 63650 NEMOA NORTHEAST MICH OSTEOPATHIC ASSOC CC REST #08-3779-FH JOHNSON, VICKY 200.00 11/03/2017 1 63651 RDIC RIVERTOWN DO-IT CENTER CC REST #05-3247-FH PRZYBYLOWICZ, JOSEPH 10.00 11/03/2017 1 63652 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #14-4984-FC KLEIN, PEARL 20.00 11/03/2017 1 63653 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #16-5316-FH PEEL, DEVON 70.00 11/03/2017 1 63654 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #16-5327-FH PEEL, SHERRY 30.00 11/03/2017 1 63655 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #15-5069-FC PERRY, THEODORE 15.80 11/03/2017 1 63656 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #17-5393-FH ROBERTS, DEBORAH 300.00 11/03/2017 1 63657 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #17-5435-FH SCHOOLCRAFT, SHANNON 25.00 11/03/2017 1 63658 SANE STRAITS AREA NARCOTICS ENF CC REST #11-4430-FH STEWARD, RYAN 5.00 11/03/2017 1 63659 SCS SENTRY CLAIMS SERVICE CC REST #03-2843-FH DELPH JR, KURT 12.50 11/03/2017 1 63660 SEARS SEARS HOLDINGS CC REST #03-2716-FH RILEY, TIFFANY 20.00 11/03/2017 1 63661 SLOC M MARGO SLOCUM CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63662 SOVA G GERALD SOVA OR SALLY VANHOORNE CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 12/06/2017 10:50 AM CHECK REGISTER FOR CHEBOYGAN COUNTY Page: 2/3 User: DWALINSKY CHECK DATE FROM 11/01/2017 - 11/30/2017 DB: Cheboygan Check Date Bank Check Vendor Vendor Name Description Amount 11/03/2017 1 63663 SOVA RE REBECCA SOVA CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63664 SZYM E ELIZABETH SZYMONIAK CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63665 TFS TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES CC REST #03-2843-FH DELPH JR, KURT 12.50 11/03/2017 1 63666 THIG THE HANOVER INSURANCE GROUP CC REST #03-2854-FH SOUTHWELL, JUDY 100.00 11/03/2017 1 63667 TUCK G GARY TUCKER CC REST #15-5020-FH LIETAERT, MASON 7.50 11/03/2017 1 63668 WEIR V VERONICA WEIR CC REST #15-5004-FC VANDERHILL, RUSSELL 15.91 11/03/2017 1 63669 WERNIG WERNIG CC REST #91-687-FH HILL, SAMUEL 30.00 11/06/2017 1 63670 FENL
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