Triennial report 2016_2019 de Periodoncia e Implantes Dentales SEPA I Fundación Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegracion


Summary Triennial report 2016 | 2019 4 Regina Izquierdo, president AdriánGuerrero, board memberFrancisco Vijande. 2016-2019. Left to right: secretary José Nart, vice president Bujaldón, board members Paula Matesanz, Óscar González, and The Board ofDirectors oftheSpanishSocietyPeriodontology andOsseointegration andSEPA Foundation Executive Committee President ADRIÁN GUERRERO Thanks. 2019. Thisfulfilling experience can besummed upinjust one word, whichIdedicate to every person related to SEPA: Anniversary Reportwillserve asatestimony ofourmanagement,asummaryallthehard work carried outfrom 2016to After these12years ofservice to SEPA, andasabalance ofthepresidency Ihave hadthehonourto hold,Itrust thatthis partners, themedia,professional bodiesandpublicauthorities,more. the expectations ofallitsstakeholders: members, universities, theclinical sphere, patients,companies, and strategic Foundation, anditmust continue to face thefuture withgreater commitment to thegeneral interest, balancingandmeeting the pathofconstant improvement we must follow. SEPA today istheemblem oftwo non-profit bodies,theSocietyand SEPA’s values have beenunderlinedconstantly. Rigour. Innovation. Excellence. Transparency andEthics.Values thatlight and general health. years representing allourmembers andanentitycommitted to the development ofperiodontology andthepromotion oforal coincide withtheaccumulation ofnationalandinternational accolades thatIhave hadthehonourto receive over thesethree SEPA isoneoftheleading bodiesintheworld ofperiodontology. Itssixdecades ofwork now beingcommemorated in2019 Secretary to continue asVice President to DavidHerrera, untilbeingendorsed asPresident from 2016to 2019. Officer alongside JuanBlanco from 2007to 2010,NùriaVallcorba entrusted mewiththehighresponsibility ofthepost of and Osseointegration and,since 2012,aspartoftheSEPA Foundation. Following aninitialperiodofresponsibility asTraining The timehascome to weigh upmymore than12years withintheGoverning Board oftheSpanishSocietyPeriodontology Mission Accomplished OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF for boosting theirtraining. youngsters whoseeourbodyasareference point to SEPA, openinguptheSocietyto agreat many members to strengthen theirsenseofbelonging the consolidation offrontline projects allowing our international periodontology, years oflearning and which itserves Spanishdentistry asawhole and years thathave raised SEPA to apositionfrom and strategic partnerships. Theseare intense Periodontology, andcoordinating work groups as well asoverseeing post-graduate studies in Council ofDentists andprofessional colleges, institutional relations withtheSpanishGeneral the hugechallenge offindingthebalance in Taking onthevice presidency ofSEPA hasmeant Vice President ANTONIO BUJALDÓN and dental professionals. have beenplaced attheservice ofperiodontal recommendations, andinformative materials high-value content. Inaddition,separate guides, SEPA TVmeansmanyprofessionals willaccess version. To complement this,thelaunchof of SEPA, andisalsopublishedinanEnglish and Jorge Serrano—this hasbecome thejournal editors—Laurence Adriaens,Andrés Pascual, of IonZabalegui anditsteam ofassociate Clinical Periodontology. Undertheeditorship outstanding amongwhichisthe publication in general to ourinformation resources, from opinionleaders andthegrand welcome to seefor myselftheappreciative response SEPA’s professional outreach hasallowed me Professional communicationsofficer ÓSCAR GONZÁLEZ online training. in Periodontology, Clinical Classrooms, and as theUCM-SEPA Advanced University Diploma format courses aswell aslonger courses such Practical content isnow includedinbothsmall- will undoubtedly continue to beinthefuture. standard inSEPA’s training programme and and clinical practice sessions have become of courses ofhighscientificrigour. Live surgery demand ofmembers andinanexclusive format these last three years, withsupply meetingthe Training hasundergone aqualitative leap over Training andResearch Officer PAULA MATESANZ Science Events andRegulationsOfficer FRANCISCO VIJANDE part oftheSEPA family. responsibility. Andwe urge you to carry onbeing and grow withintelligence, moderation, and that thefuture will make uscontinue to improve with thesameeffort andenthusiasm.We hope motivation to carry on working onnew projects of satisfaction fed backto usprovide daily high numberofdelegates andthemessages our congresses andsymposiums.Boththe for thehelpandsupportthey have given during message ofthanksto allmembers ofthisSociety activities, we atSEPA wishto getacross a Following three intense years ofscientific Encias) boost periodontal, oral, andoverall health. creating awareness amongthepopulationto but otherprojects andactivitites aimedat not only amagazinewiththismotto asitstitle, Foundation communications thatencompasses Society’s managementandsupportteams. capture theoutstanding professionalism ofthe of members whovolunteer to helpSEPA, orto a publication asthis to embrace thevast quantity it would beimpossible for thepagesofeven such relations hasled to awork volume sogreat that our campaign audience, andininstitutional numbers, congress delegates, course attendees, Meanwhile, constant growth inmember characteristics ofSEPA, itssignature marks. and promotional character are allinherent The singularityofitsprojects, searching spirit, dynamic andinnovating dental communities. brought awide-reaching boost to oneofthemost This term ofoffice asSEPA Secretary has Awareness Officer andSocialAction REGINA IZQUIERDO Secretary JOSÉ NART of thepopulation.HealthyGums health issues affecting suchawidesector essential to achieve publicawareness ofthese periodontal andperi-implantproblems, itis health, prevention, andearly diagnosisof In ourstriving for theupkeep ofperiodontal istheshared watchword for SEPA (Cuida Tus Tus (Cuida


Trustees SEPA Foundation report Triennial RECOGNISED PRESTIGE THE SEPA Foundation Board of Trustees comprises the president of the previous term of office and other key figures of note, Board of Trustees appointed by the Executive Committee. David Herrera Antonio Liñares Blas Noguerol

The SEPA Foundation is one of the most Executive Committee Trustees dynamics bodies in Spanish dentistry and international periodontology. Mariano Sanz Mónica Vicario Ion Zabalegui Its congresses, publications, and communications projects are points of reference for the dental community and other health professionals, as well as for specialist media, patients, and the population as a whole. Honorary Trustees SEPA has a solid commitment to science Adrián Guerrero and research, the prevention and President promotion of oral and general health, working at the vanguard of therapeutic 6 7 implant innovation and application of regeneration techniques.

These commitment values represent the hallmark of a Foundation in constant growth and evolution. Antonio Bujaldón José Nart Óscar González Juan Blanco Raúl Caffesse José Javier Niklaus Lang Vice President Secretary Echeverría

Maurizio Tonetti Nùria Vallcorba EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Regina Izquierdo Paula Matesanz Francisco Vijande Jan Lindhe The members of the SEPA Foundation Board of Trustees form part of the COMMITTEE OF WISE PERSONS Society’s Board of Directors, managing and The Honorary Trustees are doctors who have received the SEPA Foundation administrating it for a mandate period of Platinum Award, as well as ex-presidents of the SEPA Foundation and three years. ex-presidents of the Society who have been Foundation Trustees. Introduction 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

8 9

Constant evolution 1959 1983 1993 1998 2010 2011

The Foundation was created.

SEPA has met its goals and completed its project targets through innovation, hard work, and trust. After 60 years of scientific, professional and—above all—human development, the Spanish Soceity of Periodontology 2017 The first SEPA The replacement The seal was Osseointegration After 50 years and Osseointegration can look back and proudly thank so many people for their tireless labour, efforts that logo, which has of the term modernised in line was included in of SEPA, a more have led to SEPA being able to blow out the 60 candles on its cake this year, 2019. This evolution of SEPA been with the Parodontology by with a symbol SEPA, recognising modern typography is reflected in the many names of those who have led it: through organisational shifts, in their own ways Society since its Periodontology related to the body’s the therapeutic was introduced, and of training and informing, in their actions, and through their institutional relations. But if one thing above founding. maintained the scientific objective. revolution of dental a slight reworking of The name SEPA Foundation others has revealed the stability of the change SEPA has experience, it must be its verbal identity, one that verbal identity of the implants. the symbol. was adopted. Introduction has accompanied both the Society throughout its 60 years and the Foundation since its creation in 2012. acronym SEPA. SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 The Founders of SEPA report Triennial

10 11

Manuel Fonseca, Mariano Sanz, The founding meeting, held on April 24, Ardoz air base. The day wound up with Fonseca Llamedo, at 6 Calle Recoletos, tasks between the dental profession and this first institutional and scientific Baldomero Sol, Sabino Ochandiano, Luis 1959 at the headquarters of the College a scientific session in the Coll Clinic Madrid. Every Wednesday, these pioneers the general public. c) To maintain scientific activity consolidated SEPA’s first Board de la Macorra, Félix Rodríguez de la of Dentists and Stomatologists of the covering the following subjects: the would meet in the patient waiting room. relations with similar organisations from of Directors, which comprised Manuel Fuente, Martínez Verdú, Ulpiano Arias, First Region, boasted the following need to get Parodontology across to the Clinical practicals were carried out in the other countries. To achieve these aims, Fonseca, President; José Monlleó, Vice Antonio Santos, Feliciano Salagaray, agenda: Genesis and projection of professional sphere; a demonstration laboratory of José Alberto Coll, at the Coll this Society employed the following President; Mariano Sanz, Secretary; Gregorio Ruiz Buitrago, Rafael García SEPA; Reading of the statutes (which of various brushing techniques. The Laboratories, Calle Cartagena, Madrid. means: regular scientific meetings, Carlos Antolín, Secretary; José Martínez del Carrizo, Santos Hernández, José had been approved on February 15, registered office was set up in the Article 2. of the founding Statutes read: “The speeches and presentations, course in Sardá, Librarian; and Guillermo María Casado, Jacobo Shermant, Manuel 1958); election of the Board of Directors; headquarters of the General Council of aims of this Society will be the following: a) excellence, the presentation of clinical Rehberger, board member. Hoyos, Pedro Planas, José Monlleó, establishment of the location and date Dentistry and Stomatology Colleges of To bring together the individual activities of cases, and publications in the professional Carlos Antolín, José Martínez Sardá, for the next meeting.This beginning was Spain, at 11 Calle Villanueva. The centre professionals interested in Parodontology, press. In addition to declaring Valencia and Guillermo Rehberger, among completed by a fraternal lunch and a visit of operations, however, was the home facilitating and structuring scientific work. the base for the first SEPA meeting, a others, made up the Spanish Society of to the dental clinics of the Torrejón de and surgery of the President, Manuel b) To carry out dissemination and teaching biannual gathering to be held in 1961, Parodontology. Introduction SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

The 50th 12 Anniversary push 13

Events to commemorate 50 years of SEPA Desire and abilities have blended under them to the march of time. It was for The training and dissemination goals Left to right, front row, the team of the meant an extraordinary boost for SEPA, solid, shared leadership, working from this reason that, after a first attempt in of SEPA’s origin are still intact and even Board of Directors in 2009, SEPA’s 50th acknowledging its history and positioning the basis of a commitment to evidence- 2000, the creation of the current SEPA strengthened, now possessing a clear anniversary year: Héctor Juan Rodríguez, it to face the challenges and opportunities based science that has forged the Foundation of Periodontology and Dental global dimension thanks to the work of all Adrián Guerrero, Francisco Enrile, Juan brought by the profound technological and principles for further evolution. The Implants took place in 2011: a new body these persons, universities, companies, Blanco (President), Nùria Vallcorba (Vice social transformations of recent times. This values of SEPA: Rigour, Innovation, in legal terms, one that can guarantee and bodies that see in SEPA an emblem for President), Antonio Liñares, and David image encapsulates a large number of the Excellence, Transparency, and Ethics, the SEPA legacy and assure adaptation developing periodontology and promoting Herrera (Secretary). people who have played a role on different make up a firm legacy from which to of the aims expressed by the founders the oral health of the population. Boards of Directors of the Spanish Society continue contributing to the sharing the and the successive different Boards of of Periodontology and Osseointegration, longings, hopes, and enthusiasm of the Directors of a society focused on the contributing both their talent and time. founders of this organisation, adapting general interest. Introduction SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Agreements Agreements signed Agreements signed Social network Social networks Subscriptions signed with with universities with international impressions reach to Estar al Día health bodies periodontology update newsletter Institutional societies 62 8 21 57.071.577 3.560.511 14.440

Total SEPA Full members, Young Student Hygienist International members Specialists, Retired members members and Auxiliary members and Honorary members Members members 5.910 2.454 1.662 1.012 464 318

Total delegates Delegates at Delegates Delegates at Young SEPA International at Scientific Periodontology at European Platinum events delegates delegates at Scientific gatherings Congress symposiums Congress gatherings 26.540 19.387 2.720 3.300 1.133 1.445

Participants Participants on Participants on Participants on Speakers Number of in training periodontology oral hygiene SEPA-ESADE on training courses programmes and implant courses course programmes Training courses 14 7.753 5.491 1.707 72 189 118 15

Total investment Communication Participants in Members of Research Clinical case in research items from research classes clinical network projects Leagues SEPA Research & science events or courses Grants 226.816€ 1.184 548 81 5 3

Copies of Clinical Reports and Content packages Subscribers to Clinical cases Members Periodontology consensus on SEPA TV Journal of Clinical and review in work groups 2016-2019 documents Periodontology articles in Clinical Communication Periodontology 18.200 9 101 2.673 70 30

Copies of Information Informative Visits to Check-ups Total Healthy Gums leaflets books carried out in informative in numbers Healthy (Cuida tus website campaigns items Gums Encías) 30.600 43.000 23.000 49.425 345 96.600 Numbers

* Included as assistants to the Congress of Periodontics. SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

“ Institutional

SEPA is one Agreements signed with health bodies of the leading 62

Agreements signed with societies in universities 8

Agreements signed the world of with international periodontology societies 16 periodontology” 21 17 Social network impressions

Adrián Guerrero 57.071.577

Presidente de SEPA Social networks 2016-2019 reach

Adrián Guerrero 3.560.511 President of SEPA Subscriptions 2016-2019 to Estar al Día update newsletter 14.440 Institutional SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

50 SEPA Annual Meetings. The outgoing Board of Directors of 2016, together with the presidents of different annual meetings at the celebration of the Conchita Curull, Manuel García Calderón, Ion Zabalegui, Héctor Juan Rodríguez, Carles Mendieta, Alberto Sicilia, Lorenzo De Arriba, Gerardo Moreu, 50th such meeting at SEPA Valencia 2016. From left to right, front row: José Nart, Mariano Sanz, Carolina Mor, Antonio Liñares, Regina Izquierdo, Adrián Bettina Alonso, Francisco Mesa, José Antonio Pascual y Julio Galván. Third row: José María Casal, Antonio Gómez, Maximino González-Jaranay, Juan Guerrero, David Herrera, Antonio Bujaldón, Paula Matesanz, Mónica Vicario, Francisco Alpiste y Francisco Gil Loscos. Second row: Vicente Fuenmayor, Vélez, Juan Pablo Álvarez-Novoa, Pedro Bullón, Jaime Alcaraz, Rafael Naranjo, Juan Blanco, José Blanco-Moreno, and Laura Campos.

18 19 One team,

In 2016, the 50th Annual Through active engagement with its opened, in a 25% growth among its Meeting of SEPA was held, members, partners, and other scientific members, and in its internationalisation, the Society’s presidents bodies, SEPA has reached a great level of SEPA now boasting as many as 21 one objective rigour, innovation, research excellence, international deals with countries in setting a date to remember and celebrate the effort and and development of periodontology and Europe and Latin America, and some 900 enthusiasm invested year oral health. This fact is reflected in the international delegates at SEPA ‘19. after year in the Congress growing numbers of professionals who of Periodontology and Oral attend the Congress of Periodontology Health. and SEPA events, the constant demand for training—up over these three years on the previous period by 2,500 participants—in new communication and outreach channels Institutional SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Platinum Award 2017 Robert Genco, report Triennial father of periodontal medicine

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The 2017 Congress of Periodontology and At SEPA Málaga ‘17, this director and Periodontology, such as Jan Lindhe, Raul Oral Health laid on all the trimmings to professor in Oral Biology at the Department Caffese, and Klaus Lang: I have known them honour the career and contributions in of Oral Biology of the University of Buffalo’s for many years and to be in their company is training, clinical perio, and science of a true School of Dental Medicine (USA), received a great honour. mentor, Robert Genco. Recently passed the SEPA Foundation Platinum Prize for away, Genco was the outright leader in merit in Periodontology in recognition Genco leaves a valuable scientific legacy Periodontal Medicine, and he has left a of exceptional services in the field of in periodontology and oral health, having huge gap at these Congress events, as Periodontology and Implant Therapy, been a pioneer of the association between much for the hallmark and excellence of his among other contributions. Author of periodontal and systemic diseases, and professionalism as his rapport and friendly more than 500 publications, his response someone with a great interest in preventing character. to receiving the award was: “I am very and managing diabetes through correct oral proud to have been chosen for this award, hygiene and periodontal treatment. especially as the former winners are really exceptional professionals in the field of Robert J. Genco (1939-2019) Institutional SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Platinum Award 2018 Maurizio Tonetti, report Triennial the “Leonardo de Vinci” of periodontology

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To do many things and do them well is an surgery, and supportive periodontal Platinum Award at Sevilla 2018 word it. The art few people have within their reach. therapy. The exceptional services he has endorsers, David Herrera, Raúl Caffesse, To master several disciplines, to be an provided for the world of perio also include Mariano Sanz, Bob Genco, Nickaus Lang, innovator and a rebel, to be at the forefront his role in European and world workshops, and Antonio Liñares, eulogised Tonetti as and prove a guide for many gifted disciples; his post as editor of the Journal of Clinical one of the most important academic and these are just some of the professional Periodontology, his teaching activities in scientific authorities in dentistry in the qualities Professor Maurizio Tonetti has different centres around the world, his world today, someone with an exceptional accumulated in his curriculum. starring role in the European Federation ability to combine scientific skill, academic of Periodontology and the Italian Society brilliance, and clinical excellence. He has made extraordinary contributions to of Periodontology (SIdP), “an incalculable scientific knowledge, currently renowned number of merits that make Prof. Tonetti as a leader in diverse aspects that include a unique individual,” as those endorsing periodontal regeneration, mucogingival his candidature for the SEPA Foundation Institutional SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS

Platinum Award 2019 | 2019 2016

Mariano Sanz, report Triennial global leader, maestro of maestros

Professor Sanz is far and away the outstanding as the main force and spokesperson of figure of periodontology and implant therapy Spanish periodontology internationally. He within Spain, but his talents, contributions, is an ex-president of the Spanish Society of and worth have also made him a global Periodontology and Osseointegration, and figure, considered worldwide as a leader. He a current trustee of the SEPA Foundation. 24 25 is the chair of his department at Madrid’s Not only has he been key to the international Complutense University, a centre where projection of this scientific body, but also he heads the Periodontal Disease Etiology in the consolidation and modernisation of and Therapy research group, and in whose such fundamental entities as the European laboratories he has directed some of the most Federation of Periodontology (EFP), the outstanding studies of recent years. In addition, Association for Dental Education in Europe he is the associate editor of the Journal of (ADEE), the International Association Clinical Periodontology and the Journal of for Dental Research, as well as both the Evidence-Based Dental Practice. This maestro Osteology Foundation and the Conference of maestros has mentored hundreds of of Deans of Dentistry under the General periodontists throughout 30 years of research Dental Council of Spain, where he has always and teaching in different universities. contributed his vision and leadership with magnanimity. Above all, however, Dr. Mariano Sanz enjoys the endorsement that comes with receiving His successful and extensive professional the admiration of other international leaders, career as a researcher, scientist, and teacher his disciples, and thousands of professionals make him fully deserving of the SEPA around the globe who follow his presentations, Foundation Platinum Award presented to him his articles, and his clinical advances. At at SEPA Valencia 2019. institutional level, Prof. Sanz stands tall Institutional 26 professionals. dissemination andthe training of patients through scientific to promote oral health amongst thatcomesfrom the need motto Federation ofPeriodontology (FIPP). (EFP), andin2019 to theIbero-PanAmerican to theEuropean Federation ofPeriodontology the Award for Promotion ofPeriodontology went Primary Care Physicians,SEMERGEN.In2018, this honouronbehalfoftheSpanish Societyof Later, in2017,JuanSergio Fernández accepted represented byJuanGirbés. and to theSpanishSocietyofDiabetes (SED), represented byJuanJoséGómezDoblas, to theSpanishSocietyofCardiology (SEC), Pombo, honouringhisprofessional career, promotion ofhealthto Doctor JoséLuisHerrera decided to award itsFoundation Prizefor and general health,in2016theSociety contributing to thedevelopment ofperiodontal engage withSEPA andenhance its work by With theaimofpayingtribute to thosewho health knowledge. the informative outreach ofgeneral andoral shared interest, involving training, research, and performance andparticipationinactivitiesof deals have worked through allofthese to enrich throughout Spain.Institutional cooperation medical anddental societies,anduniversities them professionals colleges, institutions, owes muchto these70organisations, among part oftheSociety’s work isaimed.The Society make upSEPA. Itistowards thesethatagreat distinct branches oforal healthscience that members include themanyprofessionals of without thehelpofallthosebodieswhose Achieving thisstrength isanimpossible task Everyone for Periodontology recognition Deserved is a isa OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Herrera Pombo. Fernández Ruiz (SEMERGEN). Borrás (SED). Doblas (SEC). Juan Girbés Juan Girbés José Gómez José Gómez Juan Sergio José Luis Luis José DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Dental science societieswork very closely withSEPA to grow exchanges ofknowledge essential to interdisciplinary clinical practice. de Andalucia Salud delaJunta Consejeria de de Cardiología Sociedad Española initiatives aimedatimproving awareness amonghealthprofessionals, patients,andthepublicingeneral. Numerous medical societiesandbodiesfrom theworld ofscience andhealthhave alignedthemselves withSEPA, sharingprojects and Cirugia Bucal Cirugia Bucal Española de Sociedad Medical societiesandhealth bodies Dental societies (SOCE) Computarizada de Odontología Española Sociedad de Diabetes Sociedad Española de SaludPública Escuela Andaluza (SELO) Odontología Fototerápia en de Lásery Española Sociedad Obstetricia de Ginecología y Sociedad Española Españoles (FEDE) de Diabéticos Federación (SEOP) Odontopediatría Española de Sociedad Deporte de Medicinadel Sociedad Española Comunidad deMadrid de Saludla Servicio Madrileño (SEDO) de Ortodoncia Española Sociedad del Tabaquismo para laPrevención Comité Nacional de Catalunya (SCOE) Ciències Mèdiques de laAcadèmia de D´Odontoestomatología Sociedad Catalana (SEPES) Estomátologica de Prótesis Española Sociedad Atención Primaria de Médicos de Sociedad Española de Madrid de Diabetes Asociación Odontología Estudiantes de Española de Federación 27 Institutional Triennial report 2016 | 2019 28 Murcia de Dentistas de Ilustre Colegio Valencia Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Commitment to theprofessionals whotrust inSEPA iscommitment to professionals andthecolleges thatprovide for them. de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio A Coruña Estomatólogos de de Odontólogos y Ilustre Colegio de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio Dental colleges Castellón Jaén de Jaén de Dentistas Colegio Oficial de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio la Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Dentistas deÁlava Colegio de de Estomatólogos Odontólgos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio VIII Región Las Palmas Navarra Córdoba la Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Albacete Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Salamanca Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio de de Dentistas Ilustre Colegio La Rioja Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio IX Región Ceuta OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Madrid Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y del Colegio de Fundación Alicante Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Región Región Dentistas delaXI Ilustre Colegio de Gipúzcoa de Dentistas de Ilustre Colegio Sevilla de Dentistas de Colegio Oficial Tenerife de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio Madrid Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Colegio de Almeria de Dentistas de Ilustre Colegio Vizcaya Dentistas de Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Girona de Dentistas de Junta Provincial Santa Cruz de Santa Cruzde DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Málaga Dentistas de Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Granada Dentistas de Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Aragón Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio Tarragona de Dentistas de Junta Provincial

Melilla Estomatólogos de Odontólogos y Oficial de Ilustre Colegio de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio Toledo Estomatólogos de de Odontólogos y Junta Provincial de Oficial deDentistas Ilustre Colegio Cádiz Huelva Agreements fixed ontheinstitutional development ofsocietiesandprofessionals isfundamental. de Internacional Universitat SEPA’s scientificdevelopment. Co-operation between SEPA anduniversities through Periodontology postgraduate degree courses isoneofthecornerstones of Bucodentales Higienistas Española de Federación of thedental team. A team project aimedatwinningconsideration for thehygienist asafundamental pillar de Dentistas Consejo General de Compostela de Universidad The SpanishGeneral CouncilofDentistsandcouncilsorother independentbodies Universities•Periodontology postgraduate course Hygienist colleges Santiago Santiago Catalunya Española Fundación Dental de Universidad de Universidad Cataluña Dentales de y Auxiliares Higienistas Asociación de Granada Sevilla Dentistas Oficiales de de Colegios Consejo Andaluz de Universidad de Complutense Universidad Valencia Madrid Castilla-La Mancha Dentales de Higienistas Colegio de Cataluña Estomatólogos de de Odontólogos y Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Universidad Oviedo de Madrid Comunidad Dentales dela Higienistas Colegio de País Vasco Universidad del Valenciana la Dentales de de Higienistas Colegio Oficial Comunidad Comunidad Dentais deGalicia de Hixienistas Profesional Colexio 29 Institutional Triennial report 2016 | 2019 30 gathered attheElEscorial 2017SummerCourse thatfocused ontherelation between oral andgeneral health. ta (SEC),AdriánGuerrero (SEPA), MarianoSanz(SEPA), Antonio Zapatero (SEMI),José LuisListerri (SEMERGEN),andDavidHerrera (SEPA), has brought thespotlightacross to boosting prevention. Thephotograph shows, left to right:Doctors Antonio Bujaldón(SEPA), ManuelAngui- A pushfor oral andgeneral health.LThe Alliance for Healthisa“before andafter” landmarkinthesystemic overview oforal health,onethat Health and General for Periodontal The Alliance OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF (SEMERGEN). Spanish SocietyofPrimaryCare Physicians of SportsMedicine(SEMED),and the Smoking (CNPT),theSpanishFederation National Committee for thePrevention of Gynaecology andObstetrics (SEGO),the of Diabetes (SED),theSpanishSocietyof of Cardiology (SEC), theSpanishSociety parties alignedwiththeSpanishSociety real, tangible meaningthanksto working The concept of“alliance” hastaken on societies. grown thiscollaboration between programmes thathave activity thanks andjoint toworking parties agreements hasbeenachieved operation. The maingoalofthese professionals andpatientsinits involvingbenefits general health, operation modelthatdirectly the foundationsofahealth co- hasestablished Alliance forHealth over the lastthree years the asitisproductive, As necessary CNPT smoking. been unanimous: to promote givingup joint working partywiththeCNPThas affected, and theurgent mission ofthe consequences. Oral healthisalso system, smokinghasserioussystemic addition to affecting therespiratory smoking. Itiswell known thatin and systematically, itisdefinitely almost theentire bodysimultaneously If there isascourge for healththathits CNPT: Cristina Vallès. SEPA: BettinaAlonso, ReginaIzquierdo, Gonzalo Barón. SEC: Elena Figuero. SEPA: Antonio Bujaldón, general health. good periodontal healthcan dofor snowballing dynamicthatshows what Backing thisrelationship isa and televised interviews anddebates. online Master Clinic,news, reports, course, aninformation leaflet, an sessions, apatientforum, atraining to scientificoutreach meetingsand The relationship withSEChasled SEC Juan José Gómez Doblas, Juan JoséGómezDoblas, Regina Dalmau. SEMED: SEPA: BlasNoguerol. SEMED with diabetes. periodontal healthanditsinvolvement have spotlighted theimportance of training, courses andlectures that and informative materials, official has proved akey source ofpublications professionals andpatients.Thisgroup projects aimedathealthcare opened thedoorto new outreach The working partysetupwithSED Herrera Pombo. Goday, Alfonso JoséLópez,Luis SED: Pedro Bullón, DavidHerrera. Montero, Gerardo Gómez, SEPA: Cristina Serrano, Eduardo enthusiasts whocarry outsportsactivity. in bothhigh-performance athletes and a meansto achieving complete health, health promotion for sportspersons as SEMED isanotherstep towards gum a healthymouth.Thiswork alongside achieving general healthmust include constant flux,andthatinterest in proof thattraditional medicineisin This sportsmedicinetandem isfurther SED Juan Girbés, Javier Díez, Albert Juan Girbés,JavierDíez,Albert Carlos deTeresa. SEGO SEMERGEN map. diseases backon thegeneral health with SEMERGENisputtingperiodontal achieve total wellbeing. Thisalliance keeping ahealthymouthinorder to the populationofimportance of caused widespread ignorance amongst distance from eachother, andthishas health have maintained ahistorical of thedental field,oral andgeneral Because ofthelargely private character be approached. the wayinwhichfemale healthshould SEGO hasenhanced understanding of Working shoulderto shoulderwith on momentsofhormonalchanges. different stages oftheirlives, focusing coverage ofhealthcare for women at of primaryimportance because ofits The working group setupwithSEGOis SEGO: Alicia Herrero. Ana Carrillo deAlbornoz,María Riobooy SEPA: IsabelSanta Cruz, SEMERGEN: SEPA: Antonio Bujaldón. Isabel Campo. Juan Sergio Fernández. 31 Institutional Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

A commitment to the European European periodontology gets a Galician accent. Santiago David Herrera, new director of the European Periodontology de Compostela hosted the EFP’s general assembly meeting in Workshop. At the last general assembly of the European 32 33 2017 to mark the end of Dr. Juan Blanco’s term as President Federation of Periodontology, Dr. David Herrera was appointed the of the European Federation of Periodontology. The photo, next director of the EFP’s European Workshop, thus taking over Federation taken during the assembly’s press conference, shows: Tiernan from Mariano Sanz and Klaus Lang. Prof. Herrera will also lead O’Brien, Adrián Guerrero, Juan Blanco, and Gernot Wimmer. the scientific committee for the 10th EuroPerio event, to be held in Copenhagen from June 2 to 5, 2021.

SEPA’s European relations are Over this period, the European sphere has increasingly solid. felt the Spanish contribution through Juan Recent years have seen the Blanco’s presidency during the 2016-2017 Society increase its joint work period, the strong Spanish involvement with the European Federation in EuroPerio, the organisation of the of Periodontology (EFP) in International Workshop on Diabetes at the organisational tasks and Casa de la Encías, and the annual European informative projects, allowing Periodontology Workshops in La Granja de for the building of important San Ildefonso (Segovia). synergies in development and Deserved recognition. Adrián Guerrero presents the Junior officer of the EFP EU Project Committee. From 2017 to experience. European Gum Health Day has further SEPA Foundation Award for promotion of periodontology 2019, Dr. Antonio Liñares was on the European Federation of strengthened Spanish involvement in to Iain Chapple, general secretary of the EFP 2016-2019. Periodontology’s communications committee, contributing to the activities within Europe, which in 2019 has modernisation of its different channels, especially its website and app, widened its reach to the whole world, now which connects the Federation to all its stakeholder groups. In 2019, celebrating Gum Health Day every May 12. Dr. Paula Matesanz was elected to take over this committee place and Institutional contribute to this department until 2021. 34 more SEPA More Europe, with theirsize and organisational complexity. tackling theshared challenges facing thesefour organisations, inline meetings beingheldfor theexchange ofexperiences androutes for working group for institutional andscientific co-operation, with annual Societies ofGermany, Holland, Italy, andSpainhave joinedto make upa Strengthening linkswithEuropean societies.ThePeriodontology strategic projects for thecoming years. information andthelaunching offrontline with thesharingofenormousquantities been strengthened inthelast three years, foundations, societies,and bodies has the European continent’s most relevant The relationship between SEPA and from existing know-how. which SEPA addstoandlearns around the continent,thanks to inmany activities participating great prideandenjoyment from moves, takes andthe Society relations spheres inwhichSEPA Europe isoneofthe international OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Israel Osteology Foundation are consolidating aroadmap for learning andtheexchange ofknowledge. and implantsocieties thathave signedbilateral cooperation deals withSEPA, the European Association for Osseointegration, together withperiodontology Cooperation broadens horizons. Osteology Foundation, Dental Campus, and Alemania Italia Dental Campus Dinamarca Países Bajos EAO Grecia Portugal 35 Institutional Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016


These agreements have now enabled projects and initiatives in training, dissemination, and development that can only count on international co-operation in pursuance of the general interest, such DGI and SEPA strengthen the German-Hispanic axis. The term of Frank Schwarz as president of the DGI, the German Society of as the cooperation agreement with Global Implantology, has proven highly stimulating, with SEPA being invited to a cooperation agreement between both bodies. This experience has Dental Campus and with the DGI e.Academy led to the SEPA DGI DGParo European Symposium (also including the German Society of Periodontology) covering peri-implant diseases, to boost training in periodontology, and to and taking place on January 24 and 25, 2020 in Palma, Mallorca. This will also see SEPA and e.Academy online content merged in a move do so in Spanish-speaking countries. promoted by the DGI. Pictured, alongside Adrián Guerrero, is one of the DGI’s former presidents, Gerard Iglhaut. Global agreement with Dental Campus. The photo shows Óscar González, Other great advances include the creation Adrián Guerrero, Ronald Jung, and Francisco Vijande signing the deal by of the international European Working which SEPA and Dental Campus join forces to publish existing content Group in Perio (EWGiP), which brings on implants to Spanish-speaking countries and develop a training together the Dutch, Italian, and Spanish programme of specific periodontal content with global scope. Societies to pursue common objectives, a fruitful relationship with the EAO, a meeting with the international heads of Geistlich, and an agreement with the Jan Lindhe International Symposium.

But the cooperation does not stop there. Many actions have been scheduled, such as the European Symposium with the DGI and DGParo in Palma, Mallorca, the joint Workshop with DGI Osteology in Madrid, and the 2nd European Symposium jointly Osteology Foundation and SEPA Foundation join forces. Geistlich International and SEPA line up their horizons. with the SIdP in Rome. 36 The corporative foundation Osteology, which focuses The regeneration product firm Geistlich has been working 37 on the field of regeneration, set out together with SEPA jointly with SEPA on a study that tightens both organisations’ on a fruitful institutional and scientific cooperation cooperation links. The picture shows Matías Dunkel, global venture which produced various symposiums within the operations director of Geistlich, Adrián Guerrero, Silvia SEPA Congress, as well as the International Osteology Morgan, international expansion director for Geistlich, and EAO and SEPA blend their visions. The European Association of Symposium congress. Javier García, executive director of SEPA. Osseointegration worked jointly with SEPA in holding the 2017 European Symposium in Madrid, as well as on the joint publication of issue 10 of Clinical Periodontology, under the guidance of Luca Cordaro and Alberto Sicilia, pictured alongside Adrián Guerrero.

SEPA and SIdP. The close cooperation between these two societies was forged SEPA and SPPI. Spain and Portugal, hand-in-hand Hu-Friedy International and SEPA working together. in Florence in 2017, under the presidency of Claudio Gatti and subsequent Italian through Susana Noronha and Ricardo Faria, strengthening The principal global directors of Hu-Friedy met together with presidents Mario Aimetti and Luca Landi. cooperation between the Iberian neighbours. the Executive Committee of the SEPA Foundation. Institutional SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND SAP OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS Argentina The Argentinian Society of Periodontology. SEPA’s reaching out to Argentina has led 2016 | 2019 2016 to the first joint symposium with SAP in Buenos Aires, a boost for research and teaching in periodontology.

ACPO Colombia report Triennial The Colombian Association of Periodontology and Osseointegration. The symbolic embrace between SEPA and Colombia has set up a highly interesting bi-directional communication channel between both societies, the fruit of which is the first joint symposium with ACPO in 2019.

AMP México Mexican Association of Periodontology. The close relation established with Mexico was one of the first to bring forth a joint periodontology symposium, held during its 39th annual meeting in 2018, to Deepening be repeated in 2019 and 2020.

APPO Ibero-American Perú The Peruvian Association of Periodontology and Osseointegration. Proof of the bonanza in SEPA’s international relations is the APPO- SEPA Symposium on Management of Peri- implant Diseases, held in Lima on September 38 cooperation 3, 2018. 39

SODOPERIO República Dominicana The Society of Periodontology and Dental Implants of the Dominican Republic. The Over this brief time period, the To this end, SEPA president Adrián Guerrero The backing of FIPP for Gum Health Day is signing of the international agreement with advances made with societies was proud to receive his appointment as yet another fruit of the links built by SEPA the Dominican Republic generated actions from the American continent are vice-president of FIPP during the 2018 with the EFP. currently being developed and which will see worthy of admiration. In 2018, meeting to set up a work plan lasting until the light of day in 2020. two symposiums were held in Latin 2026, this being the cornerstone of a new Meanwhile, the Ibero-Panamerican America, in Mexico and Peru, chapter in international periodontology. Federation of Periodontology received the and more than one prosperous SEPA Foundation Award for Promotion of SPP venture is in the pipeline for The FIPP strategic plan plans to hold its Periodontology at the Valencia Congress Panamá Latin American, Spanish, and next congresses in Quito in 2020, in Madrid SEPA 2019. The Panamanian Society of Periodontology. world periodontology. Proof of in 2023, and in Lima in 2026. Panama is a fundamental strategic ally in the this was the presentation of the promotion of periodontology. SEPA is happy to project for the development of reach out and plan joint actions to be carried the Ibero-Panamerican network out during the Panama City symposium in

of committees of periodontal September 2019. Institutional diseases. 40 veteran societiessuchasAMPandAPPO. these are new symposiumsheldwithnow alongside theAAPinChicago. Addedto City withtheSPP,inQuito withAEPO,and in Barranquilla with ACPO, inPanama Rio deJaneiro, withSAPinBuenosAires, are thesymposiumsSOBRAPE2019in 2021 activities,highlighted amongwhich Dates are already inthediaryfor 2019- America. including withNorth on the other sideofthe pond, ofthethe continent greater part grown exponentially tocover SEPA hassomuchtoshare has Panamerican familywithwhich briefperiod,the In avery America links with Strengthening Panamá Colombia Argentina Perú Ecuador Dominicana República EE.UU. Bolivia SOCIEDAD BOLIVIANA DE OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Uruguay Guatemala Brasil periodoncia SOCIEDAD URUGUAYA DE SOCIEDAD URUGUAYA Venezuela México Chile Sociedad Venezonala de Periodontología DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF SEPA Seville in2018. SEPA doestheAmericas. AmeetinginVancouver withtheAAPboard, reciprocating thevisititsmembers madeto 1,000 delegates for its 39thCongress, heldinYucatán. the jointAMP-SEPA symposium,whichattracted more than Society crossing frontiers wasthisencounter withMexico in First AMP-SEPA Symposium.Anunequivocal signofthe Symposium in Buenos Aires. held inRiodeJaneiro, andtheSAP-SEPA SOBRAPE-SEPA-Osteology Symposium, The first daysofMay, 2019sawthefirst ever SOBRAPE enBrazil andSAPinArgentina. Richard Kao. of theAmerican Academy ofPeriodontology, of Periodontology, hosted bythepresident and thepresident oftheJaponeseSociety between SEPA president, AdriánGuerrero A first contact withoriental perio.Ameeting 41 Institutional Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Globalisation is a fact. Ease of The international scene in which the It is for this reason that the countries of access to knowledge thanks to Society now operates is the product origin of delegates at perio congresses technology and communications of a closeness brought about by these are more numerous and diverse, while

media has led to an exponential technologies and communications media, links between scientific cultures working report Triennial SEPA, global increase of international which have created a global network of together for the general interest are delegates attending SEPA shared interests: to boost oral health, increasingly stronger. congresses and stimulating bring excellence to professionals, and scientific and institutional improve quality of life for patients. cooperation with periodontology and implant societies in 21 player countries.

Suecia Noruega Finlandia Letonia Canadá Lituania Dinamarca Reino Unido Polonia Irlanda Países Bajos Rusia Ucrania Bélgica Alemania Chequia Hungría Francia Luxemburgo Austria Suiza Croacia Rumanía EE.UU. Andorra Azerbaiyán Italia Albanía Portugal España Turquía República de Corea Grecia China

Marruecos Jordania Japón Israel

México Kuwait

Cuba R. Dominicana Arabia Saudí 42 India 43

Granada Guatemala Etiopía Costa Rica Venezuela Guinea-Bissau Panamá Filipinas Colombia Malasia Nigeria Ecuador Uganda

Perú Brasil



Chile Argentina Sudáfrica Countries with institutional cooperation agreements with Australia SEPA and the origin of congress delegates.

Countries of origin of international delegates attending the Periodontology Congress and

other SEPA activities. Nueva Zelanda Institutional 44 OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF is basedon” SEPA project are whatthe The members “ 2016-2019 SEPA Secretary José Nart 318 464 1.012 1.662 2.454 5.910 members International members and Auxiliary Hygienist members Student members Young members and Honorary Specialists, Retired Full members, members Total SEPA Members 45 Members Triennial report 2016 | 2019 46 GENDER RANGE AGE Society A growing bodies related tooral health. opening uptoallcollectives and change inmodelsofsocieties, not onlyhasadaptedbutledthe apace withthe Society, which number ofmembers hasgrown Over these three years, the Women < de 30 < de30 71,02 % years 53% 28,98 % > de 30 > de30 years Men 47% Everyone. organisation thatoffers Periodontology for participants throng, enthusiastic aboutan congress to whichan increasing numberof seen reflected in every course, event, and and scientific communication. Andthis is society, share anenthusiasmfor training all ofwhom,undertheumbrella ofasingle dentists, hygienists, anddental auxiliaries, practitioners, prosthodontists, general endodontists, paediatricdental periodontists, butalsoorthodontists, SEPA isproud to welcome notonly OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF GROWTH MEMBERSHIP TOTAL 2016 5.017 DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF 2017 5.399 2018

for itsmembers. growth: adaptation to changeanddutyto and believed. Thisisthekey to SEPA’s continued more to dowitheachotherthan they ever periodontists andprosthodontists, have far hygienists, periodontists andorthodontists, make updentistry, inwhichperiodontists and professionals from themany branches that oral health.Itinvolves allkindsof in thisvery necessary wayofunderstanding asking theSocietyto take thelead aswell knocking onSEPA’s doors thesepast years, An interdisciplinary reality hasbeen 5.691 2019 5.910 47 Members Triennial report 2016 | 2019 48 The bestguarantee frontiers. look atSEPA from beyond Spanish as internationalmembers who hygienists, veterans inperio,or experience asperiodontists, their professional andpersonal andthey up, doso fromspeak only the members actual should their profession andcolleagues, them, andnetworks them to that embraces them, trains On the ofthe subject organisation their Society. In their own words, members rate OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF our profession” help usgrow andimprove in Its courses andcongresses work of thedentalhygienist. to recognise andvalue the highlight theefforts of SEPA “As ahygienist, Iwould patients” health andquality of life for periodontology withgeneral corporate world connect professionals, andthe communicators, where researchers, “SEPA, ameetingpoint international” both nationaland boast great professionals, programmes, whichalways out because of itstraining “SEPA hasalways stood Hygienist Member Francisca Rubio Full Specialist Member Pedro Buitrago Full member Rosa Gómez Laguna DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF members” career for theyoungest development of ateaching for thebeginningand quality, create opportunities which are of great scientific “The annualcongresses, profession” and colleagues inthe meeting pointfor friends the specialty, aswell asa continuous updating in “SEPA, for me, means improve thegeneral healthl” periodontal diseases tohelp of preventing andtreating transmitted theimportance informative level, SEPA has and onatraining and “Throughout these years, Retired Member Eduardo Estefanía Full Specialist Member Berta Legido Full member Gerardo Gómez-Moreno us tozoom inalittle closer” YouTube channelthatallows SEPA for thecreation of a member, Iamgrateful to “As aninternational sphere” American periodontology Latin influence in the significantly growing its international societies, of themost prestigious SEPA hasbecome one “Right from my first visit, International Member María Llanes Honorary Member Raúl Caffesse number 5000in2016. Spain, becameSEPA’s member and closely linked toteaching in Alviz, Colombian-born dentist Roquelina delRosario Pianeta Member no. 5000 mother tongue, Spanishl” quality updatinginour permanent source of top human bonds, aswell asa to professional and an exceptional contribution “For me, SEPA hasmeant with SEPA zeitgeist, you have tobe you want tobepart of the the future. This iswhy, if ahead, beginningtolive in all areas andalways looking present currents, covering it. Itintensely follows and hasalways celebrated never forgotten itspast up withthetimes. Ithas always known how tokeep “SEPA: asociety thathas International Member Claudio Melej Honorary Member Vicente Fuenmayor ” 49 Members Triennial report 2016 | 2019 50 OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF and moderation” with enthusiasm responsibly, continue togrow SEPA will “ 2016-2019 SEPA board member Francisco Vijande Periodontics the Congress of assistants to * Includedas 1.445 1.133 3.300 2.720 19.387 26.540 Congress delegates at International delegates Young SEPA events at Platinum Delegates symposiums at European Delegates gatherings at Scientific Total delegates gatherings at Scientific Total delegates gatherings Scientific 51 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 52 SEPA Congress anniversary, The golden Valencia 2016 than 4,000delegates. and forthe first timedrawing more of Periodontology andOral Health, Foundation, namingitthe Congress to beorganised by the SEPA body.leading The Congress began a modernisationprocess for this represented the culminationof SEPA’s 50thannualgathering OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Hygiene President, SEPA Loscos Francisco Gil Valencia President, SEPA Francisco Alpiste 60 77 791 3.166 4.017 delegates International Expoperio Firms at SEPA Hygiene Periodontology SEPA of delegates Total number 53 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 54 days Such thrilling Liñares, ÀngelsPujol,Pedro Monlleó, Yolanda Fernández, MarioFacundo Isaurralde. David Herrera, ReginaIzquierdo, Charo Velarde, Cinta Garcés. SEPA HygieneScientific Committee:Francisco GilLoscos, Antonio Pedro Buitrago, Sebastián Fàbregues, JaimeAlcaraz. SEPA HygieneOrganising Committee: Francisco GilLoscos, Francisco Alpiste, Andrés López,Rafael Magán.SEPA Periodontology Scientific Committee: Francisco Alpiste, Mónica Vicario, Arturo Sánchez-Pérez, SEPA Periodontology Organising Committee: Francisco Alpiste, DavidHerrera, Regina Izquierdo, Vicente Fuenmayor, JuanPuchades, COMMITTEE oftheshort reality. it was those clear words fell but, asthe hours went by, read the sloganforthisevent Emotional days await us” thanks to thepresence ofsomeworld and European scientific communication the Societyatepicentre ofSpanish hundred different activitiesandplaced congress, onethatoffered more thanone number ofdelegates from theprevious scientific event thatalmost doubled the innovative celebration, anunprecedented a SEPA congress butaunique,thrilling, Those present were able to enjoy notjust annual SEPA gathering. as singularitwasemotional:the50th than 4,000delegates for anevent thatwas The Feria Valencia centre welcomed more OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF meaning ofscientificinnovation onitshead. complete programme thatturnedthe interest ofdelegates inanextraordinarily institutional importance matched the openly-flowing emotions over the event’s of periofor afew daysinwhichthe The Valencian capital became thecapital Paulo Mesquita, andMarkusHürzeller. as MaurizioTonetti, Christoph Hämmerle, periodontology’s biggest personalities, such Meeting. The Board ofDirectors 2016-2109 madeitsfirst appearance atthe50thSEPA Annual 55 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 56 interdisciplinary approach interdisciplinary markingthe team-up, Orto-Perio Management Congress, andthe first session,live surgery the first ever level, thiscongress openingwitha an upscaling ofSEPA tointernational Malaga in2017 sawthe beginningof Málaga 2017 upscaling International OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Hygiene President ofSEPA Gustavo Cabello Periodontology President ofSEPA Rafael Naranjo 231 92 216 884 3.542 4.873 delegates International Expoperio Firms at Management SEPA SEPA Hygiene Periodontology SEPA of delegates Total number 57 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 58 surgery with live Opening Villa. SEPA HygieneScientificCommittee: Paula Matesanz, Laura Jaime, Cristina Navarro, Vicente Ríos, ÁngelaRubio. Nart. SEPA HygieneOrganising Committee: Gustavo Cabello, Antonio Bujaldón,Adrián Guerrero, Rafael Naranjo, JesúsRuiz,María Luis Téllez. SEPA Periodontology Scientific Committee:Antonio Bujaldón,JuanBlanco, JoséLuisFernández, Mariano Herrero, José SEPA Periodontology Organising Committee: Rafael Naranjo, Óscar Fernández-Baca,Rosa Gómez, AdriánGuerrero, MaríaMínguez, COMMITTEE health event ofthe year. periodontology andoral right, the most anticipated what was already, initsown more than4,800delegatesto The Malagameetingdrew today, still hasthepower to surprise. constant stream ofadvances that,even showing thatoral healthdepends ona presentations onimplanttherapy, and treating periodontitis,givinglong, detailed highlighting surgical techniques for hygiene for improving overall health, underline theimportance ofcorrect oral international speakers whocame to more thanonehundred nationaland Good weather every daygreeted the OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF with allotherSpanish-speakingnations. education, aswell assynergies andlinks huge leap incommunication reach and Peru, agreements thathave meant a the Dominican Republic,Argentina, and alliances withcountries suchasMexico, during themeetingofcooperation To this,we must add theconsolidation highest level. Congress wasalsoupandrunningatthe themselves, thefirst SEPA Management Hygiene programmes were notenoughin And iftheSEPA Periodontology andSEPA Centre to attend thelive surgery session from MunichbyDrs. Otto ZuhrandMarkusHürzeler. SEPA kept onbreaking records. More than2,000persons gathered attheMainAuditorium oftheMalagaTrade Fair andCongress 2,000 delegates inMainAuditorium attheMalaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre. and, from thehumilityknowing how can bring,they gave master-classes to more than The voice of experience washeard. AtMalaga,itwasthemaestros who gave thelessons 59 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 60 Sevilla 2018 special colour SEPA tookon count rose above 5,000. a SEPA Congress, the delegate highest level. For the first timeat ofthe riseinquality a noticeable international delegates,bringing swelled the numberoffrontline by who strategic partners opening Thursday strengthened Award Mastersession, an withaPlatinum kicking off and Oral Congress, Health a new modelofPeriodontology The Sevilla 2018 event introduced OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Management President ofSEPA Leopoldo Mateos Hygiene President ofSEPA Germán Barbieri Periodontology President ofSEPA Antonio Liñares 254 95 253 778 3.959 5.244 delegates International Expoperio Firms at Management SEPA SEPA Hygiene Periodontology SEPA of delegates Total number 61 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 62 of the congress Consolidation Barbieri, IonZabalegui, LeopoldoMateos, Carlo Gallucci. Guerrero, Antonio Liñares, Francisco Vijande,Francisco Enrile. SEPA ManagementScientific Committee: Francisco Vijande,Germán Pila Batalla, LeticiaCaneiro, Débora García, Fátima Vieites. SEPA ManagementOrganising Committee: LeopoldoMateos, Adrián Adrián Guerrero, Francisco Vijande, Silvestre Ripoll, Vicente Ríos.SEPA HygieneScientificCommittee: Germán Barbieri,ReginaIzquierdo, Alberto Sicilia,Andrés Pascual, AdrianaSanz,Fernando Franch. SEPA HygieneOrganising Committee: GermánBarbieri,Antonio Liñares, Mareque, Elena Álvarez, Pedro Bullón, ManuelGarcía. SEPA Periodontology Scientific Committee: Antonio Liñares, Francisco Vijande, SEPA Periodontology Organising Committee: Antonio Liñares, AdriánGuerrero, JoséNart,SegundoRodríguez, Alexandre Pico, Santiago COMMITTEE periodontology. and challengesincurrent event withthe latestadvances Master Session toopenthe Award 2018 provided apeerless The SEPA Foundation Platinum “celebration ofperiodontology”. rightly pointedout,was a Congress asDr. which, Tonetti Seville was atitsbesttohost the more famous members gave presentations featuring twice, firstly whensomeofits was alsopresent over the conference days, The European Federation ofPeriodontology the clinicisleft withoutproper training. to itsprofessionals sothatnomemberof failure, amongother subjectsSEPA offers treatment ofmucositis, managementof bone reconstruction, plastic surgery, days ofgreat thematicdiversity covering More than5,000delegates enjoyed training OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF involvement inglobal periodontal health. up theEFPinpursuit ofgreater andbetter between thedifferent societies thatmake but alsotheunionandunderstanding contribution notonly ofEuropean perio in Periodontology recognised thegreat when theFoundation Award for Promotion and Peri-implant Diseases,andsecondly on theNew Classification of Periodontal mandible ridgeaugmentation. Live perioconnection. Doctor Istvan Urban opened the Seville Congress of Periodontology witha live surgery session on posterior activities andnetworking for the more than5,000 delegates present. As manyas91 firms gathered attheSEPA 2018 Trade Expo,aspace packed with 63 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 64 Valencia 2019 celebration Periodontology the first SEPA Congress. Interdisciplinary dimension ofSEPA andthe organisation of 6,000 delegates,thus confirmingthe global countries willcountamongthe more than delegatesfromwhich more other than900 latest celebration ofperiodontology, at will beoneofthe lastingmemoriesofthis The SEPA PlatinumAward forMarianoSanz scientific meetingsbeingbiennial. three years prior, in2016, the SEPA early 50th gathering was commemorated just Congress was held in1961, andwhere the in Valencia, where the first SEPA every The ofSEPS 60thanniversary isbeingheld OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Interdisciplinary President ofSEPA Andrés López Management President ofSEPA Fernando Franch Hygiene President ofSEPA Albornoz Ana Carrillo de Periodontology President ofSEPA Ion Zabalegui 2019. with datafrom May Estimation made 900 120 180 260 900 4.000 6.047 available Figures delegates International Expoperio Firms at Management SEPA SEPA Hygiene Periodontology SEPA of delegates Total number 65 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 66 international distinction. Congresses anddomestic four years ofevolution inSEPA SEPA 2019 closes acircle of closes The circle Vijande, IonZabalegui, Cristina Carral. Francisco Alpiste, Agustín Casas, Fernando Franch, Andrés Pascual, Cristina Navarro, JuanManuelVadillo, Nùria Vallcorba, Francisco Francisco Vijande,IonZabalegui. SEPA Valencia 2019 Scientific Committee: Óscar González, Adrián Guerrero, AnaCarrillo deAlbornoz, Rafael Gómez,AdriánGuerrero, Andrés López,RamónLorenzo, BibianaMateos, JuanPuchades,Cristina Querol, MaríaRioboo, SEPA Valencia 2019Organising Committee: Assumpta Carrasquer, AnaCarrillo deAlbornoz, Marta Escribano, Fernando Franch, COMMITTEE nationalities are most significant. Even amongSEPA members, different and personalities, andinitsdelegates. international sparkle, bothinitsspeakers periodontology, thislatest timewithaclear Valencia isbackasthecapital of OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF today. over theyears, have madeSEPA whatitis professional colleagues, andallthosewho, would be blown outbymembers, partners, date. Thecandles ontheanniversary cake stirring Congress ofPeriodontology to SEPA Valencia 2019linedupasthemost SEPA over theyears to that50thgathering, all thoseinvolved inthedevelopment of emotionally charged inpaying tribute to Just asSEPA Valencia 2016was 67 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 68 of SEPA The rejuvenation ahead ofthefuture itself. young mindsand theadvances thatcreep that bringsouttherightfulfreshness of periodontology atinternational levels, one an event for tomorrow’s leaders in education frontiers, Young SEPA offers Thanks to theopeningupofuniversity for ouryoungest members. training formulas most effective periodontology isoneofthe The Young Congress of OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF 371 Barcelona 2016 Young SEPA Delegates at DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF 343 2017 SEPA Valladolid Delegates at Young 419 Valencia Young SEPA Delegates at of periodontal disease,all underthecoordination ofMaríaFaus andMarta Segarra. from thosekeen for training inperiodontics andaesthetic dentistry, incurrent periodontology and multidisciplinarytreatment Youth made itspresence felt onValencian territory attheYoung Congress 2018.Theevent attracted more than400enrolments YOUNG SEPA VALENCIA 2018 patients, abasistheevent coordinators IgnacioSanzMartínandJavierNúñezvalue most highly. Valladolid brought thesmile to aCongress basedonaclear framework ofdiagnosisandmaintenance ofperiodontal healthfor today’s YOUNG SEPA VALLADOLID 2017 Pompeu Fabra University hosted more than350young dentistry professionals undertheorganisation ofXaviCosta andLucíaBarallat. Under thetitle: “Thepast, present, andfuture oftheregeneration inperiodontology”, theAuditorium oftheCiutadella CampusatBarcelona’s YOUNG SEPA BARCELONA 2016 periodontitis paciente con integral del Tratamiento

Valencia 2018. Young SEPA Coordinator of Marta Segarra Valencia 2018. Young SEPA Coordinator de María Faus 2017. Valladolid Young SEPA Coordinator Javier Nuñez 2017. Valladolid Young SEPA Coordinator Martín Ignacio Sanz 2016. Barcelona Young SEPA Coordinator Lucia Barallat 2016. Barcelona Young SEPA Coordinator Xavier Costa 69 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 70 Mariano Sanz,Massimo deSanctis,SofíaAroca, Fabio Vignoletti, JoséNart,Rafael Naranjo, andFrancisco Vijande. Ferrarotti, Roberto Rotundo, Martina Stefanini, Silvia Masiero, Giovani Paolo Pini Prato, Mario Aimetti, Adrián Guerrero, Ion Zabalegui, Some ofthenationalandinternational leaders attheSEPA-SIdP European Symposium. for everyone. for periodontology and oral health health oral and periodontology its values andfundaments: purpose, oneinlinewith clear behind real witha activities on piecesofpaper;SEPA gets signatures ofitsrepresentatives is notreflected merely by the SEPA’s internationalgrowth Symposiums European over theseyears, leading to strong and international activitycarried out has beenattheheartofinstitutional professionals inoral healthcare. Europe workshops managedbytheleading symposiums andcomprehensive practical into science events offering informative institutional friendships outsideSpain led inrecent years to thetranslation of Criteria ofrigourandexcellence have 480 Regeneration 2016 Symposium of Bone the European Delegates at OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF 1.500 2017 SEPA Symposium European EAO- Delegates atthe DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF From left to right: determination. through ourcharacteristic effort and truly effective inevery corner itcan reach of periodontology andoral healthprove first andlast mission: havingthespread available knowledge to helpSEPA meetits best teachers have imparted alltheir Frontiers have beencrossed, andthe and-after momentinscientificoutreach. relationships thathave marked abefore- Francesco Cairo, Francesco 740 2018 SIdP Symposium European SEPA- Delegates atthe this 4thSymposium. given thetask ofupholdingthetraining objective andspiritof Hernández-Alfaro, Istvan Urban,andLuca De Stavola were National andinternational figures ofthe stature of Federico event basedaround bonereconstruction inimplanttherapy. the consolidation oftheSEPA European Symposiumatthis The Palau delaMúsica inBarcelona wasthechosenstage for SYMPOSIUM 2016 EUROPEAN BONE REGENERATION EUROPEO SIMPOSIO increasingly closer to professionals through jointinternational projects. importance ofmucogingival treatments inteeth andimplants,aswell astheneedto bringperiodontology capital underlinedthevery positive view thatbothsocietiesdrew from thisgathering,whichhighlighted the set onthesecond suchevent, plannedfor Romein2020,themore than700delegates visitingtheBasque Symposium apartfrom otherinformative events inperiodontology across thecontinent. Withsightsfirmly The clinical sessions inmucogingival surgery for teeth andimplantswere whatsettheSEPA-SIdP European SEPA-SIDPSYMPOSIUM 2018 disease cases. deficiencies, diagnostics, and treatment plans for peri-implant through apractical approach to subjectssuchassoft tissue focusing onperiodonticsandosseointegration wasreinforced thanks to ajointagreement with EAO, itsrelevance for clinics The SEPA European Symposium hadbeenheldsince 2013but, European Association ofOsseointegration. on thefuture ofimplantology atthe26thAnnualCongress ofthe Madrid hosted some5,000European experts to a macro-debate EAO-SEPASYMPOSIUM 2017 71 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Opening new Triennial report Triennial

horizons SOBRAPE-SEPA MAY 2, 2019 Rio de SAP-SEPA MAY 3-4, 2019 Buenos SYMPOSIUM Janeiro, BRAZIL SYMPOSIUM Aires. ARGENTINA

Cooperation with the FDI and the Spanish Council of Dentists opened the way to joint international efforts consolidated in 2019 by the International Osteology Symposium, held in Barcelona.

AMP-SEPA August 21, 2019 León, ACPO-SEPA September 11, 2019 Furthermore, institutional and scientific SYMPOSIUM Guanajuato. MEXICO SYMPOSIUM Barranquilla. COLOMBIA collaboration between SEPA and other periodontology societies led to symposiums held in 2018 in Mexico and WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS FDI MADRID 2017 Peru, while 2019 brings eight different such events in the following countries: The joint symposium with the World Dental Federation (FDI) underlined the Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, connection between periodontal diseases and key systemic conditions, giving Panama, Peru, Ecuador, and the USA, research in these areas an important institutional boost. 72 73 where Chicago will host the first AAP- SEPA Symposium on November 3, 2019.

SPP-SEPA September 12, 2019 en APPO-SEPA October 11, 2019 Lima. SYMPOSIUM Panama City. PANAMA SYMPOSIUM PERU


The Spanish National Osteology Symposium in Barcelona consolidated the link AEP-SEPA October 12, 2019 AAP-SEPA November 2-5, 2019 SEPA promotes between science and practice. SYMPOSIUM Quito. ECUADOR SYMPOSIUM Chicago. USA events Scientific 74 our Platinumpartners Hand inhandwith training. accurately focusedsegmented valuable routes forchannelling professionals isoneofthe most knowledge ofSEPA’s target firms inthe withperfect sector Partnerships. Jointwork with is provided by ourStrategic our communicationsactivity Another key foundationof OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF SYMPOSIUM SEPA-DENTAID better getacross information. formats, now practically televised inorder to time bringingmore innovative anddynamic now aPlatinumSymposiumtradition, each training day, andconsolidate anevent thatis with thework ofhygienists, provide aunique periodontology to share thesamespace Dentaid biennialSymposium,allowing March 2018brought thelatest SEPA natural barriers inthe evolution ofperiodontology. and prosthetic design to helpdelegates pushbeyond the experts for athorough update onnew digital technologies of Galiciaandbrought together nationalandinternational Implantology, andStraumann washeldinthecapital city de Compostela, SEPA, theInternational Team for A meetingorganised bytheUniversity ofSantiago ATLANTIC SYMPOSIUM SEPA USC ITI STRAUMANN complications. of majorcases andtheir interdisciplinary treatment presentations to highlight venture initsformat ofbrief firm Klockner wasanovel organised jointly withthe The Kaleidoscope event approach. focus wastheinterdisciplinary diseases, while in2018the in tackling peri-implant gathering covered teamwork periodontists. The2017 close cooperation with speaker programme in hygienist to feature inthe allowed thefigure ofthe held in2017and2018 SEPA Oral BSeminars SEPA &NKLOCKNER KALEIDOSCOPE BY SEMINAR SEPA-ORAL B periodontal treatment. of periodontal health,andthebenefits efficacyof subject axes, suchasdentinesensitivity, thebenefits Johnson attracted more than1,100persons for several training sessions organised jointly withJohnson and Spread nationwide inSpainandsimultaneously, these UPDATE SESSIONS SEPA -JOHNSON &JOHNSON 1 75 Scientific events Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS Progress, | 2019 2016 better as report Triennial Caries y periodontitis, factores compartidos. SEPA-MIS WORKSHOP SEPA-TICARE WORKSHOP The historic town of La Granja de San Ildefonso once again hosted the EFP Perio Workshop in 2016, organised National and international implant-therapy experts The importance of implant design in post-extraction jointly with the European Organisation for Caries Research met at the SEPA HQ—La Casa de las Encías—for protocols was the focus of this Ticare workshop. a group (ORCA), which gathered together 75 international a joint workshop with MIS Ibérica, a practical Opinion leaders in the implant therapy sphere shared experts to check the scientific evidence relating caries to exploration of the impact of implant design in scientific evidence on this type of protocol. periodontal disease, placing special emphasis on warnings maintaining peri-implant tissues. about causes and risk factors, as well as covering aspects of prevention that can influence any of these conditions.

A feature of these recent years has been the work group meeting aimed at achieving scientific consensus documents on varied areas of research.

It has been an honour for SEPA to have the 1 European Periodontology Workshops held in Spain under the direction of Professor Mariano Sanz. Gathered to dig deeper into osteological treatment. On a smaller scale, complementary In 2018, bone regeneration was the focus of the 13th SEPA-KULZER WORKSHOP SEPA-BIOHORIZONS WORKSHOP workshops have been held to focus on Perio Workshop. This time round, it enjoyed the specific clinical or scientific aspects, cooperation of Osteology Foundation in order to debate Much work has been carried out in recent years The 2017 SEPA Congress on Periodontology led to Dr. 76 77 involving SEPA’s strategic partners. the biological factors involved in bone regeneration, around the oral bacteria responsible for periodontal Tomas Linkevicius being commissioned to design a explore new biomaterials and technologies, and delve disease, hence the central focus for this Kulzer- study to evaluate the different outcomes of platform into the treatment and regeneration of alveolar defects. promoted workshop being the efficacy of local change technique in bone level implants compared to antimicrobials in managing periodontal disease. tissue level implants. This study was the focus of this joint workshop with BioHorizons.


This workshop brought periodontologists together with endocrinologists from the Diabetes and Periodontal Disease Work Group, along with representatives of pharmacists WORKSHOP DIABETES and diabetes patients. The event produced several specific The 2017 workshop organised jointly by the European Federation documents on diabetes and periodontal health focused on of Periodontology and the International Diabetes Federation, the pharmaceutical sphere, thus meeting the demands for held in the Spanish HQ of SEPA—La Casa de las Encías—had a information on oral healthcare from diabetes sufferers. global impact on the systemic relationship between periodontal Scientific events Scientific disease and diabetes mellitus. 78 OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF and excellence” innovation, with rigour, synonymous training is SEPA “ 2016-2019 SEPA board member Paula Matesanz 1.707 courses oral hygiene Participants on 72 course SEPA-ESADE Participants on 5.491 courses and implant periodontology Participants on 189 programmes on training Speakers 3 7.75 programmes in training Participants 118 courses Number of Training 79 Training Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Training is one of the key lines of SEPA’s support for education and innovation action developed by SEPA, and in order to develop periodontology and the element that best defines it as a dentistry is the best long-term investment a

scientific society. science body can carry out. report Triennial High quality SEPA sessions in official colleges nationwide throughout Spain, And the future of periodontology is training classes of the highest level, guaranteed if, in addition to this investment Virtual Courses for continuous in education, there is also diversity in training, and an online Master subject matter, from periodontology and Clinic featuring the best experts are implants to business management; a clinical all points of reference in training variety of levels, from the most elementary for periodontology, hygiene, and to scientific excellence; high quality in administration. And the numbers theoretical and practical content; and the back this up. high quality of renowned professionals in whose hands rest the weight of this training training.

80 81

Partner organisations in the Training Programme. SEPA highlights and gives thanks to the commitment of companies supporting its continuous training. The stability of Dentaid is a guarantee behind the creation of Hygiene training programmes and research activities. The backing of SEPA’s strategic partners committed to the Training Programme: Johnson & Johnson in educational activities has strengthened the role of SEPA. And the support of MIS in the Periodontology and Aesthetic Dentistry course has boosted the involvement of new dentists. Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

The four classroom walls of the SEPA The following year, in 2017, those who kept Clinical Class embrace the outstanding the bar high were Drs. Luca De Stavola know-how of the leading teachers in and Pierpaolo Cortellini, leaving no doubts Classes aimed at national and international periodontology. unanswered on bone regeneration and They bring a willing to share their regenerative periodontal microsurgery.

knowledge with future periodontists and report Triennial dentistry professionals. And in 2018, another point of excellence was reached through the theory-practice In 2016, the experts setting the bar high workshops in mucogingival surgery given everyday practices for the SEPA Clinical Class on advanced by Drs. Francesco Cairo, Giulio Rasperini, techniques in periodontal plastic surgery and Ion Zabalegui during the SEPA-SIdP were Drs. Massimo de Sanctis and Sofía European Symposium in Bilbao. Aroca.

2016 Clinical Class

82 83

2017 Clinical Class

Clinical classes with Massimo de Sanctis and Pierpaolo Cortellini. Doctors de Sanctis and Cortellini, given the commission, respectively, to guide and train students at the 2016 and 2017 Clinical Classes, brought all their knowledge to bear in seeking excellence in periodontal plastic surgery and regenerative periodontal microsurgery. Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Módulo I Módulo IV Curso 2018-2019 11 y 12 de enero 2019 26 y 27 de abril 2019 Módulo II Módulo V 15 y 16 de febrero 2019 17 y 18 de mayo 2019 Módulo III Módulo VI 8 y 9 de marzo 2019 14 y 15 de junio 2019 Módulo VII 5 y 6 de julio 2019

Directores: Bettina Alonso Álvarez Diploma David Herrera González Mariano Sanz Alonso Universitario Avanzado en Periodoncia UCM-SEPA Triennial report Triennial

+ Información

2018 Clinical Class

UCM-SEPA Advanced University Diploma in Periodontology. Training alliances always have one clear beneficiary: the student. Through the UCM-SEPA Advanced University Diploma in Periodontology, students have enjoyed the most complete training offer in all aspects of periodontal medicine, thanks to the joint involvement of the University and SEPA in educating top dentists.


Cómo tratar las enfermedades periimplantarias: taller práctico


2019 Clinical Class 2018 Clinical Class

Advanced solutions Clinical Course in How to Treat Peri-implant diseases. Dr. Jan Derks, international leader in implant therapy, is now a seasoned professor, and thanks to his knowledge and pioneering techniques, the practical workshop for treating conditions such as mucositis and peri-implantitis leaves nothing unexplained and offers revealing solutions.

84 85


Cirugía del sector anterior para tu práctica clínica


Dentistry would have no SEPA commits to its students in the Biology and Clinical Management of Bone outstanding professionals achievement of these objectives of Regeneration. All these bring educational were it not for the best clinical achieving excellence through a wide and support to very different clinical practices, 2019 Clinical Class practices; for this, a detailed varied training range, one covering all all totally necessary within the periodontal and exhaustive knowledge of educational needs in order to improve daily discipline. the field is required, the aim of clinical practice. which is to produce the excellent Other top-level courses underline professional. Thus, courses such as Anterior Sector SEPA’s status as a training body, such Surgery in Daily Practice, Mucogingival as the UCM-SEPA Advanced Diploma in Anterior segment surgery in clinical practice. LMucogingival surgery has a close Microsurgery on Teeth and Implants, the Periodontology, participation in the El link with aesthetic procedures, and over the years SEPA has adapted to this demand essential practical workshops on How to Escorial summer courses organised by by offering courses such as Periodontology and Aesthetics, Management of Soft Treat Peri-implant Diseases, Periodontal Madrid’s Complutense University, and the Tissues around Teeth and Implants, or its current course on Anterior Segment Diagnosis and Treatment, Aesthetic Master Clinic, all favourites among online Surgery in Clinical Practice. Dentistry and Periodontology, and users. 2018 Clinical Class 2017 Clinical Class Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

2018 Clinical Class 2016 Clinical Class

Hundreds of hygienists have taken part in SEPA courses over these past three years to top up their training, adapt to clinical reality, and update in pathologies which affect their patients and for which they must be as responsible as any specialist dentist.

2018 Clinical Class 2017 Clinical Class 2016 Clinical Class

Hygienists: value Hygiene professionals currently demand more and better training in order to know beforehand how to detect conditions, treat, and maintain periodontal patients, thus optimising and advancing the role they have in the dental and growth clinic. Courses such as Periodontology for Hygienists, the Clinical Course in Oral Hygiene, or the Update Course 86 87 in periodontal treatment and implant therapy held, respectively, in Malaga 2016, Oviedo 2017, and Bilbao 2018, have been part of a training scope that embraces The role of the dental hygienist the profession of hygienist, giving it the boost it required is no longer reduced to assisting to become a vital element of multidisciplinary dentistry. the work of the dentist. The profession acquired its own identity years back and this forced SEPA to bow to the evidence and update its course offer for the optimum professional development until it reached a level to match the crucial work of this collective. Dentaid, committed to continuous training. The path followed by Dentaid has always been linked to training new dental professionals. Close involvement with SEPA on its continuous SEPA Training Scholarships. Another great achievement in training courses in oral hygiene have brought the Society and training has been the Society’s investment in new generations. the firm into the same working space. From left to right: Adrián María González (left) and Ana Araoz (right) were awarded Guerrero, president of SEPA, Mireia Masdevall, vice president of these scholarships for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Dentaid, and Enric Masdevall, company president. periods respectively, and both have formed part of the SEPA management team. Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

A time for management

88 89 Widening the scope, While the SEPA Management Congress, This reality has brought about a new way of diversification, and qualification. as part of the Congress of Periodontology understanding the professional enterprise, On these three pillars, SEPA’s and Oral Health, is now a leading event in a new lens through which to look at the training programme in business this educational space opened to dental labour market: that of taking control and management has been built, professionals. For years dentistry has learning about the necessary resources for offering interested parties needed to catch up with the subjects achieving business success. the chance to optimise the of efficient administration of clinics, administration of their dental their agendas, staff, economies, and The 7th SEPA-ESADE Course in business clinics. digitalisation tasks. management of the dental clinic shows that there is currently great interest in 2019 Clinical Class 2018 Clinical Class 2017 Clinical Class learning strategies for success, obtaining the required management tools and skills, as well as the key resources for correct day-to-day functioning. Patient loyalty and motivation. Another strong point of the SEPA Management Training Programme has been its intensive sessions held nationwide in Spain. These sessions have turned into masterclasses on teamworking, loyalty creation, motivation of patients, and presentation of costs, among other matters, bringing a great quantity of interested parties aiming to fill gaps in knowledge or boost specific aspects of their management. Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Quality report Triennial knowledge, now also online

SEPA’s online sessions Such sessions have been streamed online 90 91 have meant thousands of by professional experts and national and professionals being able to international leaders to hundreds of users access top-level knowledge in who benefit from the opportunity offered by numerous countries, especially the Society through a format suited to new Spanish-speaking nations. technologies, offering SEPA members the highest quality training without any cost.

Being able to attend a masterclass without leaving home and at a totally accessible time of day is one of the keys to the success of this training venture. So too is the possibility of interacting with speakers, selecting preferred training material from a wide multidisciplinary range, and the freedom to revise this content later, at the student’s convenience. In the last three years, as Online session many as 13,748 people have enrolled in a attendance total of 40 courses. 13.748 Training SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Research and grants

Total investment in research


Communication items from “ science events 548

SEPA has Participants in research classes or courses

92 consolidated its 5 93

Members of role as a research clinical network promoter working 81 Research projects

jointly with Adrián Guerrero 226.816€ SEPA President 2016-2019 Clinical case universities” Leagues 3 Research and grants Research SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

In 2018, following ten years Almost 200 delegates attended this birthday of uninterrupted research celebration, learning from the best teachers classes, the Madrid College in the research field, to follow in their of Dentists and Stomatologists footsteps in a future that, given the interest

10 years of (COEM) hosted the 10th shown, looks very bright. report Triennial anniversary of one of SEPA’s highest-level theory courses, In addition to these theory sessions, imparted over the years by there have been single-subject research national and international workshops featuring experts of the stature figures such as Jan Derks, of Francesco D’Aiuto, Ian Needleman, and research classes Mariano Sanz, David Aurelio Tobías, who imparted practical Herrera, Giulio Rasperini, advice on check-ups, meta analysis, and Juan Blanco, and observational studies. in Periodontology Sculean.


A training classic now in Periodontology brings learning research. Every two years, The Research Course and Course in Research Methodology for Periodontology and Dental Implants is held jointly with the University of Oviedo, thanks to the support of Dentaid. A complementary annually held element is the modular course in Research Dental Research Methodology is Boosting the application of strategies in The relevance of this course is such that Methodology directed by Elena Figuero, which is one of the training flag-bearers, scientific methodology places research the University of Oviedo hosts one of its helping to strengthen qualification for Spanish and one of the most pertinent at the epicentre of development in sessions on a biennial basis, with excellent dentistry researchers in solid fashion, providing courses on a science theory level Periodontology. attendance figures and interest levels from the fifth module complement to the Research offered by SEPA. students following methodological processes Course. And bringing a practical focus to an for excellence in research, thanks to the From left to right, Alberto Sicilia, Mariano Sanz, eminently theoretical and statistical subject commitment of Dentaid. Adrián Guerrero, and Paula Matesanz at the field underlines the excellence sought by inauguration of the 2019 Methodology Course SEPA in this area. Science is not developed in Oviedo. In the picture below, Elena Figuero without research; research is not furthered imparts one of the modular course sessions. without coherent and practical methodology.


Beca INIBSA Beca Sunstar-Fundación SEPA Excellence FUNDACIÓN SEPA

2018 report Triennial brings rewards

CASOS CLÍNICOS CASOS CLÍNICOS LIGASEPA LIGASEPA SEPA has always wanted the The Fonseca Award, the highest Young Professional Program H Generation trust it places in the periodontists international distinction for research of the future to bring a reward bestowed by SEPA, was given to Ignacio to promote synergies and the Sanz Sánchez, Miguel Carasol, and Juan professional growth of the Flores, at SEPA 2016, SEPA 2017, and SEPA collective. 2018 respectively.


The SEPA-Inibsa and SEPA-Sunstar grants, as well as the Leagues of the Young Professional Program and H-Generation clinical cases, are examples of a close working relationship with partners that can only bring good: more training, more research, and more perio. An investment in the future of SEPA members. Another example of the great benefit of these relations is the Spanish presence of the Jan Lindhe International Symposium, one of the most prestigious scientific events in Europe. Thanks to the Hu-Friedy grant, five full SEPA members were able to show off the sparkle 98 of future generations of international perio.. 99

Ignacio Sanz. Miguel Carasol. Juan Flores. Fonseca Award 2016 for the article: Fonseca Award 2017 for the article: Fonseca Award 2018 for the article: “Effectiveness of Lateral Bone “Periodontal conditions among “Five-year outcomes of a randomized Lucía Barallat alongside Drs. Jan Wennstrom and Tord Full members of SEPA attending the Jan Lindhe Symposium Augmentation on the Alveolar Crest employed adults in Spain”. clinical trial comparing bone-level Berglundh at the awarding of the Jan Lindhe International thanks to the support of Hu-Friedy. From left to right: Antonio Dimension: A Systematic Review and implants with either submerged or Symposium award. Aguilar, Desirée Abellán, Manuel Rodríguez, Andrés López, Meta-analysis”. transmucosal healing”. Inaxio Leizaola, Nerea Sánchez, and Lucía Barallat. Research and grants Research 100 of researchers A new bloom for healththattheresearcher brings. advances still to travel, andthekey benefits highlight thelong road ofscientific outcomes. Suchendeavours further learning from themandtheirenlightening new professionals, while simultaneously three years, are theproof ofadesire to train more than32,000euros across thesepast The SEPA Research Prizes,whichaddupto periodontal medicine. throwing themselves into new generations ofprofessionals and great interest inthe work of fulfils itsdutieswithenthusiasm the Society and, inthissense, through promoting research The forefront ofresearch isreached 226.816€ in research Total investment 41.789€ research grants Investment in OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Nerea Albizua Oral Presentation of Clinical Research: Mireia Martí Oral Presentation of Clinical Research: Javier Sanz Oral Presentation of Clinical Research: Jaime Alcaraz Oral Presentation of Research: Research poster: Patricia Bermejo Research poster: Francisco JavierManzano Clinical poster: Marta Rodrigo Hygiene poster: Francisca Rubio AWARD WINNERS SEPA VALENCIA 2016 José Jiménez Oral Presentation ofClinical Research: Alberto Ortiz-Vigón Oral Presentation ofClinical Research: Patricia Pazos Oral Presentation of Research: Research poster: Paula Ruiz Clinical poster: Guillermo Posadas Hygiene poster: AliciaMoreno Hygiene poster: Felicidad Serrano AWARD WINNERS SEPA MÁLAGA 2017 Alfonso Gil Oral Presentation ofClinical Research: Jesús Muñoz Oral Presentation ofClinical Research: Yago Leira Oral Presentation ofResearch: Research poster: ManuelToledano Clinical poster: Antonio Mainas Hygiene poster: Sara Jiménez AWARD WINNERS SEPA SEVILLA 2018 DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF 2017: LucíaBarallat SEPA GRANT Through Hu-Friedy –Fundación 2017: Yago Leira 2016: JeriánGonzález 2018: MaríaGonzález 2017: Elena Ruiz 2016: GenísBurgueño INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AT THE JAN LINDHE RESEARCH COMPETITION AWARD WINNERS OF YOUNG GRAN SUNSTAR - FUNDACIÓN SEPA AWARD WINNERS GRANT INIBSA - FUNDACIÓN SEPA AWARD WINNERS t thickness onmarginal bonelevel: preclinical study indogs. JAVIER VILARRASA:Influence ofabutmentheightandmucosal progression ofperiodontitis:anexperimental study inrats. MARTA PEÑA: Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery (CCMIJU)inCáceres. Marta Peña travelled withtheUCMteam to theJesúsUsón For teamwork, thebest grant. In2017,JavierVilarrasa and RESEARCHGRANTS 2017 mucositis. analysis inanexperimental inductionmodelofperi-implant MARÍA RIOBOO:Clinical, histological, andmicrobiological in Methodology andResearch heldinAsturia’s capital city. and Fernando Noguerol were awarded theirgrant attheCourse Oviedo, centre ofresearch andgrants. LDoctors MaríaRioboo RESEARCHGRANTS 2019 : : Evaluation ofintermittent hypoxia inthe RESEARCHGRANTS 2018 acellular collagen matrix:randomised controlled clinical trial. single implantsusingautogenous connective tissue graft or MYROSLAV SOLONKO: Softtissues dehiscence coverage around gingival sulcus: relation ofrankl/opg withperiodontitis.. ANA FUENMAYOR: Screening ofepigeneticbiomarkers inthe controlled clinical trial. patients withhistory ofperiodontal disease. Arandomized LUDOVICA FIERRAVANTI: Effect ofdental implantsurface in observational study with36monthsfollow-up. patients undersupportive periodontal therapy. Aprospective as apredictor ofprogression ofperiodontal diseasein CRISTINA LLENA:Matrixmetalloproteinase-8 test stick grants, theSociety’s international fundingsupport. provided themomentto award theSEPA Research Course Some very specialgrants. En2018,the10thanniversary multicenter randomised clinical trial. implant defects comparing sunken to non-sunken scarring: FERNANDO NOGUEROL:Guidedboneregeneration ofperi- 101 Research and grants Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS A Coruña Gijón Carballo

Santiago Oviedo | 2019 2016 Santander Bilbao Pontevedra Ponferrada León Ourense Vigo Vitoria Palencia

Zamora Lleida Sant Cugat Valladolid del Vallès Soria Sant Vicenç Salamanca Zaragoza Terrasa Segovia de Montalt Vilanova i Manresa report Triennial Ávila la Geltru Barcelona Guadalajara Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid Vendrell Alcorcón

A fertile Toledo Valencia

Gandía Ciudad Real Palma de Mallorca Albacete

research Sevilla Alicante Huelva Granada Murcia

Sta. Cruz Málaga de Tenerife Almería

Las Palmas de network Gran Canarias


With the aim of preventing Almost one hundred of these clinics Others, such as PerioGen, analyse the diseases and achieving early are distributed across Spain, with heritability of aggressive periodontitis diagnosis, research plays a volunteers taking part in different studies through the identification of genes The study of prevalence and risk factors Lack of knowledge on the influence of Promoted by the SEPA Foundation, fundamental role. The SEPA and research projects to improve the involved in this disease, and the Study on of peri-implant diseases in Spain has genetics in the appearance of periodontal and directed by the ETEP Research 102 103 Clinics Network is consolidated periodontal and general health of the the Prevalence of Peri-implant Diseases brought hitherto absent evidence to our illness has fuelled the approach to this Group of the Complutense University as a sure tool for sharpening population. creates a strong synergy with SEPA’s field, confirming not only the high number pioneering research into the genomes of of Madrid, DiabetRisk is an innovative and complementing university training calendar and its courses in of cases of peri-implant mucositis and the Spanish population, using extreme study that assesses the efficacy of a research in an applied fashion. These have led to the carrying out and treating peri-implant diseases. peri-implantitis amongst Spaniards, but phenotypes from periodontal disease. combined protocol to aid early detection current upkeep of studies on periodontal also focusing some of the main risk factors The aim is to identify susceptible genes in of undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes disease and diabetes, such as DiabetRisk, involved in its development. This brings patients with aggressive periodontitis. from within the dental clinic. This is done, and PREDAPS, which aim at a more accurate picture of the Spanish through the combination of a diabetes risk determining the risk of developing diabetes panorama, boosting greater awareness in Discovering the genes involved in test (FindRisc) and through evaluation of and the appearance of complications, as the field of oral health of the importance of periodontal disease means being able to periodontal health via a Basic Periodontal well as their prevention from the dental applying preventive strategies. find new drug targets, stratify the illness, Examination (BPE). The hypothesis of the surgery. and find biomarkers for predisposition and study is that the combination of both tests The breadth, methodology, and conclusions prognosis. can increase detection capacity in persons of this project has fed the publication with diabetes/prediabetes who are still of the study in the Journal of Clinical The PerioGen project was directed by Juan not aware of this. This Evaluation of Mixed Periodontology. Blanco. Evaluation Protocols for risk of suffering undiagnosed diabetes in dental surgery Member of the patients was directed by David Herrera and Clinics Network Eduardo Montero. 81 Project sponsored by: Research and grants Research SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

“ report Triennial SEPA Communication Copies of Clinical Periodontology communication 18.200

Reports and consensus is open to all” documents 9

Content packages on SEPA TV

104 101 105

Subscribers to Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2.673

Clinical cases and review articles in Clinical Periodontology 70 Óscar González


Informative pamphlets

For professionals and patients; | 2019 2016 Periodontology for Everyone

Healthy Gums

The Oral Health magazine for report Triennial Communicating in patients order to educate Journal of Clinical Periodontology The EFP’s publication, offered to SEPA members

Diversity is the greatest SEPA publishes informative content in ally of evolution and many different formats: from a wide advancement, and SEPA has range of publications, journals, books, always constructed scientific leaflets, and the Healthy Gums magazine communication channels educating patients from the dental surgery around this premise. For this reason, the Society and the on oral health habits, and formats of SEPA Foundation have found much clinical and scientific interest that niches from which to offer serve as points of reference for the more Clinical Periodontology information on Periodontology demanding professional, such as Clinical The journal of clinical cases for and Osseointegration through Periodontology, one of the most complete professionals the many varied publications top-level journals of clinical cases and and formats that have emerged revisions available in the oral health 106 107 over the years. sector.

Working jointly with other bodies, SEPA has also published guides and reports to support other health sectors such as cardiology, primary medical care, and pharmacists, among others. International cooperation has been strengthened through the translation into Spanish of some of the content published by the European Federation of Periodontology, thus aiding the dissemination in Spanish- speaking countries of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, which SEPA offers free to members in its original version. EFP leaflets SEPA Magazine Bringing European communication SEPA’s collated annual activity to Spanish-speaking readers

Patients and professionals can find their space in the publications released by SEPA. Communication SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Journal of Clinical report Triennial Periodontology

The EFP’s most relevant publication on One notable example is the periodontology and implants works article published in Issue no. as a platform for sharing clinical 12 of Volume 45 of the JCP, advances at a high level of excellence, which describes the results as well as aiding the application of the study of prevalence and of those advances in daily clinical risk factors of peri-implant practice. diseases in Spain, the result Released monthly, the cases it covers of research funded entirely by frequently involve known Spanish SEPA, a study that shone light names, since many professionals on the worrying statistics for in national periodontology publish this pathology in our country. outstanding cases, the outcome of the high level of interest research that 108 exists in Spain. 109


Daniel Rodrigo Ignacio Sanz Sánchez Elena Figuero Juan Carlos Llodrá Manuel Bravo

Raúl Caffesse Nùria Valcorba Adrián Guerrero David Herrera The first page of the article published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Communication SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Periodontology for report Triennial dentists, benefits for patients

The heir and natural evolution A single-subject journal, it is exceptionally • Interdisciplinary treatment of periodontal of Periodontology and visual in character, and excellent in its patients. Osseointegration, Clinical reviews and clinical cases. It can be said • Periodontology and Orthodontics. Periodontology (Periodoncia that it complements the ongoing training of • Bone reconstruction in implant therapy. Clínica) is now the most important dentistry professionals worldwide, since it • Periodontal health and general health. SEPA publication and one of the is also published in English. • Periodontal health and endodontics. most complete in the sector. • Aesthetic complications in implants. In this period 2016-2019, 9 issues have • Periodontology and restorative dentistry. been published, offering a clinical tour of • Mucogingival surgery of teeth. subjects of interdisciplinary significance, • Mucogingival surgery of implants. 110 111 controversies, of wide consensus, great scientific relevance, and covering systemic relations among others with such interesting titles as:


The journal’s editor-in-chief, Ion Zabalegui, together with associate editors Jorge Serrano, Laurence Adriaens, and Andrés Pascual, a team that easily achieved the objective of publis- hing an exceptionally high-level communication and scientific training journal.

Ion Zabalegui Jorge Serrano Laurence Adriaens Andrés Pascual Communication 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial Sepa TV

Change is what allows science SEPA had the know-how to adapt this to keep offering advances to zeitgeist in order to offer a new window of the community; and scientific communication for its members through communication’s ability to SepaTV: an online platform with audiovisual adapt to change is its greatest content designed for dissemination ally. and training in Periodontology and Osseointegration, Oral Hygiene, and 112 113 Business Management through a concept that once again places the Society at the vanguard of scientific innovation.


Dr. José Nart, secretary of SEPA, leads the scientific committee in charge of selecting José Nart Eduardo Montero Alberto Monje Fernando Franch and evaluating SepaTV content. Drs. Eduar- do Montero and Alberto Monje head up se- lection of scientific content and provision of support for speakers. Validation of projects is managed by Drs. Fernando Franch and Quico Enrile, while support in scientific bro- adcasting is handled by Drs. Lucía Barallat, Reyes Jaramillo, and Cristina Carral. Francisco Enrile Lucia Barallat Reyes Jaramillo Cristina Carral Communication SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Information report Triennial for everyone

The Alliance for Health meant opening up to multidisciplinarity and getting behind a solid synergy between different branches of medicine. It enabled common projects to boost oral and general health, and it has provided wider scope for Periodontology and oral health for all.

114 115

Links and relations with other scientific societies have accelerated progress in Periodontology thanks to consensus documents and multiple initiatives and shared projects that have redefined the way we understand oral and general health. Communication 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Healthy gums, healthy heart. The institutional and industrial members involved in this great SEPA-SEC project at the 2018 meeting which con- Periodontitis and diabetes form a dangerous friendship. The SEPA-SED update meeting held in the Casa de las Encías brought together solidated and advanced this fruitful relationship. From left to right: Xavier Calvo (Dentaid), Juan José Gómez Doblas (SEC), Elena Figuero (SEPA), members of the “Diabetes and Periodontal Disease” Work Group in order to strengthen objective. From left to right: Ángel Tarancón (Sunstar), Antonio Bujaldón (SEPA), and Sofía Gauthier (Dentaid). José Nart (SEPA), Juan Girbés (SED), Héctor Juan Rodríguez (SEPA), Regina Izquierdo (SEPA), Javier Díez Espino (SED), David Herrera (SEPA), José Luis Herrera Pombo (SED), Adrián Guerrero (SEPA), Cristina Serrano (SEPA), Vicente Ríos (SEPA), Francisco Vijande (SEPA), Lidia Romero (Sunstar), Óscar González (SEPA), and Paula Matesanz (SEPA). A relationship with United against 116 plenty of heart diabetes 117

The alliance with the Spanish A product of this joint work is the Manual for Joint work with the Spanish Society The Healthy Gums commandments, which Society of Cardiology represents Cardiovascular and Periodontal Prevention, of Diabetes is perhaps the team-up control diabetes from the point of view of a clear investment in advising and the backing SEPA provided for the which has created most synergies dental hygienists and pharmacists, along the public, boosting prevention, guide on Perioperative and Periprocedural thanks to the involvement of with the report on Diabetes and Periodontal and setting out recommendations Management of Antithrombotic Therapy professionals in their clinic for Disease, are now being updated thanks to for a now well-established promoted by the SEC. patient awareness and early the DiabetRisk Study dissemination plan. association between periodontal With the support of: detection of Diabetes Mellitus. diseases and cardiovascular conditions. With the support of: Communication 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Special care in women’s oral health. The excellent team spirit in this SEPA-SEGO agreement saw the launch of new initiatives to promote The tireless fight against smoking. SEPA and CNPT opened a fruitful line of cooperation, both present and future, to try to reduce the smoking and communicate women’s oral health. From left to right: Ángel Alcaide (OralB), María Rioboo (SEPA), Tirso Pérez Medina (SEGO), Ana epidemic. From left to right: Regina Dalmau (CNPT), Bettina Alonso, Regina Izquierdo, and Cristina Vallès (SEPA). Carrillo de Albornoz (SEPA), and Isabel Santa Cruz (SEPA). In the interest of Joining forces 118 women’s health against smoking 119

Working jointly with the Spanish And the project has led to communications Smoking is one of the most Faced by the evidence, the work group and Society of Gynaecology and actions such as the publication of the report dangerous addictions for general the National Committee for the Prevention Obstetrics gave SEPA a greater on Oral Health for the Pregnant Woman, health, and in particular for the of Smoking quickly saw results in the form understanding of the risks which warns of and prevents the risks of bad mouth. of a report on “Quitting Smoking and Oral involved in the oral health of oral health, describing how it can affect the Health”, which was presented at the Casa women during puberty, maturity, gestation process. de Las Encías on European Gum Health Day, and pregnancy. 2018, exposing not only the risks for health With the support of: involved in smoking, but also the importance of reaching patients in the surgery to help them to quit smoking. Communication 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Keeping fit with oral health. The importance of good oral health in sportspersons was one of the main focuses of activity on European Gum Hard work towards a shared objective. At the 2017 El Escorial Summer Course, SEMERGEN president José Luis Listerri got across the Health Day 2017. From left to right: Carlos de Teresa (SEMED), Regina Izquierdo (SEPA), Adrián Guerrero (SEPA), Pedro Manonelles (SEMED), need for alignment between general physicians and dentists. and Antonio Bujaldón (SEPA). The oral health Closer to family 120 sprint medicine 121

The year 2017 was given over The document was presented on European Scientific evidence linking Now, thanks to joint actions such as to promoting health through Gum Health Day, advising on the relation periodontal disease and overall cooperation in the writing of the Healthy physical exercise, and SEPA’s and importance of correct oral hygiene for health makes the understanding Gums report, Control of Diabetes for relation with the Spanish Society persons carrying out both low- and-high- between primary care doctors Hygienists, and joint participation in the of Sports Medicine produced the performance physical activity. and dental surgeries an 2017 El Escorial Summer Courses, which report on Periodontal Health, inevitability. bolstered the Alliance for Health, primary Sport, and Quality of Life. care medics and dentists have consolidated a bidirectional relationship that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Communication SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

“ Healthy Gums

Raising Total informative items citizen 96.600

Copies of awareness Healthy Gums 15.600

Information is an essential leaflets

122 43.000 aim” 123 Informative books


Visits to website

Regina Izquierdo 49.425

SEPA board member Check-ups carried out in 2016-2019 campaigns 345 Healthy Gums Healthy SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Inauguration of the Casa de las Encías. On October 24, 2016, key professionals and authorities took part in the official inauguration ceremony for this groundbreaking space. From left to right: Regina Izquierdo (SEPA), José Nart (SEPA), Agustín Rivero (Ministry of Health), Marta Pérez-Celaya del Pozo (Madrid Health Service), Catalina Martínez Meroño (Madrid Health Service Oral Health Centre), Adrián Guerrero (SEPA), Juan Blanco (EFP), Francisco Vijande (SEPA), and Antonio Bujaldón (SEPA).

124 125

The Casa de Las Encías is a Opened in 2016, the Casa de las It has also been the centre for activities trailblazing space for the Encías (Gum Centre) has hosted the such as free check-ups for diabetes promotion of oral and general Society’s training courses, meetings patients, school children, and a wide- An innovative health. This innovative project with firms and institutions, workshops ranging programme of interactive health was carried out by the SEPA for the development and promotion of science events. Foundation, which underlines periodontal and general health, as well the key role of health as communications activities aimed at The Casa de las Encías is a unique professionals in prevention professionals, diabetes and cardiovascular communications space at the service and in the promotion of patients, pregnant women, and of the entire population, focused on • 100 m2 wellbeing and quality of sportspersons. periodontal and general health. space life, with the aim of raising • A space for learning and informative activities awareness amongst the It was where Gum Health Day was held people about oral health care under the auspices of the Alliance for • A space for oral and dental and improving their preventive Health, the scientific cooperation initiative check-ups habits from young ages. driven by the SEPA Foundation, under whose roof health reports have been • Audiovisual technology presented by SEPA work groups aligned with SEC, SED, SEGO, CNPT, and SEMED. • Television stage Gums Healthy 126 gums. patients interested inknowing how they can best look after their providing support to theoverall population, above allto those The website fulfilsonlinethefunctionof has covered thewidest range oflifestyle health. Over its16issues, thismagazine population needsto know aboutoral compendium ofalltheinformation the science, makes thismagazinea awareness withregard to periodontal any typeofpublicgreater orlesser Its communicative focus adapted to task inthe patientsphere. carries outasimilartop-quality the magazine Healthy Gums for the scientificcommunity, been the publication leading (Periodoncia Clínica)has Whille ClinicalPeriodontology a magazine much more than Healthy Gums: awareness oforal health. leading organ inSpaindevoted to social fifth anniversary ofthepublication, the 2016 issue was#10,coinciding withthe future healthcommunication. The April story sofar bodeswell for highly promising mouth andcovered inthismagazine.Its the populationhave been related to the control, all relevant healthissues among covering smokingaddictionto dietary From pregnancy to sportsperformance, is closely linked to theirdaily lives. areas ofpatients,showing how gumcare OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Periodontal and General Health; look after after look Health; General and Periodontal your mouth, your lungs will be grateful; get get grateful; be will lungs your mouth, your recommendations suchas: their oral health,using information and published, urging patientsto take care of Since then,anothersixissues have been in shape, look after your gums; oral health health oral gums; your after look shape, in in pregnancy, a priority; the dental surgery surgery dental the priority; a pregnancy, in against smoking; and success in implant implant in success and smoking; against therapy, a shared responsibility shared a therapy, Alliance for for Alliance . No. 13-year 2017 No. 9-year 2015 No. 5-year 2013 No. 1-year 2011 No. 14-year 2018 No. 10-year 2016 No. 6-year 2014 No. 2-year 2012 No. 15-year 2018 No. 11-year 2016 No. 7-year 2014 No. 3-year 2012 No. 16-year 2019 No. 12-year 2017 No. 8-year 2015 No. 4-year 2013 127 Healthy Gums Triennial report 2016 | 2019 128 commitment tothe people. also meet this the Society adoptedbyof responsibility thisaim,butthe actions serve Notonlyitspublications health. right informationforcorrect oral determined togetacross the suchasSEPA,scientific society are basedonthe essence ofa and Oral forEveryone Health Gums, andPeriodontology Such soundbitesasHealthy the people Tuning into currently beviewed on theYouTube channel:SepaPeriodoncia. of prevention andthefightagainst peri-implantdiseases.These can for bothprofessionals andthegeneral populationon theimportance Straumann aidedtheproduction and dissemination ofexplanatory videos A training andinformation initiative carried out jointly bySEPA and key general healthprovider. underlining thattheoral healthteam isa Association, have worked withSunstar, Associations), andtheMadridDiabetes FADCAM (Federation ofMadridDiabetes as FEDE(SpanishDiabetes Federation), by SEPA andvarious organisations such condition. Theinitiative, carried through the addedriskofsuffering from this message aboutbadoral hygieneand have served theSocietyto trumpetthe Free check-upsfor patientswithdiabetes OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Association, andthesehave helpedto spread awareness ontheimplications oforal healthingeneral health. Days offree check-upsfor patientswithdiabetes were offered attheCasadelasEncíasincooperation withtheMadridDiabetes children attheCasadelasEncías,incooperation withColgate. talks jointly withCuídatePlus andcheck-upcampaigns for school training actions inschoolsonoral hygieneandhealthyhabitsthrough involved inpromotion oforal healthamong children, carrying out under-16s. For thisreason, SEPA madethedecisionto become more caries. Thisisshown bydata ontheprevalence ofbothconditions in Young children are alsosusceptible to periodontal diseaseand IN INFANTS TRAINING ANDCHECK-UPS PROMOTE ORALHEALTH TRANSPORT HUBSTO MAKING THEMOST OF for Everyone. keeps to its periodontal slogan, Oral Health Another clear example ofhow theSociety out 2016,2017,and2018Congresses. free check-upsto thegeneral publicduring centres for offering personalised advice and were thetransport hubsusedasinformation Plaza delaMarina,andSeville’s Santa Justa Valencia’s JoaquínSorolla station, Malaga’s 129 Healthy Gums Triennial report 2016 | 2019 130 health branches. general different between and the understanding interprofessional relations in the development of forward a giantleap and General was Health The AllianceforPeriodontal disease cardiovascular of prevention of At the forefront training. landmark event incross-cutting scientific all itsrisksandimplications, hasbeena gum healthandcardiovascular health,with communicate therelation between correct have worked jointly to understand and The fact thatdentists andcardiologists OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF the dental surgery. how to promote cardiovascular healthfrom among cardiologists anddentists to teach all settingupthemachineryof responsibility Dentists, andtheSpanishDental Foundation, respective Foundations, the Councilof one undertaken bySECandSEPA, their teaching project for dental professionals, Mimocardio istheresult ofanintegrated provide onlinesupportfor training dentists to promote cardiovascular healthfrom thedental clinic. Cardiovascular healthreaches thedental clinic.Professionals indentistry andcardiology joinforces for aninnovative project to 2 professionals Other health 650 Auxiliaries Clinic Hygienists/ 25 students Postgraduate 75 dentistry Students of 294 old up to 29-years- Young dentists 959 Dentists 2.005 students Total PER EDITION STUDENTS 1 STUDENTS BY PROVINCE a Cádiz Cáceres Burgos Barcelona Baleares Badajoz Ávila Asturias Almería Alicante Albacete Álava A Coruña 58 2017 2 a 22 3 a 59 4 a 16 5 a 145 2018 154 85 6 22 32 72 27 72 77 10 16 8 5 1 a 350 7 a 335 Jaén Huesca Huelva Guipúzcoa Guadalajara Granada Girona Cuenca Córdoba Ciudad Real Ceuta Castellón Cantabria 8 a 578 9 a 2019 148 10

a 335 20 20 24 28 25 29 27 27 77 11 4 5 1 Pontevedra Palencia Ourense Navarra Murcia Melilla Málaga Madrid Lugo Lleida León Las Palmas La rioja BY COUNTRY STUDENTS 299 30 60 89 24 53 27 15 19 13 8 2 2 Reino Unido Argentina Andorra España 1.826 4 5 8 Zaragoza Zamora Vizcaya Valladolid Valencia Toledo Teruel Tenerife Tarragona Soria Soria Sevilla Salamanca Segocia Colombia Suiza Otros Chile 235 7 11 5 44 64 45 52 96 26 78 13 17 11 8 6 2 131 Healthy Gums Triennial report 2016 | 2019 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

“From tooth-pullers to health professionals. This is how Dr. Gerardo Gómez defined the change in perception among patients towards the Oral health for improving sports performance. The experts behind the report on Periodontal Health, Sports, and Quality of Life dentist, thanks largely to actions such as European Gum Health Day 2018. From left to right: Gerardo Gómez, Cristina Vallès, Regina Dalmau, showed their concern over the direct link that exists between certain muscular conditions and the presence of oral pathologies. Adrián Guerrero, Francisco Rodríguez, Regina Izquierdo, and Bettina Alonso. From left to right: Juan Ochoa, moderator of the event, together with Regina Izquierdo, Adrián Guerrero, Pedro Manonelles, and Carlos de Teresa.


Celebrating The Malaga CF Foundation and the SEPA Foundation reached an agreement so that the players from the Academy could receive talks to help improve their oral health, increase their sporting performance, and prevent future Gum Health Day injuries. From left to right: Adrián Guerrero, footballer Recio, and the representative of Málaga CF, Sebastián 132 133 Fernández Reyes.

Begun by SEPA in 2014 and developed by the EFP, Gum In addition to actions planned from the report Quitting Smoking and Oral Health, Health Day is now held in European organisation centre, Gum a document to assist dental professionals countries worldwide with Health Day also saw SEPA organising when it comes to persuading their patients the firm aim of bringing gum activities of great scientific and informative to end this addiction. health to the general public, importance, and with important potential promoting the involvement for the growth of dentistry in its relation Gum health for women is also a crucial of Societies such as SEPA in with other medical disciplines. factor in general health, especially during communication activities. pregnancy. On Gum Health Day 2019, SEPA These days have allowed SEPA to chose to devote its activity to promoting guarantee and strengthen the Alliance oral health in pregnant women, work for Health through actions such as a carried out jointly with SEGO. joint effort with SEMED employing a detailed report titled Periodontal Health, In conclusion, European dentistry aims to Sports, and Quality of Life to underline surround itself with experts from a wide the value of improving periodontal health range of different spheres, working closely in relation to sports performance. The with them to build tools that help patients On May 14, 2019, SEPA held Gum Health Day, focusing on women and oral health fight against smoking, in league with the and professionals equally. during pregnancy through a report prepared by the SEPA-SEGO Work Group. CNPT, featured centrally through the Healthy Gums Healthy 134 is health Information SEPA.. Health Informers (ANIS),andAdriánGuerrero, president of de Benito, president oftheSpanish NationalAssociation of SEPA work groups, Antonio Montero, president ofCOEM,Emilio shows, left to right:MiguelCarasol, scientific coordinator of participation intheSEPA Alliance for Healthproject. Thephoto and Stomatologists ofRegionI(COEM)officially ratified its Together, thealliance isstronger. TheCollege ofDentists good health intheir dailylives. information forthe upkeep of them relevantas offering and healthy practices,aswell training peopleinprevention onefor effective but avery patients isatraditional tool of informative contentfor Concise andsimpleadaptation actions. check-ups andvaried awareness andother clinics nationwide,thehubsfor free SEPA accessible distribution methodhasfilled for thegeneral public,while itssimple and backbone ofthisadaptation ofhealthadvice taking partinthisproject, have formed the SEPA andthedifferent scientificsocieties and leaflets carrying theendorsement of material, together withHealthyGumsbooks The translation ofEFPcommunications OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Beato, andPere Serrano. Novials, Margarida Mas,Marta Amat,XavierGarcía Moll, Pere Casals, NùriaVallcorba, Ernest Mallat, AdriánGuerrero, Anna periodontal health.Leftto rightinthephoto: JoséNart,Elías out oneclear message: good general health requires good endocrinologists, GPs, pharmacists, and patients, giving gathering ofdentists, hygienists, cardiologists, gynaecologists, health. Apioneeringevent inEurope brought afirst-ever Interdisciplinary Summitonperiodontal andgeneral DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF 135 Healthy Gums Triennial report 2016 | 2019 136 decade. backed constantlyforalmost a and thisisoneproject SEPA has for everyonetoinformation, and mediabringsaboutaccess ofchannels,messages,diversity communication basedon and development. Good does notstopatresearch The oforal furtherance health a network Work in 54.200 and responses Retweets, likes, 282.033 Interactions 57.071.577 Impressions 3.560.511 Reach Facebook Video hits on Facebook Followers on 23.007 303.779 professional communications. broadcaster, employing itto getacross allits was quickto make useofthispotential the “socialnetworking” concept, andSEPA Facebook wasthe pioneerinsettingup professionals andpatients. truthful andqualitycommunication for both SEPA continue to fightinorder to achieve scourges that scientificsocietiessuchas unchecked information. Itisagainst such of unfounded rumours, fake news, or information, butalsofor prevention tool, notonly for thedissemination of Social networks have become afundamental EnREDando team. OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF from traditional institutionalised standards. today’s visually-oriented media,gettingaway point boasting a more openfocus suited to a website thatisaninformative reference SEPA Mag.Anditlives upto itsqualitywith print publication edited byPedro Buitrago: magazine, ittakes itslead from the2017 change. Withtheaimofbecoming anonline The SEPA website alsounderwent aradical KEEPING UP TO DATE general healthprofessionals. the aimofupdatingdentists andoral and bringing clinical andtraining content with This iscomplementary information news and training offers. morning coffee withtheSociety’s latest periodical news bulletin take theirSunday more than14,400subscribers to SEPA’s So far, 124newsletters meaningthat SEPA IN THE MEDIA of thecountry. periodontal healthinevery possible corner others, getting across theimportance of and theABChealthchannel,among national RTVEprogramme SaberVivir on television stages suchastheSpanish has beenpresent inradio studios and the SpanishSocietyofPeriodontology well asmeetingswiththesector’s media, national level asaleader inoral health.As with thecommunications mediaona SEPA hasmaintained constant contact ESTAR AL DÍA Gutiérrez. Salud alDía,withveteran presenter Alipio a news sectionoftheTelemadrid TVshow, Regina Izquierdo, SEPA board member, in One notable engagementwasthatofDr. 137 Healthy Gums Triennial report 2016 | 2019 138 inequality” to combat social action Oral health as “ OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF +30 +40 +90 +300 +900 8.401 treatments restorative Preventive and treatments Pharmacological interventions treatment or surgical Dental extractions instructions of oral hygiene demonstrations Practical delivered materials Hygiene social action Funds for action Social 139 Social action Triennial report 2016 | 2019 140 its solidarity SEPA showing +90 interventions treatment or surgical Dental extractions +900 delivered materials Hygiene 8.401 social action Funds for treatments Pharmacological instructions of oral hygiene demonstrations Practical +40 +300 +30 treatments restorative Preventive and OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Entebbe (Uganda) of earth andvegetation. of earth clinic iserected inavast expanse asinglecaringdental Victoria, ofLake In Africa,tothe north check-ups andpreventive, restorative, proud to participate inthisproject, providing dental cliniccarries outitsactivities.SEPA is orphanage alongside whichthisvolunteer This organisation administrates the point. thanks to acentre thatisnow aregional focus more than300children intheregion, all Uganda, whichhasbrought oral healthto organisation behindthisproject inEntebbe, cooperation andinternational development Malayaka Houseisthehumanitarian try, andwhichonly theexperience ofsolidaritycan establish. orphanage wasenrichingfor bothsidesinvolved, settinguplinksthatgowell beyond dentis- Solidarity as a starting point for oral health. Contact withthechildren oftheMalayaka House the SEPA website. as financialsupportfrom donationsthrough cooperation ofSpanishprofessionals, aswell staff whocount onthesupportand The clinicisentirely managed byUgandan youngsters. well asprevention andoral healthadvice to brushes, toothpaste, andmouthwashes,as orphanage andnearbyvillages,providing and surgical therapy to thechildren ofthe specific managementoforal health. external—to work inprevention andthe of anentire team ofcarers—internal and involved parents andresulted inthetraining Foundation. Theplanto boost oral health Initiatives Competitionprizefrom theSEPA Guadaíra, Seville. Itreceived theSolidarity de DiosHospital inthetown ofAlcalá de environment wasrunattheSanJuan with intellectual disabilitiesandtheir health inchildren andyoung people This project for thepromotion oforal SEPA PROJECT THE SANJUANDEDIOS 141 Social action Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016

Strategic report Triennial “ partners Periodontology for everyone. Everyone for periodontology”

142 14 3

Platinum Strategic Partners

Gold Strategic Partners 2019 Strategic partnersStrategic 44 14 companions” travelling The best “ scientific andinstitutional bondbetween contribution to thestrengthening ofthe Pombo, won thefirst award for hisgreat endocrinologist, José LuisHerrera of Periodontology andHealth.The the winners ofitsawards for promotion Foundation metwithrepresentatives of Albufera lake inValencia, where theSEPA 2016. Thisimagecaptures sunsetover the SEPA institutional gathering Valencia its president, Andrés Iñiguez,whowas of theSpanishCardiology Society, with Also present were therepresentatives Periodontal Diseases Work Group. current coordinator oftheDiabetes and was represented byJuanGirbés,the Spanish Diabetes Societyitself,which diabetes. Thesecond award went to the the world ofperiodontology andthatof OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Guerrero, confirm the continuity and and SEPA president 2016-2019, Adrián president from 2013-2016,DavidHerrera, In thecentral part ofthepicture, SEPA and theSpanishSocietyofPeriodontology. group oftheSpanishCardiology Society Gómez Doblas,coordinator ofthework the Mimocardio project, andbyJuanJosé suported byAlmudenaCastro, director of the photo. SEPA’s strategic partners, alsopresent in implemented thanksto thesolidsupportof of oral andgeneral health,amission of periodontology andthepromotion commitment withthedevelopment 45 14 Strategic partners Triennial report 2016 | 2019 146 cooperation Fruitful OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF general. in Periodontology andDentistry the successful march forward of are ahuge drivingforce behind withoral and connection health interest. Their firmcommitmentto the general toserve availability development ofscienceandtheir a fundamentalpillarforthe SEPA’s are strategic partners improving thequality ofcare provided by years to advances andtraining aimedat work ofasociety’s commitment over 60 of aboom,aswell asthesuccessful and promotion oforal healthisa sign This unstoppable work inthedevelopment national andinternational organisation. dentistry, andineachjointsymposiumof groundbreaking project inthefieldof communications andtraining act,inevery This supportisclearly visible ineach and thegeneral public. maintain for thebenefitofprofession to thefuture thatthesector’s companies It unequivocally pointsto thecommitment professionals andqualityoflife for patients. 147 Strategic partners Triennial report 2016 | 2019 148 professionals, aswell asinterdisciplinarity inallspecialties. the importance ofinnovation andqualityintraining dental Dentsply Sirona and SEPA work together to getacross programme coordinated entirely bySEPA. for theDentsply Sirona World Madrid2019(June 28and29),a culmination ofthisjointwork wastheSEPA Hygieneprogramme Annual Meetinganditscontinuous training programme. The During thisperiodwe have worked jointly withSEPA onbothits and international level, since thetimewe came together in2006. SEPA’s growth over recent years hasbeennotable, bothatnational Dentsply Siron Director General Xavier Carro President ofDENTAID Enric Masdevall inspires us.DENTAID, experts inoral health. state-of-the-art solutions.Ourpassion for oral healthiswhat concern people, offering bothprofessionals andpatientsthebest hygienists, anduniversities, allows usto detect the needsthat SEPA from itsbeginnings,andtogether withdentists, dental Our investment inthescientific community, working jointly with of oral pathologies. solutions aimedatthedaily care oforal healthandthetreatment a leader inresearch, development, andthecommercialisation of health ofpeople. Thisconviction hasbeenthekey to ourbecoming We atDentaid work withoneclear target: to improve theoral OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF dental know-how. dental sector andtheongoing improvement ofourscientificand Partners ofSEPA, contributing thusto thedevelopment ofthe and solutionspossess. Thisiswhywe continue to be Platinum be possible to achieve thescientific qualityandrigourourproducts as SEPA. Without investment inthistypeofinstitution, itwould not Furthermore, we sponsorSpain’s principalscientificsocieties, such rehabilitation treatments. in thesetwo great pillars inorder to offer excellence inoral and training. Thisiswhy, for more than30years, we have invested At Klockner, we have aclear picture ofourfundaments:science President ofKLOCKNER Alejandro Padrós there isonegrand winnerfrom thissynergy: oral health. a personal level inourown development asprofessionals. Ultimately, relating to otherprofessionals andconsumers, anditeven helpsuson development and positioningofourproducts, inreputational support specific activities comes back to usin technical assessment for the The supportwe have beenable to give asanindustry to SEPA incertain from eachother. have gradually created anecosystem thatallows usto bringthebest learning inmutualtrust, thebasisofanyhealthyrelationship, andwe from ourjointwork. We have matured inmanyofourpartnerships, would saythatwe have nurtured eachotheralong thewayandlearned SEPA andJohnson&have beenpartners for along time.I Johnson & Director-Southern Europe Corporative Communication BD, Professional Activation & José LuisNúñez DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF from, asthey have doneupto now. results thatprofessionals andpatientscan appreciate andbenefit trust inthesolidityofourteams beingable to continue to produce We have manyyears aheadofus,andmanyobjectives to meet.We into shared benefits. committed andimpassioned professionals, mutualadvantages turn Teamwork isthebasis ofsuccess. Andwhentheseteams comprise qualified one.Dentists andhygienists; SEPA-Oral B;tinandfluoride;... multidisciplinary group ofprofessionals, awell-coordinated andhighly as apriority, andknowing thatthebest dental care team isthe and willcontinue to work to improve every day, withpatients’ health proving bothproductive andconstructive. SEPA-Oral Bhave worked The potent SEPA-Oral Bteam hasbeenrunningfor sometime, Oral BIberia Professional Oral Health Country Leader Roberto Ordás replacement, corrective, anddigital dentistry. business values defend excellence, scientific innovation, andqualityin This collaboration isofgreat value for thecompany, since Straumann’s health promotion. professionals, aswell asimprove thequalityofcare indentistry and the development ofperiodontology asascientific disciplinein young young dentists suchastheSEPA League,whoseobjective isto boost studies, free check-upsfor diabeticpatients,andeven competitions for Both bodiesdevelop training programmes, congresses, scientific the development ofimplantology, oral health,andprofessional training. together withSEPA for manyyears, withthefirmaimof contributing to Straumann, theleading firmindental implantology, has worked Hub ManagerIberia Daniel Díez combining theefforts ofSEPA andSunstar. this highly beneficialalliance for professionals andpatients,one Platinum strategic partnerfrom 2019.We continue to believe in backed afruitfulcollaboration thathasseenourfirmturninto a Sunstar beganto partnerwithSEPA in2013.Since then,we have and general health. continue together ontheroad to developing periodontology andoral the dental surgery, willbeatruelandmark,onefrom whichto bring theoutcome ofaprotocol for early detection ofdiabetes from Sunstar’s fundingfor theDiabetRiskresearch project, whichwill periodontitis anddiabetes, iscommitted to theSEPA Foundation. oral hygieneproducts, andapioneeringfirmin research into Sunstar, world leader inthemanufacture anddevelopment of Sunstar Iberia General Manager Carolina Martín CEO. Alberto Martina doctors in order to guarantee the safety andefficacy ofdental care. and prosthetic solutions, offering asimplification oftheactivity of international sphere for researching state-of-the-art implant And particularly over thelast 25years, standing outinthe improve theoral health ofpatients. creation, development, andproduction ofinnovative devices, all to Congress, hasfor more thanforty years devoted itselfto the Sweden andMartina, exclusive sponsor of theSEPA-SIdP 2018 SEPA Societypresided over byDrs. Guerrero and Herrera. the constructive dialogue ofthelast two boards oftheprestigious increasing cooperative relationship inthescientificfieldthanks to SEPA andSWEDEN&MARTINAhave always hadavery close and 149 Strategic partners Triennial report 2016 | 2019 150 health ofpatientsworldwide. projects andtraining activitiesto continue to contribute to theoral BioHorizons’ association withSEPA allows usto channelresearch patients. We backhundreds oftop-quality educational programmes. order to achieve clinical excellence withexceptional results for Its university origincharacterised acommitment to training in physical connective tissue attachment. Lok technology, theonly surface treatment shown to attract atrue, the proud owner of24patents, amongthemtherenowned Laser- R&D+i inorder to develop uniqueproducts, andtoday thefirmis with tooth loss. Over theseyears, BioHorizonshasfocused on BioHorizons wasfounded 25years agoto improve thelife ofpeople of BioHorizonsIbérica Director General Jorge Valls over onemillionpatientsnow havingreceived thistreatment. innovative triple-action product inpost-surgical treatment, with international experience ofBexident POSTisnotable, themost events. We invite you take Thegreat dentists to participate intraining activities,clinical challenges, and LOVE ISDIN,aninnovative interaction programme allowing making themost ofthepotential ofnew technologies, itlaunched the latest tendencies inoral healththerapies. Attheendof2018, programme, updatingsessions inclinical practice to usherin with SEPA, thefirm continues developing itsDental Talks Bexident for treating themainpathologies inthisfield. Together professionals, bringsinnovative solutionsthrough itsbrand ISDIN, theinternational laboratory committed to oral health CEO ofISDIN Juan Naya OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF Country ManagerKulzerIberia Rafael Rodríguez widen suchafruitful relationship. of directors. Withsomuchexperience gained,itiseasyto deepenand interest, andprofessionalism ofalltheSEPA staff, aswell asitsboard I would like to take thisopportunityrightnow to thank theeffort, study we are carrying outonourV3implantmodel. Another oftheprojects into which we have invested great hopeisthe courses we have heldjointly. to underlinethesuccessive Periodontology andAesthetic Dentistry For MisIbérica, training isabasicpillar, andinthisfieldIshouldlike enthusiasm. as strategic partners ofSEPA withgreat expectations andrenewed thrilling projects we have begunjointly, we getthissecond stage going Following afirst highly-satisfactory and exciting stage owing to periodontitis. sustaine-release formula to work asanadjuvant medicineagainst commitment to developing Ligosan,alocally-acting antibiotic ina offering solutionsthatimprove oral health,specifically through our with thescientific community inperiodontology withtheaimof Cooperation withSEPA hasallowed usto establish aclose relation innovation. for thedental market, underourprinciples ofservice, quality, and locations worldwide are guidedbythefirm’s experience andpassion periodontology, anddigital dentistry. More than1,500employees in26 products covering aesthetic andconservative dentistry, prosthetics, partner, we offer dentists anddental technicians awiderange of headquarters isinGermany. For more than80years, andasatrusted Kulzer isoneofthemaindental companies worldwide, andits Ibérica Director General Mis David Torner DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Systems Europe NobelBiocare Senior Director Southern António Moutinho health. context, whichisfundamental for thebenefitofpatients’ oral that suchaclose bondwithSEPA willthrive inthisvery promising in whichotherrevolutionary advances willcome along. We hope in thefieldofperiodontology, andthisismerely the start ofa year year after year. In2019,we beganwiththelaunchofkey solutions our cooperation withSEPA highlights,onethatisstrengthened solutions. Itisthisshared objective andscientific leadership that quality oflife to patientsthrough innovative restorative implant Nobel Biocare’s aimisto helpdentistry professionals to return medicine, two trendsetting areas inthemarketplace. current training linesfocuses softtissue andpersonalised together intransmitting knowledge andscience. Oneofour societies. Inparticular, ourbondwithSEPA allows usto work We maintain aclose relationship withuniversities andscientific techniques andmaterials available to dentists andhygienists. the #inibsatraining programme withtheaimofmakinglatest in oursphere, whichevolves quickly andconstantly. Sowe offer dentistry professionals. We are aware oftheimportance oftraining extensive portfolio oftop products bringingqualitysolutionsfor Inibsa Dental isaleading company inthedental sector, withan Inibsa Dental Sales Iberia Director Marketing and Eduard Goñalons patients’ tissues. We share withSEPA theaimofhelpingprofessionals to look after achieve GapOintheTicare Inhex® bacterial filtration-free implant. osseointegration andamanufacturing process whoseobjective is to allowing for highprimarystability, asurface thatimproves ethos ofcare oftissues, onebasedonadelicate drillingsequence surround implants.ThisisafieldinwhichTicare has founded its focus onthelatest advances inthehealthoftissues that of SEPA duringthecurrent decade bringsusthisSociety’s scientific implants inSpainsince 1996.Ticare’s work asastrategic partner Ticare isthebrand ofMozo-Grau, whichhasbeenmakingdental *GFK Market Research -GFKTracking Sept-Oct2018. guaranteed byourclose relation withSEPA.. Our commitment to development andscientificprogress comes thus bringingmaximumbenefit to theenduser. with oral healthexperts, offering supportto dentists andhygienists, quality oflife for people. AT GSKCHwe work inpermanentcontact for sensitivityandcare ofprostheses*), ourmission beingto improve Corega (numberonebrands inrecommendation bydentists inSpain recognised prestige andquality, suchasSensodyne,Parodontax, and experts inoral healthcare. GSKCHprovides awiderange ofbrands of Leaders inthemarket withthemost popularrange ofproducts for Grau Director General ofMozo- Fernando Mozo GSK CH Head ofExpertMarketing Wangüemert-García Joaquín 151 Strategic partners Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS 2016 | 2019 2016 Triennial report Triennial

Institutional alliance at the service 152 of periodontology and oral health 153

The solid cooperation between This image, from April 12, 2018 in Seville, Front row left to right, Francisco Vijande, Fourth row, Meg Dempsey, Erin O’Donnell, Vieira (Colombia), and Cecilia Robles SEPA and all its stakeholders, is a clear example of this. The SEPA Regina Izquierdo, Antonio Bujaldón, the wife of the AAP president of de AAP, the (Mexico). Sixth row, Fabio Molinaro, Gianna institutions, and strategic partners Foundation is a body that serves as a point Maurizio Tonetti, Adrián Guerrero, Óscar wife of the Andalusian Council of Dentists, Spasic, (Hu Friedy International), Kritian means the consolidation of a of convergence for a number of dental González, Paula Matesanz, and José Nart. Luis Cuevas, José Luis Gutiérrez, the wife of Tersar (Osteology Foundation), Michael project focused on the general bodies, periodontology societies, leading Second row, David Herrera, Mónica Vicario, Cristoph Hämmerle, Gonzalo Barón, and his Peetz (Dental Campus), Xiomara Giménez interest of professionals and firms, and the media, sharing the objective Blas Noguerol, Nùria Vallcorba, Mariano wife. Fifth row, Steven Daniel (USA), Laura (FIPP) Xaulo Rosario (Dominican Republic), patients, one that serves the of the common good. Sanz, Antonio Liñares, and Ion Zabalegui. Valls (Uruguay), Mariel Gómez (Argentina), Francesco D’Aiuto. Upper row, Rodrigo whole of society. Third row, Ignazio Loi, Juan Blanco, Claudia Sacio (Peru), Francisco Daniels López (Denmark), Karen Romero (Dentaid Raúl Caffesse, Enric Masdevall, Germán (Chile), Alex García (Mexico), Christoph Colombia), Hernán Toro (Chile), and Marco Barbieri, and Leopoldo Mateos. Hämmerle (Switzerland), Andrés Felipe Medina, current president of FIPP Ibero- panamerican Federation of Periodontology. Strategic partnersStrategic 154 OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF 2019-2022 Candidate forpresidency ofSEPA 2016-2019 ofSEPA Vice-president Antonio Bujaldón here” already future is The “ 155 Future Triennial report 2016 | 2019 156 the challenge Prepared for YOSTEOINTEGRACIÓN 2019-2022 CANDIDATURA JUNTA DIRECTIVA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE PERIODONCIA • • Professional profile • • Training President Antonio Bujaldón Private practice inAlmería. Implants atUCM. Periodontology and in Postgraduate Assistant professor from UCM. Master inPeriodontology UGR. Degree inDentistry from OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF • • Training Vice president José Nart • • Professional profile University Boston. and Implantsfrom Tufts Master inPeriodontology Dentistry from UIC. Degree andDoctorate in Barcelona. Private practice in Periodontology atUIC. Director ofMaster in DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF • • Training Secretary Paula Matesanz • • • Professional profile from UCM. Master inPeriodontology from UCM. Degree andPhDinDentistry Private practice inMadrid. Implants atUCM. Periodontology and Postgraduate Assistant professor Associate professor UCM. • • Professional profile • • Training Board member Olalla Argibay to evolve... improvement, togrow, must acceptinorder tobring thatone anopportunity offers The butit future isnotwritten,

de Compostela. Private practice inSantiago Implants atUSC. in Periodontology and Degree course, andMaster Periodontology for Dentistry Assistant professor in USC. Master Dental Science from USC. Degree inDentistry from • • Professional profile • • Training Board member Andrés Pascual Barcelona. Private practice in Periodontology. at UICDepartmentof Associate Professor PhD inDentistry from UIC. Venezuela. from Central University of Degree inDentistry projects thatwillstrengthen alliances of training andscience communication; projects onthehorizonatvanguard Years ofchange andeffort, withnew Some interesting years lieahead. improvement oftheSocietyonalllevels. clarity ofmindto respect theupkeep and happily andwithpride,butalsothe the new board ofdirectors takes holdof a strategy ofcontinuous work, atorch The future isachallenge thatcalls for • • • Professional profile • • • Training Board member Ignacio Sanz

Private practice inMadrid. Implants atUCM. in Periodontology and Postgraduate course Assistant professor in Associate professor UCM. from UCM. Master inPeriodontology Science from UCM. Official Master inDental Dentistry from UCM. Degree andDoctorate in You are SEPA. interdisciplinary focus. of periodontology, now withan digitalisation, andthedevelopment An opportunityopeningupto globalisation, partners. professionals, members, andstrategic with work groups, otherhealthcare • • Professional profile • • Training Board member Francisco Vijande Private practice inBilbao. Implants atUCM. in Periodontology and in Postgraduate course Assistance professor from UCM. Master inPeriodontology UPV. Degree inDentistry from 157 Future Triennial report 2016 | 2019 158 with amission professionals who identify of A network SEPA MANAGEMENT TEAM Fernando Morales, Marta Alcayde, Javier García, Lorena Ortiz,andMiguelLópez. From left to right:AnaAraoz, EugeniaHuerta, Carlos Martínez, Eva Castro, OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF General Coordinator ofOperations. Jaume Pros. promotion oforal andgeneral health. development ofPeriodontology andthe fulfil theirmissions attheservice ofthe cooperate, helpingSEPA’s schemesto projects. Numerous services companies events, andcarrying outcommunications organising congresses andscientific as well asincoordinating operations, specialised inmanagingnon-profit bodies, professional team hascome together, one Over recent years ahighly qualified MANAGEMENT TEAM organisation. Gómez, from INTMeetingsteam. Events Berta Morera, MarioRuedas,and Eva Graphics production: ElEstudio. Esteban Espuga. ExpoPerio Commercialisation: INT Meetings. management ofcourses andmembercare: Congresses, Scientificmeetings, Translation: Paul Daviesy Sven Glockner. Training: Eva Castro yAnaAraoz. Design: Fernando Morales. Miguel LópezyPaco Romero. Communications: Projects: EugeniaHuerta. Institutional matters: Lorena Ortíz. Administrative matters: Marta Alcayde. Jaume Pros. Operations coordinator: Executive Director: JavierGarcía. Audiovisual Production. Diego Fontecha (DolphinAM) Joan Massons. Economic andfinancialassessment: Sol Muntanyola. Intellectual property assessment: Despacho JesúsGonzález Pérez. Legal assessment: GrupoAlbatros, Dental Business Analytics. Employment andtax assessment: Computer security:GrupoLinka. ZeroRock. Carlos Martínez. Information systems: Social Media:Grow Comunicación. Tecnicongress Audiovisual. Audiovisual services: Dolphin. DiegoFontecha. Audiovisual Production: News, press, andmedia. Paco Romero. 159 Future Triennial report 2016 | 2019 160 social action, action, communication, Healthy Gums, research andgrants, scientific meetings,training, members, strategic partners, following areas: institutional, programmes covering the is structured around 10 work stakeholders. SEPA’s strategy being permanentlyopentoits of the organisation through and economicsustainability are focusedonthe institutional All ofSEPA’s work programmes model Sustainable OSSEOINTEGRATION PERIODONTOLOGY AND SPANISH SOCIETY OF its stability andexpansion. institutional dynamism,thebasisfor the tipoficeberg thatisSEPA’s and private institutions; theseare just societies, universities, leading public professional colleges, othermedical related dental societies,with The signingofagreements with excellence SEPA delivers. the oral healthandprofessional in contributing to thepromotion of partners, firms thathave invested without thesupportofstrategic by SEPA would notbepossible and communications work developed The ambitiousandrigorous training Institutional Strategic Strategic partners DENTAL IMPLANTS PERIODONTOLOGY AND SEPA FOUNDATION OF Community strategic partners. growing demandsofmembers and machinery, capable ofdealingwith the all require carefully oiled organisational research andsupportfor qualitytraining social dissemination, thepromotion of institutional initiatives, scientific and gatherings, training sessions, socialand The frantic activityofscientific clinical practice inoral health. Society, improving research, training, and with ourmembers aswe consolidate our and because ofthem.Andwe wantto be activities carried outbytheSocietyare for SEPA’s raison d’être isitsmembers. All Organisation Members different focus areas withindentistry. together hundreds ofprofessionals from of interest andtopicality, bringing international speakers, covering subjects year. They boast thebest nationaland promoted bySEPA are heldevery More thanten scientificmeetings priorities. a paradigm—is oneofourbiggest with rigourandprofessionalism as its challenges andadvances—always what itdoes,informing people about opportunity for SEPA. Gettingacross kind, hasbecome achallenge and an professional scale andofamore social not exist. Communication, both ona What isnotcommunicated just does Communication meetings Scientific Info oral health. to theneedsofprofessionals interested in the times,adjusted to budgets,andsuited theoretical orpractical innature, adapted to classes, withthehelpofstrategic partners, new technologies, inattendance oronline formats for distinct professionals, with Our training activityusesdifferent Training istheflagshipactivityofSEPA. aimed atthegeneral public. professional impact,there isalsoawebsite communication mediumofgreat social and magazine ofthisname,whichhasbecome a of socialawareness. Inadditionto the of informative campaigns intheinterest the title for SEPA’s periodical publication The slogan “HealthyGums”hasbecome Training Healthy Gums and Osseointegration. the SpanishSocietyofPeriodontology challenge for theSEPA Foundation and it through grants andscholarships, isa people withlimited resources can access research, andguaranteeing thatyoung and optimisinggumhealth.Developing assuring thefuture ofPeriodontology research asthekey foundation for rest theactivitiesofSEPA, whichsees Research isabasicpillaruponwhich Dios Hospital Order. jointly organised withtheSanJuande House. Anotheristhesocialproject cooperation withtheUS NGO,Malayaka there isthegermofaproject in In thisarea, amongotherinitiatives, collectives that require specialsupport. committed to theneedsofsocial As anon-profit body, SEPA isalso and grants Research Action Social 161 Future Triennial report 2016 | 2019 SPANISH SOCIETY OF SEPA FOUNDATION OF PERIODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY AND OSSEOINTEGRATION DENTAL IMPLANTS SEPA PLATINUM STRATEGIC PARTNERS 2019

Rigour Innovation Excellence SEPA GOLD STRATEGIC PARTNERS 2019 Transparency 3 Ethics

SEPA’s values and principles. Values are

at the root of SEPA’s 60 years of history,

allowing the Society to deal efficiently

with future challenges. Rigour, Innovation,

Excellence, Transparency, and Ethics


Triennial report 2016_2019 de Periodoncia e Implantes Dentales SEPA I Fundación Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegracion