April 10, 1986 ALBERTA HANSARD 117 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Oko, and Mr. Viteychuk, and parent Mr. Brown. Mr. Speaker, your constituents are seated in the public gallery, and I would ask that they now stand Title: Thursday, April 10, 1986 2:30 p.m. and receive the warm welcome of the Assembly. MR. PAHL: Mr. Speaker, it's my privilege to introduce [The House met at 2:30 p.m.] to you and to members of the Assembly 31 grade 6 students from the Satoo elementary school, located in the constituency of Edmonton Mill Woods. They're accompanied by their PRAYERS teacher, who is a friend of mine and a friend of the Member for Barrhead, Mr. David Fairfield, and Meryl Ellsworth, Janice Hudson, Mary Jane Saunders, Keith Stevens, and [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] Joyce Leavitt. They are in the members' gallery. I wonder if they'd be kind enough to rise and receive the traditional welcome of the Assembly. head: PRESENTING REPORTS BY STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES MR. McPHERSON: Mr. Speaker, I have the pleasure today to introduce to you and to members of the Assembly what DR. ELLIOTT: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to table the annual I hope will be 34 students in the public gallery. I regret report for the Standing Committee on Legislative Offices that I was not able to meet with them just prior to entering for the 20th Legislature, Third Session, from March 14, the House this afternoon. My information, however, has it 1985, to April 2, 1986.
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