Lewes Amnesty Group – minutes – 10 May 2012

Present: Sara Birch (Chair), Ian McClelland, Judy McClelland, Bob Sprocket, Ann Buttterfield, Berta Busby, Lesley Burgess, Pascale Davidson, Carey , Helen Winters, Adrian Briggs, Linda Calvert, Emma Parker ( Amnesty Chair), Angus Lindsay (AIUK)

Apologies: Lorna Stagg, Catherine Smith, Catherine Rennie-Nash

The first part of the meeting was a workshop on the Arms Trade Treaty, led by Angus Lindsay, AIUK, who gave us exercises to improve our lobbying skills on this issue.

The remainder of the meeting dealt with urgent business only, due to lack of time. The minutes of the April meeting were distributed. Sara suggested that the group proactively arrange regular meetings (at homes, in pub, within the longer business meetings) for letter writing actions. Lesley will précis actions for inclusion in newsletter. Ian distributed 10 copies of a letter he had written to on changes to ODW visa arrangements, for members to sign, which he will post. He also distributed Refugee Week briefing and three urgent actions.

Catherine R-N had reported that AI had received donations of approx £100 from AI Lewes members towards the Street Collection.

Reports from recent events:

Lesley reported that two teachers at Priory School are willing to lead an Amnesty group at the school. Sara said plans for an action by the students could include a photo opportunity with Norman Baker and three AI Lewes members.

Ian has put posters in Sussex Downs College.

Ian reported that the AIUK AGM in Manchester had been inspiring and very professionally organised, but that the high number of issues highlighted was very overwhelming; he suggested that more than one delegate attend the next AGM.

Ian is rebuilding our local website but finding the tools supplied by AIUK very frustrating. Sara thanked him for his efforts and excellent report.

Forthcoming Amnesty events:

The annual Street Collection takes place on 12 May. Linda and Jeanette have approx 17 volunteers but would appreciate more. Ian is arranging a stall in the Cliffe Precinct to coincide with the Collection and now has enough volunteers to assist. Guantanamo meeting: Ian hopes to include Norman Baker, Caroline Lucas, one or more lawyers as well as Omar Deghayes.

Summer fundraising event: Ian will contact All Saints to book a Saturday in July.

Pells Pool event: Sara and Emma will jointly invite groups from school and colleges and universities to an event in June/July.

June 14 meeting will include a talk by Kiri Tunks, Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Ian to advertise, including posters.

Meeting closed at 10pm.