& Routh

Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Tickton and Routh Parish Council held in the Tickton Village Hall, on Monday 16 October 2017

Present: Councillor Caley (in the Chair) Councillors: Greenwood; Lenton; Morris; Oliver; Riley; N Walker; T Walker & Wells Inspector Hinch (Agenda items 1-10; Minute Ref. 146-154/17), Ron Keight, Lead Dog Warden, ERYC (Agenda items 1-5; Minute Ref. 146-149/17)

Apologies: Councillors Sinkler and Webster

Absent: No-one

Public: No members of the public attended

Minute Taker: Mrs M Middleton – Clerk

146/17 Part I - PUBLIC FORUM – No members of the public in attendance.

147/17 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr Oliver as representative of the Routh Wind Farm Committee declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6.1a) & 11. (Minute 150/17a) & 155/17 refers). Cllr Morris declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6.2g) (Minute 150/17 j) refers). Cllrs Caley, Lenton and Wells as representatives of All Saints Church and Cllr Morris as representative of the Village Hall Management Committee declared a non- pecuniary interest in agenda item 16.2 (Minute 160/17 refers).

148/17 MINUTES RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting of the 18 September 2017 are signed as a true and correct record.

149/17 DOG FOULING Members of the public witnessing owners not picking up after their dog in a public area can report details to the Dog Warden. If the person is unknown, a description of dog/owner and times can be reported for investigation. ERYC can issue £75 Fixed Penalty Notice, failure to pay can result in a case being filed for court. Street Cleansing Team, ERYC will attend to remove dog mess from public pavements. The Dog Warden and Street Cleansing Team can be contacted on 01482 393939. RESOLVED: Dog Fouling Posters to be circulated on All About Tickton FB Page. Clerk to arrange for new legislation to be displayed on playground signage and lamp posts.

150/17 CLERKS REPORT The monthly update and activity report was circulated for information. The following was noted; a) Routh Wind Farm Representative Vacancy (Minute 141/17 refers) Phillip Milnes has accepted the position of Routh Wind Farm Decision Making Panel Representative with

immediate effect. The Routh Wind Farm Administrator has been informed.

b) GRANTS - LEADER – EU funding (Minute 139/17 refers) Due to the number of applications, the Team are unable to take our project ideas to the Board. RESOLVED: Grant Committee to meet on completion of the Tennis Courts to discuss development plan.

c) Red and Green Cottages, Weel Road (Minute 135/17 refers) ERYC has advised that no prosecution can be pursued for fly tipping due to lack of evidence. ERYC will send a letter to the landowner making them aware of the fly tipping, suggest that they make the land secure. Vermin related concerns can be directed to Pest Control http://www2.eastriding.gov.uk/environment/pests-and-dogs/pests/.

d) Reflective Bollards – Weel Road (Minute 133/17 refers) ERYC has ordered new bollards which will be fitted before 31 December 2017. General patching to the carriageway using Roadmaster is expected to be completed before the end of March. Weel Road is regularly inspected as part of their routine safety inspections and any actionable defects are addressed.

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e) Vegetation cut back to the lay-by to the east of Tickton Grange (Minute 143/17 refers) ERYC has added this to the programme of work which will be undertaken in due course.

Correspondence The following correspondence was noted at the meeting; a) ERNLLCA September Newsletter b) ERYC Council Summons to Parish/Town Councils c) Town and Parish Council Name Banks d) ERNLLCA district committee meetings e) ERNLLCA 2017 Conference. Clerk booked to attend. f) EIR/FOI Request: Hydrocarbon exploration. Clerk responded on 3.10.17 g) Student Request: Renewable Energy: a case study in and Humberside. Student to contact Cllr F Wells

h) ERYC - Proposed road safety scheme - A1035 Meaux Road junction The proposed scheme was discussed and concerns were raised. RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk contact ERYC to propose a meeting with the Parish Council/Representatives to discuss the proposed road layout at A1035 Meaux Lane junction.

i) ERYC - Put forward a topic for scrutiny RESOLVED: It was agreed to propose the topic of ‘Joined up working between NHS & Social Care Departments at ERYC including issues relating to the centralised ‘Choose & Book’ appointment system’. j) J) Street Naming and Numbering - Location: Land South and South West Of, 4 Butt Lane – proposed ‘Jute Croft’

RESOLVED: Unanimously agreed. k) k) The Community Safety Partnership - Community Safety Survey 2017 (Response by 5.11.17) This survey will form part of the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment and will help us identify outcomes and priorities for inclusion in our 2017 to 2021 Community Safety Strategic Plan. RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr T Walker respond to the Survey and contact Nigel Brignall, ERYC regarding funding towards community safety projects. Clerk to contact Town Council for estimated CCTV/voice recognition costs.

Handyman’s Report I Brice has undertaken the repair to the Supernova play equipment that had been vandalised.

151/17 ENFORCEMENT ISSUES - Weel Road (Tickton to Crown & Anchor) RESOLVED: Report encroaching hedges/grass verge and cars parked on pavements to ERYC. Cars parked in a dangerous manner can be directed to the police via 101, if persistent pass vehicle details to PCSO.

152/17 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION WITH WARD COUNCILLOR – No Ward Councillor was present.

153/17 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Consultation – 2.10.17 – 1.12.17 RESOLVED: Clerk to display Consultation on Parish Council website until 1.12.17.

154/17 COMMUNITY SAFETY Inspector Hinch advised that crime levels are very low in comparison to other areas and this remains a safe place to live. Activity tends to be transient opportunist crime targeting a specific area and the Police urge residents to ensure that doors are locked. The following statistics for September and October include; • Assault x 1, Burglary x 3 – residential, shed and vehicle The police take poaching very seriously and achieve good detection results. RESOLVED: Clerk to include Safe & Sound Grant leaflet on Parish Council website.

155/17 GL CULLINGTON FIELD The Clerk provided an update regarding the tennis court refurbishment. RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk to continue to progress funding options.

156/17 A1035 ROAD SURFACE Residents have raised concerns regarding noise levels. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask ERYC Highways to recommend how they would mitigate noise levels.

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157/17 MOTIONS PROPOSED BY COUNCILLORS Motion proposed by Cllr Oliver that ‘the PC request that ERYC remove the ‘No horses’ sign at the snicket on Churchfields, and permit the PC to use the redundant metal pole to install a suitable ‘pick up your dog’s poop’ sign’. RESOLVED: Clerk to arrange for Dog Signage to be added to existing post.

158/17 PRE-SCHOOL COMMUNITY GARDEN RESOLVED: Clerk to update Agreement and discuss height of plants, access to the garden and insurance with the Pre-school in time for November meeting.

159/17 PLANNING Planning Applications 17/03049/CM - F. D. Bird & Sons - Land North Of Yarrows Aggregates Ltd, Leven Bypass White Cross To Leven Roundabout - Erection of an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Plant and associated works (Revised scheme of 16/03149/CM) (PC decision date extended to 17 October 2017) RESOLVED: Strongly object to the application on the grounds of factors affecting the environment, pollution, leisure, tourism, visual amenity and transport. The Parish Council request that this application be considered by the appropriate Committee.

Should the application be approved, the Parish Council strongly recommend that the following be considered and conditions be implemented to mitigate the negative impact to the environment as well as the community and its residents. - Waste: The Parish Council is concerned with regard to the amount of feedstock to be used at the AD together with the transportation and shipping in of the materials to be used in the process. The applicant is asking for a 30-mile radius to be considered, this will include Hull Docks and the potential for waste products/feed stock being brought in from other countries. - Transport/Noise: Most of the roads in this area are single carriageway apart from the short section of Leven bypass. Any vehicles delivering the feedstocks from the direction would have to travel down the A1035 to access the site. This is already a well-used busy road leading to coastal areas which carries a large amount of traffic within the holiday periods together with commuter traffic and heavy goods vehicles. The A1035 is located directly adjacent to houses within Tickton and Routh, this would have a major effect for residents from traffic and road noise levels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Parish Council is also concerned with regard to these vehicles using Main Street, Tickton as a route to avoid the A1035 in the event of road closures due to accidents. The increased number of 28 tonne vehicles will create an even greater risk of more accidents and road closures. - Environment/Pollution: The Parish Council is concerned with the pollution of digestate and other by- products entering the water course and its effects to residents, wildlife and the environment. - Odour: The applicant has already admitted that there will be unpleasant odours arising both from the process in the application and from both the delivery and the storage of feedstock, as well as the digestate stored in the lagoons. As soon as the open lagoons are disturbed there will be obnoxious smells coming from them. These odours will be obvious over a wide radius, smells that no one will be able to escape in the area. Once these plants are up and running they cannot be stopped, running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and because of this continuous process the stench created by them no one will be able to escape it and why should the residents in the area have to live with the fact that they cannot go out into their gardens or the local area and therefore be unable to enjoy the fresh air around them and the open countryside. - Leisure/Tourism: The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has over several years actively encouraged tourism to the area hence the developments of numerous holiday and caravan parks in and around Leven, Brandesburton, Routh and . An industrial development of this nature would have a devastating effect on them. Many people in this area are employed in the tourism industry. Visual Amenity: A development of this magnitude and of the heights quoted will stand out significantly and due to the nature of the landscape in the area it will have a detrimental impact on the visual amenities of this rural area.

17/03263/PLF - Environment Agency Tickton Depot Main Street Tickton - Construction of storage shed following demolition of existing (PC decision deadline 25.10.17) RESOLVED: No objection. Tree Preservation Orders: To consider and agree response; 17/03151/TPO Larches, Chestnut Mews - TPO TICKTON ORDER 1994 (REF:100) A1: T1 Pine; remove due to

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root damage to pavement, T2 Cherry; remove to lack of amenity value, T3 Silver Birch; crown reduce by 2- 3m to allow more light into garden, T4 silver birch; crown reduce by 2-3m to allow more light into garden, T5 Silver birch; crown reduce by 2-3m to allow more light into garden. (PC decision date extd. to 17.10.17) RESOLVED: The Parish Council strongly support the preservation of trees and agree to the recommendations of the Tree Officer.

160/17 FINANCES The monthly Financial Statement was received and approved. Payments - The following payments were presented for approval at the meeting; 1. East Riding Group Ltd – Grass Cutting - £212.24 + VAT 2. All Saints Church Routh - Community Grant - £2000.00 3. Tony Cook Ltd - 1st Stage Fencing - £6,015.65 + VAT 4. ERNLLCA - November Conference - £42.50 + VAT 5. KOMPAN Ltd - Play Park Equipment - £120.00 + VAT 6. East Riding of Yorkshire Council - ID Badges x 3 - £12.90 + VAT 7. Wicksteed Leisure Ltd – Playground spares/paint - £84.50 + VAT 8. Tickton Village Hall – Room Hire - £10 9. Salaries - £783.38 RESOLVED: The above payments were approved. Income Received: Nat West - Bank Interest – 0.08p ERYC – Precept - £12,816.50

161/17 There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45 pm. The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for 20 November 2017 at 7.30pm

...... Chair: Tickton and Routh Parish Council Date

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