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Endowment Fund CIUS Newsletter 2013 Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies 4-30 Pembina Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H8 Addressing the Problem, Searching for Solutions: Forum on Human Trafficking in Ukraine On 22 March 2013, a one-day forum on “Trafficking of Women in Ukraine: Governmental and Nongov- ernmental Responses” organized by the newly created Centre for Political and Regional Studies at CIUS was held at the University of Alberta. The forum sought to explain why the trafficking of women is such a persistent problem and to encourage greater efforts by the Canadian and Ukrainian governments, as well as appropriate nongovernmen- tal organizations, in combating it. This high-profile international forum featured parliamentarians, aca- demics, and members of various wom- en’s organizations from Canada, the United States, and Ukraine. Indicating that more than 110,000 Ukrainian citi- zens have been trafficked from Ukraine since 1991 (5,500 annually), Elizabeth Zolotukhina (Columbia University) argued that there is not only a failure Trafficking of women remains a major problem for contemporary Ukraine to apply vaguely formulated laws and who have been forced into it against organizations. a lack of clear assessment metrics but their will. Bringing a Canadian perspective also a lack of political will that may be a Kateryna Levchenko, president of to the issue, two criminologists, John consequence of corruption, reluctance the International Women’s Rights Cen- Winterdyk (Mount Royal University, to tackle a problem of such huge scope, tre “La Strada – Ukraine” and former Calgary), and Julie Kaye (Ambrose or indifference. deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament, University College, Calgary) suggested Some analysts regard all those sub- spoke about government efforts to going outside the limited realm of the jected to exploitation abroad as victims, combat trafficking, including the law criminal justice system to develop while others consider that a trafficked “On Combating Trafficking in Human cross-sector collaboration. individual should be recognized as a Beings” (2011). She addressed a num- A highly productive round-table kind of a working migrant, an indi- ber of challenges, such as the lack of discussion featured Linda Duncan vidual with her own sense of agency. government funding for NGOs, lenient (MP Edmonton-Strathcona), Joanna Natalia Khanenko-Friesen (University sentencing of traffickers, inadequate Harrington (Faculty of Law, Univer- of Saskatchewan) suggested that it protection of victims, and lack of sity of Alberta), Olena Hankivsky would be best to reconcile and combine economic alternatives to unsafe migra- (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby), the perspectives of both camps in order tion. She also suggested a larger role and Tymofiy Hawrysh (Maple Leaf to combat trafficking and assist those for nongovernmental and international continued on page 4 CIUS Newsletter 2013 1 From the Director Reforming the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies The history of CIUS has not yet Institute’s integration into the Faculty been written. Its three main periods of Arts calls for restructuring exist- may be outlined as follows: 1) the for- ing programs and creating new ones, mation of the Institute according to the particularly those with a focus on Canadian policy of multiculturalism contemporary politics, regional and (1976‒early 1990s); 2) the expansion of cultural studies. I have therefore initi- CIUS objectives and activity following ated the creation of a Centre for Politi- the Ukrainian national revival (1990s‒ cal and Regional Studies (CPRS), led early 2000s); 3) the contemporary pe- by Dr. Bohdan Harasymiw. The author riod of consolidation, which will likely of numerous publications about the be more pragmatic and influenced, Soviet Union, Dr. Harasymiw possesses on one hand, by fundamental changes impeccable scholarly credentials. His in the humanities and the Ukrainian recent studies deal with the Ukrainian diaspora and, on the other hand, by the political elite and the post-communist new challenges of the final stage of the transformation in Ukraine. Institute’s integration into the academic Also, Dr. Taras Kuzio, a well-known milieu. specialist in the field of contemporary To achieve this, important struc- Ukrainian and post-Soviet studies, tural changes must be made in the has recently been appointed a research Volodymyr Kravchenko, CIUS director Institute’s research, educational, and associate of the Centre for Political outreach activities to promote their seminar room. Consequently, a com- and Regional Studies. Dr. Kuzio’s new further professionalization. Certain prehensive new IT strategy has been three-year research project will fo- organizational changes have been implemented, creating a vibrant social cus on the Donetsk clan in the Soviet implemented already, strengthening network around CIUS, broadening its Union and Ukraine, how it established and improving coordination and the communication with members of the Ukraine’s only political machine and decision-making process, identifying academic community, and improv- came to power, its operating political developmental priorities, and manag- ing its visibility in cyberspace. CIUS’s culture, and sources of public support ing them within the Institute’s organi- Facebook page is visited by a steadily for the Party of Regions in Ukraine. zational structure. growing Internet audience. In November 2012, thanks to a gen- A new body—the Council of Direc- Strengthening the Institute’s profes- erous donation from the Temerty Fam- tors (CD)—has been created, which sionalism means raising its academic ily Foundation to the U. of Alberta, has led to a more open and transparent profile. All unit directors must hold a CIUS was able to establish the Holodo- method of decision-making. Regular Ph.D. or be near its completion and mor Research and Education Consor- CD meetings are designed to plan and must be able to teach at the university tium (HREC) to conduct and promote discuss day-to-day CIUS activities and level. research on the Famine of 1932–33 in formulate the Institute’s long-term CIUS is working to consolidate and Ukraine. This Toronto-based unit, led strategy. coordinate Ukrainian studies at the by Executive Director Marta Baziuk, Improving management and University of Alberta. Just recently, ensures that the Ukrainian experience coordination within CIUS, I have three U. of Alberta professors have is reflected in the Canadian school cur- established a new position of assistant taken up positions at CIUS. We are riculum and receives greater recogni- director for administration, filled by in the process of creating an interna- tion in society generally. Dr. Roman I. Shiyan. Under his man- tional Ukrainian studies consortium. A new online scholarly publica- agement, a Working Group on Ad- Among other numerous benefits, this tion, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian vancement was established in February will support the university’s Ukrainian Studies, has been launched, further 2013 to deal with two main tasks: 1) programs, which are disadvantaged by strengthening the Institute’s reputation the improvement of CIUS information low student enrollment. in the Western academic world. This and fund-raising policies and 2) the Developing new directions in CIUS scholarly, peer-reviewed online journal creation of a CIUS donors’ lounge and research activity and continuing the has replaced Skhid/Zakhid (East/West) 2 CIUS Newsletter 2013 From the Director and the Journal of Ukrainian Studies. would eventually become ULEC. She The new CIUS journal is led by Profes- has been awarded a one-year research sor Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj of the Department grant to evaluate past ULEC activities of Modern Languages and Cultural and formulate a new strategy for this Studies (MLCS), U. of Alberta. He important unit of CIUS. is a former editor of Canadian Sla- In addition, Dr. Mykola Soroka, vonic Papers, a specialist on Ukrainian CIUS development officer and special- Modernism and culture formation in ist in Ukrainian literature, language, the Russian Empire, and an expert in and culture, will allocate half his time humanities computing. to ULEC, supporting its fund-raising, After Dr. John-Paul Himka’s res- educational, and research activities. ignation as director of the Research Under the leadership of Drs. Program on Religion and Culture, Nedashkivska and Bilash, ULEC will this position was taken by Dr. Heather continue to fulfill its mandate by sup- Coleman in February 2013. An asso- porting Ukrainian language educa- ciate professor and Canada Research tion, focusing on the development of Canadian Institute of language resources for educational Chair in Imperial Russian History (De- Ukrainian Studies partment of History and Classics, U. of institutions of various levels. Alberta), as well as editor of Canadian The overall situation requires us to 4-30 Pembina Hall look at all staff positions with the aim University of Alberta Slavonic Papers, Dr. Coleman is cur- Edmonton, AB rently working on a book manuscript, of achieving efficiencies and profes- T6G 2H8 “Holy Kyiv: Priests, Communities, and sionalism, and to consider amalgamat- ing positions and making other staff Telephone: (780) 492–2972 Nationality in Imperial Russia, 1800- FAX: (780) 492–4967 1917.” changes to free up funds. We must E-mail: [email protected] With the retirement of the director stabilize our overall financial situation, CIUS Web site: www.cius.ca place CIUS on a sounder financial of the Ukrainian Language
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