Baccalaureate to Be Sunday Night Alb P.M
.. ---.,..----~ ~ . ...~ . ,... "'l " GENUIN'E ~ JOHN PLAINS GRAIN & F'ARM SUPPLY DEERE AIIERNATHY.TEXAS ~ FOR All YOU~ FARMING NEEDS PARTS " }I ·";;~";~2;··"· VOLUME 57 Joe Thompson Implement Co. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1978 Lubbock County NUMBER 24 Abernathy, r,' .a" 298-2541 lubbock Phone '62 · 1038 E2__ .--- Baccalaureate 1978~ To Be Sunday Night AlB P.M. BACCALAUREATE Sunday, May 21, 1978 -- 8:00 p.m. PROCESSIONAL "Processional March"-------------·-AHS Band (Audience Seated) INVOCA TI ON ________ . Rev. Rosswell Brunner (Minister, Church of the Nazarene) HYMN -----------------------Congregation ( Clinton Barrick ) SERMON----------------- Dr. Jacky Newton ( Minister, First Baptist Church) ANNOUNCEMENTS---------Dr. Delwin Webb (Superintendent of Schools) BENED ICTI ON -------------Cond B" " I (Minister, Church of Christ) Y lings ey RECES S IONAL--------------- ____ AHS Band (Slavonic Folk Suite, Second M:Jv't ) AJHS BANDS WIN 1ST. DIVISIONS The Abernathy 6th ~ ra de T he. judges for the ba nd beginning ba nd P_l l ticipa t €, d conte ~ t wert>, Bill 'A ' oo~ ';n CODtrc;t <iaturdav , M 1' " ~ ~ froTn Se :.4.g r av~ ~ , Le <. H f> Ross at Floydada. The band from Pete rs burg a nJ Roger received first divisions in Edw a rd!; from lubbock. both con~rt and sight!\' ad Both bands will perform iog e vents. The band, Dum Friday ni~ht, May 19 at the bering 58 students, played Antelope Band Program's "A-roving" a nd "Gonna Fly Annua l Spring Concert at Now",the theme of "Rocky" 7:15in the ·\bern a thy for the ir eonce rt se Ie ctions. Auditorium. The .~ bernathy Jr. High Band comretrd at the- ~a me Sunshine Group Teachers Honored At Ann ual Appreciation Banquet May II BAND CONCERT SET PUBLIC INVITED RECE IVE DEGREES contest.
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