Raptor Road Survey of northern : Photo supplement

The team (L to R): Martin Odino, Safo Ogom, Peter Wairasho, George Karumbo, Darcy Ogada and Ben Mugambi. Photo M. Odino.

Far left: the team counting vultures at Ololokwe. Photo B. Mugambi. Left: Ben and Peter in route.

L to R: Blue Diederik’s Cuckoo, Kori Bustard with red neck, Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark with club foot. All between Huri Hills to Forolle.

L to R: Egyptian Vulture in Forolle, near Darate, Greater Kestrel race fieldi? in Chalbi desert.


L to R: Grasshopper Buzzard near Turbi, Lappet-faced Vulture at Forolle, Swallow-tailed Kite in Sibiloi

L to R: Masked Lark in Forolle, Northern Carmine Bee-eater at Illeret, Rüppell’s Robin Chat Marsabit

L to R: Pale Chanting Goshawk at Ololokwe, Pearl-spotted Owlet in Moyale, Juvenile Egyptian Vulture in Chalbi desert.

L to R: Greater Kestrel near Sibiloi, Red-necked near Lake Turkana, Rüppell’s Vulture at Ololokwe.


Helmeted Guineafowl race meleagris, Yellow-bellied Eremomela, Yellow-necked Spurfowl, all from Huri Hills.

Red-winged Lark and Spotted Thick-knees in Huri Hills. Thekla Lark near Forolle.

White-crowned Starling in Chalbi desert, Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow Weaver in Sibiloi NP, Abyssinian Roller at Illeret.


Rüppell’s agama, Kenya red-headed rock agama both on way to Forolle. Red-spotted beaked near Turbi.

Magpie Starling in Illeret, Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse southern Turkana, Red-headed Weaver in Ololokwe.

Heughlin’s Bustard near Sibiloi and Dwarf Raven at Ndotos

Common jackal in Sibiloi NP and Desert warthog near Moyale.


Top row: photographing at Ngurunit (photo M. Odino), Dassinach boys, Turkana woman Second row: Turkana women, local transport at Laisamis Third row: playing football at Loyangalani, children at Ngurunit Bottom row: children at Ngurunit, local transport at Illeret, Samburu moran


Top row: manyatta roofed with cartons, houses Loyangalani Second row: Gabbra houses Third row: house at Turbi, Darate AP camp, house Loyangalani Fourth row: our camp Gaas, on the road at Forolle Bottom row: sunset Huri Hills