Tewkesbury Borough Council
TEWKESBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL rs L::< Council Offices, Gloucester Road, TEWK.ESBUR Y, G L20 5TT W.W . STRACHAN Telephone TEWKESBURY (0684) · 2950 10 B.Sc., M.Sc., M.R.T .P.l. This matter is being dealt with by ....• '.:.~~.: ...~ .~.~ ~.~. ~~.~.. ••........... Ext . .....~}.~ .~---···· Borough Planning Officer Your Ref. Our Ref. JW/RJC/T G.2 775/ K 20t h February , 1987 ~-.. < For information Highnam Court, Highnam ) Outline application for the erection of a retirement village, hotel and opera box including the Highnam Court House and gardens. Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access. The above application was considered by Committe on 17th February, 1987. i-, , . Members resolved, after considerable debate, to accept the ' proposals in principle and NOT REFUSE the applica .t i on subject to the application being advertised in the press as a material departure from the provisions of the County Structure Plan and the Gloucester North Environs Local Plan. Proposals will, after advertising, need to be referred to the Department of .the · Environment before any formal determination . • The Department of the ;,. .. ( Environment can either call in the application for their determination or allow the Authority to determine as they see fit. You will be notified when a final decision has been made. ' ~. i )._· Cr-/--~ · ,, [f-~ Agenda Item 4(d) ' Planning Committee . 8' 17th March,1987 . REPORT OF CHIEF OFFICERS MANAGEMENTTEAM ~:' (INITIATED BY BOROUGHPLANNING OFFICER) HIGHNAMCOURT: PROPOSED-RETIREMENTCOMPLEX (Tfr.2775/K) STATEMENTOF BOROUGHCOUNCIL'S SUPPORT . El- Background On 20th February,1987 the Borough Planning Committee elected not to refuse an outline application for the erection of a retirement village, hotel and opera box at the above site.
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