1 9 1 5 1 :.P A.NNO SEXTO GEOR,GII v. REGIS~ No. 52.

ANALYSIS. 1; Short title. 9. Amendment of Elchedule to '2 G-eo. 2. Interpretation. V. No. 3, a8 to Item -317; 3. Minister to cause works to be con­ 10. Reappropriation of amonntprovided,-r structed. under Item 1C95 in Schedule tQ,S, 4. Appropriation for works in schedule. Geo. V. No. 44, and Item 1079 in' 5. Money not required for work may be Schedule to 4 Geo. 5 No. 14. expended by M inister or. other 11. AmendmentofSchedtlle to ,4 Gll'>. works. V. No. ]4, as to Item 165., 6. Provisions of 44 Vict. No. 32 and 12. Reappropriation of amount providEl(l. 45 Vict. No. 31 to be applicable. under Item ~54 in Schedule to,5 Geo. V. No. 13. 7. Reappropriation of.. amount provided 13. Amendment of Section 8 of ,5 Geo., under Item 762 ID Schedule to 7 V. No. 40. Ed. VII. No. 31, Item 746 in 14. Reappropriation of amount provided Schedule to 9 Ed. VII. No. 51, under Item 641 in Schedule to 5 and Item No. 946 in Schedule to Geo. V. No. 13. 2 Geo. V. No. 38. 15. Reappropriation of amount provid(lq 8. Amendment of Schedule to 1 Geo. under Item 763 in Schedule to () V. No. 51, as to Item b'96. Geo. V. No. 13 . ...********** ...... *** ••• ** ...... A.D. .A N A eT to provide for the Execution of 191~ • certaIn Public Works. [21 Januar.y, 1916.]

BE it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Hous!e of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:-

1 This Act may be cited for all purposes as "The Publie Works Short title. Execution Act, 1915:'

28.J 662 6° GEORGII V No. 52.

Public Works Execution.

A.D.1915. 2 In this Act, unless the context otherwise determines, a the Minister" means the Minister of Lands and Works for the time Interpretation. being, and includes any person appointed by him or acting under hi~ orders.

Minister to cause 3 It shall be lawful for the Minister to cause to be constructed, works to be improved, executed, or completed, the works specified in the Schedule constructed. to this Act at a cost for each separate wurk nut exceeding the amounts set forth in the said schedule.

A ppropl"ia tion 4 The <,ost of the several works specified in the Schedule to this Act for works in shall be defrayed out of moneys to be provided by Parliament for that schedule. purpose.

Mon~y not 5 If the Minister at any time reports to the Governor that the reqUIred fol' work whole or any portion of the money votfd by this Act or any previous ~;k?:is~:;:ded Act providing for the execution .of puhlic works is. not requ~red to be other works. expended upon the work for whIch such money IS voted, It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend ~och balance, provided it do~s not exceed Fifty Pounds, upon such other work or works previously authorised by Parliament as he may think fit: Provided that such lastmentioned work is situated in the same city or" municipality, as the case may be, as the work for" which such money was originally voted.

Provisions of 6 An the provisions contained in "The Public Works Construction 44 Viet. No. 32 Act," 1880," and" The Branch Roads Construction Act, 18tH," shall and 45 Vict. No. in to be extend and apply to' the works mentioned in the said Schedule, as applicable. fully in all respects as if the said provisions had been incorporated in this Act.

Reappropria don 7 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended of amount pro­ balances of the following sums, namely :-The sum of One thousand vided under Item five hundred Pounds appropriated for Item Seven hundred and sixty~ 762 in Schedule to 7 Ed. VII. No. two of the Schedule to the Act 7 Edwardi V 11. No. 31, the sum of :il, Item 746 in Nine hundred and twenty-seven Pounds appropriated for Item Seven Schedule to 9 Ed. hundred and forty-six of the Scheciule to the Act ~ Edwardi VII. No. VII. No. 51, and 61, and the sum of Seven thousand Pounds appropriated for Item Item 946 in" Schedule to 2 Nine hundred and forty-six of the Schedule to the Act 2 Georgii V. Geo. V. N".38. No. 38, towards defraying the cost of completing the equipment and fUl'Dishing of "Vaucluse" Hospital, , and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly.

Amendment of 8 The Schedule to "The Pu blic Works Execution Act, 19 10," is Schedule to 1 hereby amended in regard to Item Nine hundred and ninety-six by Geo. V. No. 51, as to Item 996. inserting after the word~, ., Mining Fields," the words, ,. and the sur­ vey, construction, and completion of the tramways mentioned in Section Eight of this Act, 3 Georgii V. No. 44, or any of them." 66 GEORGIl V No 52. 663

Public Works Executio.n.

9 'The Schedule to "The Public Works Execution Act, No. I, A.D· 1 1915. 19] 1," is herebv amended as from the commencement of that Act in regard to Item three hundred and seventeen, by omitting the words Amendmer,t cf " (conditional on land being given free)." Schedple to 2 Geo. V. No. 3, as to Item 317. It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended 10 Reapwopriation balances of the following sums, namely -- Two thousand Pounds appro­ of amount pro­ priated for Item One thousaTld and ninety-five of the Schedule to the vided under Item Act, 3 Georgii V No. 44, and Two thousand Pounds appropr~ated for 1095 in Schedule Item One thousand and seventy-nine of the Schedule to the Act, to 3 deo. V. No. 44, an~ Item 4 Georgii V. No. 14, in the purehase of furniture for the Nurses' Home, 10i91n Schedule Launceston General Hospital, and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to to 4 tfeo. V. No. reappropriate the same accordingly. 14. .

11 The Schedule to ':The Public Works Execution Act, 1913," Amenldment of is hereby amended as from the commencement of that Act in regard Sched!ule to 4 to Item One hundred and sixty-five by omitting from that Item the Geo. ¥. No. 14 word ., conditionally." as to ~tem 105.

12 it shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the sum Reap~ropriation of Oue hundred and fifty Pounds appropriated for hem Two of a~ount pro­ hundred and fifty-four of the Schedule to the Act;) Georgii V. No. 13, vided under Item 2,'j4 irit Schedule in or towards the con~truction, improvement, execution, or completion to 5 feo. V. No. of the following roads in equal shares, namely;-(a) "Road to 13. G'tbson's and others, Don," and ( b) "Upper Leith to Main Coast Road," and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly.

I 13 Section Eight of "The Public Works Execution Act (No. 3), Amer~dment of J 914," is ht-reby amended by inserting at the end of the said section Sectiim 8 of 5 the words "the same to be fenced at the expente of the said Depart­ Geo. V. No. 40. ment."

14 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended Reapbropriation balance of the sum of One hundred Pounds appropriated for Item Six ofalqoullt plO­ hundred and forty-one of the Schedule to the Act, 5 Georgii V. No. vided under Item 13, towards the construction, improvement, execution, completion, or 641 t Schedule repair of bridge over on road to selectionB of 'J ay/or and 1~.5 eo. V. No. others (conditionally on the land being given free and Fifty Pounds being contributed locally), and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly.

15 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the sum of Fifty ReaJpropriation Pound~ appropriated for Item Seven hundred and sixty-three of the of amount pro­ Schedule to the Act 5 Georgii V. No. 13 to\\ ards rhe construction, vided untieI' Item 763 ip Schedule improvement, execution or completion of the road (Item Seven hun­ dred and thirty-five of same Scht'dule) " From Lahl's to Booth's ~3fi r'.· V. N. Road," and it ~hall bt lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly. 6° GEORG 11 V. No. 52:

Public Worhs·Execution.


MUNICIPALITY OF BEACONSFIELD- :£ 1. From Sidmouth Road, via Richmond Hill Jetty, to Waterton 200 2. . Sidmouth Road to West Bay Jetty ...... 50 3. Sidmouth Road,from Devil's Elbow to Blackwood Hills ...... 50 4. Sidmouth to Deviot Jetty (conditionally upon land being given free) ...... 100 5. Blackwall to Deviot Road ...... 200 6. Motor Road, Lauuceston to DeviotJetty 200 7. Burnlea Gate to Supply Bay ...... , ... 50 S. From Main Road towards Supply Church ...... 100 9. To Jillet's Property, Middle Arm ...... 50 10. York Town to Beaconsfield ...... 100 11. York Town to Kelso ...... 100 12. York Town to Badger Head ...... 100 13. Bryant's Bay Jetty towards Kelso Road ...... , ...... 200 14. J ackson's, Baker's, and others ...... 50 15. To Owen's, Cowie's, and others .. , ...... 50 16. Frankford to Beaconsfield ... '" ...... 200 17. Winkleigh~Beaconsfield Ro",d (School Hill) ..... , ...... 150 IS. South Winkleigh to Holwell, via Nettlefold's ...... 100 19. Winkleigh to Exeter, between the Cemetery and Douglas Creek 50 20. Cormiston Road ...... 20Cl Freshwater Point-- 21. From West Tamar Road, via Lots 1, 22, 23, 15, an.d· 16, to Jetty (conditionally upon necessary land being given free) ...... '" ...... 200 22. From Junction of Road at Lot 23, via Lots 1 to 7, to N obeli us , and others, with deviation in Lot 11 (condi. tionally upon necessary land being given free) ...... 100 23. W inkleigh to Exeter ...... '" ... .,...... 100 24. Glengarry to Winkleigh, via O'Toole's ...... 50 25. To Fraser's and others ...... 50 26. Glengarry to Winkleigh, via Catholic Church ...... 50 27. Glengarry to Bridgenorth, via Hamilton ... '" .. . 100 2S. Through Connolly's, Miller's, and others ...... , ...... 100 29. Long Plains Road .. , .. , ... '" '" ... .., •...... 100 30. Main Glengarry Road, between Connolly's and Stewart's 100 31. Long Plains Road to South Bridgenorth, via Stokes' .. . 50 32. Main Bridgenorth Road ...... " ...... 100 ·33. From Eccleston Road to Gossen's, McCulloch's, and others ... 50 34. To McCullum's, Best's, and others ...... , ...... 50 35. Launceston-Beaconsfield Road to Deviot Jetty ...... 100 36. York Town Road through J. S. Ritchie's ...... '" .. 60 £3660

MUNICIPALITY OF BOTHWELL- BothwelI to Great Lake- 37. Hunterston to Great Lake ...... , ...... 300 3S. Bothwell to Blue Hill, from end of Metal towards Meads- field's ...... , .. , ... '" ..... , ...... 150 Bothwell to Interlaken, via Lake Crescent-- 39. From Dennistonn Finger-post to Lake Crescent ... 200 40. Interlaken to Steppes ...... , ... , ...... 200 41. Aplley to Lower Marshes, from W. Reid's to A. Munro's 100

'. 6° GEORGII V No 52. 665

Public WorRs Execution.

I I £ A.D. 1915. 42. Bothwell to Hamilton, via Hollow Tree, 3 miles from BothweJ.1 IpO 43. Deviating roads at Great Lake flooded by the Hydro-electric dam (part cost) .... , .... '" ...... , ...... , ...... 9bo

£ 20rO MlTNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON- 44r To Bantick's, Sinnett's, and Ray's ..... , ...... , ...... 4,5. Through Riverton Estate ...... l~g .,i6. Dromedary Road to Selections of Smith, Nichols, Hill, and Conlan ...... , '" ... '" ...... 100

47. Black Brush on Road leading to Reynolds', Geard's, Jarvis', I and Briggs' ...... '" ...... , ...... 50 48. Hamilton Tier Road, on Deviation near Elderslie ..... , ...... 100 49. Dromedary to Johnson's, Fitzgerald's, Bannister's, and others 1~0 50. Continuation by Hoare's Farm, from Old Beach to Brighton 1 0 51. Continuation from Sanderson's Gate to Campania ..... , ...... 1bo 52. Cutting down Hill near Rekuna ...... ,...... , ...... 100 53. Towards Plummer's, Johnstone's, and others ...... , 50 54. Through Dickenson's to Grant's, Stewart's, and others ...... 75

£9~5 I --t-- I MUNICIPALITY OF BRUNY- 55. Adventure Bay Road ... ., .... '" ...... 56. Dillon's Road ... '" ...... '" ...... 2~g 57. Alonnah to Lunawanna ...... 150 58. Lunawanna to Settlement ...... 150 59. Lunawanna to Great Taylor's Bay ...... 60. Lunawanna to Lagoon Road ...... , ...... 61. Ventnor Settlement .,...... Jg 62. Simpson's Point ...... 100 63. Main Road at Denne's Point and at the 4 and 5 mile peg .. . 150 64. Rosehank Jetty to 42-chain peg, including approaches .. . 150 65. Killora to Quarantine-station ...... 100 66. Adventure Bay south to Glan's, Davey's, Kaden's, and I others .. , ...... , '" ...... , ...... 100 67. Adventure Bay to Neck .,...... '" .. . 6S. Adventure Bay to Simmons' and others .. , ...... 69. Lockley's, Lehner's, and others at Adventure Bay ig


MUNICIPALITY OF CIRCULAR HEAD- I 70. Sunny Hills, from Holden's Corner South (completion) 4~0 71. Montagu to Smithton Main Road ...... 5 0 72. Trowutta Reserve to Sloane's ...... , .... '" ...... 3ho 73. Trowutta Reserve, via Brydges ...... 350 74. Mowbray Swamp, via Purton's ...... 350 75. Groom's Cross Road ...... 4pO 76. Sunny Hills to Harrison's and Macguire's ..... , ..... , ... 200 77. Lower Scotch Town Road ...... , ...... 200 7S. Meaney's Road, Trowutta to Sunny Hills ...... 2150 79. Trowutta Reserve to H. Ryan's and others ...... 200 SO. John's Hill to Field's Road ...... , ...... , .. . 100 81. Sunny Hills to Ransom's and others ...... , ...... 100 82. To John's, House's, and others ...... 100 83. Sunny Hills to Thurston's and others ...... , .. . 100 84. Macguire's to Piercey's Bridge ...... , IpO 85. Scotchtown to Blackwood Bridge ...... 1~0 86. Blackwood Bridge to Christmas Hills ...... 1 0 666 60 GEORGII V. No. t>2

Public Works Execution.

A.D. 1915. I., 87. IrishtowL, via Young's Hill ...... '" .. . 200 88. To Hewi lit's, Woods', and others . '.' ...... 50 89. Fahey's Lane to Amos' and others ...... 100 90. Trowutta Road, Frost's Corner to Piercey's ...... 100 91. Sunny Hills to Leach's Selection ...... 50 92. Irishtown to Jas. Harvey's ...... 50 93. Piercey's Bridge to Whelan's Piercey's, and others ..... , 100 94. Off Fahey's Lane to J. H. Reid's, via Garsias' ...... 50 95. Back Line to Fern Reserve ...... , 100 96. Jock's Road, North End ...... 100 97. To Healey's, Boys', Wells', and others ...... 150 98. To Grey's, Atkins', and others ...... , ...... 100 99. Plummer's Road to Shaw's, Laughton's, and others .. . 50 100. Newhaven Road .. . 50 101. Old Coast Road .. . 100 102. Bauchop's Road .. . 100 103. Hogarth's Road ... 50 104. J os. Dallas' Road ...... 50 105. Brickmakers' Main Road ...... 350 106. To F. Horton's, F. Stokes', Turner's, and others ...... 100 J07. Tierney's Road to Cotton's, House's, Sampson's, and others 150 WE. To W. O'Connor's and others ...... , ...... 100 109. M. J. O'Brien's Outlet to Brickmakers' ...... 50 110. O. Harman's Road ...... 50 111. South Road to Spink's Corner .... , ...... 100 112. South Road, via J. Reid's, to Field's Road .. , ...... 50 113. Thompson's Road, through Ford's ...... 200 114. Comeback Road to Wells' and others, to back of Station 100 115. North's Road to Tramline ;...... 250 116. New Road through Kin9"s to Wigg's, Duff's, aDtl Gale's 150 117. Old COlJ,st Road to Wigg s, Gale's, and others ...... 150 118. Thompson's Road to Wells' and McKay's ...... 50 119. Main Road, Christmas Hills, to Britton's and others ... 300 120. Main Road, Christmas Rills, Deviation to Dunn's and others 100 121. Main Road, Montagu to Gourlay's, Quilliam's and others ... 50 122. Smokers' Bank Road (conditionally upon a like amount being contributed locally) ...... 250 123. From East to West Montagu ...... ,...... 100 124. Brickmakers' Bay Road, from Bridge to Turn-off at Medwin's ...... , 100 125. Boys' Road to Bauchop ...... 25 £8275

MUNICIPALITY OF CLARENCE-- 126. Farmer's, Lane'S, Latham's, and others ." ...... 100 127. To Radcliff's, Stewart'R, and others ...... 100 128. Downham's, Lane's, and others ...... 50 129. Sandford to South Arm ..... , ...... 150 130. To Mortimer's Bay ...... 100 131. From School, South Arm, to Musk's and others .. , ... 50 132. Sandford to Cambridge ...... " ...... , 50 133. Cambridge to Sandford Ward Boundary at Acton...... 100


MUNICIPALITY OF DELORAINE-- 134. Chudleigh to Caveside, via D. Crowder's ...... 50 135. To Prewer's, Rowe's, and others (Mole Creek) ...... 50 136. To J. Fraser's and others, Caveside ...... 50 137. To Parson's, Wilson's, Flowers' and others ...... 50 6GEORGII V. No. 52. 661

Public Works Executwn.

, A.D. 1915. 138. To Martin's, Mile's; and Green's, Mersey Hill ...... 50 139. Through 1000 Acres, Caveside ...... 100 140. To Ashdown's, Scott's, and Horne's, Chudleigh ...... 50 141. To Harrison's, Rorton's, Ashdown's, and others, Mersey Hill 50 142. To WaIter's and Alum Cliffs ...... , .. , ...... 50 14:3. Western Creek to Chudleigh ...... , ...... 144. To Wilson's, Flowers', Lee's, Howe's, and others (Mole 100 Creek) ...... 50 1 1 145. Sugar-loaf Run Road ...... 100 146. Dog-trap Road ...... 1001 147. To Holmes', Chilcott's, and Lucas', Circular Ponds ...... 50 148. Liena to Gadd's Hill ...... '" 10011 149. Mole Creek to Liena ...... '" ...... , ... 50 150. To Green's, Rose's, and others ...... " ...... 50 151. To Haberle's, Parson's, Warren's, and others, via Caveside School ...... " ." ...... 50 152. Deviation, High Plains Road ...... 100 153. Christmas Hills Road ...... '" .. . 1/)0 154. Enright's, Bailey'S, and others ...... 50 155. West's, Joyce's, and others '" ...... 75 156. Sullivan's Road ...... 50 157. Humphrey's to Exton Bridge ...... 75 158. Tongataboo to Charlesworth's, Turner's and others .. . 75 159. Tongataboo Road ...... 100 160. C. Walker's to Tongataboo ...... '" ...... 100 161. Whitefoord Hills West ...... 100 162. Crawford's and Bryan's Road ...... , ... 50 163. From Meander Road to Ritter's, Poynton's, and others .. . 100 164. To Payne's, Linger'S, and others ...... 100 165. From Meander Hall to CoUins', Proverb's, and others ... 100 166. From Huntsman's Road to Stagg's, Mead's, and others ... 50 167. J ackey's Marsh Road to Duncanson's and others ...... 50 168. From McCarthy's to Cheshunt ...... 100 169. From Peter's to Newman's, Bourke's, and others .. , .. . 100 170. From Webb's to Hardy's and Chilcott's ...... 100 171. From Cheshunt to Western Creek ...... 200 172. From Evans' (late Ledwell's) to Gleeson's and others ... , .. 50 173. To J ackey'sMarsh Bridge Hill ...... 50 174. Meander Bridge, via Long Hill, to Burke's ...... 100 175. New Road to the Great Lake (Continuation to the Shore of Lake) ...... '" ...... 1000


MUNICIPALITY OF DEVON PORT- \ 76. Leith to Upper Leith ...... '" ...... 100 177. Brown's, Dirkin's, and others ...... 100 178. Peart's to ...... 100 179. Bonney's to Headworks ...... 100 180. Stackhouse's and others ... '" ...... 100 181. Tangye Street ...... , .. , ... 50 182. From Kelcey's Tier to Brown's, Dempster's, and others ...... 100


M"CNICIPALITY OF EMU BAY- 18~. Three-mile Line, New Country to Mooreville .. , .. . lOO! 18·;. Three-mile Line, Mooreville to West Mooreville .. . 185. Old Surrey Hills Road ...... ; 100 186. Natone Road (Continuation) ...... 450,1 187. Glance Creek to Elphinstone's ... '" ...... '" .. , ...... 100 1 I 6 agOHGII V. No. 52

PubLitJ Works Execution.

A.D. 1915 £ 188. Natone to Dooley's ...... 50 189. Natone Road to Lynch's and Clark's ...... 100 190. Burnie-Waratah Road, to 20 Miles ...... 350 191. Burnie-Waratah Road, 20 to 31 Miles ...... 250 192. South Oonah Road .. , ...... 300 193. Oonah Road (Continuation) ...... 250 194. Martin's, Morris', and others ...... 50 195. To J. Hurst's and others ...... '" ...... 50 196. Oonah to Martin's and Smedley's ...... ,. 100 197. Oonah to W. Radford's and Charles' ...... 100 190. Oonah to T. and G .. Townsend's, and Atkinson's ...... 100 199. Kara Road ...... 50 200. Stowport to Atkinson's and Morris' ...... , ...... 50 201. East Ridgley Road ...... 250 202. West Ridgley Road ...... 350 203. West Ridgley Road (Branch to West Oonah Road) .. . 150 204. Eastwood's, Ellis', and others .... , ...... 100 205. New Country Road to Barker's off Smith's ...... 100 206. New Country Road to West Mooreville ...... 150 207. To Groom's, through Atkinson's ...... , 100 208. F. E. Haye's, towards Blythe Bridge ...... '" .. . 50 £3900

MUl'II-1CIPALITY OF ESPERANCE- 209. To George Wooley's and Crown Lands ...... '" .. . 50 210. ~mith's and others, Slack Point ...... 50 211. Dover Valley Road (Extension) ...... '" ...... 100 212. Esperance Valley Road (Extension) ...... '" ...... 100 213. Roaring Beach Road ...... 100 214. Seabourne's Road ...... ,. 50 215. Pilling's Road ...... 50 216. Wilcox's and Marriott's ...... 50 217. Surges' Bay to Brooks' Bay ...... 100 218. Radcliffe's and Mackinalty's ...... , ...... ,. 100 219. Corbett's Road ...... , ...... 50 220. Moran's, Curtain's, and others ...... 50 221. Riley's Creek Road ... '" ...... , ...... 50 222. Thiessen's, Radcliff's, and Rowe's '" ...... 50 223. Donnelley's Road '" .,...... 100 224. Burgess' Road ...... , ...... 100 225. To Shipwrights' Point Proposed Wharf ...... " .. . 200 226. Ada Road '" ... '" .. , ...... '" 100 227. Main Road, Hastings to Southport ...... '" 150 228. Main Road, Lady Bay to Southport ...... ,...... 100 229. Folkestone Road ...... 150 230. To T. Knight's and others ...... , ...... 75 231. Tongue Road, Hastings ...... '" ...... '" 100 232. Kennedy's, Cla'l'k's, Wells', and others ...... 100 233. Wilson's and others ...... '" ... '" ...... 50 234. to McDevitt's and others ...... 100 235. To Jas. Dawkin's Selections ...... 50 231'.:. From. Geo. Dalgleish's to Folkestone, in vicinity of Strath- blane Sawmills '" ...... '" ...... 50 237. Main Road, Lune River to Catamaran ...... 750 238. Main Road, Catamaran to ...... 200

£3325 60 GEOllGII V. No. 52. 669

Pu.blic W orRs Execution.

£ 1915. MUNICIPALITY OF FINGAL- 239. Mangana-Storey's Creek Road ...... 300 240. J unction of Grey Road to Selections of R. & J. Speer's, Dakin's, and others ...... 150 241. Junction from Mariposa to 4-Mile Creek ...... 100 242. Seymour to Douglas ...... 100 243. Avoca towards Swansea ...... 200 244.. Avoca to Bogs ...... '" ...... 50 245. To Pratt's, Rubenach's, and others ...... 100 246. Seymour to Gray ...... 150 247. McKercher's, Coker's, and others ...... 100 248. Mathinna to Ringarooma, near Boundary ...... 200 249. South Esk Bridge to Fletcher's and others ...... 100 250. From Jubilee Road to top of Tier or Tableland ...... 200 251. Avoca to Storey's Creek ...... 50 £1800

MUNICIPALITY OF FLINDERS ISLAND-- Main Road- 252. Lady Barron to Whitemark ...... 400 253. Whitemark to Emita '" ...... '" ... .., ...... 300 254. Emita to North End ...... " ... 200 255. From Main Road to East and West Lagoons .. , ...... 150 256. Lady Barron to Badger Corner ...... 200 25j Badger Corner to Whitemark ...... 100 258. Whitemark to Trousers Point ...... 100 259. Lady Barron to Nelson's Lagoons ...... , ...... , ... 150 £1600

MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN- 260. Cimitiere Road to Coast Road ...... 100 261. Coast Road to Gee's, Geale's, Brown's, and others ...... 100 262. To Davidson's, Campbell's, and Davidson's ..... , ...... " ... 50 263. From Lower Turner's Marsh along Old Tramline ...... 100 264./ Lower Turner's Marsh to Lefroy Road ...... 100 265 East Arm Road to Lefroy Road ...... 100 266. From East Arm Road, through Roberts', to Egg Island Creek 100 267 Extension through Ritchie's ...... '" ...... 100 268. To Ridge's, Findlay's, and others ...... 100 269. Lower piper Road to Bunting's, Anderson's, and others .. . 150 270. Cutting down Hill near Woodward's and Ward's ...... 50 271. Back Creek Road ...... 100 272. To Jones', Lathey's, and oth.ers ...... , .. . 100 273. Alford to Karoola ...... 1!>0 274. To Walden's Johnston's, and others ...... " .. , 50 275. Piper's Brook to Lebrina ...... 50 276. To Young's, Denman's, and others ...... 50 277. Piper's Brook to Little Piper ...... 100 £1600

MUNICIPALITY OF GLAMORGAN- 278. To Tunstall's and others ...... , ..... " ...... 50 279. To Cornish's, Marshall's, and others...... 100 280. Widening Road, Coomb's End ...... 100 281. Widening Road to Rocky Hills, towards Lisdillon ...... 100 £350 670 6° GEORGII V. No. 52.

Public Work.~ .Execution.

A.D. 19JI) £ MUNICIPALITY OF GLENORCHY- 282. To Merton State School, Oates', Calvert's, Hart's, O'Neill's, and others ...... 100 283. Collins' Cap Road ...... 250 284. To Glenlusk ...... '" ...... 100 285. Montrose Road (Extension) ...... '" 100 286. To Selections of Farley and Austin ...... 50


MUNICIPALITY OF GORMANSTON- 287. Widening and Protecting Main Road from Queenstown Bound::.ry 1 through Gormanston, to Linda ... 300 £300

MUNICIPALITY OF GREEN PONDS- 288. Huntingdon Road ...... , ...... 100 289. Barham's Road ...... 100 290. Hunting Ground Road, at Mauriceton ...... 100 291. Green Valley Road, Bagdad ...... 100 292. Colebrook Road, from Lovely Banks ...... •.• 100 293. Bagdad Tier Road ...... '" ...... 50 294. Archer's Road (Elderslie) ...... •.• ... .•...... 50


~UNICIPALITY OF HAMILTON- 295. Marlborough Road, Ouse, via Dee, to Derwent Bridge ...... 350 296. Victoria Valley to Lake Echo Road (Bashan) ...... 100 297. Ouse to Marlborough, via Strickland (within North Ward) .. . 100 298. Lane's Tier Road (Top End) ...... 100 299. Donaghy's to Ransley's ...... 50 300. Ouse to Marlborough, via Strickland (within Central Ward) 100 301. Ellendale to Dunrobin Bridge ...... 200 302. To Cooper's and others ...... 50 303. Hamilton to Broadmarsh (Deviation on Tier) ...... 350 304. Hamilton to Bothwell, via Hollow Tree (near Main R.oad) ... 100 305. Woolpack to Bluff, between Oakes and Woodstock ...... 100 306. Yo Ho Gully Road to Dickenson's and Smith's ...... 50 307. Pelham to Selections of Davis, Wrigley, and others, near State School ...... 50 308. To J. Holmes, G. Heron, J. Conlon, and others '" ..... , ... 100 £1800

MUNICIPALITY OF HuoN- 309. Mountain River Road to Selections of T. and R. Oates, Drier, and others ...... 50 310. Huon Main Road to Mountain River Road and Selections... 100 311. Main Road to Harris', J ones', and others ... 100 312. To Albert Oates' and others ...... 50 313. To Ernest Oates' and others ...... 50 314. To Upchurch's and others ...... 50 315. Fleming's to Howard's, Vince's, and others ...... '" 100 316. To Linnell's, Short's, and others ...... 50 317. To Clark's, Flymi's, and others ..... , '" ...... 100 318. To D. B. Richardson's and others ..... , ...... 100 319. Wovdstock Road ...... '" ...... 150 320. To Huxley's, Voss', and others, from Knight's Road, through McMulIen's ...... 100 6~ GEORGtI V No 52 671

Public Works Execution.

£ A.D. 1915. 32l. To Mansfield's, Stanfield's, Good's, and others ...... 100 322. Swamp Road to Mansfield's and others ...... , ...... 50 323. Short's, Cannell's, and others ...... 100 324. G. Wilson's, Lane's, and others ...... 100 325. To H. Watson's and others ...... 100 326. To J. Voss', Brown's, and others ...... , ... 50 327. To Wooley's, McLeod's, and others ...... 100 328. Rall's Road ...... '" ...... 100 329. Bermuda Road ...... 100 330. Extension of Main Road to She-oak Hills ...... 200 33l. To A. Buxton's, C. Bester's, and others ...... 50 332. Bnrgess' Road ...... 100 333. Lower Jackson's Road to Carmichael's ...... 100 334. New Road (Extension)...... 100 335. To White's, Flakemore's, and others ...... 50 336. North Huon Road, between Hermitage and Russell .. . 100 337 North Huon Road, between Russell and Deni.son 100 338. Russell River Road to Selections ...... 100 339. To D. Rimon's and others ...... 50 340. To C. Vince's and others ...... 50 34l. Judd's Creek Road ...... 50 342. To J. Sheppard's, Wallis', and others .. . 50 343. To W. Sheppard's and others ...... 50 344. Lightwood Gully to Woods' and others '" ...... 50 345. To McKay's, Bell's, and others ...... ,...... 50 346. To N ewbon's, Harris', Clark's, and others ...... 50 347. South Baker's Creek to Fyfe's, Griggs', and others 100 348. Through Wood's to Bell's and McGuiness' ...... 50 349. From Talbot's to Bell's, Lovell's, and others .. . 50 350. Talbot's to Crabtree ...... 100 35l. Through Pettit's to Wood's and others ...... 50 352. To T. Talbot's, Bell's, and others ...... 50 353. Crabtree Road ...... 100 354. To Lovell's, Thorpe's, and Worsley's ...... 50 355. Track Road ...... '" ...... 100 £3750

MUNICIPALITY OF KENTISH- 356. Lorinna to Addison's, Rudge's, and others ...... , 100 357. Lorinna Road to Wyllie's, Bullock's, and Young's ...... 100 358. Lorinna to R. Braid's and G. Day's ...... 100 359. Overton's and Moles' Road ...... 50 360. Staverton to Claude Road ...... 150 36l. Leading to Bell's and Cook's ...... '" ...... , 50 362. No-Where-Else Road, continuation along the eastern end of T. Hope's land ...... '" ...... '" ...... 100 363. To Cotton's and others ...... 50 364. To Spurr's and others (conditionally upon £10 being contributed locally) ...... '" ...... 50 365. To Medcraft's and others ...... 50 366. Paradise Road ...... '" .. . 300 367. Newman's Road ...... 50 368. Hoare's Road and Paradise Deviation ...... 50 369. To Enoch George's and others ...... " ...... 50 370. To Lockett's and others ...... 50 37l. White Rock Bridge to Railton ...... 200 372. Railton Road to Bourke's and others...... 50 373. Railton Road, via Maloney's and Green's, to Sunnyside School 100 374. Merseylea Station to Closer Settlement, ..... , .. . 50 375. New Deviation, Railton Road to Merseylea Station ...... 100 67~ 6° GEORGII V. No. 52

Public Works Execution.

A.D. 1915. ;£ 376. Railton Road to J. Powlett's and others ...... , ...... 50 377. Kentish Track, Stoodley School to Bryan's Bridge ...... 50 378. Dulverton to Dally's .. , ...... , ... .., ...... 50 379. Dulyerton Station to Latrobe Road ...... 50 3BO. Hogg's Roa.d to Closer Settlement, Native Plains .. . 100 381. Paradise Road to Bramich's and others ...... , 50 382. Mackrell's and Carey's ...... '" ...... 50 383. Hetherington's, Rees', and others ..... , ...... , .. . 50 384. Lorinna Road, beyond Round Hill ...... 20U 385. Wilmot to Sheffield ...... '" ...... , ... .. 150 386. To Hoare's, Hogg's, and others ...... '" .. . 50 387. Hay's Road, 'Via Wellard's ...... , ...... 300 388. West N arrawa Road ...... " ...... 100 389. To Braid's, Raymond's, and others ...... 100 390 To Smith's, Wood's, Buck's, and others ...... " .. . 50 S91. Wilmot Road to Spellman's Bridge ...... 50 392. Linnane's 'Road ...... 50 393. Belmont Road to Bismuth Junction ...... , ...... 100 394. To Middlesex, from Moina ...... , ...... 100 395. M;oina Mines, ·via All Nations Mine, to Back Settlement 50 396. Lorinna, Westward to Back Settlement ...... 50 397. From New Forth Bridge to Selections ...... , ...... 100 398. From Selections of Mason's and others, to Staverton Station 500 399. From Merseylea towards Native Plains ... .., ...... 50


MUNICIPALITY OP lClNG ISLAN~· 400 North Road ...... 900 401. South Road ...... '" ...... 900 402. Frazer Road ...... , ." ...... , ...... '" 600 403 Pegarah Road ...... , ...... 600 404. Taroona to Sea Elephant ...... 450 405. Pegarah to Crowes and others .. , ..... , ...... 100 .£3550

MUNICIPALITY OP KINGBOROUGB- 406. From Crammond's to School, Post-office, Church, and Selec- tions ...... , ...... 100 407. Phillips', Seabourne's, Lawless', and others ...... '" 50 408. To Cripps', Harvey's; Robertson's, and others ..... , ." ... 100 409. Thurston's, by McVilly's, Jones', and others ...... 50 410. To Kregor's, Phillips', Watson's, and others ...... 100 411. Gallagher's Road ...... '" ...... 100 412. Cox's Road ...... : ...... , .. , ...... , ... 50 413. Llantwitt Road to Worthy's and Nettle's .. , ...... 50 414. Main Road to Phillips', Bergmann's, and Wolfe's ." 100 415. To Bradley's and Smith's ...... 50 416. Havelock Road to Oxley's and others ...... 5C 417. Miller's and Bradley's ...... , ...... , ...... 50 418. To Fletcher's and others ...... 50 419. Huon Road (on Coomb's Hill) ...... " ...... 500 420. Pearson's Point Road (conditionally upon land being given free) ...... '" 100 421. Sandfly to Huon Road (Deviation) ...... 200 422. Maudsley's, Mudge's, and Rollins' ...... , ... 50 423. Firth's, Warburton's, and Brown's ...... 50 424. Su;mmerleas to Kingston ...... 50 425. Hazell's, Gallagher's, and others ..... , ...... 50 66 GEORGII V. No. 52. 673

Public Works Exeeution.

£, A.D. 1915. 426. S. Crane's, Murtagh's, Fogerty's, and others ...... 50 427. R. J.Betts' and Crown Land ...... 50 428. Allen's Rivulet (Top End) ...... 100 429. Sandfly Road, near Buchanan's ...... 100 430. Webster's and Bradburn's ...... , ...... 50 43I. Sandfly to Woodstock ...... 50 432. J. D. Vincent's and others ...... 100 433. Old Station Road ...... 100 434. Howden Jetty to Tinderbox Road ...... ,...... 100 435. Kiernan's Road ...... ; ...... 100 436. Poverty Gully Road ...... , ...... 50 437. Station Road to Shipping-place at Oyster Cove 100 438. Mulville's Road ...... 100 439. Poverty Gully Branch Road ...... 50 440. Miller'S, Oates', and Lawless' ...... 50 44l. From Main Road to Howden ...... 50 442. Margate Beach Road ...... 50 443 Margate Cross Road to Longley ...... IO()· 444. To J. McAuliffe's, near Perrin's, Margate ...... 100 445. Slab Road, near Fern Tree, to Selections of J. Wilson and others ...... , ...... , 5U 446. Gordon to Reef Point ...... 250


MUNICIPALITY OF LATROBE- 447. To Oppenheim's, Abey's, and others ...... 100 448. To Palmer's, Rowlands' and others ...... , ...... 50 449. To Kelly's and others ...... 50 450. To H. Rocahffe's ""d others ...... 50 45 I. Franklin Bridge to Baker's and others ...... 100 452. Green's Creek to Frankford ...... 100 453. M oriarty Road to Green Banks ...... 100 454. W. Morris' and P. Nolan's ...... 100 455. Milton's, Green's, and others ...... 100 456. Baker's Lane to Morris' and Shea's ...... 50 457. Port Sorell Road ...... , ...... 50 458. Parker's Ford to Northdown ...... 50 459. Appleby's Road ...... 50 460. Harford Shipping to Green's Creek Bridge ... "','" .. . 50 461. To J. Long'S, Wesley Vale ...... 50 £1050

MUNICIPALITY OF LEvEN- 462. To Trebilco's, through D. Howe's ...... 50 463. To Wolfe's, Filluel's, and others (Kindred End) ...... 150 464. To Snare's, Pearson's, and others ...... 50 465. Morton to l{indred ...... 100 466. Payne's Road (conditionally upon 50 yards of stone being delivered free) ...... 50 467. McDonald's, St6vens', and others ...... 100 468. Thirteen-mile Road ...... 50 469. To Macfarlane's and others ...... , ...... 50 470. Flint's, Dent's, and others ...... 50 471. To Reville's, Flint's, Turner's, and others ...... 100 472. To Appleby's, Flint's, and others ...... 50 473. Gaunt's Road ...... , .,. 100 474. O'Sign's to Jeanbrook ...... 100 475. Watt's Hill, Nietta Road, Westward to Selections 150 476. Nietta Road ...... 200 6'74 6° GEORGII V. No. 52.

Public Works Execution.

A.D. 1915. £ 477. Nietta. Road to Loongana Bridge ...... 250 478. Central Castra to Blackwood Park ...... 250 479. Central Castra to Preston ...... 200 480. Gunn's Plains Road ...... 100 481. 'Vest Castra Road, Southwards ...... t • ... 150 482. To Gillam's, Johnstone's, Wing's, and others ...... 100 483. To Yaxley's and Linton's ...... 50 484. To Peter Jack's and others ...... '" ...... 50 485. To Wilson's, Johnstone's, and others, South Preston (condi­ tionally upon the land required for regrading being pro- vided free) ...... 50 486. To Dent's, Bates', and Nichols' ...... 50 487. Castra to Pearson's, Flint's, and others ..... , ...... 50 488. Kindred to Palmer's, Foster's, and others ...... 50 489. Kindred to Chatwin's and others ...... 50 4\.10. To Rose's, Augustine's and others, near Redbourne ...... 50 491. To Risby's, Copping's, and Simpson's ...... , 50 492. Loongana Road to Taylor's and Williams' ...... 100 493. To Flint's, Bramich's, Leary's, and others ...... 100 494. To A. Robertson's and others (off Moreton Road) ...•.. 50 495. To A. 1. Mott's and others (off Gawler Road) 50 496. To Tamlyn's and others ...... 50 497. To Brown's and Jupp's ...... 50 498. To Walker's, Ashton's, and others ., ...... , ... . 50 499. Closer Settlement Road ...... 100 500. Branch Road off Clark's .Plains to Clark's, Howard's and Douglas' ...... , ...... 50 501. From Gunn's Plains to Nietta Tram (conditionally upon the land being provided free of cost to the State) ...... 4000 502. Blackwood Park to Arnold's and others ...... 100


MUNICIPALITY OF LILYDALE-- 503. East of George, Town Road to Corcoran's and others 75 504. Lilydale Road to Prosser's Forest ...... 100 505. George Town Road to Swan Bay...... 100 506. Tunnel to Retreat...... 100 507. To Piper's Brook ...... 100 508. Wyena to Golconda ...... '" ...... '" ...... 100 509. Golc"onda to Fernie Hill ...... 200 510. Bowood to Brid River ...... 100 511. Tunnel to Lebrina ...... '" ...... 100 512. Bacala to Bangor ...... '" ...... 200 513. Bacala to Kirkham's and others ...... 100 514. Lilydale to Lebrina ...... 50 515. Wyena to Shepherd's and others ...... 100 516. Dolby's, Green's, and others ...... 100 517. Doak's Road to Boultbee's and others ...... 100 518. Lisle toNabowla ...... 150 519. Gofton's, Kettle's, Blythe's, and others ...... 100 520. Peddle's, Blackburn's, and others ...... 50 521. Golconda to Lone Star Creek ...... , 100 522. Golconda to Nabowla ...... '" ...... 150 523. Davis', Hardwick's, and others ...... 100 524. De,viation, Brewer's Hill ...... 300 525. Bangor to Lefroy Road ...... 50 526. Tunnel to Lower Piper ...... 100 527. Blue Mont to West Scottsdale ..... , ...... 100 528. From George Town Road to AlIen's Vale Road, via Thomp- son's and others ...... 75 6° GEORGII V No 52. 675

Public Works Execution.

J!., A.D. 1915. 529. George Town Road to Woodlawn ...... 200 530. Lalla to Sharp's, Rush's, and others ...... 100 53!. Nabowla to Greta, ,via Sturgess' ... , ...... , ...... 50 532. Bridport to Little Forester .. , ...... 100 £3350

MUNICIPALITY OF LONGFORD-- 533. Liffey Road, from Goss' Gate ...... 100 1)34. Bates' Road, from Liffey Road to J ones' and others ...... 50 535. Bullock-hole Road, from Blackwood Bridge to Spencer's 100 536. From Peacock's Road to Smith's, Miln's, and others ...... 50 537. Blackwood to Philpott's, U pton's, "tnd others ... 50 538. From Tubbs' Bridge through Stokes' and Francombe's to Great Lake Track ...... 150 539. Emu Plains Closer Settlement, from Spencer's Gate to Fair- field Gate ;...... 100 540. From Black Post Gate on Lake River Road to the proposed New Bridge leading to Emu Plains Closer Settlement 100 541. Parknook Road, leading to Casey's and others ..... , ..... , ... 150


MUNICIPALITY OF NEW NORFOLK- 542. To R. Triffitt's, J azivis', Daly's, and others ...... , 100 543. To Bond's (Completion) ..... , ...... 50 544. Dixon's towards Oakley's ...... 150 545. Rocks Road ...... 100 546. Blow's to Hannan's ...... , •...... 50 547. Back River, Ralph Hay's to Harris' ...... 100 548. To Limbrick's, Marsh's, and Timbs' ...... 50 549. Molesworth Post-office to Hobart Road ...... 100 550. Townsend's to Lachlan Road ...... , .. . 100 551. Lachlan Road to North side of Swamp Gum Hill ...... 100 552. Main Road to Copley's and Crown Lands 50 553. Leeson's to Simmons' and Proctor's ...... 100 554. Clark's to Leeson's ...... 100 555. Lahl's to Feil's ...... 100 556. Glen Fern Road ...... 100 557. Corner near Dry Creek ...... , ...... 100 558. Beekin's and Bell's Terrace ...... 100 559. East End of Uxbridge Tier ...... 150 560. Lahl's to Booth's Road ..... , ...... '" 150 561. To Kregor's, Larkins', and McGuire's ...... '" 50 562. Booth's Road to Smith's and others, and Crown Lands .,. 100 563. Murtagh's to Hardwick's Gate ...... , ...... , ...... 50 564. Ellendale Road to Marriott's ...... 150 565. Marriott's to RUlpney's, Mayne's, and others ...... 150 566. Neena to Brown's, Parsons', and others, and Crown Lands 100 567. Maryville to Gregory's, Rainbird's, Burn's, and others ... 150 568. To H. and J. Kingshott's .. , ...... 100 569. To James Wakefield's (now Herbert Gobbey's) ..... ' .. , 100


MUNICIPALITY OF NEW TOWN- 570. Creek Road Construction (conditionally upon a like amount being contributed locally) ...... , ...... 100

£100 676 60 GEORGII V No. 52.

Public Worhs Execution.

A.D. 1915. £, MUNICIPALITY OF OATLANDS- 571. W oodsdale to Levendale Boundary, Main Road ... .,. . .. 100 572. To Burke's, Campbell's, Scott's, and others ...... 50 573. Tunnack to M. Scott's, Goodwin's, and others ...... 50 574. Woodsdale to Kline's, Kenna's, and others ...... 50 575. W oodsdale to Buckland Road and Selections ...... 100 576. Andover towards Little Swanport ...... , .,. 100 577. Oatlands to Lake Crescent ...... , .. ; ...... 200 578. Oatlands to N ala Railway Siding ...... , ...... 150 579. Lake Cresoent Road to Selections of Brown's, Weeding's, and others ...... , ...... 50 580. To Lemont, via York Plains ...... '" ... .., ...... 100 581. To Glen Morey towards Tooms' Lake ...... 50 582. From York Plains to Block 24, Closer Settlement, York Plains ...... " ..... , ...... 150 583. State School, via T. B. Hall's, to Eastern Marshes Road ... 50 584. From Nala Siding, via Hamilton's to Cornish's and others ... 150


MUNICIPALITY OF PENGUIN- 585. Barrei;t's, Sushame's, and Wright's ...... 100 586. Lowana Road, Southwards ...... , ...... 200 587. Sushame's, Kaine's, and others ...... 50 588. Revell's, Hutton's, and others ...... , .... , ...... 50 589. J efl'ries' and others ...... 50 590. Loongana Road to E. M. Nicholls' ...... 100 591. Blythe Road to Roughley's ...... '" .. , ." ...... 50 592. Nine-mile Road, near Bonney's ...... 50 593. Dangerous Corner, Pine Road (Deviation) ...... 150 594. Creamery Road, No. 2 ...... 100 595. Oliver's Road to Rudge's .. , ...... 450 596. Hardy's, Webb's, and others ...... 450 597. Whitehouse's, Plapp's, and others ...... 100 598. Hall's, Plapp's, and others '" '" ...... 100 599. Upper Blythe Bridge to Hay's, Fulford's, and others 100 600. McHugh's Road to Creamery ...... 50 601. McHugh's, Easterly's, and others ...... 100 602. McCarthy's, Andrews', and Keddies' ...... 100 603. N atone Road ...... " ... ." ...... 100 604. Groom's, Carr's, and others ...... 50 605. Hall's, Barnes', and others, via Manson's ...... 50


MUNICIPALITY OF PORTLAND- 606. Weldborough to Emu ...... 100 607. Dobson's, Peterson's, and others ...... 100 608. St. Helens to Upper Ruby and LaJtelby ...... 100 609. St. Helens to Urana and Trafalgar Mine ...... 100 610. St. Helens to Boat Harbour ...... 100 611. New England to Gardens '" ...... , ...... 100 612. Priory to Anson's Bay ...... 100 613. To Nicholls Bros.', St. Columbia...... 100 614. To Felingham's and others ...... 50 615. To Oldham's, Parry's, and others ...... 50 616. To O. Haley's and others, Genges River 50 617. To O. Lehner's and others (Completion) 50 618. Wilson's, Lefevre's, and others ...... 100 619. A. V. Smith's and others ...... 50 620. North George's River Road ...... " ...... 150 6n GEORGII V No. 52. 677

Public Works Execution.

£. A.D .. 1915. 621. South George's River Road ...... 100 622. Pyengana to Lottah ...... 100 623. Pyengana to Mathinna ...... 150 1)24. To H. & A. Jestrinski's and Kohl's ...... 50 £1700

MUNICIPALITY OF PORT CYGNET- 625. WilIiams' Road ...... , .. . 50 626. Kelly's, Moore's and Garth's Road ...... 50 627. Grace's Road ...... , ...... 150 62.8. Silver HilI to Snob's Point (Completion) ...... 100 629. Hassett's Road (off Rourke's Road) ...... 50 630. Cutting down Hill at Glazier's Bay Jetty ...... 100 631. Main Road, Balfe's Hill to Cygnet ...... 200 632. Toby's HilI Road to DiIlon's ...... 50 633. Guy's Road to Toby's HilI ...... , ...... 100 634. From Silver HilI Road to Spillers' ...... lOO 6~5. Coast Road, Wattle Grove to Lymington ...... 300 636. Kupsche's Road ...... 50 637. King's Hill to Golden Valley Road ...... 100 638. Esplanade Road, Lymington ... '" ...... 100 639. Bingham's and Dance's Road ...... 50 640. Recreation Ground to Cemetery ...... : ...... 100 641. Ready's and Merchant's to Deep Bay ...... 50 642. RandalI's Bay to Main Road ...... , ...... 100 643. Garden Island Creek to 'Wood's, Dickenson's, and others ...... 100 644. Abel's Bay to Wilson'S, Merchant's, Lade's, and others ...... 100 645. Nicholls' Rivulet to Gardiner's Bay Cross Road ...... , 100 646. Dobson's, O'NeilI's, and Ready's to Crown Lands (Top End) 50 647. Gardner's Bay, through Gordon's and others ...... , ... 200 648. Cross Road, Gardner's Bay, through Thomas', DiIIon's, and others ...... 100 649. Garden Island Creek to Verona, and to Reef Point ...... 350 650 Approach from Main Road to Verona Jetty (conditionally upon land being given free) ...... 100 651. Garden Island Creek, Coulson's, Brittan's, Seymour's, and others ...... '" ...... , 100 652. Wood's, Pregnell's, and others. and Crown Lands ...... 100 653. Garden Island Creek. Lancaster's and others to Crown Lands 100 654. Toby's HilI to Crown Lands ...... 150 655. To Leslie Miller's and others ...... , .. , ...... 50 656. NichoIIs' Rivulet, Cockerill's, and M. Smyth's ..... , .. . 200 £3600

MUNICIPALITY OF QUEENSTOWN- 657. Ql1eenstown-Gormanston Road (Deviations at 2 miles 18 chains, 2 miles 26 chains, 2 miles 35 chains, and 2 miles 60 chains ...... 400 658. Lynchford Road (Deviation from Queen River Bank, about 8 chains-including fencing) ...... , 100 £500

MUNICIPALrTY OF RICHMOND-- 659. Deviation to join Burns' Creek Road, leading to Robinson's, Hart's, Duggan'F!, and Crown Lands ...... 200 660. Native Corners Road, near J. J. Bevan's .... " ...... 100 661. Jericho Road, to Selections of Tunks', Coombes' and others, near Sunbury ...... , ...... '" ...... 6Q 678 60 GEORGII V. N o. 5·)....

Public Works Execution

A.D. 1915. £ 662 Hartam's and others, to connect with Williamson's Contract, near Colebrook ...... 50 663. Denny's, Morris', and others, near Colebrook ... .,...... 50 664-. To L. C. Reynolds' and others ...... 50 665. Completion of Levendale Road, near W. Rowland's Property 150 £650

MUNICIPALITY OF RINGAROOMA- 666. From Hardman's and Pitchford's ...... , .. . 100 667. To Rawlings' and others...... 50 668 To Jentzsch's, Wilson's, and others ...... 50 669. Naylor's, Scott's, and others ...... 100 670. To Road from Gum Flat Sawmills ...... ,. . .. 50 671. On Gum Flat Road ...... 100 • 672 . Wilson'S, Salier's, and others ... ,...... 100 673. Deviation through North View Estate· ...... 250 674. Completion of Road, Campbell's and Wagner's ...... 50 675. A. C. Stringles' and others ...... 50 676. Ringarooma to Weldborough ...... 350 677. New Hope Road ...... 200 678. Wilson's, Polley's, and others ...... 100 679. Gladstone to Boobyalla ...... 150 680. Gladstone to Cape Portland ...... 150 681. Murray's, Crichton's, and others ...... 150 682. Murphy's, Woodland's, and others ...... 100 683. Rosleigh Lane ...... 100 684. To Forester Settlement No. 3 ...... 150 685. West Maurice Road ...... 150 686. Ringarooma to Mathinna ...... 150 687. To Lade's, Stephens' and others ...... 100 688. Main Road through Forester Settlement No. 1 200 689. Branxholm to Selections of Salier and others ... 200


MUNICIPALITY OF SCOTTSDALE- 690. Scottsdale to Bridport ...... 450 691. Ten-mile Track, James' to Burleigh's .. ; ...... 100 692. Scottsdale to Forester Settlement ...... 100 693. Bridport to Little Forester ...... 100 694. Bridport toward Bowood ...... 50 695. North Scottsdale to Bridport, via Newitt's ...... 200 696. Bridport to Great Forester...... 200 691. Roberts' Hill, West Scottsdale ...... 100 698. Upper Brid Road ...... 100 699. Miller's, Heazlewood's, and others ...... 100 100. J ohnstone's, Law's, and others ...... 100 101. Rich's, Bonner's, and others ...... 50 102. Waterhouse's Road ...... " ...... 150 703. Mt. Cameron Road, at Murphy's Hill ...... 200 704. Sidling to Lietinna, near Emmett's .. _...... 100 705. Chilcott's and Heazlewood's ...... 50


MUNICIPALITY OF SORELL-- 706. Frogmore Siding to Ferguson's, Burke's, Hunt's, and others 150 701. Wattle Hill to Nugent ...... 150 10R. Nugent ~o ...... 100 709. Cherry Tree Opening to McRae's Boundary...... 50

est G" GEORGII V No. 52. 679

Public Worhs Execution.

£, A.D.1915. 710. Wattle Hill to Beckett's, Wiggins', and others ...... 100 711. .Forcett to Wattle Hills ...... '" 150 712. Finger-post to Carlton ...... , ...... 100 113. Forcett to White Hills ...... '" 50 714. Forcett to Dodge's Ferry ...... 100 715. Dunalley to Eaglehawk Neck ...... 300 116. Eaglehawk Neck to Boxall's .. , '" ...... , ...... 50 117. Murdunna to McGuiness' and others ." ...... 100 118. Kellevie-Nugent Road to Burden's, Gellie's, and others ...... 100 119. Lufra to Selections of Reynolds, Tatnell, Alomes, and others 250 .£1750

MUNICIPALITY OF !:IT. LEONAlWS- 720. East Arm Side of , from New Bridge to Ravenswood Road ...... 350 721. Talbot Road to Hobart Road ...... , ... 300 722. Amy Road ...... '" ...... 150 72R. Steppes to Upper BleS!llIlgton ...... 200 724. Blessington to Mathinna, along Old Track ...... 200 725. Patersonia towards Prosser's Forest ...... , ... 100 726. Littlejohn's and branch to W. A. LittIejohn's ...... 100 727. Tattersall's, OIding's, Prior's, and others ...... , ...... 100 728. W. Gate Road...... 200


MUNICIPALITY OF STRAHAN-- 729. Extension to Opah Road ...... , ...... 100 730. Completion of Road to Grinning's and others, ... 50 731. Extension of Hinsby's Road ...... '" ...... '" ...... 50 .£200

MUNICIPALITY OF TABLE CAPE-- 7R2. Preolenna Road '" ...... 400 733. Flowerdale Road, via Tucker's ...... , ...... 300 734. Myalla Road ...... , ... ..: ...... 400 735. Hope's and Westgarth's, off Preolenna Road .. , ...... 150 736. Stretton's, Perry's, and others ...... , ...... , .. . 100 737. Keating's, Breheney's, and others ...... 50 738. Flanders', Rothwell's, and others ...... 50 739. Moles', Watts', Ridge's, and others ...... , .. . 100 740. Hyland's, Fleming's, and others ...... , .. . 100 741. Medwin's, Webster's, and King's, off Myalla Road .. . 50 742. T. Moles', off Moles' , Watts', and Ridge'S Road ...... 50 743. H. Moles', off Moles', Watts', and Ridge's Road ...... 50 744. Big Creek Road (Black Bog) .. , ...... , .. , 100 745. Flowerdale to Calder's, via Toomey's Bridge ...... 200 746. Table Cape Road ...... 50 747. Quiggin's Road ...... '" '" ...... 100 748. Chapple's, King's, and others ... '" ...... 50 749. Lusted's, Shire's, and others ...... 50 750. BQat Harbour to Last's and Addison's ...... 50 '751. Morton's Road, Camp Creek ...... 50 752 Seabrook to Morey's, Astell's, and Brown's ...... 100 153 Moore's Plains Road ...... 250 754. Moore's Plains Road, West ...... , .. , '" .. . 100 755. Ockerby's, Rampton's, and others ...... , 50 756. Lockett's, Best's, and others ..... : ...... , ...... 50 757 Calder 'Road to O'NeiU's and Toomey's ...... 50 680 6° GEORGII V. No. 52

Public lrorks Execution.

A.D. 1~1' .£ 758. Moore's Plains West to Calder ...... , ...... 50 759 Big Creek Road (Top End) ...... '" ...... , 300 '7&;0. Calder Road, West ...... , 200 71)] Calder Road, South ...... 200 762 Big Creek to DaIey's ...... " 50 763 Beamish's and others to Wynyard-Waratah Road ...... 50 764. R. Morse's, off Wynyard-Waratah Road ...... " .. . 100 765. Mt. Hicks to Sea brook ...... '" ...... 50 766. Seabrook to Bissett's and Morey's ...... 50 767. Harris', Lockett's, and others ...... '" ...... 50 168. Takone Road and Branches ...... 600 769. Beamish's ancl others, via Kilburn's ...... " ...... , 100 170. Diprose's, Webb's, and others ...... , ...... 100 171. N eal's and others ...... , ...... 50 712. Pearson's, Heaney's, and others .. . 200 773. Moore's Plains to Takone ...... , ...... 100 714. Biggins' to Hyland's and others ...... 50 776. To Lowe's and others ...... , ...... 50 176. Smith's, Gardiner's, and others ...... , ...... 50 177. Bugg's, Cross', and others ...... , ...... 50 178. Harrison's to Smith's and Cooper's ...... 100 779. To Smith's, off Wynyard-Waratah Road ...... 50 780. Deayton's and others ...... , ... '" ...... 100 78!. Cam Road West ... '" ...... '" ...... 100 782. Gilmour's, Poke's, and others ... '" ...... '" .. . 50 783. Hoare's, J ones', and others ...... , ...... 50 784. Armstrong's Road ...... 50 785. Duniam's, Cooper's, off Pearce's Road ...... 50 786. Bell's, Pearce's, and others ...... 50 787. Webb's, Hilder's, and others ...... , 100 788. Seabrook to Mt. Hicks, at BurneU's ...... 50 789. Village Lane to Seabrook ...... , ...... 50 790. Shepherd's, Hyland's, and Franks' ...... , ...... '" 50 791. Barry's, De Graff's, and others ...... , ...... 100 792. To C. Conroy's, off Mt. Hicks ...... 50 793. Robinson's, Hunt's, and others, off Preolenna Road ...... 50 794, Preolenna to A. W. Stewart's and others ...... 50 795. To S. Berechree's Selections, via Kinch's .. , ...... 50 796. From Preolenna Tram Terminus, via Meunna ...... 100 797. From West Calder Road to Smith's, Phipps' and others 150 798. Back Cam Road ...... 50 799. Vicevitch's, Warren's, and others ...... 5t. 800. Harnett's, Hyland's, and others ...... , ...... 50 801. Bramich's, Elphinstone's, and Dobson's, off Myalla Road 50 802. To French's, off Sisters' Hill ...... 60 SOl}. To Myalla Post-office (conditionally upon the necessary stone being supplied fre'e of cost) ...... 50 804. Waratah Road (Metalling to Hellyer Bridge) ...... 500 805. Mayne's, Gates', and others to Flowerdale Railway-station (Completion) ...... 400 £8100

MUNICIPALITY OF TASMAN- 806. Carnarvon-Nubeena Road, Carnarvon to Wedge Bay Marsh 100 807. Koonya-Nubeena Road ...... , ...... 150 808. Carnarvon-Taranna Road (Deviation of M~Mann's Hill), Completion ...... '" ...... , ...... 150 809. Koonya-Premaydena Road, between Jetty Road and School Hill ...... '" ...... 150 810. Premaydena-Nubeena Road, from Post-office towards Nubeena 100 6° GEORGII V. No. 52.

PubLic Works Execution.

£ A.D.1915 811 Tunnel Bay Road, from L. Smith's to School ...... 200 812. Tunnel Bay Road to Munday's, Cook's, Greatbatch's, and others ...... 150 813. From Tunnel Bay Road to Robinson's, Holloway's, and others 50 814. Jetty Road, Koonya ...... ,...... 100 815. Price's Flat, from Jenkins' towards Bridge ...... ,. 200 816. Nubeena to Nichols' Greatbatch's, and others ...... 100 817. Cemetery Road, near Martin Hardy's ...... 100 818. Barnicoat's, Greatbatch's, towards Saltwater River .. . 100 819. Cripps' Creek Bridge to W. and T. Price's ...... 50 820. Rollins' and Gathercole's, Long Bay ...... , ...... 50 821. From Carnarvon-Taranna Road, to W. N. McGuiness' and T. Liddington's ...... 50 822. Eaglehawk Neck towards Settlement and Blowhole ...... 100 823. Eaglehawk Neck towards Taranna ...... , ...... 200 £.2100

MUNICIPALITY OF WARATAH-- 824. Waratah-Wynyard Road ...... 3000 825. Waratah-Corinna Road (Widening at 16 Miles) ...... 300 826. Whyte River to Cleveland and Godkin Mines .. , ...... 150 827. Guildford to Loiena ...... 50 828. To King's and others, Vicinity of Parrawe 50 829. Waratah to Magnet ...... ,. .., ...... •.• . 200


MUNICIPALITY OF WESTBURY-- 830. Black Sugar Loaf to Westbury (Deviation at Brushy Creek Bridge) ...... , ...... 350 831. West Frankford to Devonport ...... 150 832. McBain's Road ...... 50 833. Through Denman's to Faulkner's ...... , ...... 50 834. To Wiseman's and Reed's ...... 100 835. Upper Liffey Road ...... 150 836. Golden Valley to Upper Liffey Road ...... , ...... 75 837. Quamby Brook to Golden Valley, via Great Lake Road .. . 50 838. Rosevale to Launces~on, through A. Drake's Run, via Eccle- stone ..... , ...... '" ...... 50 839. Approach Road to Brushy Creek Bridge ...... 180

MUNlCIPALITY. OF ZEEHAN--- 840. Stirling Valley Mine to Rosebery ...... 900 841. Rosebery to Colebrook Hill, Barn's, and others (Completion) 400 £1300

CONDITIONAL VOTE. 842. Construction of Roads, Bridges, and Jetties generally, and other works on the £ for £ system (an equal amount being contributed locally) .. , ...... £] 500

BRIDGES. 843. New Bridge and Approach over (Gormanston) .. . 1400 844. Bridge to W. Cross' Selection (Ta.ble Cape) .. . 150 845. Calder River Bridge, West Calder Road, and Approach, (Table Cape) ...... , ...... 850 682 6° GEORGtIV No. 52

Public Works Execution.

A.D. 1915. 846. Bridge over North Esk River near Ravenswood (condition­ ally upon land connecting Bridge with Ravenswood Road being given free) ...... , ...... 425 847. Bridge over Sandfly River, Upper Woodstock (Huon) ...... 200 R48. Bridge over Leven at Loongana (Leven) (conditionally upon land being given free, and .£50 contributed locally) ...... 200

£2721i 849. Renewals of Bridges generally (amount to be redeemed by special sinking fund) ... £5000

850. Small Bridges generally ...... , ...... ,...... £500

JETTIES. 851. Verona Jetty (Port Cygnet), (conditionally upon £75 being contributed locally) ...... " ...... 150 ~fJ2 Pilling's Jetty (Esperance), (conditionally upon £75 being contributed locally) ...... , ... 100 853 Mortimer's Bay .Jetty, (Clarence) ...... 150 854 East Coast Jetty, King Island (Completion) ...... 2000


855. Additions to Jetties generally, including Sheds £2000

TRACKS. %0. Widening and Gravelling Queenstown-Zeehan Track 250 .... 57. Tracks generally for Mining Purposes ...... 2000 858. Tracks generally to open up Crown Lands ..... , ...... 500 859. Cressy to Great Lake Track ...... 200 860. Track from Parawee, Westward '" ., ...... 200


MISCELLANEOUS. 861. Fencing Dangerous Bend, Queanstown-Gormanston Road (Queenstown) ...... , ...... 150 862. Fencing Queenstown-Gormanston Road (Gormanston) ...... 100 ~63. Drainage Cheshunt-Settlement (Deloraine) ...... , ...... 300 804. Fence on Tyenna Railway, near River ...... , ...... 100 R65. Lining West Strahan Storm-water Channel (conditionally ~p?n Cou~cil providing timber, erecting same, and keeping It In repaIr) ..... , ...... '" ...... , ...... 150 866. Testing Machine erected at University ...... 250 867. Purchase of Motor-car ...... , '" ." ...... '" ... 237 868. Roads, Bridges, Excesses, and Contingencies ...... 1000 86~. Surveys of Roads, &c. .., ...... '" .. , ...... 1000 870. Supervision, Office Charges, and Travelling Expenses ... 16,500 871. Printing and Advertising generally ...... , 2000 872. Electric Light Plant, New Norfolk (additional) ...... 450 873. Su~eys and ~xpert inquiries about suitable areas for irrigation In TasmanIa ...... '" '" ...... 1500

£23,737 60 GEORGII V. No 52 683

Public Worhs Executwn.

£ A.D. 1915. BUILDINGS. 874. Courthouses and Police Buildings generally, and Purch~Re of Sites ...... 4500 875. Improvements to Heating System, Public Buildings, Laun- ceston ...... 103 876. Alterations, Public Buildings, Hobart ...... 1000 877. Chemical Laboratory, State Farm ...... 781 878. Water Supply, State Farm ...... 425 879. Ross Gaol ...... 100 880. Mental Diseases Hospital, New Norfolk (New Bath-room and Folding-room to Laundry) ...... , .. . 215 88I. Mortuary, Home for Invalids, Launceston ...... ,. 65 882. New Schools, Equipment, Structural Alterations of Existing Buildings, and Purchase of Sites ...... 19,750 883 Fumigating House, New Town Infirmary ...... 70 884. Sewerage Work, Criminal Courthouse, Campbell-street .. . 200 885. Sewerage Work, Houses of Parliament ...... 300 886. Additions, - Extensions, and Equipment, General Hospital, Hobart ...... 1950 887. Additions to Caretaker's Quarters, Macquarie-stre,et ...... 704 888. Arg~l~-street,. Issuing Depot, Outbuildings, to complete orlglnal deslgn ...... 250 889. Electric Lighting and Heating, Davey-street, Murray-street, and Franklin-square Public Buildings ...... 2000 890. Electric Lighting Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery ...... 150 891. Judicial Department (Messenger's Room and Electric Radiator) ...... 50


TRAMW A YS AND RAILW AYS. 892. Zeehan to Vicinity of Granville Harbour (Completion of Tramway) ...... 4800 893. Completion of Don Heads-Melrose Tramway...... 6000 894. Marrawah Tramway (including Purchase of Trucks, Tele- phone Service, Ditching, and Ballasting) ...... 6150


RAILW A YS (EXISTING LINES). Railways, General- R95. Twenty-five covered Goods Wagons, "E" class .. . 5250 896. Twenty-five" C" Wagons, Grover Bogies, 23' ...... 8750 897. Five thousand yards Canvas, Sheets, and Lashings 1000 898. Five cwt. Rope ...... 13 899. Thirty-two Bathrooms for Stationmasters' Cottages .. 600 900. Devonport Wharf.---·Rails and Materials ...... , 1000 Stonor- 90l. Extending and widening Loading Road ...... 100 902. Extra Room for Stacking Produce ...... 200 903. Antill Ponds.-Cattle Guards ...... 50 904. Relbia.-New cottage for Porter-in-Charge ...... 320 Launceston- 905. Crossing at Henry-street ...... , .. . 45 906. Rebuilding and Converting four "C" class Engines to " CC" class, at £840 each ...... , ...... 3360 907. Equipping same with superheating appliances, at £260 each ...... 1040 908. Equipping Ten "C" class Engines- with improved type of Compensating Springs, Suspension Gear, an£120 each 1200 684 60 GEORGII V. No 52

Public Worhs Executwn

A.D. 1915. £ 909. Balance required for installing Channel Cropper ...... 125 910. Plenty (Salmon Ponds).-Conveniences for Men ...... 20 911. Bagdad.-Loading Ramp ...... 20 912. Kentish.--Goods Shed ...... 140 913. Staverton.-Cart Weighbridge (complete) .. . 235 914. Lietinna.-Small Goods Shed ...... 100 915. Ulverstone.-Widening Reiby-street Crossing 170 916. Flowerdale.-Cart Weighbridge (complete) ...... 235 917. Zeehan.-Paint Shop ...... 250 918 .. Twenty-five Wagons, " C " class ...... 8750 919. Six Timber Wagons, "K" class .. , ...... 2100 920. Four Timber Wagons, "FFF" class ...... 1740 921. Six covered Goods Wagons, "E" class ...... 1260 922. Four Cattle \Vagons, "H" class ...... 800 923. Four Sheep Wagons, "I" dass ...... 800 924. One Bogie Van, " BDD " class ...... '" ...... 2275 925. One Bogie Car, "AB" class ...... 2450 926. Fifty "C" wagons, Grover Bogies, 23' ...... 17,500 921. Six Timber Wagons, Grover Bogies, 23' ...... 2100 928. Five covered Goods Wagons, " E " class ...... " 1050 929. Three Cattle Wagons, "H" class ...... 60.0 930. Three Sheep Wagons, "I" class ...... 600 931. Two' " E " Engines ...... 14,000 932. One Bogie Van, "BDD " class, 43' ...... 2275 933. One Bogie Car, " AB" class, 43' ...... 2450 934. Thirty "C" Wagons, Grover Bogies, 23', at £350 each ...... 10,500 935. Six Timber Wagons, Grover Bogies, 23', at £350 each ...... 2100 936. Two Timber Wagons, "FFF" class, 36', at £435 each ...... 870 937. Five Covered Goods Wagons, "E" class, 14', at £210 each ...... 1050 938. Five Cattle Wagons, "H" class, 14', at £200 each 1000 939. Five Sheep Wagons, "I" class, 14', at £200 each 1000 940. One Horsebox ...... 255 941. Two "E" class Engines, at £7000 ...... 14,000 942. Mole Creek.-Acquirement of the King Solomon Caves, and development...... , ...... 900 943. General.-Three Cart Weighbridges (complete), at £235 each 705


SUMMARY. £ Roads Generally ...... '" ...... 104,365 Bridges (New) ...... 2725 Renewals of Bridges ...... 5000 Small Bridges (New) ...... 500 Jetties (New) ...... 2400 Additions to Jetties ...... 2000 Conditional Vote, £ for £ ...... 1500 Tracks Generally and Emergent Works .. . 3150 Miscellaneous ...... 23,737 Buildings ...... 32,613 Railways (Existing Lines) ...... 117,353 Railways (New) and Tramways ...... 16,950
