Jewish Federation of Reading Non-Profit Organization Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change Service Requested

Jewish FederationPage 2 of Reading SHALOM Non-Profit OrganizationJanuary 2013 Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID JewishPO Box Federation 14925, Reading, of Reading PA 19612-4925 Non-Profit OrganizationPermit No. 2 Cultural Center U.S. PostageReading, PAID PA POChange Box 14925, Service Reading, Requested PA 19612-4925 Federation News Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change ServiceIn Requested estateShalom planning, the ‘how’ is important The JournalBy Paul of L. the Landry Reading Jewish Communitycash from Published those financial as ainstruments community quicker service access by to the the Jewish cash in timeFederation of without of obligation. Reading, Paul Pa. Landry, 610-921- I was talking with a was intended to be quickly available for need. There are many other ways to deal 0624, [email protected]. JewishVolume Federationfinancial 40 of No.professionalReading 3 various purposes.M BecauseARC h the 2010 estate with these situations — the key is to thinkAdar-Nisan Non-ProfitNow for the Organization answer5770 to last month’s Jewish Culturala couple Center of weeks was the listed beneficiary, access to the of them ahead of time, and then consult brain teaser:U.S. Postage What is thePAID largest living PO Box 14925,ago, Reading, and we PA were 19612-4925 money was delayed, which caused a with your financial advisors to make the thing? Permit No. 2 www.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgINSIDEdiscussing the variety of problems. required changes. Answer: It’sReading, a mushroom! PA In the Change Servicevarious Requested ways to make If you are facing this situation, you Don’t forget that beneficiary Malheur National Forest in Oregon, charitable gifts. If you might want to arrange1100 things Berkshire differently. designations Boulevard can be an excellent way to one (1) “Honey Fungus” mushroom have followedShalom this column, you’ve read For instance, name a trusted relative make a charitable gift to the Federation. has spread underground to cover 2,200 The Journalabout beneficiaryof the Reading designations JewishIt’s andbeen Community or friend an as Published incredible the beneficiary as a communityand year. make Just service contactHope the by you’ve companythe Jewish with beenFederationwhich acres. here! of ItReading, is estimated Pa. to be between how they Shalomcan be excellent vehicles for sure they know the purposes for which you have the policy or account and ask 2,000 and 8,000 years old. TThehe JJournalournalcharitable ofof thegiving. Reading As weIt is discussed hardJewish to believe that Community.Community this that money a year Published Publishedis intended. has gone Becauseas as by a a since community community assets we relocated for serviceaservice “Change to the by by of Jewish the Beneficiary”the Jewish Jewish Cultural form. Federation Federation Center List at One of1100 of Reading, Reading, more Berkshire brain-teaser Pa. Pa. before I put Volumetopic, 40 she sharedNo.Boulevard with5 me a insituation Wyomissing. covered If byyou a beneficiaryhaven’tMAY been designation here,2010 we do hope the toFederation see you inas thethe beneficiaryvery near future. of allIyar-Sivan the For book those away of you (at5770 who least for a while). VolumeVolumeshe 43, 40 has No. encounteredNo. 10 5 use the on Center several regularly not fall orunder from your DECEMBER ‘time will,MAY theyto time’, can2010 pass we always2013to or part appreciate of the funds. your The visits forms and shouldKISLEV-TEVET encourageIyar-Sivan What’s your the feedback. name 5770of5774 the tallest mountain occasions recently — people who name your heirsAnd, much thankmore quickly. you all Another for your is supporthave all throughoutof the instructions the year! you need. on Earth? INSIDEtheir estates as the beneficiaries of life to open a separate checking or savings It really is just that easy, and that’s part Again, remember the name of the ReflectionsINSIDEinsurance on policies Paulor checking/savings/ D. Cohn, President,account Jewish jointly Federation with that trusted of Reading relative Cindyof why Balchunas,it is such a great Chair, way Jewish to make Cultural a book Center (“The BookCommittee of General Ignorance: Passovermoney market accounts.TelushkinTammy K.or Mitgang, friend offers and Executive place enough Director, inspiring cash in Jewish that charitableFederation messagegift. of Reading/Jewish Cultural onEverything Centerethics you think you know is wrong”) There’sShalom nothing inherently wrong account to cover those known expenses. If you have any questions, call me. All and try to avoid the Internet. The answer The Journal of the Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa. with doing that,By but Mark in these Nemirow cases the The relative/friend would have much contacts are completely confidentialto look at an and item nextone month!intends to buy online is Page 12 ThereRabbi Joseph is Telushkin no came free to Albright lunch — or is there? one example. Wasting someone else’s time is Volume 40 No.College 3 facing high expectations from a near-MARCh 2010 a sin. But TelushkinAdar-Nisan again took it further, 5770 saying Studentscapacity at crowd local in the WachoviaJewish Theatre community Nov. high school getit applies lesson to all relationships. direct “You from can’t raise By20 forPaul the D. 34th Cohn Leo Camp Memorial Lecture. County have gone to the JCC’s preschool somebody’sto look at all expenditures,hopes if you havemaking no sureintention that weof Federation president for its excellent learning curriculum.Many times are being good stewards of your contributions. History was madeNot only Dec. is 16he atthe mostat this widely time read so author soon after the very special, that time in Israel satisfying them,” he said. FreeINSIDE Jewish The 2010 Jewish the preschool is a gateway for Jewish families in We are making progress in all areas of your ProgramGratz atJCHS in onReading as ofRabbi the past Gaza two decades, episode, he while has the Israeli is more than a vacation — it is a • It is forbidden to purchase something books for FederationEllen Azrael, JewishLarry Rotenberg Annual and Hilde GernsheimerBerks County, where they can meet and make Federation. We are now in a position to focus FreeAlvernia JewishBarry toDov Lernerbeen led acclaimed a 45-minute in a nationalnewspapers magazine were as focusedone1100 on Berkshire the “chavayah,” an Boulevard “experience” and that may been acquired illegally. That only kids available Campaign is under way.Photo by Jeremy Drey: Courtesyfriends of with Reading other Eagle Jewish families. In addition, on those programs and services that our booksfocusclass foron from IsraelEllenof viathe Azrael, Skype.50 best Larry Rabbispeakers Rotenberg tragedy in the and nation. in Hilde Newtown, The Gernsheimer good Conn. Dov wanted to do everything encourages someone else to steal. Foodthrough Festival This campaign is the since the school is open to everyone, it provides community wants and needs. kidspeace availableLerner was in news Israel is, for he thedidn’t Bat disappoint. PhotoEvan by CardinalJeremy Drey: wanted Courtesy to know of Reading possible Eagle to maximize the time for • Don’t take advantage of another person’s Federation Federation’s majorIt’s source been an incrediblea diversity experience year. at an earlyHope age. you’veHowever been the bottom here! line is that we are througha hit Mitzvahagain of his Making oldestThough grandchild, the official sure what topic was we of the his most never speech momentous forget the experience in Israel, which blindness. A simple biblical prohibition has far Page 2 of funding, and it helps • Cultural Programs and Services — The asking for, and need your help. And guess FederationPageAtara 3 Margolit, relatedin Modiin.It to is the hard importance to believeexperience. of ethics that in a business, Rabbiyear has Dov gone said by it sincealso we included relocated encouraging to the Jewish the Culturaldeeper meaning Center thatat 1100 extends Berkshire to not giving support the many important Federation provides many interesting and what? People do need a free meal every so Page 10Students MakinghisBy cameBoulevard wide-rangingPaul togetherD. Cohn in talk sureWyomissing. touchedwas the weonBat Ifall Mitzvah. and youmanner never political haven’t It is thecontext, been firstforget here, nothingstudents we can hope and theirto see parents you in to the plan very someone near future.advice if Forthey thosedon’t realizeof you you who may programs and services that requested programs and services.Lectures, often. Seniors do enjoy the company and Pagepromptly 3 at 6:30ofFederation relationships p.m., if onlyChairman and out howtime Jewish that all tradition ofmask his children can the darkest and his side onof humanparticipating in trips to Israel. have a conflict of interest. And remember that help Jewsuse inthe our Center community regularly and abroad. or from Most ‘time films, to time’,discussion we groups,always and appreciate holiday events your are visits friendship and encourage that our services your feedback.provide. Parents Federationsof compassion Byforserve PaulRabbiAs as I D. aDov,write Cohnvaluable who guidegrandchildren in doingand behavior.Could the were politicalright in one context, placeone view nothing ourLastly, ability can we computed together even if the person you’re victimizing can’t see A kibbutz that of you are not new to the Campaign, And,and are thank just you a few all examples. for your In supportaddition, the throughout Federation theare year! relieved as they drop their preschooler helpingwaited until 1:30Federationthing.this a.m. column Israel Chairman time it to for celebrationmaskand of responsibility a the simcha, darkest to with side “never ofhow forget” human many as doughnuts were made, what you’re doing, God can. harnessesGuitarist accustomed to why this is such an important allocates funds to local synagogues to help off at our school, knowing that their child is in in Haitibegin the theAsBy dayIturns write after insightful, the informative, presencebehavior.Could an of funnyobligation? all grandparents, impossible Ione think view so. soldourtoNo trulymatterability and consumedrepent because during Chanukah all the • Don’t buy goods made by exploited workers Reflectionsto perform on partPaul of your D. Federation.Cohn, President, Others Jewishmay be Federationnew with their of Reading programs. WeCindy offer Balchunas, programs and Chair, excellent Jewish hands. Cultural Jews Center in Israel Committee and around the powerGuitaristat annual fromStudents the this hadandyour inspiring, columnFederation a variety itTelushkin of and delivered dozens a ofand howpowerful aunts, responsibility hard uncles it victims is to to and recall “never can thein forget”never Israel. horrific as beAs repaid.of September, This notion Israel’s or child labor. It amounts to promoting theft. PassoverPage 4 to our community.Tammy Here are K. a Mitgang,few points Executivethat I services Director, that bring Jewish our communityFederation together. of Reading/Jewishworld are gratefulCultural for Center the funding we supply. tomeeting performsunquestions. Ari is Spillermanmessage.sponsored the day after wantedour cousins. anevents obligation? of theextends Holocaust,I think Nootherpopulationthose matter commonwho stood activities at 7.9 such million. as If The talk concluded with a spirited discussion would like you to consider: • Israel and Jews around the world Making a pledge to the Campaign is more at annualto know if RabbiyourHolocaust DovThe Federation had rabbi seen began the his talkA numberby discussing ofhowsurvived, students hard the and it wanted isbesmirching tothe recall generations to theeach another horrific nightthat person’s each reputation. person ate It’s only a about the value of organized religion as opposed PagePage 123 • Jewish Family Services — JFS now — Federation has a long and rich history of than the money, at least it should be. It should meetingPageIron 2 Dome in sponsored action.TalmudicRemembrance Rabbi statement our Dov thatknow the about first the questioneventsfollowed, food. ofThe thea have foodsin Holocaust, that courtto remember can’t thoseone be undone. doughnutwho and The (and message: you can’t Think eat to self-guided faith or reliance on conscience. servesThere all age groupsis no and is free dedicated lunchto helping Israel. — Although or isour worldthere? is rapidly be your way of saying that you believe in and Foes ofexplained Israel that HolocaustpersonDay, thankfully iswhich asked there upon is arrivalin the mall in heaven hassurvived, acontinue kosher relates McDonald’s,and to throughput the the generations eventsthe just consequences one!)of that the you would of be your dealing actions with Telushkin argued that while it is certainly maintaining and strengthening the quality changing, Israel is still a young country, and support our local Jewish community. It should start Pagecampaigna cessation 2 of Remembrancerocketstowas how held honestfrom Gaza,at the person pizza, was Moroccan in his followed,businessHolocaust delicacies, have intobefore modern-day Asianto remember you do72 and doughnuts plus those that possible to be a good person without following ofBy individual Paul D. Cohn and family life in the Jewish unfortunately,County Jews have some gone groups to the JCC’sand countriespreschool beto lookyour at way all expenditures, of saying that making you want sure tothat help we toCelebratingRemembering questionbut that IF thereDay,dealings.Kesher had been which Zionan alarm foods, delicatessen,continueSurvivors “Burger to need put •theto Bar,”Stealing continue events were from ofto made thetalk a non-Jew and not is sold! worse than a religious framework, organized religion offers community.Federation presidentJFS runs a monthly food pantry dofor itsnot excellent recognize learning Israel’s curriculum.Many right to peaceful times PhotoJewsare being byaround Jeremy good the Drey:stewards world. Courtesy It of should your of contributions.Reading be your Eagle way Kristallnachtnation’sthere were onlywas Synagogue.secondsFrom held there to realizeat he I want took and offto into opportunitiesthank a discussion Holocaustabout fortheir of schwarma,into experiencesstealing modern-day from and a context. educate Jew,NOTE: because Gratz it profanesJCHS classes God’s an example for others to follow. withProgram Ethiopian at openThe to both2010 the JewishJewish and non-Jewish coexistence.the preschool is Given a gateway its forchallenges, Jewish families Jews in ofWe saying are making that you progresshave resources in all areasto help of others your Celebratinglegitimacythat everyone hadKesherHillel’sKesher to get definition to Zion a shelter Synagogue of thefalafel essence and for schnitzel. ofSurvivors JewsJudaism: and need non-Jewsname. to continue alike.resume to talk Jan. 6 at 6:30 Furthermore, he said, the entire notion of AlverniaJewsPage 5 to communities,Federation Jewish helping Annual all to meet their dietary throughoutBerks County, the where world theyhelp canIsrael meet with and funding make PhotowhoFederation. byare Jeremy less We fortunate, Drey: are nowCourtesy and in aat ofposition times Reading destitute. to Eaglefocus with EthiopianASAP, not standSynagogue.Whathosting around, is hatefulthis look event,I unto want or yourself,as to Bryce wellthank doas not Weiserabout doJews unto their wantedaround experiences Whenthe world to andJews thecontinue educate behaveJCC. to Anyimpoperly, Jewish it hurtsteen thewho ethics depends on having a higher authority focus on needs.Campaign Did is you under know way. JFS coordinates andfriends resources with other so sheJewish can families. remain strongIn addition, and Iton should those be programs your way toand say services you care. that our JewsPagePagetake 74 pictures. Kesherothers.thank Dr. Zion Minna Synagogue Brombergunderstand forfor Jews whybe victims and the non-Jewsof rabbi anti-Semitism.reputation was alike. ofmight theIn addition, entire want people, to take and classes by extension second set the terms of what is right and wrong. peace transportationThis campaign for the is elderly the and infirmed and vibrant.since the Our school funding is open also to helpseveryone, Jews it providesin other communityFor everyone wants who and hasneeds. already pledged, I However, hehostingher notedHe spiritual then thatthis focused itevent,leadership. was on as spendingthe well followingTammy as his teachings:Israel vacationJews faces around new the making andthe God world existing they continuesemester worship enemies. to and with wish our others existing to respect. program Otherwise even the most heinous evil can be providesFederation’s counseling major tosource members of our Jewish countriesa diversity who experience want to at move an early to Israel, age. or who say However“thank you.” the For bottom those line of you is thatwho arewe stillare Pageironic 4 that so manythankMitgang• areStealing Dr. concerned didMinna froman Brombergexcellent thenotes many and forjobis conductingworse beHowever, victims than ofa with anti-Semitism.class.Each each individual’sHe passing Inshould addition, year actions we contact don’t Rabbi just reflect Dov aton rationalized by fallible people. At the same time, Page 2 community?of funding, andIn addition, it helps JFS provides an have• Cultural serious needsPrograms in their and own Services country. — The waitingasking tofor, pledge, and need I am your asking help. for Andyour guess help. A firstabout look terror at andherstealingof danger facilitatingspiritual from in leadership. Israelan theindividual. afternoon’swas Tammy told that Israeltheyare losing facesas students our newthem. Holocaust and areexisting [email protected]. enemies. and he acknowledged that religious belief alone does Holocaust outreachsupport the program many andimportant acts as a clearinghouse FederationAs I mentioned provides above, many the interestingfunds raised and by Pleasewhat? Peoplepledge donow. need As ayou free have meal previously every so TammyJewish Mitgang’s Family Mitgangsession.This Myappliesdid thanks an especiallyexcellent also go to Danjobin a businessHowever,their families, with alongeach• Don’t passingwith askthe yearvaluablea storekeeper we for the price of an not make a person good. education forprograms other agencies and services in our that area. As economic therequested Campaign programs represent and the services.Lectures, largest portion of heardoften. meSeniors say, Jewsdo enjoy have thea rich company tradition and of HolocaustService ofcontextTannenbaum, facilitating in terms coordinatorthe of afternoon’sfraud andof the other arestories crimes losing and our memoriesHolocaustitem that yousurvivorsthey don’t have and intend to to buy. “The important thing is not believing in God,” journeyspreadingFederations to Israel inThe conditionshelplink Jews to inthehave our Pennworsened,community State JFSand abroad.has book seen Most an“A Historythefilms, Federation’s discussion of the budget.groups, Jewish Lastand yearholiday Community you events helped are leadingfriendship in Reading by thatexample. our andservices All of Berks us, provide. no matter County” Parents how education session.thatHolocaust involve My Library thanksnumerous alsoand victims. goResource to Dan Telushkin theirpass families, saidto future along generations.Again, with thethis valuable hasVenues one meaning on a business he said. “The important thing is belief in a God helpingBerks increaseof you are in notpeople new lookingto the Campaign, for help. and are contributejust a few examples. $600,000 In to addition, the Campaign. the Federation A few largeare relieved or small asthe they contribution, drop their have preschooler a chance spreadingPagesPage is 6-78 now in onTannenbaum,theCenter, the danger Federationa partnership of coordinatorsuch theft between website isof thatthe the it storiesbecomessuch — as the memories level.United The States they common Memorialhave topractice of visiting a store whoCheck demands it ethicalout and behavior.” help make history! in Haiti accustomed to why this is such an important – JCC’s yearsallocates ago, funds our Campaign to local synagogueswas over $1 help tooff become at our school, leaders. knowing It all adds that up. their All childof us iscan in BerksPage 7 HolocaustFederation• Lakin Library Earlyand Albright Educationand Resource College. Center passHolocaust to future Museum, generations. the Holocaust Venues preschoolpart of your and Federation. kindergarten Others have amay long be history new Sowith you their can programs. see that ourWe annual offer Estherprograms campaign Bratt and is changeexcellentLarry theRotenberg hands. world Jews withfor thegrandchildren in Israelbetter. and Talya around and the Eli Center,I also a partnership want to thankbetween Hilde the suchCenter as atthe Albright, United Statesthe Anne Memorial Frank Page 4 Federationofto providingour community. and quality Albright Here education College.are a few in apoints Holocaustnurturing, that I Museum,moreservices important the that Holocaust bring than our ever. community The Federation together. has worldFree are lunch…I grateful don’t for the think funding so. It weis worth supply. its Page 7 Gernsheimer, Ellen Azrael and House in Amsterdam, and the Yad Esther Bratt positivewould like environment. you to consider: Many generations of Berks taken• Israel steps toand help Jews reduce around our expenses the world and weightLarryMaking inRotenberg gold. a pledge with tograndchildren the Campaign Talya is and more Eli JEWISH LarryI also Rotenberg want tofor thank sharing Hilde their CenterVashem at Holocaust Albright, memorialthe Anne inFrank Israel Gernsheimer,• Jewish FamilyEllen Azrael Services and — HouseJFS now in Amsterdam, — Federation and the has Yad a long and rich history of than the money, at least it should be. It should FAMILYFoes of SERVICE: Israel personalserves all stories. age groupsEach story and had is itsdedicated serve as to valuablehelping educational Israel. Although and our world is rapidly be your way of saying that you believe in and Jewish Family Larryown senseRotenberg of sadness, for sharing fear and their (at Vashemhistorical Holocaust repositories. memorial in Israel startLearn campaign about maintaining and strengthening the quality changing, Israel is still a young country, and support our local Jewish community. It should Service personaltimes) renewed stories. Eachhope storyand resolve. had its serveAll as of valuableus have aeducational responsibility and to LIHEAPJewishto question cash Family and ownof individual sense of sadness, and family fear andlife (atin thehistorical Jewish repositories. unfortunately, some groups and countries be your way of saying that you want to help nation’s Still,community. it was difficult JFS runs to listen a monthly to and food “never pantry forget” do and not to standrecognize up for ourIsrael’s right to peaceful Jews around the world. It should be your way crisisService programs times)comprehend renewed their hope stories. and Ifresolve. anyone rightsAll andof us beliefs have asa responsibilityJews. We must to legitimacyPage 6 open to both the Jewish and non-Jewish coexistence. Given its challenges, Jews of saying that you have resources to help others Still,has itany was doubt difficult about to listen the Jewishto and “nevercontinue forget” to educateand to stand those up who for our do Page 6 comprehendcommunities, their helping stories. all If toanyone meet theirrights dietary and beliefs throughout as Jews. the We world must help Israel with funding who are less fortunate, and at times destitute. Page 127 people’sneeds. Didwill toyou survive, know one JFS only coordinates not believe inand the resourcesHolocaust orso whoshe can remain strong and It should be your way to say you care. hasneeds any to doubt study aboutthe Holocaust. the Jewish continueattempt to to twist educate the truth those of what who actually do people’stransportation will to forsurvive, the elderly one andonly infirmednot believe and in vibrant.the Holocaust Our funding or who also helps Jews in other For everyone who has already pledged, I providesAlthough counseling one can to membersstudy the of ourhappened. Jewish Again,countries a special who thank want you to move to Israel, or who say “thank you.” For those of you who are still needs to study the Holocaust.AnnualAnnual attempt to twistCommunity Community the truth of what actually Trudy Shabbat ShabbatKatz and Ellen Azrael Dinner DinnerDavid, Larry and Alison Rotenberg eventscommunity? leading upIn theaddition, Holocaust JFS and provides to Hilde, an Ellen andhave Larry serious for sharing needs their in their own country. waiting to pledge, I am asking for your help. try Althoughto put these one events can into study historical the happened.thoughts and Again, memories a special with thank us. you Jewish Family eventsoutreach leading program up the and Holocaust acts as and a clearinghouse to Hilde, Ellen and LarryAs I mentionedfor sharing their above, Trudy the Katz funds and raised EllenPhotos Azrael by by PleaseBarbara pledgeDavid,Nazimov Larry now. except and As asAlison you noted haveRotenberg previously Service for otherCelebrate agencies in Friday,Shabbatour area. As ShiraJan. economic 17.or “Sabbath Servicethe Campaign of 6:00 Song.” represent PM Join the followed Us largest for portionDinner by of andDinnerheard Lift me Your atsay, 7:00PM JewsVoice have in Song a rich tradition of try to put these events into historical thoughts and memories with us. Photos by Barbara Nazimov except as noted 2010 totals conditionsYashek have worsened,Friday, lectureChabad JFS Jan. has Lubavitch to 25.seen focus Servicean the of Federation’sBerks on 6:00 CountyFrance PM budget. followed 2320 Last year Hampden you by helped Dinner Blvd. leading Reading at by 7:00PMexample. 19604 All of us, no matter how as ofPage Feb. 8 19 increase in people looking for help.Kesher Zion contributeSynagogue, $600,000 1245 to thePerkiomen Campaign. AAve., few Readinglarge or small the contribution, have a chance • Lakin Early Education Center – JCC’s years ago, our Campaign was over $1 million. to become leaders. It all adds up. All of us can YashekThis year’s lectureRichard FullJ. Yashek Course to focusefforts Kosher to better onBuffet understand France Dinner these by Boscov’s Ala Carte Catering Jewish preschool and kindergarten have a long history So you can see that our annual campaign is change the world for the better. of lectureproviding will quality be held education Thursday,Vegetarian in aMay nurturing, terrible Vegetable more events important actuallySoup, thanChicken accomplished ever. TheCacciatore, Federation Roasted has RedFree Potatoes,lunch…I don’t think so. It is worth its Community 6, Thisat 8 p.m.year’sFull in RichardMemorial Course J. Chapel KosherYashek at Buffeteffortstheir aims? to Dinner better Or haveunderstand by they Boscov’s actually these Ala Carte Catering Campaign positivelecture environment. will be held Many Thursday, generations SnowMay of BerksPeasterrible and takenevents Baby steps actually Carrots, to help accomplished reduce Salad, our Rolls, expenses Coffee, and Tea weight and inDessert gold. $110,708 Albright College. The speaker will be distorted historical understanding 6,Richard at 8 p.m. J. Golsan,Chicken in Memorial Ph.D., Fingers aChapel professor for at the theirand Children aims?challengedChicken Or have the Fingerstheynotion actually Vegetarianof for the the Children Option Available by request 20132010 totals Albrightof French College. at Texas The A&M speaker University. will be distorteduniqueness historical of the Holocaust understanding as well as Mushroom BarleyVegetarian AdultsSoup, Meal:Apricot $20 per Wild Chicken, person; Mushroom Kugel, Children Ravioli Vegetables, 18 with & under Pesto Salad, FreeSauce Rolls, by Coffee, request Tea & Dessert asas ofof Nov.April 1319 RichardHe is the J. Golsan, author Ph.D.,or editor a professor of more andthe terriblechallenged singularity the ofnotion the fate of ofthe its 2010 totals ofthan French a dozen at Texas books. A&M He hasUniversity. been a uniquenessvictims? This of lecturethe Holocaust will explore as well these as as of April 19 He is the author or editor of more Adultsthe terrible $20 singularity perRSVP person; of theby fate Jan. Children of its 14 18 & under Free JewishJewish Community visiting professor at the Sorbonne in issues through a discussion of recent Community thanParis, a wheredozen hebooks. taught He courses has been on the a victims?works of This literature lecture RSVPand will filmexplore byas these wellJan. as 10 CampaignCampaignJewish Sponsoredvisitingmemory by the professor of Jewish World atFederation War the SorbonneII in ofpostwar Reading, in issuesthe Kesher 1990’s through Zion trials Synagogue,a ofdiscussion French citizensReform of recent onCongregation Oheb Sholom and Lubavitch of Berks County Community Paris,French where literature he taught and coursesculture. on the workscharges of ofliterature crimes againstand film humanity as well foras $550,897 Sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Berks County, the Jewish Federation of Reading, Campaign$273,000 memoryFor moreof World than War three II in decadespostwar thecomplicity 1990’s trialsin the of Final French Solution. citizens on *Includes transfers from Our Celebration of Song and Torah continues FrenchFrance literature has been and preoccupied culture. with KesherchargesThe Zion oflecture crimes Synagogue is against held andin humanity memory Reform for ofCongregation Oheb Sholom Donor Advised Funds $273,000 traumaticFor more moments than three andSaturday, eventsdecades of Jan.complicityRichard 26, J. inYashek, the9:30 Final a Holocaust a.m.Solution. at survivor Kesher Zion Synagogue Franceits recent has past. been Butpreoccupied have national with andThe longtime lecture Berks is held County in memory resident. of traumatic momentsRSVP and to eventsJayne of KleinmanRichard J. Kiddush Yashek, [email protected] a Holocaust Lunch survivor to Follow or call 610-921-0624 2010 totals its recent past. But have national and longtime Berks County resident. as of Feb. 19 Jewish Community Campaign $110,708 Page 2 SHALOM December 2013 Federation News What does it mean to be Jewish? By Alvin Katz of charity for our fellow man regardless such as BBYO & NFTY, we nuture their And later, our commitment to Jewish Chairman of religion. These are just a few of the Jewishness. community becomes their commitment Each of the Jewish values given to us to guide Each of the religious movements has — here, in Israel and around the three main Jewish our personal and moral conscience. Israel programs for teens that are life- world through organizations such as denominations, Ultimately, those values impact our world shaping and worthwhile — connecting Federation and other Jewish nonprofit Orthodox, Conser- for the better. them to Israel by experiencing it. And initiatives. vative and Reform, How do we ensure that those values after their teen years, there is Birthright, Jewish community life is part of has its own definition are passed on from generation to a 10-day, ALL EXPENSE paid trip to teaching our children the importance as to who is Jewish. generation? We need to set an example Israel for young people up to the age of of Tzedakah (charity) and charity is Whether defined for our children and show them that 26. This program is for those who have more than a financial commitment. by the maternal or being involved in Jewish activities and never visited Israel on an organized It is a personal commitment that paternal side of the family is left up to each organizations is also an important part of trip and is financed by a number of includes the gift of time. Investing denomination, and this article’s purpose being Jewish. How do we do this? When benefactors (including Federation) who their discretionary time and talents is not to support one over the other. they see us involved Jewishly, we teach truly believe that those attending get a in Jewish organizations along with However, regardless of the designation, them by example. When we encourage better understanding of Israel, its people their financial support of so many being Jewish carries much responsibility. them to become active in synagogue and what it means to live Jewishly. This worthwhile causes is an important Judaism not only perpetuates the Jewish life and grow by participating in Jewish program has molded the lives of scores part of what being Jewish is all about. religion, but it teaches us to care for those education classes such as Gratz Hebrew of attendees and their families over the It is never too early to get started. How in need and instills the moral obligation High School and youth organizations years. about now? The year ends! So does the Campaign! By Paul L. Landry Also ending Dec. 31 is the 2013 the community that enrich the lives Federation provides or helps sponsor It’s hard to believe Jewish Community Campaign. All of us of Jews, indeed of everyone in Berks lectures, movies and activities that that I am writing in the fundraising business have heard County, who take advantage of the wide inform and educate the general public my article for the the complaint “You’re always asking for range of opportunities the Campaign about Judaism and the local Jewish December Shalom! money! Don’t you ever stop?” I learned makes possible. For Jews there are community. It seems only recently early on to answer: “NO! Because the Jewish-themed trips, movies, activities, This won’t happen without your that 2013 was bright needs never stop! scholarships for educational activities, support. If you have not yet made your and shiny and full of Look at the Campaign ad on page Jewish religious education and more. gift to the 2013 Campaign, please promise. In the end, though, it proved 14 and you’ll see that the needs are These help to enrich Jewish life in ways use the coupon at the bottom of the pretty normal — not as bad as it could not all negative. We all know that there that would be difficult or impossible Campaign ad to make your gift! If you have been and not as good as we had are people who need social services for most families. Jewish life in Berks have made your gift and can spare an hoped. I heard one comedian say that and disaster relief, etc. The Campaign County is better because of the activities additional amount, please do so! On the best thing about 2013 is that it is does help to meet those needs. But the the Federation makes possible using behalf of the many who benefit from ending (an old joke but it always seems Campaign does much more. dollars from the Campaign. the Federation’s programs each year, to get a chuckle!). It provides positive services to For the general public the I thank you!

‘Blue Collar Bay’ a big hit at GoggleWorks The Friends of Chamber Music of Reading present Jill Skaist and Tammy Mitgang The DAEDALUS STRING QUARTET with actor featuring clarinetist Alexander Fiterstein Stephen Axelrod following his one- man performance in “Blue Collar Saturday, Jan. 4, 8 p.m. Free admission Bay” Oct. 27 at The WCR Center for the Arts, 140 N. Fifth St., Reading the GoggleWorks. Below guests enjoy refreshments. The well-received event was underwritten by the Anna and Isadore Oritsky/ Skaist Philanthropic Fund.

Alexander Fiterstein’s appearance is sponsored by the Arthur and Beatrice Hammel Jewish Music Series Fund of the Jewish Federation of Reading.

Schulhoff: Five Pieces for String Quartet Hindemith: Quintet for Clarinet & Strings, Op. 30 Weinberg: String Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op. 66 Korngold: String Quartet No. 3 in D major, Op. 34 More information at October 2012 SHALOM Page 3 SHALOM LookingDecember 2013 forward to a great New Year DON’T MISS OUTPage 3 By Alvin Katz in need. Providing food, assistance with visit, among other sites, Yemin Orde, and Be sure to pick up the October Chairman expenses and many other aspects of getting Meir Panim, which we support through I want to take this those less fortunate back on their feet. your contributions. Yemin Orde is a youth Berks County Living time to wish all of you a Our ܁nance committee has been working village in the Carmel mountains near Haifa magazine featuring a special very Happy and Sweet overtime ensuring that our funds are well which caters to youth in need, providing supplement produced by the New Year. cared and accounted for. I also want to them with shelter, emotional support and Jewish Federation of Reading. As we enter into the recognize Tammy Mitgang and her entire an excellent education. Meir Panim is, for New Year, we reflect Federation/JCC staff who work tirelessly the lack of a better description, similar to Special thanks to Campaign on what we have for you. what we would call a soup kitchen but with Co-Chairs Howard & Victoria accomplished this past As we enter the New Year, I am happy to a different concept. Here those in need can year and what challenges lie ahead for us announce that we have a Mission to Israel get hot meals that are SERVED to them, not Hafetz for spearheading the in the coming year. Your Federation has this month in conjunction with the Allentown cafeteria style as here in the States, so that project, which raised $19,200 for provided many interesting programs and Federation. With the numbers participating, they don’t feel like they are getting a handout. Federation! See Page 7 for a list speakers this past year. We have attended this should be a very worthwhile Mission. In addition, Meir Panim serves thousands of advertisers and patrons. to those less fortunate, maintained our state They will be visiting many sites and meeting of hot meals to schoolchildren throughout certi܁ed Nursery School. We completed with some well-known names in Israel Israel and maintains a Goodwill-like facility Look for it at local retailers and a very successful Gratz College program politics and military. I feel certain Athat view many of the Aravato helpsolar furnishfields clothing and furniture to those libraries and at the Berks Encore forFrom our teenagersthe President’s and a wonderful Desk senior if not all of them will return with a better in need. For both of these organizations and program. Our Jewish Family Service has understanding of Israel and its position in Jews throughout the world who receive your Senior Expo Oct. 23 at BodyZone. again done a wonderful job helping those the world and the Middle East. They will support, I thank you. FromGleaning the President’s Desk green

By Tammy K. Mitgang from Jewish Federation of Greater BeingPresident Alma New Orleans and network community Arava Institute “The largest and most impressive friends from Jewish Federation of Mobile Students at the Arava Institute East troubled her, and she knew that ground in — the Jewish Agency bears their name, and as the ܁rst female Bysource Tammy of Mitgang in our world and (Alabama) Area, we toured the solar live on Kibbutz Ketura while taking President life for Israel — though it is a ܁rst-­world for Israel and the American Jewish Joint President of the Jewish Federation of the source of life for every plant and fields with Yosef Abramowitz, President classes in sustainable development, Alma Lakin would be economy like the USA, was dif܁cult and Distribution Committee (JDC) — feared Reading, she and Dan Tannenbaum, animal, yet a source so little used by of Arava Power, who first came to Kibbutz water management, environmental the ܁rst to pooh-­pooh complicated. for the Ethiopian Jewish community’s an executive director of the Federation, mankind today is the sun…Solar energy Ketura some 30 years ago to work the law, economic policy, environmental any notion that she When I interviewed her for a video safety when rebel forces threatened brokered a partnership with her alma will continue to flow toward us almost land as part of Young Judea. science, and other topics in was amazing, special that recognized her and her husband, to overrun Mengistu Haile-Mariam’s mater, Albright College, that would indefinitely.” When he returned to visit a few years environmental studies. Classes or that she inspired the Ed’s community service and the Commmunist government. establish the Holocaust Library and —David Ben-Gurion, 1956 ago, he saw the potential of the site for a are taught in English. Members of extraordinary in others. establishment of the Holocaust Library What followed was one of the most Resource Center on the campus. Kibbutz Ketura is a successful solar field based on its ideal the faculty are often guest lecturers Petite, big hearted and and Resource Center at Albright College, dramatic rescue operations in Israel’s Being Alma meant tireless service small, culturally diverse location and its accessibility to Israel’s from universities, both in Israel and deliberate, time spent she did not talk about her efforts to raise history. Over 34 hours and four minutes, and no fanfare — certainly no pictures planned community in power grid. The solar field adjoins the abroad, or professionals in fields with Alma was never money and resettle Soviet Jews in our 34 Israeli cargo and passenger planes if she was expected to be in them. Israel and a member active kibbutz grounds buzzing with such as public policy and water about her. community. Instead, she spoke of how worked around the clock, airlifting 14,310 Accolades were not her style; but she of Israel’s “Green dairy cows, students and home to management. She cared about others — strangers, thrilled she was to meet with Natan and Ethiopian Jews to Israel from Addis was not without opinion — thoughtful Kibbutzim” movement “Methuselah,” the oldest known Judean Students come from around family and friends. And she worked to Avital Sharanksy — refuseniks who at Ababa. AlmaThe ancient would Methuselah have beamed date palm having and at times, determined. But, no matter that includes a focus date palm cultivated from an ancient seed the world to study and conduct improve the world — here at home, in extraordinary personal risk and sacri܁ce heard MK Sholomo Molla’s incredible life what she put her efforts behind, you could on organic farming. from the Masada excavations. Members Power is part of Israel’s environmental research at the Arava Institute. Since Israel and around the world. When you helped to spark and later ignite a global story that he credits to the work of the be sure that she was right by your side, Founded in 1973 by of Ketura also work the solar field as well. movement and seeks to protect Israel’s its founding in 1996, Arava has were with Alma, it was all about you, it movement to free Soviet Jewry. Between Federation system that saved his life. working hand in hand with you and others American alumni of Committed to the socialist principles desert open spaces. hosted more than 400 graduate and was you who were front and center and 1990 and 1997, Federation’s Operation (see page 5) to do great things. Hadassah’s Young Judea youth group, of communal life, the company leases And Arava Power remains committed undergraduate students of various made to feel special. Exodus campaign nationally raised $1 Alma shared her excitement and pride Alma considered herself privileged the kibbutz is located just a few hundred the land from Kibbutz Ketura in return to Jewish values, traditions and Torah nationalities, including Israeli Jewish, Alma believed that we are responsible billion to rapidly rescue and resettle more that helped to raise nearly $1 million to have enjoyed so much of life. One of meters from the border between Israel for a share of the company. Its chairman, and contributes the energy from the four Israeli Arab, Palestinian, Jordanian, for each other according to the principles than one million Soviet Jews in Israel and locally toward the capital campaign that her favorite memories was crossing over and Jordan. Ed Hofland, lives on the kibbutz and corners of the solar field to four nonprofit Egyptian, Tunisian, European and of chesed (caring and compassion), North America. PS – Alma marched with would build the U.S. Holocaust Memorial into Jordan when the borders with Israel Members of Ketura are both religious personally takes none of the profits. organizations for gleaning in accordance American students. The Arava Torah (Jewish learning), tikkun olam others in our community on the National Museum in Washington, America’s were reopened. “To think, she would and secular; Jews who have chosen to Everyone at the kibbutz shares in the with Torah law. You will most likely Institute has been able to maintain (repairing the word) and tzedakah (social Mall in Washington during one of the national institution for the documentation, reminisce; “that we along with other live together while maintaining a place bounty they collectively produce even remember that in the story of Ruth, she a diverse student body even during justice). And her life was an embodiment largest marches in American history. That study and interpretation of Holocaust Federation mission-goers, met with King for egalitarian worship. Situated in the that generated by the sun overhead. sustains herself and Naomi by gathering very difficult times elsewhere in Israel of those principles. rally would become a turning point in this history. She reଂected on the mixture of Hussein. Ed and I were so fortunate.” Arava, a long desert valley in a natural The plans are to expand the fields seven ‘gleanings’ from the fields in Bethlehem. and the Middle East. She believed in the bold collective movement. raindrops and tears that fell the night of Her family was her heart. She rift between the Dead Sea and the Gulf times, straddling Israel’s border with According to Torah law, it is All students are required to of Federation and knew that together She spoke about the unity of the its dedication as she, Ed and others from considered a better world, her of Aqaba and extending to the Red Sea, Jordan in a shared energy program. mandated that every person who owns participate in a Peace-Building and we could mobilize ܁nancial and social Jewish world that resulted in the our community donned their construction responsibility and life — a special reward. the kibbutz encourages environmentally Inaugurated in 2001, the solar field a field must leave gleanings from the Environmental Leadership Seminar, resources that could rescue Jews, Operation Solomon rescue mission that hats and toured the vast and important I think those of us who knew Alma were friendly and sustainable practices and harnesses the power of the sun to the harvest as well as a corner of the field which provides them with a facilitated strengthen the Jewish people and took place in May 1991. The state of structure. the truly the fortunate ones. organic farming. peak tune of 4.95 megawatts. Ultimately itself for harvesting by the poor. This forum for expressing their views literally, change the world. Israel, together with Jewish Federation At home in Berks County, the JCC’s Alma Lakin passed away Aug. 27 at It is home to the Arava Institute for the company’s goal is to exceed the type of charity provides a sense of on race, religion, identity, and the The ongoing turbulence in the Middle of North America’s major partners on the Lakin Early Education Center preschool the age of 82. Environmental Studies, an accredited renewable energy goals of Israel while purpose to the gatherer and a means political situation. academic program for undergraduate offsetting the energy used for its own of employment while reminding the To learn more, visit and graduate studies located on the production. Israel has established a owner that the field does not belong to Israeli side of the valley. The institute goal of meeting 10 percent of its energy him but to G-d. Federation mission to Israel begins Oct. 21 teachings of Torah. seeks to train future leaders of the needs with renewable energy by the year So if the solar mezuzah on the In a recent column written by national MiddleA joint East inmission environmental composed issues ofin chaired2020. With by Michael the technology and Susan of Frommthe panels and Berksentrance County gate towill Ketura be joining wasn’t the enough group purposepresident and of Hadassah, heightened Marcie appreciation Natan, communityorder to promote members cooperative from the solutionsReading Victorcontinually and Dena improving, Hammel. Arava In addition Power to onto remindthe mission. us of the Jewish teachings and“…if connectionour history totells Jewish us who identity. we are, it areato regional and the environmental Lehigh Valley problems will leave (see for Mitgang,believes itJayne will lead Kleinman, the world Cultural in renewable Center thatThe guide Reading our daily Jewish lives, community the modern has is ourMission actions participants today that will definevisit Reading’s us and Israelaccompanying Oct. 21. box). programsolar energy director offerings and Markand serveGoldstein, as a bene܁tedsculpture from of Ruth teaming erected with along the seasoned the Israeldetermine Now our future.”* projects — two important ForBut itthe is theReading company, community, Arava Power it is the at Executivemodel that Director will provide of Jewish affordable Federation power of mission-goersedge of the field from was the a furtherAllentown reminder area humanitarian efforts that both save ܁rstKibbituz mission Ketura, Israel’sthe firstFederation major solar has ledin thefor evenLehigh the Valley poorest will economies.staff the mission. andthat notLehigh only Valley was DavidFederation’s Ben-Gurion’s “well- and change lives — Yemin Orde Youth morepower than field, 15 that years. I want A goal to initially of Federation highlight RabbiUsing photovoltaic Brian Michelson (PV) technology, from oiled”vision mission of the process. sun’s potential being Village*Thank in the you, Carmel Jan MountainsMiller, a co-chair and Meir of Presidenthaving just Tammy returned Mitgang from Israel. and Federation Traveling Congregationwhich has no emissions Oheb Sholom or smoke, and makesRabbi realized“Mark inGoldstein Israel today and hisbut staff that haveit is Panim’sthe New newOrleans’ nutrition mission, center for in sharing Kiryat leadership,to Israel’s souththe Reading with my mission new friends is co- Yosefno noise, Lipsker, and usesChabad-Lubavitch no water; Arava of createdbeing realized over the in years keeping a network with the of Gat,this quote. where the community will dedicate resources and processes that have the kitchen that was made possible bene܁ted our community — newbies, thanks to the Reading community’s if you will, when it comes to mission funding efforts. SHALOM planning. And, we are neighbors. The The dedication will be a big thank you A newspaper serving the Jewish community of Reading, Pennsylvania, mission project is just the start of future to our community and a proud moment. andA newspaper published serving monthly, the September Jewish community through June, of Reading, under the Pennsylvania, Jewish joint efforts,” Mitgang said. With two out of every ܁ve children in Federationand published of Reading. monthly, Funded September by the through Reading June, United under Jewish the Jewish Campaign. There are many details that need Israel living below the poverty line, Federation of Reading. Funded by the Reading United Jewish Campaign. to be addressed when moving a group Meir Panim’s network of soup kitchens, General Offices: 1100 Berkshire Blvd., Suite 125 of more than 50 people across Israel. restaurants and feeding centers, ensure General Offices: Wyomissing,1100 Berkshire PA Blvd.,19610 Suite 125 Jewish Federation of North America’s warm, nutritious meals for thousands of Phone: 610-921-0624Wyomissing, PA FAX: 19610 610-929-0886 Missions Department and its staff in children and families every day. WebPhone: site: www.ReadingJewishCommunity.org610-921-0624 FAX: 610-929-0886 Israel along with Kenes Tours will further At Yemin Orde, the group is anxious to Web site: ensure that each and every day of the see ܁rsthand the progress that has been Jewish Federation of Reading mission is maximized. made at the village since the wild܁res Chairman:Jewish Federation of ReadingAlvin Katz Federation missions are travel devastated it in 2010. President:Chairman: TammyAlvin Katz K. Mitgang experiences unlike any other. Along The group is honored that Chaim Peri, CommunicationsPresident: Director: MarkTammy Nemirow, K. Mitgang Editor with visits to historic and sacred sites, beloved educator and director of Yemin Proofreaders:Communications Director: EstherMark Nemirow, Strauss & Editor Federation staff museums and popular tourist destinations, Orde for 30 years, will personally be hosting Member:Proofreaders: AmericanFederation Jewish staff Press Association Federation missions provide exclusive, the group during a tour and lunch. TheMember: opinions expressed in Shalom are Americanof the writers Jewish and not thePress Jewish Association Federation of Reading insider access to residents, community Young people from the village will join Deadline for the November issue is Oct. 5 leaders, area experts, and political the group for the tour and share their The opinions expressed in Shalom are of the writers and not the Jewish Federation of Reading personalities and provide a sense of experiences. Deadline for the January issue is Dec. 5 Page 4 SHALOM December 2013 Bernstein program strikes a chord with big crowd at JCC

The Nov. 7 “Leonard Bernstein: American Idol, American Idealist” lecture at the JCC was enjoyed by more than 50 people. Maestro Karl Middleman engaged in discussion with George Eligman in a program presented by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council.

Karl Middleman and George Eligman Gratz session in full swing

Students in the Reading branch of Gratz Jewish Community High School are keeping busy with activities both serious and fun, with movie watching part of the curriculum and an option for break time. Above, students examine Israeli political bumper stickers.

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PMS 118 PMS 119 PMS 3435 December 2013 SHALOM Page 5 Interfaith gathering in Reading recalls horrors of Kristallnacht

Page  The Reading community marked the 75th anniversaryShalom March 2010 of Kristallnacht with a service at Christ Episcopal Church. Ellice Gunter, Corinne Wernick, Mariette Jacobson and Jeff Gernsheimer read portions of the service.Community Special thanks to News Christ Episcopal Church Rev. John R. Francis and Rev. J. Douglas Moyer, Trinity Lutheran Church and Sherry Faust Shucker. Obituaries Mara Winn, above, lent her beautiful voice to the interfaith service. At left, Eugene Abramowicz,Hilde Gernsheimer,Esther Lucy Suzanne Knoblauch L. (Sulman) Moyer. He is also survived Bratt, Sid Bratt, Mariette Jacobson and Rabbi Michelson light Zeidman, 96, Wyomissing. by his daughters, Aileen D., widow the memorial candles for the 6 million Jews who died in the Surviving are a son, Bruce F., of Neal H. Endy, of Pennside, and E. Holocaust. Behind them are narrators Rosalind Hyman and husband of Geraldine L. Zeidman, of Roxanne, wife of Les Walker, of Batavia Herb Karasin. Shillington; a brother, Harry Knoblauch, Ohio; sons, Stan B. , husband of Kristine husband of Edith Knoblauch, of Reading; K. Moyer, of Sinking Spring and Jay a sister, Ruth Balis of Wyomissing; and H., husband of Margaret R. Moyer, of several nieces and nephews. Muhlenberg Township. Other survivors A gift of art for Yemin Orde Area teachers attend ADL workshop --- are grandchildren: Brett A. Endy, Chad Teachers from Berks and Lancaster discussion that were well received by Irene S. Zeidman, 62, Wyomissing. M. Endy and Elizabeth K. Moyer; and counties attended a Nov. 6 professional the teachers. She is survived by her brother Bruce great-grandchildren, Carson N., Logan development program presented by An invitationImages was sent from out to all F., husband of Geraldine L. Zeidman C., Ardyn N. and Ava L. Endy Jerry Clarke from the Anti-Defamation local districts. Wilson, Schuylkill Valley, of Shillington. --- League of Philadelphia. The program, Boyertown,Yemin Fleetwood Orde and Donegal --- Shirley Robinson of B’nai B’rith “Echoes and Reflections,” promotes an School districtsArea resident were andrepresented. recent college The 10 Robert Berger, 54, Reading. Apartments. Survived by her Friendship interdisciplinary approach to teaching teachersgraduate who attended Jessica receivedFlamholz 3.5 sent hours us He was the former spouse of Lea Circle friends. about the Holocaust to students in of Act these48 credits pictures and from a hercomplimentary recent visit Berger, Reading. He is survived by --- middle and high school. The program copy ofto theYemin Echoes Orde, an and Israeli Reflections village two daughters, Molly R. Berger, State Louis Malamud, 95, formerly incorporated video, lessons and Teacher’sfor Resourcechildren and Guide. youth supported College, and Bethany S. Berger, of Temple. He is survived by a son, by our Federation. Reading; and one brother, Dr. Barry M. Mitchel, husband of Laura Malamud, Berger, husband of Kathleen A. Vieweg, of Las Vegas; grandchildren Barry , Mass. husband of Johna Malamud, Deborah --- Babbit-Malamud and Sheri Malamud; All Around the Town______David Moyer, 85, Reading. and great-grandchildren: Jessy Babbit, By MazelJoan G.tov Friedman to Lina and Alex Eydlin on Badalof Chase, who Benjamin has received Hafetz, the son honor of Josh of He is survived by his wife, Marjorie Carly Malmud and Ian Malamud. the Congratulationsengagement of their to Koreydaughter Blanck Lyuba beingand Dayna chosen Hafetz, as the Philadelphia,Child Advocate and of andto Dmitriy to Edith Iokhvid, Blanck both ofon Boston. the birth of thebrother Year of for big the sister State Chelsea. of Pennsylvania. their new granddaughter*** and great- *** Plan for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Wedding Guests! granddaughter! BestUntil wishes next totime: our Shalom!Berks County Congratulations to grandparents Please e-mail all your simcha news Howard and Victoria *** Hafetz on the birth athletes competing in the 2010 Maccabi Mazel Tov to the Bluestone Family: Games:to [email protected]. Shalom Newspaper (Joan Friedman) To David and Marianna on their new Emily & Jared Baksic, swimming daughter and to grandparents Eric and Andrew Blickle, basketball 5” (2 col.) x 7” Marissa. Matthew Eisenberg, swimming Questions? *** Hannah and Alexis Glassmire, Contact Jodi Gibble, Marketing Director Congratulations to Charles and swimming Brenda Diamond on the engagement Brandon Missan, soccer READING The Highlands at Wyomissing of their son Brett and to grandfather Al 2801 Papermill Road 2000 Cambridge Ave., Wyomissing, PA 1910 Diamond. Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 10-288-3405 *** Until next time: Shalom! Mazel Tov to Rosalind Hyman and [Email all your simcha news to joan@ GROUP RATES AVAILABLE her daughter, Attorney.Cathy Hyman] Call Alice for a Site Tour KEEP UP WITH THE COMMUNITY (610) 736-2082 ✦ Visit

Kevin Ostromecki with the canvas wall hanging he designed for Reading’s renovated “Abraham Lincoln” house on the campus of Yemin Orde Youth Village. He is a student at Albright College and II hadhad nono idea!idea! founder of Altix Clothing LLC, which ou’ve worked hard to accumulate your wealth. We hear this again and again from residents of The Highlands. produces custom-designed shoes and YTrust it to someone who will work even harder to • People are so friendly. accessories. The wall hanging features • There’s so much for me to do. his well-known “Abe” graphic but with the grow your assets and provide you with peace of mind • I love the independence and Yemin Orde motto across the face – “We as you plan for the future. From financial planning and will always be there for you.” Throughout privacy at The Highlands. investment management to custom credit solutions, • I don’t worry about my future. A personal message on the back of the canvas – the background Kevin included words of “Friends…Follow Your Dreams & Work HARD! inspiration in Hebrew and English. deposit products and more. Clermont Wealth Strategies • Dining is like a fine restaurant. Believe in Yourself. Anything is possible. Here’s to Special thanks to Kevin for this • My kids are so glad I’m here. – personal, focused and highly confidential. the future!” Kevin Ostromecki, Reading, PA 2013 wonderful gift to the youth at Yemin Orde. • I feel like I’m at a resort. • This was a smart and valuable financial decision. • They do things first class. Financial Planning Comprehensive Investment Management • I wish I’d moved here sooner. Custom Credit Solutions Bank Deposit & Convenience Products • I love it here! Wealth Preservation & Transfer Services Retirement Planning Come tour The Highlands. Find out first hand why it is the best place for CLERMONT WEALTH STRATEGIES retirement living. AT If you’re exploring options and choices for your retirement years, be sure to call us for a tour. You too can be a part of this wonderful lifestyle. We have every- 1.866.332.8393 thing from a studio apartment to gracious cottages. We would love to meet you and answer your questions.

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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY +++++ Page 6 SHALOM December 2013 Traversing Israel – Familiar Faces and New Friends Every five years, Jewish Federations of North America holds its General Assembly in . Tammy Mitgang used the opportunity to make numerous site visits during her travels including Reading’s “Israel Now” projects, Yemin Orde Youth Village in Haifa and a Meir Panim project (a school in Kiryat Malachi) and explored some new opportunities – Arad Young Adult Center in the Negev, the Goodman Open Apartments Program at Ben Gurion University of the Negev and Arava Institute located on Kibbutz Ketura between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan. Along the way, she took time to bring hugs from home, visiting with Rabbi Minna Bromberg and teaching fellows Rebecca Robinson and Rebecca Maidansky. Landing just in time to provide a sampling of her journey before Shalom went to press, she promises more photos for the January edition. Hope you enjoy this ‘taste’ of her extraordinary journey home. Arad

At left, Moran Ages shows one of the classrooms located in a newly acquired apartment building, right, where students, soldiers and young adults will live while training for jobs in Arad, Beer Sheva and surrounding towns in the Negev. The Negev is home to many immigrant populations who depend on the work of Collot Ba’Negev (Voices in the Negev), a training and facilitating center for social change that works with those struggling to find jobs and stability in their new environment. Training the existing workforce and resettling young educated adults and families into the communities is critical to the development of desert areas. Arad Young Adult Center works with a large and diverse group of people, individually and collectively working to build strong, thriving communities in some of Israel’s most challenging environments. Jewish Federation of Reading provided a supporting grant from its Israel and Overseas allocation toward the important work of Colot Ba’Negev. The apartment building in Arad had been closed for years but thanks to the tireless efforts Ages and her staff at Colot Ba’Negev, the apartments are renovated and nearing full occupancy. The training center staff plans to relocate its offices to the first floor of the building, where it will expand its training capacities thanks to the additional space. Yemin Orde

Above, a plaque mounted at the entrance to Abraham Lincoln House, Reading’s new home at Yemin Orde Youth Village.

At left, Tammy Mitgang and Susan Weijel of Yemin Orde enjoy the view of the Carmel Mountains from the dining room of the newly renovated Abraham Lincoln House. Much of the village was destroyed in a fire and had to be rebuilt.

A special reunion Tammy Mitgang with Rebecca Maidansky at a restaurant in Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv. The two met up while Mitgang was participating in JFNA’s annual General Assembly held in Israel. Rebecca, daughter of Drs. Igor and Nora Maidansky, Cumru Township, is teaching in a school in Ramala during a 10-month assignment. She is a recent graduate of University of Pittsburgh. Her teaching fellowship is funded in part by MASA and an award from the Educational Committee of Jewish Federation of Reading’s Student Camp and Education Award program. December 2013 SHALOM Page 7 Meir Panim

Goldie Sternbuch, Assistant Director, Overseas Relations for Meir Panim, A children’s art gallery in the school exhibits the bright, cheerful work of Students presented a choreographed dance performance for Mitgang escorted Tammy Mitgang to a school in Kiryat Malachi, headed by an its student artists. Principal Hagage (“Ayala”as her students call her) and Sternbuch during their visit. Kiryat Malachi is an impoverished extraordinary principal, Ayala Hagage. Originally hired to close the school, and her staff nurture and encourage the children to express themselves. immigrant community in the Negev. Thanks to the work of Meir the determined principal with the help of Meir Panim today provide morning The dedicated space is a source of great pride for the children and the Panim, the children at the school run by Principal Hagage are no and nighttime meals, after school youth clubs, meals for children to take home paintings, mosaics and sculpture are a celebration of the many cultures longer hungry and their academic scores are soaring. “Food changes and food cards and vocational training for struggling parents at the now in the Kiryat Malachi neighborhoods. The work has received recognition everything.” award-winning school. from Israel’s Department of Education. Pri-Or

Michal Minsky from Pri-Or PhotoHouse in Tel Aviv shows Rabbi Minna Bromberg and Tammy Mitgang one of thousands of fragile negatives housed at the shop. Selected photographs from Rudi Weissenstein’s years of work documenting the history of Tel Aviv will be exhibited at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts (Cohen Gallery) beginning in March. The visit to the shop provided a unique opportunity to better appreciate the “eye” of Weissenstein who later became a photographer for the Israeli government. Rabbi Bromberg will lead the discussion following the showing of the film, “Life in Stills,” a documentary that follows the life of his widow, Miriam and their grandson, Ben Peter as they learn that they are being evicted from the photo house. Where do you move nearly a million negatives and a lifetime of memories that date back to 1940? The film will be shown as part of the opening events at the GoggleWorks Theatre. The relocated shop retains the feel of the original PhotoHouse where visitors can peruse the photographs and have selections enlarged or simply walk back in time by thumbing through the albums of photos that show the once dusty, dirt roads of Tel Aviv , pioneers working the fields of the kibbutzim or view David Ben-Gurion signing the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. Although photos are no longer taken at the studio, the history chronicled in the files of Rudi’s work is nothing short of exceptional thanks to Rudi’s perceptive eye. Ben Gurion University of the Negev

At left, Tammy Mitgang talks with students and staff of The Lilian and Larry Goodman Open Apartments Program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). Forty percent of all Israeli children live in poverty with most of its most vulnerable children living in the country’s periphery. Thousands are in the Negev region, which is home to many Jewish immigrants from the former , Ethiopia, India and other countries including Arab lands. Poverty, youth-at-risk, social alienation and economic despair go hand in hand in the Negev’s poorer neighborhoods. The Goodman Open Apartments Program is a unique pioneering venture. The Goodman Open Apartments Program rents 63 apartments for about 100 highly motivated undergraduate students in five distressed neighborhoods, including areas where new immigrants reside. The program will expand to 73 apartments shortly. Annually, the Goodman Fellows lead roughly 2,000 neighborhood residents taking part in more than 100 different community activities. To date, more than 2,500 BGU students have taken part in the program, assisting some 50,000 local residents. The programs target two distinct populations - disadvantaged children and impoverished adults. From enrichment programs and homework assistance to home improvements and Hebrew lessons for illiterate parents, the students develop programs for all neighborhood residents. And each student adopts a family and spends a minimum of two hours each week with his or her respective family. At right, Daniel and other Goodman Fellows with children of his adopted family. The bonds built between these dynamic students and their families was palpable. At far right is Adv. Vered Sarussi-Katz, Director, Department of Community Action Rahat

Children in Rahat light a bonfire in celebration of the mayoral elections held throughout Israel. In The sun sets over Rahat, Israel, a Bedouin village located in the desert area just outside of Beer the background, lines of chairs await the arrival of guests and the newly elected official. Sheva. It is the largest Bedouin settlement in the world and the only one out of seven such villages in Israel to have city status. Page 8 SHALOM December 2013

Robinson’s Arch – New Egalitarian Section of the Kotel The Jewish Federations of North diversity. “Jerusalem is accepted by all United States. The mayor encouraged calling it “a two-way street“. America’s General Assembly (GA) ended tribes. Jerusalem is a destination for delegates to lobby President Obama Following the speeches, the with speeches at Jerusalem’s City Hall pilgrims and tourists from all over the to free Pollard because “we need him delegates walked to Robinson’s and a prayer service at Robinson’s Arch, world. The way Jerusalem functioned here with us.” Arch, where they participated in the newly opened egalitarian site at the 3,000 years ago is our future.” Naftali Bennett, Israeli Diaspora an egalitarian prayer service and Western Wall. Barkat and Affairs Minister, who erected a platform sang “Hatikvah,” Israel’s national The crowd was greeted in the City Chairman Natan Sharansky called for for prayer earlier this year at Robinson’s anthem. Speaking after the ceremony, Square by Jerusalem’s Mayor Nir Barkat, the release of Jonathan Pollard, an Arch, stressed the relationship between Sharansky praised the service as an who credited the city’s success to its Israeli spy serving a life sentence in the Israel and the global Jewish community, example of Jewish unity. Diabetes research done in Israel makes big difference for family

The following comes from JWeekly of 1 diabetes. This time they were ready, scoured the Internet for information and now.” the San Francisco Bay Area. and they quickly did a blood test. searched for treatments. That’s when That wasn’t the case when the couple By Dan Pine “Then we were kicked in the stomach they hooked up with Dr. Eli Lewis, a faced the prospect of having two kids Andy David noticed that his son when we saw her blood sugar was diabetes expert at Ben-Gurion University with diabetes. Their son had to endure always seemed thirsty. Very, very thirsty. high,” remembered David, now the San of the Negev. constant injections, and every morsel he Eventually he and his wife consulted a Francisco-based consul general of Israel. Through research, Lewis had found ate had to be monitored. Mistakes could doctor in their native Israel and learned “But because we were so sensitive [to a new use for a safe and thoroughly trigger hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic the bad news. Their son, 5 at the time, the symptoms], she was diagnosed at a tested drug, Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT). reactions. had juvenile diabetes and would require very early stage.” The FDA-approved protease inhibitor “He was really brave,” David said. insulin injections for the rest of his life. Getting their daughter checked before had been used for years to treat lung “He responded well and accepted the fact Six months later, as the Davids began the disease had caused much damage to conditions such as emphysema — but that he needed this treatment. He hardly adjusting to this reality, they experienced her pancreas was critical. But just as vital in 2006, Lewis began experimenting with ever complained.” an aftershock. While on a vacation, was the Davids’ next step: With dogged it as a way to treat insulin-dependent The road has been smoother for the their younger daughter also began persistence reminiscent of the parents diabetes in its very early stages. And, daughter, who still gets her insulin level exhibiting the various symptoms of type in the 1992 movie “Lorenzo’s Oil,” they said David, “My kids were first in Israel tested occasionally, but for whom the to get it.” multiple intravenous infusions worked. Unfortunately the diabetes had “We found more and more evidence progressed too far for the AAT treatments to link the disease with Alpha-1,” Lewis to help their son. But today, 3 1⁄2 years said. “It’s a protective molecule. It later, the Davids’ daughter is free of protects tissues.” diabetes, David said. Though Lewis has been doing David, who has been based in San research for seven years, and though Francisco since the summer of 2012, U.S. clinical trials on AAT as a treatment had a chance to thank Lewis in person for Type 1 diabetes began three years recently when the doctor was at Stanford ago, the drug is not yet on the market as University to share his findings at a a treatment for diabetes. Moreover, Lewis Diabetes Technology Society seminar. stressed, it might not be right for every There were hugs all around. patient — especially in cases when the “There’s nothing more rewarding,” disease is not caught early enough. But Lewis said of the meeting and knowing if approved, AAT could be revolutionary. his work has helped the Davids. “He told Until now, maintenance via insulin has me the family is getting back to normal been the only option for patients. Soon, “I Feel Like I Live on a Cruise Ship!” life. [Andy] can sleep through the night early detection could mean a cure. — Hilde Gernsheimer

Hilde Gernsheimer says moving to The Highlands was the best move she’s made. From her spacious, two-bedroom apartment to meeting wonderful people, enjoying daily fine dining and participating in social events, Hilde says, “At The Highlands, you have everything you need to live a full – and fun – life. My one piece of advice: move here while you’re still active!”

Learn more about the“cruise ship lifestyle” at The Highlands today! Call 610.775.2300 or visit

residential living | personal care | nursing care 2000 Cambridge Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610 A member of The Reading Hospital health system. December 2013 SHALOM Page 9


Your IRA can be taxed up to 70% if you leave it to your heirs?

Make your Estate Gift to the Federation with an IRA Beneficiary Designation and leave other assets (that are taxed at a lower rate) to your heirs!

Want to talk about an estate gift to the Federation? 610 Contact Paul Landry, -­‐ 921-­‐0624 or [email protected] Page 10 SHALOM December 2013 Congregational News Goodness warms up soul during winter, one flame at a time By Rabbi Yosef Lipsker than it is outside of them. Running errands spring cleaning we will dust off our souls the flame down, forcing it to do its job here Chabad Center of Berks County can prove a tougher task than they usually and all will be good! But if we want to on Earth, to give light and warmth. To melt In the depths of the are. Who wants to go out in weather that stay warm during the winter, then inside the ice that covers the scape. winter, as the rains turn will leave their nose the color of tomatoes, ourselves is the best place to look! We The human body is likened to the Holy to icy crystals hanging and their toes feeling … well, not feeling must know that within each of us there Temple. The Baal Shem Tov, founder of low from our rooftops, at all! So what if I have a car that will get is a roaring fire that will keep us warm the Chassidic movement, would always and snow blankets me from point A to point B? It’s too cold! throughout the cold months of winter. A encourage his disciples to use their the world in a swaddle But while we may seem somewhat fire, you ask? Yes! It’s your soul. bodies for good. Unlike other Chassidic of white, we bundle lethargic, slowed down by the drag of yet We protect our souls from the elements masters at that time, he did not view up from head to toe another snowstorm, it is important to take around us (from the distractions and lure the body as abhorrent but rather as a trying to remain warm. care of ourselves. We need to stay warm. of the exciting events available that vehicle, a conduit, and an opportunity Surely a steaming cup As the cold seeps in, and the wind grits its impede on our Jewish obligations) by to make the world a better place. He of cocoa and a roaring fireplace are on icy teeth, we bundle up in our winter gear, wrapping ourselves up in the warmth of taught that we should use our bodies do the schedule at some point. ready to face the elements. our Judaism, by fighting to withstand those a deed of kindness. Goodness, like fire, But the cold winds of winter can also But not only do our bodies freeze tests around us. Just like inside our homes is contagious. bring a sort of frigidity, reservations toward into human shaped ice cubes during the it is warm and cozy, so too, our bodies When our soul tells our body to do a doing things in our lives that need to be winter, there is another aspect as well. house the warmth of our fiery souls. kind deed, both are affected. What’s more, done and things that are normally done Internally, where our souls live, it is easy What does a soul look like? Look at other souls around us take note and tell with not too much thought. For example, to freeze up and become negligent toward a flame on a candle. The flame is bright, their bodies to do the same. Before long, getting out of bed proves to be rather our spirituality. Spirituality falls on the list jumping, never resting. The soul’s natural we create an international epidemic of tedious during the winter months. After of things we will take care of when the desire is to “jump” up to G-d, to be close kindness, warming up the entire world one all, it is way warmer beneath the blankets weather warms up a bit. Along with our to Him. It is the wick and candle that hold flame at a time.


CHABAD CENTER OF BERKS COUNTY (610) 921-0881 Saturday mornings: 9:30 a.m.; Friday evenings: 6:30 p.m. KESHER ZION SYNAGOGUE (610) 374-1763 Weekly services Saturdays: 9:30 a.m.; Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Friday Evening Service – Please call for service information Babysitting available upon request with one week’s notice

REFORM CONGREGATION OHEB SHOLOM (610) 375-6034 Friday, Dec. 6: Grades 6 and 7 Shabbat service and dinner, 6 p.m. Fridays, Dec. 13, 20 and 27, 7:45 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 21: Tot Shabbat, 10 a.m. CONGREGATION SHOMREI HABRITH

A big crowd turns out once again for the annual Jewish Food & Cultural Festival at Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom, which draws plenty of people from the local Jewish community and far beyond. Photos courtesy of Bruce A. Cohen

The Spillerman Family uses teamwork to keep customers well fed.

Jill Haas with the ever popular apple cakes Eric Shocket, who once again led the event with his wife, Amanda December 2013 SHALOM Page 11 Chanukah 5774

Keeping up with the Steins, or not

By Anne Seltzer and 85 percent by 12th. A move is being A few years ago made to involve parents in the education we heard about a program so they do not leave the Temple movie “Keeping Up after the b’nai mitzvah, and leaning more With the Steins,” which toward a community service project was about one bar/bat than an actual ceremony. Or perhaps Solution on Page 13 mitzvah family outdoing creating their own prayers and ceremony. © 2013, Bernard Mann / Legacy Crosswords the last. It was funny in In other words, getting involved in the 68. Show in a box, a peep show Across the ridiculousness and b’nai mitzvah itself, not just showing up, 69. “He’s just rotten to the ____” 1. Harvest ostentatiousness of reading the Torah, and having a party. 70. “We’re putting all our furnit. into 5. Dance, in Latin lands the events, and even Having asked several young adults ____” 10. YAYIN, IN ENGLISH, USED IN their locations. There whether they can still read Hebrew, I 71. “___? The late Texas Governor KIDDUSH was little actually involved with the was not surprised to hear many of them Richards? __ Coulter?” 14. PORT CITY NORTH OF HAIFA, bar/bat mitzvah ritual itself and the say no, not too much, or they were not 72. Osculate ONCE A HARBOR USED BY BOTH meaning of the ceremony. After attending sure. This is primarily true of the Reform ASHER AND Down several over-the-top bar/bat mitzvahs, Jews I asked. While this sounds like an PHOENICIA 1. A rough filing tool the Steins are determined to do one interesting and forward-thinking idea and 15. Sandwich cookies 2. You can hear it off a canyon wall better. However, by the end of the movie, a real change, I am not certain how many 16. Khayyam: “… wilderness were 3. I smell _ ___!” they have decided that the ritual is what people will jump on this bandwagon and Paradise ____” 4. Neither ______walk your bike, is important, not the party. how much resistance it may meet. Time 17. Atlantic fish, schools surge upstream please. This fall there was an article in The will tell. to spawn 5. Helen _____, British-Israeli linguist New York Times about how much of the In the meantime, please try these 18. In foot-race starts, competitors (name means “gift” in Heb.) tradition has been lost to the party. Life cookies from a new book I bought called sometimes need to _____ the line 6. “My weapons ______and ink,” said imitating art. The article stated “Families “Butter Baked Goods”. 19. Sculpture ou peintre the essayist have been treating this rite of passage Butterscotch Crispy Bar 20. ON THIS HOLIDAY, WE LICK OUR 7. “I’m betting this investment will ___ _ not as an entry to Jewish life, but as a 8 c. Rice Krispies 1 c. + 1 T. butter CHOPS OVER ______(2 cool million for me.” graduation ceremony: turn 13, read from 1 c. dark brown sugar words) 8. Just around the corner, time-wise the Torah, have a party and it’s over. 2 ¼ c. butterscotch chips 23. MATITYAHU WAS THE ____ 9. Narrow irrigation channel, either side Many leave synagogue until they have 1 c. dark corn syrup PRIEST TO STAND UP TO THE of the Rio Grande children of their own, and many never 1 c. dark chocolate chips SYRIAN-GREEKS 10. Less strong return at all — a cycle that Jewish leaders In a medium saucepan combine 24. THE PATRIARCHAL ANCESTOR 11. Business letter abbr. say has been undermining organized sugar, syrup and 1 c. butter over medium- OF THE MACCABEES COULD 12. Negatives Judaism for generations.” high heat. Bring to a boil and then remove BE CALLED THIS FOR SHORT IN 13. Meadow mama The article went on to state that from heat. Add 2 c. of the butterscotch MODERN JEWISH AMERICA 21. “__ ___ and all, greetings!” is trying to re-create the chips and stir until completely melted. 25. Retired star Mexican football 22. Former hoops league that became entire process. Thirteen congregations Pour over the Rice Krispies in a large (soccer) defender Juan Carlos _____ part of the NBA are piloting a new program and 67 are bowl. Mix well. Press into a 9 x 9” pan 28. Short forty winks 25. Soil types just right for most plantings waiting to join. They are talking about buttered and lined with parchment paper. 31. Arrangement of objects, people, or 26. Bert’s companion everything from whether and when to Set aside. In a double boiler or heatproof elements 27. Conjunction combo for choice teach Hebrew, what age a b’nai mitzvah bowl sent over simmering water, melt the 35. “There were few, very few, ______conversation should be, or whether they should read dark chocolate chips and remaining 1 T. left standing” (2 words) 29. Fervor from the Torah. The reasoning is that butter. Pour over cereal base and smooth 37. New Yorker caricaturist ___ Irvin, 33. Architect I.M. few understand Hebrew and what is with an offset spatula. In a double boiler created Eustace Tilley in 1925 32. Trains run on them being read. Many learn by repetition, or heatproof bowl sent over simmering 39. In Manhattan, Fifth or Park, abbr. 33. Has, in Honfleur memorization and phonetics. water, melt remaining ¼ c. butterscotch 40. CHANUKAH CELEBRATED 34. Noodgy, gossipy woman, in Yiddish, In an effort to change all this, and the chips. Drizzle over chocolate layer. Chill THE MACCABEE CLEANSING ___ var. sp. assembly line ritual of Hebrew school for about an hour in the refrigerator until ______OF THE TEMPLE (2 36. Newspaper, mag. honchos for a few years as a requirement (a third chocolate has set. Cut into squares and words) 38. Part of a play of students drop out after seventh grade enjoy! 44. My, in Milano or Venezia 41. One cont. of the planet 45. ___ generis 42. Important artery 46. “Oh, my – it’s just ______up,” she 43. She changed from her jeans in-__ said of the patio lighting (2 words) ______(3 words) Going away for the winter? 47. The _____, including Josep Lluis, 48. Start of a gift-book inscription famed architect, and his painter uncle, 49. Train or bus stop Keep up with what’s going on in our Josep Maria, are an illustrious Catalan 51. Word starter for cave folks and Spaniard family studies Jewish community by continuing 50. Santa Fe, Burl. Northern, et al 54. John _____, author of Butterfield 8 52. _____-farian 56. _____ leaders (rah-rah calls to to receive Shalom and other mailings from 53. Native American of the West (var. sp.) crowds) 55. Hundredths (abbr.) 57. Jar or shock Federation and the JCC. 57. MATITYAHU’s FIRST-BORN, WITH 58. Unravel HIS HEROIC EPITHET (3 words) 59. ____-sylvania 64. Corn-____ 60. Gabriel, blow your ____! Please contact the Federation office to be 65. “Is there _ ____ for me in this film?” 51. “Mr. King,” in French, as in addressing 66. “The restaurant you’re looking for one in a letter sure we have your address. is near __ __ the third street further on” 62. Auditory organs (2 words) 63. Hwys 67. Actor Alan 64. Je ne sais ___

Page  12 SHALOMShalom DecemberMay 2013 2010

Page  JewishJewish Family FamilyShalom ServiceService March 2010 CarLIHEAP donation cash helps and sustainJewish crisis JFS Family programs programs Service By Sari Incledon purpose of the Cash Program is to provide online by using COMPASS – the website worked with other nonprofits to provide JFS (and get a tax donation at the same Simon and VeeVee Scott. We could not run Pesadich desserts. Thanks to Jeff Bornstein By TheSari Incledon, Low- M. Ed. a one-time payment to help with the sponsored by the Department of Public clothing for attendees. DiscussionThank you to Dave of addictiontime) call me at 610-921-0624 important or go to the food to bank all without them. and Corinne Wernick for their assistance in Income Home heating season’s energy costs. Cash Welfare. You can also file an application Our efforts contributed more than 200 Walker for participating On April 2 JFS sponsored a Seder at serving the meal. Generous contributions Energy Assistance benefit amounts vary based on household at the local county assistance office (610- new or handmade items (scarves, hats, inBy our Sari car Incledon, donation M. Ed. willEach not bemonth limited our tofood issues bank dealingserves more with theOthers) Manor provided at Market the Square. following The statistics. Manor’s madeFor in memoryevery personof Natalie whoAdelglass has by a Program, known as size, fuel type and income. If eligible, the 736-4211) located at 625 Cherry Street, gloves and socks) to help the homeless program.We invite The proceedsthe entire andadolescents. more people. Drug (Inand March alcohol we abuse served is residentsAccording were to Dr. joined Jay Holder,by residents Medical of familysubstance and friends abuse underwrote problem, the Seder.several LIHEAP, helps low- minimum cash benefit is $100. Reading. LIHEAP has an information and at-risk people at the event. Thanks fromcommunity his auctioned to attend car a 182a problem people forin 62all households).age groups, andWe wecould all ProvidenceDirector and House founder and Friendship of the Exodus Circle othersFinally, are thanks affected. to the Those bakers affected of the income families pay The LIHEAP Crisis Program opens hotline go to the following for contributing to this willprogram help Jewishsupport Family our notneed provide to know this more important about service it. without seniors.Treatment Boscov’s Center provided in Miami, a delicious chemical meal, Keshermay be Zion spouses, religious parents,school and children, Temple their heating bills. Jan. 2 and will close April 4. Emergency 1-866-857-7095. worthwhile event: programs.Service is Ifsponsoring: you would dedicatedIn a recentvolunteers. article, Thank “Overcoming you to long- enjoyeddependency by all. is Athe big number thank you one to secretbaker Ohebsiblings, Sholom’s grandparents sisterhood for– allproviding are hurt us LIHEAP is a grant situations include: People First Event Harriet Baskin Shirley Dorfman like“What to learn Every more Family about timeDenial” volunteers (Na’amat Karen Woman Sherman Winter and 2009/10) Norman extraordinairein the Jewish Sheila community. Bornstein forReportedly, furnishing within different hamentashen ways. that What were can distributed we as to a that offers assistance • broken heating equipment or The front page of the Nov.13 Reading Lynn & Jeff Driben thisNeeds easy to wayKnow to abouthelp WilikofskyBarbara Trainin and to Blank our new wrote: volunteers “Alcohol Janand participantsup to 50 percent with a ofvast patient array populationsof gourmet seniorscommunal in long organization term care residences. do to address inAlcohol the form ofand a cash Drug leakingchemical lines dependency that must be don’t fixed discriminate, or replaced Eaglein some spotlighted residential the treatment fifth People centers First the problem?Susan Awareness & Michael Fromm is an important grant,Abuse sent& Addiction: directly An affecting• lack Jews of fueland non-JewsLiving alike, and with Eventare Jews thatLoss – fed as andare 20clothed percent more of thosethan first stepShirley and &we Bob invite Kauffman everyone in the toInteractive their utility company,Dialogue or a crisis grant for women• termination as much ofas utility men. service Addiction 1,000calling people. national The drug event hot linesat the (yet Queen Jews communityLakin Preschoolto share Familiesquestions and householdswith David Rotenberg.” in immediate danger of being and• alcoholismdangerMondays, of can being be without found May fuelin 10every (less and Citycomprise 24, Restaurant 3:00- less than4:30 was 3 percentp.m.started ofby the owner U.S. Lisaconcerns & Alan Levineat our above Barbara mentioned Nazimov withoutThis program heat. will be held Wednesday, thansocioeconomic a 15-day supply)and religious or having segment utility of Stevepopulation). Elmarzouky Chemical to help dependency the homeless, is the programCarole on April & Michael 28. Robinson AprilThe 28 LIHEAPat 7 p.m. Cash at the Program JCC. began servicethe Jewish Forterminated community”. more information callimpoverishedthird Sari leading at killer610-921-0624and at-riskin the U.S.residents It is also of the an JonathanOur &program Jan Simon is free,Mary Wexlerthough in NovemberDavid is theand executivewill close April director 4. The of YouAn canarticle apply on for the LIHEAP JACS benefits Web Readingunreported area. and/or Jewish unknown Family contributor Service reservations are requested. For more Adolescent Youth Services at Caron site (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically to deaths caused by car accidents, heart information, call Sari at 610-921- Foundation, however his presentation Dependent Persons and Significant attacks, suicides and strokes. 0624. Jewish Family Service Food Pantry Collection BERKS ENCORELiving PROVIDES with FREE LossTAX PREPARATION WhatVolunteer happens Opportunities after Available – Jewish Family Service seeks volunteers to help our seniors Did youFROM know TRAINEDthe Hampton InnVOLUNTEERS Wyomissing is newly We are serving more families Mondays, Dec. 9 and 23, with grocery shopping and other errands. renovated? It’s true, when your family comes to town, a hospital stay?each month! Please bring Was your household3 - 4:30 income p.m. lessat the than JCC $50,000 in 2009? If you have some time, call Sari or Carole at 610-921-0624. why crowd your home? We have a heated indoor pool, Join us for this informativedonations seminar presented of canned by tuna, soup, HouseholdFor income more information, may be higher call in Sarisome cases, complimentary hot breakfast, and a good night’s sleep on our fruits and vegetables to but call 610-374-3195at 610-921-0624 for more details. Jewish FamilyKesher Service Zion orthanks the JCC. Call todayfamous to Cloud schedule 9 bed. an Did appointment you also know from that now we wash until our April 15. Thank you! comforters and pillows with every stay? Wouldn’t you want Dr. JeffreyThursday, Blank May D.D.S. 20 • 11:30 am Berks Encore, 40 N. Ninth St., 610-374-3195 for providing professional services to our client. your lovedWyomissing ones here with us Optometricinstead of worrying Center, where you’ll Inc. at Manor at Market Square find room? With the Hampton’sAdult 100% and guarantee Pediatric Eye Care Enjoy Tax Benefits SomeWhile patients Contributing require additional to BERKS ENCOREyou can’t RECEIVES go wrong. AWARDS care after their hospital discharge. Hampton Inn Wyomissing Jewish Family Service VehiclePlanning Donation ahead Program will make GlennCongratulations S. Corbin, O.D. to• Kerry Berks J. Burrell, Encore O.D. employees • Heidi L. Sensenig, Carolyn O.D., Krebs M.S. things easier for you after you leave. Karenand L. Martha1800Heaney, Papermill O.D.Sitler • Michael for Road,receiving D. Burkhart, Wyomissing, one O.D. of •the Amanda PASocial 19560 S. SecurityLegge, O.D. Learn about the services available Administrations highest awards for their providing the public with Call Sarifor at you 610-921-0624, or a loved one! Medical Eye Disease Management610-374-8100 Refractive and Vision Care Services Call Sari at information covering Social Security issues. Pleasee-mail RSVP [email protected] calling 610-373-0800. Glaucoma · Macular Degeneration · Diabetic Retinopathy · Allergy 610-921-0624or go to Berks Encore enables older adults to achieve a better quality of Cataracts · Inflammation · Infection · Dry Eye · Eyelid Disease life by providing a comprehensive program of services, referrals, or email educationRefractive and advocacy. Surgery Co-management For more · Orthokeratology information · Contact call Lenses Berks Encore [email protected] Opticalat 610-374-3195 Services · Vision Therapy/Orthoptics or visit them · Low at Vision Rehabilitation · Routine Eye Care   FREE parking in INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING Wyomissing Douglassville Myerstown the Berks Encore 610.374.3134610.385.4333 717.866.1400 parking lot Meals • Housekeeping • Activities • Transportation located at 9thLiving with All-Inclusive Loss Monthly Rent • No Buy-ins 24/7 Medical Eye Emergencies and Court Street. Wyomissing - 610.374.3134 formerly Bereavement Group 803 Penn Street • Reading, PA 19601 Douglassville - 610.385.4333 2347_Shalom_update:Layout 1 3/30/10 12:21 PM Page 1 Mondays, March  and 22, 3:00- 4:30 • 610-373-0800 p.m.

2131_Shalom_ad:Layout 1 9/8/09 11:57 AM Page 1 Help us Celebrate the Holidays with a For more informationAf finityB acallnk PSariA.c ato m610-921-0624 We’reA f f i n iyourt y B a n k P A .storec o m   forBa allnk iynourg Ho lidayMonday, Tea Dec Party 16 • 2-4pm Join us for a festive afternoon of tea, KosherBanking favorites. the Way tasty holiday treats and musical the Way It entertainment by Maria Damore It Should Be. Free event, open to seniors Please RSVP to Kristine by NSohwo oupeldn in BExeete.r. Dec 13 at 610-790-1707 or [email protected] Products that make sense, service that makes friends.

Nursing Care • Meals • Housekeeping • Activities • Transportation All-InclusIve Monthly Rent • no Buy-Ins 803 Penn Street, Reading, PA 19601 WYOMISSING | READING SINKING SPRING | MUHLENBERG | EXETER • 610-373-0800 FREE parking available in the Berks Encore parking lot at 9th and Court Streets WYOMISSQuality.ING | R Selection.EADING Savings. Every Day. SINKING SPRIN6G10|. 8 M98U.H7L7EN00BERG | EXETER

610.898.7700 December 2013 SHALOM Page 13 May 2010 Shalom Page 10 Federation Honorial - Memorial Card Information HonorialsHonorials and and Memorials Memorials ContributionsContributions may may be be made made to to the the following following Funds: Funds: Please mail your payment with complete information to the Jewish FederationUJA-Federation Jewish Campaign Community Campaign $10 $10 Federation, PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 or bring to the Jewish Jewish Family Service $10 Jewish Family Service $10 Cultural Center, 1100 Berkshire Blvd, Suite 125, Wyomissing. You may set up Leo Camp Lecture Fund $10 a “savings account” for the purpose of sending cards. Please contact the JFSLeo FoodCamp Bank Lecture Fund $10 $25 Jewish Federation at 610-921-0624 for further information. JFS TaxiFood Transportation Bank Program $25 $20 Contributions as of Nov. 18 HolocaustJFS Taxi Transportation Library & Resource Program Center $20 $18 Contributions as of April 16 Holocaust Library & Resource Center $18 Jewish Family Service Doris Levin Fund $10 In memory of: Doris Levin Fund $10 UJA-Federation Campaign Fran Suknow – Anzie and Edward Golden Ruth Finkel – Henry and Helene Singer In honor of: Ed Lakin – Sue and Herb Wachs Sarah Simon’s engagement – Vic and Dena Hammel Michael Clymin (Ellen Abramson’s father) – Susan and Richard D’Angelo In honorAlma andof: Ed Lakin’s new home – Vic and Dena Hammel, Mildred & Ivan Frank Mehringer – Edith Mendelsohn In memory of: GordonBirth of Ellen and Don Abramson’s granddaughter Morgan Taylor – Andy and Leah Bub – Sue and Mel Blum CorinneSam Goodman’sWernick engagement – Alma and Ed Lakin Ruth Finkel – Alan and Margie Leisawitz AlyseEngagement Corbin’s of marriage Debbie –and Carol David and Schacter’sBernie Gerber, daughter Alma –and Andy Ed Lakinand Corinne Doris Levin Fund WernickSue Viener’s Birthday – Yvonne & Rob Oppenheimer In memory of: BirthRhoda of Rosenberg’s Selma Cutler’s birthday great-grandson – Louise Zeidman Jacob - Debbie Goodman and John HolocaustDr. Walter Library Gershenfeld & Resource – Stephanie Center and Dennis Arbige, Carole and Mike Moyer RobinsonIn memory of: GetBirth well/speedy of Carol andrecovery: Gordon Perlmutter’s new grandson – Debbie Goodman and ShoshanaRuth Finkel Tannenbaum – Rosalye Yashek – Carole and Mike Robinson JohnRhoda Moyer Rosenberg – Louise Zeidman Leah Bub – Ken and Betty Sodomsky Holocaust Library and Resource Center GetFederation well: Jewish Community Campaign InJFS memory Taxi Transportationof: Program In honorHarold of: Leifer – Rob and Yvonne Oppenheimer GetShoshana well/speedy Tannenbaum recovery: – Ken and Mary Holt, George and Sue Viener, Sue Birth of Ellen and Don Abramson’s granddaughter Morgan Taylor Abramson – Judy Schlanger,Rhoda Rosenberg Gordon and – RosalyeCarol Perlmutter, Yashek Leah Kanter-Salis, Rosemary and John andEvelyn Bob Pollack Thompson Nursery School Fund Deegan,Paul Safir Naum – andRosalye Lyudmila Yashek Ger, Louis and Katherine Danzico, Florence and In memoryBirth of Howard of: and Vicki Hafetz’s grandson Chase – Dena and Vic Hammel Marvin Segal, Vic and Dena Hammel, Emma Holder, Susan Gallagher, Mildred & ShoshanaBirth of Terri Tannenbaum Hafetz’s grandson – Beth Chase and Bob – Dena Caster and Vic Hammel LeoIvan Gordon, Camp CarrieLecture & Stephen Fund Latman, Judy, Bob & Susan Pollack, Anna & Moisey Birth of Fran and Burt Krieger’s granddaughter Olivia – Dena and Vic Hammel InSchneider, honor of: Norman & Rita Wilikofsky, Audrey Williams, Alan and Esther Strauss, JewishMarriage Family of Howard Service and Debbie Blanck’s daughter Stacey – Al and Betsy Katz JayBirth and Evelynof Burt Lipschutz,and Fran Krieger’s Carol and granddaughter Bernie Gerber, Olivia Barbara – Sheila and Sethand Gary Rosenzweig, Lattin In honor of: John Castrege and family, Michael Geraci, Maxine & Dick Henry, Piekara Family, GetBirth well/speedy of Carol and recovery: Gordon Perlmutter’s new grandson – Sue and George Viener, EvelynLaura Higgins Thompson Nursery School Fund BetsySue and Blum Al Katz– Carol and Bernie Gerber, Rob and Yvonne Oppenheimer In honor of: BatJanet Mitzvah McGlamory of Fran (Helaine Mendelsohn’s and Peter granddaughter Schiffman’s daughter)– Rosalye – Yashek Carol and Bernie Birth of Ellen and Don Abramson’s granddaughter Morgan Taylor Abramson – Jay Gerber andFriendship Evelyn Lipschutz Circle In memory of: Get well: Shoshana Tannenbaum – Jill and Gladys Skaist Harold Leifer – Glenn and Gaye Corbin PUZZLE SOLUTION Holocaust education spreading in Berks County

Continued from Page 5 also that the students are genuinely On a wider note, there have justice and Holocaust remembrance today. silence is not the reason why survivors interested in hearing their stories. I know been many recent developments in I am heartened to hear that three additional are invited in. Instead, that factor is my students were genuinely interested in Holocaust education in Berks County schools in Berks County will be offering present because of the immense respect hearing Hilde’s story and many still talk and the surrounding areas. Within these courses for their students. students have for these individuals and about it now, several weeks later. the past month I have met with two Though the fourth quarter of the individuals who are in the process school year has begun, there are still of developing a Holocaust course to many additional opportunities that  be offered at their local high school. remain. I just spoke to an undergraduate  One gentleman was from Lancaster ethics class at Penn State Berks County. The other, Gerry Evans, is a regarding the ethical/moral implications teacher at Hamburg High School. I of the Holocaust. I found the students  have been in contact with two other to be receptive and inquisitive and local teachers, Pete Ruckelshaus at have been asked to deliver a similar  Twin Valley and Jim Konecke at Wilson program in the classes that the same  High School. Pete has resurrected a professor also teaches at Reading Area course on Holocaust Literature at Twin Community College.  Valley, and its first offering is during As mentioned above, Kim Yashek, SAVE THEthe currentDATE: fourth quarter. He is very daughter of the late local Holocaust  excited about offering this course to survivor Richard Yashek, is speaking at FEB. 13, 7:30his students p.m. and has even lined up Twin Valley, Hamburg and Fleetwood.  several guest speakers including Rabbi Right now Albright College is hosting Merner-Pfeiffer-Klein-MemorialBrian Michelson,Chapel, Kim Yashek Albright and Hilde an College exhibit titled, “Stories Among Us: Gernsheimer. Washington State Connections to the Gallagher Memorial LectureJim Konecke Explores is teaching at Wilson Holocaust, Lessons in Genocide.” The Central Junior High but will be moving up exhibit includes the stories of five Holocaust Jesus, Judaism,to Wilson High School at the beginning survivors and one liberator and has of next school year. He will be offering a received good reviews. It is definitely and Jewish-Christiancourse on Relations Nazi Germany. His students worth a visit! It will be at Albright’s Gingrich will be studying this period of German Library through May 10. The annual James J. Gallagher Memorial Lecture at Albright Collegehistory on Thursday, in depth, includingFebruary a study 13 will of thebe presented by Amy-Jill*** Levine, a leading New Testament scholar and author. The topic of her discussion risewill of be anti-Semitism, “Jesus, Judaism, the initial and period Jewish-Christian of Jennifer GossRelations.” teaches Details social studies of the Holocaust and the Final Solution. The in the Fleetwood School District and the lecture including time and campus location will latterfollow. part The of the lecture course will is freelook at and post-war open tospecializes the public. in Holocaust education.

Dr. Levine is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament Studies and Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School andPlan College for of Artsyour and Bar/Bat Sciences. She Mitzvah holds a B.A. & fromW Smithedding College, Guests! an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University, and honorary doctorates from Christian Theological Seminary, Drury University, the University of Richmond, the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, and the University of South Caroline-Upstate.

Her books include “The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus” (HarperOne), the edited collection “The Historical Jesus in Context” (Princeton), and the fourteen-volume edited series, “Feminist Companions to the New Testament and Early Christian Writings” (Continuum). With Marc Brettler of Brandeis University, she has edited the Jewish Annotated New Testament (Oxford). READING The Jewish Annotated New Testament, edited entirely by Jews, includes notes and 2801explanatory Papermill Road essays by 50 leading Jewish scholars, including Susannah Heschel, a historian and the daughter of the theologian Abraham JoshuaWyomissing, Heschel: Pennsylvania the Talmudist Daniel Boyarian: and Shaye J. D. Cohen, who teachers ancient Judaism at Harvard. GROUP RATES AVAILABLE In her Vanderbilt profile, Dr. Levine describes herself as a “Yankee Jewish feministCall Alice who forteaches a Site in Tour a predominately Christian divinity school in the buckle of the Bible Belt.” (610) 736-2082 ✦ Page 14 SHALOM December 2013 JFNA issues resolution on Iran The Jewish Federations of North Jerusalem. Jewish Federations heard his concerns concerns about Iran,” said JFNA’s America is calling for the complete The JFNA resolution called on about a potential deal with Iran, urging Executive Committee Chair Diane S. dismantling of Iran’s nuclear weapons the U.S., Canada and P5+1 nations the U.S., Canada and P5+1 nations “Dede” Feinberg. “We will continue to capability as part of the ongoing negotiating with Iran to “insist that to approach the talks with the intent to send the message loudly and clearly negotiations between the United States, any diplomatic solution results in “distrust, dismantle, verify.” that Israel is not alone” on this issue, Canada, the P5+1 nations and Iran over the complete dismantling of Iran’s “A nuclear Iran is an unacceptable she added. its nuclear program. capability of producing nuclear possibility, as reflected by our own This is not the first time the Jewish The JFNA’s Executive Committee weapons and ensures mechanisms government’s policy,” Siegal added. “It’s Federations have spoken out on the unanimously issued the Iran resolution for ongoing verification of Iranian unacceptable to Israel. It’s unacceptable Iran issue. The JFNA board has issued Nov. 20 based on a directive by the compliance.” to the United States. It’s unacceptable to a series of resolutions at previous GAs, Jewish Federations’ Board of Trustees During the GA, Board Chair Michael the world.” going back more than a decade, on and Delegate Assembly, meeting at Siegal, while introducing Israel’s Prime “Today’s resolution strongly and the issue of Iran’s nuclear weapons November’s 2013 General Assembly in Minister , said directly underscored our ongoing development.


If you haven’t yet given 2013 to the Jewish Community Campaign yet , please consider doing so before it ends on December 31st.

Remember – when you give to the Campaign you are not supporting the Foundation. You are supporting the many people who rely on the programs the Foundation runs:

• Jewish Family Service – provides many kinds of support for our community’s seniors, their families and many younger members who are having difficulties, and working with the Berks Food Bank, runs a Food Pantry at Kesher that Zion provides food for more than 120 families per month. • Jewish Community High School of – Gratz College provides post-­‐bar/bat mitzvah Jewish religious education • Scholarships – scholarships for the community’s youth to Jewish summer camps and internship/research opportunities • Activities – Jewish themed trips, movies, lectures and social events • Friendship Circle – a weekly kosher lunch and educational/entertaining presentation for our seniors. • Holocaust Library and Resource -­‐ Center partners with Albright College to staff and manage the Holocaust Library and Resource Center on campus and serves as a vital resource for Berks County Schools • sponsors art and cultural events open to all community members such as Great Decisions, 92nd Street Y and specific initiatives like The Theresienstadt Project

These programs and more need your support! Please send your gift now!


Please detach and return with payment to Jewish Federation, PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612

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