Joseph Telushkin Introduction

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now my privilege to introduce you to a truly inspiring leader…

He is a prolific author, who has written more than 15 books on Jewish ethics and literacy, including one recent Times bestseller, and Jewish Literacy, the most widely selling book on in the past twenty-five years

He is a sought-after thought leader, whose book “Words that Hurt, Words that Heal” originally published in 1996 still resonates today and was re-issued in 2018...

And he is an enthralling lecturer, who was named as one of the 50 best speakers in the by Talk Magazine.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Joseph Telushkin!

BIO 100 Word Rabbi Joseph Telushkin is a lecturer and bestselling author of more than 15 books, including volumes about Jewish ethics and literacy that have made bestseller list. His book “Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People and Its History” is the most widely selling book on Judaism in the past twenty-five years, and his book “Words that Hurt, Words that Heal” originally published in 1996 still resonates today and is was republished in 2018. Rabbi Telushkin tours the country as a lecturer on Jewish topics and has been named by Talk Magazine as one of the 50 best speakers in the United States.

50 Word Rabbi Joseph Telushkin is a lecturer and bestselling author of more than 15 books on Jewish ethics and literacy, including “Jewish Literacy,” the best-selling book on Judaism of the past 25 years and "Words That Hurt, Words That Heal". Rabbi Telushkin was named one of the 50 best speakers in the U.S. by Talk Magazine.