Rabbi Joseph Telushkin | 656 pages | 26 Nov 2002 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780688142971 | English | , Biblical Literacy: Most Important People, Events and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible PDF Book I'm currently reading this as a companion to the weekly Torah portion, and I'm loving it. Community Reviews. Wonderful insight on beautiful traditions and philosophical understanding of a people who believe themselves to be deeply in touch with a Divine Revelator. To Pay the Wages of a Laborer Promptly Enlarge cover. The first part of the book, which takes up most of the material almost two thirds , looks at the people and events within the narrative sections of scripture. However, it takes another three months until the mountaintops become visible. Joseph Telushkin. Cyrus the Great, King of Persia Encyclopedia in scope, but dynamic and original in its observations and organization, Biblical Literacy makes available in one volume the Bible's timeless stories of love, deceit, and the human condition; its most important laws and ideas; and an annotated listing of all laws of the Torah for both layman and professional, there is no other reference work or interpretation of the Bible quite like this Stunning volume. Sometimes the author quotes Talmudic passages that seek to contradict the laws stated, demonstrating that he views the Talmud as a higher law than the written scripture, and a few times a sense of self-criticism and self-awareness comes in, as when he views the law in the Torah that forbids either taking away or adding to what the law says, something he admits is a problem for the writers of the Talmud and their later followers like himself. Language is another sphere of biblical influence. As opposed to an encyclopedia, here events and characters appear sequentially, not alphabetically. Thus, although monotheism is sometimes described as if its major contribution came down to numbers, to influence people to believe in one God instead of multiple deities, its major conceptual revolution had more to do with morality. Oct 27, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: judaica. For example, there is only one discussion of the Proverbs, only six on the psalms, and none on the books of 1st and 2nd Chronicles because the author doesn't like its pious approach. The Sinful Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author . The serpent, in his shrewdness, challenges Eve, who unlike Adam has not heard the prohibition directly from God. Open Preview See a Problem? Today, however, fewer people are as well versed in scripture, so the On Building a Safe Roof God confides to Noah His intention: Furious at how corrupt the earth is, He will flood the entire world till everything on earth shall perish. Now that more Christian Bible scholars are fully conversant with Hebrew, this mistranslation occurs less frequently. That huge book is a pleasure to dive into and, even for its several hundred pages, read in a few sitting. Yaakov Bernadyn rated it really liked it Sep 15, To ask other readers questions about Biblical Literacy , please sign up. The Bible has had a wide-ranging impact on our lives. Biblical Literacy: Most Important People, Events and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible Writer

Thus, although monotheism is sometimes described as if its major contribution came down to numbers, to influence people to believe in one God instead of multiple deities, its major conceptual revolution had more to do with morality. Its timeless and moving tales about the human condition and man's relationship to God have long shaped Jewish and Christian notions of morality, and continue to stir the conscience and imagination of believers and skeptics alike. He also puts a mark on Cain this is generally assumed to be on his forehead, although the Bible does not so specify , so that everyone will recognize him and not abuse him. Welcome back. Imagine that a young woman marries a young man whose father is president of a large company. Note: Adam, Eve, and the doctrine of Original Sin-. Soon, the people arrive at Mount Sinai. The existence of flood stories throughout ancient Near Eastern literature suggests of course the actual occurrence of a great primeval flood archaeological evidence exists of a widespread inundation in the Near East, although there are no indications of one worldwide. Circumcision Indeed, to any reader familiar with the rest of the Torah, only this reading makes sense. As part of his position, Telushkin visited the where he met with dissidents such as . Its timeless and moving tales about the human condition and man's relationship to God have long shaped Jewish and Christian notions of morality, and continue to stir the conscience and imagination of believers and skeptics alike. Here one finds the story of Joshua, the military leader and prophet who succeeded Moses and led the Israelites in battle in Canaan. Want to Read saving…. The first part of the book, which takes up most of the material almost two thirds , looks at the people and events within the narrative sections of scripture. The fourth book, Numbers, Ba-Midbar in Hebrew, is named for the census of Israelites that is carried out early in the book. Not one word of remorse escapes his lips; instead, he complains: My punishment is too great to bear! Thanks for telling us about the problem. According to Jewish tradition, the Torah is the oldest piece of Jewish literature, and was revealed to Moses by God in the period around B. Humans are the only beings described as being created in the image of God see entry and thus apparently represent the apogee of creation. Thus, the first book of the Torah is called Genesis in English, because its opening chapter tells the story of the creation of the world. Resh Lakish, more than Yochanan, well understood the difficulties entailed in overcoming an unsavory background. Ratings: Rating: 3. The Loneliest Man of Faith The final punishment decreed for Adam and Eve is expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Mark Glowatz rated it really liked it Apr 11, Joseph Telushkin. Encyclopedia in scope, but dynamic and original in its observations and organization, Biblical Literacy makes available in one volume the Bible's timeless stories of love, deceit, and the human condition; its most important laws and ideas; and an annotated listing of all laws of the Torah for both layman and professional, there is no other reference work or interpretation of the Bible quite like this Stunning volume. Urim and Tummim Download to App. Biblical Literacy: Most Important People, Events and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible Reviews

Fulfilling a Vow The Book of Qualities. Note: Adam, Eve, and the doctrine of Original Sin-. Home 1 Books 2. Other editions. Full of insights for both the religious and the non-religious about religion, tradition, and culture of ancient times. Soon, all human beings and animals outside the ark are dead. Pishowi rated it liked it Aug 03, Like any good book and a many a bad book about the Bible, and despite its flaws this is a good book, it says a lot more about its author and his perspective than it does about the Bible itself. Lists with This Book. We now encounter an age-old problem: the inability of most people to acknowledge their guilt forthrightly but, instead, to scapegoat someone or something else. Highly recommend for public libraries. Published November 26th by William Morrow first published October 8th As he did so brilliantly in his bestselling book, jewish literacy,Joseph Teluslikin once again mines a subject of, Jewish history and religion so richly that his book becomes an inspiring companion and a fundamental reference. The best-selling single Bible edition according to Booktrack, now with an attractive new slipcase and The Bible is more subtle than many of us assume; knowing its contents well can empower us when dealing with important life issues. Jacob Becomes Israel Description As he did so brilliantly in his bestselling book, jewish literacy,Joseph Teluslikin once again mines a subject of, Jewish history and religion so richly that his book becomes an inspiring companion and a fundamental reference. JOB Upload Sign In Join. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. As opposed to an encyclopedia, here events and characters appear sequentially, not alphabetically. His book Jewish Literacy is the widest-selling work on the topic of . A Light unto the Nations Indeed, to any reader familiar with the rest of the Torah, only this reading makes sense. He knows that he will not be permitted to enter it, but before he dies, he imparts his last thoughts to the nation he has founded. He therefore provides Noah with a sign that never again will the earth be destroyed by a flood; from now on rains will be followed by rainbows Genesis —17 : As long as the earth endures, God promises, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease The notion that punishment should be proportionate to the provocation is expressed in the biblical law of an eye for an eye Exodus ; see entry In Biblical Literacy , Telushkin turns his attention to the Hebrew Bible also known as the Old Testament , the most influential series of books in human history. How does the story of Noah and the Flood compare with other ancient flood stories? Perhaps the reason is that before this time no one had yet died. It also inspired me to launch yet another blog. The order of creation in Genesis 1 is: Day 1: light Day 1: the sky Day 3: the earth, oceans, and vegetation Day 4: the sun, moon, and stars Day 5: fish, insects, and birds Day 6: the animal kingdom and human beings Despite arguments advanced by biblical fundamentalists, Genesis 1 need not be understood as meaning that God created the world in six twenty-four-hour days. Get A Copy. The Allotment Book. Here one finds the story of Joshua, the military leader and prophet who succeeded Moses and led the Israelites in battle in Canaan. Samson and Delilah Be Fruitful and Multiply Addresses some of the problems and confusion I've had with certain portions like why did Noah get so very angry with Ham and consequently with Canaan? The Rape of Dinah Yet good as it was, creation was still unfinished. Showing Many Bible readers have long puzzled over differences in a second version of the creation story presented in Genesis, chapter 2. God takes sufficient pity on Cain to pronounce a curse against any person who would slay him: If anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him. The Dietary Laws To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Biblical Literacy: Most Important People, Events and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible Read Online

But soon the dove returns, an indication that it can find no resting place. Source and Jurther reading-. As part of his position, Telushkin visited the Soviet Union where he met with dissidents such as Andrei Sakharov. Babylonian exile, while I and II Chronicles provide an overview of biblical history. Open this inspirational little book at any page, and restore your sense of peace and For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Thus, she is more open to disbelieving that God had ever promulgated such a decree. Addresses some of the problems and confusion I've had with certain portions like why did Noah get so very angry with Ham and consequently with Canaan? You Shall Be Holy Jubilee and Sabbatical Years His statement, Anyone who meets me may kill me, suggests a somewhat substantial population, a world in which not everyone would know Cain. Open Preview See a Problem? Joshua Is Chosen to Succeed Moses Holy Days Potiphar Was Jeremiah a Traitor? Along with the Ten Commandments, the Bible's most famous document, no piece of legislation ever enacted has influenced human behavior as much as the biblical injunction to "Love your neighbor as yourself. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. The other flood stories bear some striking similarities to the story occurring in the Bible. In that case, we can't The Noahide Laws Hardcover , pages. The words in his generation seem superfluous; what do they add to what we already have been told? He is an associate of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership and a former director of education at the non-denominational Brandeis-Bardin Institute. Jan 11, Charlie rated it it was amazing. A must-read for those who have no idea what the Bible is all about, as well as those looking to refresh their knowledge. He knows that he will not be permitted to enter it, but before he dies, he imparts his last thoughts to the nation he has founded. Abraham Argues with God Like cliff notes, you miss a lot of the details but you get a great overview. He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author Dennis Prag Joseph Telushkin born is an American rabbi, lecturer, and best selling author. God sentences him to be a ceaseless wanderer on the earth. Charity XXIV. Margaux Veilleux rated it it was amazing Sep 07, Solomon Becomes King Rating details. Although the Bible legislates a death sentence for murderers, God does not execute Cain. David and Goliath Adam blames Eve, and, by implication, God, for his sin: "The woman You put at my side, she gave me of the tree and I ate. Job, meanwhile, grapples with the most fundamental challenge to religion: Why does a God Who is good allow so much evil in the world? The Rape of Dinah Unfortunately, it was not what I ended up wanting. The order of creation in Genesis 1 is: Day 1: light Day 1: the sky Day 3: the earth, oceans, and vegetation Day 4: the sun, moon, and stars Day 5: fish, insects, and birds Day 6: the animal kingdom and human beings Despite arguments advanced by biblical fundamentalists, Genesis 1 need not be understood as meaning that God created the world in six twenty-four-hour days. For example, there is only one discussion of the Proverbs, only six on the psalms, and none on the books of 1st and 2nd Chronicles because the author doesn't like its pious approach. Thus, since the Gospels cite Jesus as opposing all violence, even in self-defense see, for example, Matthew , the Sixth Commandment is rendered as if it shared this viewpoint. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. However, due to the nature of its focus, it's denser and less varied then Telushkin's oth This is a terrific resource for learning about the entire Hebrew Bible. However, due to the nature of its focus, it's denser and less varied then Telushkin's other huge masterwork, Jewish Literacy. Full of insights for both the religious and the non-religious about religion, tradition, and culture of ancient times. Adam simply is warned that as soon as you eat [of the tree of knowledge], you shall die Vashti: An Early Feminist