See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The genera of the afrotropical aeshnini: Afroaeschna gen. nov.'pinheyschna gen. nov. and zosteraeschna gen... Article in Odonatologica · September 2011 CITATIONS READS 3 26 2 authors, including: Gunther Theischinger Office of Environment and Heritage 87 PUBLICATIONS 312 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Gunther Theischinger Retrieved on: 16 November 2016 Odonatologica 40(3): 227-249 SeptemberI, 2011 The generaof the Afrotropical “Aeshnini”: Afroaeschna gen. nov., Pinheyschna gen. nov. and Zosteraeschna gen. nov., with the description of Pinheyschna waterstoni spec. nov. (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) G. Peters¹ and G. Theischinger² 1 Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany;
[email protected] 2 Water Science, Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet, — PO Box 29, Lidcombe NSW 1825, Australia;
[email protected] Received February 14, 2011 / Reviewed and Accepted March 14, 2011 The genericnamesAfroaeschna, Pinheyschna and Zosteraeschna areintroduced for 3 of groups Afrotropical dragonfly species, traditionallyassigned tothe paraphyletic taxon Aeshna. The phylogenetic relationships of these monophylawhich are not im- mediately related to each other are discussed. The Ethiopianpopulations of Pinhey- schna n. are described and characterized gen. as a new sp. (Pinheyschna waterstoni). Zosteraeschna ellioti (Kirby, 1896) and Z. usambarica (Forster, 1906) are regarded as distinct species. Only synonymy, information on status (if feasible) and distribution for the of the are given remaining species group, and a preliminary key tothe adults of all but onespecies is presented. INTRODUCTION After the last transferof American species into the huge and hierarchically dif- ferentiated monophyletic taxon Rhionaeschna Förster (VON ELLENRIEDER, about 40 remainedin the traditional Aeshna 2003) species genus Fabricius, 1775.