TASMANIA 1 9 1 5 1 :.P A.NNO SEXTO GEOR,GII v. REGIS~ No. 52. ANALYSIS. 1; Short title. 9. Amendment of Elchedule to '2 G-eo. 2. Interpretation. V. No. 3, a8 to Item -317; 3. Minister to cause works to be con­ 10. Reappropriation of amonntprovided,-r structed. under Item 1C95 in Schedule tQ,S, 4. Appropriation for works in schedule. Geo. V. No. 44, and Item 1079 in' 5. Money not required for work may be Schedule to 4 Geo. 5 No. 14. expended by M inister or. other 11. AmendmentofSchedtlle to ,4 Gll'>. works. V. No. ]4, as to Item 165., 6. Provisions of 44 Vict. No. 32 and 12. Reappropriation of amount providEl(l. 45 Vict. No. 31 to be applicable. under Item ~54 in Schedule to,5 Geo. V. No. 13. 7. Reappropriation of.. amount provided 13. Amendment of Section 8 of ,5 Geo., under Item 762 ID Schedule to 7 V. No. 40. Ed. VII. No. 31, Item 746 in 14. Reappropriation of amount provided Schedule to 9 Ed. VII. No. 51, under Item 641 in Schedule to 5 and Item No. 946 in Schedule to Geo. V. No. 13. 2 Geo. V. No. 38. 15. Reappropriation of amount provid(lq 8. Amendment of Schedule to 1 Geo. under Item 763 in Schedule to () V. No. 51, as to Item b'96. Geo. V. No. 13 . ...********** ..........*** ••• ** .......... A.D. .A N A eT to provide for the Execution of 191~ • certaIn Public Works. [21 Januar.y, 1916.] BE it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Hous!e of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:- 1 This Act may be cited for all purposes as "The Publie Works Short title. Execution Act, 1915:' 28.J 662 6° GEORGII V No. 52. Public Works Execution. A.D.1915. 2 In this Act, unless the context otherwise determines, a the Minister" means the Minister of Lands and Works for the time Interpretation. being, and includes any person appointed by him or acting under hi~ orders. Minister to cause 3 It shall be lawful for the Minister to cause to be constructed, works to be improved, executed, or completed, the works specified in the Schedule constructed. to this Act at a cost for each separate wurk nut exceeding the amounts set forth in the said schedule. A ppropl"ia tion 4 The <,ost of the several works specified in the Schedule to this Act for works in shall be defrayed out of moneys to be provided by Parliament for that schedule. purpose. Mon~y not 5 If the Minister at any time reports to the Governor that the reqUIred fol' work whole or any portion of the money votfd by this Act or any previous ~;k?:is~:;:ded Act providing for the execution .of puhlic works is. not requ~red to be other works. expended upon the work for whIch such money IS voted, It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend ~och balance, provided it do~s not exceed Fifty Pounds, upon such other work or works previously authorised by Parliament as he may think fit: Provided that such lastmentioned work is situated in the same city or" municipality, as the case may be, as the work for" which such money was originally voted. Provisions of 6 An the provisions contained in "The Public Works Construction 44 Viet. No. 32 Act," 1880," and" The Branch Roads Construction Act, 18tH," shall and 45 Vict. No. in to be extend and apply to' the works mentioned in the said Schedule, as applicable. fully in all respects as if the said provisions had been incorporated in this Act. Reappropria don 7 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended of amount pro­ balances of the following sums, namely :-The sum of One thousand vided under Item five hundred Pounds appropriated for Item Seven hundred and sixty~ 762 in Schedule to 7 Ed. VII. No. two of the Schedule to the Act 7 Edwardi V11. No. 31, the sum of :il, Item 746 in Nine hundred and twenty-seven Pounds appropriated for Item Seven Schedule to 9 Ed. hundred and forty-six of the Scheciule to the Act ~ Edwardi VII. No. VII. No. 51, and 61, and the sum of Seven thousand Pounds appropriated for Item Item 946 in" Schedule to 2 Nine hundred and forty-six of the Schedule to the Act 2 Georgii V. Geo. V. N".38. No. 38, towards defraying the cost of completing the equipment and fUl'Dishing of "Vaucluse" Hospital, Hobart, and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly. Amendment of 8 The Schedule to "The Pu blic Works Execution Act, 19 10," is Schedule to 1 hereby amended in regard to Item Nine hundred and ninety-six by Geo. V. No. 51, as to Item 996. inserting after the word~, ., Mining Fields," the words, ,. and the sur­ vey, construction, and completion of the tramways mentioned in Section Eight of this Act, 3 Georgii V. No. 44, or any of them." 66 GEORGIl V No 52. 663 Public Works Executio.n. 9 'The Schedule to "The Public Works Execution Act, No. I, A.D· 1 1915. 19] 1," is herebv amended as from the commencement of that Act in regard to Item three hundred and seventeen, by omitting the words Amendmer,t cf " (conditional on land being given free)." Schedple to 2 Geo. V. No. 3, as to Item 317. It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended 10 Reapwopriation balances of the following sums, namely -- Two thousand Pounds appro­ of amount pro­ priated for Item One thousaTld and ninety-five of the Schedule to the vided under Item Act, 3 Georgii V No. 44, and Two thousand Pounds appropr~ated for 1095 in Schedule Item One thousand and seventy-nine of the Schedule to the Act, to 3 deo. V. No. 44, an~ Item 4 Georgii V. No. 14, in the purehase of furniture for the Nurses' Home, 10i91n Schedule Launceston General Hospital, and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to to 4 tfeo. V. No. reappropriate the same accordingly. 14. 11 The Schedule to ':The Public Works Execution Act, 1913," Amenldment of is hereby amended as from the commencement of that Act in regard Sched!ule to 4 to Item One hundred and sixty-five by omitting from that Item the Geo. ¥. No. 14 word ., conditionally." as to ~tem 105. 12 it shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the sum Reap~ropriation of Oue hundred and fifty Pounds appropriated for hem Two of a~ount pro­ hundred and fifty-four of the Schedule to the Act;) Georgii V. No. 13, vided under Item 2,'j4 irit Schedule in or towards the con~truction, improvement, execution, or completion to 5 feo. V. No. of the following roads in equal shares, namely;-(a) "Road to 13. G'tbson's and others, Don," and ( b) "Upper Leith to Main Coast Road," and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly. I 13 Section Eight of "The Public Works Execution Act (No. 3), Amer~dment of J 914," is ht-reby amended by inserting at the end of the said section Sectiim 8 of 5 the words "the same to be fenced at the expente of the said Depart­ Geo. V. No. 40. ment." 14 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the unexpended Reapbropriation balance of the sum of One hundred Pounds appropriated for Item Six ofalqoullt plO­ hundred and forty-one of the Schedule to the Act, 5 Georgii V. No. vided under Item 13, towards the construction, improvement, execution, completion, or 641 t Schedule repair of bridge over River Leven on road to selectionB of 'J ay/or and 1~.5 eo. V. No. others (conditionally on the land being given free and Fifty Pounds being contributed locally), and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly. 15 It shall be lawful for the Minister to expend the sum of Fifty ReaJpropriation Pound~ appropriated for Item Seven hundred and sixty-three of the of amount pro­ Schedule to the Act 5 Georgii V. No. 13 to\\ ards rhe construction, vided untieI' Item 763 ip Schedule improvement, execution or completion of the road (Item Seven hun­ dred and thirty-five of same Scht'dule) " From Lahl's to Booth's ~3fi r'.· V. N. Road," and it ~hall bt lawful for the Treasurer to reappropriate the same accordingly. 6° GEORG 11 V. No. 52: Public Worhs·Execution. A.D.191i. SCHEDULE. MUNICIPALITY OF BEACONSFIELD- :£ 1. From Sidmouth Road, via Richmond Hill Jetty, to Waterton 200 2. Sidmouth Road to West Bay Jetty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 50 3. Sidmouth Road,from Devil's Elbow to Blackwood Hills ..... 50 4. Sidmouth to Deviot Jetty (conditionally upon land being given free) ............................................... 100 5. Blackwall to Deviot Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 200 6. Motor Road, Lauuceston to DeviotJetty 200 7. Burnlea Gate to Supply Bay ... ... ... ... ... .., ... 50 S. From Main Road towards Supply Church ... ... .. 100 9. To Jillet's Property, Middle Arm ................... 50 10. York Town to Beaconsfield ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 100 11. York Town to Kelso ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 100 12. York Town to Badger Head ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 100 13. Bryant's Bay Jetty towards Kelso Road ........ , ........ 200 14. J ackson's, Baker's, and others .......................... 50 15. To Owen's, Cowie's, and others .. , ... ... ... .. .......... 50 16. Frankford to Beaconsfield ... '" ... .............. .. 200 17. Winkleigh~Beaconsfield Ro",d (School Hill) ..... , ........... 150 IS. South Winkleigh to Holwell, via Nettlefold's .............
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