Summer floods 2007 Updated June 2009

We have carried out an extensive work programme since the widespread flooding here and across and Wales in summer 2007. We have inspected our flood defences and completed investigations and maintenance along main rivers. This is a summary of our work in this area.

Ledbury and surrounding area

In the area, rivers flow towards the . Around Ledbury, Bosbury, Longhope, Red Marley and Ledbury Green, much of the flooding in summer 2007 came from highways drains and smaller watercourses but the River Leadon, Dowdings Brook and the Glynch Brook also caused flooding in this area.

What have we done since then?

• we assessed all affected areas to see what needs to be done to reduce flood risk; • new flood watch areas were introduced in May 2008, covering rivers in West , and we are keen to encourage people living and working in these areas to join our Floodline Warnings Direct to take advantage of this new service. • we have installed a new river level gauge for Bosbury to improve our information about river levels. • we have completed the de-silting around the road bridge on the Dowdings Brook and removed some trees close to where it joins the River Leadon. This work will help to improve river flows

We are continuing to maintain Main River channels in the area, we will respond to blockages and check the areas at times of high flow.

The summer 2007 floods in the Ledbury area

The Ledbury area includes the River Leadon, Red Brook, Glynch Brook, Ell Brook, Collier’s Brook, and Tibberton Brook, which are designated main rivers, as well as Dowdings Brook which is an ordinary watercourse (the responsibility of the local authority).

Most of the flooding in Ledbury was run-off from surface water or from highway drains. But the River Leadon flooded the Rugby Club and the by-pass. Damage to the road and bridge on A438 was reported to the Highways Authority.

In July, flooding in Bosbury was reported to be as high as in Easter 1998.

Initially, the work we had carried out on Dowdings Brook did help to keep water in the channel but, eventually, the flood water overtopped the embankment and flooded down the road to the east of the Church before joining the main road, where properties had to use sandbags. We understand that two properties also flooded from the River Leadon in June.

In Longhope, flooding was caused by road drains and flooding from ordinary watercourses (ordinary watercourses which are the responsibility of the local authority).

The Glynch Brook caused road flooding in Red Marley and three properties flooded at Playley Green.